Cemetery: Derry Cathedral Burial Ground Memorials (by the Dean of Derry)

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Derry Index


Contributed by Peg Gingras

	[From the Very Rev. G. Galbraith, Dean of Derry]

'Grass immediately round cathedral, beginning at west
point. 'flat stone-broken' :__ Here lieth the Body of |
ISABELLA McNEELY | who died 5th April 1812 | aged
6 years.

'Flat stone':__ Here lyeth the Body of | JEAN MITCHELL
who died  | the 18th June 1780 aged 32 years.

'Raised Slab':__
The burying place of | JOHN CLARK died Sept 1800 |
Aged 80 years | MARGARET CALDWELL his wife |
died 30th Sept 1806 aged 70. | Of his children |
CALDWELL Died 8th May 1820 | aged 46. | JOHN died
6th March 1832 | aged 65. | ANN DAVISON died 17 Aug
1848 |  Aged 79. | And of her children  | MARGARET
KIRKPATRICK died | 1st August 1832 aged 34. |
HANNAH died 14th Octr 1841 | aged 46. | JOHN
DAVISON of this city | died 14th Sept 1853 | aged 62

'Perpendicular headstone and marble tomb in rails':
Underneath lieth the remains of JAMES HUNTER of this
city | who departed this life 11th Oct 1835 | aged 75 years.
| Also of CHRISTIAN HUNTER his wife | who departed
this life April 1813 | aged 51 years. | Also of MARION
HUNTER | who departed this life 1814 | aged 19 years.
'Alter tomb':__
Beneath this stone | is buried the Body of | JAMES
GILMOUR | who was born at Paisley in Scotland | A.D.
1750 and died A.D. 1815 having | been 45 years a
Merchant of this City | here also are deposited | the
Remains of JEAN McLEAN | wife of the above named
JAs GILMOUR | who died A.D. 1801 and of JAMES &  |
ALEXANDER their children who died | in infancy. | Also
ANNE CUNNINGHAM youngest daughter | of
RICHARD CUNNINGHAM  of Castlecooly Burt | wife
of DAVID GILMOUR 2nd son of the above JAMES
GILMOUR who died  | 1st January 1825 aged 36 | Also
DAVID who died 15th July 1861 | aged 68 | Also
JEANET GILMOUR died 21st January 1862 | Aged 35
'Flat slab':_
Her lieth the body of | PATRICK TOY who departed |
This life the 7th of August | 1730 aged 65 years | Also
MARY his wife who | departed this life the 26th | of
January 1781 aged 49 | years. | Also .....et F TOY Of
Dro.... | Sept 6th 1831 aged 88 years. _____

'Alter tomb':__
Here lie the remains of | WILLIAM  and MARY
POLLOCK |  Of this city | Likewise their eldest son |
JOHN | Also Their eldest daughter | JANE | the beloved
wife of ROBt McCARTER of this city | who died at
Moville 13th September 1852.
'Perpendicular Headstone':__
Sacred | to the memory of | GEORGE JOSEPH
MCDONALD |  who departed this life | on the 10th day
of August 1851 |  in the Sixth year of his age | Erected by
his Parents |  as a mark of final affection. | Weep not, |
he is not dead But sleepeth.
'Flat Stone':__
Sacred | to the memory of | WILLIAM H CAULFIELD |
who Departed this life | July 4th 1858 aged 32 years. |
Also his sister | ANNE CAULFIELD | who departed the
life 24th July 1905 | aged 94 years. | I am the Resurrection
& the Life | Jno xii.25.
'Flat Stone':__
..... | WILSON..... | .... | aged.... years | As also
REBECCA WILSON depd | this life the 16 day of ..... | 1779
aged ....years | Also the  Body of ELIZABETH.....

'Flat Stone':__
Here lie the remains of | ELIZABETH second daughter of
| SAMUEL KITCHIN Esqr | Governor of Londonderry
Gaol | who departed this life the 26th day of June 1841 |
aged 10 years | also his beloved wife | MARGARET |
who departed this life | the 5th day of November 1841 |
Aged 33 years.

'Flat Stone':__
Here lie the remains of...... | formerly of Manchester. Born
25th | September 1724 who departed this life | May 12
1767 aged 45 years. Also the Body of ROBERT
HOLLAND | who departed this life the 4th Nov 1788 |
aged 52 years. | Also the remains of | Mrs. MARGARET
HOLLAND | widow of the late ROBERT HOLLAND
Esqr. | who died on Dec 1819 aged 69 years | Also Captn
W. HOLLAND, 83rd Regt their son died 4th Novr 1850,
at his  | Residence Foyle Hill.


