Church: FERMANAGH, Births recorded at Ballinamallard Methodist Church 1879-1919 Ireland Genealogy Project Archives Church Records Contributed by George Armstrong *Permission To Publish Granted By Deputy Keeper of Records, PRONI _________________________ BIRTHS RECORDED AT BALLINAMALLARD METHODIST CHURCH 1879-1919 Transcribed by George Armstrong PRONI. MIC/1E/23 (Records listed in order of baptismal dates not birth dates.) ** = as recorded Date format Day Month Year ================================================================================================================================================================================================================== BORN BAPTISED CHILDS NAME FATHERS FATHERS MOTHERS NAME MOTHERS RESIDENCE BAPTISED BY/ COMMENTS SURNAME SURNAME RECORDED BY ================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 18/11/1878 28/8/1879 Elizabeth Jane James MAXWELL Elizabeth not listed Relagunnis (Relagh Guinness) Thomas Cooke 14/10/1879 31/10/1879 Rebecca John WALKER Jane not listed Cavantillycormick Thomas Cooke 21/6/1879 29/12/1879 Lucy Ellen Richard CAMPBELL Annie not listed Drumurry (Drummurry?) Thomas Cooke 18/5/1879 15/3/1880 Sarah William HAMILTON Ellen not listed Bigh (Beagh?) Thomas Cooke 11/4/1880 2/5/1880 Margaret Ann Thomas CREIGHTON Rose Ann not listed Mullaghmeen Thomas Cooke 26/8/1879 2/5/1880 Edith Amelia Gwendoline Thomas CROZIER Dorothea not listed Ballinamallard Thomas Cooke 31/3/1880 18/5/1880 Catherine Jane John MOFFATT Frances not listed Saloon (Salloon) Thomas Cooke 2/4/1880 15/6/1880 Margaret Jane Robert COWAN Mary not listed Drumcullion Thomas Cooke 19/2/1880 29/7/1880 Francis George John ARMSTRONG Maria not listed Bara (Baragh?) George Robinson 1/10/1880 12/11/1880 Ann Jane William ABRAHAM Margaret not listed Curran (Currin?) Thomas Cooke 9/12/1880 4/2/1881 Isaac Thomas HADDOCK Alice not listed Relagh Thomas Cooke 20/11/1880 25/2/1881 Margaret James ELLIOTT Selina not listed Killymitten (Killymittan?) Thomas Cooke 26/8/1880 22/3/1881 Willimina Richard CAMPBELL Ann Jane not listed Drumurry (Drummurry?) Thomas Cooke 31/1/1881 21/4/1881 James William MEGAGHEY Mary Jane not listed Clenaghan (Cleenaghan?) Thomas Cooke 1/5/1880 15/5/1881 John john CAMPBELL Mary Frances not listed Ballinamallard Thomas Cooke 22/5/1881 ?/7/1881 Sarah Robert COWAN Mary Jane not listed Beagh John Todd 9/4/1881 11/10/1881 Samuel Herbert William MURPHY Eliza Jane not listed Baragh John Todd 28/9/1881 18/11/1881 Lizzie Isabella Thomas COULTER Isabella not listed Derryrahan (Derryraghan?) John Todd ?/5/1881 16/12/1881 Elizabeth William EMERSON Elizabeth not listed Cavans John Todd 15/12/1881 26/1/1882 Elizabeth John MOFFIT Frances not listed Saloon (Salloon) John Todd 29/9/1881 5/4/1882 Margaret Amelia James JOHNSTON Anne Jane not listed Tullyrain, Kilskeery John Todd 27/4/1882 24/5/1882 William Thomas Archibald THOMPSON Elizabeth not listed Ballyreagh John Todd 28/3/1882 26/5/1882 Litticia Margaret John KIRK Susan not listed Currin John Todd 26/5/1882 26/5/1882 Ellinor John WALKER Jane not listed Cavantillycormick John Todd 28/4/1882 21/7/1882 John HazeletJohn VEITCH Mary Jane not listed Drumcullion John Todd 7/8/1882 18/8/1882 Lizzie Thomas HADDOCK Alice not listed Relagh John Todd 20/6/1882 4/11/1882 Samuel Joseph Robert PURSLEY Anne Jane not listed Ferney John Todd 16/3/1882 12/11/1882 Anthony Theodore Lelyweln ** Thomas CROZIER Dorothea not listed Ballinamallard John Todd 9/10/1882 8/12/1882 Margaret Ellen William Thomas ABRAHAM Margaret Jane not listed Curren upper (Currin?) John Todd 26/1/1883 15/2/1883 Edward William FAIR Catherine Jane not listed Saloon (Salloon) John Todd ?