Finner RC Cemetery - Part 2, M-Z, - County Donegal, Ireland
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Donegal Index
File contributed by: Kev Murray


Photo No. 136
In Loving Memory of | our dear mother | MARY MAGUIRE Ex N.T.
| Bundrowes, Tullachan | died 7th Nov 1974 aged 76 yrs | her
husband HUGH | died 7th Oct 1981 aged 86 yrs | Rest in Peace

Photo No. 137
Erected by | MALACHY MAGUIRE | in loving memory of his wife
| MARY ELLEN MAGUIRE | Duncarbery | died 16th Sept 1974 |
also JOHN MAGUIRE | died 14th Sept 1973 | also Father and
Mother | and all the MAQUIRE Family | MALACHY MAGUIRE | died
4th Aug 1984 | BEA MAGUIRE | died 20th July 1985 | R.I.P. |

Photo No. 138
Pray for the soul | of | PATRICK MANION | who died 18th (?)
Sept 1932 (?) | R.I.P. | Erected by his sister ELLEN.

Photo No. 139
In Loving Memory of | BRIDGET MARTIN | The Rock, Bundoran |
died 12 November 1976 | and her husband | PATRICK JOSEPH |
died 5th June 1989 | Rest in Peace | Erected by her family |

Photo No. 140
Overview of No. 141.

Photo No. 141
mcbride_mag_1-3.jpg | illegible.

Photo No. 142
In Loving Memory of | MARY JOSEPHINE McBRIDE | died 13th
March 1962 | SYDNEY McBRIDE | died 10th March 1969 | R.I.P.

Photo No. 143
mccaffrey_corbett_1-3.jpg | illegible

Photo No. 144
Overview of No. 145.

Photo No. 145
Sacred Heart of Jesus | Have mercy on the soul of | JAMES
McCORMACK | ... Apr 1965 aged 42 years | Erected by his
loving wife | remainder is illegible.

Photo No. 146
MARGARET MCCOY Died ? Jan 1925 Aged ?  | BETTY MCCOY Who
Died ? April 1940 Aged ? years.

Photo No. 147
Sacred Heart of Jesus | Have mercy on the soul of | PHILIP
McDERMOTT | died 12 July 1926 | aged 65 years | his wife
MARY | died 24th May 1961 | aged 101 years | and their son |
PHILIP JOSEPH McDERMOTT |died 30th Nov 1967 | R.I.P.

Photo No. 148
In memory of | The McDONNELL Family | Bundoran | R.I.P.

Photo No. 149
In | Loving Memory | of | JOHN McGLOIN | Derryduff | died
16th Feb 1928 | his wife BRIDGET | died 16th July 1945 |
their daughter BEE | died 9th April 1970 | their son JAMES |
died 28th Nov 1978 | their daughter ROSE | died 3rd Feb 1999
| R.I.P. | Erected by their loving family

Photo No. 150
In Loving Memory | of | MARY McGLOIN | Wardhouse | who
departed this life | 8th December 1908 | aged 72 years |
also JAMES and WINIFRED GALLAGHER | and family | and HUGHIE
DOHERTY | died 17 Dec 1972 aged 77 yrs | his wife MADGE (nee
GALLAGHER) | died 29 June 1998 aged 97 yrs | R.I.P.

Photo No. 151
In Loving Memory | of | JOHN McGONIGLE | Finner, Bundoran |
died 10th April 1950 | his wife MARGARET | died 26th August
1951 | their son Peter | died 23rd Sept 1984 | their
daughter NORAH | died 11th Oct 1984 | their daughter | MARY
ROSE | died 25th Nov 1993 | Say one Hail Mary | McGONIGLE.

Photo No. 152
In | Loving Memory | of | EDWARD (EDDIE) McGOWAN |
Macheracar | died 13th December 1984 | his wife ELIZABETH
(LILY) | died 21st March 1942 | also his sons | JAMES and
PATRICK | died in infancy | Rest in Peace | McGOWAN.

Photo No. 153
Left stone:
See No. 154.

Right stone:
In Memory of | JAMES TEYHAN | Dim ... | died 19th November
... | R.I.P. | remainder is illegible.

