Deansgrange Cemetery, West Section, Part 3, Deansgrange, Co. Dublin, Ireland
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Dublin Index
Contributed by Joyce Tunstead


Photo No.301
Lovingly Remembered | MARY KIRWAN | departed this life 1953 | aged 53 yrs. |
also her son | FRANCIS KIRWAN | departed this life 1962 | aged 22 yrs.

Photo No.302
In | Loving Memory | of | JULIA CONNOLLY | died 2nd March 1949 | WILLIAM WALSH
| died 19th Dec. 1914 | ROSANNA WALSH | died 23rd Novr. 1918 | DORIS WALSH |
died 24th Feb. 1927 | R.I.P.

Photo No.303
In Loving Memory always of | EDWARD (EDDIE) CRAWFORD | died 24th Dec. 1982

Photo No.304
COLLINS | In Loving Memory of | Aunt KATHLEEN | Her Mum ELLEN, | MARY and

Photo No.305
In Loving Memory of | ALICE FARRELL | Dalkey | who died 13th Nov. 1918 | also
her husband | JAMES | died 15th March 1945 | R.I.P.

Photo No.306
In Loving Memory | of | BRIDGET KILLEEN | died 17th June 1961 | aged 83 |

Photo No.307
MURPHY | In Loving Memory | of | CLARA MELIA | died 18th March 1962, aged 72 |
also her husband | EDWARD | died 18th May 1931, aged 52 | and their son |
EDWARD | died 29th June 1935, aged 20 | Rest in Peace

Photo No.308
In Loving Memory of | ANNE PEGNAM | died 11th Oct. 1918 | wife of | PATRICK
PEGNAM | died 24th Aug. 1951 | and their baby sons | WILLIAM died 12th Feb.
1915 | PATRICK died 10th Oct. 1918 | MICHAEL died 21st March 1922

Photo No.309
In Loving Memory | of | JOHN BYRNE | died 23rd March 1915 | also his wife |
MARY POLLY | died 6th January 1951 | and their daughter | LILY BYRNE | died
29th June 1965

Photo No.310
In Loving Memory of | Lieut. THOMAS L. NOLAN | Irish Army | died 24th Jan.
1930, aged 38 | also his loving wife | TERESA (buried overseas) | BRIGID NOLAN
| died 26th Nov. 1929, aged 73 | MILES NOLAN | died 7th Apr. 1914, aged 32 |
May they rest in the | loving peace of Christ.

Photo No.311
In Loving Memory | of | JOHN FLOOD | who died 14th June 1907 | also his wife |
ELLEN | who died 8th June 1929 | and their daughter | MARY JOSEPHINE | died
12th April 1930 | R.I.P.

Photo No.312
Erected | by | PHELIM REDMOND | of Killiney | in memory of his beloved wife |
JOHANNA | who departed this life | on the 7th January 1912 aged 77 years | also
the above | PHELIM REDMOND | died 9th April 1919 | aged 83 years | Mary of Good
Counsel Pray for them | also their son | RICHARD | died 8th January 1933 | aged
84 years | also | MARY DWYER | died 31st Dec. 1988 | aged 98 years | On whose
souls Sweet Jesus have mercy | R.I.P.

Photo No.313
In | Loving Memory | of | MARY D'ARCY | who died 27th November 1913 | aged 22
years | R.I.P. | Erected by her brother C. D'ARCY | also of CLARA D'ARCY | who
died 23rd February 1919 | aged 31 years | wife of C. T. D'ARCY | also |
ELIZABETH D'ARCY | died 5th Jan. 1925 | aged 63 years.

Photo No.314
In Memory | of | PETER NICHOLAS GLASER | died 13th March 1955 | aged 4 months |
ANNA GLASER | died 8th September 1973 | W. HOFRAT DR. OTTO GLASER | died 28th
January 1975

Photo No.315
In Loving Memory of | JOHN (JACK) MULVANEY | died 13th Feb. 1952 | also his
wife BRIDGET died 11th Feb. 1959 | Late of 125 Deans Grange | R.I.P.

Photo No.316
On top Plaque: - JOSEPH D. FLAHERTY | died 1st March 1933, aged 28 | Late of 16
York St. Taylor's Lane
On bottom Plaque: - His Mother | MARY | O'FLAHERTY | died | 4-12-1943 | aged 66
| R.I.P.

Photo No.317
In Loving Memory of | FREDRICK COSTELLO | died 26th March 1946
(Remainder of inscription is hidden behind a broken cross lying on the grave)

Photo No.318
In | Loving Memory of | JOHN HOPKINS | died Sep. 1 1908 | aged 50 | On his soul
Sweet Jesus have mercy | also his wife | BRIDGET HOPKINS | died Dec. 9th 1945 |
also their son | PATRICK HOPKINS | who died Nov. 1948 | R.I.P.

Photo No.319
In | Loving Memory | of | ANNE QUINN | widow of JAMES QUINN | Killiney | who
died 25th August 1908 | aged 40 years | and her daughter MARY KATHLEEN | who
died 5th April 1910 | aged 17 years | SEAN QUINN | died 8th Sept. 1976 | R.I.P.
(Note: - This inscription has been superimposed on an earlier inscription which
is no longer legible)

Photo No.320
In Memory of | JULIA CARROLL | age 4½ | also Grandparents | ANNE & PATRICK.

