Births - Ballyshannon (Kilbarron) C. Of I. 1872-1899, County Donegal, Ireland
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Donegal Index
Church Records
File contributed by:  George Armstrong

Transcribed By George Armstrong © 2014
Proni. Mic/1/156/2
Birth Records Go Through To 1959 On This Microfilm
Permission To Publish Granted By Deputy Keeper of Records, PRONI

Key * = as record
Dates are Day/Month/Year
Index at bottom of page

BORN            BAPTISED        CHILDS  NAME                                             FATHERS               FATHERS             MOTHERS                         MOTHERS         RESIDENCE		                      	OCCUPATION                                               BAPTISED BY /	        COMMENTS
											 FORENAME              SURNAME		   FORENAME			   SURNAME														 RECORDED BY		see below
5/10/1872       29/10/1872      Herbert Edward                                           Louis                 HANSARD             Emma                            not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Station Master                                           S.G. Cochrane
3/11/1872       7/11/1872       William James                                            William               MOORE               Eliza                           not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Chandler                                                 S.G. Cochrane
16/11/1872      21/11/1872      Mary Jane                                                James                 MAGUIRE             Fanny                           WATSON          Workhouse		                      	Servant                                                  S.G. Cochrane		1.
4/9/1872        1/12/1872       Florence Rabey Stewart                                   James S.              GREEN               Rebecca Anne                    MONDS           Ballyshannon		                      	Merchant                                                 S.G. Cochrane
28/9/1872       1/12/1872       Finlay Monds Finlay *                                    Andrew                GREEN               Mary Jane                       MONDS           Ballyshannon		                      	Merchant                                                 S.G. Cochrane
1/11/1872       1/12/1872       William James                                            John                  TAYLOR              Eliza                           COSCADDEN       Cavangarden		                      	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
22/9/1861 *     15/1/1873       William                                                  Thomas                CURRAN              Anne                            CLARKE          Ballyshannon		                      	Soldier                                                  S.G. Cochrane
24/5/1863 *     15/1/1873       Mary Anne                                                Thomas                CURRAN              Anne                            CLARKE          Ballyshannon		                      	Soldier                                                  S.G. Cochrane
4/8/1866 *      15/1/1873       Elizabeth                                                Thomas                CURRAN              Anne                            CLARKE          Ballyshannon		                      	Soldier                                                  S.G. Cochrane
27/11/1872      16/1/1873       William George                                           George                DUNCAN              Rebecca                         YOUNG           Knocknashangan	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
1/2/1873        5/2/1873        Johnston                                                 John                  PATTERSON           Mary Jane                       HAMILTON        Cloughbally (Cloghbolie??)                 	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
29/11/1872      16/2/1873       William Herbert                                          Hugh                  ALLINGHAM           Louisa                          DAY             Ballyshannon		                      	Officer of the Provincial Bank                           S.G. Cochrane
2/2/1873        18/2/1873       John                                                     John                  VANCE               Jane                            WHITE           The Laghan????	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
18/2/1870 *     20/2/1873       Mary Hannah                                              Joseph                CURRIE              Eliza Alice                     CRAWFORD        Ballyshannon		                      	Merchant                                                 S.G. Cochrane
5/3/1873        16/3/1873       Margaret                                                 George                ROBERTS             Hannah                          KEYS            The Rock		                      	Nailer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
19/1/1872       25/3/1873       William                                                  Robert                JENKINS             Mary Ann                        WATERS          Cloontyseer		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
4/3/1873        8/4/1873        Hugh                                                     Alexander             COSCADAN            Mary                            not listed      Tullyhurk		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
12/3/1873       20/4/1873       William John                                             James                 ARMSTRONG           Matilda                         not listed      Cherrymount		                      	Smith                                                    S.G. Cochrane
1/4/1873        22/5/1873       Elizabeth Lipsett                                        John B.               CHISM               Elizabeth D.                    LIPSETT         Ballyshannon		                      	Clerk of the Union                                       S.G. Cochrane
29/4/1873       25/5/1873       William James                                            William James         CRAIG               Catherine                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Saddler                                                  S.G. Cochrane
1/6/1873        12/6/1873       Jane                                                     Alexander             ANDERSON            Fanny Anne                      NIXON           Tubber??? (Tober??)	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
1/5/1873        22/6/1873       Rebecca Lucy                                             John                  MCCLAY              Alice                           not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Saddler                                                  S.G. Cochrane
21/4/1873       29/6/1873       William Plews                                            Richard               LIPSETT             Etty                            not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Merchant                                                 S.G. Cochrane
12/5/1873       10/9/1873       Robert James                                             William               PATTERSON           Sarah                           not listed      Carricknahorna	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
25/7/1873       10/9/1873       Walter                                                   William               PATTERSON           Margaret                        not listed      Upper Carricknahorna	                      	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
14/10/1873      30/10/1873      William                                                  John                  YOUNG               Mary                            not listed      Cloghore???		                      	School Master                                            S.G. Cochrane
21/10/1873      30/10/1873      Annie Maud Stewart                                       James Stewart         GREEN               Rabey A.                        not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Merchant                                                 S.G. Cochrane
27/10/1873      30/10/1873      Thomas                                                   James                 FITZPATRICK         Ellen                           not listed      Lisaholly (Lissacholly??)                  	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
8/11/1873       8/12/1873       William John                                             James                 ELLIOTT             Sarah Anne                      not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Clerk at Railway Station                                 S.G. Cochrane
23/11/1873      1/2/1874        Annie eliza Magdalene                                    Robert                LIPSETT             Martha Elizabeth                not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Merchant                                                 S.G. Cochrane
18/1/1874       11/2/1874       William                                                  William               MILLER              Eliza                           not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Gas Maker                                                S.G. Cochrane
6/2/1874        1/3/1874        Mary Jane                                                Anthony               VAUGHAN             Deborah                         not listed      Portnason		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
22/1/1874       17/3/1874       Dorothea Elizabeth Sarah Martha                          George                DUNCAN              Rebecca                         not listed      Knocknashangan	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
4/1/1874        8/4/1874        Isaac                                                    Robert                JENKINS             Mary A.                         not listed      Cloontyseer		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
22/1/1874       8/4/1874        Margaret                                                 David                 LOWRY               Esther                          not listed      Carricknahorna	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
20/3/1874       9/4/1874        John                                                     James                 MCINTYRE            Mary                            not listed      Cashelard		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
15/12/1873      20/4/1874       Edith                                                    Hugh                  ALLINGHAM           Louisa                          not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Officer of the Provincial Bank                           S.G. Cochrane
?/9/1873        26/4/1874       Rebecca                                                  John                  ATKINSON            Rebecca                         not listed      Workhouse		                      	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
6/2/1873 *      26/4/1873       John                                                     Thomas                COOMBS              Elizabeth                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Teacher                                                  S.G. Cochrane
25/3/1874       26/4/1874       William                                                  James                 PATTERSON           Eliza                           not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Sexton???                                                S.G. Cochrane
24/4/1874       28/4/1874       Susan                                                    Terence               KERRIGAN            Catherine                       not listed      Coolcholly		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
13/1/1874       13/5/1874       Bessie May coates                                        Henry                 MACANN              Anna                            not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Grocer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
25/5/1874       16/6/1874       Catherine Jane                                           William               WATSON              Sarah Anne                      not listed      Tubber??? (Tober??)	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
17/6/1874       2/8/1874        Mary Finlay                                              Andrew                GREEN               Mary J.                         MONDS           Ballyshannon		                      	Coroner                                                  S.G. Cochrane
17/7/1874       4/8/1874        John                                                     John                  MCBRIDE             Rebecca                         not listed      Coolbeg (Cool Beg)	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
23/6/1874       9/8/1874        Frederick                                                William               MOORE               Eliza                           not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
16/7/1874       12/8/1874       Thomas                                                   Thomas                JOHNSTON            Jane                            not listed      Carricknahorna	                      	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
15/6/1874       21/8/1874       Lewis James                                              Richard               LIPSETT             Etty                            not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Merchant                                                 S.G. Cochrane
15/7/1874       18/9/1874       James Oswald                                             John                  MCCLAY              Alice                           not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Saddler                                                  S.G. Cochrane
16/8/1874       20/9/1874       George Henry                                             Henry                 STEWART             Mary Jane                       not listed      Rosses Point, Sligo	                      	Coast Guard                                              S.G. Cochrane
13/9/1874       30/9/1874       Eliza Anne                                               Thomas J.             ATKINSON            Eliza                           ROBINSON        Garvanagh		                      	Servant                                                  S.G. Cochrane		2.
12/9/1874       9/10/1874       Thomas                                                   David                 LINN                Sarah                           not listed      Knather		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
23/9/1874       25/10/1874      Elizabeth Mary                                           Henry                 ROBINSON            Mary A.                         not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
20/8/1874       27/10/1874      Robert                                                   Andrew                ANDERSON            Elizabeth                       not listed      The Laghan????	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
29/10/1874      4/11/1874       Joseph                                                   William               SHEIL               Ellen                           not listed      The Rock		                      	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
5/1/1875        12/1/1875       John George                                              William James         CRAIG               Catherine                       not listed      Bridge End		                      	Saddler                                                  S.G. Cochrane
31/12/1874      21/1/1875       John                                                     William               CLARKE              Emiley                          not listed      Camlin		                      	Butler                                                   S.G. Cochrane
8/2/1875        25/2/1875       Sidney                                                   William               FITZPATRICK         Eliza Jane                      not listed      Camlin		                      	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
24/2/1875       28/2/1875       Catherine                                                George                ROBERTS             Hanna                           not listed      Purt *		                      	Nailer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
22/12/1874      10/4/1875       Johnston                                                 James                 MYLES               Ann                             not listed      Breasy (Breezy) Mountain                   	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
25/1/1875       20/4/1875       Rebecca                                                  William               PATTERSON           Sarah                           not listed      Carricknahorna	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
16/4/1875       1/5/1875        Emily Chinney                                            Charles Albert        STUBBS              Phebe                           not listed      Cool More		                      	Gentleman                                                S.G. Cochrane
8/3/1875        3/5/1875        Ellen Elizabeth Mary Henrietta                           Robert                MCCREDY             Ellen Theo. Adelaide            not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Solicitor                                                S.G. Cochrane
30/3/1875       6/6/1875        Edward Thomas                                            John B.               CHISM               Elizabeth D.                    not listed      The Rock		                      	Clerk of the Union                                       S.G. Cochrane
9/5/1875        9/7/1875        Maud Isabella                                            Hugh                  ALLINGHAM           Louisa                          not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Officer of the Provincial Bank                           S.G. Cochrane
29/5/1875       18/7/1875       Herbert George                                           William B.            CURRIE              Charlotte M.                    not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Merchant                                                 S.G. Cochrane
3/7/1875        30/7/1875       George                                                   James                 ARMSTRONG           Matilda                         not listed      Cherrymount		                      	Smith                                                    S.G. Cochrane
1/8/1875        6/8/1875        Joseph                                                   James                 CARBERRY            Mary                            not listed      Coolcholly		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
13/7/1875       12/8/1875       Elizabeth                                                David                 BEATTY              Margaret                        not listed      Railway Station	                      	Station Master                                           S.G. Cochrane
12/8/1875       24/8/1875       William Robert                                           William Ed.           MULLER              Jane                            not listed      Chemical Works, Dublin                     	Operative                                                S.G. Cochrane
22/7/1875       29/8/1875       Robert                                                   Robert                LIPSETT             Martha                          not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Merchant                                                 S.G. Cochrane		3.
9/8/1875        2/9/1875        Susan Jane                                               Thomas                MORROW              Margaret                        not listed      The Abbey		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
4/10/1875       12/10/1875      Mary Ann                                                 John                  MCBRIDE             Rebecca Jane                    not listed      Coolbeg (Cool Beg)	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
18/10/1875      3/11/1875       George                                                   John                  PATTERSON           Mary Jane                       not listed      Cloughbally (Cloghbolie??)                 	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
14/10/1875      29/11/1875      John                                                     William               MILLER              Eliza                           not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Gas Maker                                                S.G. Cochrane
23/11/1875      29/11/1875      Hugh                                                     Alexander             CORSCADDEN          Mary                            not listed      Tullyhurk		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
31/10/1875      12/12/1875      Susan Bella                                              George                PATTON              Maria                           not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
24/12/1875      26/1/1876       Alexander                                                John                  TAYLOR              Eliza                           not listed      Cavangarden		                      	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
24/12/1875      26/1/1876       John                                                     John                  TAYLOR              Eliza                           not listed      Cavangarden		                      	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
30/1/1876       30/1/1876       Henrietta                                                William               BEATTY              Henrietta                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Shoemaker                                                S.G. Cochrane
17/11/1875      11/2/1876       Dorinda                                                  James                 MCINTYRE            Mary                            not listed      Cashelard		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
10/10/1875      20/2/1875       John Joseph                                              John                  MCCLAY              Alice                           not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Saddler                                                  S.G. Cochrane
28/2/1876       20/3/1876       Margaret Jane                                            James                 KERRIGAN            Ann                             not listed      Garvanagh		                      	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
20/3/1876       13/4/1876       Thomas Troubridge                                        Charles A.            STUBBS              Phebe                           not listed      Cool More		                      	Gentleman                                                J. Kincaid
19/2/1876       25/4/1876       Catherine                                                Hugh                  MCBRIDE             Catherine                       not listed      Creevy		                      	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
28/4/1876       11/5/1876       Janetta Elizabeth                                        Richard               LIKELY              Jane                            not listed      Kildoney Glebe	                      	M.D.                                                     S.G. Cochrane
2/2/1876        24/5/1876       Agnes                                                    Ebenezer              HEWLETT             Susan                           not listed      Hernshaw????		                      	Mine Manager                                             S.G. Cochrane
3/4/1876        28/5/1876       Catherine                                                James                 FITZPATRICK         Ellen                           not listed      Lisaholly (Lissacholly??)                  	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
8/5/1876        25/6/1876       Francis                                                  William               MOORE               Eliza                           not listed      Main Street		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
8/5/1876        27/6/1876       Samuel                                                   John                  YOUNG               Mary                            not listed      Cloghore???		                      	School Master                                            S.G. Cochrane
16/6/1876       15/7/1876       Andrew Finlay                                            Andrew                GREEN               Mary A.                         not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Coroner                                                  S.G. Cochrane
27/6/1876       13/8/1876       Annie Blanche                                            John B.               CHISM               Elizabeth Dorcas                not listed      The Rock		                      	Clerk of the Union                                       S.G. Cochrane
2/8/1876        16/8/1876       Thomas John                                              John                  MCBRIEN             Eliza                           not listed      Cloghore???		                      	Shoemaker                                                S.G. Cochrane
17/8/1876       23/8/1876       Annie                                                    Joseph                THOMPSON            Annie                           not listed      W. Purt (West Port)	                      	Head Constable                                           S.G. Cochrane
22/8/1876       23/8/1876       John                                                     Henry                 ROBINSON            Mary A.                         not listed      E. Purt (East Port)	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane		4.
