Capuchin Burial Ground aka Cabbage Cem., Dublin, Ireland
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Dublin Index
File contributed by: Bridgid Wilson  Bridgidwilson(at)

Cathedral Lane, Dublin 8
Photographed November 2016

Photo No. 0

Photo No. 1

Photo No. 2

Photo No. 3

Photo No. 4
...rth the Body of the Rev'd Mr. |(JOHN) ALEXANDER late
Minister of the | ..byterian? Church in ...(Maybe Plunkett?) |
Green who Departed this Life Nov | ...1743 Aged 37 Years | And
his Daughter HANNAH ...
Map Note: No. 300

Photo No. 5
...le corps... | JEAN ALLENET ?Ages ... | ue ced...le 23(8?)
Aoust ... |
Note: Huguenot name

Photo No. 6
This Burial Place ...| WILLIAM ANDREWS and...
Note*: "No. 299 William Andrews and Family  1809
Also : " No 299.  William Andrews and Family, Castle Street.
1809 (1977/8 survey)

**Ashmore ( see Moore)

Photo No. 7
This Stone and burial Place belongeth | to Mr JOSHUA
BARRINGTON and his Posterity | here lieth the body of JANE?
(Barrington?) wife | of the said JOSHUA .... 1732 |Here also
lieth ... ied | JOSHUA ... |

Photo No. 8
This Stone has been Erected by | WILLIAM BERNARD of Bridge
Street in the City | in the Memory of his Affectionate Wife
Juliana | who died Friday January the 11th 1806 | Aged 23
Note: *"No. 4 Juliana Bernard, Bridge Street. 1806." (1977/78
&1938 surveys)

Photo No. 9
This Stone & Burial Place Belongeth | to THO'S BROWN of
Marybone Lane | Here lyeth ye Body of ... y h(is?) | who
departed this Life ...| June ye(20?) 1763. Age 30? | A Pious
Christian And | An Affectionate  (Wife) | Also 5 of their
Note: No.53. Thos. Brown and Family, Marybone Street. 1763.

Photo No. 10
Within this Sepulchre | are Deposited the mortal remains of |
KATHERINE | The Beloved Wife | of | JAMES CARMICHAEL of
Stephens Green in this City | who  Died | on the 8th Nov 1827?
| aged 3?4 Years | This Tomb has been Erected by her | deeply
afflicted? husband | The remains of his Father the late ANDREW
CARMICHAEL Esq whose burial place this was and of other
members of his family have | been Collected and are deposited

Photo No. 11
In memory of | ANNA MARIA COOKE | daughter of  THOMAS and
ELIZABETH C...| of Shi...?..  who departed this life | January
17 th 1884 | aged ... Years

Photo No. 12
Here Lyeth the remains ...| Mr GEORGE POWEL COPE Wh... |
Departed this life 7th of May | 1820 Aged 27 Years
Note: "No 13. George Powel Cope 1820"

Photo No. 13
Here.......ected by | ELEANOR ... | ... ...ry of her beloved |
Parents.. ... eighton Bridge | ...Grand Canal| ...ed this life
| ...73 Years. | ... CORRIGAN | December the ... | ...years |
...their chidren Viz | ...1817 Aged 3(9?) Years | ...ber 21
1822 | ...the 8th | ...
Note: No. 356. Eleanor and John Corrigan. 1826.  (1977/78 &
1937 survey)

Photo No. 14
Here lieth the body of | Mr PRINCE CRAWFORD who departed this
| life June 15 1815 Aged 66 Years. | Also the body of Mrs.
ELIZABETH BROW[NE] | Mother in Law who departed this life |
February | 1829 Aged 87 Years.