/8/1869 ** 23/3/1883 Caroline Kate William Beatty ARMSTRONG Caroline not listed Killymittan John Todd 12/12/1882 23/3/1883 Irvine McClure William Beatty ARMSTRONG Caroline not listed Killymittan John Todd 17/5/1876 ** 1/6/1883 Christian not listed NOT LISTED Frances Margaret McKenzie Cavanalough John Todd 1. 18/8/1878 ** 1/6/1883 Joseph not listed NOT LISTED Frances Margaret McKenzie Cavanalough John Todd 2. 23/12/1881 ** 1/6/1883 Rebecca not listed NOT LISTED Frances Margaret McKenzie Cavanalough John Todd 3. 24/3/1883 8/9/1883 John James ELLIOTT Saleen not listed Killymitten (Killymittan?) John Todd 31/7/1883 2/10/1883 John William MEGAHEY Mary Jane not listed Cleenaghan John Todd ?/8/1883 19/10/1883 Anna Bella William EMERSON Elizabeth not listed Cavans (Cavan?) John Todd 21/7/1883 15/11/1883 Mary Elizabeth Stuart BRIEN Anne Jane not listed Roscor John Todd 2/2/1884 20/2/1884 Georgeinna ** John BRIEN Catherine not listed Drumcullion John Todd 11/2/1884 25/3/1884 Isabella Gibson Irvine HAMILTON Henrietta not listed Drumsonnis (Drumsonnus?) John Todd 26/3/1884 26/4/1884 Robert Thomas HADDOCK Alice not listed Relagh John Todd 3/6/1884 1/7/1884 Ann Jane William FAIR Catherine Jane not listed Saloon (Salloon) John Todd 4/6/1884 2/7/1884 James Joseph John WALKER Jane not listed Cavantillycormick John Todd 1/7/1884 3/10/1884 Frances Helena John MOFFITT Florence not listed Saloon (Salloon) John Nichol 3/8/1984 13/11/1884 Thomas James James MAXWELL Elizabeth not listed Raleigh?? (Relagh?) John Nichol 6/8/1884 26/11/1884 John Wesley John NICHOL Alice not listed Ballinamallard Henry Shire 10/9/1884 15/1/1885 Nora Eveline Maud Thomas CROZIER Dorothea not listed Ballinamallard John Nichol 21/12/1884 11/4/1885 Jane John MCBRIDE Mary Jane not listed Glengarnock, Ayrshire John Nichol 27/1/1885 29/5/1885 George James WINTERS Mary not listed Derryrahan (Derryraghan?) John Nichol 10/6/1885 3/9/1885 Eliza William L. JOHNSON Catherine not listed Curren (Currin?) John Nichol 21/7/1884 ** 2/10/1885 Thomas Henry Thomas CROZIER Jane not listed Sydare (Sidaire?) John Nichol 7/2/1885 2/10/1885 Martha Samuel CLARKE Margaret Jane not listed Killymitten (Killymittan?) John Nichol 6/8/1885 6/10/1885 Charlotte Jane Stewart BRIEN Anne Jane not listed Roscor John Nichol 6/9/1885 1/12/1885 Eliza Anne Oliver HAWKES Sarah Jane not listed Ballinagilly (Ballynagilly?) John Nichol 3/12/1885 16/12/1885 William Robert John MOORE Margaret not listed Phibaboro, Dublin John Nichol 12/12/1885 25/1/1886 Alexander Hamilton William PHAIR Catherine not listed Saloon (Salloon) John Nichol 18/4/1886 16/5/1886 Andrew John Robert NICHOL Annie not listed Fecarry (Faccary?), Omagh John Nichol 9/11/1885 13/7/1886 Alfred Irwin William MURPHY Eliza J. not listed Bara (Baragh?) John Nichol 23/5/1886 22/7/1886 Florence John MOFFITT Frances not listed Saloon (Salloon) John Nichol 31/5/1886 10/8/1886 William Henry John NICHOL Alice not listed Ballinamallard John Scott McDade 5/8/1886 15/9/1886 Sarah Robert PURSLEY Anne Jane not listed Ferney John Nichol 22/1/1887 9/2/1887 Margaret Jane John EDWARDS Elizabeth not listed Coe (Coa?) John Nichol 30/?