19/5/1876       27/8/1876       Thomas                                                   Robert                JENKINS             Mary ann                        not listed      Cloontyseer		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
22/7/1876       11/9/1876       John Henry                                               George                CLARKE              Mary Ann                        not listed      Corlea		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
15/8/1876       17/9/1876       Marian                                                   Richard               DEACON              Mary A.                         not listed      College Street	                      	Police constable                                         S.G. Cochrane
16/8/1876       1/10/1876       Lewis Richard                                            Robert                LIPSETT             Martha Elizabeth                not listed      Main Street, Ballyshannon                  	Merchant                                                 S.G. Cochrane
21/7/1876       11/10/1876      Isaac                                                    William               WATSON              Sarah Ann                       not listed      Tubber??? (Tober??)	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
14/9/1876       29/10/1876      Margaret Ann                                             David                 LINN                Sarah                           not listed      Knather		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
17/12/1876      7/1/1877        Samuel George                                            William Henry         PORTER              Jane Anne                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Police constable                                         S.G. Cochrane
29/10/1876      22/1/1877       Elizabeth Ethel May                                      Richard               LIPSETT             Etty                            not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Merchant                                                 S.G. Cochrane		5.
29/12/1876      30/1/1877       James Oswald                                             Thomas                JOHNSTON            Jane                            not listed      Cashelard		                      	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
1/2/1877        8/2/1877        Dorothea Elizabeth Jane                                  George                CLARKE              Charlotte                       not listed      Knocknashangan	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
27/2/1877       13/3/1877       William James                                            Edward                WILSON              Elizabeth                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Printer                                                  S.G. Cochrane
13/3/1877       15/3/1877       George                                                   George                ROBERTS             Hannah                          not listed      The Purt		                      	Nailer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
5/4/1877        9/4/1877        James                                                    William               FITZPATRICK         Eliza                           not listed      Knocknashangan	                      	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane		6.
17/2/1877       22/4/1877       Anna Lucy                                                William B.            CURRIE              Charlotte Martha                not listed      The Port		                      	Merchant                                                 S.G. Cochrane
23/4/1877       30/4/1877       Thomas                                                   William               SHIEL               Ellen                           not listed      The Rock		                      	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
28/4/1877       3/5/1877        Ellen                                                    William               MYLES               Margaret                        not listed      Cashelard		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
6/5/1877        10/5/1877       Francis James                                            James                 CARBERRY            Mary Ann                        not listed      Coolcholly		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
5/5/1877        11/5/1877       George                                                   Thomas                CORSCADDEN          Martha                          not listed      Carricknahorna	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
3/2/1877        31/5/1877       James George                                             George                PATTON              Maria                           not listed      Back Street		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
7/4/1877        1/6/1877        Catherine Everina                                        Hugh                  ALLINGHAM           Louisa                          not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Officer of the Provincial Bank                           S.G. Cochrane
19/6/1877       26/6/1877       William Thomas                                           See comments          SEE COMMENTS        Mary Jane                       VAUGHAN         Cloontyseer		                      	Servant Woman                                            S.G. Cochrane		7.
20/7/1877       15/8/1877       George                                                   William               MCFEETIERS          Margaret                        not listed      The Laghan????	                      	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
14/8/1877       30/8/1877       Selina                                                   William               MILLER              Eliza                           not listed      The Mall		                      	Gas Maker                                                S.G. Cochrane		8.
3/8/1877        31/8/1877       Robert Alexander                                         James                 ARMSTRONG           Matilda                         not listed      Camlin		                      	Blacksmith                                               S.G. Cochrane
10/9/1877       21/9/1877       William Thomas                                           James                 RICHARDSON          Jane                            not listed      The Mullins		                      	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
5/8/1877        1/10/1877       Alice Eliza                                              John                  MCCLAY              Alice                           not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Auctioneer                                               S.G. Cochrane
29/8/1877       7/10/1877       Jane Ellen                                               William               MEGARRY             Esther                          not listed      Manger, Co. Fermanagh                      	Police constable                                         S.G. Cochrane
18/4/1877       9/10/1877       William Andrew                                           William               PATTERSON           Sarah                           not listed      Lower Carricknahorna	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
20/7/1877       11/10/1877      James                                                    James                 MCINTIRE            Mary                            not listed      Cashelard		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
28/9/1877       21/10/1877      John William                                             Thomas                BARBER              Jane                            not listed      Main Street		                      	Police constable                                         S.G. Cochrane
23/11/1877      3/12/1877       Fanny Elizabeth                                          William               BEATTIE             Henreitta                       not listed      Upper Main Street	                      	Shoemaker                                                S.G. Cochrane
1/12/1877       30/12/1877      Catherine                                                John                  MCBRIDE             Rebecca                         not listed      Coolbeg (Cool Beg)	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
27/12/1877      22/1/1878       Edith Frances                                            John B.               CHISM               Elizabeth D.                    not listed      The Rock		                      	Clerk of the Union                                       S.G. Cochrane
2/1/1878        28/1/1878       Henrietta                                                David                 BEATTY              Margaret                        not listed      Railway Station	                      	Station Master                                           S.G. Cochrane
1/1/1877        30/1/1877       Robert John                                              Robert                MACREDY             Ellen Theodisa??? Adelaide      not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Solicitor                                                S.G. Cochrane
22/1/1878       24/2/1878       Charles Samuel                                           William James         CRAIG               Catherine                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Saddler                                                  S.G. Cochrane
15/2/1878       18/3/1878       Mary Jane                                                James                 GORMLEY             Margaret                        not listed      Cloghore???		                      	Servant                                                  S.G. Cochrane
19/2/1878       21/4/1878       Edith Dorothy                                            Robert                LIPSETT             Martha Elizabeth                not listed      Main Street, Ballyshannon                  	Merchant                                                 S.G. Cochrane
6/5/1878        12/5/1878       Mary                                                     James                 FITZPATRICK         Ellen                           not listed      Lissaholly (Lissacholly??)                 	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
25/3/1878       19/5/1878       Thomas Frazer                                            George                PATTON              Maria                           not listed      Back Street		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
24/4/1878       20/5/1878       William John James Aiken Hamilton Ansdell? Tredennick?   Edward                DICKSON             Mary                            not listed      Temple New		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
6/4/1878        26/5/1878       Louisa Mary                                              Hugh                  ALLINGHAM           Louisa                          not listed      The Mall, Ballyshannon                     	Provincial Bank Clerk                                    S.G. Cochrane
17/3/1878       7/6/1878        Alice                                                    John                  CUMMINS             Fanny                           not listed      The Port		                      	Water Bailiff                                            S.G. Cochrane
21/5/1878       12/6/1878       Catherine                                                John                  MCBRIEN             Eliza                           not listed      Cloghore???		                      	Shoemaker                                                S.G. Cochrane
2/5/1878        13/6/1878       Charlotte Jane                                           George                CLARKE              Charlotte                       not listed      Knocknashangan	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
16/5/1878       4/7/1878        Anne Jane                                                James                 MYLES               Ann                             not listed      Breasy (Breezy??) Mountain                 	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
14/7/1878       18/7/1878       William John                                             James                 CARBERRY            Mary Ann                        not listed      Coolcholly		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
11/7/1878       21/7/1878       Mary Bierney                                             not listed            not listed          Mary                            LANE or LONE    Workhouse		                      	Servant                                                  S.G. Cochrane		9.
30/6/1878       28/7/1878       Elizabeth                                                James                 PATTERSON           Eliza Anne                      not listed      Church Avenue	                      	Sexton                                                   S.G. Cochrane
11/6/1878       27/8/1878       George                                                   George                CLARKE              Mary ann                        not listed      Corlea		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
1/8/1878        27/8/1878       Sarah Ellen                                              David                 LINN                Sarah                           not listed      Knather		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
8/9/1878        24/10/1878      James Breen                                              William               ARMSTRONG           Mary                            not listed      Parkhill		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
21/10/1878      20/11/1878      Sarah Ann                                                William               WATSON              Sarah ann                       not listed      Tobber??? (Tober??)	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
9/11/1878       20/11/1878      Kate Elizabeth                                           Thomas                ANDERSON            Catherine                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
26/11/1878      18/12/1878      Ann Jane                                                 Thomas                MCINTYRE            Eliza                           not listed      Legalthin (Legaltan)	                      	Farmer                                                   C??? L??? B?? Morrow
5/12/1878       1/1/1879        Henry Edward                                             Edward                BYRNE               Eliza                           not listed      Back Street		                      	Printer                                                  C.G. Cochrane
7/2/1879        13/2/1879       Robert John                                              James                 RICHARDSON          Jane                            not listed      The Mullins		                      	Labourer                                                 C.G. Cochrane
13/1/1879       24/2/1879       Dorothea Frederica Mary                                  Albert Henry Rae      BELTON              Mary                            not listed      Cloghore???		                      	Gentleman                                                C.G. Cochrane
17/2/1879       12/3/1879       Anna Florence                                            Richard               LIKELY              Jane                            not listed      Kildoney House	                      	M.D.                                                     C.G. Cochrane
21/3/1879       21/3/1879       Joseph Donaldson                                         not listed            not listed          Margaret                        KNOX            Belleek		                      	Servant Maid                                             S.G. Cochrane		10.
1/4/1879        10/4/1879       William                                                  William               NEELY               Letitia                         not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Merchant                                                 S.G. Cochrane
25/2/1879       20/4/1879       Emma Elizabeth                                           William B.            CURRIE              Charlotte Martha                not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Merchant                                                 C.G. Cochrane
28/3/1879       20/4/1879       Elizabeth Margaret                                       William               MEGARRY             Esther                          not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Police constable                                         S.G. Cochrane
7/4/1879        23/4/1879       Frank                                                    William               MILLER              Eliza                           not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Gas Maker                                                S.G. Cochrane
9/4/1879        6/5/1879        Catherine                                                William               CLARKE              Amelia                          not listed      Camlin		                      	Steward                                                  S.G. Cochrane
6/5/1879        13/5/1879       Ann Jane                                                 William John          CHISM               Elizabeth                       not listed      The Mullins		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
21/5/1879       23/5/1879       Thomas George                                            George                CLARKE              Charlotte                       not listed      Knocknashangan	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
6/6/1879        14/7/1879       Catherine                                                William               MONTGOMERY          Jane                            GILES           Carricknahorna	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
28/6/1879       29/7/1879       Thomas                                                   James                 KERRIGAN            Anne                            not listed      Garvanagh		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
24/7/1879       29/7/1879       Mary Anne                                                Andrew                WRAY                Rachel                          not listed      Garvanagh		                      	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
18/8/1879       16/9/1879       Frances Mary Ethel                                       Richard               LIPSETT             Esther                          not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Gentleman                                                S.G. Cochrane
19/6/1879       18/9/1879       Robert Alexander                                         John M.               YOUNG               Mary                            not listed      Cloghore???		                      	National School Teacher                                  S.G. Cochrane
24/7/1879       28/9/1879       Elizabeth Jane                                           Thomas                BARBER              Jane                            not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Police constable                                         S.G. Cochrane
17/9/1879       1/10/1879       Eliza Ann                                                James                 GORMLEY             Margaret                        not listed      Cloghore???		                      	Groom                                                    S.G. Cochrane
31/8/1879       11/10/1879      Robert                                                   William               BEATTY              Henrietta                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Shoemaker                                                S.G. Cochrane
19/9/1879       15/10/1879      David                                                    James                 ARMSTRONG           Matilda                         not listed      Cherrymount		                      	Blacksmith                                               S.G. Cochrane
5/10/1879       4/11/1879       Rebecca                                                  John                  MCBRIDE             Rebecca                         not listed      Creevy		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
13/10/1879      22/12/1879      John                                                     William               MCFEETURS           Margaret                        not listed      Cavangarden		                      	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
11/12/1879      22/12/1879      Mary Ann                                                 James                 CARBERRY            Mary Ann                        not listed      Coolcolly (Coolcholly)                     	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
7/1/1880        17/1/1880       Eliza                                                    Michael               MCSHARRY            Annie                           not listed      Ballyshannon		            		Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
13/11/1879      20/1/1880       John Mowbray                                             John Crawford         CUMMINS             Fanny                           not listed      Ballyshannon		            		Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
7/1/1880        26/1/1880       Mary                                                     William               ADAIR               Anne Jane                       not listed      College Street, Ballyshannon			Carpenter                                                S.G. Cochrane
12/1/1880       31/1/1880       James                                                    George                ROBERTS             Hanna                           not listed      Purt *		            		Nailer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
4/3/1880        11/4/1880       Isabella                                                 Richard               DEACON              Mary Anne                       not listed      College Street	            		Sub constable                                            S.G. Cochrane
16/4/1880       27/4/1880       Samuel George                                            George                CHISM               Elizabeth                       not listed      Market Yard, Ballyshannon        		Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
17/3/1880       4/5/1880        Emily                                                    John                  OVENS               Margaret                        not listed      Cloghore???		            		Carpenter                                                S.G. Cochrane
24/4/1880       1/6/1880        Robert                                                   William               MYLES               Margaret                        not listed      Breasy (Breezy?) Mountainshelard, Cashelard	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
24/4/1880       1/6/1880        Alice Mary                                               John                  CHISM               Lizzie                          not listed      Diamond, Ballyshannon            		Shopkeeper                                               S.G. Cochrane
5/4/1880        4/7/1880        Clara Louisa                                             John B.               CHISM               Elizabeth                       not listed      Ballyshannon		            		Clerk of the Union                                       S.G. Cochrane
7/6/1880        4/7/1880        Andrew Stephenson                                        William               MAGARRY             Esther                          not listed      Ballyshannon		            		Acting Constable                                         S.G. Cochrane
12/7/1880       15/7/1880       Joseph William                                           George                CLARKE              Mary Ann                        not listed      Corlea		            		Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
13/5/1880       27/7/1880       William George                                           William               ARMSTRONG           Mary                            not listed      Parkhill		            		Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
8/6/1880        3/8/1880        Isabella                                                 Richard               HAMILTON            Henrietta                       not listed      Rockfield		            		Gentleman                                                S.G. Cochrane
see comments    8/8/1880        William                                                  William Wagner        SHRIVER             Mary Jane                       TOUCHBOURNE     Both parents listed as in America		Officer serving in the American Army                     S.G. Cochrane		11.
