dublin-marys-street -- WHITESTONE | .... at his ... | Who died on the 8th May | Aged 68 Years | Also of SUSANNA his wife | Who died Nov 21st 1835 | Aged 76 Years | And | In the same grave was laid the remains of | Michael Henry WHITESTONE Esq. | Late of Hardwide St | Who departed this life on the | 16th of Sept 1845 | Aged 57 years | He was a kind and affectionate Husband | And a sincere friend | His bereaved Widow | Catherine Maria WHITESTONE | Inscribes this to his memory | Also the Rev JOHN THOMAS WHITESTONE | Rector of | The Parish of Killeevan Co. Monaghan | Diocese of Clogher | Died April 8th 1858 Aged 52 Years | Also Mrs SUSAN WARRTY [?] | Late of Gt Charles St who departed this life | 9th November 1858 Aged 66 Years.
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