Photo No. 15
Here Lyeth the Body of Mr. PHILLIP CUFFIE |of Patrick
Street who Departed this | life the 18?day of December 174?
Age |? Years . ...Wife ELLINOR |  ...y of ...... |
...November... | ... Note: Recorded as " No. 341. Philip Coffie
and Wife. 1813." in both 1938 and 1977/78 survey lists. (I
believe the name includes a "u" not "o", and the date I see is

Photo No. 16
This ...Stone | was Erected by | ..S DAVIS of Muke... |...e
Wever Wife  ... | ... S? his Father  & Mother & 3 of the |
Grand Children | and Son In Law ?... | | B?IGLAND ... his wife |
ELIZTH Who Depart | ed This Life June | ... 1721 Anno:D

*Darragh (see Kelly, Luke)

Photo No. 17
This Stone | and Burial Place | ..longth to JOSEPH DENISON of
| city of Dublin Cloathier | here lyeth the Body of his Son
IOH? (IOHN) | DENISON who died June the 12th 1775? | .ged ? Years |
And also the body of the above | JOSEPH DENISON who died
September | 1787? Aged 49 Years

Photo No. 18
Here Lyeth the Body of  Mr EPHRE... | DICKISON who Departed
this life | July the 14th 1750 in the 50th year of his | his
Age | here also Lyeth the body of Mrs  | ELIZABETH DICKISON
wife of the | above Mr EPH......ISON who | Departed  ...| Sept

Photo No. 19
Duggan (Parrott, Smyth)
This stone was erected by | WILLIAM SMYTH of Henry St to the |
Memory of his beloved Aunt | Mrs MARGARET PARROTT | Formerly
of Wood Quay in this City | Died 20th October 1810 Aged 74 |
Here also are deposited the remains of her sister Mrs ANNE
DUGGAN who | Died 2nd day of Jany 1848 | Aged 59

Photo No. 20
Here Lieth the Body of | JAMES STEPHEN ESMONDE | who departed
this Life | 27 April 1827 aged 30 years | Also Mrs CATHERINE
ESMONDE | who died 27th November 1846 | Aged 74 years | Here
also lieth the body of | CATHERINE MARIA | daughter of the
above CATHERINE ESMONDE| who died 15 Jan 1848? | aged 49 years
| Here also resteth the remains of | MARIA ESMONDE | daughter
of the above CATHERINE | who departed this life | on the 8th
August 1848

Photo No. 21
Here Lieth The Body Of  | ...N Espin Who Departed | ..Is Life
Ye 20 Day Of  March |...In Ye 72 Year Of His Age.| .......|
....For End Of ...
Note: "No 145. John Espin. 1716. " (1938)

Photo No. 22
Erected | to the Memory of  | Mr THOMAS FRANCIS FANNIN | Born
14th Nov'r 1795 Departed this life 4th July 1801 | EASTER
FANNIN Born... April 1797 departed March 1804| ... FANNIN...

Photo No. 23
Sacred to the memory of | MARIA FAVIERE | Relict of the late
MAJOR FAVIERE | who departed this life | the 19?th day of
April 182?6? | Aged 71 Years | in her ...assumed every ? nly |
... with piety the  most | sincere and Manners the most |  ...
in which endeared her to  | her family and friends who deeply
| mourn her loss. | also the remains of ...

Photo No. 24
This Stone and Burial Place Belongs | to RICH'D FEILD of
Francis Street | the City of  Dublin and his Posterity. | Here
lyeth the Body of the above RICHARD FIELD who Departed this
Life |  |22 of April 1745 Aged 52? Years. | Here also Lyeth
the Body of ANISTASIA? ... Daughter of the above RICHARD |
Departed this Life the 28th | March 1757 aged 29 Years | with
Several of their children | Here also Lyeth the body of |
EDWARD FIELD son of | above RICHARD Departed 6th  of ... 1748
Aged 38 Years

Photo No. 25
Finley (Finlay?)
This Stone & Buriall place | belongeth to JOHN FINLEY of | ...
Street Tanner | Here lyeth ye body of ELIZ |his (? ) Who
departed this| ... ye  ?th A.D. 17?9 aged | ...? of her Children

Photo No. 26
This Stone was Erected | By Mr. MICHAIL FRAYNE in Memory of |
His beloved Mother Mrs. MARY FRAYNE | who departed this