Photo No. 154
Pray for the souls of | the McHUGH Family | Bundoran |

Photo No. 155
In Loving Memory | of | MICHAEL McHUGH | White House,
Bundoran | died 26th Dec 1911 | his wife ANN JANE | died 2nd
June 1955 | R.I.P.

Photo No. 156
Large Rear stone:
In Loving Memory | of | HUGH McINTYRE | Bunduff | died 20th
Nov 1947 | his wife Bridget | died 17th July 1963 | NANCY
HIGGINS | died 14th Nov 1974 | CHARLES McINTYRE | died 25th
Feb 1979.

Small cross left:
ROSALEEN McINTYRE | died | 17th Dec 1989 (?)

Small cross center-front:
Pray | for | PADDY McINTYRE | died | 22nd Oct 2000.

Photo No. 157
IHS | Here lyest the | body of DENIS | McINURE who | dept
this life the | 9th Novr 1793 | aged 8? years.

Photo No. 158
IHS | Here lyth the body | of PHLIM McLONE | also ye body of
| JANE (?) McLONE | who dyed Agt | the 28th ... Aged ..

Photo No. 159
In Loving Memory | of | PATRICK MCMANUS | Newtown Bundoran |
who departed this life | 9th Oct 1911 aged 85 years | also
his wife MARGARET | who died 5th August 1925 |aged 83 (?)
years | also ELLEN | and PATRICK McMANUS | Ardfarna | R.I.P.
| Erected by | their loving daughter ANNIE.

Photo No. 160
Left Stone:
In Memory of | TERENCE & ANNIE McMANUS | & son LEO |
Rockvilla | R.I.P.

Middle stone:
See No. 159.

Right stone:
In Loving Memory of | MICHAEL T. McMANUS | Newtown, Bundoran
| died 4th Sept 1960 aged 73 years | his wife MARY J. | died
27th Feb 1966 aged 72 years.

Photo No. 161
mcnamee_thomas-3.jpg | illegible.

Photo No. 162
My Jesus Mercy | In | Loving Memory | of | ERNEST McNULTY |
died 15th July 1966 | R.I.P. | Erected by his wife and sons.

Photo No. 163
In Loving Memory of | JAMES McNULTY | Derryherk | died 21st
Aug 1950 | his wife MARY | died 18th March 1969 | their son
DANNIE | died 25th Dec 1982 | and daughter CISSIE | died
27th Deb 1994 | Rest in Peace | Erected by their loving
family | McNULTY.

Photo No. 164
In Loving Memory of | JOHN MCNULTY | Died 10th March 19?4 |
Aged 18 Years.

Photo No. 165
In Loving Memory of | JOHN McNULTY, Ardfarna | died 24th
March 1930 | his wife MARGARET  died 29th Oct 1958 | their
sons | DANNY died 2 July 1957 | Jim died 4th April 1992 |
Rest in Peace | Erected by JOE and EDDIE McNULTY, U.S.A. |

Photo No. 166
In Loving Memory | of | MICHAEL MCNULTY | who died 7th March
1888 | aged 78 years | CATHERINE McNULTY | who died 3rd
March 1898 | aged 75 years | CONSTANTINE McNULTY | who died
28th Sep 1909 | aged 62 years | ELLEN McNULTY | who died
16th May 1912 | aged 60 years.

Photo No. 167
In Loving Memory of | the McNULTY Family | Gort Tawley | TOM
died 1947, PATRICK died 1943 | and his wife HONOUR and their
infant twins died 1894 | and his second wife KATE died 1927
| his son MICHAEL died 1953 | and his wife WINIFRED died
1996 | R.I.P.

Photo No. 168
In Loving Memory of | VINCENT MCNULTY | died 17th June 1939
| his sister HELEN | died 21st Feb 1972 | his brother
MICHAEL | died 6th June 1990 | Rest in Peace.