Photo No.321
In Loving Memory | of | MARY CLARKE | died 12th November 1908 | SARAH CLARKE |
died 25th January 1929 | THOMAS CLARKE | died 6th July 1975 | BRIGID SHEERIN |
died 15th May 1986 | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.322
In Loving Memory of | MAISIE MURDOCK | died 23rd Jan. 1930 | MARGARET MURDOCK |
died 8th Feb. 1933 | PATRICK MURDOCK | died 6th Dec. 1952

Photo No.323
(On the same grave as Headstone No.322)
ELIZABETH MURDOCK | died 20th April 2000

Photo No.324
In Loving Memory of | BRIDGET POWER | Late of Clifden, Kilkenny (Remainder of
inscription is underground)

Photo No.325
In | Loving Memory | of our dear mother | MARGARET HIGGINS | died 31st Dec.
1930 | also our dear father | JAMES HIGGINS | died 11th Dec. 1956 | and
daughter | MARGARET | died 3rd Dec. 1926 | also WILLIE and LILLIE | who died
young. | Late of Cumberland Street | R.I.P.

Photo No.326
In Loving Memory | of | MARGARET EARLEY | died 8th April 1986 | aged 73 years |
PETER EARLEY | died 31st March 2003 | aged 61 years | MAUREEN MURPHY | (nee
EARLEY) | died 25th March 2003 | aged 64 years | Beautiful memories treasured |
forever, of the love and happiness | that we shared together | Rest in Peace
On the base: - EARLEY.

Photo No.327
Erected by | ELIZABETH CANAVAN | 1 York Terrace Dun Laoghaire | in loving
memory of | her dear husband | JOHN CANAVAN | who died 16th April 1909 | And
her beloved son JOHN | died 21st Nov. 1942 | Also the above | ELIZABETH CANAVAN
| died 23rd June 1946

Photo No.328
Mother | In Loving Memory | of | JUDITH McLOUGHLIN | Stillorgan | died 14th
Aug. 1933 | beloved wife of MICHAEL McLOUGHLIN | also their darling son |
BERTIE | died 19th Dec. 1909 | also the above | MICHAEL McLOUGHLIN | who died
3rd Jan. 1943 | also their daughter | FLORRIE O'LEARY | died 28th Dec. 1980 |
My Jesus Mercy.

Photo No.329
In Loving Memory | of | MARGARET KEOGH | died 11th June 1910 | and her sons |
THOMAS KEOGH | died 23rd April 1937 | LAURENCE KEOGH | died 20th Sept 1974 |
LIZZIE KEOGH | died 16th July 1994 | R.I.P.

Photo No.330
J. CONNOR served as | 1904 Gunner | J. MURPHY | Royal Field Artillery | 25th
February 1917

Photo No.331
ENA and JOHNNY LOGAN | also | LOLLO JOHN JOHN | Newtown Pk. | R.I.P.

Photo No.332
In Loving Memory of | SARAH JANE PURDY | Ringsend | died 4th March 1931 |

Photo No.333
In Loving Memory | of | THOMAS KAVANAGH | who died 16th Nov. 1927 | also his
daughter | MARY KATE | who died 11th Nov. 1917

Photo No.334
Left side: - MICHAEL POWER | died | 17th April 1910 | aged 39 | JAMES POWER |
died | 29th March 1913 | aged 15
Right side: - WILLIAM POWER | died | 8th October 1916 | aged 10 | CATHERINE
POWER | died | 20th August 1918 | aged 9

Photo No.335
In Loving Memory | of | Corporal THOMAS MURPHY | E. Coy. 1st Batt. No.2 Brigade
| S.E.Divisiion, I.R.A. | who died for Ireland | 31st May 1921 | aged 22 years
| Go nDeunaid Dia Trochaire ar a Anam | Erected by | his brothers in arms.

Photo No.336
In Loving Memory of | DAVE BYRNE | 17 Lennox Street, Dublin | died 17th Fe.
1910 | His wife ANNE died 14th Dec. 1910 | Their daughter BRIDIE | died 4th
Dec. 1931 | and their son PETER | died 10th Dec. 1941 | also his wife CATHERINE
| died 28th Sep. 1949 | and their son CYRIL died 11th Jan. 1969 | R.I.P.

Photo No.337
In Loving Memory | of | JAMES O'CONNELL | Ballsbridge | died 8th August 1923 |
also his wife | ESTHER | died 23rd March 1944 | Interred in this Cemetery |
also their daughter | EMILY | died 12th May 1966 | R.I.P.

Photo No.338
KAVANAGH | In Loving | Memory of | a dear husband | & father | MICHAEL |
(NUDGER) | Late of York Rd. | died 5th May 2008 | Aged 76 years
On the base: - No longer in our lives to share | In our hearts you are always

Photo No.339
In Loving Memory | of | my dear husband | WILLIAM CASHELL | 11 Stella Gardens,
Irishtown | died 21st March 1968 | and his son | NOEL | died 3rd March 1939 |
also his wife | CHARLOTTE | died 9th May 1969 | R.I.P.

Photo No.340
In | Loving Memory of | our dear parents | JOSEPH KAVANAGH died 21st March 1926
| and SARAH KAVANAGH died 13th August 1936 | Also FRANCIS KAVANAGH died 28th
June 1908. Uncle | MARY ANNE KAVANAGH died 25th Sept. 1935. Aunt | and their
daughter MARGARET KAVANAGH died 28th June 1916 | On whose souls Sweet Jesus
have mercy.

Photo No.341
In Loving Memory | of | our father | BARTLE NOLAN | Late Peterson Lane, City
Quay | also our mother | TERASA | Interred elsewhere.