/1886 28/2/1887 Mary Jane John MCFARLAND Agnes not listed Drumany John Nichol 23/2/1887 14/4/1887 Jane Anne John BRIEN Catherine not listed Drumcullion John Nichol 1/11/1886 16/5/1887 Luisa Jane Thomas CROZIER Jane not listed Sydare (Sidaire?) John Nichol 24/2/1887 16/5/1887 Anne Jane Robert MOFFITT Mary Anne not listed Sydare (Sidaire?) John Nichol 23/4/1887 9/6/1887 Catherine Jane William JOHNSTON Catherine not listed Curren (Currin?) John Nichol 5/12/1886 8/7/1887 Margaret William MCGAHEY Mary Jane not listed Cleenaghan John Nichol 3/6/1887 5/9/1887 James Summerfield Irvine HAMILTON Henrietta not listed Drumsonnus Robert Ker 12/6/1887 16/9/1887 Lucinda Robert COWAN Mary not listed Beigh (Beagh?) Robert Ker 2/9/1887 13/10/1887 Sarah Ann Stuart BRIAN ** Annie Jane not listed Rosscor (Roscor?) Robert Ker 13/12/1887 1/2/1888 Elizabeth William PHAIR Catherine Jane not listed Saloon (Salloon) Robert Ker 16/4/1888 19/7/1888 Thomas Henry Edward MOORE Margaret not listed Drummurry Robert Ker 18/5/1888 17/8/1888 Sarah Ann John EDWARDS Elizabeth not listed Coe (Coa?) Robert Ker 21/11/1888 19/3/1889 Henrietta Margurite Irvine HAMILTON Henrietta not listed Drumsonnus Robert Ker 3/5/1889 1/7/1889 John Thomas William Thomas ABRAHAM Margaret Jane not listed Ballyreagh Robert Ker 18/6/1889 17/7/1889 Josephine Robert COWAN Mary not listed Drumcullion Robert Ker 13/9/1889 30/9/1889 Anna Elizabeth Joseph ELLIOTT Margaret not listed Ballinamallard, R.(railway?) Station Robert Ker 24/9/1889 15/11/1889 James Elliott William Little JOHNSTON Catherine not listed Currin Robert Ker 20/8/1889 21/11/1889 William John William PHAIR Catherine Jane not listed Saloon (Salloon) Robert Ker 24/2/1890 20/3/1890 John ---ters???? James WINTERS Mary not listed Drumsluice Robert Ker 9/12/1889 1/5/1890 William Portin??? Stuart BRIAN ** Annie Jane not listed Rosscor (Roscor?) Robert Ker 10/2/1887 ** 7/7/1890 George Duncan Joseph SHEPPARD Helina not listed Ballinamallard Robert Ker 17/5/1887 ** 7/7/1890 Eveline Jane Joseph SHEPPARD Helina not listed Ballinamallard Robert Ker 1/8/1890 5/12/1890 William Glover John EDWARDS Elizabeth not listed Coa James Edwards 20/10/1890 18/12/1890 John James John MOFFITT Frances not listed Saloon (Salloon) James Edwards 26/9/1890 26/2/1891 James John Edward James ELLIOTT Selina not listed Killymitten (Killymittan?) James Edwards 19/4/1891 20/7/1891 William Nerwberry William JOHNSTON Catherine not listed Curren (Currin?) James Edwards 3/1/1891 14/8/1891 Samuel Clement John NICHOLS Alice not listed Gernor????, Fintona James Edwards 12/7/1891 4/9/1891 Florence William Thomas ABRAHAM Margaret not listed Cavantillycormick James Edwards 26/8/1891 6/10/1891 Evangeline Maud Joseph ELLIOTT Margaret not listed Station House, Ballinamallard James Edwards 10/6/1891 19/3/1892 Mary Ellen William MCGAHEY Mary not listed Cleenaghan James Edwards 21/6/1892 27/6/1892 Mary James WINTERS Mary not listed Drumsluice James Edwards 18/11/1892 11/1/1893 William Henry THOMAS Young Sarah Ballycassidy James Elliott 23/9/1892 19/1/1893 Margaret Lucinda Stewart BRIEN Ann Jane not listed Rosscor (Roscor?) James Elliott 6/5/1893 2/8/1893 William Edward Andrew ARMSTRONG Elizabeth not listed Crievehill?? (Creevehill?) James Elliott 22/7/1893 26/8/1893 Andrew Edward William JOHNSTON Catherine not listed Curren (Currin?) James Elliott 6/11/1891 28/9/1893 Thomas Alexander Thomas ARMSTRONG Eliza not