Photo No. 169
In Loving Memory | of | ANNE McSHARRY | Bundoran | died 9th
October 1974 aged 80 years | also pray for | JOHN and
CHARLES GORMAN | JESSIE McSHARRY | died 2nd September 1996
aged 77 years | her husband MICHAEL | died 14th February
2000 aged 74 years | R.I.P.

Photo No. 170
Sacred Heart of Jesus | Have Mercy on the Soul | of |
TERENCE MCSHEA | ????more  | Died March 19?2 | His Wife
CATHERINE | Died April 1928.

Photo No. 171
ALEXANDER McVITTY | died 9th Sept 1884 | Aged ?? years.

Photo No. 172
ANN J. McVITTY | died 19th June 1924 | Aged 84 years.

Photo No. 173
LIONEL BLAIR | died ?? July 1903 | ?? years.

Photo No. 174
ELIZABETH McVITTY | died 5th Sept 1890 | aged 90 (?) years.

Photo No. 175
mcvitty_kavanagh_1-3.jpg | Several lines illegible | aged 2?
| MARGARET who died in infancy

Photo No. 176
MARY A. KAVANAGH | died 6th April 190? | aged 65 (?) years.

Photo No. 177
MARY McVITTY | died 10th April 18?? | aged 20 years |
remainder is illegible.

Photo No. 178
mcvitty_william_elizzabeth_margaret-3.jpg | illegible.

Photo No. 179
Left stone:
Treasured Memories | of | MARJIE MEEHAN | (nee DUFFY) | a
dear wife, mother and friend | died 3rd Dec 2000 aged 53
years | Rest in Peace | MEEHAN.

Right Stone:
In Loving Memory | of | PATRICK MEEHAN | died 24th May 1958
aged 52 years | his wife MARY | died 1st July 1984 aged 84
years | and his parents | WINNIE and PETER | Rest in Peace |

Photo No. 180
Overview of Nos. 181-183

Photo No. 181
In | Memory | of | PATRICK  J. MEEHAN | Bundoran | who died
4th March 1926 | aged 61 years | his wife ANNE FRANCES | who
died 8th Aug 1948 | aged 83 years | their son PATRICK JAMES
| who died 6th Nov 1952 | aged 57 years.

Photo No. 182
Close up of No. 181.

Photo No. 183
Sacred heart of Jesus | have mercy on the souls | of |
FRANCIS ALOYSIUS MEEHAN | who died 16th July 1950 | aged 48
years | also his wife CATHERINE | who died 26th (?) Jan 1952
| aged 51 years | R.I.P. | MEEHAN.

Photo No. 184
In Loving Memory | of | LAWRENCE MEEHAN | died 6th September
1928 | his wife BRIGID | died 6th December 1947 | his father
JOHN died June 1927 | their family | KATIE died 14th May
1973 | LARRY died 10th March 1996 | JOHNNY died 11th January
2002 | baby GERARD JOSEPH (son of JOHNNY) died 10th April
1966 | Rest in Peace | MEEHAN | Ardfarna & Rowentree Hill.

Photo No. 185
Of your charity | pray for the soul of | MARY MEEHAN | who
died July 28th 1897 | aged 26 years | MARTHA O'REILLY |
Daneville Bundoran | died 19th Aug 1953 | her daughter
MARTHA | died 14th Feb 1993.

Photo No. 186
Pray for the souls of | MICHAEL MELANOPHY | his wife AGNES |
and daughter PHILOMENA | their son JOHN | died in Blackburn
| 16th March 1995 | R.I.P.

Photo No. 187
Pray for the souls of | of | deceased members | of | the
MELLY Family | Drumacrin, Bundoran | also of JOHN CAMERON |
Bundoran | died 20th Sept 1963 | his wife MARGARET | died
15th Aug 1986.

Photo No. 188
Left stone:
In Loving Memory | of a dear husband | JIM MELLY | Finner |
died 20th Nov 1962 | aged 46 years | his son GERALD | died
28th April 1982 | aged 23 years.

Right stone:
MELLY | Finner | JAMES 1867-1952 | MARGARET 1880-1963 |
GERARD 1911-1976 | R.I.P.

Photo No. 189
IHS | Erected in memory | of MICHAEL MELLY | who dept this
life | October 2nd ???? | aged ?4 years.