*Glison (see Maher)

Photo No. 27
...lyeth ...| ..(RIC?)HARD HANNAH | who de...this life | ...
of February 1725 Here also lyeth the body of his | wife
Cathrine H. ...| ....wife to JOHN .... (See Notes)  |
...departed this life ....
Note: "No. 218. Richard Hannah. 1725." (1938.) "No 218.
Richard Hannah and John Clark. 1725." (1977/78)

Photo No. 28
Here Lies Master | WILLIAM DAVID HENCHY | who Departed this
Life March 25th 1807 | Aged three Years Eleven Months | Dear
Affectionate Child Farewell

Photo No. 29
...beloved Wife of | LUKE HIGGINS Esq who | departed ... |

Photo No. 30
This Stone & Burial Place | Belongeth to MA?(MATH'W?) HORVAR?
|& His Posterity. Here Lyeth | ...? of His Child(Child.n?)
... A..gies?...| 1740 Here Also Lyeth ye |Body of M ...
ELI..jar? ..| of ... Who Depart | ed of this Life ye
29th of Nov1756 | ... 54 years of her age

Photo No. 31
This Stone hath been placed Ano (Dom.) | in 1797 by JOSEPH
HUBAND Grand Son | of EDMUND HUBAND next under named in the |
place of a Stone much Decayed and Broken | whereon were the
two next following Inscriptions | (This stone and Burial Place
Belongeth to the above named Mr | (*"Edmund Huband and his
Prosterity An. Dom. 1690. Here lie | Sixteen of his Children.
| The above named EDMOND EDMUND HUBAND dies an. Dom. 1719 |
and was buried in a vault under the Church of the | Parish of
St. Luke. | Here lieth EDMUND HUBAND son if the above | Edmund
Huband and father of JOSHUA HUBAND JOSEPH | HUBAND which
EDMUND, Father of JOSHUA and JOSEPH died An. Dom. 1757.
* this section is added from reference in: Igoe, Vivian.
Dublin Graveyards and Cemeteries.2002. Pg 46.
* Notes also from Igoe: Edmund Huband was a Director of the
Grand Canal Company in 1791. Also, Huband Bridge, a small
bridge over the Grand Canal at Mount Street Upper is named for
him. Copied from a document by Edward Evans 1898, who Noted
the grave was a large horizontal stone supported by 4 pillars.

Photo No. 32
To the Memory |of | THOMAS HUNTER | Black pitts Dublin | who
on the 2nd f August 1763 | Aged 4?5 years | Ended a Well spent
Life | from his C... to his Creator |The own
heart | And his  life? Acquaintance??with |The Deprav...g
Human Nature | He Liveth...XCCr....| ....| And died with
Religation?| And hope| A good man and good | Christian | Go
now and do likewise.

Photo No. 33
Huchisson (Hutchisson)
This Stone | and burial Place Belongeth to  | JOSHUA HUCHISSON
of the City | of Dublin Merchant and his | Posterity.| Here
lyeth ye Body of his Moth'r EL... | HUTCHISSON ...n...Aug ye 21
172? | Also his Wife EL...HUCHISSON who | died Aug ye 17..3?0
Aged ... | And Eight of his Children |Here also lieth ye body
of EL.... | who died ....| aged 59 years | .... Who died ... |
Aged 69 years | JOHN HUTCHISON of Carden (or Camden) Street
|...RA HUTCHISSON died 6th October |1790 aged ...|

Photo No. 34
This Stone was erected ...| ... KANE of the City of ...| 17...
Note:  No 35 . KANE family. 1818. (1938 Survey)
*possibly Nathaniel Kane (weaver) and co-founder with David
Digues des Rompieres La Touch of the La Touch Bank 1722
precursor of the Bank of Ireland. Ref: Igoe, V.