Photo No.342
Erected | by | ANNA SMITH | Castle Terrace, Bullock | to the memory of | her
dearly loved husband | CHRISTOPHER SMITH | who died Oct. 28 1908, aged 62 years
| also her dear daughter | ELLEN SMITH | who died Aug 4 1917, aged 29 years |
R.I.P. | Sweet Jesus have mercy on their souls | Also his wife | ANNA SMITH |
who died 30th July 1925, aged 76 years | MARY SMITH | died 17th Aug. 1964 |
Capt. JOHN J. SMITH | died 17th Nov. 1974

Photo No.343
MARY S. MOORE | died 31st May 1910 | R.I.P.

Photo No.344
In Loving Memory of our dear parents | GEORGE GRUNDY died 28.3.1924 | ALICE
GRUNDY died 31.10.1940 | also our brother PATRICK GRUNDY died 4.9.1956

Photo No.345
In | Loving Memory of | my | dear parents | JOHANNA KEARNS | died 25th April
1916 | MICHAEL KEARNS | died 30th March 1919 | Also my brothers | DENIS died
20th Dec. 1920 | WILLIAM died 15th Apl. 1908 | R.I.P.

Photo No.346
In | Loving Memory | of | NORA O'BRIEN | Drumbawn, Newport | died Dec. 1907 |
also her brother | WILLIAM | died Feb. 1945 | R.I.P. | Erected by their loving

Photo No.347
In Loving Memory of | our dear sister | CATHERINE ELIZABETH (KATIE) O'CONNOR |
(E de M) | Pembroke Cottage, Havelock Sq., Bath Ave | who died 27th Aug. 1954,
aged 37 years | Erected by her fond sister and brothers.

Photo No.348
To the Memory of | our dear children | MAUREEN O'NEILL | Donnybrook | died 30th
March 1912, age 2 yrs. | WILLIAM VINCENT | died 23rd Aug. 1914, age 7 months |
PATRICK JOSEPH | died 20th Oct. 1918, age 17 yrs. | ANNA MARIA O'NEILL | died
13th April 1933 | PATRICK O'NEILL | died 4th Feb. 1964 | Sacred Heart of Jesus
have mercy on them | R.I.P. | Erected by their sorrowing parents.

Photo No.349
10404 Guardsman | PETER ENNIS | Scots Guards | 25th April 1916 age 33 | May he
rest in peace.

Photo No.350
In Memory | of | Lieut. JOSEPH COSTELLO | Vol. ANDREW JOSEPH BYRNE | Killed
Easter | 1916 | Go nDeanaid Dia Trocaire Orta | Ectd. By Nat. Graves Assoc.

Photo No.351
(A Broken Headstone lying on ground)
To the Memory | of | MARY FARRELL | who died on the | 18th March 1915 aged 88 |
For 63 years servant | and friend in the family of | LUKE J. McDONNELL | MARY
O'BRIEN | died 18th July 1933 | after 18 years | faithful service to | Honble.

Photo No.352
In Loving Memory | of | WILLIAM COLLINS | 21 Victoria Avenue Donnybrook | died
14th March 1950 | and his mother | CATHERINE COLLINS | died 1st May 1915 |

Photo No.353
Pray | for the souls | of | TERESA NOLAN | died 10th June 1915, aged 63 years |
and her loving husband | PATRICK NOLAN | died 11th December 1918, aged 68 years
| also | MARY PRENDERVILLE | Killiney Co.Dublin | died 9th November 1922  aged
76 years

Photo No.354
In | Loving Memory | of | our dear father and mother | ABRAHAM HENNESSY | 26
Home Villas, Donnybrook | who died 11th Sept. 1945 | and | ELIZABETH HENNESSY |
who died 14th Jan. 1950 | and their daughter | ANNE | aged 2½ years | and
grandson | JAMES MURRAY | R.I.P.

Photo No.355
CUMMINS | In Loving Memory of | HENRY, died 15th June 1961 | and his beloved
wife | CATHERINE (BABS) | died 18th May 1984
On Base: Rest in Peace.

Photo No.356
In | Loving Memory | of | MICHAEL SHERIDAN | died 7th Aug. 1915, aged 11 years
| and his brother | JOHN | died 18th Oct. 1918, aged 8 months | also | JAMES
JOSEPH SHERIDAN | died 22nd Dec. 1942, aged 41 years | also their dear mother |
SARAH SHERIDAN | died 27th March 1958, aged 81 years | also their father |
FRANCIS SHERIDAN | died 24th March 1961, aged 85 | R.I.P.

Photo No.357
(Small plaque at the foot of Headstone No.356)
In Memory of | PHILIP SHERIDAN | died 7th Dec. 1964 | R.I.P.

Photo No.358
In | Loving Memory | of | MARY GILL | died Oct. 2 1915 | R.I.P.

Photo No.359
Erected by | LAURENCE MOONEY | 10, Up. Grand Canal Street | In Memory of | my
dear wife | MARY FRANCES | who died 20th December 1956 | aged 35 years | also
my parents | ANN MOONEY | who died 7th November 1918 | aged 24 years | PATRICK
MOONEY | who died 17th March 1957 | aged 74 years | also the above | LAURENCE
MOONEY | 1917 - 25th May 1988 | R.I.P.