Photo No. 190
PATRICK MELLY | died Feb 2? 1854 (?) | JAMES MELLY | died
Feb 2? 18?? | MARY MELLY | remainder is illegible.

Photo No. 191
In Loving Memory | of | OWEN MELLY | who died 11th Nov 1913
| aged 78 years | also his infant daughter | who died 1878 |
remainder is illegible.

Photo No. 192
Left side:
IHS | Here lies the body of | PAUL MELLY who | depd this
life February | 1802 Aged ?? Years.

Right Side:
IHS | Erected by OWEN | MELLY in memory | of his son WILLIAM
| MELLY who depd this life August ?? | 1809 Aged 0 Years

Photo No. 193
melly_peter_bridget-3.jpg | illegible.

Photo No. 194
41 C. Serjt Major | W. MITCHELL | Army Gymnastic Staff | 13
April 1917.

Photo No. 195
Sacred heart of Jesus | have mercy on the souls | of |
FRANCIS MOOHAN | who died 3rd November 1937 | also his wife
CATHERINE | who died 17th January 1951 | and their son
THOMAS | who died 15th September 1949 | and daughter
JOSEPHINE | died 27th August 1988 | R.I.P. | MOOHAN.

Photo No. 196
In Loving Memory | of | MICHAEL MOOHAN | Drumacrin, Bundoran
| died 4th Feb 1967 | aged 78 years | also his sons |
PATRICK and NOEL | who died in infancy | his wife MARY ANN |
died 13th June 1975 | R.I.P. | Erected by | his loving wife,
son and daughters | MOOHAN.

Photo No. 197
ROSANA MOONEY | alias MULHERAN | who departed this | life
the 21st (?) day of | July 1792 (?) Aged | 74 years | also
GEORGE MOONEY | who dept this life the | 14th (?) of January
???? | Aged 21 (?) years.

Photo No. 198
Close up of NO. 197.

Photo No. 199
IHS | Here lyeth the | body of PATRICK | MULHERAN who
departed this life | the 8th of April ???? | aged 6? years.

Photo No. 200
Sacred heart of Jesus have mercy on the souls | of
Left column:
DANIEL MULHERN | died 11th Jan 1930 | his wife MARY | died
8th Aug 1954 | their daughter MARGARET died 8th Jan 1970 |
their sons | DANIEL JOSEPH died 4th June 1971 | PATRICK died
27th Jan 1974 | their daughters KATE MULHERN | died 16th Dec
1978 | BERNADETTE GALLAGHER died 3rd Nov 1990.

Right column:
Grandparents | HUGH TRAVERS | died 9th Dec 1908 | his wife
MARY died 24th Nov 1918 | also | MICHAEL TRAVERS died 25th
May 1923 | MARGARET TRAVERS died 4th Jan 1024 | grandsons |
EDWARD GERALD died 7th Dec 1986 | DANIEL JOSEPH died 26th
Sept 1995.

Photo No. 201
Left Temporary marker:
In | Loving | Memory of | LEO MULHERN | 7 St. Bridget's Tce
East End | Bundoran | died 8th November 2004 | May he rest
in Peace.

Right temporary marker:
KATHERINE MULHERN | remainder is illegible.

Photo No. 202
Close up of No. 201 (left).

Photo No. 203
mulhern_danny_michael_bridget_1-3.jpg | illegible.

Photo No. 204
IHS | In Loving Memory | of | JOHN MULHERN | died 2nd Jan
1961 | his wife ELIZABETH | died 8th Aug 1945 | their sons
WILLIAM | died 14th Sept 1941 aged 17 yrs | EDWARD | died
8th Oct 1962 aged 45 yrs | their daughter ANNIE | died 13th
April 1970 | their sons MICHAEL | died 28th Sept 1976 | JOHN
died 17 Sept 1982 | daughter MAY SIMMS died 25-2-1983 |

Photo No. 205
mulhern_michael_mcelroy-2.jpg | illegible

Photo No. 206
Erected | In Loving Memory of | JOHN MULLEN | Who Died 13th
June 1927 aged 39 Years | His Wife ROSE | Died 1st May 1957
Aged 78 Yrs.

