dublin-cabbage -- This Stone hath been placed Ano (Dom.) | in 1797 by JOSEPHHUBAND Grand Son | of EDMUND HUBAND next under named in the |place of a Stone much Decayed and Broken | whereon were thetwo next following Inscriptions | (This stone and Burial PlaceBelongeth to the above named Mr | (*"Edmund Huband and hisProsterity An. Dom. 1690. Here lie | Sixteen of his Children.| The above named EDMOND EDMUND HUBAND dies an. Dom. 1719 |and was buried in a vault under the Church of the | Parish ofSt. Luke. | Here lieth EDMUND HUBAND son if the above | EdmundHuband and father of JOSHUA HUBAND JOSEPH | HUBAND whichEDMUND, Father of JOSHUA and JOSEPH died An. Dom. 1757.
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