Photo No.360
In | Loving Memory of | my dear mother | Mrs. MARY KEOGH | died 5th Dec. 1915 |
aged 39 years | also her grandchild | MAY BOYLAN | died 2nd August 1927 | aged
9 years

Photo No.361
In Loving Memory of | our dear parents | JOHN O'BRIEN | died 15th August 1960 |
ELIZABETH O'BRIEN | died 3rd July 1978

Photo No.362
Erected by | ELIZABETH GILES | Blackrock | in loving memory of | her husband |
EDWARD GILES | died 7th Dec. 1931 | also her son | EDWARD JOHN (NEDDIE) | died
9th Jan. 1916 | Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy | on them | Also of the above
| ELIZABETH GILES | died 29th Aug. 1941 | Immaculate Heart of Jesus | pray for
her | Also | ALICE LENNON | daughter of the above | died 2nd Aug. 1966 |
Eternal rest give unto them O Lord | And let perpetual light shine on them. |

Photo No.363
In Loving Memory of | my dear husband | PATRICK O'BRIEN | died 23rd Feb. 1996 |
and his beloved wife | RITA | died 13th Jan. 2002 | also | LOUISE O'NEILL died
Dec. 1986 | and | MARY MALONE died 1915 | R.I.P.

Photo No.364
In Loving Memory | of | MICHAEL HILLIARD | died 9th May 1934, aged 39 years |
also his wife | ELLEN | died 12th October 1955, aged 65 years

Photo No.365
(The Wooden Cross in front of Headstone No.364)
7.7.1923 - 9.2.2001 | BRIDIE WYATT nee HILLIARD

Photo No.366
In Loving Memory | of | our dear parents | WILLIAM O'REILLY | died 6th May 1954
| aged 70 | MARY O'REILLY | died 1st Feb. 1971 | aged 84 | and their son-in-law
| EDWARD McCAULEY | died 31st May 1997 | aged 84 | R.I.P.

Photo No.367
KELLY | In Loving Memory of | DANIEL | died 15.3.1930 | His wife | MARY | died
20.11.1936 | Their son | DANIEL | died 9.3.1927 | Their daughter | CATHERINE |
died 13.2.1978 | R.I.P.

Photo No.368
In Memory of | PADDY CARROLL | 5 George's Ave. Blackrock | who lost his life |
2nd Nov. 1990(?) | by his courtesy in bus | at Booterstown | R.I.P.

Photo No.369
In | Loving Memory of | my dear husband | HENRY (HARRY) BATTIGAN | 12 Bath Ave.
Gardens, Sandymount | died 2nd June 1983 | His beloved wife | ANNIE (nee LYNCH)
| died 5th May 1995 | and of his sister | GRETTA MARSLAND nee BATTIGAN | died
14th June 1933 | R.I.P. | Our Lady of Knock pray for us.

Photo No.370
In | Loving Memory | of | PATRICK KNOWLES | who died 2nd March 1919 | aged 23
years | O Sacred Heart have mercy on him | R.I.P.

Photo No.371
In Loving Memory of | our dear parents | EDWARD CARROLL 26.2.1952 | MARY
CARROLL 30.1.1955 | also her brother | PATRICK KNOWLES | 2.3.1919, aged 23
years | R.I.P.

Photo No.372
In Loving Memory of | JOHN MILEY | died 28th July 1961(?) | JANE MILEY | died
16th March 1985 | "The years long past | we remember" | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.373
GERARD McKEE | died 30th June 1986 | "Grant him eternal rest".

Photo No.374
In Loving Memory of | my darling husband | THOMAS JAMES TURPIN | who was
suddenly called away | on Sunday March 1 1919 | aged 28 years | also of |
CHARLIE, brother and friend | who died the day previous | & was buried with him
| aged 36 years | "For of such is the kingdom of God". | R.I.P.

Photo No.375
In | Loving Memory | of | our dear children | MICHAEL MONAHAN | who died 23rd
March 1918 | aged 3 years | RICHARD MONAHAN | died 25th March 1919 | aged 4
years | Erected by | their sorrowing parents | R.I.P.

Photo No.376
In | Loving Memory | of | my dear husband | JOHN MULLEN | 12 Holles St. | died
9th Feb. 1930 | and our dear sons | LEO MULLEN | died 19th May 1934 | and JAMES
MULLEN | died 28th Aug. 1957 | and GEORGE MULLEN | died 7th Feb. 1960 | Late B
Coy. 3rd Batt. | Dublin Brigade I.R.A. | R.I.P. | Erected by his loving wife
and family.

Photo No.377
In Memory of | a beloved wife and mother | FLORENCE O'NEILL | died 3rd
September 1976 | and of a beloved husband and father | PATRICK O'NEILL | 1902 -
1979 | B. Company 3rd Battalion Dublin Brigade I.R.A. | R.I.P. | CATHERINE
O'NEILL 1868 - 1919 | MICHAEL O'NEILL 1873 - 1942

Photo No.378
Erected | by | her sorrowing parents | of Drumcondra | in loving memory of
their dear daughter | FRANCES MARGARET YOUNG | who died 23rd February 1919 |
aged 7 years & 10 months | also | Sacred to the memory of | my dearly beloved
wife | MARGARET | died 19th June 1949 | Ever Loyal, Ever True | and her son |
FRED YOUNG | died 15th June 1997 | aged 84 years | R.I.P.

Photo No.379
Erected | by | PHILIP & MARY DUNNE | Dun Laoghaire | in memory of their beloved
daughter | MARY FRANCES | who died 28th Feb. 1919 aged 20 years | also their
son | THOMAS AMBROSE | torpedoed on H.M.S. Bayano | 11th March 1915 aged 26
years | Compassionate Heart of Jesus have | mercy on their souls | also their
mother | MARY DUNNE | died 4th March 1943 | also the above | PHILIP DUNNE |
died 11th March 1947, aged 86 years | R.I.P.

