St. Nahi's Graveyard Pt 1, Dundrum, County Dublin, Ireland Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives Dublin Index Copyright File contributed by: Yvonne Russell Photos ----------------------------------------------- ST. NAHI'S GRAVEYARD, DUNDRUM, DUBLIN, PART II NOS. 151 - 300 Photo No.151 In Memory of | ELIZABETH SHERIDAN | the faithful wife of | JOHN SHERIDAN | second daughter of | ROBERT TAYLOR | Bellamascanlon, Co. Louth | who died 15th May 1881 | aged 44 years | "When the Lord was pleased | to call her" | also of | JOHN SHERIDAN | died 10th November 1907 | Erected by his loving daughter. Photo No.152 Top:- In Memory of | SILVIA RAYMOND DRAPES | born 30th July 1919 Bottom:- died 2nd March 1920 | "They are without fault before | the throne of God Photo No.153 "Hail Holy Queen mother of Mary" | Erected by | WM. BROWNE | Dundrum | to his infant daughter | KATE | aged 18 months | died 10th May 1879 | also the above | WM. BROWNE | died 20th April 1892 | aged 50 years | also his children THOS. F. BROWNE | died 26th Aug. 1893, aged 6 yrs & 7 mths | and EPHREIM J. BROWNE | died 28th Aug. 1893, aged 8 yrs & 8 mths. | also MARGARET E. | beloved wife of the above | WM. H. BROWNE | died 5th October 1902, aged 51 years | also her son JOHN H. | his wife CATHERINE | their children KEVIN, ITA | R.I.P. Photo No.154 HYLAND family burying ground Photo No.155 Top surround:- 1896 - 1995 | LARRY HYLAND Photo No.156 Left surround:- 1905 - 1984 | BRIDGET GAFFNEY Photo No.157 Right surround:- BARRY HYLAND | died 4th September 1942 Photo No.158 Bottom surround:- (-)ARA HYLAND | died 17th Dec. 1872 | R.I.P. Photo No.159 O'BRIEN family Vault Photo No.160 Front of number 159:- The | Family Vault | of | MICHAEL O'BRIEN Esqre | of the City of Dublin | who died | the 2nd of February 1783 | aged 68 years | leaving issue | one daughter | and two sons | RICHARD and MICHAEL Photo No.161 Left side of number 159:- O'BRIEN family Vault Photo No.162 Left side of number 161:- CHRISTINA | wife of | NICHOLAS MULLIGAN | and only daughter of | MICHAEL O'BRIEN | died | the 25th of April | 1800 | aged 42 years. | Her husband | died | the 28th of December 1808 | aged 62 years Photo No.162 Middle of number 161:- RICHARD O'BRIEN | eldest son of | MICHAEL O'BRIEN | died | the 4th of May | 1807 | unmarried | aged 48 years. Photo No.163 Right side of number 161:- here also | lieth the remains of | CATHERINE LYONS | daughter of | JAMES LYONS Esqr | formerly of Newcastle | in the County of Dublin | and | Maternal Aunt of | MARY O'BRIEN | she died | on the 5th of April 1852 | aged 96 years. Photo No.164 Left side of number 159:- O'BRIEN family Vault Photo No.165 Left side of number 164:- KATE MARY O'BRIEN | daughter of | MICHAEL | and | MARY O'BRIEN | died | the 30th of July | 1834 | aged 24 years. Photo No.166 Middle of number 164:- MARIA ANNA O'BRIEN | a twin daughter of | MICHAEL | and | MARY O'BRIEN | died | the 16th of April | 1847 | aged 28 years Photo No.167 Right side of number 164:- BRIGID MARY O'BRIEN | died on the | 15th November 1876 | "Requiescat in Pace". Photo No.168 Back of number 159:- MARY | wife of | MICHAEL O'BRIEN Jnr. | died | the 26th January | 1819 | aged 35 years. | Her beloved husband | died | the 27th February | 1829 | aged 60 years. Photo No.169 Erected by | P. MURPHY | Milltown | to his daughter M. JANE | aged 5yrs 8 months | died 21 Oct. 1881 | also his beloved wife ELLEN | aged 43 died 22 Dec 1883 | also his son JOSEPH who died 4th day of | June 1889 aged 4 years and 8 months | and his daughter ESTHER who | died 21st May 1891 aged 14 years | and seven other of his children who died young | also his son JOHN aged 4 years and 8 months | who died 8th March 1871 | also the above PATRICK MURPHY | died 7th Feb. 1906 aged 68 years | also AGNES MURPHY | wife of the above | died 15th Jan 1912 | aged 56 years | R.I.P. Photo No.170 Back of number 169:- Also JENNET daughter | of | the late PATRICK MURPHY | died 17th April 1912 aged 15 years Photo No.171 Top part of damaged headstone:- Erected | by | THOMAS & MARGARET KAVANAGH | of Milltown | In Memory of their beloved son | JAMES KAVANAGH | who died 8th May 1889 aged 19 years | also the above | THOMAS KAVANAGH | died 9th July 1908 aged 72 | also his grand(aughter) | MARGA(RET) | (N.B. letters in brackets assumed) Bottom part of damaged headstone :- NOLAN | died young | also their son | JOHN KAVANAGH | died 1st Jan 1912 aged 42 years | also the above MARGARET KAVANAGH | died 25th Nov 1928 aged 86 years | and their son THOMAS KAVANAGH | died 20th Nov 1937 aged 63 years. Photo No.172 In Loving Memory | of | ROSALEEN TOBIN | late of 4 Rosemount Tce, Dundrum Rd. | died 9th May 1965 | aged 48 years | "My Jesus Mercy" | R.I.P Photo No.173 This stone was (erected by) MARIA to | the Memory of (her) husband | WILLIAM WHITE of the 61st Regiment | who departed this life the 30th of April 1828 | This (-) mark the spot | (-) numbered her Dust may | (-) near by | (N.B. Words in brackets assumed) Photo No.174 In Loving Memory of | our dear mother | KATHLEEN (CISS) KEANEY | died 2nd Nov. 1979 aged 78 | our dear father | FRANCIS KEANEY | died 24th March 1934 aged 36 | also our grandparents | MICHAEL FANNING | died 25th Oct. 1940 aged 69 | KATHLEEN FANNING | died 6th Nov. 1937 | aged 60 | and our dear Aunt | MABEL FANNING | died 20th Nov. 1930 aged 32 | also three infants | "May they Rest in Peace" | Erected by her loving sons and daughter Base:- Pray for the Soul of | MICHAEL (BERT) FANNING | 1925 - 1997 Back of Headstone:- KEARNEY and FANNING Photo No.175 In Loving Memory | of | The HUDSON family | 1897 - 1948 | and | MURIEL FARRELL | 23-4-1929 Photo No.176 In Loving Memory | of | JAMES BYRNE | Main Street, Dundrum, | died 20th Jan 1957, aged 74 years. | and his wife | BRIGID | died 5th Oct. 1982, aged 90 years. | R.I.P. | Erected by their daughter | BREEDEEN Photo No.177 In Loving Memory | of | BRIGID CORCORAN | nee BYRNE | "Breedeen" | died 26th January 2005 | aged 80 years | "JOHNNY, who did you meet? | R.I.P. Photo No.178 MAUNSELL family burying ground. | (N.B. Unable to read inscription on the left side) Photo No.179 Right side of number 178:- also in Loving Memory of | EDMUND ROBERT LLOYD MAUNSELL | eldest son of | JOHN and CATHERINE LUCINDA MAUNSELL | born 18th October 1852, died 2nd November 1886 | "Blessed are the pure in Heart for they shall see God". | Matt. V. 8. Photo No.180 MILTON | In Memory of | JOHN MILTON | died 23rd July 1916 | his wife MARY | died 22nd January 1939 | their daughters | ELIZABETH and ANNIE | died 28th March 1933 | and their son SAMUEL | died 26th March 1959 | and his wife | FLORENCE | died 22nd December 1984 | also | ANNIE SINGLETON | died 2nd July 1973. Photo No.181 In Loving Memory | of | TERESA KELLY | died 27th November 1941 | also her husband | HENRY | died 2nd February 1948 | also their son | JOHN | died 15th August 1970 | also their daughter | MARION | died 9th September 1988 | all late 17 Highfield Park, | Dundrum | R.I.P. Photo No.182 KENNEY family Tomb Photo No.183 Front of number 182:- Here lieth the remains of | JAMES KENNEY Esqr., | of Milltown, Co Dublin | who died the 10th September 1809, aged 73 years | The noblest work of God | an Honest Man | Here also is interred the remains (of his) wife | MARY KENNEY | who died 16th November 1815, aged (-)4 years | (N.B. words in brackets assumed) Photo No.184 Back of number 182:- Here lieth interred the mortal remains of Mrs MARY O'NEILL | daughter of the late JAMES KENNEY Esqr., of Milltown | and wife of PATRICK O'NEILL of Harcourt St. Dublin | by whom this monument has been erected as an affectionate tribute to her worth. | She departed this life the 10th of May 1819 aged 43 years. | Here also are deposited the remains of the above PATRICK O'NEILL | Esqr., for many years an eminent Merchant in the City of Dublin | he departed this life July 16th 1828 aged 58 years Photo No.185 "Gloria Excelcis Deo | Memento Mori" | This stone was erected by Mrs HAM of Dublin | In Memory of her beloved husband PAUL HAM | who departed this life the 13th Novr 1816 | aged 54 years | here lies their daughter ELIZA | who departed this life the 26th July 1813 | aged 19 years. Photo No.186 Cross :- R.I.P. | EDWARD & BESSIE | DOYLE Small headstone:- In Loving Memory of | JOHN DOYLE | died 1st March 1980 Photo No.187 In Loving Memory of | JAMES DOYLE | 3 Dartry Cotts. Dartry | died 20th Nov. 1941 | aged 63 years | MARY DOYLE | died 28th Aug. 1977 | aged 82 years | R.I.P. Photo No.188 Left side:- In | Revered Memory | of | BERESFORD BRADNER | (nee BUCKLEY) | entered her rest | 24th February 1947 | in her 95th year Right side:- and | BLANCHE LILIAN MORGAN | beloved wife of | RICHARD MORGAN | late of Monastry. | Enniskerry, Co. Wicklow. | passed over | 10th June 1956, | in her 75th year. Base:- "At Rest" Photo No.189 In Loving Memory | of | my mother & father | SARAH KAVANAGH | died 28th Febry 1919 | PATRICK KAVANAGH | died 20th Novr. 1936 | also my sister | HANNAH KAVANAGH | died 18th June 1945 | R.I.P. Photo No.190 New headstone for text number 51 in Part I:- In Loving Memory | of | SEAMUS BRENNAN | 1948 - 2008 | So wonderful to think of | but so hard to live without. | Ar suan i méasc na Naomh's na nDámh. Photo No.191 In Loving Memory | MARY NOLAN (née DOYLE) | died 26th August 1940 | and her two little Angels | ALAN NOLAN | died 10th October 1991 | aged 23 years | MARGARET JUNE NOLAN | died 27th March 2007 | aged 74 years | HUGH NOLAN | died 8th February 2008 | aged 74 years | "Always loved and never forgotten. | Forever in our Hearts". Photo No.192 In Memory of | EILEEN and DAPHNE LAMBERT | died 22nd August 1938 | aged 1 month | also ROBERT LAMBERT Jnr. | died 6th Oct. 1944 | aged 24 years | and of his father | ROBERT LAMBERT | died 1st June 1946 | aged 67 years | SARAH HANNAH LAMBERT | died 8th March 1965, aged 70 yrs | Erected by ROBERT LAMBERT Photo No.193 In Loving Memory of | GEORGE died 15-Oct 1957 | aged 65 yrs | his wife MARY died 24-Apr 1971| aged 74 yrs | also | their daughter ELIZABETH died 1936 | aged 6 yrs | and | their son JAMES died 16-May 2008 | aged 70 yrs | BURKE Photo No.194 Fond Memories | of | EVELYN COURTNEY | 1919 - 1946 | JOHN COURTNEY | 1912 - 1948 | "Rest in Peace". Photo No.195 In Loving Memory of | CHRISTY HIGGINS | Milltown | died 14th Jan 1996 | "Rest in Peace" Photo No.196 In Loving Memory | of | our dear parents | MAURA and ANDY HARDING | MARGARET & PETER KEARNEY | MARY & STEPHEN KEOGH | and a little Angel | "May the sunshine they missed | on life's journey | shine on them in | the Garden of Rest". Photo No.197 In Loving Memory of | JAMES NOLAN died 21st December 1958 | also his dear wife | ELIZABETH NOLAN died 24th November 1972 | also their son JOSEPH NOLAN | died 27th December 1992 | R.I.P. Photo No.198 In Loving Memory of | WILLIAM NEVIN | 10 Chelmsford Rd | Rangelagh | died 11th Jan 1972 | and relatives | R.I.P. | Erected by his wife. Photo No.199 In Memory of | WILLIAM COURTNEY | died 3rd Jan. 1896 | aged 27 years | his wife ANNE | died 30th May 1944 | and | JAMES COURTNEY | died 2nd Feb. 1983 | his wife | LOUISA (LOUIE) | died 3rd May 1999 | their beloved daughter | ANNE | died 25th Oct. 2002 | "Thy will be done". Photo No.200 In Loving Memory | of | WILLIAM FANNING | a loving husband, dad & granddad | died 7th Oct. 1978 | aged 78 years | also his dear Aunt & Uncle | MARIA & JACK PRIESTLY | R.I.P. Photo No.201 Small headstone on number 200:- In Memory of | our dear father | WILLIAM FANNING | Feb. 1900 - Oct 1978 | also his Aunt and Uncle | JACK and MARIA PRIESTLY | "May they rest in Peace". Photo No.202 Broken Cross:- Top:- DENIS COURTNEY | died 25th May 1925 Bottom:- MARY DENNISON | died 30th March 1934 Small headstone:- (Pr)ay for the Soul of | (WIL)LIAM COURTNEY | (d)ied 4th Feb 1976 | and his sister | (MA)RY COURTNEY | (died) 4th Dec. 1976 | (NB. Letters in brackets assumed) Photo No.203 Treasured Memories of | our dear father | JOSEPH LAYTON | died 8th Jan 1959 | also our ever caring | and loving mother | SARAH LAYTON | died 12th Oct 1989 | "I will life up mine eyes unto the Hills". Photo No.204 In Loving Memory of | JOHN NOLAN | 7 Main St., Dundrum | died 28th Oct. 1946, aged 65 years | also his sons | PETER WILLIAM | died 21st May 1928, aged 4 years | and BRYAN MANGAN | died 25th Sept. 1947, aged 29 years. | R.I.P. | Erected by his wife Headstone at base:- In Loving Memory of | MATTHIAS (MATT) O'CONNELL | loving husband, father and grandfather | died 8th May 2008, aged 77 years. | R.I.P. Photo No.205 In Loving Memory | of | JOHN TIMMONS | Violet Farm, Milltown | who died on 28th March 1931 | his wife | MARGARET | who died on 26th December 1971 | "Rest in Peace". Photo No.206 In Loving Memory | of | JOSEPH DENNISON | died 12th November 1987 | Erected by his loving sister KATHLEEN Photo No.207 In Loving Memory of | PATRICK J. DENNISON | Beaumont Avenue, Churchtown | died 8th Dec. 1946, aged 76 years | also | JOHN DOWNES | died 8th Oct. 1902, aged 29 years | and his son | WILLIAM | died 27th Oct. 1903, aged 1 year. | also his daughter | ANNIE | died 11th April 1917, | aged 17 years. | also JOHN | son of the above JOHN DOWNES | died 23rd Dec. 1958. | also our loving mother | CATHERINE ANNE DENNISON | wife of the above PATRICK DENNISON | died 22nd October 1962 | RIP. | Erected by his loving wife and family Base:- DENNISION Photo No.208 In | Loving Memory of | ANNIE DUNNE | died 21st Sept. 1946 | THOMAS DUNNE | died Easter Sunday | 15th April 1949 | JOSEPH KAVANAGH | died 27th Dec. 1986. | ANN JOSEPHINE DUNNE | died 16th Dec. 1990 | R.I.P. Photo No.209 In Memory of | a loving wife, mother | and grandmother | AMY FISHER | (nee McINERNEY) | who will be sadly missed | 1st Jan. 1925 - 14th Oct. 1998 Back of headstone:- FISHER Photo No.210 In Loving Memory | of | CATHERINE TOBIN | who died | 4th July 1940 | R.I.P. Photo No.211 In Loving Memory | of | MABEL RYNHART | died 30th Nov. 1971 | also | WILLIAM RYNHART | died 28th Aug. 1981 | and other relatives | R.I.P. Photo No.212 Erected | by | MARY O'CONNELL | Goatstown, In Memory of | her beloved husband | JOHN O'CONNELL | who died 1st Dec. 1906 | also father & mother | JOHN and JULIA BRENNEN | and the above named | MARY O'CONNELL | who died 13th April 1930 Photo No.213 CAMPBELL | In | Loving Memory | of | FRANK and MARY | also | their son ARTHUR | R.I.P. Photo No.214 In Loving Memory | of | ROBERT W. SMYTH | 1913 - 1994 | and his wife | CATHERINE SMYTH | 1918 - 2007 | "Beannacht Dé Ah A H-Anam | Beannacht Dé A Anam" Photo No.215 Erected by JAMES EGAN of Newton Le Willows | In Memory | of | his sister | KATE | who died March 6th 1877 | aged 27 years | also the Soul of | KATE EGAN | who died in 1884 | aged 70 years | also her husband | THOMAS EGAN | who died 5th July 1888 | aged 76 years | also In Memory of | JOHN A. EGAN Photo No.216 In Loving Memory of | JOHN LOUIS FOGARTY | born 30th December 1897 | died 1st July 1977 | also his wife | MARY ANNE FOGARTY | born 23rd May 1902 - died 25th May 1986 Photo No.217 Leland mary hutchinson | born 9th october 1889 | died 28th march 1927 | "the reach of god (-) standing". Photo No.218 In Memory of | ROBERT | youngest son of the | late | WM. HALL | of Aberdeen | died 4 May 1885 aged 5 years | also | JANE STEELE | died 10th June 1898 | CATHERINE E. HALL | eldest daughter of the late | WM HALL | died 12th December 1924. Photo No.219 In | Loving Memory | of | HANNAH JULIA WILSON | the dearly loved wife of | ROBERT WILLIAM WILSON | Secretary's Office, G.P.O. | she died 28th May 1894 | aged 49 years. | also her infant son | JAMES KNOX WILSON | who died 26th March 1887, | aged 7 months. | also the above named | ROBERT WILLIAM WILSON | who died 15th May 1917, | aged 80 years. | "He giveth his beloved sleep". Photo No.220 In Memory of | EMILY RADCLIFFE | widow of J. RADCLIFFE | loving, loved and only sister of | DAVENPORT CROSTHWAITE LL. D. | she was called home | 25 July 1885, aged 57 years. | also of her only brother | DAVENPORT CROSTHWAITE LL. D. | (beloved Uncle of J. CROSTHWAITE RADCLIFFE) | who fell asleep | 4 December 1899, aged 75 years | Both with Christ | "At Rest". Photo No.221 In | Loving Memory | of | THOMAS WRIXON ROSSITER | Meadowlands | died 4th Dec. 1905, aged 86 | Ps. XXXVII. 37. | also ANNIE his wife | died 18th Jan. 1886 | and GRACIE their daughter | died 8th Oct. 1885 Photo No.222 Erected by | MARY SHEEDY | In Loving Memory of | her husband | WILLIAM | who died March 14th 1886 | aged 55 years | also | her dearly beloved daughter | ELLIE who died Feb. 17 1894 | aged 18 yrs | R.I.P. Photo No.223 In Loving Memory of | my beloved husband | THOMAS MONAGHAN | died 3rd July 1903 | and of my brother | PATRICK HYLAND | died 23rd July 1927 Photo No.224 Erected | by | sorrowing parents | in affectionate remembrance | of their darling daughter | WILHELMINA MAGDALEN HALPIN | who died 28th July 1899 | aged 3 years | also the above | MARY HALPIN | died 1st Novr. 1905, aged 49 years | R.I.P. | and WILLIAM HALPIN died | 8th March 1918, aged 67 years | R.I.P. Base:- WILLIAM HALPIN Jnr | died 15th Dec. 1921 aged 42 years Photo No.225 In | Loving Memory | of | JAMES JIM BURKE Jnr | died 31st January 1985 | R.I.P. | Erected by | his beloved mother, brothers and sisters. Photo No.226 Erected | by | JAMES BURKE | of Drommartin, Dundrum | In Loving Memory of his brother | THOMAS BURKE | who died 4th Decr 1898, | aged 19 years. | "Sacred Heart of Jesus have Mercy on him". | The above | JAMES BURKE | Killed in Croke Park | Nov. 21 1921 | aged 45 years | R.I.P.| JAMES BURKE | Late of Windy Arbour | died Feb. 22nd 1977 St. Nahi's Graveyard Pod Trail. Stop No. 9 (JAMES BURKE was Killed on the 21 November 1920 and not in 1921 as inscribed on the headstone) Photo No.227 Left Cross:- BRIDGET GAFFNEY | "Rest in Peace" Headstone middle :- In Loving Memory | of | our dear mother | ROSE GAFFNEY | Woodview Sandyford Road | who died 3rd Jan 1962. | Our dear father | EDWARD GAFFNEY | died 26th Nov 1975 | his sister | MARGARET GAFFNEY | died 28th Oct 1966 | R.I.P. Right Cross:- EDWARD GAFFNEY | "Rest in Peace" Photo No.228 In Loving Memory of | TIMOTHY BYRNE | Strand Tce., Milltown | died 2nd June 1977, aged 81 years | also his parents | JAMES and NORAH | and his brother | JOHN | "Rest in Peace Photo No.229 Erected | by | MARY LEE | In Memory of her husband | JOSEPH LEE | Rathfarnham | who died May 17th (-) | also | SARAH NELLIE KATHLEEN LEE | who died 16th Dec. (-) | R.I.P. Photo No.230 In Loving Memory | of | JOSEPH LEE | Terenure | died 31st Dec 1944. | and his wife ELIZABETH | died 16th May 1948 | HUGH LEE | died 22nd January 1964 . | also his wife | MARY | died 13th October 1982 | Remembered by | their son and daughters | R.I.P. Photo No.231 Erected | by | JOHN HURLEY of Milltown | In Memory of his only child | SUSAN MARY | who died 24th July 1899 | aged 6 years | also the above | JOHN HURLEY | died 26th Jan. 1907, aged 37 years | and GEORGE LAMBERT, | of Dromartin Farm, Dundrum | died 8th Octr. 1922. | BRIDGET LAMBERT | died 18th Feb. 1958 | R.I.P. Photo No.232 Erected by | JAMES REILLY | Dundrum | Of your charity pray for the repose of the soul of the above | who died 13th Jany 1905 | also | MONICA wife of JAMES | REILLY Jr died September 4th 1920 | MARK CALLAGHAN, died April 1900 | ANNE McCLUSKEY, died Nov. 1924 | MARY REILLY, died Dec. 1933, aged 93 | MARY REILLY, died 9th Jan. 1947 aged 63 | MARY McCLUSKEY, died 20th March 1949 | JAMES REILLY died Oct. 1952 Base:- R.I.P. Photo No.232 In | Memory | of | PRISCILLA MEYLER | who died at Laurel Lodge | 9th March 1895 | aged 76 Photo No.234 Erected | by | Mrs ELIZABETH CRUISE | In Memory of her beloved husband | WILLIAM CRUISE, | of Clonskea Bridge, Roebuck | who died 20th July 1893 | aged 56 years | "On whose soul may Sacred Heart | of Jesus have mercy". | also the above | ELIZABETH CRUISE | died 1st June 1906 | and their beloved sons | CHARLES | died 16th May 1910 | aged 49 years | JOHN died 21st March 1955 | aged 82 years.| R.I.P. Photo No.235 Erected | by his wife | In Loving Memory | of | JOHN QUINN | who died 1st Feb 1893, at Dundrum | also his sister ANNE, | who died 25th Sept 1893 | R.I.P. Photo No.236 SUSAN BRANYAN | wife of GEORGE BELL | died March 31 1894 aged 69 | GEORGE BELL | died April 13 1894 aged 71 | "Blessed are the pure in heart | for they shall see God". Photo No.237 In | Loving Memory | of | RICHARD E. CASEY | who died 27th February 1893 | aged 10 years | also his brother | MICHAEL P. CASEY | who died 9th April 1918 | aged 32 years Photo No.238 Erected | In | Memory of | BRIDGET CRAVEN | wife of JAMES CRAVEN | of 2 Montague Lane | who died 14th Novr 1891 | aged 48 years | JOHN HARTE | 45 St. Endas Rd, Terenure | died 11th March 1944 aged 75. | also his wife | CATHERINE | died 22nd Dec. 1947 aged 72. Photo No.239 In Loving Memory | of | GARRETT KEOGH | 15 Ballinteer Gardens | died 8th Sept. 1942 | also his dear wife | MARY | died 17 Jan. 1986. | R.I.P. Photo No.240 In Loving Memory of my dear parents | Sacred Heart of Jesus | have mercy on the soul of | MATHEW HART | who died 6th March 1899 | aged 76 years | his wife MARY | who died 9th May 1894 | aged 45 years | Erected by their son EDWARD | Churchtown, Dundrum | R.I.P. Photo No.241 In | Memory of | ELIZA | daughter of ROBERT ALLEN | of Clodiagh, Inistioge | who died Feb. 2nd 1925 | in her 97th year | "Well beloved". | At home with the Lord | and of her sister | MARY ALLEN | who died Feb. 23rd 1892 | aged 67 Photo No.242 In | Memory of | JAMES ELVERD | who died Feb 6 1892 | aged 70 | "Sacred Heart of Jesus | have mercy on his soul" | Erected by his widow | also | MARY ELVERD | widow of the above | died Nov 16 1895 | "Jesus, Mary and Joseph have | mercy on their souls" | R.I.P. Photo No.243 Erected | by | JAMES McDONNELL | In Memory of | his beloved child | MARY McDONNELL | who died the 19th Oct. 1890 | aged 3 years | also his beloved wife | MARY McDONNELL | who departed this life | the 17th February 1900 | aged 50 years | Jesus and Mary have mercy on her | R.I.P. Photo No.244 In Loving Memory of | JOSEPH HENRY LAHIFF | died 1951 aged 47 yrs | his wife | ANN BALFE LAHIFF | died 1991 aged 90 yrs | "Rest in Peace". Photo No.245 In | Loving Memory | of | ANNA COOMBS | died 9th Dec. 1889 | WILLIAM M. COOMBS | died 12th May 1920 | ELEANOR COOMBS | died 26th Novr. 1920 | ISABELLA M. COOMBS | died 14th January 1947 Photo No.246 In Loving Memory of | the dear children of | SAMUEL and MARGARET WILKIE | DAVID | born 15th June 1893, died 7th Nov 1931 | aged 38 years. | also | ELIZABETH FRANCES GEORGINA (BESS) | born 22nd May 1905, died 28th Jan. 1925 | aged 19 years | also | WALTER WALLACE (VICK) | born 16th Dec. 1900, died 28th Oct. 1918 | aged 18 years | also | SAMUEL (HAM) | born 4th May 1896, died 30th May 1901 | aged 5 years. | "Until the day break and | the shadows flee away". Photo No.247 In Loving Memory of | ARTHUR | only son of the late | W.D. DICKIE | Cedarmount, Dundrum | died 15th January 1891 | aged 21 years | "I will arise and go to my father". Photo No.248 Part of broken small headstone on number 247:- (DICKIE) | also his wi(fe) | MARGARET | (died) 20th January 193(0) | (N.B. letters and figure in brackets assumed) Photo No.249 Left surround of number 247:- JOAN | daughter of | JOHN and MARY LEVINGSTON | died May 6th 1969 Photo No.250 Front surround of number 247 :- Left side:- MARGARET (WISHART) LEVINGSTON | daughter of DOUGLAS and MARGARET LEVINGSTON | died 15th June 1934 Photo No.251 Front surround of