'Flat Slab':__
Under this stone are interred the | remains of FREDk JNO
& ANN MC CAUS | LAND who died young children of |
ABRm & ELIZ MCCAUSLAND of this city, also Captn
FREDk MCCAUSLAND Brother to ye | sd ABRm
McCAUSLAND, Who died the 18th Feb 1780 aged 30
years. | And the  sd ABRm McAUSLAND who | died the
5th of Novr 1820 Aged 77 years.


'Sort of alter tomb__inside railings':__
To the memory of | WILLIAM STEWART | Junr who
died February 12th 1854 | aged 47 years | Also his wife |
ELIZABETH McCONN | who died March 26th 1873 |
aged 65 years | Also two sons of the above | WILLIAM
ALEXANDER STEWART | who died young. Octr 15th
1836 |  Also | ANDREW STEWART | who died
November the 5th 1848 | aged two years.
(This tomb was closed since March 1873)
'White marble headstone and stone coffin':__
RACHEL MCCAUSLAND | died June 7, 1855 aged 83
'Flat stone':__
Here lieth the body of | PETER McDONAGH, Esqr | who
departed this life the 17th Septr | 1801 in the 58th year
his age | Also the Body of MARGARET his | wife eldest
Daughter of JAMES MAJOR | of this City Merchant who
Departed this life the 19th of January 1820 | in the 60th
year of her age.
'Flat stone':__
Sacred to the memory | of | Mrs JANE THOMPSON |
Relict of | ANTHONY THOMPSON | of Tullyowen in
the County of Donegall | Esqr who in an advanced age
departed | this life on the 2nd day of September 1814 | A
Lady who to express her character in few words | was  so
far as humanity is capable of being | everything that the
Christian and Gentlewoman | ought to be.
'Raised slab on five pillars':__
Sacred to the memory of | WILLIAM GRAHAM | who
departed this life 29th December 1821 | aged 64 years |
also Of ELLEN his wife | who died 13 Sept 1825 | aged
62 Years. Also four of their grand-children | THOMAS
HENRY and ELLEN | who died young | MARGARET
JANE died 1836 | aged 4 years | JOHN died June 1836
aged  6 years | Also of JOHN GRAHAM | father of the
above children | who died August 23rd 1868 | aged 78
years. |  And ELLEN GRAHAM his wife | who died
February 8th 1873 | aged 78 years. | "And now Lord, what
wait I for, My hope is in thee."
'Flat stone':__
.... | Also the body of JOHN ADAMS | who died Febry
13th 1763 | aged 3 years.
'Flat stone (beside south walk)':_
Here lieth the Body of ROBERT | ORR who departed this
life .. | ...176- aged -5 years Also the | Body of MARY
ORR his wife who | died ...1775 | aged .... ....ORR and
CATHERINE | ORR their grand-children who died young
| Also MARY ORR daughter of | the late JOSEPH ORR
of this  | city who died 25th March | 1859 aged 72 years |
Also CATHERINE ORR | sister of the above MARY
ORR | who died 23rd January 1875 | aged 83 years.
'Flat stone':__
Underneath deposited the remains of ISABELLA
PRESTON | the wife of MATTHEW SHAW who |
departed this life on the 11th day  | of September 1835
aged 70 years |  Also the above named | MATTHEW
SHAW | who died 27th October 1856 | aged 89 years |
And SAMUEL SHAW their son | who died at Fahan Co
Donagal 27 March 1846 |  Also his wife ANNE
(BRYSON) SHAW | who died 28th May 1884 | Also
their daughter | MINNA ANN SHAW | who died 19th
July 1902 | aged 51 years | Blessed are the dead which die
in the Lord. | Rev  14  13.
'Flat stone  (beside south walk)':__
Here lieth the body of .... | ROSS of this City mer- chant
who departed this life the 9th of May | 1789 aged 55
years.               _____

'Alter tomb':__
Underneath are deposited the remains | of MARGARET
LAW, wife if the | REV JAMES CRAWFORD of this
City |  Who departed this life on Monday | the 17th day of
August 1840 | in the 50th year of her age.
'Formerly erected headstone, laid flat; rail around it':__
JAMES BOLGER died 1811 | ANNE his wife died 1831 |
JANE SHANNON died June 14th 1854 | ELIZA
SHANNON died May 31 1854 | Erected | by their
sorrowing relative |  MARY ANNE BOLGER.
'Alter-tomb (beside south path)':__
Sacred to the memory | CAESAR AUGUSTUS PEROIS |
Of this city who died May 10th 1837 | aged 64 years |
Also | of MARY his beloved wife | who died March 18th
1826 | aged 49 years | And eight of their children. _____