Photo No. 35
This Stone was Erected by | ELIZABETH KELLY? Of Leeson Street
| Dublin in Memory of her beloved  | Husband BENJAMIN KELLY?
Who | Departed this Life October 3rd | 1808 in the 77th Year
of his Age | ... KELLY ... | ...

Photo No. 36
This Tomb is Erected | by ALEX KIRKPATRICK of the City of
Dublin | in Memory of his late Father ALEX KIRKPATRICK  Esq |
who departed this life Nov... | ...80th ... | Within ...|
remains of his
Note: From 1977/78 survey: No 323. Alexander Kirkpatrick and
Family. 1817. From 1938 surve : No. 323. Alexander
Kirkpatrick. (no year listed)

Photo No. 37
This Burial Place Belongs to Mr. SAMUEL LABAN 1757

Photo No. 38
The Burial place of Mr. STEPHEN | LAPIERE and his Posterity

*Labounte (see Walsh, Susan)

Photo No. 39
Mori......burial place | ...JOSEPH LITTON | ...Merchant...

Photo No. 40
This Stone & Burialplace belongs to Mr. JOHN MAHER of the City
of Dublin Apothecarey| Here lieth the Remains of Mrs CATHERINE
GLISON | Sister to the Said M. JO'N MAHER who Departed | This
Life the 16th Day of April 1805 | Aged 67 years

Photo No. 41
Here lies CHAS | MORRIS MAKENZIE painter | who died 13th August
1808 | aged 65 Years | His works when better known | will speak his
praise| Hunc Cippum posem Amicus suiis. EDWARDUS HUDSON. R MD

Photo No. 42
This Stone was Erected | By Mr. MICHAIL MANYPENNY in Memory of
| his beloved Mother ... who dparted this Life the ...
Note : No. 282. Michael Manypenny. 1785. (1938 survey)

Photo No. 43
This Burial Place belonged to Mr. JAMES | MARTIN of the City
of Dublin Hatter | here lieth the body of his Wife MARY MARTIN
| who departed this life the 3rd March 1780.
(Note: No 349. James Martin and Family(1977/78 survey)

Photo No. 44
Here Lies the Body of JAMS (or JANE??) | MCRAY (?) who
departed this life | The 11 Day of October 1705 | Here (?) ...
The Body of | ... ... w.. | ... ... May [rest illegible]

Photo No. 45
This Stone was Erected by HENRY MEDCALF | of the Poddle in
Memory of his beloved | Son JOHN MEDCALF who departed this
Life | June the 5th 1818. Aged 20 Years & 3 Months |
Passengers as you pass by | As you are now so once was I |
As I am now so shall you be | Think of God and follow me
Note: "No 92 John Medcalf of the Poddle. 1818" (1977/78)

Photo No. 46
Moore, Ashmore (Rankin*)
..wife, his Sons, | ...NATHANIEL MOORE | ...his daughter with
other Children | and Grand Children | So man lieth down and
...| Heavens be no more They ...| Wake nor be Raised out of
their Sleep..| Here also lieth the Body of Mrs. MARY ASHMORE |
Who departed this Life June 22 1807? | ...
*Note : From 1938 and 1977 surveys: "No. 44. Moores, Ashmores,
and Rankins. 1776 ? 1837".  (no evidence of Rankin now.)

Photo No. 47
Murdock and Swift
To The Memory Of | FRANCES | GORDON MURDOCK Esq. Of Fort
George Co 20? W...? | MEADE SWIFT Esq. Of ...N Co Westmeath |
3...1866 Aged 77 Years | ...Valley Of Of The Shadow Of  Death
I Will Not Fear | ...And By Thy Staff They ....| *No 146 on
map Swift ? (other side of Murdock, Swift) ...and of HONORIA
SUSA..| her? daughter | died April 6th A.D. 1855| Know that my
redeemer liveth...| upon the earth | will behold the face of
righteousness | with thy likeness
(See also No. 54)

*Ogle (See Walderon)

Photo No. 48
Here lieth the Body | of | Mr THOMAS PARSONS | of this City |
Timber Merchant | Who departed this Life | On the 6th Day of
July 1812 | in the 57th Year of his Age, | And also the Body
of his dear Wife | Mrs ANNE PARSONS | who departed this Life |
the 18th day of February 1814? | Aged 50 Years | Also their
eldest chil| Mr? ALEX ...