11/7/1880       10/8/1880       Samuel                                                   John                  MCBRIEN             Eliza                           not listed      Cloghore???		            		Shoemaker                                                S.G. Cochrane
26/7/1880       29/8/1880       Mervin David                                             William B.            CURRIE              Charlotte Martha                not listed      E. Port (East Port), Ballynonshan		Merchant                                                 S.G. Cochrane
5/9/1880        15/9/1880       Thomas                                                   Hugh                  MCBRIDE             Catherine                       not listed      Creevy		            		Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
11/9/1880       3/10/1880       Godfrey Albert James                                     Albert Henry Ray      BELTON              Mary                            not listed      Ederney, Co Fermanagh            		Gentleman                                                S.G. Cochrane
10/8/1880       10/10/1880      Mabel Gertrude                                           Robert                LIPSETT             Elizabeth                       not listed      Ballyshannon		            		Merchant                                                 S.G. Cochrane
19/8/1880       11/10/1880      Alfred Fraser                                            George                PATTON              Maria                           not listed      Ballyshannon		            		Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
23/11/1880      22/12/1880      Edward                                                   Robert                CRAWFORD            Annie                           not listed      Stonewold		            		Gentleman                                                S.G. Cochrane
23/11/1880      22/12/1880      Frederick                                                Robert                CRAWFORD            Annie                           not listed      Stonewold		            		Gentleman                                                S.G. Cochrane
23/12/1880      31/12/1880      John                                                     See comments          SEE COMMENTS        Mary                            IRWIN           Back Street, Ballyshannon        		not listed                                               S.G. Cochrane		12.
7/11/1880       5/1/1881        Thomas Robert                                            William               EAKINS              Jane Letitia                    not listed      Laputa		            		Gardener                                                 S.G. Cochrane
16/10/1880      8/2/1881        Louisa Frances                                           Thomas                BARBER              Jane                            not listed      Ballyshannon		            		Police constable                                         S.G. Cochrane
2/1/1881        8/2/1881        John                                                     Thomas                ANDERSON            Catherine                       not listed      Ballyshannon		            		Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
2/2/1881        8/3/1881        Isabella                                                 David                 LINN                Sarah                           not listed      Knather		            		Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
17/2/1881       17/3/1881       John William Patterson                                   George                CLARKE              Charlotte                       not listed      Knocknashangan	            		Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
17/5/1881       25/5/1881       Hamilton                                                 James                 CARBERRY            Mary Ann                        not listed      Coolcolly (Coolcholly)           		Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
12/5/1881       7/6/1881        Robert John                                              Thomas                MCINTYRE            Eliza                           not listed      Legalthin (Legaltan)	            		Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
31/5/1881       20/6/1881       William John                                             William               ADAIR               Anne Jane                       not listed      College Street, Ballyshannon			Foreman Carpenter                                        S.G. Cochrane
16/6/1881       17/7/1881       Emma                                                     James                 PATTERSON           Eliza Anne                      not listed      Church Avenue	            		Sexton                                                   S.G. Cochrane
29/7/1881       31/7/1881       Agnes                                                    William               MILLER              Eliza                           not listed      Gas Works, Ballyshannon          		Gas Maker                                                S.G. Cochrane
22/7/1881       4/8/1881        Maggie                                                   James                 GORMLEY             Maggie                          not listed      Cloghore???		            		Servant man                                              S.G. Cochrane
15/7/1881       22/9/1881       James                                                    Andrew                ANDERSON            Elizabeth                       not listed      Laghan???? (Laheen??)            		Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
4/9/1881        23/10/1881      James                                                    John Crawford         CUMMINS             Fanny                           not listed      Purt *, Ballyshannon	            		Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
11/10/1881      16/11/1881      Archibald                                                William               BEATTIE             Sarah Anne                      not listed      Ballyshannon		            		Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
13/9/1881       6/12/1881       George St. George                                        William Richard       TREDENNICK          Millie Letitia                  not listed      Rowantree Hill	            		Gentleman                                                S.G. Cochrane
27/11/1881      24/12/1881      Agusta Charlotte Lorna                                   Donald Archibald      CAMPBELL            Charlotte                       not listed      Coan's Hotel, Ballyshannon       		Captain 2nd Battalion Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers       S.G. Cochrane
20/1/1880 *     20/1/1882       George                                                   William               IRVINE              Margaret                        not listed      Main Street, Ballyshannon        		Baker                                                    S.G. Cochrane
27/12/1881      20/1/1882       John Samuel                                              William John          CHISM               Lissie                          LONG OR LANG    College Street, Ballyshannon			Postman                                                  S.G. Cochrane
28/12/1881      20/1/1882       John                                                     William               IRVINE              Margaret                        not listed      Main Street, Ballyshannon        		Baker                                                    S.G. Cochrane
3/2/1882        7/2/1882        Margaret                                                 John                  MCBRIDE             Rebecca                         not listed      Coolbeg (Cool Beg)	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
16/12/1881      8/2/1882        Emma                                                     Edward                BYRNE               Elizabeth                       not listed      Back Street, Ballyshannon                  	Printer                                                  S.G. Cochrane
21/1/1882       6/3/1882        Rebecca Jane                                             William               ARMSTRONG           Mary                            not listed      Parkhill		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
16/2/1882       21/4/1882       Henry Wybrants                                           Richard               HAMILTON            Henrietta                       WYBRANTS        Rockfield		                      	Gentleman                                                S.G. Cochrane
23/4/1882       26/4/1882       William John                                             George                ROBERTS             Anna                            not listed      W. Purt (West Port)	                      	Nailer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
27/3/1882       27/4/1882       Margaret                                                 John                  OVENS               Margaret                        not listed      Cloghore???		                      	Carpenter                                                S.G. Cochrane
20/4/1882       28/4/1882       Thomas John                                              William               BEATTIE             Henrietta                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Shoemaker                                                S.G. Cochrane
13/6/1882       21/6/1882       Samuel George                                            Joseph                THOMPSON            Annie                           not listed      Spout???? House, Ballyshannon		Furniture Warehouse                                      S.G. Cochrane
4/3/1882        7/7/1882        Thomas John Day                                          Thomas John           ATKINSON            Elizabeth                       not listed      Cavangarden		                      	J.P.                                                     S.G. Cochrane
26/5/1882       16/7/1882       Richard                                                  Richard               DEACON              Mary Ann                        not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Policeman                                                S.G. Cochrane
31/5/1882       6/8/1882        Marian Kathleen                                          John B.               CHISM               Elizabeth Dorcas                not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Clerk of the Union                                       S.G. Cochrane
9/7/1882        29/9/1882       Ellen Jane                                               William               MCFEETURS           Margaret                        not listed      Cavangarden		                      	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
13/8/1882       17/10/1882      Chester Lowry Arthur Milton                              Thomas                CORSCADEN           Martha                          not listed      Carricknahorna	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
4/9/1882        30/10/1882      Ethel Kathleen Jane                                      George A.             ATKINSON            Marion E.                       not listed      Bundoran		                      	Solicitor                                                S.G. Cochrane
11/9/1882       30/10/1882      John Griffith                                            George                CUMMINS             Margaret                        not listed      Purt *		                      	Carpenter                                                S.G. Cochrane
10/11/1882      28/11/1882      Annabella Abraham                                        See comments          SEE COMMENTS        Mary Anne                       MCMANUS         Workhouse, Pettigoe	                      	Servant Girl                                             S.G. Cochrane		13.
19/10/1882      5/12/1882       Beatrice Mary                                            Charles               LIDSTONE            Elizabeth                       not listed      The Rock		                      	Coast Guard                                              S.G. Cochrane
9/12/1882       22/12/1882      Maxwell                                                  John                  MCBRIEN             Eliza                           not listed      Cloghore???		                      	Shoemaker                                                S.G. Cochrane
25/11/1882      31/12/1882      Emily                                                    Thomas                HARRISON            Sarah                           not listed      Camlin		                      	Butler                                                   S.G. Cochrane
15/11/1882      16/2/1883       Emma Sarah                                               Thomas                BARBER              Jane                            not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Police constable                                         S.G. Cochrane
2/11/1882       20/2/1883       William Edward                                           William               KNOX                Ellen                           not listed      Cloghore???		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
14/12/1882      30/3/1882       William David                                            Thomas                ANDERSON            Catherine                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
26/11/1882      26/4/1883       John McCreight                                           Robert                MECREDY             Ellen Theodosia??? Adelaide     not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Solicitor                                                S.G. Cochrane
4/4/1883        1/5/1883        Catherine                                                Daniel                PARKE               Frances Sarah                   DEAN            Rock Barracks, Ballyshannon			Corporal 2nd Battalion, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers     S.G. Cochrane
21/4/1883       1/6/1883        Harriet Jane                                             George                CLARKE              Mary Ann                        not listed      Corlea		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
17/5/1883       11/6/1883       Fred                                                     William               MILLER              Eliza                           not listed      Gas Works		                      	Gas Maker                                                S.G. Cochrane
6/6/1883        10/7/1883       David                                                    James                 CARBERRY            Mary Ann                        not listed      Coolcolly (Coolcholly)                     	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
10/3/1883       12/7/1883       Richard                                                  Andrew                ANDERSON            Elizabeth                       not listed      The Laghan????	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
3/7/1883        25/7/1883       John Archibald St. Leger                                 William R.            TREDENNICK          Millie                          not listed      Rowantree Hill	                      	Gentleman                                                S.G. Cochrane
6/8/1883        5/9/1883        Emily Elizabeth                                          William John          CHISM               Lissie                          not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Postman                                                  S.G. Cochrane
26/6/1883       7/9/1883        Thomas                                                   John                  CUMMINS             Fanny                           not listed      The Port, Ballyshannon                     	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
29/10/1883      10/12/1883      Charles William                                          Francis               WRAY                Mary                            not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Carpenter                                                S.G. Cochrane
28/1/1883       11/12/1883      Jane Mary                                                George                CLARKE              Charlotte                       not listed      Knocknashangan	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
26/11/1883      11/12/1883      Catherine                                                James                 GORMLEY             Margaret                        not listed      Knocknashangan	                      	Groom                                                    S.G. Cochrane
28/12/1883      11/1/1884       Gabriel James                                            Gabriel               LOCKHART            Mary                            not listed      Lissaholly (Lissacholly??)                 	Shopkeeper                                               S.G. Cochrane
17/12/1883      15/1/1884       Joseph                                                   Joseph                CHISM               Isabella                        not listed      The Mullins		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
26/2/1884       1/3/1884        Henry                                                    William               BEATTIE             Henrietta                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Shoemaker                                                S.G. Cochrane
7/3/1884        20/3/1884       Ellen                                                    John                  MCBRIDE             Rebecca                         not listed      Coolbeg (Cool Beg)	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
10/3/1884       4/4/1884        Mary Emily                                               William               GALLAGHER           Mary                            not listed      Cherrymount		                      	Ploughman                                                S.G. Cochrane
23/3/1884       27/4/1884       Arthur Harold                                            Robert                LIPSETT             Martha Elizabeth                not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Merchant                                                 S.G. Cochrane
27/4/1884       6/5/1884        Mary                                                     Robert                MORROW              Mary                            not listed      Cavangarden		                      	Coachman                                                 S.G. Cochrane
9/1/1884        9/5/1884        Charlotte Elizabeth                                      Thomas John           ATKINSON            Elizabeth                       not listed      Cavangarden House	                      	J.P.                                                     S.G. Cochrane
3/5/1884        14/5/1884       William                                                  John                  ROBERTS             Ellen                           not listed      Tobber??? (Tober??)	                      	Miner                                                    S.G. Cochrane
14/4/1884       21/5/1884       Robert George                                            George                ELLIS               Elizabeth                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
16/5/1884       30/5/1884       William                                                  Thomas                MCINTYRE            Eliza                           not listed      Legalthin (Legaltan)	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
21/4/1884       2/6/1884        Evelyne Amy                                              Richard A.            HAMILTON            Henrietta W.                    not listed      Rockfield		                      	Gentleman                                                S.G. Cochrane
21/5/1884       4/7/1884        William John                                             John                  OVENS               Margaret                        not listed      Cloghore???		                      	Carpenter                                                S.G. Cochrane
21/7/1884       27/7/1884       Elizabeth                                                Noah                  SPENWICK            Anne                            not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Soldier                                                  S.G. Cochrane
25/6/1884       3/8/1884        Charlotte Jane                                           William B.            CURRIE              Charlotte Martha                not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Merchant                                                 S.G. Cochrane
2/6/1884        20/8/1884       Annie                                                    Archibald             KANE                Jane                            not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	National School Teacher                                  S.G. Cochrane
5/4/1884        27/8/1884       David                                                    William               IRVINE              Margaret                        not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Baker                                                    S.G. Cochrane
15/6/1884       6/10/1884       Charles James                                            Charles               LIDSTONE            Elizabeth                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Coast Guard                                              S.G. Cochrane
23/9/1884       17/10/1884      Emily                                                    William               GILPIN              Jane                            not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Railway Porter                                           S.G. Cochrane
14/10/1884      2/11/1884       John                                                     John                  CRAWFORD            Eliza                           not listed      Garvanagh		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
9/11/1884       12/11/1884      Eliza Jane                                               See comments          SEE COMMENTS        Eliza                           FLAHERTY        Workhouse		                      	Widow & inmate of Workhouse                              S.G. Cochrane		14.
30/10/1884      17/11/1884      Charles                                                  John                  CUMMINS             Fanny                           not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
23/9/1884       18/11/1884      Robert Henry                                             George                ATKINSON            Marion Elizabeth                not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Solicitor                                                S.G. Cochrane
26/10/1884      25/12/1884      Anne Holly                                               See comments          SEE COMMENTS        Mary                            MAGENNIS        Ballyshannon		                      	Servant                                                  S.G. Cochrane		15.
