Cemetery: Malahide Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary 

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Dublin Index


File contributed by:  C. Hunt & M.J. Bradley

	(From Mr. James R Fowler)

This ancient edifice has been so fully and thoroughly 
described in Dr. Walsh's “Fingal and its Churches” that 
there is no necessity for me to travel the well- trod track.

I therefore will describe the tomb of “The Maid of Malahide” 
whose sorrows Gerald GRIFFIN has immortalised in “The 
Joybells are ringing in fair Mlahide” It is situated in the 
nave, and is railed round.  I think that it is made of 
limestone.  It has a shield on each side, supported by three 
angels in a circle. It is an altar-tomb, relieved only by a 
square moulding.. On top, in high relief is sculptured the 
fair Maud PLUNKETT.  A horned cap adorns her head which lies 
on a quaint pillow; her hands are folded praying, and she is 
clothed in a plain- looking dress with many folds, over a 
trailing skirt of similar appearance.  Her feet rest on a 
cushion.  The features are quite worn away, and the neck is 
quite mutilated.  The coat-of-arms are more modern. On the 
east end of the tomb is a shield bearing the emblems of the 
Crucifixion, viz.:- cross (forming the division line). On 
sinister side, pincers, ladder, scourge, and crown of 
thorns.  On dexter side, three nails, seamless robe 
(remarkably like the Holy Coat of Trèves) and spear.

On west-end, a hart pierced by two swords, hilts from base.

On facing page is a photo:
“Interior of the Church Ruins at Malahide, Looking east. 
Showing Maud PLUNKETT altar-tomb.”

On the north side, the shield bears a bendlet-couped meeting 
a pallet- couped.  In dexter-chief is a castle.  In 
sinister, nine little squares – I know not what to call them
On the south side, in dexter, a lion rampant; in sinister 
chief a castle, and a bend in sinister couped.

The inscriptions (with the exception of two inside the 
church, too much clay- covered to be legible) are as 

STAPLETON 1801 – 1841 Gaffney to Michael G who was drowned 
in this Harbour Nov. 14 1828 Aged 33  Alice BYRNE died 14 
March 1875 aged 82

This stone and Burial Place Belongs | to Patrick SHARKEY of 
Feltrumford | and his Posterity | Here Lyeth the Body of Ann 
SHARKEy | Wife of the above Patrick who Died | April the 
20th 1742 Aged 60 years | also here Lyeth George SHARKEY who 
| Died May ye 12 1729 Aged 70

This Stone and | burial place be | longeth to Athoney | 
BRAMER for him | and his Posterity | Here lieth ye body | of 
Margaret BRAMER | Daughter to the | above who died | October 
22 1749 | Aged 18

Gloria in Excelsis Deo
	(here is a circle with a cross inside of it)
Erected by | William COLEMAN | in Memory of his beloved 
Daughter | Elizabeth who departed | this life 28th of April 
1842 aged 12 years | also Richard COLEMAN who depd this | 
life Feby the 22nd 1846 Age | 32 years | Also William 
COLEMAN senr who | Depd this life The 17th Feb 1847 | Aged 
67 yrs also William COLEMAN | Jun who Departed This Life the 
20th | Decr, 1847 | Age 27 years.

			         I H S
This Stone and Burial | Place belongeth to Richard | COLLINS 
and his Posterity here lieth | the body of Richard COLLINS | 
died the 18th of April 1795 also his | Father John COLLINS 
died 22nd of April 1795 | his Mother Mary COLLINS died 11th 
of March | 1788

This stone was erected by Mrs. Honor | HERFORD to the memory 
of her husband | Thomas H who departed this life Jany the 
25th 1810 Aged 55

Here lieth the Remains of John URIELL | who departed this 
life 27th of Octr | 1788 Aged 80 years | Also his Wife Jane 
URIELLdied 10th of | Octr 1790 Aged 80 years  | And their 
son Patrick URIELL died 15th | Jany 1811 Aged 45 years | 
Thos URIELL died 27th of Feby 1814 | Aged 35 years.

				         I H S
This Stone was erected by | Patrick GILFENAN for him & his 
Posterity | Here lieth | the Body of | Catherine GILFENAN 
wife to the above | who Departed this life November | the 
7th 1785 Aged 35 years | Here also lyeth 6 of their Children

This humble tribute of respect | is paid by a sincere 
mourner to the memory of a beloved husband John FORTESCUE 
Esqr | who was taken from this Sorrowful world | and 
Mercifully Released from an | Agonizing disorder  on the 8th 
of June 1821 | in the 30th year of his Age | May the Author 
of all good | who in his truly tender wisdom | Thought 
Proper to afflict him here | receive his soul into the | 
Regions of Eternal Bliss | May he rest in Peace

	IN Ye YEAR 1684 AND
    1717 AND ALSO Ye BODY
Rest below ground

Just at the foot of this is another of the same family, 
which, I have cleaned, read:-

				Requiescant  I H S in Pace
Here lyeth the body of Mrs. Cather BALLARD | Wife of Thos 
BALLARD of Newmarket Cloather | who departed this life 
Octber the 10th 1746 Aged 33 years

Here lieth the Body | of Peter LAMB who departed this Life | 
June 8 1789 | Aged 102 years | also Elizabeth his Wife | who 
departed this Life July 19 1791 | Aged 100 years | They 
Lived 80 years together.
There is a large sarcophagus near the choir arch, with the 
following inscriptions:-
In Memory of Robert McENTIRE of Dublin | who Died 20 March 
1849 Aged 75 years | And Mary his wife | who died 1 Feb 1845 
aged 57 years | Also to the memory of their children who 
died young

Also in Memory of Margaret wife (of Isaac?) FORTESCUE | 
DAUGHTER OF Robert & Margaret McEVOY | Died 24 June 1849 
Aged 35 years

Journal of the Association for the Preservation of the 
Memorials of the Dead in Ireland Vol 6 (FHL # 0258795)