Will:  Vereker, Amos June 25, 1791

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Dublin Index


File contributed by: Rosalind Dunning 
ros.dunning@outlook.com December 31, 2019, 11:41 am


Source: National Archives London
Written: June 25, 1791
Recorded: December 31, 2019

In the Name of God Amen I Amos Vereker of the City of Dublin 
Esquire being in good health and of sound mind do make and 
publish this my last Will and Testament I leave devise and 
Bequeath all my Real and freehold Estate of what nature or 
kind soever whereof I am seized possessed of or intitled to 
unto my Wife Mary Catherine Vereker otherwise Woolley and to 
her heirs and Assigns forever I also leave devise and 
Bequeath to my said Wife her heirs Exors Administrators and 
Assigns All Annuities and Rent charges Payable to me during 
any life or lives or for any term of Years and all arrears 
due and to grow due thereon I also leave and Bequeath to my 
said Wife All my Mortgages Judgments Bonds and Securities 
for money And All money due and to grow thereon And Also all 
my Houses furniture Cattle Plate and Other my Personal 
fortune Goods and Chattels of what nature or kind soever And 
I appoint my said Wife my sole Executrix And I hereby revoke 
all former Wills by me made In Testimony whereof I have 
hereunto Put my hand and Seal the twenty fifth day of June 
one thousand seven hundred and ninety One Amos Vereker
(Attestation Clause)
Henry T Brooke _ Edward Taylor _ Arth Ormsby
Porved at London 8 December 1800
PCC Prob11/1351