25/12/1884      12/1/1885       Edward                                                   James                 CARBERRY            Mary anne                       not listed      Coolcolly (Coolcholly)                     	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
24/11/1883 *    9/2/1885        Sarah Anne (born in Greenock)                            George                CORDUCK             Mary Ann                        not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Pensioner & Labourer                                     S.G. Cochrane
1/12/1884       9/2/1885        James (born in Greenock)                                 George                CORDUCK             Mary Ann                        not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Pensioner & Labourer                                     S.G. Cochrane
1/1/1885        12/2/1885       Elizabeth Mary                                           Wiliam                ARMSTRONG           Mary                            not listed      Parkhill		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
2/3/1885        6/3/1885        Margaret                                                 John                  MCBRIEN             Eliza                           not listed      Cloghore???		                      	Shoemaker                                                S.G. Cochrane
30/6/1884       18/3/1885       Annie Nevin                                              James                 CUTHBERT            Margaret                        not listed      Portnason		                      	Gardener                                                 S.G. Cochrane
22/2/1885       18/3/1885       Margaret Elizabeth                                       Francis               WRAY                Mary                            not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Carpenter                                                S.G. Cochrane
24/2/1885       22/3/1885       Robert Ralph                                             Thomas                BRABER              Jane                            not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Police constable                                         S.G. Cochrane
11/3/1885       8/4/1885        Mary Jane                                                John                  WILSON              Isabella                        not listed      Carricknahorna	                      	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
1/2/1885        14/4/1885       Samuel                                                   William               SOMMERVILLE         Sidney                          not listed      Fassan or Fossan????	                      	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
4/2/1885        19/4/1885       Richard George                                           John B.               CHISM               Elizabeth D.                    not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Clerk of the Union                                       S.G. Cochrane
6/3/1885        17/5/1885       George Clarke                                            George                CUMMINS             Margaret Jane                   not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Carpenter                                                S.G. Cochrane
25/4/1885       20/5/1885       Elizabeth                                                Robert                MORROW              Mary                            not listed      Cavangarden		                      	Coachman                                                 S.G. Cochrane
13/5/1885       31/5/1885       Douglas Ross                                             Robert Ross           TODD                Sarah Gertrude                  not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Solicitor                                                S.G. Cochrane
8/5/1885        7/6/1885        Sarah Jane                                               Thomas                HARRISON            Sarah                           not listed      Camlin		                      	Butler                                                   S.G. Cochrane
29/5/1885       5/7/1885        Richard John                                             Richard               DEACON              Mary anne                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Constabulary Pensioner                                   S.G. Cochrane
25/3/1885       16/7/1885       Richard                                                  William               KNOX                Ellen                           not listed      Cloghore???		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
13/7/1885       6/8/1885        Robert George                                            Thomas                ANDERSON            Catherine                       not listed      Legalthin (Legaltan)	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
25/7/1885       6/8/1885        Robert Andrew                                            George                CLARKE              Charlotte                       not listed      Knocknashangan	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
7/8/1885        26/8/1885       Jane                                                     Andrew                CULBERTSON          Elizabeth                       not listed      The Laghan????	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
18/8/1885       27/9/1885       Isabella                                                 Alexander             LAIRD               Eliza Anne                      not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Baker                                                    S.G. Cochrane
25/8/1885       21/10/1885      Hannah                                                   John                  MCBRIDE             Rebecca                         not listed      Creevy		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
11/10/1885      30/10/1885      Catherine Anne                                           See comments          SEE COMMENTS        Catherine                       GALLANAGH *     Garvanagh		                      	Servant woman                                            S.G. Cochrane		16.
23/10/1885      1/11/1885       Charles                                                  Richard               DAVIS               Mary                            not listed      Port			                      	Baker                                                    S.G. Cochrane
13/11/1885      18/11/1885      Isabella                                                 James                 GORMLEY             Margaret                        not listed      Knocknashangan	                      	Groom                                                    S.G. Cochrane
6/10/1885       25/11/1885      William                                                  William               ANNETT              Ellen Jane                      not listed      Lisaholly (Lissacholly??)                  	Stewart                                                  S.G. Cochrane
8/10/1885       17/12/1885      Frederick John George                                    Joseph                CHISM               Isabella                        not listed      The Mullins		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
17/11/1885      17/12/1885      Annie Jane                                               William John          CHISM               Elizabeth                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Postman                                                  S.G. Cochrane
29/11/1885      17/12/1885      Jane                                                     James                 HYNDMAN             Mary                            not listed      Camlin		                      	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
6/1/1886        9/1/1886        Catherine                                                William               BEATTIE             Henrietta                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Shoemaker                                                S.G. Cochrane
27/11/1885      18/2/1886       Elizabeth Arthurina                                      Thomas John           ATKINSON            Elizabeth                       not listed      Cavangarden House	                      	J.P.                                                     S.G. Cochrane
10/1/1886       18/2/1886       David                                                    John                  CUMMINS             Fanny                           not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
1/1/1886        19/2/1886       Alexander                                                George                ELLIS               Elizabeth                       not listed      Danby		                      	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
21/2/1886       22/2/1886       John                                                     See comments          SEE COMMENTS        Bessie                          CRAIG           The Port		                      	Spinster                                                 S.G. Cochrane		17.
14/2/1886       24/2/1886       Joseph                                                   David                 LINN                Sarah                           not listed      The Knather		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
2/2/1866        5/3/1866        Emma Jane                                                Charles               LIDSTONE            Elizabeth                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Coast Guard                                              S.G. Cochrane
29/1/1866       25/4/1866       William Alfred                                           Robert                LIPSETT             Martha Elizabeth                not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Merchant                                                 S.G. Cochrane
2/5/1866        9/6/1866        Thomas                                                   Thomas                MCINTYRE            Eliza                           not listed      Legalthin (Legaltan)	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
24/5/1866       20/6/1866       David Wilson                                             William               MONTEITH            Anne Jane                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	National School Teacher                                  S.G. Cochrane
10/6/1886       8/7/1886        John                                                     Francis               VANCE               Mary                            not listed      Garvanagh		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
16/3/1886       17/8/1886       Olive Lindley Vivian Florence                            George                ATKINSON            Marion Elizabeth                not listed      College Street, Ballyshannon			Solicitor                                                S.G. Cochrane
30/6/1886       25/8/1886       David Arnold                                             George                CLARKE              Mary Anne                       not listed      Corlea		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
30/7/1886       29/8/1886       Mary Anne                                                Francis               WRAY                Mary                            not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Carpenter                                                S.G. Cochrane
7/10/1886       14/10/1886      George                                                   Andrew                HANNA               Esther                          not listed      The Laghan????	                      	Pensioner                                                S.G. Cochrane
8/10/1886       14/10/1886      George William                                           not listed            not listed          Mary Anne                       KERRIGAN        Garvanagh		                      	Servant Girl                                             S.G. Cochrane		18.
23/9/1886       24/10/1886      William James                                            Alexander             LAIRD               Eliza Anne                      not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Baker                                                    S.G. Cochrane
13/9/1886       4/11/1886       Charles Robert Thomley                                   Charles Richard       HEARN               Ellen                           not listed      Templenew		                      	Gentleman                                                S.G. Cochrane
29/10/1886      11/11/1886      Mary Kathleen Annette                                    John                  SCOTT               Annie                           not listed      Tullyhurk		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
8/11/1886       22/11/1886      Anne Elizabeth                                           John                  SIMPSON             Catherine                       not listed      Near Railway Station	                      	Head Porter                                              S.G. Cochrane
6/11/1886       10/12/1886      Katherine Edith                                          William B.            CURRIE              Charlotte Martha                not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Merchant                                                 S.G. Cochrane
16/12/1886      24/12/1886      Paul Ross                                                Robert A. Ross        TODD                Sarah Gertrude                  not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Solicitor                                                S.G. Cochrane
7/12/1886       12/1/1887       Florence Ellen                                           Peter                 KOCH                Elizabeth                       PONTIN          The Rock		                      	Coast Guard                                              S.G. Cochrane
28/11/1886      11/2/1887       Annie Lipsett                                            John B.               CHISM               Elizabeth D.                    not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Clerk of the Union                                       S.G. Cochrane
11/2/1887       16/3/1887       Elizabeth                                                Richard               VANCE               Letitia                         not listed      Garvanagh		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
5/2/1887        24/3/1887       Mary Elizabeth                                           William               KNOX                Ellen                           not listed      Cloghore???		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
26/1/1887       28/3/1887       Ellen Jane                                               William               ANNETT              Ellen Jane                      not listed      Lisaholly (Lissacholly??)                  	Steward                                                  S.G. Cochrane
4/3/1887        7/4/1887        Thomas                                                   Thomas                HARRISON            Sarah                           not listed      Camlin		                      	Butler                                                   S.G. Cochrane
12/5/1887       22/5/1887       Herbert                                                  Richard               DAVIS               Mary                            not listed      The Purt		                      	Baker                                                    S.G. Cochrane
22/5/1887       7/6/1887        Elizabeth Katherine                                      James                 CARBERRY            Mary Anne                       not listed      Coolcolly (Coolcholly)                     	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
1/5/1887        14/6/1887       Hanna                                                    John                  WILSON              Isabella                        not listed      Cashelard		                      	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
22/5/1887       14/6/1887       Anna Bella                                               Robert                MORROW              Mary                            not listed      Cavangarden		                      	Coachman                                                 S.G. Cochrane
1/4/1887        26/6/1887       Fanny                                                    John                  CUMMINS             Fanny                           not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
19/9/1887       4/10/1887       Henrietta Helena                                         William               BEATTIE             Henrietta                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Shoemaker                                                S.G. Cochrane
7/10/1887       13/10/1887      Joseph                                                   George                ELLIS               Elizabeth                       not listed      Danby		                      	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
24/9/1887       17/10/1887      Joseph                                                   Frederick             PARRACK             Catherine                       not listed      Rock Station		                      	Coast Guard                                              S.G. Cochrane
30/9/1887       20/10/1887      Catherine Margaret                                       William John          CHISM               Elizabeth                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Postman                                                  S.G. Cochrane
12/9/1887       26/10/1887      Annabella                                                James                 FLUKE               Annabella                       not listed      Baptised at Cashel	                      	Belonging to Ballydoo, Co. Armagh                        S.G. Cochrane
28/10/1887      18/11/1887      James                                                    James                 HYNDMAN             Mary                            not listed      Camlin Gate		                      	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
1/12/1887       20/12/1887      Edward                                                   James                 GORMLEY             Margaret                        not listed      Knocknashangan	                      	Coachman                                                 S.G. Cochrane
8/11/1887       26/12/1887      William Samuel                                           Joseph                CHISM               Isabella                        not listed      The Mullins		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
1/1/1888        4/3/1888        Bertha Winifred                                          Robert                LIPSETT             Martha Elizabeth                not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Merchant                                                 S.G. Cochrane
23/11/1887      20/3/1888       Hugh John                                                William               ARMSTRONG           Mary                            not listed      Parkhill		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
10/2/18880      6/4/1888        Marion Angelina                                          George A.             ATKINSON            Marion O. E.                    not listed      Waterloo		                      	Solicitor                                                S.G. Cochrane
18/2/1888       8/4/1888        Eliza Anne                                               Alexander             LAIRD               Eliza Anne                      not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Baker                                                    S.G. Cochrane
1/3/1888        1/5/1888        Margaret Jane                                            George                CUMMINS             Margaret Jane                   not listed      East Port		                      	Carpenter                                                S.G. Cochrane
23/3/1888       9/5/1888        Andrew                                                   Andrew                HANNA               Esther                          not listed      The Laghan????	                      	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
15/4/1888       24/5/1888       Isabella Gertrude                                        Francis               WRAY                Mary                            not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Carpenter                                                S.G. Cochrane
10/5/1888       26/5/1888       John Stewart                                             John M.               MCCOY               Mary                            not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Constable R.I.C.                                         S.G. Cochrane
10/5/1888       19/6/1888       Samuel John                                              William               ANNETT              Ellen Jane                      not listed      Lisaholly (Lissacholly??)                  	Steward                                                  S.G. Cochrane
4/6/1888        24/6/1888       Florence Gertrude Ross                                   Robert Ross           TODD                Sarah Gertrude                  not listed      Rockville		                      	Solicitor                                                S.G. Cochrane
21/6/1888       18/7/1888       William John                                             John                  MCBRIDE             Rebecca                         not listed      Coolbeg (Cool Beg)	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
16/8/1888       4/9/1888        William Robert                                           Peter                 KOCH OR KOCK        Elizabeth                       PONTIN          The Rock		                      	Coast Guard                                              S.G. Cochrane
28/8/1888       1/10/1888       Elizabeth Margaret Josephine                             William               SCOTT               Annie                           not listed      Tullyhurk		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
7/10/1888       12/10/1888      Richard                                                  Herbert               BROMLEY             Eliza                           not listed      Camlin		                      	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
1/11/1888       28/12/1888      William John                                             William John          CHISM               Eliza                           not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Postman                                                  S.G. Cochrane
30/12/1888      1/1/1889        Richard                                                  Richard               DAVIS               Mary                            not listed      Port, Ballyshannon	                      	Baker                                                    S.G. Cochrane
27/12/1888      2/1/1889        Arthur                                                   George                ELLIS               Elizabeth                       not listed      Danby		                      	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
3/12/1888       22/1/1889       Francis                                                  Francis               VANCE               Mary                            not listed      Garvanagh		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
17/1/1889       19/2/1889       Katie                                                    Thomas                MCINTYRE            Catherine                       not listed      Legalthin (Legaltan)	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
6/5/1889        24/5/1889       Thomas                                                   James                 CARBERRY            Mary Anne                       not listed      Coolcolly (Coolcholly)                     	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
16/2/1889       16/6/1889       Jane                                                     John                  CUMMINS             Fanny                           not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
1/5/1889        24/6/1889       John Samuel                                              Samuel                MCKINLEY            Margaret                        not listed      Lisaholly (Lissacholly??)                  	Steward                                                  S.G. Cochrane
15/6/1889       7/8/1889        Elizabeth                                                John                  WILSON              Isabella                        not listed      Cashelard		                      	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
22/6/1889       28/8/1889       Sarah Jane                                               George                PIPER               Sarah                           not listed      Lisaholly (Lissacholly??)                  	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
20/8/1889       28/8/1889       Florence Mary                                            George                CLARKE              Mary Anne                       not listed      Corlea		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
3/8/1889        12/9/1889       John George                                              Robert                MORROW              Mary                            not listed      Cavangarden		                      	Coachman                                                 S.G. Cochrane
7/4/1889        19/9/1889       Dorithy Newel                                            Samuel Henry          PULLMAN???          Mary Florence                   not listed      The Rock, Ballyshannon                     	Merchant                                                 S.G. Cochrane
6/8/1889        3/10/1889       David John                                               William               KNOX                Ellen                           not listed      Cloghore???		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
3/10/1889       3/10/1889       Margery                                                  Robert A. Ross        TODD                Sarah Gertrude                  not listed      Rockville, Ballyshannon                    	Solicitor                                                S.G. Cochrane
27/8/1889       6/10/1889       George                                                   Alexander             LAIRD               Eliza Anne                      not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Baker                                                    S.G. Cochrane
20/10/1889      17/11/1889      Margaret Elizabeth                                       Thomas                HARRISON            Sarah                           not listed      Camlin		                      	Butler & Steward                                         S.G. Cochrane
20/11/1889      20/11/1889      Margaret                                                 John Denis            CRONE               Kate Anne                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Coast Guard                                              S.G. Cochrane
4/8/1889        27/11/1889      Letitia                                                  Richard               VANCE               Letitia                         not listed      Garvanagh		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
21/11/1889      15/1/1890       Anne Jane                                                Joseph                CHISM               Isabella                        not listed      The Mullins		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