number 247:- Right side:- JOHN W. LEVINGSTON | husband of MARGARET LEVINGSTON | died at sea 22nd November 1932 Photo No.252 In | Loving | Memory of | ROSIE | beloved | daughter of | JOSEPH and | GEORGINA SMITH | who died | Jan. 31st 1891 | aged | 10 yrs | and 6 months Photo No.253 This stone and burial place belongeth | to WM. WALL, Smith of Rathfarnham | and his posterity. Here lyeth the body | of Mr JOHN WALL father of the above | WM. who departed this life December | ye 8th 1758 | aged 64 years. Photo No.254 In Loving Memory | of | DANIEL RICHARD BAILEY | died 16th January 1993 | his beloved wife | LAURA | died 16th October 1999 | their daughter | BETH | died 26th March 2003 Photo No.255 In Loving Memory of | our dear parents | WILLIAM 1891 - 22nd Feb. 1944 | and | ANNIE 1895 - 24th Jan 1980 | "May their souls enjoy eternal peace". Base:- DUNCAN Photo No.256 In Memory of | CHRISTOPHER TURTON | died 24th December 1942 | MARGARET TURTON | died 19th June 1970 | R.I.P. Photo No.257 In Memory of | BRIDGET MURTAGH | beloved wife & mother | died 7th Sept. 1984 | her husband | BILL MURTAGH | died 16th April 1989 | son PAUL died 1943 | daughter MARIE died 1944 | Remembering daughter | ETTIE | died 18th July 1984 Base:- their sons | VINNY died 10th March 1998 | EAMON died 11th June 1998 Photo No.258 In Loving Memory of | JAMES BRIEN | died 29th March 1940 | also | JOHN KEOGH | 12 Farranboley Pk. | died 21st April 1951 | R.I.P. Photo No.259 In Loving Memory | of | EDWARD (NED) KEOGH | died 11th January 1983 Photo No.260 In Loving Memory of | WILLIAM BRIEN | died 5th April 1941 | his wife, ALICE | died 20th Sept. 1965 | also their children | THOMAS, ALICE and RITA Photo No.261 In Loving Memory | of | PATRICK KEOGH | died 14th April 1954 | age 47 yrs | also | MARY KEOGH | died 22nd August 1972 | age 90 yrs | also | a loving Uncle and brother | TOM KEOGH | died 26th Feb. 1994 | age 75 yrs. Photo No.262 Small headstone on number 261:- (KEOGH) | Treasured Memories | of a loving | brother and Uncle | SEÁN | died 24th April 2009 | "Peace I leave | you my friend". Photo No.263 Erected | In Memory of | our dear parents | JOHN and CATHERINE DOYLE | also our dear sister | JANE | who died July 15 1889 aged 35 Photo No.264 2223365 Sergeant | W. A. KAVANAGH | Royal Air Force | 23rd September 1944 age 24 | "Requiescat in Pace". Photo No.265 Erected by | JOHN McCABE | In Memory of | his beloved brother | WILLIAM who departed this life | 16th August 1865 | aged 20 years | also his infant sister | JANE | also his grandfather | MICHAEL O'NEILL | who died 14th March 1857 | aged 71 years | also his grandmother | JANE O'NEILL | who died 16th Sept. 1861 | aged 60 years | "May they rest in Peace". Photo No.266 (Pray) | for the Soul of | EMILY WALSHE | who died October 9th 1891 | aged 62 years. Photo No.267 Top:- In | Loving Memory | of Bottom:- WILLIAM COTTON ROHDE | died March 10th 1908, aged 66 | and of SARAH ISMENA his wife | died 14th August 1930, aged 81. | "With Christ which is far better. Phil. 1.23. Photo No.268 In Ever | & Loving | Memory | of | our beloved father | PATRICK BYRNE, | of Ballymoneen, Ovaca (sic), Co. Wicklow | died 16th July 1890, aged 61 years | also his eldest & dearly loved son | JAMES | died 18th Sep. 1890, aged 24 years. | and his son | JOHN BYRNE | died 27th March 1918, aged 34 years | ANNE BYRNE | wife of the above PATRICK BYRNE | died 11 July 1925, aged (-) years | CATHERINE BYRNE | died 5th June 1938 | R.I.P. Photo No.269 In | Memory of | ISAAC LONG | died 29th May 1914 | aged 72 years | also his daughter | ELIZABETH E. LONG | died 30th January 1907 | aged 29 years. | and his wife | ELIZABETH died 11th Aug. 1932, aged 87 | and of their sons | ISAAC died 11th April 1932, aged 57 | WILLIAM killed in France 1916 aged 35. | also | GEORGE PEARCE | died 28th December 1889 | aged 35 years. Photo No.270 In Loving Memory | of | WILLIAM FINN | died 9 Jan. 1891 | aged 74 | also | his beloved wife ALICE | died 13. July 1900 | aged 78 Photo No.271 In Loving Memory | of | a dear wife and mother | MARY KEARNS | died 19th Sept. 1977 | also | a dear father | GERALD PETER KEARNS | died 24th April '84 | aged 73 | R.I.P. Photo No.272 Mary Jesus Joseph | Erected by | JOHN SUTTON | Dundrum | In Loving Memory of his mother | ANNE SUTTON | who died 7th Jan 1890 aged 70 | also In Memory of his father | WILLIAM SUTTON | who died 4th June 1893 aged 78 | also | ELIZABETH wife of the above JOHN SUTTON | died 5th Aug 1915 aged 50 | JAMES F. SUTTON who died 26th February 1921 aged 23 years | also the above JOHN SUTTON | who died 4 February 1934 aged 71 years | JANE SUTTON died 15 April 1956 aged 53 yrs | ANNE SUTTON - R.I.P. - died 14th Sept 1981 Photo No.273 