Census Substitutes: Down Landowners in 1870's - Names & Addresses Only - U-Y *********************************************** Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives Down Index Copyright ********************************************** Contributed by C. Hunt & M. Taylor _______________________________ DOWN COUNTY EXTRACTIONS - 1 ACRE & OVER ****************************************************************************** Owner Name Owner Residence-1873-75 ****************************************************************************** Uprichard, David Kilmore Lurgan Uprichard, Henry Jas. xxxx Moyallen Uprichard, William Laurencetown Gilford Valentine & M'Aauliffe xxxx Belfast Valentine, Thomas xxxx Strandtown Vance, Thomas xxxx Lurgan Vandeleur, Edward xxxx Rostrevor Vaughan, George M. xxxx Switzerland Vaughan, Henry xxxx Kilkeel Vaughan, Jane xxxx Dromore Vaughan, Mary xxxx Belfast Von Steiglitz, Chas. Augustus Knockbarragh Park Rostrevor Waddell, Coslett Drumco Maralin Waddell, Mary Jane Islandderry Maralin Waddell, Robert Drumco House Maralin Wakefield, Edward [Reps.Of] xxxx Cheltenham Wakefield, Mrs. xxxx Dublin Walker, Abraham R. xxxx Newry Walker, Jane xxxx Greenoge Walker, William xxxx Banbridge Wallace, Archibald Bamford Gilford Wallace, George xxxx Tullyrain Wallace, James Albert-terrace Belfast Wallace, John Drumee Clough Wallace, Sir Richard Antrim Castle co. Antrim Wallace, William xxxx Ballydavey Wallace, William Legge xxxx Newry Walmsley, Andrew xxxx Newry Walmsley, George Ballymagart Kilkeel Walmsley, James The Green Kilkeel Walmsley, James Ballykeel Ho. Kilkeel Walmsley, John Ballymagart Kilkeel Walsh, Alexander C. xxxx Dromore Walsh, Eliza [Reps.Of] xxxx Chinauley Wanchob, Wm. Hugh Mossvale Granard, co. Longford Ward, Col. Bernard xxxx Strangford Ward, Dr. Corbally Tyrella Ward, James T. Cherryvale Belfast Ward, Robert E. Bangor Castle Bangor Wardlow, Hugh Virginia-st. Belfast Waring, George Lisnacree Ho. Kilkeel Waring, Lucas xxxx Lisburn Waring, Thomas Waringfield Moira Waring, Thomas Waringstown Ho. co. Down Waring, William xxxx Waringstown, Newry Warnock, John xxxx Downpatrick Warnock, William xxxx America Waterson, James Maghera Clough Watson, Anne xxxx Killmacrew Watson, David [Reps.Of] xxxx Skillyscolbane Watson, Francis Lake View Lurgan Watson, Henry Bridge-street Lisburn Watson, John xxxx Dromore Watson, Joseph xxxx Clough Watson, Mary Anne [Reps.Of] xxxx Loughans Watson, William Aughavalea Warrenpoint Watters, Robert xxxx Strandtown Waugh, Alexander xxxx Ballymoney Waugh, Andrew xxxx Ballymoney Waugh, George xxxx Tullynisky Waugh, Jane xxxx Kilpike Waugh, John xxxx Ballymoney Waugh, John xxxx Drummiller Waugh, Samuel xxxx Drumskeagh Waugh, Thomas xxxx Knock Waugh, Thomas xxxx Knock Waugh, Walter xxxx Dromara Waugh, William xxxx Knock Weaver, Robert Ballybrin Killyleagh Webb, Louisa xxxx Portarlington Weir, Joseph xxxx Dromore Weir, Samuel Cloghanramur Newry Wells, Solomon xxxx Maralin Welsh, Eliza xxxx Portaferry West, John xxxx Downpatrick West, Rev. Samuel Clougher Downpatrick Wetherall, William xxxx Holywood White, Hugh xxxx Skegoniel White, James xxxx Liverpool White, John xxxx Belfast White, Rev. William Manse Downpatrick Whiteland, Elizabeth 39 Cumberland-st. Dublin Whiteside, John [Reps.Of] xxxx Loughans Whiteside, Mary xxxx Terryhoogan, co. Armagh Whiteside, Moses xxxx Loughans Whiteside, Richard xxxx Mullabrack Whiteside, Wm. James xxxx Loughans Whittle, Elizabeth xxxx Dublin Whittle, Mrs. xxxx Banbridge Whyte, John Joseph xxxx Loughbrickland Wilkinson, George xxxx Magherabeg Wilkinson, William xxxx Drumaghadone Williams, George Tullyherron Waringstown Williamson, Ann Jane xxxx Craigavad Willis, Frances Jane xxxx Banbridge Willis, John F. Martello House Holywood Wilson, Andrew xxxx Kilkeel Wilson, James xxxx Strandtown Wilson, Jane xxxx Loughans Wilson, Mary Ringolish Newry Wilson, Reid Feney Maralin Wilson, Samuel Tullynacrew Portaferry Wilson, Samuel xxxx Gilnahirk Wolf, Miss xxxx Dundalk Wombell, (xxxx) [Reps.Of] xxxx England Wood, Nathaniel xxxx Strandtown Woodhouse, J. D. [Reps.Of] xxxx Dublin Woods, Anne [Reps.Of] xxxx Newry Woods, David Four Mile House Newry Woods, David [Reps.Of] xxxx Belfast Woods, Francis xxxx Banbridge Woods, James [Reps.Of] xxxx Lurganbane Woods, Martha xxxx Banbridge Woods, Theophilus xxxx Rathfriland Woods, Dr. William xxxx Rathfriland Woods, Mrs. William xxxx Newtownards Woods, William xxxx Ballycloghan Woollen Company, Hillsborough Culcavy Hillsborough Wright, Catherine xxxx England Wright, J. xxxx Newry Wright, Joseph xxxx Kilkeel Wright, Mary Jane xxxx Ballycross Wright, William Aughnavallog Rathfriland Wybrants, Robert xxxx Dublin - - Agent Wm. Beers xxxx Newcastle Wyly, Thomas Miltown Donacloney Yarmouth, Earl of xxxx London Yeates, James, sen. Oughley Saintfield Yeates, James Oughley Saintfield Yeates, Thomas Oughley Saintfield Young, Rev. J. C. Ballyhomage co. Antrim Young, Joseph Cargabane Newry Young, Mary xxxx Ballynafoy Young, Robert Carnacally Newry Young, Samuel xxxx Creevy Young, Sarah A. Cargabane Newry Young, William xxxx Castlewellan __________________________________________________________________________ Source: Extracted from - Return of Owners of Land In Ireland: A Summary for each Province & For All Ireland Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of the Queen [Out of Copyright]