7/12/1889       18/1/1890       Letitia Charlotte Eileen                                 George A.             ATKINSON            Marion Elizabeth                not listed      Waterloo, Ballyshannon                     	Solicitor                                                S.G. Cochrane
12/2/1890       26/2/1890       George                                                   John                  CLARKE              Elizabeth                       not listed      Lisaholly (Lissacholly??)                  	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
14/2/1890       27/2/1890       Hessie Ellen                                             Andrew                HANNA               Hessie                          not listed      The Laghan????	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
23/2/1890       20/3/1890       Francis                                                  Francis               WRAY                Mary                            not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Carpenter                                                S.G. Cochrane
6/4/1890        26/4/1890       William Joseph                                           Johnston              KENNY               Elizabeth Jane                  not listed      Portnason		                      	Police constable                                         S.G. Cochrane
8/4/1890        17/6/1890       Fanny Jane                                               Francis               VANCE               Mary                            not listed      Garvanagh		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
26/6/1890       29/6/1890       Sarah Josephine                                          William B.            CURRIE              Charlotte Martha                not listed      Port, Ballyshannon	                      	Merchant                                                 S.G. Cochrane
2/6/1890        30/6/1890       David                                                    William John          CHISM               Elizabeth                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Letter Carrier                                           S.G. Cochrane
5/5/1890        31/7/1890       Margaret                                                 James                 FLUKE               Annabella                       not listed      Baptised at Cashel	                      	Belonging to Ballydoo, Co. Armagh                        S.G. Cochrane
3/7/1890        25/9/1890       Yvonne Louisa                                            James Hamilton        NICHOLAS *          Louise Lyne S.                  GLUBB           Bundoran		                      	Army Doctor                                              S.G. Cochrane
30/8/1890       4/11/1890       Margaret                                                 Hamilton              LESLIE              Margaret                        not listed      Garvanagh		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
28/9/1890       28/12/1890      Ida May                                                  Robert                LIPSETT             Martha Elizabeth                not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Merchant                                                 S.G. Cochrane
18/12/1890      26/12/1890      Herbert                                                  Herbert               BROMLEY             Eliza                           not listed      Camlin		                      	Carter                                                   S.G. Cochrane
2/1/1891        5/1/1891        Mary Elizabeth                                           Richard               DAVIS               Mary                            not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Baker                                                    S.G. Cochrane
16/11/1890      18/1/1891       Mary Jane                                                Alexander             LAIRD               Eliza Anne                      not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Baker                                                    S.G. Cochrane
25/1/1891       26/1/1891       William John                                             John                  MCINTYRE            Anne Jane                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Blacksmith                                               S.G. Cochrane
10/2/1891       3/3/1891        George                                                   James                 CARBERRY            Mary Anne                       not listed      Coolcolly (Coolcholly)                     	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
25/1/1891       5/3/1891        Letitia Jane                                             James                 MOFFITT             Eleanor                         not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Acting Sergeant R.I.C.                                   S.G. Cochrane
13/1/1891       12/3/1891       Robert Albert Cook Friar                                 Robert G.C.           FLOWER              Rose                            not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	District Inspector R.I.C.                                S.G. Cochrane
31/3/1891       1/4/1891        Mary Crawford                                            William               LOUGHLIN            Mary                            not listed      Rowantree Hill	                      	Car Driver                                               S.G. Cochrane
18/2/1891       8/4/1891        Alexander                                                Marshal B.            DEACON              Elizabeth                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Law Clerk                                                S.G. Cochrane
6/4/1891        21/4/1891       Edith                                                    John                  CUMMINS             Fanny                           not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Victualler & Farmer                                      S.G. Cochrane
14/4/1891       1/5/1891        Robert Ewing                                             Thomas                ORR                 Hanna Mary                      not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Law Clerk                                                S.G. Cochrane
14/3/1891       4/5/1891        Andrew George                                            George A.             ATKINSON            Marion E.                       not listed      Waterloo		                      	Solicitor                                                S.G. Cochrane
26/2/1891       29/5/1891       Arthurina Josephine                                      Thomas John           ATKINSON            Elizabeth                       not listed      Cavangarden		                      	J.P.                                                     S.G. Cochrane
27/6/1891       21/7/1891       John                                                     John                  WILSON              Isabella                        not listed      Carricknahorna	                      	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
16/8/1891       9/9/1891        Emily Georgina                                           William               SCOTT               Annie                           not listed      Tullyhurk		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
15/9/1891       21/10/1891      Martha                                                   Henry                 RANKIN              Catherine                       not listed      Rowantree Hill	                      	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
6/11/1891       13/11/1891      Margaret Jane                                            Andrew N.             ANDERSON            Margaret Jane                   not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Merchant                                                 S.G. Cochrane
8/9/1890 *      30/11/1891      Christina                                                Richard               VANCE               Letitia                         not listed      Garvanagh		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
11/8/1891       30/11/1891      John Wesley                                              Richard               VANCE               Letitia                         not listed      Garvanagh		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
22/11/1891      18/1/1892       George Alexander                                         William               JONES               Elizabeth                       not listed      The Rock, Ballyshannon                     	Coast Guard                                              S.G. Cochrane
2/1/1892        29/1/1892       James                                                    Andrew                HANNA               Hessie                          not listed      Laghan (Laheen)	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
26/1/1892       30/1/1892       George                                                   Joseph                CHISM               Isabella                        not listed      The Mullins		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
26/1/1892       30/1/1892       Albert David                                             Joseph                CHISM               Isabella                        not listed      The Mullins		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
30/1/1892       9/2/1892        John                                                     John                  CLARKE              Margaret                        not listed      Lisaholly (Lissacholly??)                  	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
8/2/1892        17/2/1892       Charlotte Elizabeth                                      George                CLARKE              Mary Anne                       not listed      Corlea		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
10/2/1892       23/2/1892       James                                                    John                  MAXWELL             Catherine                       not listed      Lissarudy????, Dunkineely                  	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
21/2/1892       24/3/1892       Mary Ellen                                               Robert                STINSON             Mary Anne                       not listed      Cavangarden		                      	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
1/3/1892        24/3/1892       Andrew                                                   Robert                MORROW              Mary                            not listed      Cavangarden		                      	Coachman                                                 S.G. Cochrane
8/3/1892        28/3/1892       Thomas John                                              John                  ARMSTRONG           Mary Ann                        not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Servant                                                  S.G. Cochrane
28/2/1892       1/4/1892        Charlotte                                                Francis               WRAY                Mary                            not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Carpenter                                                S.G. Cochrane
25/3/1892       9/5/1892        John Magee                                               Samuel                FRECKLETON          Elizabeth                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	National School Teacher                                  S.G. Cochrane
30/4/1892       2/6/1892        John                                                     William               KNOX                Ellen                           not listed      Cloghore???		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
8/5/1892        22/6/1892       Edith                                                    John William          CHISM               Elizabeth                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Letter Carrier                                           S.G. Cochrane
29/4/1892       24/7/1892       Robert Crawford                                          John                  CUMMINS             Fanny                           not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Victualler & Farmer                                      S.G. Cochrane
7/8/1892        25/8/1892       William James                                            Robert                ELLIOTT             Elizabeth                       not listed      Knather		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
5/9/1892        16/10/1892      Alexander                                                Alexander             LAIRD               Eliza Ann                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Baker                                                    S.G. Cochrane
5/5/1892        18/10/1892      Christina                                                Hamilton              LESLIE              Margaret                        not listed      Garvanagh		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
31/7/1892       18/10/1892      Eliza Ellen                                              Francis               VANCE               Mary                            not listed      Garvanagh		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
29/1/1893       31/1/1893       James                                                    Richard               DAVIS               Mary                            not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Baker                                                    S.G. Cochrane
23/12/1892      16/2/1893       Marshal John Cameron                                     Marshal B.            DEACON              Elizabeth                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Law Clerk                                                S.G. Cochrane
20/2/1893       21/2/1893       Richard                                                  James                 CARBERRY            Mary Anne                       not listed      Coolcolly (Coolcholly)                     	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
11/12/1892      26/2/1893       Elizabeth Jane Sophia                                    William               JONES               Elizabeth                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Coast Guard                                              S.G. Cochrane
22/1/1893       26/2/1893       James Arthur Nugent                                      Thomas                ORR                 Hanna Mary                      not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Law Clerk                                                S.G. Cochrane
19/1/1893       28/2/1893       Jane Anne                                                Alexander             VANCE               Eliza Jane                      not listed      Garvanagh		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
3/2/1893        17/3/1893       James Arthur Rea                                         Alex                  STRAIN              Sarah E.                        not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Merchant                                                 S.G. Cochrane
11/3/1893       24/3/1893       James                                                    William               DUNDAS              Catherine Anne                  not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
10/4/1893       16/5/1893       Charlotte Susanna                                        Richard               VANCE               Letitia                         not listed      Garvanagh		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
3/6/1893        5/6/1893        William                                                  George                LONG                Eliza                           not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Mason                                                    S.G. Cochrane
4/5/1893        21/6/1893       James                                                    Robert                MORROW              Mary                            not listed      Cavangarden		                      	Coachman                                                 S.G. Cochrane
6/7/1893        25/7/1893       Robert Victor                                            Humphry               LYONS               Eliza Ann                       not listed      College Street, Ballyshannon			Gentleman                                                S.G. Cochrane
28/5/1893       7/9/1893        Kathleen May                                             Samuel??? D.          TRIMBLE             Margaret                        not listed      Armagh		                      	Editor of Armagh Guardian                                S.G. Cochrane
25/9/1893       3/10/1893       James                                                    John                  KEENAN              Margaret                        not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Carter                                                   S.G. Cochrane
27/9/1893       28/10/1893      Matilda                                                  George                NIXON               Mary Anne                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Police Pensioner                                         S.G. Cochrane
27/9/1893       2/11/1893       Robert                                                   James                 LIPSETT             Mary                            not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Merchant                                                 S.G. Cochrane
11/11/1893      12/11/1893      Mary Anne                                                not listed            not listed          Elizabeth                       FARRELL         Lower Bridgetown	                      	not listed                                               S.G. Cochrane		19.
24/5/1893       29/11/1893      Hamilton                                                 Hamilton              LESLIE              Maggie                          not listed      Garvanagh		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
28/12/1893      5/2/1894        Jeanie Cameron                                           James                 SLATER              Selina Jane                     not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Recruiting Sergeant                                      S.G. Cochrane
9/1/1894        9/3/1894        Violet May                                               Alex                  STRAIN              Sarah Elizabeth                 not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Merchant                                                 S.G. Cochrane
9/2/1894        9/3/1894        John                                                     John                  ARMSTRONG           Mary Ann                        not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Car Owner                                                S.G. Cochrane
3/2/1894        13/3/1894       Mary Jane                                                Andrew                HANNA               Esther                          not listed      Laghan (Laheen)	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
9/2/1894        23/3/1894       John                                                     Alexander             LAIRD               Eliza                           not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Baker                                                    S.G. Cochrane
18/3/1894       5/4/1894        Rebecca                                                  James                 GORMLEY             Margaret                        not listed      Knocknashangan	                      	Coachman                                                 S.G. Cochrane
21/4/1894       22/5/1894       Samuel                                                   Alexander             MCMULLAN            Letitia                         not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Carpenter                                                S.G. Cochrane
8/5/1894        24/5/1894       Margaret Anne                                            John                  CLARKE              Eliza                           not listed      Lissaholly (Lissacholly??)                 	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
9/3/1894        31/5/1894       Alexander Richard                                        Richard               VANCE               Letitia                         not listed      Garvanagh		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
9/4/1894        4/6/1894        Lily Mary                                                Joseph                CHISM               Isabella                        not listed      The Mullins		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
24/5/1894       29/6/1894       Violet Victoria                                          James                 DYAS *              Jane                            not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Publican & Pensioner                                     S.G. Cochrane
12/6/1894       5/7/1894        William Joshua                                           Samuel                FRECKELTON          Elizabeth                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	National School Teacher                                  S.G. Cochrane
6/7/1894        30/7/1894       Margaret                                                 Francis               WRAY                Mary                            not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Carpenter                                                S.G. Cochrane
2/10/1894       11/10/1894      Henry                                                    James                 CARBERRY            Mary Ann                        not listed      Coolcolly (Coolcholly)                     	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
2/1/1895        21/1/1895       Joseph Blake                                             Joseph Blake          HOLDBRY             Isabella                        not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Coast Guard                                              S.G. Cochrane
24/12/1894      7/2/1895        Ellen Jane                                               William               KNOX                Ellen                           not listed      Cloghore???		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
22/1/1895       11/2/1895       Hebert                                                   George                ELLIS               Elizabeth                       not listed      Danby		                      	Labourer                                                 S.G. Cochrane
21/11/1894      15/2/1895       Elizabeth O'Donnel                                       John C.               CUMMINS             Fanny                           not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Victualler & Farmer                                      S.G. Cochrane
16/2/1895       10/3/1895       Thomas Alfred Hazlett                                    Thomas                ORR                 Hanna Mary                      not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Law Clerk                                                S.G. Cochrane
6/3/1895        11/3/1895       William                                                  John                  KEENAN              Margaret                        not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Carter                                                   S.G. Cochrane
1/4/1895        3/4/1895        Catherine                                                Richard               DAVIS               Mary                            not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Baker                                                    S.G. Cochrane
8/3/1895        12/4/1895       Christopher                                              Alexander             LAIRD               Eliza                           not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Baker                                                    S.G. Cochrane
29/3/1895       18/4/1895       Margaret Barbara                                         Richard               VANCE               Letitia                         not listed      Garvanagh		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
17/5/1895       11/6/1895       Frederick John                                           Alexander             VANCE               Eliza Jane                      not listed      Garvanagh		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
13/6/1895       18/6/1895       James                                                    James                 COLVIN              Millie                          not listed      Tullyhurk		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
17/6/1895       27/6/1895       Isabella                                                 William               DUNDAS              Catherine Anne                  not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
6/7/1895        15/7/1895       Mary Jane                                                George                LESLIE              Margaret                        not listed      The Laghan????	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
10/7/1895       3/9/1895        Jeanie Isabella Macarthur                                Marshal B.            DEACON              Elizabeth                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Law Clerk                                                S.G. Cochrane
17/9/1895       4/11/1895       Sarah Margaret                                           James                 LIPSETT             Mary                            not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Merchant                                                 S.G. Cochrane
18/12/1895      21/1/1895       Anthony                                                  John C.               CUMMINS             Fanny                           not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Victualler & Farmer                                      S.G. Cochrane
2/1/1896        21/1/1896       Edward                                                   Joseph                CHISM               Isabella                        not listed      The Mullins		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
21/11/1895      22/1/1896       Hamilton                                                 Hamilton              LESLIE              Margaret                        not listed      Garvanagh		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
12/1/1896       4/2/1896        Jane                                                     John                  KANE                Sarah                           not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Acting Sergeant R.I.C.                                   S.G. Cochrane
23/1/1896       4/2/1896        Marshal Frederick                                        James                 SLATER              Selina Jane                     not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Recruiting Sergeant                                      S.G. Cochrane
22/2/1896       28/2/1896       Ellen Elizabeth                                          George                KEENAN              Sarah                           not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Painter                                                  S.G. Cochrane
19/2/1896       2/3/1896        Mary Anne                                                not listed            not listed          Susan                           GRAHAM          Carricknahorna	                      	Sprigger                                                 S.G. Cochrane		20.