'Two alter tombs inside rails':__
Sacred to the memory of | ANDREW ALEXANDER
WATT who died 13th February 1851 | in his 73rd year |
beloved and respected by all who knew him | Also of his
wife ANN | She survived him 30 years patiently bearing |
many sorrows, and entered into Rest | 12th February 1881
aged 87 years | JOHN ALLINGHAM WATT | died 31st
May 1841 aged 22.  | Also the remains of ANDREW
Fourth son of the above A. A. WATT | who departed this
life 19th of  November 1854 age 30 | sincerely loved and
lamented | Also | ELLEN ADELAIDE JANE WATT | his
wife died 2nd September 1856 aged 32 years | And | also
died 28th November 1868.
Here lieth the body of | COWDON and JANE
PLAYFAIR his wife | JAMES COWDON Apothcary son
of the  | aforesaid ob 28th October 176- | aged 62 years |
The remains of their Nephew | DAVID WATT of this
City Esqr | are here deposited | His sorrowing widow
dictates | Those lines |  in Memorial of a kind & tender |
Husband whose domestic Virtues adorned | and cheered
private life |  whilst his public character claimed ....iell
praise |  from every honest independent mind. | He was
removed from this Vale | of sorrow on the 31st of May |
in the 65th year of his age | and in the year of our Lord
1822. |  ANN WATT relict of the late DAVID WATT |
died 18th May 1850 | in her ninety third year. | DAVID
WATT died 22nd April 1876 | aged 60 years.
'Flat square stone':__
In the memory of JOHN RAINES |  of this city &
ESTHER his wife  | and Five of their children.
'Flat oblong stone':__
Underneath this stone | are the interred Remains of
JANET COWAN | a native of Ayr in Scotland | who did
in  this city after a | Residence of 32 years | upon the
of January 1852 | ..a....AE 67... | She was the faithful
nurse and valued | friend of the GILMOUR family |  of
the Grove.
'Flat alter-tomb':__
Here lieth the remains of | ROBERT MARTIN | who
departed this life the 19 | of Feb 1790 aged 67 years.
'Two flat stones enclosed by railings':__
Sacred to the memory of | HUGH BROOKE; A.B. T.C.D.
|  who departed this life the 6th day of July | 1815 aged 21
years | This tomb was erected by his father | the REV.
HUGH BROOKE of Burt | within this tomb also are interred
the remains | of the REV. HUGH BROOKE | He was for 56 years
Presbyterian Minister  | of Burt. | Died the 17th June 1839
aged 82 | Also of MARGARET BROOKE his wife who died the 23rd
March  18.. aged 79 years |  Also MARGARET BROOKE their
| who died 13th March 1884 | Aged 84 years. _____

The burial place of the late REV | JOHN HOOD who
departed this life | 24 June 17.. aged 65 years. | He he was
.. years Presbyterian | Minister in this city which office
he | discharged with much Honour to | himself and Great
Satisfaction to his | people. Also of SARAH HOOD wife
of | Rev JOHN HOOD who departed.... day of June 1789
agd 71. | And also of JOHN HOOD their son |  who died
the 25th day of Sept 1824 | aged 60 years |  Also of
MARY HOOD their daughter | who died the 18th day of
March 1831 | aged 76 years | And also of MARTHA
BROOKE | daughter of the REV. H. BROOKE | who died
the  6th of March 1838 | at the age of 35 years. | And of
REBECCA BROOKE her sister who died | the 22nd day
of August 1852 Aged 56 years. | And JAMES HOOD
BROOKE her brother who | died August 1865 | aged 73
years. |  MARY BROOKE her sister | 1861 aged 82 years.