Photo No. 207
In Loving Memory of | MARGARET NULLEN | St. Bridgets Tce,
Bundoran | died 8th Dec 1979 aged 77 yrs | her husband PETER
| died 26th March 1983 aged 82 yrs | SEAN KERR | 6th Nov
1935 - Sept 24th 1999 | Always in our hearts and minds |
Your light still shines | With Love, your wife and family |
Rest in Peace | MULLEN.

Photo No. 208
In Loving Memory of | MARY MULREANY | Wardhouse, Tullaghan |
died 25th March 1961 | MICHAEL MULREANY | died 5th April
1963 | and their grandson baby ANTHONY MULREANY | Bundoran |
died November 1971 | Rest in Peace.

Photo No. 209
In Loving Memory of | Deceased members of the MUNDAY Family
| Rock Road, Bundoran | DAN MUNDAY, East End, Bundoran |
died 23rd November 1966 | his son PADDY died 23rd November
1956 | Rest in Peace | MUNADY.

Photo No. 210
? lyeth the body of GIL (?) | MUNDAY Who depd this life |
.... 9th 1795 aged 78 years | also his wife NAPPY (?)
GILVARRY who depd this life June 1st | 1779 aged 44 yr Also
GILL... (GILBERT???) MUNDAY JUN who depd | .... aged ?6

Photo No. 211
In | Loving Memory | of | OWEN MUNDAY | Pallyshannon | who
died 18th March 1905 | aged 74 years | also his brother |
PATRICK MUNDAY | who died 8th August 1900 | aged 74 |
TERENCE MUNDAY | died 22nd Dec 1952 | his wife ALICE | died
19th May 1941 | their grandchild ISABELL | died 25th Nov
1983 | TERENCE MUNDAY | died 24th Dec 1989 | his wife
MARGARET | died 22nd July 1995 (?) | aged 82 years | R.I.P.

Photo No. 212
In Loving Memory | of | JOHN and BRIGID MURPHY | Bundoran |
and their sons | JOSEPH, HUGH, SEAN and JAMES.

Photo No. 213
Sacred heart of Jesus | have mercy on the souls of | THOMAS
MURPHY Bundoran | died Dec 13th 1953 | his wife MARGARET |
died Sept 19th 1955 | and their grandson | baby NOLAN | died
August 1958 | R.I.P. | MURPHY.

Photo No. 214
Booklet style stones
Left stone, left side:
Pray for the souls | of | deceased members |of | the MURRAY
Family | ....
right side:
their grandson | CRAIG | PETER MOORE | died 22 Oct ???? |
aged 33 years | JAMES J. MURRAY | .... | .... of | EILEEN
NORA (?) | died 25 April 2204 | Rest in Peace.

Right stone, left side:
Pray for the soul | of | BERNARD J. HARTE | .... | died 31st
(?) Dec 1979 (?) | his wife | EILEEN NORA | died .....
right side:
Rest in Peace.

Photo No. 215
Pray for | MARY TERESA MURTAGH | died | 15th June 2006 (?).

Photo No. 216
Overview of Mo. 215 and another illegible stone.

Photo No. 217
960642 Private | N. NOTLEY | Pioneer Corps | 7th August
1940 Aged 19 | "Cui Bonc?"

Photo No. 218
Erected by | WILLIAM O'KANE | in loving memory of | his two
children | who died in infancy | also ELIZABETH KENNEDY |
died 24th Jan 1956.

Photo No. 219
In Loving Memory | of | JAMES O'REILLY | Drumacrin | died
27th May 1982, aged 84 yrs | his wife ELLEN | died 5th July
1984, aged 76 yrs | Rest in Peace | O'REILLY.