1/4/1896        17/5/1896       Sarah Alice Elizabeth                                    Robert                ROBINSON            Lucinda                         not listed      Stonewold		                      	Coachman                                                 S.G. Cochrane
4/5/1896        20/5/1896       Isabella May                                             John                  ARMSTRONG           Mary Anne                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Servant                                                  S.G. Cochrane
28/6/1896       8/7/1896        John                                                     John                  CLARKE              Margaret                        not listed      Lisaholly (Lissacholly??)                  	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
12/8/1896       27/8/1896       Alexander                                                Alexander             MCMULLEN            Letitia                         not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Carpenter                                                S.G. Cochrane
24/9/1896       18/10/1896      Lydia Maud                                               Samuel                FRECKLETON          Elizabeth                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	National School Teacher                                  S.G. Cochrane
1/10/1896       26/10/1896      Kathleen Mabel                                           James                 DYAS *              Jane                            not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Publican & Pensioner                                     S.G. Cochrane
11/10/1896      27/10/1896      Isabella                                                 Lytle                 DUNDAS              Eliza                           not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Trader                                                   S.G. Cochrane
18/10/1896      1/11/1896       Hannah Rebecca Elizabeth                                 Thomas                ORR                 Hanna Mary                      not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Law Clerk                                                S.G. Cochrane
4/9/1896        11/11/1896      Elizabeth                                                Robert                LOWRY               Elizabeth                       not listed      Carricknahorna	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
7/10/1896       26/11/1896      Emily                                                    Robert                MORROW              Mary                            not listed      Cavangarden		                      	Coachman                                                 S.G. Cochrane
12/1/1897       22/1/1897       David                                                    David                 STEWART             Dora                            not listed      Portnason		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
17/1/1897       27/1/1897       Robert                                                   John                  KEENAN              Maggie                          not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Carter                                                   S.G. Cochrane
11/3/1897       26/3/1897       Frances Jane                                             William               LANG                Eliza                           not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Constable R.I.C.                                         S.G. Cochrane
4/3/1897        30/3/1897       Eliza Ellen                                              George                LESLIE              Maggie                          not listed      The Laghan????	                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
23/3/1897       2/5/1897        Arthur John David                                        Henry Berfet          DUKES               Florence Elizabeth              EASTMEAD        Rock Barracks	                      	Sergeant R.E. (Royal Engineers????)                      S.G. Cochrane
22/2/1897       13/5/1897       Julia                                                    Hamilton              LESLIE              Maggie                          not listed      Garvanagh		                      	Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
11/5/1897       16/6/1897       John James                                               Robert                CRAWFORD            Matilda                         not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Constable R.I.C.                                         S.G. Cochrane
7/6/1897        27/6/1897       Rebecca                                                  Alexander             LAIRD               Eliza                           not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Baker                                                    S.G. Cochrane
6/7/1897        21/7/1897       Amy Violet Victoria                                      Charles Richard       WILSON              Alice Maud Mary                 not listed      Rock Barracks, Ballyshannon			Corporal, Royal Engineers                                S.G. Cochrane
1/3/1897        24/7/1897       Frederick Lovel                                          Guy                   BLAKELEY            Sarah Jane                      not listed      Ballyshannon		     			Colour Sergeant, 2nd Regiment                            S.G. Cochrane
21/7/1897       12/8/1897       David Gabriel                                            James                 COLVIN              Mildred                         not listed      Tullyhurk		     			Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
7/9/1897        14/10/1897      Lavera Octavia                                           Richard               VANCE               Letitia                         not listed      Garvanagh		     			Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
23/10/1897      8/11/1897       Henry                                                    Henry                 LEWERS              Jane                            not listed      Ballyshannon		     			Acting Sergeant R.I.C.                                   S.G. Cochrane
1/11/1897       22/11/1897      Frances Ellen                                            Francis               WRAY                Mary                            not listed      Ballyshannon		     			Carpenter                                                S.G. Cochrane
6/12/1897       9/12/1897       Bernard                                                  Richard               DAVIS               Mary                            not listed      Ballyshannon		     			Baker                                                    S.G. Cochrane
31/10/1897      14/12/1897      Rebecca Evelyn                                           James                 LIPSETT             Mary                            not listed      Ballyshannon		     			Merchant                                                 S.G. Cochrane
10/12/1897      25/12/1897      Catherine                                                Joseph                GLEN                Hanna                           not listed      Ballyshannon		     			Servant                                                  S.G. Cochrane
20/12/1897      31/12/1897      William Thomas                                           William               DUNDAS              Catherine Anne                  not listed      Ballyshannon		     			Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
27/11/1897      17/2/1898       Florence                                                 Robert                LOWRY               Elizabeth                       not listed      Carricknahorna	     			Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
2/1/1898        24/2/1898       Elizabeth                                                Marshall B.           DEACON              Elizabeth                       not listed      Ballyshannon		     			Law Clerk                                                S.G. Cochrane
4/2/1898        6/4/1898        Elizabeth                                                Lytle                 DUNDAS              Elizabeth                       not listed      Ballyshannon		     			Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
4/4/1898        27/4/1898       John Dowter???                                           Robert Willis         MAHOOD              Elizabeth                       not listed      Ballyshannon		     			Clerk & Manager                                          S.G. Cochrane
20/4/1898       9/5/1898        Florence Roberta                                         James                 DYAS *              Jane                            not listed      Ballyshannon		     			Publican & Pensioner                                     S.G. Cochrane
30/4/1898       10/5/1898       George Graham                                            George                KEENAN              Sarah                           not listed      Ballyshannon		     			Painter                                                  S.G. Cochrane
10/5/1898       16/5/1898       James                                                    James                 GORMLEY             Margaret                        not listed      Knocknashangan	     			Coachman                                                 S.G. Cochrane
25/6/1898       9/7/1898        Elizabeth Jane                                           Robert                LIPSETT             Maggie Jane                     not listed      Legalthin (Legaltan)	     			Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane
11/7/1898       6/8/1898        Matilda Jane                                             Robert                CRAWFORD            Matilda                         not listed      Ballyshannon		     			Constable R.I.C.                                         S.G. Cochrane
13/7/1898       14/8/1898       Cyril Charles                                            Thomas                WALSH               Maria                           not listed      Ballyshannon		     			Canteen Steward                                          S.G. Cochrane
15/8/1898       16/8/1898       David                                                    James                 CARBERRY            Mary Anne                       not listed      Coolcolly (Coolcholly)    			Farmer                                                   S.G. Cochrane		21.
4/10/1898       5/10/1898       John                                                     John                  KEENAN              Margaret                        not listed      Ballyshannon		     			Carter                                                   S.G. Cochrane
25/1/1898       19/10/1898      Robert                                                   George                SMITH               Margaret                        not listed      Ballyshannon		     			Fiddler                                                  Alfred Carson
26/12/1898      28/12/1898      John                                                     Samuel                GREER               Margaret                        not listed      Shergus???? Hill, Ballyshannon		Farmer                                                   Alfred Carson
20/1/1899       9/2/1899        Dorothy May                                              David                 STEWART             Samuel???? *                    not listed      Portnason		     			Farmer                                                   Alfred Carson		22.
11/2/1899       22/2/1899       Jane                                                     John                  CLARKE              Lizzie                          not listed      Lissaholly (Lissacholly??)			Farmer                                                   Alfred Carson
6/3/1899        26/3/1899       Charles Eric                                             Matthew Charles       AMBROSE             Agnes Mary                      not listed      Ballyshannon		     			Inland Revenue Officer                                   William Baillie
23/3/1899       21/5/1899       Margaret Gertrude                                        Alexander             LAIRD               Eliza Anne                      not listed      Ballyshannon		     			Baker                                                    William Baillie
21/4/1899       21/5/1899       William Kingsley                                         William               BAILLIE             Eliza L.                        YOUNG           Ballyshannon		     			Clerk in Holy Orders                                     William Baillie
9/4/1899        25/6/1899       Alexander Charles                                        Andrew Nixon          ANDERSON            Jane Anne                       not listed      Ballyshannon		     			Grocer                                                   William Baillie
17/5/1899       27/6/1899       Margaret Jane                                            James                 COLVIN              Mildred                         not listed      Tullyhurk		                      	Farmer                                                   William Baillie
1/7/1899        21/7/1899       Ernest Thompson                                          John                  GREEN               Elizabeth                       not listed      Tubber (Tober)	                      	Pensioner                                                William Baillie
3/7/1899        25/7/1899       Norah Vaughan                                            Albert                DICKSON             Mary Jane                       not listed      Templenew		                      	Labourer                                                 William Baillie
24/7/1899       26/7/1899       Ellen                                                    Richard               DAVIS               Mary                            not listed      Rock, Ballyshannon	                      	Baker                                                    William Baillie
17/7/1899       27/7/1899       Martha???                                                George                KEENAN              Sarah                           not listed      Rock, Ballyshannon	                      	Labourer                                                 William Baillie
18/7/1899       1/8/1899        Ilene?? Dagmer??                                         Tnomas??              KEANE               Margaret                        not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Sergeant????                                             William Baillie
10/8/1899       1/10/1899       Charlotte Elizabeth                                      James                 LIPSETT             Mary                            not listed      Castle Street, Ballyshannon			Merchant                                                 William Baillie
19/8/1899       17/10/1899      Hugh                                                     Charles               ALLEN               Margaret                        not listed      Cashel		                      	Farmer                                                   William Baillie
2/3/1899        30/10/1899      James Alexander David                                    James                 CORSCADEN           Jane                            not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Farmer                                                   William Baillie
3/9/1899        30/10/1899      (illegible) Walter                                       John                  STEELE              Mary Anne                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Barrack Sergeant                                         William Baillie
9/9/1899        30/10/1899      Marshall                                                 Marshall Binns        DEACON              Elizabeth                       not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Law Clerk                                                William Baillie
1/11/1899       19/11/1899      Frederick                                                Henry                 LEWERS              Jane                            not listed      Ballyshannon		                      	Sergeant R.I.C.                                          William Baillie
10/11/1899      ?/12/1899       Christopher Maxwell                                      James                 LIPSETT             Martha Jane                     not listed      Cashel		                      	Farmer                                                   William Baillie
12/9/1899       13/12/1899      Rebecca                                                  Hamilton              LESLIE              Margaret                        not listed      Garvanagh		                      	Farmer                                                   William Baillie
15/8/1899       15/12/1899      Emma Jane                                                Robert                LOWRY               Elizabeth                       not listed      Carricknahorna	                      	Farmer                                                   William Baillie

1.  Child listed as illegitimate
2.  Child listed as illegitimate
3.  Child listed as " Died in infancy"
4.  Child listed as " Died in infancy"
5.  Child listed as " Died in infancy"
6.  Listed as born 9/4/1877 & baptised 5/4/1877. Have assumed it to be the other way round
7.  THOMAS AUCHESON listed as the reputed father. Child listed as illegitimate
8.  Child listed as " Died in infancy"
9.  Child listed as illegitimate
10. Child listed as illegitimate
11. Child listed as born in U.S.A. About 1865
12. Reputed father JOHN CLARKE of Behy
13. Reputed father JOHN ABRAHAM, Labourer. Child listed as illegitimate
14. Reputed father ADAM LONG or LANG of Clune? (Cloone?) Kinlough, Ballyshannon. Listed as illegitimate. Birth recorded as 12/11/1884 & bap as 9/11/1884.
