Will:  Grehan, Patrick January 14, 1830

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Dublin Index


File contributed by: Rosalind Dunning 
ros.dunning@outlook.com June 28, 2017, 1:22 am


Source: National Archives Kew England
Written: January 14, 1830
Recorded: June 17, 2017

In the Name of God Amen I Patrick Grehan formerly of Saint 
James Street Dublin Brewer being of sound mind do publish & 
declare this to be my last Will & Testament revoking all 
former ones I direct that my body may be interred in the 
most private manner in St James St Church Yard should I 
happen to die in Dublin or within three miles from it but 
not otherwise I direct all my just Debts to be paid if not 
more than four years standing I leave to my dear Daughter 
Jane Grehan now a member of the Religious Community residing 
at New Hall Essex the Dividends on one thousand five hundred 
pounds three P Ct reduced Stock or Annuities part of a sum 
now standing in my name for & during the term of her natural 
life I leave to my dearest sister Mary Roche fifty pounds as 
a token of my affection and regard I leave to my nephew 
Andrew Grehan and my niece Mrs Butler fifty pounds each for 
mourning I leave to Thomas Lynam formerly my Clerk fifty 
pounds I direct also my Executors to pay him two hundred 
pounds to be distributed by him amongst the most necessitous 
of my father's Relations at his discretion taking into 
Consideration those who now receive an allowance at my hands 
if alive at the time of my Death I direct the sum of One 
hundred Pounds to be given for Masses for the Repose of my 
soul I leave Fifty Pounds to the Catholic Schools of St 
James Parish and fifty pounds to be distributed amongst the 
poor of the said parish as the Revd Doctor Lube or his 
successors think fit I leave to the Catholic Schools of St 
Catherines Parish thirty pounds to the Catholic Schools of 
the parish of St Andrews Townshend Thirty Pounds to the 
Catholic Schools of St Mary & Thomas Thirty I leave to my 
grandson Patrick Grehan one thousand pounds As to all the 
Residue & Remainder of my property I leave it share and 
share alike to be equally divided between my two sons Edwd 
Grehan or Graham and Patrick Grehan lastly I do appoint my 
two sons to be Executors to this my last Will and Testament 
written with my own hand this fourteenth day of January one 
thousand eight hundred and thirty _ Patrick Grehan Done at 
my sister's Mrs Roche's house No 50 Harcourt Street Dublin

(Appearance by John Donnelly of No 28 Denmark Street Dublin 
as to manner and character of the handwriting of the 
deceased on 29 March 1832) Proved at London 14 June 1832
PCC Prob11/1801