Cork - Doran, John December 30, 1732

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Cork Index


File contributed by: Rosalind Dunning September 13, 2017, 2:31 pm


Source: National Archives Kew England
Written: December 30, 1732
Recorded: September 13, 2017

Guinea December 30th 1732

In the Name of God Amen I John Doran of Cork in Ireland 
Mariner and now in the Service of the Royall African Company 
on board their Snow Cape Coast Robert Wright Commander being 
sick and weak of body but of perfect mind and memory thanks 
be to God and considdering that we are appointed once to dye 
and that not knowing how or what time it may please the 
Almighty God to take me hence for which I have thought fit 
to make my last Will and Testament in manner and form 
following Vizt. I give and bequeath to my much Hond. and 
welbeloved father Timothy Doran and to my most Affectionate 
Patrick Doran both of Cork in Ireland To be divided equally 
between them all such worldly Estate as it hath pleased God 
to Endow me with and in particular all such wages as is or 
shall become due to me from the Royall African Company of 
England for Service done on board the aforesaid Snow etc. 
Together with my Cloaths and Wearing Apparel and all Debts 
that is or shall become due from any person or persons 
whatsoever this being my true last Will and Testament in 
Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand the day and 
date above written John Doran his marke signed in the 
presence of Hen: Fallows _ Robt Wright _ James Gourlay _ 
Thos Anderson
21 November 1734 Administration to Patrick Trehee lawful 
attorney to Timothy Doran and Patrick Doran
PCC Prob11/668