Photo No. 220
In Loving Memory of | our dear mother | KATHLEEN O'REILLY,
Rathmore | who died 13th February 1969 | aged 68 years | our
dear father JOE O'REILLY | died 26yh November 1976 | aged 75
years | "Here you lie on the sunny side | the spot you
longed to be" | Their children FRANK, ANGELA, | PATSY,

Photo No. 221
Erected | by PATK O'BRIEN | in memory of his | wife MARY
O'BRIEN | alias KERIGAN who | departed this life | 25th May
1812 aged 15 yrs | may she

Photo No. 222
In Loving Memory of | PATRICK O'CALLAGHAN | Bundoran | who
died 14th January 1897 (?) | in his 7?st yr | May the sacred
heart | of Jesus | have mercy | on his sould, and the
|immaculate heart | of Mary pray for him | also his wife
ELLEN O'CALLGHAN | remainder is illegible.

Photo No. 223
Overview of No. 224.

Photo No. 224
Have mercy on the soul of | JAMES O'CARROLL | Bundoran |
died 2? February .... | also his wife BRIDGET | died 4th
July 1958.

Photo No. 225
Overview of Nos. 226 & 227.

Photo No. 226
Right stone:
IHS | In Loving Memory of | AGNES O'GORMAN | dearly beloved
wife of JAMES O'GORMAN | died 31st Dec 1915 (?) | aged ?8
years | also the above JAMES O'GORMAN | died 22nd ..... aged
79 years.

Photo No. 227
Left stone:
Sacred heart of Jesus | have mercy on the souls of | ...ENIE
O'DOHERTY | beloved wife of | HUGH O'DOGHERTY .... | who
died on 23rd January 1933 (?) | aged 34 years | and her
father | THADY CONNOLLY | who died 17th Jan 19?? | aged 81
years | remainder is illegible.

Photo No. 228
In Loving Memory | of | TERESA O'GORMAN | died 1918 | her
husband CHARLES | died 14th May 1949 | their daughter TERESA
| died 2nd May 1972 | their grandson HUGH | died 23rd July
1970 | their son HUGH | died 9th April 1949 | his wife MARY
| died 20th Dec 1990 | O'GORMAN.

Photo No. 229
In Loving Memory of | EDWARD O'LOUGHLIN | Macheracar | died
14th Feb 1944 | his wife ANNE | died 3rd Aug 1974 | and
their son Jack | died 18th Sept 1974 | Rest in Peace |
Erected by the family.

Photo No. 230
In | Loving Memory | of | FRANK O'REILLY | Drumagrin | died
18th Sept 1986 aged 55 years | Rest in .... | Erected by his
loving ....

Photo No. 231
Sacred heart of Jesus | have mercy on the souls of | JAMES
O'REILLY H.D P.S.P. | Bundoran | died 6th August 1943 | also
his children | TONY, MICHAEL and EILEEN | his wife ELIZABETH
P. | died 26th August 1965.

Photo No. 232
Left stone:
See No. 233

Right stone:
JANE ROSE | 1841-1916 (?).

Photo No. 233
In | Loving Memory | of | MARY ORMSBY | died 6th of July
1912 | aged 72 years | Know that my redeemer lives.

Photo No. 234
Left stone:

Right stone:
In Loving Memory of | ELIZABETH PAGE | .... | died ?? Sept
196? | her daughter VERA | died 14th March 197? | R.I.P. |

Photo No. 235
.... | CORPL PARFETT | .... | who died at .... | .... |
Erected by his comrades.

Photo No. 236
01907 Private | W.H. PEARCE | Duke of Cornwall's L.I. | 12th
February 1920 Aged 19.

Photo No. 237
peter-3.jpg | illegible.

Photo No. 238
In Loving Memory | of | my dear husband | JOHN GARLAND
PHILLIPS | West End, Bundoran | died 25th Jan 1995 | his
parents | JOHN RICHARD died 6th April 1929 | MARY JANE died
23rd Nov 1960 | his brothers | HENRY GEORGE died 5th Oct
1916 | ROBERT died 15th May 1970 | Richard died 1st Aug 1971
| "Nearer my God to Thee."