Erected | In Memory of | MARCELLA LEONARD | who died 21st October 1882 | aged 10 years | also | JAMES LEONARD | who died 17th June 1898 | aged 41 years | also | MICHAEL LEONARD | father of above | who died May 11th 1901 aged 76 years | also MICHAEL & MATHEW sons of above | died 20th Decr 1907 & 25 Feb 1904 | aged 26 years and 37 years | also | ELIZABETH LEONARD mother of above | who died Dec. 14 1913 aged 73 years | R.I.P. Photo No.274 Here lieth the remains of | Mrs SUSANNA JOHNSTON | wife of Mr RICHARD JOHNSTON | of the City of Dublin, Architect | who departed this life on the 8th Sept. 1799 | aged 33 years | also the remains of the above named | RICHARD JOHNSTON | who departed this life on the 20th March 1806 | aged 47 years Photo No.275 In | Loving Memory | of | our dear mother | MARY FLYNN | of Dundrum | who died 2nd Nov. 1913. | also our brothers | EDWARD, FRANCIS, MICHAEL | Jan. Nov. Dec. | 16. 16. 29. | 1916. 1918. 1925 | Sacred Heart of Jesus Have Mercy | on their Souls | also the beloved sister of above | MARY FLYNN, | died 13th Apr. 1953. | also their sister | CATHERINE FLYNN | died 20th May 1956 | R.I.P. Photo No.276 This Ground | belongs to | HENRY EDWD FLYNN | Retreat, Ranelagth | Co of Dublin Photo No.277 Back of number 276:- Erected | by | HENRY EDWD. FLYNN | Retreat, Ranelagh | to his wife | ELIZA AVICE FLYNN | 8th March 1855 Photo No.278 Sacred | to | the Memory of | JOHN BYRNE | who died Decr 22d 1880 | aged 18 years | also | three children who | died at an early | age Photo No.279 In Loving Memory of | AMBROSE LANGAN | of Windy Arbour | who departed this life | on the 14th of October 1887 | aged 55 years | "On whose Soul | sweet Jesus have Mercy" | also two of his children | who died young | This Memorial has been erected | by his devoted wife | BRIGID | also the above | BRIGID LANGAN | died 12th April 1910, aged 70 years | "My Jesus Mercy" | R.I.P. Photo No.280 Egge Agnus Dei | Erected by | JANE PURCELL | of Windy Arbour | In Memory of her beloved | husband | EDWARD PURCELL | who departed this life Febry 1st | 1868 aged 82 years. | Also nine of her children who died | young | also the above | JANE PURCELL | died 26th Jany 1902, aged 93 years Photo No.281 MARY ELIZABETH ADDEY | born 10 September 1855 | died 12 December 1859 | "Suffer little Children to come unto Me". Photo No.282 MILTON | In Memory of | JOHN MILTON | died 23rd July 1916 | his wife MARY | died 22nd January 1939 | their daughters | ELIZABETH and ANNIE | died 28th March 1933 | and their son SAMUEL | died 26th March 1959 | and his wife FORENCE | died 22nd December 1984 | also | ANNIE SINGLETON | died 2nd July 1973 Photo No.283 Erected | by | DANIEL BYRNE | Prospect, Milltown | In Memory of his brother | JAMES | Whitehall, Rathfarnham | died 7th Novr 1907 aged 82 | and his beloved wife | LUCY | 9th Oct. 1911 aged 79 years | and his son | PATRICK | 16th Novr 1905 aged 41 years. Photo No.284 "I will give thee | a Crown of Life" | Erected | by | DANIEL BYRNE | Prospect, Milltown | In Memory of his brother | WILLIAM | Milltown | died 2nd July 1907 aged 70 | and his beloved wife | MARY | died 6th Decr 1884 aged 45 Photo No.285 In | Loving Memory | of | JAMES CARNEGIE | who died 18. March 1866 | aged 75 years. | "As in Adam all die | even so in Christ shall all | be made alive" | 1. Cor XV. 22. | also of | BEATRICE CARNEGIE | his wife | who died 24th May 1883, | aged 87 years. | "I know whom I have believed | and am persuaded that He | is able to keep that which | I have committed to him | against that day" | 2 Timothy 1. 12. | also of their daughter | JANE | who died 15th April 1891, | and their daughter | ELIZA VON DER NAHMER | who died 12. March 1894 | aged 57. Photo No.286 Erected | by | MARY LAMBERT | of Glassons Bridge | In Memory of her beloved husband | GEORGE LAMBERT | who died 6th Feb.1907, aged 60 years | fondly loved & sadly mourned | also her son | JOHN LAMBERT | died 5th April 1912 aged 39 years | also the above | MARY LAMBERT | died 19th Feb. 1915 aged 65 years | also their daughter | ELLEN NOLAN | wife of BRYAN NOLAN | who died 8th Novr 1918 aged 40 ye(ars) | (N.B. Rest of stone broken) Photo No.287 Sacred | to | The Memory of | ANNE SETH | the beloved wife | of | JOHN SETH | who died 7th Augt. 1875 | aged 31 years | "Blessed are the dead which | die in the Lord" Photo No.288 In | Loving Memory | of | JOHN DOYLE | who lost his life | in the Grand Canal | 17th Feby. 1895, aged 14 | R.I.P. | This stone is erected by | his Comrades Photo No.289 Gloria In Excelsis Deo | This stone was erected by Mr | CHRIST. DROMGOOLE in Memory of his mother | CATE. DROMGOOLE also his brother EDWARD | Here also lieth the remains of his beloved | father