Photo No. 49
Pireau (Pineau?)
Here lyeth the Body of Mr | JAMES  PIREAU who departed | this
Life Febry.  The 17th 1747 | Aged 50 years.

Photo No. 50
Here lyeth...| HOLAS PLUNKETT ...| Dublin who dep...| Octob ye
12th 1749

Photo No. 51
Smith, Francis
Here lieth the Body | of Mr FRANCIS SMITH of ye Comb...|
Mercht who Departed this | Life the 30 March 1766. | Here
Lieth Fourteen of | his Children

Photo No. 52
Smith, Patrick and Ann
This stone Erected ..| PATRICK SMITH of Parriot?l ...| Dublin
Grocer 1748 | ... of his Children | ... Mr PATRICK | ... Codedge
| ... departed this Life | 15th? Of October 1736 in | the ?
Year of his Age | Also his Wife Mrs ANN SMITH Departed this
Life the 6th |...1763

Photo No. 53
Styles Lieth the Bodies of THO'S and | RUTH STYLES and many of
their |(C )hildren and Grand Childre (n) | ....n Parents of
their son Robert | who departed March 1804 ...20th

Photo No. 54
Swift (and Murdock)
To The Memory Of | FRANCES | GORDON MURDOCK Esq. Of Fort
George Co 20? W...? | MEADE SWIFT Esq. Of ...N Co Westmeath |
3...1866 Aged 77 Years | ...Valley Of Of The Shadow Of  Death
I Will Not Fear | ...And By Thy Staff They ....| *No 146 on
map Swift ? (other side of Murdock, Swift) ...and of HONORIA
SUSA..| her? daughter | died April 6th A.D. 1855| Know that my
redeemer liveth...| upon the earth | will behold the face of
righteousness | with thy likeness
*No. 146

Photo No. 55
Thorton ?*
...HERINE who died | ...1854 Aged .. Years. |
...son JAMES who died |  Jan 18?7 | Also of MARGARET| Eldest
daughter of above  | Died 24th December 1920 Aged 78
* Thorton with the same names is recorded in the 1977/78
survey as .# 21 James, Catherine, & Margert Thorton. 1920. The
family name is not visible now.

Photo No. 56
IHS | ... Burial Place of | EDWARD TRACY and his Family | Here
lieth the body of HANNAH TRACY his Wife | ...Life the | ...ed
48 |... children?

Photo No. 57
This Stone | and Burial Place Belongeth to |
*Note:  "No. 54. Benjamin Turnbull, Francis Street. 1764."
(1938 survey) and "No. 54. Benjamin Turnbull, Francis Street,
Shoemaker. 1765". (1977/78 survey)

Photo No. 58
This is the Burial place of | JOHN ANTHONY and JAMES |

Photo No. 59
Here lieth the body of | THOMAS WAINRIGHT | late of St Francis
Street Who departed this life the | 22 Day of May 172?

Photo No. 60
Here lie Interred | the remains of Mr. LUKE WALDRON of
Chriands | Church land Swordcutle  and Several of his |
Children. he died the 5th December 1743 | in the 66th year of
his Age. | As also Mr JONATHON OGLE of Christ Churchyard | his
Son in law. Erected by all tat knew him and who believeth he
sleeps within Christ | would long Lament him. | He departed
this life the 5th of January 1761 in } the 48t year of his Age
to whose memory his beloved widow caused this Stone to be
plac'd | Here May ...perfect and ...upright |..the End ...Man
is peace | Here also Lieth the Body of SAMUEL OGLE |son to the
above JONATHON OGLE who Departed |This Life July the 6th in
the 28th year of his |Age  1771  | Here also Lieth the Body of
Mrs Ann Waldron | Dau'r of the above LUKE WALDRON died Dec'r |
the 9th 1792 Aged 78 years.

