Fermanagh - Pubble Cemetery - Tempo *********************************************** Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives Fermanagh Index Copyright ************************************************ File contributed by: Seamas Mac Annaidh PUBBLE CEMETERY TEMPO (Inscriptions incomplete) An old Catholic Cemetery with plenty of good legible stones on the road between Enniskillen and Tempo. There is an interesting correspondence in the Impartial Reporter January/February 1867 between John Fee and William Little of Pubble in relation to burial rights here. Names of people and places are spelt as found. Abbreviated words such as dept. for departed or Jany. for January have been restored. Stones marked with an asterisk* have been double checked. [March 30 2001 26 stones transcribed + two previously done April 11 2001 - total transcribed 62 stonesfurther additions and corrections 1 May 2001] Warnock stone inscription added November 2001. BANNON Erected by John Bannon of ....ough in memory of his ... Patrick who departed this life ... [fallen, broken and partly buried] I.H.S. Erected by Michael Bannon in memory of his beloved parents Michael and Catharine Bannon of Gillagordon. BREEN * Of your charity pray for the repose of the soul of Bridget Breen, Tempo, who died on the 11th of February 1909 aged 50 years. Erected by her loving husband and children. R.I.P. Here lyeth the body of John Breen who [remainder buried] This stone has an interesting crest. * I.H.S. Erected by Philip Breen in memory of his wife Elenor Breen who departed this life June the 10th 1828 aged 36 years. * I.H.S. This stone was erected by Thomas Breen of Munmury in memory of his father Zacharia who departed this life March the 20th 1783 aged 80 years. Also his wife Bridget Breen who departed ... 1760 aged 60 years. BRENAN [crest] Here lyes the body of Nicholas Brenan who departed this life April 30 1756 aged 46 years. CALLEN I.H.S. Pray for the soul of Mary Callen wife to Thadee Callen who departed this life [remainder buried] CASSIDY Pray for the soul of Anne Cassidy who died June 22nd 1886 aged 76 years R.I.P. [fallen] * I.H.S. Here lyeth the body of James Cassidy who departed this life January the 2nd 1788 aged 100 years. Also the body of his son Neal who departed this life April 15th 1801 aged 68 years. CONNELLIN I.H.S. Here lyeth the body of Terens Conellin who departed this life in April the 17th 1809 aged 78 years. COX I.H.S. This stone was erected by Thomas Cox in memory of his brother Martin Cox departed this life February 17 1790 aged 36 years. DONNELY I.H.S. Here lieth the body of Bridget Duress who departed this life October the 1st 1812 aged 46 years. Erected by Patrick Donnely of the 12 Dragoons who served 32 years in the reign of George the Third in memory of his beloved wife. DURESS I.H.S. Here lieth the body of Bridget Duress who departed this life October the 1st 1812 aged 46 years. Erected by Patrick Donnely of the 12 Dragoons who served 32 years in the reign of George the Third in memory of his beloved wife. DURISS This stone was erected by Peter and Owen Duriss in memory of their father Neil Duriss died in the year of 1805 aged 65 years. Anne Duriss died February ... DURNIN * I.H.S. Erected by Patrick Durnin in memory of his father Patrick Durnin of Coolcran who departed this life December the 4th 1788 aged 96 years. Also of his mother Mary Durnin alias Owens. * I.H.S. Sacred to the memory of Redmond Durnin, late of Coolcran who departed this life January 29 1806 aged 76 years. Also his wife Mary Durnin alias Owens who departed this life January the 13th 1809 aged 78 years. Dedicated by their son Thomas Durnin of the city of Dublin. DUROSS * I.H.S. Erected by Philip Duross in memory of his father Michael Duross who departed this life January the 4th 1816 aged 64 years. FARRY I.H.S. April 6th 1843. Erected by Jas. Farry of Cavancarragh in memory of his father James Farry who departed this life September 12th 1817 aged 45 years. Also his mother Rose Farry who departed this life October 21 1822 aged 46 years. FEE * Erected by Arthur Fee of Streamville in memory of his wife Saragh Fee who departed this life 6 October 1817 aged 53 years. Patrick Fee died 1860 aged 66 years. James Fee died 14 August 1867 aged 77 years, John Fee died 10 August 1875 aged 76 years, Thomas Fee died 21 February 1883 aged 42 years. R.I.P. * This stone was erected by Arthur Fee in memory of his father Patt. who departed this life February the 1st 1784 aged 69 years. This stone was erected by Manus Fee in memory of his father Terence Fee who departed this life December the 20 1766 aged 76 years. MAGRORY I.H.S. This cross was erected by Bryan Magrory in memory of his wife Grace Magrory who died August the 9th ... MAGUIRE [large flat stone near gate with large crest, but very difficult to read] Maguire .... .... 