'The oldest stone in the graveyard. Flat and broken in
24   1642
'Badly broken flat stone, with inscription':__ Here lyeth
SARAH wife of | THOMAS MONCRIEFFE and Daug- |
ter of SAMUEL LEESON Alder | man and Justices of the
Peace | of this city | She died the 23rd day of July 1755
aged 68 years. | Her children are all interred within this
'Flat stone____marble':__
Here Lyeth the Body of MAR | GARET  LENNOX wife
to HUMPH | RY LENNOX who departed this | life the
28th day of September | 1698. Likewise the body of
ELIZ- LENNOX and JAMES LENNOX | children of
Aldermn JAMES LENNOX of this City. ANNO DOM
(?1702)  | Underneath  is the body of Aldemn | JAMES
LENNOX Merchant of
this | City who served as Mayor and Member of Parlia-
ment for some | time for the same. Well known and
Esteem'd of for his | generosity and usefulness in it. Who
departed | this life August 4th 1723 aged 71 |  Years. Also
the body of  ELIZth his wife who dyed The 30th of Augt
1731. Aged 67 years. | Also the  body of  JOHN
LENNOX | Esq. son to the above JAMES and | ELIZTH
LENNOX who died the 10th day Novr 17.. |  Aged 62
years.  Also the body of B....... wife |  To......
' Large white marble Alter-tomb. Crest__ Lion
above SAMVEL EWING (Samuel Ewing)
In Memory of | FREDERICK HAMILTON | of this City |
who Died 12th May 1858 | also his wife | ANNE
ARMSTRONG |  Who died 5th December 1868.
Here lieth the remains of | MARY DAVIS | who died the
15th April 1799 aged 71 years | The daughter of SAM
EWING | late died of this City Merchant | Also | MARY
of FREDERICK HAMILTON of this city.
Here lieth the remains of | EDMUND FREDk
City | who died 10th of August 1850 | aged 18 years & 4
months | Also | ANNE HAMILTON sister of the above |
EDMUND who died 1st August 1883.
'Flat stone':__

A.D. 1692. AGED 56 YEARS.

'Flat stone, damaged':__
Here lieth the body of Alderm. | EADIE who departed
this | life December the 11th day of 1697 | in the 40th year
of his age. | Also the ....EADIE his wife daughter of
Alderm .... | OSBORN of this city who de- | parted this
life the 4th day of | July 1... in the ?9th year of her age.
| Also WILLIAM  their son who de- | parted this life the 26
day of | August....in the 26 year of | his age. | Also
MARTHA his daughter....wife of JOHN STEVENSON

'Alter-tomb. Gray granite top, much out of gravel
On west end':__
Erected | by | ALEXANDER  McELWEE | of this City
Builder |  In memory of his mother | AGNES SHAW |
who died 22nd April 1852 | Also of ... his brother
WILLIAM McELWEE |  who died 24th December 1865.
'Alter-tomb, inside high railings':__
Under this stone lye buried the remains of | WILLIAM
HOGG Esq. Aldermn of | this City who........ |  Also the
body of ALEX. LECKY Esq. | ..... | of ALICIA His wife |
....LECKY Esq. Ald .... | .......1710 |  Also the body of
ALEXANDER LECKY Esq. | And  JANE his Wife. He
was the son of the before | mentioned THOMAS ..... | ..... |
Died the 20th of December 1757 Aged ._0 yrs. | Also the
body of Alderman WILLIAM LECKY | Also the body of
HANNAH his wife | daughter of CONOLLY
McCAUSLAND Esq. of ....hill in the County She died on
| the 26th of Aug 1826 aged 75 years.
'Flat stone, inside railings':__
Underneath are deposited the | remains of ELIZ. SQUIRE
wife of | THOMAS LECKY of the city of | Londonderry
Esq. who died the | First of January 1771 also the  |
Remains of SQUIRE LECKY Esq. |  their son who died
the 20 day of March 1789 in his Mayoralty | Also the
Remains of the above | named THOMAS LECKY Esq
who |  Died the 9th of April 1793 | Likewise the remains
of MARY LECKY | wife to the above named SQUIRE
LECKY |  Who died the 21st day of May 1825 | aged 77
years. |  Also of their son LT. COL. DAVID | LECKY |
who died the  27th day of March | 1821 aged 47 years. |
Also interred here Alderman THOMAS  | LECKY who
died on the 30 of April |  1822 aged 49 years. And his
wife ELIZA |  who died the 3rd of May 1814 aged | 35
years. | And Also interred here ELIZABETH | MARY
GILLESPIE daughter of the above named SQUIRE
LECKY and MARY LECKY Who died the 27th | day of
June 1869 | aged 81 years.