15. Reputed father FRANK HOLLY of the 13th Regiment. Child listed as illegitimate.
16. Reputed father William Atkinson Jnr.. Child listed as illegitimate
17. Reputed father John Brock.
18. Child not listedas illegitimate
19. Unmarried woman age 22. Child born at the Workhouse Hospital
20. Child listed as illegitimate
21. Birth listed as 16/8/1898 & baptism as 15/8/1898. Have assumed them to be the other way round
22. Mother's name is listed as SAMUEL but previous record Lists her as DORA??


FATHERS SURNAME                 CHILDS  NAME                                              BORN
ADAIR                           Mary                                                      7/1/1880
ADAIR                           William John                                              31/5/1881
ALLEN                           Hugh                                                      19/8/1899
ALLINGHAM                       Catherine Everina                                         7/4/1877
ALLINGHAM                       Edith                                                     15/12/1873
ALLINGHAM                       Louisa Mary                                               6/4/1878
ALLINGHAM                       Maud Isabella                                             9/5/1875
ALLINGHAM                       William Herbert                                           29/11/1872
AMBROSE                         Charles Eric                                              6/3/1899
ANDERSON                        Alexander Charles                                         9/4/1899
ANDERSON                        James                                                     15/7/1881
ANDERSON                        Jane                                                      1/6/1873
ANDERSON                        John                                                      2/1/1881
ANDERSON                        Kate Elizabeth                                            9/11/1878
ANDERSON                        Margaret Jane                                             6/11/1891
ANDERSON                        Richard                                                   10/3/1883
ANDERSON                        Robert                                                    20/8/1874
ANDERSON                        Robert George                                             13/7/1885
ANDERSON                        William David                                             14/12/1882
ANNETT                          Ellen Jane                                                26/1/1887
ANNETT                          Samuel John                                               10/5/1888
ANNETT                          William                                                   6/10/1885
ARMSTRONG                       David                                                     19/9/1879
ARMSTRONG                       Elizabeth Mary                                            1/1/1885
ARMSTRONG                       George                                                    3/7/1875
ARMSTRONG                       Hugh John                                                 23/11/1887
ARMSTRONG                       Isabella May                                              4/5/1896
ARMSTRONG                       James Breen                                               8/9/1878
ARMSTRONG                       John                                                      9/2/1894
ARMSTRONG                       Rebecca Jane                                              21/1/1882
ARMSTRONG                       Robert Alexander                                          3/8/1877
ARMSTRONG                       Thomas John                                               8/3/1892
ARMSTRONG                       William George                                            13/5/1880
ARMSTRONG                       William John                                              12/3/1873
ATKINSON                        Andrew George                                             14/3/1891
ATKINSON                        Arthurina Josephine                                       26/2/1891
ATKINSON                        Charlotte Elizabeth                                       9/1/1884
ATKINSON                        Eliza Anne                                                13/9/1874
ATKINSON                        Elizabeth Arthurina                                       27/11/1885
ATKINSON                        Ethel Kathleen Jane                                       4/9/1882
ATKINSON                        Letitia Charlotte Eileen                                  7/12/1889
ATKINSON                        Marion Angelina                                           10/2/18880
ATKINSON                        Olive Lindley Vivian Florence                             16/3/1886
ATKINSON                        Rebecca                                                   ?/9/1873
ATKINSON                        Robert Henry                                              23/9/1884
ATKINSON                        Thomas John Day                                           4/3/1882
BAILLIE                         William Kingsley                                          21/4/1899
BARBER                          Elizabeth Jane                                            24/7/1879
BARBER                          Emma Sarah                                                15/11/1882
BARBER                          John William                                              28/9/1877
BARBER                          Louisa Frances                                            16/10/1880
BEATTIE                         Archibald                                                 11/10/1881
BEATTIE                         Catherine                                                 6/1/1886
BEATTIE                         Fanny Elizabeth                                           23/11/1877
BEATTIE                         Henrietta Helena                                          19/9/1887
BEATTIE                         Henry                                                     26/2/1884
BEATTIE                         Thomas John                                               20/4/1882
BEATTY                          Elizabeth                                                 13/7/1875
BEATTY                          Henrietta                                                 2/1/1878
BEATTY                          Henrietta                                                 30/1/1876
BEATTY                          Robert                                                    31/8/1879
BELTON                          Dorothea Frederica Mary                                   13/1/1879
BELTON                          Godfrey Albert James                                      11/9/1880
BLAKELEY                        Frederick Lovel                                           1/3/1897
BRABER                          Robert Ralph                                              24/2/1885
BROMLEY                         Herbert                                                   18/12/1890
BROMLEY                         Richard                                                   7/10/1888
BYRNE                           Emma                                                      16/12/1881
BYRNE                           Henry Edward                                              5/12/1878
CAMPBELL                        Agusta Charlotte Lorna                                    27/11/1881
CARBERRY                        David                                                     15/8/1898
CARBERRY                        David                                                     6/6/1883
CARBERRY                        Edward                                                    25/12/1884
CARBERRY                        Elizabeth Katherine                                       22/5/1887
CARBERRY                        Francis James                                             6/5/1877
CARBERRY                        George                                                    10/2/1891
CARBERRY                        Hamilton                                                  17/5/1881
CARBERRY                        Henry                                                     2/10/1894
CARBERRY                        Joseph                                                    1/8/1875
CARBERRY                        Mary Ann                                                  11/12/1879
CARBERRY                        Richard                                                   20/2/1893
CARBERRY                        Thomas                                                    6/5/1889
CARBERRY                        William John                                              14/7/1878
CHISM                           Albert David                                              26/1/1892
CHISM                           Alice Mary                                                24/4/1880
CHISM                           Ann Jane                                                  6/5/1879
CHISM                           Anne Jane                                                 21/11/1889
CHISM                           Annie Blanche                                             27/6/1876
CHISM                           Annie Jane                                                17/11/1885
CHISM                           Annie Lipsett                                             28/11/1886
CHISM                           Catherine Margaret                                        30/9/1887
CHISM                           Clara Louisa                                              5/4/1880
CHISM                           David                                                     2/6/1890
CHISM                           Edith                                                     8/5/1892
CHISM                           Edith Frances                                             27/12/1877
CHISM                           Edward                                                    2/1/1896
CHISM                           Edward Thomas                                             30/3/1875
CHISM                           Elizabeth Lipsett                                         1/4/1873
CHISM                           Emily Elizabeth                                           6/8/1883
CHISM                           Frederick John George                                     8/10/1885
CHISM                           George                                                    26/1/1892
CHISM                           John Samuel                                               27/12/1881
CHISM                           Joseph                                                    17/12/1883
CHISM                           Lily Mary                                                 9/4/1894
CHISM                           Marian Kathleen                                           31/5/1882
CHISM                           Richard George                                            4/2/1885
CHISM                           Samuel George                                             16/4/1880
CHISM                           William John                                              1/11/1888
CHISM                           William Samuel                                            8/11/1887
CLARKE                          Catherine                                                 9/4/1879
CLARKE                          Charlotte Elizabeth                                       8/2/1892
CLARKE                          Charlotte Jane                                            2/5/1878
CLARKE                          David Arnold                                              30/6/1886
CLARKE                          Dorothea Elizabeth Jane                                   1/2/1877
CLARKE                          Florence Mary                                             20/8/1889
CLARKE                          George                                                    11/6/1878
CLARKE                          George                                                    12/2/1890
CLARKE                          Harriet Jane                                              21/4/1883
CLARKE                          Jane                                                      11/2/1899
CLARKE                          Jane Mary                                                 28/1/1883
CLARKE                          John                                                      28/6/1896
CLARKE                          John                                                      30/1/1892
CLARKE                          John                                                      31/12/1874
CLARKE                          John Henry                                                22/7/1876
CLARKE                          John William Patterson                                    17/2/1881
CLARKE                          Joseph William                                            12/7/1880
CLARKE                          Margaret Anne                                             8/5/1894
CLARKE                          Robert Andrew                                             25/7/1885
CLARKE                          Thomas George                                             21/5/1879
COLVIN                          David Gabriel                                             21/7/1897
COLVIN                          James                                                     13/6/1895
COLVIN                          Margaret Jane                                             17/5/1899
COOMBS                          John                                                      6/2/1873 c
CORDUCK                         James (born in Greenock)                                  1/12/1884
CORDUCK                         Sarah Anne (born in Greenock)                             24/11/1883 (as r
CORSCADDEN                      George                                                    5/5/1877
CORSCADDEN                      Hugh                                                      23/11/1875
CORSCADEN                       Chester Lowry Arthur Milton                               13/8/1882
CORSCADEN                       James Alexander David                                     2/3/1899
COSCADAN                        Hugh                                                      4/3/1873
CRAIG                           Charles Samuel                                            22/1/1878
CRAIG                           John George                                               5/1/1875
CRAIG                           William James                                             29/4/1873
CRAWFORD                        Edward                                                    23/11/1880
CRAWFORD                        Frederick                                                 23/11/1880
CRAWFORD                        John                                                      14/10/1884
CRAWFORD                        John James                                                11/5/1897
CRAWFORD                        Matilda Jane                                              11/7/1898
CRONE                           Margaret                                                  20/11/1889
CULBERTSON                      Jane                                                      7/8/1885
CUMMINS                         Alice                                                     17/3/1878
CUMMINS                         Anthony                                                   18/12/1895
CUMMINS                         Charles                                                   30/10/1884
CUMMINS                         David                                                     10/1/1886
CUMMINS                         Edith                                                     6/4/1891
CUMMINS                         Elizabeth O'Donnel                                        21/11/1894
CUMMINS                         Fanny                                                     1/4/1887
CUMMINS                         George Clarke                                             6/3/1885
CUMMINS                         James                                                     4/9/1881
CUMMINS                         Jane                                                      16/2/1889
CUMMINS                         John Griffith                                             11/9/1882
CUMMINS                         John Mowbray                                              13/11/1879
CUMMINS                         Margaret Jane                                             1/3/1888
CUMMINS                         Robert Crawford                                           29/4/1892
CUMMINS                         Thomas                                                    26/6/1883
CURRAN                          Elizabeth                                                 4/8/1866 c
CURRAN                          Mary Anne                                                 24/5/1863
CURRAN                          William                                                   22/9/1861
CURRIE                          Anna Lucy                                                 17/2/1877
CURRIE                          Charlotte Jane                                            25/6/1884
CURRIE                          Emma Elizabeth                                            25/2/1879
CURRIE                          Herbert George                                            29/5/1875
CURRIE                          Katherine Edith                                           6/11/1886
CURRIE                          Mary Hannah                                               18/2/1870
CURRIE                          Mervin David                                              26/7/1880
CURRIE                          Sarah Josephine                                           26/6/1890
CUTHBERT                        Annie Nevin                                               30/6/1884
DAVIS                           Bernard                                                   6/12/1897
DAVIS                           Catherine                                                 1/4/1895
DAVIS                           Charles                                                   23/10/1885
DAVIS                           Ellen                                                     24/7/1899
DAVIS                           Herbert                                                   12/5/1887
DAVIS                           James                                                     29/1/1893
DAVIS                           Mary Elizabeth                                            2/1/1891
DAVIS                           Richard                                                   30/12/1888
DEACON                          Alexander                                                 18/2/1891
DEACON                          Elizabeth                                                 2/1/1898
DEACON                          Isabella                                                  4/3/1880
DEACON                          Jeanie Isabella Macarthur                                 10/7/1895
DEACON                          Marian                                                    15/8/1876
DEACON                          Marshal John Cameron                                      23/12/1892
DEACON                          Marshall                                                  9/9/1899
DEACON                          Richard                                                   26/5/1882
DEACON                          Richard John                                              29/5/1885
DICKSON                         Norah Vaughan                                             3/7/1899
DICKSON                         William John James Aiken Hamilton Ansdell? Tredennick?    24/4/1878
DUKES                           Arthur John David                                         23/3/1897
DUNCAN                          Dorothea Elizabeth Sarah Martha                           22/1/1874
DUNCAN                          William George                                            27/11/1872
DUNDAS                          Elizabeth                                                 4/2/1898
DUNDAS                          Isabella                                                  11/10/1896
DUNDAS                          Isabella                                                  17/6/1895
DUNDAS                          James                                                     11/3/1893
DUNDAS                          William Thomas                                            20/12/1897
DYAS (*)                        Florence Roberta                                          20/4/1898
DYAS (*)                        Kathleen Mabel                                            1/10/1896
DYAS (*)                        Violet Victoria                                           24/5/1894
EAKINS                          Thomas Robert                                             7/11/1880
ELLIOTT                         William James                                             7/8/1892
ELLIOTT                         William John                                              8/11/1873
ELLIS                           Alexander                                                 1/1/1886
ELLIS                           Arthur                                                    27/12/1888
ELLIS                           Hebert                                                    22/1/1895
ELLIS                           Joseph                                                    7/10/1887
ELLIS                           Robert George                                             14/4/1884
FITZPATRICK                     Catherine                                                 3/4/1876
FITZPATRICK                     James                                                     5/4/1877
FITZPATRICK                     Mary                                                      6/5/1878
FITZPATRICK                     Sidney                                                    8/2/1875
FITZPATRICK                     Thomas                                                    27/10/1873
FLOWER                          Robert Albert Cook Friar                                  13/1/1891
FLUKE                           Annabella                                                 12/9/1887
FLUKE                           Margaret                                                  5/5/1890
FRECKELTON                      William Joshua                                            12/6/1894
FRECKLETON                      John Magee                                                25/3/1892
FRECKLETON                      Lydia Maud                                                24/9/1896
GALLAGHER                       Mary Emily                                                10/3/1884
GILPIN                          Emily                                                     23/9/1884
GLEN                            Catherine                                                 10/12/1897
GORMLEY                         Catherine                                                 26/11/1883
GORMLEY                         Edward                                                    1/12/1887
GORMLEY                         Eliza Ann                                                 17/9/1879
GORMLEY                         Isabella                                                  13/11/1885
GORMLEY                         James                                                     10/5/1898
GORMLEY                         Maggie                                                    22/7/1881
GORMLEY                         Mary Jane                                                 15/2/1878
GORMLEY                         Rebecca                                                   18/3/1894
GREEN                           Andrew Finlay                                             16/6/1876
GREEN                           Annie Maud Stewart                                        21/10/1873
GREEN                           Ernest Thompson                                           1/7/1899
GREEN                           Finlay Monds Finlay cord)                                 28/9/1872
GREEN                           Florence Rabey Stewart                                    4/9/1872
GREEN                           Mary Finlay                                               17/6/1874
GREER                           John                                                      26/12/1898
HAMILTON                        Evelyne Amy                                               21/4/1884
HAMILTON                        Henry Wybrants                                            16/2/1882
HAMILTON                        Isabella                                                  8/6/1880
HANNA                           Andrew                                                    23/3/1888
HANNA                           George                                                    7/10/1886
HANNA                           Hessie Ellen                                              14/2/1890
HANNA                           James                                                     2/1/1892
HANNA                           Mary Jane                                                 3/2/1894
HANSARD                         Herbert Edward                                            5/10/1872
HARRISON                        Emily                                                     25/11/1882
HARRISON                        Margaret Elizabeth                                        20/10/1889
HARRISON                        Sarah Jane                                                8/5/1885
HARRISON                        Thomas                                                    4/3/1887
HEARN                           Charles Robert Thomley                                    13/9/1886
HEWLETT                         Agnes                                                     2/2/1876
HOLDBRY                         Joseph Blake                                              2/1/1895
HYNDMAN                         James                                                     28/10/1887
HYNDMAN                         Jane                                                      29/11/1885
IRVINE                          David                                                     5/4/1884
IRVINE                          George                                                    20/1/1880
IRVINE                          John                                                      28/12/1881
JENKINS                         Isaac                                                     4/1/1874