Photo No. 239
Beneath this stone lie the | remains of CAROLINE POTTER |
the wife of SAMUEL THOMAS POTTER, Esq | of Springfield
Bundoran who died on | the 21st March 1848 aged ?8 years |
to her to live was CHRIST to die again | None knew her but
to love her | None named her but to praise | also of SAMUEL
THOMAS POTTER | her husband who died on the 20th | of March
1858 aged 58 years | also of their daughter CAROLINE | the
beloved wife of the Revd | .... TOMES, incumbent of | Finner
who died on the 26th of April | 1867 (?) aged 37 years |
Here also .... | Revd CHARLES FORESTER TOMES | remainder is

Photo No. 240
Lower portion of No. 239.

Photo No. 241
.... | W-3. PRICKETT | several lines illegible | 11th Ju??
1907 | R.I.P. | remainder is illegible.

Photo No. 242
In Loving Memory of | ROBERT PYE, Red Brae | died 4th Dec
1940, aged 68 yrs | his wife MARY KATE | died 21st July
1959, aged 76 yrs | their grandson JEREMIAH BRENDAN | born
2nd June 1967, died 17 July 1967 | their son PATRICK GERARD
| died 5th April 1978, aged 59 yrs | Rest in Peace | PYE.

Photo No. 243
Left stone:
In Loving Memory of | EDWARD QUINN | Main St. Bundoran |
died 21st December 1981 | R.I.P.

Right stone:
died 4th Aug 1965 | his wife MARY | died 26th Aug 1974.

Photo No. 244
In | Loving Memory | of | TERENCE QUINN | 9 West End,
Bundoran | died 9th June 1992 aged 87 yrs | his wife ETTA
(nee HARRON) | died 6th Dec 1989 aged 73 yrs | R.I.P. | "God
has you in his keeping | We have you in our hearts" | QUINN.

Photo No. 245
Left stone:
In Loving Memory of | JANE QUINN | died 1st Sept 1899 aged
57 yrs | her husband PATRICK | died 6th May 1900 aged 75 yrs
| their son MICHAEL | died 27th May 1931 aged 57 yrs | his
wife CATHERINE | died 11th March 1953 aged 74 yrs | their
family | KATHLEEN BOWE | died 21st April 1945 aged 32 yrs |
PATRICK JOSEPH | died 25th March 1951 aged 42 yrs | MARY
SUTHERLAND | died 25th Oct 1978 aged 72 yrs | in New York |
ROSE ANN KEAVENY | died in U.S.A. | MICHAEL | died 8th July
1986 aged 75 yrs | LILY | died 22nd Sept 2006 aged 87 yrs |
Rest in Peace.

Right stone:

Photo No. 246
In | Loving | Memory of | LILLY QUINN | Finner, Bundoran |
Co.Donegal | died September 22nd 2006 | Rest in Peace.

Photo No. 247
In | Loving Memory of | HELENA RAHILL | died 19th March 193?
| aged 42 years | her husband | THOMAS RAHILL | died 13th
Feb 1961 | aged 84 years | their son MATTHIAS JOSEPH RAHILL
| died 6th April 1987 | aged 71 years | R.I.P.

Photo No. 248
0865 Private | G.F.P. ROBERTS | Duke of Cornwall's L.I. |
12th February 1920 aged 18 | He gave his life | trying to
save a comrade.

Photo No. 249
In Loving Memory of | PHIL RODGERS, Tawley | died 30th April
1897 aged 40 yrs | his wife CATHERINE | died 18th July 1932
aged 67 yrs | their sons | JAMES died in infancy | PATRICK |
died 9th May 1985 aged 95 yrs | his wife MARY KATE | died
26th June 1991 aged 81 yrs | and their daughter MARY BROWN |
died 19th Aug 1975 aged 34 yrs.

Photo No. 250
In Loving Memory | of | THOMAS ORR RODGERS | died 24th Sept
1972 | aged 83 years | his wife ETHEL RODGERS | (nee SHARP)
| died 11th Feb 1983 | aged 88 years | their son GERALD ORR
RODGERS | died 28th Feb 1988 | aged 67 years | "Nearer my
God to Thee" | RODGERS.