'Flat stone':__
who Departed this life | on the 16th day of July 1799 |
aged 90 years. | And of ELIZABETH FAIRLEY his wife |
who Died on the 28th day of June 1820 | aged 88 years. |
This Monument was erected by their only daughter  |
GEORGIANNA HART | in testimony of | her gratitude
for |  Their Parental affection | and of | her respect for
their many virtues | Also underneath are interred are the
remains of  | LYDIA FAIRLEY | who died the 10th of
April 1859 | aged 89 years | The only daughter of DAVID
FAIRLEY,  Esq and LYDIA BROOKE his wife | both of
this city. |  Jesus said unto her | I am the resurrection
the life.

'Loose stone, leaning against cathedral south chancel
SARAH PATERTON died July 16th 1809 | aged 33 yrs.
'Large flat stone':__
Here lyeth the body of | JANE BREDIN | who dep'd this
life 4th Feb 1804 | aged 59 years. | Also of WILLIAM
BREDIN Husband of the above | who died 9th March
1809 | aged 73 years. | Also of EZEKIEL BREDIN | son
of the above who Died the | 16th Nov 1840 aged 38 years.
'Flat stone':__
Underneath are deposited | the remains of | HAMILTON
BENSON | late of this city Merchant | who departed this
life | the 28th day of October 1789 | aged 62 years.

'Raised flat stone':__
Here lyeth the body of MRS CATHERINE |
SHERWOOD who departed this life the | 29th day of
September 1770 aged 49 years.

'Flat stone':__
To the memory of
SIR HENRY THOMAS OAKES Baronet eldest son of
the late Lieutenant General SIR HENRY OAKS Baronet
Who was born at Bombay 4th July 1796 Died at
Londonderry 30th September 1850 Aged 54 years.

'Small upright stone against east wall':__
Lyeth the body of | JOHN BROWN who | departed this
life the | 11th of March 1803 | aged .. years.

'Flat stone in grass':__
Here lyeth the body of SARAH IRWIN | who departed
this life Febry the .. | 1785 aged 19 years | Also the body
of MARY KEYS | wife to GEORGE KEYS who |
departed this life on .... |  1789 aged .. years.


'Raised flat stone':__
Here lyeth the remains of | THOMAS HASTINGS |  who
died March 30 1829 | aged 71 years.

'Large flat stone':__
Sacred to the Memory of | MARGARET ANN | the
beloved wife of| JOHN A. CLARKE and daughter of |
| who departed this  life 1 December 1856 | in the 22nd
year of her age. |  Also of her sister LETITIA McINTYRE
|  who departed this  life 26 March 1854 | aged 18 years |
O God,  my creator. Thy will be done.
'Alter-tomb and upright stone, both within railing. Crest
and Coat-of-arms.
Motto____ God is our Hope':__ Sacred
| to the memory of | ELIZABETH McCANDLESS of this
city | who departed this life on the 14th | day of November
1819 aged 67 years | Also her son WILLIAM |  who being
overcome by deep grief departed this life on the same
night | aged 44 years. | Also her husband THOMAS
McCANDLESS | who departed this life on the 24th of
Dec 1822 aged 76 years. | Also her son JAMES
McCANDLESS | Tanner of this city, who departed  | this
life on the 18th day of Sept 1846 | aged 65 years. Also the
remains of JANE McCANDLESS | wife to the above
WILLIAM, who departed | this life on the 4th day of
November 1816 | in the 36th year of her age. | This
monument was erected by WILLIAM McCANDLESS |
Junr son to the above WILLIAM as a testimonial of |
respect for his uncle JAMES McCANDLESS Tanner &
Currier of this City.

'On the upright stone ( H. RENNICK fecit,
Erected | in the memory of  | JAMES McCANDLESS |
who died On the 12th of March 1855 | aged 44 years. |
Also his Beloved wife | ALICE McCANDLESS | who
died on the 29th March 1854 | Aged 41 years | Also six of
their children |  who died young.

Inscribed | to the Memory of | WILLIAM
MCCANDLESS |  late of this city | who departed this life
| on the 6th  day of March 1852 | aged 56 years | By Mrs

'Flat stone':__
Sacred | to the Memory of | JAMES KILGORE of this
city | who departed this life | on the 10th day of Feby 1803
| aged 48 years | And his beloved wife ANNE |
KILGORE | who departed this life | on the 22d of July
1821 | aged 52 years. | Also their son WILLIAM | who
departed this life | on the 24th day of October 1849 |  aged
48 years.

Journal of the Association for the Preservation of the
Memorials of the Dead in Ireland  FHL# 1279252