Photo No.380
In Loving Memory | of | MICHAEL THOMPSON | died 27th February 1919 | aged 27
years | Sacred Heart of Jesus | have mercy on his soul | Also his father |
MICHAEL THOMPSON | died 11th Oct. 1943 | Also ANNIE THOMPSON | died 29th Dec.
1946 | and her mother | JANE THOMPSON | died 16th Oct. 1952 | also her son |
WILLIAM THOMPSON | died 12th Feb. 1956

Photo No.381
In Loving Memory | of | our dear father | EDWARD HUGHES | Late of 65 Haddington
Rd. | died 2nd Feb. 1919 aged 80 years | and our dear mother | BRIDGET HUGHES |
died 9th Dec. 1931, aged 79 years | Also our dear brother | ANDREW J. HUGHES |
died 8th Dec. 1928, aged 40 years | Their daughter | CATHERINE KIRBY | died
24th Nov. 1966, aged 51 years | Jesus have mercy on their souls | R.I.P.

Photo No.382
In Loving Memory of | JAMES LYNCH | died 21st March 1936 | MARY KATE LYNCH |
died 17th June 1962 | PATRICK LYNCH | died 4th Aug. 1964 | JAMES BYRNE | died
11th May 1987 | His beloved wife | ALLIE | died 17th Jan. 2007 | R.I.P.

Photo No.383
In Loving Memory | of | HANNAH FOX | died 15th Dec. 1918 | JULIA and PATRICK
TUITE | died 16th Feb. 1930 - 22nd Feb. 1936 | also my parents | PATRICK and
JOSEPHINE FOX nee KEYES | died 19th Dec. 1979 - 6th Nov. 1986 | and daughter |
YVONNE FOX | died 20th Nov. 2007 | Peace at Last.

Photo No.384
Erected | by | JOSEPH CUNDELL | in memory of his beloved mother | MARGARET |
who died 19th June 1922 | also his brother WILLIAM | died 12th Dec. 1918 | also
ELLEN | wife of the above JOSEPH | died 8th March 1937 | also the above |
JOSEPH CUNDELL | died 12th March 1938 | R.I.P.

Photo No.385
Cherished Memories | of | a devoted wife and mother | MAY KAVANAGH | (nee
MOORE) | died 14th February 1983 | and a loving husband & father | WILLIAM |
died 18th February 1994 | Rest in Peace.
On the base: - KAVANAGH.

Photo No.386
In Loving Memory of | MARY ANNE MOORE | 14 Penrose St. Ringsend | died 25th
Oct. 1939, aged 60 years | and her dear son | JAMES J. MOORE | died 17th Aug.
1942, aged 31 years | and her husband | JAMES MOORE | died 23rd Feb. 1951, aged
75 years | R.I.P. | Erected by her fond husband & family.

Photo No.387
In | Loving Memory | of | THOMAS O'SULLIVAN | 17 Glasthule Rd | died 23rd Dec.
1918 | also his dear father | THOMAS | died 6th Nov. 1945 | and his wife |
BRIDGET O'SULLIVAN | died 27th July 1964 | also PHILIP O'SULLIVAN | died 15th
Jan. 1992 | On whose souls Sweet Jesus have mercy.

Photo No.388
In Loving Memory of | ANNIE DALY | died 29th December 1986 | and JULIA FRANCES
CARROLL | died 2nd December 1990 | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.389
In Loving Memory | of | ANDREW (ANDY) KAVANAGH | Tram Tce., Blackrock | died
1st Aug. 1947, aged 56 | and of his children | JOHN | died 6th Dec. 1918 |
JEREMIAH | died 21st April 1930 | PATRICK | died 26th April 1930 | and his wife
| ANNIE | died 29th Dec. 1971 | R.I.P.

Photo No.390
In Loving Memory | of | my dear husband | ALEX SMITH | 34 Pembroke St. died 3rd
Dec. 1959 | Late D. Co. 3rd Batt. I.R.A. | His brother CHARLES SMITH | died
22nd March 1937 | Late D. Co. 3rd Batt. I.R.A. | also his dear wife | MARGARET
SMITH | died 2nd Oct. 1972 | Late Cumann na mBan | Her beloved son | JIMMY |
died 27th Jan. 1991 | R.I.P.

Photo No.391
23040 Lance Cpl. | W. JOYCE | Royal Inniskilling Fus. | 28th December 1918 age
21 | May he rest in peace.

Photo No.392
In Loving Memory | of my dear husband | PATRICK KAVANAGH | 30 St. Vincent's Pk.
Temple Hill | died 29th Dec. 1964 | also his sons | JOHN | died 2nd Jan. 1919 |
and | PATRICK | died 5th Nov. 1927 | and his grandaughter | BREDA KELLY | died
7th April 1950 | also his beloved wife | JULIA KAVANAGH | died 27th June 1969 |
and their daughter ANN (NANCE) | died 3rd Feb. 1986 | Their grand-son BARRY |
died 24th Feb. 1967 | R.I.P. | Erected by his wife & family.

Photo No.393
Sacred Heart of Jesus | have mercy on the soul of | ALAN SUTHERLAND | 81
Patrick Street, Dun-Laoghaire | who died 15th Jan. 1945 | His loving wife |
MARGARET SUTHERLAND | died 31st Aug. 1952 | Baby daughter PEG | died 27th Dec.
1918 | Daughter | HELEN (NELLIE) SUTHERLAND | died 8th Dec. 1993 | R.I.P. |
Erected by their sons and daughters.