Photo No. 61
Walsh, Susan
Here lieth the body of SUSAN? | WALSH who Departed this Life |
27? May 1772 in the 70? Year |of her Age. Also her Father |
and Mother CHARLES and ELIZABETH | LABOUNTE ?? and four of her
Children | ...

Photo No. 62
To Perpetuate the Memory of | SARAH WALSH and ...| this Stone
was ... | Children Note: Possibly " No 286. JAME S WALSH and
wife 1809"

Photo No. 63
This Place belongeth to Mr. | ? WEST late of the City of |
Dublin Merchant | h the Remains of Mr. | ? WEST and Mrs. Mary
West | ..n of their Children and  ...en of their Grand |
Children | also the Remains of the above Mr. MATHEW WEST |
departed this Life ... 1797
*Note: No. 161. MATTHEW and MARY WEST and 7 Children , Dublin
Merchant. 1797. (1977/78 survey.)  &  No. 161. Mathew West.
(no date) 1938 survey.

Photo No. 64
...ere is interred Fns WEST...| ...ue Smamina?? who departed
this | life the ? of June 1778 | ...S... Buck...? | ...

Photo No. 65
Fragment 1 Place Belongs | ....of New Market..| ...
Note: Possibly "No 222. Richard Reed ands family., New Market,
Coomb. 1783". ( Ref: 1938 survey.

Photo No. 66
Fragment 2
...who | ...this Life | ...26th Day of | January Ano Dom |
1710 Here Lieth 4 of his Children

Photo No. 67
Fragment 3
 ...e Bdy of Mr.| ...the City of | ...this...

Photo No. 68
Fragment 4
(embedded Upright in wall )
Burial Place of ...| ...ordems (A?)lly Du... |...Here
Intere...| Wife aged ...| Here Lies  ...| Son of ...|  Wife &
....| Lie ....| ....n of ....

Photo No. 69
Fragment 5
JOHN ...| of his Son? WILLIAM ... | ...who departed ...|
...Sept y 28 16..??

Photo No. 70
Fragment 5 - full view
JOHN ...| of his Son? WILLIAM ... | ...who departed ...|
...Sept y 28 16..??

Photo No. 71
Fragment 6
A WIDOW ...|  ....| 1807 | January | ...R...

Photo No. 72
Fragment 7
...Belongeth to JA...| ...rge's St er...| and Mother... | two of his children ...| ...his brother PATRICK... |
...this life Aug 29 1812| ...the Remains ...|  n who departed
...| aged 9 Years.
Note: this may be: "No 46.  James Austin Family, S. George's
Street. 1813

Photo No. 73
Fragment 8
...his Son who ...| ...1764 Aged ? Years | ...his daughter
... | March 1792? Aged ...

Photo No. 74
Fragment 9 li(e?)...| of ?ai?r...| of ye cit(y)  | C? appen ... |
depart ...| ye 12 of ...

Photo No. 75
Fragment 10
...| (dau?)ghter woh (sic) was born the ...| ...eptember 1784
and Departed ...ber

Photo No. 76
Fragment 11
...Dublin | Mr TIMOTHY ...| of Dublin | ...this Life the ...|
...| ..on James | ...Tighe? | ... Children
Note: possibly family of Daniel Sullivan

Photo No. 77
Fragment 12
...nd Cr...| eir (?) Children |(dau?)ghter in law ...?| all
died in hope ...| Resurrection to Glo..(?)

Photo No. 78
Fragment 13
This...|....Wife...|...body ...J..N Merch't? {or maybe Moody?]
...| med ROBERT | ...departed this life | ...December...
Note: Possible #305 . Robert James and Family. 1815.  (1938 &

Photo No. 79
Fragment 14
This Stone and ...burial place |  Omens.| ...his
Posterity | body of  Eli......| y above...| ...48 aged
..2...| ...childr(en)...| ...o...