JENKINS                         Thomas                                                    19/5/1876
JENKINS                         William                                                   19/1/1872
JOHNSTON                        James Oswald                                              29/12/1876
JOHNSTON                        Thomas                                                    16/7/1874
JONES                           Elizabeth Jane Sophia                                     11/12/1892
JONES                           George Alexander                                          22/11/1891
KANE                            Annie                                                     2/6/1884
KANE                            Jane                                                      12/1/1896
KEANE                           Ilene?? Dagmer??                                          18/7/1899
KEENAN                          Ellen Elizabeth                                           22/2/1896
KEENAN                          George Graham                                             30/4/1898
KEENAN                          James                                                     25/9/1893
KEENAN                          John                                                      4/10/1898
KEENAN                          Martha???                                                 17/7/1899
KEENAN                          Robert                                                    17/1/1897
KEENAN                          William                                                   6/3/1895
KENNY                           William Joseph                                            6/4/1890
KERRIGAN                        Margaret Jane                                             28/2/1876
KERRIGAN                        Susan                                                     24/4/1874
KERRIGAN                        Thomas                                                    28/6/1879
KNOX                            David John                                                6/8/1889
KNOX                            Ellen Jane                                                24/12/1894
KNOX                            John                                                      30/4/1892
KNOX                            Mary Elizabeth                                            5/2/1887
KNOX                            Richard                                                   25/3/1885
KNOX                            William Edward                                            2/11/1882
KOCH                            Florence Ellen                                            7/12/1886
KOCH OR KOCK                    William Robert                                            16/8/1888
LAIRD                           Alexander                                                 5/9/1892
LAIRD                           Christopher                                               8/3/1895
LAIRD                           Eliza Anne                                                18/2/1888
LAIRD                           George                                                    27/8/1889
LAIRD                           Isabella                                                  18/8/1885
LAIRD                           John                                                      9/2/1894
LAIRD                           Margaret Gertrude                                         23/3/1899
LAIRD                           Mary Jane                                                 16/11/1890
LAIRD                           Rebecca                                                   7/6/1897
LAIRD                           William James                                             23/9/1886
LANG                            Frances Jane                                              11/3/1897
LESLIE                          Christina                                                 5/5/1892
LESLIE                          Eliza Ellen                                               4/3/1897
LESLIE                          Hamilton                                                  21/11/1895
LESLIE                          Hamilton                                                  24/5/1893
LESLIE                          Julia                                                     22/2/1897
LESLIE                          Margaret                                                  30/8/1890
LESLIE                          Mary Jane                                                 6/7/1895
LESLIE                          Rebecca                                                   12/9/1899
LEWERS                          Frederick                                                 1/11/1899
LEWERS                          Henry                                                     23/10/1897
LIDSTONE                        Beatrice Mary                                             19/10/1882
LIDSTONE                        Charles James                                             15/6/1884
LIDSTONE                        Emma Jane                                                 2/2/1866
LIKELY                          Anna Florence                                             17/2/1879
LIKELY                          Janetta Elizabeth                                         28/4/1876
LINN                            Isabella                                                  2/2/1881
LINN                            Joseph                                                    14/2/1886
LINN                            Margaret Ann                                              14/9/1876
LINN                            Sarah Ellen                                               1/8/1878
LINN                            Thomas                                                    12/9/1874
LIPSETT                         Annie eliza Magdalene                                     23/11/1873
LIPSETT                         Arthur Harold                                             23/3/1884
LIPSETT                         Bertha Winifred                                           1/1/1888
LIPSETT                         Charlotte Elizabeth                                       10/8/1899
LIPSETT                         Christopher Maxwell                                       10/11/1899
LIPSETT                         Edith Dorothy                                             19/2/1878
LIPSETT                         Elizabeth Ethel May                                       29/10/1876
LIPSETT                         Elizabeth Jane                                            25/6/1898
LIPSETT                         Frances Mary Ethel                                        18/8/1879
LIPSETT                         Ida May                                                   28/9/1890
LIPSETT                         Lewis James                                               15/6/1874
LIPSETT                         Lewis Richard                                             16/8/1876
LIPSETT                         Mabel Gertrude                                            10/8/1880
LIPSETT                         Rebecca Evelyn                                            31/10/1897
LIPSETT                         Robert                                                    22/7/1875
LIPSETT                         Robert                                                    27/9/1893
LIPSETT                         Sarah Margaret                                            17/9/1895
LIPSETT                         William Alfred                                            29/1/1866
LIPSETT                         William Plews                                             21/4/1873
LOCKHART                        Gabriel James                                             28/12/1883
LONG                            William                                                   3/6/1893
LOUGHLIN                        Mary Crawford                                             31/3/1891
LOWRY                           Elizabeth                                                 4/9/1896
LOWRY                           Emma Jane                                                 15/8/1899
LOWRY                           Florence                                                  27/11/1897
LOWRY                           Margaret                                                  22/1/1874
LYONS                           Robert Victor                                             6/7/1893
MACANN                          Bessie May coates                                         13/1/1874
MACREDY                         Robert John                                               1/1/1877
MAGARRY                         Andrew Stephenson                                         7/6/1880
MAGUIRE                         Mary Jane                                                 16/11/1872
MAHOOD                          John Dowter???                                            4/4/1898
MAXWELL                         James                                                     10/2/1892
MCBRIDE                         Catherine                                                 1/12/1877
MCBRIDE                         Catherine                                                 19/2/1876
MCBRIDE                         Ellen                                                     7/3/1884
MCBRIDE                         Hannah                                                    25/8/1885
MCBRIDE                         John                                                      17/7/1874
MCBRIDE                         Margaret                                                  3/2/1882
MCBRIDE                         Mary Ann                                                  4/10/1875
MCBRIDE                         Rebecca                                                   5/10/1879
MCBRIDE                         Thomas                                                    5/9/1880
MCBRIDE                         William John                                              21/6/1888
MCBRIEN                         Catherine                                                 21/5/1878
MCBRIEN                         Margaret                                                  2/3/1885
MCBRIEN                         Maxwell                                                   9/12/1882
MCBRIEN                         Samuel                                                    11/7/1880
MCBRIEN                         Thomas John                                               2/8/1876
MCCLAY                          Alice Eliza                                               5/8/1877
MCCLAY                          James Oswald                                              15/7/1874
MCCLAY                          John Joseph                                               10/10/1875
MCCLAY                          Rebecca Lucy                                              1/5/1873
MCCOY                           John Stewart                                              10/5/1888
MCCREDY                         Ellen Elizabeth Mary Henrietta                            8/3/1875
MCFEETIERS                      George                                                    20/7/1877
MCFEETURS                       Ellen Jane                                                9/7/1882
MCFEETURS                       John                                                      13/10/1879
MCINTIRE                        James                                                     20/7/1877
MCINTYRE                        Ann Jane                                                  26/11/1878
MCINTYRE                        Dorinda                                                   17/11/1875
MCINTYRE                        John                                                      20/3/1874
MCINTYRE                        Katie                                                     17/1/1889
MCINTYRE                        Robert John                                               12/5/1881
MCINTYRE                        Thomas                                                    2/5/1866
MCINTYRE                        William                                                   16/5/1884
MCINTYRE                        William John                                              25/1/1891
MCKINLEY                        John Samuel                                               1/5/1889
MCMULLAN                        Samuel                                                    21/4/1894
MCMULLEN                        Alexander                                                 12/8/1896
MCSHARRY                        Eliza                                                     7/1/1880
MECREDY                         John McCreight                                            26/11/1882
MEGARRY                         Elizabeth Margaret                                        28/3/1879
MEGARRY                         Jane Ellen                                                29/8/1877
MILLER                          Agnes                                                     29/7/1881
MILLER                          Frank                                                     7/4/1879
MILLER                          Fred                                                      17/5/1883
MILLER                          John                                                      14/10/1875
MILLER                          Selina                                                    14/8/1877
MILLER                          William                                                   18/1/1874
MOFFITT                         Letitia Jane                                              25/1/1891
MONTEITH                        David Wilson                                              24/5/1866
MONTGOMERY                      Catherine                                                 6/6/1879
MOORE                           Francis                                                   8/5/1876
MOORE                           Frederick                                                 23/6/1874
MOORE                           William James                                             3/11/1872
MORROW                          Andrew                                                    1/3/1892
MORROW                          Anna Bella                                                22/5/1887
MORROW                          Elizabeth                                                 25/4/1885
MORROW                          Emily                                                     7/10/1896
MORROW                          James                                                     4/5/1893
MORROW                          John George                                               3/8/1889
MORROW                          Mary                                                      27/4/1884
MORROW                          Susan Jane                                                9/8/1875
MULLER                          William Robert                                            12/8/1875
MYLES                           Anne Jane                                                 16/5/1878
MYLES                           Ellen                                                     28/4/1877
MYLES                           Johnston                                                  22/12/1874
MYLES                           Robert                                                    24/4/1880
NEELY                           William                                                   1/4/1879
NICHOLAS (*)                    Yvonne Louisa                                             3/7/1890
NIXON                           Matilda                                                   27/9/1893
NOT LISTED                      George William                                            8/10/1886
NOT LISTED                      Joseph Donaldson                                          21/3/1879
NOT LISTED                      Mary Anne                                                 11/11/1893
NOT LISTED                      Mary Anne                                                 19/2/1896
NOT LISTED                      Mary Bierney                                              11/7/1878
ORR                             Hannah Rebecca Elizabeth                                  18/10/1896
ORR                             James Arthur Nugent                                       22/1/1893
ORR                             Robert Ewing                                              14/4/1891
ORR                             Thomas Alfred Hazlett                                     16/2/1895
OVENS                           Emily                                                     17/3/1880
OVENS                           Margaret                                                  27/3/1882
OVENS                           William John                                              21/5/1884
PARKE                           Catherine                                                 4/4/1883
PARRACK                         Joseph                                                    24/9/1887
PATTERSON                       Elizabeth                                                 30/6/1878
PATTERSON                       Emma                                                      16/6/1881
PATTERSON                       George                                                    18/10/1875
PATTERSON                       Johnston                                                  1/2/1873
PATTERSON                       Rebecca                                                   25/1/1875
PATTERSON                       Robert James                                              12/5/1873
PATTERSON                       Walter                                                    25/7/1873
PATTERSON                       William                                                   25/3/1874
PATTERSON                       William Andrew                                            18/4/1877
PATTON                          Alfred Fraser                                             19/8/1880
PATTON                          James George                                              3/2/1877
PATTON                          Susan Bella                                               31/10/1875
PATTON                          Thomas Frazer                                             25/3/1878
PIPER                           Sarah Jane                                                22/6/1889
PORTER                          Samuel George                                             17/12/1876
PULLMAN???                      Dorithy Newel                                             7/4/1889
RANKIN                          Martha                                                    15/9/1891
RICHARDSON                      Robert John                                               7/2/1879
RICHARDSON                      William Thomas                                            10/9/1877
ROBERTS                         Catherine                                                 24/2/1875
ROBERTS                         George                                                    13/3/1877
ROBERTS                         James                                                     12/1/1880
ROBERTS                         Margaret                                                  5/3/1873
ROBERTS                         William                                                   3/5/1884
ROBERTS                         William John                                              23/4/1882
ROBINSON                        Elizabeth Mary                                            23/9/1874
ROBINSON                        John                                                      22/8/1876
ROBINSON                        Sarah Alice Elizabeth                                     1/4/1896
SCOTT                           Elizabeth Margaret Josephine                              28/8/1888
SCOTT                           Emily Georgina                                            16/8/1891
SCOTT                           Mary Kathleen Annette                                     29/10/1886
SHEIL                           Joseph                                                    29/10/1874
SHIEL                           Thomas                                                    23/4/1877
SHRIVER                         William                                                   see comments
SIMPSON                         Anne Elizabeth                                            8/11/1886
SLATER                          Jeanie Cameron                                            28/12/1893
SLATER                          Marshal Frederick                                         23/1/1896
SMITH                           Robert                                                    25/1/1898
SOMMERVILLE                     Samuel                                                    1/2/1885
SPENWICK                        Elizabeth                                                 21/7/1884
STEELE                          (illegible) Walter                                        3/9/1899
STEWART                         David                                                     12/1/1897
STEWART                         Dorothy May                                               20/1/1899
STEWART                         George Henry                                              16/8/1874
STINSON                         Mary Ellen                                                21/2/1892
STRAIN                          James Arthur Rea                                          3/2/1893
STRAIN                          Violet May                                                9/1/1894
STUBBS                          Emily Chinney                                             16/4/1875
STUBBS                          Thomas Troubridge                                         20/3/1876
TAYLOR                          Alexander                                                 24/12/1875
TAYLOR                          John                                                      24/12/1875
TAYLOR                          William James                                             1/11/1872
THOMPSON                        Annie                                                     17/8/1876
THOMPSON                        Samuel George                                             13/6/1882
TODD                            Douglas Ross                                              13/5/1885
TODD                            Florence Gertrude Ross                                    4/6/1888
TODD                            Margery                                                   3/10/1889
TODD                            Paul Ross                                                 16/12/1886
TREDENNICK                      George St. George                                         13/9/1881
TREDENNICK                      John Archibald St. Leger                                  3/7/1883
TRIMBLE                         Kathleen May                                              28/5/1893
VANCE                           Alexander Richard                                         9/3/1894
VANCE                           Charlotte Susanna                                         10/4/1893
VANCE                           Christina                                                 8/9/1890 c
VANCE                           Eliza Ellen                                               31/7/1892
VANCE                           Elizabeth                                                 11/2/1887
VANCE                           Fanny Jane                                                8/4/1890
VANCE                           Francis                                                   3/12/1888
VANCE                           Frederick John                                            17/5/1895
VANCE                           Jane Anne                                                 19/1/1893
VANCE                           John                                                      10/6/1886
VANCE                           John                                                      2/2/1873
VANCE                           John Wesley                                               11/8/1891
VANCE                           Lavera Octavia                                            7/9/1897
VANCE                           Letitia                                                   4/8/1889
VANCE                           Margaret Barbara                                          29/3/1895
VAUGHAN                         Mary Jane                                                 6/2/1874
WALSH                           Cyril Charles                                             13/7/1898
WATSON                          Catherine Jane                                            25/5/1874
WATSON                          Isaac                                                     21/7/1876
WATSON                          Sarah Ann                                                 21/10/1878
WILSON                          Amy Violet Victoria                                       6/7/1897
WILSON                          Elizabeth                                                 15/6/1889
WILSON                          Hanna                                                     1/5/1887
WILSON                          John                                                      27/6/1891
WILSON                          Mary Jane                                                 11/3/1885
WILSON                          William James                                             27/2/1877
WRAY                            Charles William                                           29/10/1883
WRAY                            Charlotte                                                 28/2/1892
WRAY                            Frances Ellen                                             1/11/1897
WRAY                            Francis                                                   23/2/1890
WRAY                            Isabella Gertrude                                         15/4/1888
WRAY                            Margaret                                                  6/7/1894
WRAY                            Margaret Elizabeth                                        22/2/1885
WRAY                            Mary Anne                                                 24/7/1879
WRAY                            Mary Anne                                                 30/7/1886
YOUNG                           Robert Alexander                                          19/6/1879
YOUNG                           Samuel                                                    8/5/1876
YOUNG                           William                                                   14/10/1873