Newspaper: 18-Aug-1840. Repeal Association. Shelbourne 
Hotel, Dublin

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Dublin Index


File contributed by:  Mary Heaphy


Shelbourne Hotel, Dublin, August 17th 1840.

To Daniel O'Connell.

Sir--I have the honour to list underneath the Repealers, 
employed in the different departments in this establishment, 
who be to be enrolled, thrusting they shall live to see the 
day when that desirable object shall be obtained for 
Ireland-namely the restoration of her parliament. As the 
collector on this interesting occasion , I be you will have 
the kindness to admit me as a member.

I have the honour to remain, Sir, with respect and esteem, 
Your obedient servent.

William O'Brien.

List of Repealers:--

Matthew Fitzpatrick,

James Bernes,

Andrew Fitzpatrick, Snr, and Jnr.

Edward Fitzpatrick.

Patrick Donohoe, Snr, and Jnr.

Mary O'Donohoe,

Michael Gleeson,

James M'Gauran,

George Thompson.

Catherine Dempsey.

Margaret Bell.

Maryanne Butler,

Julia Flanagan,

Mary Toole,

Julia Quinlan,

Margaret Higgins,

Abbey Brien,

Hugh Byrne,

James M'Namara,

Mary Branagan.

Freemans Journal