27 years who live ... who died justly ... 3 1761. Lord have mercy on the soul of Anne Maguire wife to Francis Maguire who departed this life March the 8th 1817 aged 62 years. Also of Chris. son to the above Francis who departed this life March ... I.H.S. Erected by James Maguire of Tempo in memory of his beloved father Thomas Maguire who departed this life 29th May 1888 aged 84 years R.I.P. I.H.S. Erected by Constantine Maguire of Glen in memory of his father Denis Maguire who departed this life March the 7th 1888 aged 85 years. Also his grandfather C.M. 1761. Margaret McCaffery daughter of Constantine Maguire died March 12th 1894 aged 55 years. Constantine Maguire died December 12 1898 aged 98 years. I.H.S. This stone was erected by Const. Maguire in memory of his father Cornelius Maguire ... Here lies the body of Francis Maguire who died December ye 22nd 1773 aged 84 years. I.H.S. Erected by James and Edward Maguire of Coolcran in memory of their father John who departed this life November 25th 1815 aged 78 years. Also their mother Mary who departed this life September 25 1818 aged 69 years. And Margaret wife to Edward Maguire above said who departed this life 1 January 1824 aged 50 years. Erected by James Maguire in memory of his father Connor of Edenmore who died 6th December 1817 aged 70 years and also of his mother Mary who died 3rd September 1820 aged 68 years. Also James Maguire, J.P. Cavans died 8th August 1930 aged 79 years. * Erected by James Maguire of Letterbaly in memory of his beloved wife Catherine who departed this life October 3rd 1844 aged 54 years. Erected by John Maguire of Emaroo in memory of his son James Maguire who departed this life December the 7th 1865 aged 26 years. Also in memory of his father-in-law Francis McCaffery late of Letterbayley. Remember man as you pass by, as are now so once was I, as I am now so you shall be, prepare for death to follow me. I.H.S. Erected by Phill. Maguire of Enniskillen in memory of his father Peter Maguire who departed this life January 30 1806 aged 63 years. ... Mother Elizabeth departed ... 1817 aged 77 years. * Erected by William and Thomas Maguire, Letterbailey in memory of the latter's beloved wife Catharine Maguire who departed this life April 25th 1878 aged 69 years. * I.H.S. Erected by Patt. and Michal Maguire of Littirbaily for their postarity. In memory of Thomas Maguire of Tempo ... his wife Catherine... McALOON I.H.S. Erected by Bartl. McAloon of Tunaglaskkan in memory of his father Peter McAloon who departed this life ... 1781 aged 58 years. McBARRON Erected by John McBarron of Glen in memory of his father John who departed this life April 29th 1830 aged 83 years. McCAFFERY Erected by John McCaffrey, Brooklyn America in memory of his father Edward McCaffrey who departed this life November the 11th 1855 aged 78 years. Also his beloved wife Margaret who departed this life April the 11th 1846 aged 65 years. Also his son Edward who departed this life ...[buried] Erected by John Maguire of Emaroo in memory of his son James Maguire who departed this life December the 7th 1865 aged 26 years. Also in memory of his father-in-law Francis McCaffery late of Letterbayley. Remember man as you pass by, as are now so once was I, as I am now so you shall be, prepare for death to follow me. McCAFFRY I.H.S. Here lyeth the body of Edmond McCaffry who died September 7 1746 aged 62 years. [Mortality symbols on reverse] I.H.S. This monument erected by Morgan McCaffry in memory of his son Hugh who died February ye ... 1738 aged 11 years. Also his son Francis who died July ye ... 