Fermanagh - Alphabetical List of Landowners in 1870's - H-L 

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Fermanagh Index


File contributed by: Bradley Fox


Owner Name                          Owner Residence-1873-75]
Haire, Henry                        xxxx                 xxxx                              
Haire, James                        xxxx                 xxxx                              
Hall, Anne                          xxxx                 Dublin                            
Hall, John                          Lebally              Maguiresbridge                    
Hall, Richard                       9 Norfok-street      Park-lane, London                 
Hall, Rev. William                  The Elms             Leamington                        
Hamilton, Alexander                 Oakfield             
Hamilton, James                     xxxx                 xxxx                              
Hamilton, James H.                  Tawnyreagh           
Hamilton, John                      Broomfield           William-waterbridge, Somersetshire	
Hamilton, John                      Creevehill           Fivemiletown                      
Hamilton, R.S.                      Lakemount            Dromore. co Tyrone                
Hamilton-Jones, Thos. M.            Moneyglass House     Toome                             
Hassard, Alex J  [Reps of]          xxxx                 Gardenhill                        
Hassard, Rev. Edward                xxxx                 Rathkeele                         
Hassard, Robert                     cccc                 Co. Antrim                        
Henderson, Mrs. M.                  Drumbalcan           Ballinamallard                    
Hilliard, Noble                     xxxx                 Tullyavey                         
Hoey, John                          Drumcreen            Ballinamallard                    
Hoey, Sarah                         Sidaire              Ballinamallard                    
Hoey, William                       Drumwhinney          Kesh                              
Hudson, Rev. John C.                xxxx                 Newtownbutler                     
Hudson, Robert                      xxxx                 Dingle                            
Humphreys, John                     xxxx                 Clareview                         
Humphrys, Robert                    Clareview            Kesh                              
Hunter, William                     xxxx                 Irvinestown                       
Hurst, Eliza A.                     xxxx                 Ballyreagh                        
Hurst, George                       xxxx                 Ballyreagh                        
Hurst, George                       Drumderg             Tempo                             
Hurst, Lendrum                      xxxx                 Tullyrain                         
Hurst, Rowland                      xxxx                 Tullyrain                         
Hurst, Stephen                      xxxx                 Tullyrain                         
Hurst, Thomas                       Drumderg             Tempo                             
Hurst, William                      Croghan              Ballinamallard                    
Hurst, William                      xxxx                 Tullyrain                         
Irvine, Alexander                   Lettir               Pettigo                           
Irvine, Charles C.                  xxxx                 Dublin                            
Irvine, Daniel                      Dreenan              Pettigo                           
Irvine, Edward [Reps of]            Derrygore            Enniskillen                       
Irvine, H. M. D'A.  [Reps of]       Castle Irvine        Irvinestown                       
Irvine, Hugh                        Dreenan              Pettigo                           
Irvine,Hugh                         Lowery               Pettigo                           
Irvine, Jane                        Dreenan              Pettigo                           
Irvine, John                        Lettir               Pettigo                           
Irvine, John Gerard                 Killadeas            Enniskillen                       
Irvine, Johnston                    Bunnubba, Killadeas  xxxx                              
Irvine, Mrs.                        xxxx                 Dublin                            
Irvine, William                     Drumharvey           Irvinestown                       
Irvine, William                     xxxx                 Currin                            
Irwin, James                        xxxx                 Lisblake                          
Irwin, Thomas                       xxxx                 Kesh, co. Fermanagh               
Jackson, Henry                      xxxx                 Cara                              
Jamieson, Mary A. [Reps of]         xxxx                 xxxx                              
Johnston, Alexr, M.D.               xxxx                 Westport                          
Johnston, Rev. David                Belgley Rectory      Castledawson                      
Johnston, David                     Gobluck              Killadeas                         
Johnston, Elliott                   xxxx                 Currin                            
Johnston, Gerard                    Drumsliver           Ballinamallard                    
Johnston, James                     xxxx                 Newtownbutler                     
Johnston, James                     xxxx                 Fintona                           
Johnston, Jane                      Lowery               Pettigo                           
Johnston, John                      xxxx                 Fintona                           
Johnston, Rev. Robert               xxxx                 Rossory Glebe                     
Johnston, Robert                    Drumcreen            Ballinamallard                    
Johnston, Robert                    Emeroo               Tempo                             
Johnston, Robert E.                 Magheramena          Belleek                           
Johnston, Robert E. [Reps of]       Magheramena          Belleek                           
Johnston, S.Y.                      Snowhill             Lisbellaw                         
Johnston, Thomas E                  xxxx                 Brookborough                      
Johnston, William                   Drumcoo              Enniskillen                       
Johnston, William                   Aghagriffin          Kesh                              
Johnston, William                   Kinlough House       Kinlough, Bundoran                
Jones, Augustus T                   xxxx                 Russian                           
Jones, Charles J C                  xxxx                 Enniskillen                       
Jones, Michael Obins                Lisgoole             Abbey                             
Keenan, James                       xxxx                 Coonien                           
Kerr, Richard                       Conagher             Derrygonelly                      
Keys, Henry                         Drumbane             Irvinestown                       
Keys, John                          xxxx                 Liverpool                         
Keys, Robert                        xxxx                 Enniskillen                       
Kidd, Abraham                       xxxx                 Ballymena                         
King, James                         xxxx                 xxxx                              
King, Mrs.                          xxxx                 Enniskillen                       
King, Rev, Sir James, Bart [Reps of]xxxx                 London                            
King, Rev. Wm. S.                   xxxx                 Mountrath                         
Knight, Luke P,                     xxxx                 Clones                            
Lanesboro', Earl of                 Lanesborough Lodge   Belturbet                         
Latimer, Hugh N.                    Cloghan              Derrylin                          
Lauder, Rev. Nathaniel              xxxx                 Swanlinbar                        
Lendrum, James                      Magheracross         Ballinamallard                    
Lendrum, Jane                       xxxx                 Fivemiletown                      
Leonard, Sir Thomas                 7 Lewis-crescent     Brighton                          
Leslie, Blayney                     Nutfield             Lisnaskea                         
Leslie, Mrs.                        Wellington-rd        Dublin                            
Leslie, Sir Charles                 xxxx                 India                             
Leslie, Charles                     Merrion-square       Dublin                            
Leslie, Major George                5 Oxford-st          Liverpool                         
Leslie, John                        Glasslough           County Monaghan                   
L'Estrange, Christopher             xxxx                 Sligo                             
L'Estrange, Geo Carleton            xxxx                 Dublin                            
Lipsett, Joseph                     xxxx                 England                           
Little, Wm.  [Reps of]              Drumcreen            Ballinamallard                    
Local Government Board              Custom House         Dublin                            
Lonsdale, Alfred P.                 Acton Park           Denbigh, North Wales              
Lowery, J. and A.                   xxxx                 Dublin                            
Lucas, Rev. E. A.                   xxxx                 xxxx                              
Lucas, Thomas                       xxxx                 xxxx                              
Lucy, Anthony                       xxxx                 Moybrone                          
Lucy, Robert                        xxxx                 Lisbellaw                         
Lucy, Robert                        xxxx                 Moybrone                          

Extracted from - Return of Owners of Land In Ireland: A Summary for each 
Province & For All Ireland. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by 
Command of the Queen [Out of Copyright]