Photo No. 251
In Loving Memory of | TERRY ROGERS | Duncarbery | died 1st
Dec 1959 aged 77 yrs | his wife MARY ELLEN | died 9th July
1967 aged 80 yrs | and their son MICHAEL | died 25th April
1944 aged 27 yrs | Rest in Peace | Erected by the ROGERS

Photo No. 252
In Loving Memory of | JOSEPH ROOHAN | Sminver | died 6th Feb
1980 aged 76 yrs | also his parents THOMAS and ANNE | his
wife KATE | died 22nd Feb 1991 aged 78 years | Rest in Peace
| Erected by his wife and family | ROOHAN.

Photo No. 253
DOLLY RUSH | 1924-1941 | Rest in Peace | TRIMES | .... JACK

Photo No. 254

Photo No. 255
In Loving Memory of | JOHN SCALLON | Edenville | died 12
August 1965 | his sister BRIDGET | died 29 Dec 1961 | his
brother PATRICK | died 10 March 1956 | and cousins | JAMES
and ELLEN SCALLON | R.I.P. | Erected by his loving wife

Photo No. 256
In | Loving Memory of | MARY SINNAMON | died October 14th
(?) 1917 | remainder is illegible.

Photo No. 257
Sacred | to | the memory of | JOHN SODEN ELLIS, J.P. (?) |
Wardhouse | who died 30th June 1914 | aged 76 (?) years |
also of | ELEANOR REBECCA SODEN | his wife | died ?? August
191? | aged ?? years | also their beloved son | JAMES
NICKOLSON SODEN | who died 2nd December 1?28 | Though lost
to sight, to memory dear.

Photo No. 258
In Loving Memory of | ELLEN SPRATT | died 12th February 1955
| her husband THOMAS SPRATT | died 20th January 1962 |
R.I.P. | Erected by their family.

Photo No. 259
In Loving Memory | of | ELLEN SPRATT | Drumagrin Road | died
11th Feb 1999 | aged 64 years | Rest in Peace.

Photo No. 260
In | Loving Memory | of | ROSE SPRATT | died 23rd Dec 1951 |
JAMES SPRATT died 23rd Aug 1950 | and his wife ANN died 13th
May 1933 | JACK SPRATT | husband of ROSE | died 12th Jan
1969 | R.I.P. | Erected by JOHN SPRATT.

Photo No. 261
K.J. SURRIDGE served as | 02290 Private | CHARLES CONN |
Duke of Cornwall's L.I. | 21st July 1920.

Photo No. 262
In Loving memory of | JAMES TEYHAN | ... Terrace | died 1?th
Nov 19?4 | R.I.P. | .... MARY.

Photo No. 263
0997 Private | JAMES THRESH | Duke of Cornwall's L.I. | 20th
January 1920.

Photo No. 264
In Loving Memory of | ELIZABETH TRAVERS | died 7th May 1984
| Fondly remembered | by BILSHIE and MABEL.

Photo No. 265
In Loving Memory of | JOSEPH TRAYNOR | his wife MARY ANN |
their sons JOE & JIM | their daughters | KATHLEEN MAHON |
and MARY HOONEY | their grandaughter | RITA TRAYNOR | also

Photo No. 266
War Graves

Photo No. 267
Pray for the soul | of JAMES WARD | who departed | this life
March | the 13 (?) 1784 aged | 63 years.

Photo No. 268
Sacred | to the memory of | JAMES WARD | of Rathmore who
died | the 28th July 183? | aged ?? years | Requiescat in
pace | Erected | by his son PATRICK whose mother lieth |
rest is illegible.

Photo No. 269
In Loving Memory of | my dear husband | RICHARD WARNOCK |
Tullaghan | and his five children | also his parents | HUGH
and MARY | and his loving wife ALICE | and their son | JIM
WARNOCK | died 7 Sept 2000 | aged 60 years | Rest in Peace.

Photo No. 270
Sweet Jesus have mercy | on the souls | of | BRIDGET WILSON,
Laureen | died 26th (?) Sept 1953 | and her husband JOHN |
died 7th Msrch 1960 | R.I.P.

Photo No. 271
IHS | Pray for the soul of | WALTER WILSON | who died 10th
April 1931.

All images Copyright by Photographer