Photo No.394
In | Loving Memory | of | my dear husband | JOHN NOLAN | died 29th May 1961 |
and his loving wife | ELIZABETH | died 17th Feb. 1990 | aged 87 years | R.I.P.
| Erected by his loving wife.

Photo No.395
To the Memory of | THOMAS DUNNE | who died 22nd(?) March 1946 | also HELEN and
THOMAS | who both died young. | PHYLLIS died 23rd January 1991 | MARY M. wife
of THOMAS | died 28th November 1971 | R.I.P.

Photo No.396
In Loving Memory | of | my dear husband | DANIEL O'CONNOR | died 14th Feb. 1949
| also my sister | MARY E. ANNETT | died 4th March 1926 | also my brother |
JOHN ANNETT | died 8th June 1940 | MARGARET | wife of DANIEL | died 2nd June
1960 | "Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on them" | R.I.P.

Photo No.397
MARGARET SCULLY | died Jan. 12th 1919 | R.I.P.

Photo No.398
Original Headstone which appears to have been replaced by Headstone No.397 -
the original is damaged.
Erected by | JULIA HOEY | in memory of her beloved | sister | MARGARET SCULLY |
who died 12th Jany. 1919 | R.I.P.

Photo No.399
In Loving Memory | of | my dear mother | ANASTASIA LANGAN | died 12th Jan. 1919
| and her daughter | CHARLOTTE LANGAN | died 18th April 1979 | R.I.P.

Photo No.400
In Loving Memory | of | GEORGE GRAHAM | died 18th April 1982 | His wife STELLA
| died 7th July 1993 | His mother MARY | died 6th February 1919 | Rest in

Photo No.401
ELIZABETH P. HELLBERG | (Be-Be) | Born Benicia, California Nov. 20 1911 | Died
Dun Laoghaire, Ireland Mar. 18 1979 | R.I.P.

Photo No.402
In | Loving Memory | of | THOMAS HEALY | PATRICK and CATHERINE | Erected by
sisters. | R.I.P.

Photo No.403
In Loving Memory of | THOMAS A. TAAFFE | died 24th Jan. 1919 | also his parents
| WILLIAM TAAFFE | died 24th Aug. 1945 | ANNIE TAAFFE | died 3rd July 1960 |
and their daughter | MARY TAAFFE | died 10th July 1984 | and her brother |
FRANCIS (FRANK) TAAFFE | died 17th Oct. 2001, aged 89 | R.I.P.

Photo No.404
In | Loving Memory | of | my husband | THOMAS (JACK) TIMMONS | 6 Magenta Place,
Dun-Laoghaire | Irish Volunteers & I.R.A. 1913 - 1922 | Lieut. Corps. of
Engineers National Army | 1922 - 1936 | died 22nd Sept. 1953 | "God be good to
him" | His wife | MARY (The Mater) | died 3rd November 1971 | Their children |
ANNIE & PATRICK | who died young. | MAUREEN TIMMONS | died 7th December 1990 |
THOMAS (TOMMY) TIMMONS | died 20th Jan. 1994 | R.I.P.

Photo No.405
In Loving Memory | of | ELIZABETH McEVOY | 37 Cross Ave. Dun-Laoghaire | wife
of PATRICK McEVOY | who died 1st Nov. 1963 | also their daughter | NANCY | who
died 20th Feb. 1919 | aged 20 months | and the above | PATRICK McEVOY | died
22nd May 1966 | and their grandson | JIMMY McEVOY | died 29th March 1999 |
Sadly missed by all his family | R.I.P.

Photo No.406
In Loving Memory of | PENNELLA REID | died Feb. 20 1919 | also her sister |
CATHERINE KENNY | died April 3 1919 | R.I.P. | also | MARTHA RYAN | died Aug.
20 1931

Photo No.407
In Loving Memory of | WILLIAM PRENDERGAST | died March 29 1875 | and his wife
JANE | died May 9 1916 | R.I.P. | Erected by their children | Also their sons |

Photo No.408
Sacred Heart of Jesus | have mercy on the souls of | ANDREW WHELAN | died 23rd
Jan. 1927 | aged 22 yrs. His sisters | LILY died 12th Aug. 1927 | aged 17 yrs.
| KATHLEEN died 9th May 1916 | aged 3½ yrs. | PATRICK WHELAN | 1909 - 1938 |

Photo No.409
Erected by | ELLEN DELAHUNT | Dun-Laoghaire | in memory of her loving husband |
THOMAS | who died 14th Feb. 1935 | also his father | MICHAEL | died 16th April
1916 | and of his mother | BRIDGET | died 6th Nov. 1918 | R.I.P.

Photo No.410
In Loving Memory | of | PATRICK WHITTY | died 20th October 1961 | ELLEN BRACKEN
died 27th December 1976 | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.411
MALLON | In Loving Memory of | PETER MALLON died 21st Jan. 1934 | His sister
PHILOMENA (Mrs. KELLY) | died 6th Dec. 1934 | His wife ELLEN (nee MAGEE) | died
17th Dec. 1969 | Erected by CHRISTOPHER O'LEARY | (Nephew) | died 11th March
2010 | All above formerly of 12 Sallymount Ave Ranelagh | R.I.P.