1769 aged 14 years. I.H.S. Here lyeth the body of Terence McCaffry who died March the 14th 1775 aged 89 years. Also the bodt of his ... * I.H.S. Here lieth the body of Hugh McManus of Glen who departed this life December the 24th 1794 aged 62 years. Also his wife Margaret McManus alias McCaffry who died August the 2nd 1795 aged 60 years. McCALLEN * I.H.S. This stone was erected by John McCallen of Tonneglascon in memory of his daughter Bidy who died May 1790 aged 18 years. McCOSKER I.H.S. Here lyeth the body of James McCosker who dyed ...n the ... [small round eighteenth century stone broken from base with loss of end of inscription.] I.H.S. Erected by John McCosker of Cavancarragh in memory of his father Thomas McCosker who departed this life March 9 1814 aged 80 years. * I.H.S. Here lyeth the body of Patrick McCosker who died June the 21 1743 Aged 56 years. Skull, crossbones, bell, hourglass and coffin symbols on back of this stone. * I.H.S. Erected by Michael McCusker of Ballyreagh in memeory of his father Owen who departed this life July 29 1847 aged 61 years. McDONAGH * Erected by Ellen McDonagh of Killacully in memory of her husband Nicholas McDonagh who departed this life 7th March 1855 aged 67. Patrick McDonagh who departed this life 15 August 1861 aged 23 years and Thomas McDonagh who died 22 December 1873 aged 33 years. McKALLAM I.H.S. Here lyeth the body of Teig McKallam who died February the 2nd 1777 aged 63 years. McKERULY Here lyeth the body of Dinis McKeruly who died March ye 4 1731 aged 79 years. McMANUS * I.H.S. Here lieth the body of Hugh McManus of Glen who departed this life December the 24th 1794 aged 62 years. Also his wife Margaret McManus alias McCaffry who died August the 2nd 1795 aged 60 years. ... the body of Thomas McManus of ... who departed this life June the 27th 1781 aged ... This stone was erected by his son Terrence McM. of Tempo in memory of his father. McROE I.H.S. Here lyeth the body of Thady McRoe who died April ye 15 1738 aged 37 years. I.H.S. Here lyeth the body of Edmon McRoe who died March ye 30th 1736 aged 74 years. McSORRLE * I.H.S. Here lyeth the body of Rodger McSorrle who died February the 9th 1765 aged 80 years. MONAGHAN I.H.S. Erected by William Monaghan in memory of his daughter Mary Monaghan who departed this life ... April 1812 aged 18 years. MULCHAN I.H.S. Here lies the body of Bryan Mulchan. Also of Les Mulchan who died May 9th 1739 aged 19. A broken stone with usual mortality symbols on back. MURPHY Erected by James Murphy, Relagh, in memory of his son Charles who departed this life March the 10th 1854 aged 46 years. MURPHY * Erected by James, Hugh & Philip Murphy in memory of their father Henry late of Kilaculla who departed this life July 12th 1824 aged 66. I.H.S. This stone was erected by Patrick Murphy of Cillagilla in memory of his father William Murphy who departed this life November 4 1794 aged 54. Also his wife Catherine ... [buried] OHOYN Here lieth the body of Bryan Ohoyn who died October the 7 1741 aged 73 years [mortality symbols on back] O'NEILL * [broken] 24th of August 1752 aged 28 years. Also of his wife Eleanor O'Neill who [broken] OWENS Here lies the body of Bryan Owens ... * I.H.S. Erected by Patrick Durnin in memory of his father Patrick Durnin of Coolcran who departed this life December the 4th 1788 aged 96 years. Also of his mother Mary Durnin alias Owens. * I.H.S. Sacred to the memory of Redmond Durnin, late of Coolcran who departed this life January 29 1806 aged 76 years. Also his wife Mary Durnin alias Owens who departed this life January the 13th 1809 aged 78 years. Dedicated by their son Thomas Durnin of the city of Dublin. OYNS I.H.S. This stone erected by Philip Oyns in memory of his son Edward who died September the 6th 1769 aged 27 years. I.H.S. Here lyeth the body of Frances Oyns who died February 6 17..7 aged 66 years. PHILLIPS * Here lieth the body of Charles Phillips, late of Carnaguiltagh who departed this life April the 11th 1833 aged 60 years. SCALLAN I.H.S. Here lyeth the body of Patrick Scallan who died February the 2nd 1777 aged 63 years. TUMMIN * Erected by John Tummin of Tattinweer in memory of his father Patrick who departed this life September 11th 1836 aged 74 years. WALSH * Enniskillen. Erected by John Walsh in memory of his wife Sarah Walsh who departed this life January 19 1826 aged 40 years. Also her son James Walsh who departed this life December 7th 1851 aged 38 years. ECEP 26 January 1826; Died suddenly on Thursday last, Mrs. Walsh, wife of Mr. John Walsh of this town, whitesmith. WARNOCK Erected by John Warnock of Tony... in memory of ... Mary who departed ... aged 35 years ... son Alexander Warnock who departed this life ... 1811 aged ... years.