WILLIAM DROMGOOLE late of Rathfarnham | who departed this life the 3rd of Feby. 1809 | aged 70 years. Photo No.290 Gloria In Excelsis Deo | Beneath this stone lie the remains of | ANNE MAHON youngest daughter of | D'ARCY MAHON Esqr., who departed this life | on the 2nd of March 1824, aged five years | and three months | "Requiescat in Pace" Photo No.291 Here lieth the body of MARY CARR | of Park Street who departed this | life the 15th of April 1788, aged 46 years | Likewise her husband RICHARD | CARR who departed this life the 24th of | June 1788 aged 49 years at whose | request this stone have been | erected. "The Lord have mercy of | their Souls. Amen". Photo No.292 Top of cross:- RICHARD ATKINSON Top:- RICHARD ATKINSON | died at Gortmore 18th July 1871 | aged 53 years | "Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: | for the end of the man is peace". Ps. XXXVII. 37. Bottom:- MARY JANE ATKINSON | died in Dublin 17th June 1889 | aged 67 years | "If we believe that Jesus died and rose again, | even so them also which sleep in Jesus | will God bring with him". 1 Thess. IV. 14. Photo No.293 STONEY family burying ground Photo No.294 Headstone on number 293:- "Righteousness exalteth a nation" | G. JOHNSTONE STONEY | M.A., Hon. Sc. D.T.C. DUB., F.R.S. | died July 1911, aged 85 years | "Flex Qui Potuit Rerum Cognoscere Causas" Photo No.295 Left side of front Tomb on number 293:- Top:- In Loving Remembrance of | ANNE | third daughter of BINDON BLOOD D.L. of Cranaher | and Rockforrest, County Clare | and widow of GEORGE STONEY of Oakley Park, King's County. | born June 4. 1801, died October 29. 1883 | aged 82 years | "Thy word is very pure, therefore thy servant loveth it" | Psalm CXIX v 140 Bottom:- In Loving Memory of | KATHARINE HARRIETT STONEY | second daughter of | GEORGE and ANNE STONEY of | Oakley Park, King's County | born February 5 1824, died February 24 1887 | aged 63 years. Photo No.296 Right side of front Tomb on number 293:- MARGARET SOPHIA | second daughter of ROBERT JOHNSTONE STONEY Esq., of Parsonstown | and for nine years | the wife of GEORGE JOHNSTONE STONEY M.A., F.R.S. | died Oct. 13. 1872 aged Twenty-nine years | "some men a forward motion love, | but I by backward steps would move" | "For time that gave doth now his gift confound". Photo No.297 In | Loving Memory | of the late | EDWARD WRIGHT | who died 2nd March 1881, | aged 28 years | also his only son | EDWARD LOFTUS | who died 1st May 1899. | aged 18 years | also FANNY JANE | wife of the above EDWARD WRIGHT | who died 1st January 1914, | aged 58 years. | and their daughter | CATHERINE FRANCES ROSSITER | died 12th Oct. 1957, aged 78. | Deeply missed by her children & grandchildren | also In Memory of her husband | Captain WALTER WRIXON ROSSITER | killed in action 12th Oct. 1917, | interred in France | and their elder son | EDWARD WRIXON ROSSITER | died 4th Nov. 1944, aged 40. | Interred in Calcutta | "Thy will be done". Base:- PATRICIA HERMAN (nee ROSSITER) 1931-2001 | granddaughter of CATHERINE FRANCES ROSSITER. | "Be thankful she was here not sad she is gone". Photo No.298 In | Loving Memory | of | WILLIAM BUCKLEY | who departed this life 14th October 1902, | aged 58 years. | also his three children | who died in infancy | and of their grandmother | SARAH LAMBERT | who died 15th February 1909. | also of | MARGARET JANE | wife of the above WILLIAM BUCKLEY | who died 22nd January 1926. | aged 70 years. | also of | LOFTUS | son of the above | WILLIAM and MARGARET JANE BUCKLEY | who died 26th September 1939, | aged 51 years | "Thy will be done". Base:- and of | SARAH | daughter of the above named | WILLIAM and MARGARET JANE BUCKLEY | died 17th June 1946. Photo No.299 In Loving Memory of | KATE | wife of Surgeon P. MERRIN | died 31 Jan 1890 aged 32 years | and their child WILLIAM JOHN | born 16 Oct. 1880 died 10 Apr. 1882 | also his wife | ELIZABETH BIRNEY | died 31 May 1909 | aged 50 years | and their child ERNEST | born 9 July 1894 died 14 March 1895 | also their daughter | ETHEL MAUD | who died 28th Oct. 1918, aged 22 years. | and the above | Surgeon P. MERRIN | died 19th March 1932, | aged 73 years | "In sure and certain hope". Photo No.300 In Loving Memory of | JAMES MERRIN | called to rest 24th Feb. 1900 | aged 69 years. | also his wife | JANE | who fell asleep 30th Sept. 1910 | aged 78 years | and LETITIA (LETTIE) JANE | youngest daughter of above | died 3rd January 1947, | aged 71 years. | also his daughters | ELIZABETH ANNE | died 15th Feb. 1956, aged 85. | (buried in Toronto) | and | SUSAN JANE COOKE | died 5th Aug. 1958, aged 85. | (buried in Portarlington) | "Blessed are the dead | which die in the Lord". All images Copyright by Photographer