Photo No.412
In Loving Memory | of | my dear wife | ELIZABETH BRENNAN | who died 4th Sept.
1934 | also her dear husband | EDWARD BRENNAN | died 23rd Aug. 1942 | R.I.P.

Photo No.413
In Loving Memory | of | PATRICK MURPHY | who died 1st Dec. 1944 | also his wife
| ELIZABETH | died 24th Nov. 1915 | MARIA MURPHY | died 6th Aug. 1957 | Sacred
Heart of Jesus have | mercy on them | R.I.P.

Photo No.414
In Loving Memory of | PETER WHELAN | died 9th June 1915 | also his wife |
MARGARET | died 29th Dec. 1927 | Their daughter-in-law | CHRISTINE WHELAN |
died 14th July 1933 | and son PETER | died 20th July 1951 | and EILEEN wife of
PETER | died 25th May 1994 | R.I.P.

Photo No.415
In | Loving Memory | of | BARTHOLOMEW O'TOOLE | died 1st Nov. 1957 aged 69
years | also his wife | ELLEN | died 14th March 1960 aged 64 years | and their
beloved daughter | PATRICIA | died 14th Nov. 1932 aged 6½ years | R.I.P. |
Erected by their loving family.

Photo No.416
In Loving Memory | of | MARGARET MATHEWS | of Dublin | who died 12th Jan. 1915,
aged 65 years | also JULIA | beloved wife of | JOHN MOHAN | Blackrock | died
22nd June 1920, aged 27 years | also | MARGARET MATHEWS | died 17th July 1930 |

Photo No.417
QUINN Headstone (Broken).  The Inscription on the Cross reads: -
Sweet | Jesus | have mercy on the soul of | ELLEN | (Widow of EDWARD QUINN) |
died June 18 1941

Photo No.418
QUINN Headstone (Broken).  The Inscription on the main part of the headstone
reads: -
In sad and loving | memory of | EDWARD QUINN | who died Nov. 6 1919 | and his
sister | MARY | who died July 25 1914 | and his son | FRANCIS | accidentally
killed near | Drogheda Sep. 17 1920, aged 22 years | R.I.P.

Photo No.419
In Loving Memory of | our dear mother | ROSANNA HERSEE | died 31st May 1932 |
Our dear sisters | BRIDGET HERSEE | died 13th Dec. 1933 | MOIRA HERSEE | died
2nd April 1943 | R.I.P.

Photo No.420
In Memory of | ELIZABETH KENNY | & | JOHN KENNY | R.I.P. | From your son MICK,
| LILY and family

Photo No.421
In Loving Memory | of | PHILIP WHITTY | Glasthule Road | who died 26th Dec.
1926 | also BRIDGET WHITTY | died 15th May 19-7 | R.I.P.

Photo No.422
In Loving Memory | of | CHRISTOPHER BRADY | died 18th Aug. 1907 | and his
beloved wife | ELIZABETH | died 9th Nov. 1909 | and their daughters | ELIZABETH
| died 20th Aug. 1945 | and | ROSANNAH AGNES | died 24th Feb. 1946 | R.I.P.

Photo No.423
In Ever | Loving Memory | of | THOMAS CAMPBELL | of Merrion Avenue, Blackrock |
who died on 20th June 1931 | aged 67 years | also his daughter | KATHLEEN | who
died 23rd February 1908 | aged 3½ years | O, Compassionate Heart of Jesus |
grant him eternal rest | and his son | THOMAS JOSEPH | died 20th January 1962

Photo No.424
In Loving Memory | of | our dear mother | ROSANNA MULLEN | died 24th March 1967
| also her son | ALBERT (NABO) MULLEN | died 24th July 1998 | R.I.P. | Erected
by her loving family.

Photo No.425
In Loving Memory | of | a dear Husband & Daddy | JOHN MURRAY | Late 20 Sth.
Cumberland St. | died 12th Nov. 1954 | our beloved Mammy | MARY MURRAY | died
16th Nov. 1992 | R.I.P. | Sadly missed | by his wife & family

Photo No.426
FISHER | JOHN 18.9.1943 | ANASTASIA 15.10.1953

Photo No.427
Sacred Heart of Jesus | have mercy on the souls of | our dear parents | GEORGE
REDMOND | died 28th Jan. 1949 | TERESA REDMOND | died 29th April 1959 | also
our dear brother | PETER REDMOND | died 29th Sept. 1939 | Late of 25 Sth. Lotts
Road, Ringsend | R.I.P. | Erected by their loving family

Photo No.428
In | Sad and Loving Memory | of | my dear husband | PATRICK MOORE | 5a, Pearse
House, Dublin | who died 1st June 1938, aged 56 years | also my loving daughter
| SUSIE E. de M. | who died 15th Nov. 1939, aged 16 years | also my loving
daughter | MARY MOORE E. de M. | who died 9th April 1950, aged 30 years R.I.P.
| Erected by his wife and family.

Photo No.429
In Loving Memory of | ELLEN O'HARA | died 15th August 1915 | EILEEN O'HARA |
died 9th January 1931 | EDWARD O'HARA | died 26th December 1941 | EDWARD CULLEN
| died 5th April 1970 | MAY O'HARA | died 14th August 1996 | R.I.P.

Photo No.430
Small Plaque on the same grave as Headstone No.429.
In | Memory of | ELLEN O'HARA | (Donnybrook) | died Aug. 14th 1915 | aged 33
yrs. | R.I.P.
(Note: This plaque gives Ellen's date of death as 14th August, and on the main
headstone the inscription has 15th August).