Photo No. 80
Fragment 15
...her Mr.  JAMES...| d Late of Frances Str...| ed the 6th day
of February ...| 51 Years the former the 15th day ...| 1768
Aged 74 years are both | are together with 4 of their Children
Note: Possibly James Bryne...Noted in 1977 list as  "No 243
James Byrne and Family, Grocer, Francis Street. 1763."

Photo No. 81
Fragment 16

Photo No. 82
Fragment 17
... Child ...

Photo No. 83

Photo No. 84
FIELD... | ... | ... | FIELD who departed this life... | ...
in the year ...

Photo No. 85

--No Photos--

Here lieth the body of JOHN | BENNETT late of Kevin Street |
who departed this life April | the 10th 1800 aged 50| This
Monument created by|  ... his Wife

This stone Was Erected by Mr. | JAMES COLLINS Son of  K....
Over  | the Remains of his Wife MARGARET COLLINS | ...1777

IHS | Here lyeth ye | Body of EDWARD | ELLIS Who Depar-| ted
This Life | May ye 20 1775 Aged |28 years.

Here lyeth the Remains of JOHN FEAGAN | Lane of Aron Quay
Gentleman who | Departed this Life the 27 of Feb. 1781 | aged
64 Years. | Here also are Interred the Remains of his ...who |
... 1785

Warns ?
This | Stone and Buriall | Place Belongeth to JACOB WARNS and
his | Posterity 1690 Anno Dom | ... ....| ...Patrick....

Erected by JOHN HILTON | in memory of his Son | ...

Kelly, Luke (Hutchisson)
...ed In me...| (Bel?)onging to | the said HUTCHISSON | Here
also lieth the body of LUKE KELLY |An(d/) who Mar ... ...Mr.
CHARL...| DARRAGH who departed this L...| of March 179? He...|

Neilan (Neisan?)
This monument was erected by CATHERINE | NEILAN in Memory of
her beloved Husband | MURTAGH NEILAN who departed this Life |
the 16th day of August 1800 aged  _ | And the --- NEILAN who |

...ghter who was born the ..| September 1784 and Departed ...|

Here Lyeth The Body of JOSEPH...| of Savelmore Ne
Note: Possibly # 266: Joseph Webster 1783.

Interred Beneath This Stone |The Remains Of ... ... ...Th  Esq
| Place In The City | And To Whom The Memory & Monument | Has
Been Created In St Georges Church| Also Interred Here The
Remains | ...His Beloved Wife MARY | By Ri..IANEN SI... Esq Md
| Nine Of His Children...|And Four Of His Grandchildren

...e Bdy of Mr. | of the City of ...| ...this

Erected by ....of JOSEPH ...| Late of the City of Dublin Who
Departed this | Life of Aug ... Also his ...|.... |
body of So? Who died September 179? ....his Son

Interred Beneath This Stone |The Remains Of ... ... ...Th  Esq
| Place In The City | And To Whom The Memory & Monument | Has
Been Created In St Georges Church| Also Interred Here The
Remains | ...His Beloved Wife MARY | By Ri..IANEN SI... Esq Md
| Nine Of His Children...|And Four Of His Grandchildren

This Stone and Burial | place Belongeth to ....|

Th...Place bel (ongeth) to | ...the City ...ublin | ...
Posterity..Merch't ...dep'd  | ...46?


1) For a brief history and maps see
(small url)

2) I found three earlier surveys of this Cemetery that were
invaluable in identifying the owners of stones. These provided
a grave number to a corresponding map listed above. I used
these to cross- reference my findings. Sadly, many stones
recorded in earlier Notes are missing.

* Capuchin Burial Ground ? Cathedral Lane. 1938 survey.

* Capuchin Burial Ground. 1977/78

* Both found at Pearse Library. Pearce Street. Dublin. ref:
C4.D4 U

* Bow J. and  Poff K. Memorials from the Capuchin Gardens /
Cabbage Gardens. 2014.  Found at

All images Copyright by Photographer