Photo No.431
In Loving Memory of | WILLIAM S. BANKS | who died 8th August 1940, aged 47
years | and his wife | JULIA ELIZABETH | who died 26th May 1977, aged 86 years

Photo No.432
My | Jesus Mercy | In Loving Memory of | my dear wife | ELLEN (NELLIE) DOWNES |
Late of Limerick | who died at Portobello Barracks | on the 6th Nov. 1934 aged
34 years | also her infant son. | Eucharistic Heart of Jesus have mercy |

Photo No.433
In | Loving Memory | of | my dear wife | THERESA MARY KENNEDY | of Cabinteely |
died 15th September 1934 | aged 30 years | also her husband | PATRICK KENNEDY |
died 30th April 1945 | BERTIE KENNEDY | Interred in England | MARTIN KENNEDY |
Interred in New Zealand | BENNIE KENNEDY, Interred in England | FRANK KENNEDY,
Interred in New Zealand | R.I.P.

Photo No.434
Sacred to the Memory | of | CATHERINE (KATE) DOYLE | who died the 6th February
1926 | R.I.P.

Photo No.435
In Loving Memory of | THOMAS KAVANAGH | 37, Malone Gdns. Bath Ave | died 19th
April 1978 | aged 81 years | His beloved wife JOSEPHINE | died 22nd March 1981
| aged 82 years | R.I.P. | Erected by his wife and family

Photo No.436
In Loving Memory | of | WILLIAM JOSEPH GREGG | a dear husband and father | died
14th May 1985 | aged 88 years | also his beloved wife | ROSE | Born 10th March
1901 | Died 9th Sept. 1990 | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.437
R.I.P. | In Loving | Memory | ELEANOR (NELLY) RYAN | 2-1-1960.

Photo No.438
In | Loving Memory | of | my dear husband | JAMES GILMORE | 76 Haddington Road
| died 30th January 1956 | also my dear brother | WILLIAM REDMOND | died 2nd
August 1919 | Also in loving memory of | MARGARET GILMORE | beloved wife of the
above | JAMES GILMORE | died 17th July 1964 | Rev. JAMES GILMORE, P.P. | died
25th August 2006 | Lovingly Remembered | R.I.P. | When Christ shall appear who
is your life | then you also shall appear with Him in Glory | Col. iii. 4.

Photo No.439
In Loving Memory of | EILEEN FITZGIBBON | 1 Oliver Plunkett Ave. Dun Laoghaire
| died 28th Feb. 1978 | also her parents | JANE LEONARD | died 3rd June 1931 |
and THOMAS LEONARD | died 25th Sept. 1942 | and her sister | LILY DEVITT | died
19th March 1919 | R.I.P.

Photo No.440
In Loving Memory of | JOHN BRADY | died 26th February 1947 | His wife ELIZABETH
BRADY | died 17th December 1952 | Children NARGARET BRADY | died 20th February
1997 | MARY E. BRADY | died 28th March 1919 | CHARLES BRADY | died 10th June
1919 | JOSEPH BRADY | died 27th September 1941 | R.I.P.

Photo No.441
R.I.P. | JAMES KAVANAGH | died | 23rd | June | 1957

Photo No.442
Erected by her husband | In Loving Memory of | my dear wife | ANNASTASIA
O'NEILL | died 14th March 1919 | R.I.P.

Photo No.443
Small plaque at the foot of the grave with Headstone No.442
In Loving Memory of | our dear mother & father | ANNASTASIA & PATRICK | O'NEILL
| Also Baby SARAH | R.I.P.

Photo No.444
In Loving Memory | of a dear Aunt | KATHLEEN McARDLE | (DOLLY) | died 9th June
1989 | aged 77 years

Photo No.445
In Loving Memory of | my dear husband | EDWARD JOSEPH DUNNE | 89 Trimleston
Gardens, Booterstown | who died 26th March 1966 | also baby daughter | LILY |
ANNA DUNNE | died 13th June 1980 | EDWARD M. (TED) DUNNE | died 21st Nov. 2004
On the base: - Erected by his loving wife and family | R.I.P.

Photo No.446
Left side: - In | Loving Memory | of | GEORGE | CORRI | died 18th April 1954 |
Rest in Peace
Right ride: - BRIDGET | CORRI | died 26th Feb. 1977 | Forever in | our

Photo No.447
Pray for the souls of | WILLIAM O'REILLY | 6th March 1932 | ALICE O'REILLY |
12th April 1940 | WILLIAM O'REILLY | died 20th January 1971 | aged 80 years |
ANNE O'REILLY | died 19th February 1979 | R.I.P.

Photo No.448
In Loving Memory | of | our dear daughter | MARY MOLLY McCABE | Late of 1 Lr.
Erne Place, Dublin | who died 5th July 1933 | aged 22 years | Immaculate Mary
intercede | for her | JOHN McCABE | died 27th April 1937, aged 18 years |

Photo No.449
(Headstone broken)
In | Loving Memory | of | our darling daughter | BETTY FITZPATRICK | died 2nd
Feb. 1935, aged 6½ years | Her grandmother | ELIZABETH FOX | died 5th Mar. 1919
| Her Aunt NORA FOX | died 4th Mar. 1926 | MARY FITZPATRICK | died 30th April
1935, aged 6 mths. | R.I.P.

Photo No.450
In Loving Memory | of | my dear husband | RICHARD BYRNE | who died 30th August
1940 | aged 49 years | also his loving wife | MARY BYRNE | who died 15th Nov.
1966 | R.I.P.

All images Copyright by Photographer