listed Killymendon James Elliott 17/1/1893 28/9/1893 Eliza Jane Thomas ARMSTRONG Eliza not listed Killymendon James Elliott 21/9/1893 23/10/1893 Sarah James WINTERS Mary not listed Drumsluice James Elliott 3/6/1893 13/11/1893 Elizabeth Downs Alex William MCCLELLAND Jane not listed Knockmanowl (Knockmanoul) William Alford 22/5/1893 1/12/1893 Elizabeth Emily John EDWARDS Elizabeth not listed Cavantillycormick James Elliott 25/10/1893 13/1/1894 Evelina Maud George NEVEL??? Margaret not listed Derryallen, Co. Tyrone James Elliott 16/11/1893 1/2/1894 Mary Jane James MCKENZIE Letitia Margaret not listed Killymitten (Killymittan?) James Elliott 23/2/1894 2/4/1894 Letitia Ethel Robert MOFFITT Mary Anne not listed Sydare (Sidaire?) James Elliott 16/1/1894 13/4/1894 Martha Emily William Thomas ABRAHAM Margaret Jane not listed Coa James Elliott 20/4/1894 1/11/1894 Mary Emily John MOORE Margaret not listed Mullaghmeen James Elliott 13/1/1895 11/4/1895 Daniel Alexander Agustice James MCKENZIE Letitia Margaret not listed Killymitten (Killymittan?) James Elliott 4/4/1895 26/4/1895 John William James Christopher IRVINE Margaret not listed Cavantillycormick James Elliott 1/4/1895 29/5/1895 Mary Jane William FYFFE Jane not listed Drumcullion James Elliott 10/4/1895 10/6/1895 Henry Stuart Stuart BRIEN Annie Jane not listed Rosscor (Roscor?) James Elliott 3/1/1891 ** 3/7/1895 Helina Adeline Joseph SHEPPARD Helina not listed Summerhill James Elliott 9/4/1893 ** 3/7/1895 Ralph Clemont Joseph SHEPPARD Helina not listed Summerhill James Elliott 27/3/1895 3/7/1895 Jane Mary Elizabeth Andrew ARMSTRONG Elizabeth not listed Crievehill?? (Creevehill?) James Elliott 14/12/1895 21/3/1896 Rachel James WINTERS Mary not listed Drumsluice Gabriel Coulter 28/1/1896 20/4/1896 Thomas Robert Richard THOMPSON Harriett not listed Tullyrain Gabriel Coulter 16/1/1896 7/5/1896 Joseph Elliott Thomas ABRAHAM Margaret Jane not listed Curren (Currin?) Gabriel Coulter 21/4/1896 31/5/1896 William Henry James STUART Lizzie not listed Ballinamallard Gabriel Coulter 28/11/1895 12/6/1896 John Robert John EDWARDS Eliza not listed Coa Gabriel Coulter 6/2/1896 1/7/1896 James James MCKENZIE Alicia not listed Killymitten (Killymittan?) Gabriel Coulter 9/7/1896 15/9/1896 Christopher John IRVINE Sarah not listed Cavantillycormick Gabriel Coulter 20/2/1897 3/3/1897 John James Alexander KENNEDY Lizzie not listed Ballinamallard Gabriel Coulter 5/4/1897 16/4/1897 Margery Maud James MCKENZIE Alicia not listed Killymitten (Killymittan?) Gabriel Coulter 2/1/1897 26/4/1897 Mary Evelyn Robert MOFFETT Mary Ann not listed Sydare (Sidaire?) Gabriel Coulter 27/5/1897 13/8/1897 Joseph Robert James C. IRVINE Margaret not listed Cavan Gabriel Coulter 27/11/1897 31/12/1897 Margaret Jane William MELDRUM Eliza Jane not listed Cavan Gabriel Coulter 25/12/1897 14/1/1898 James William Thomas ABRAHAM Margaret Jane not listed Currin Gabriel Coulter 16/1/1898 3/2/1898 Josephine James RAMSAY Anne Georgina not listed Drumsonnis (Drumsonnus?) Gabriel Coulter 15/2/1897 2/3/1898 William William FYFFE Jane not listed Drumcullion Gabriel Coulter 18/4/1898 7/5/1898 Catherine Alexander KENNEDY Eliza not listed Ballinamallard Gabriel Coulter 28/4/1898 13/5/1898 John Joseph Mathew DARRAGH Eliza not listed Cavanalough Gabriel Coulter 8/1/1898 24/5/1898 Thomas Edward Thomas Alexander WATSON Maggie Ellen not listed Drumconnis Gabriel Coulter 6/4/1898 24/5/1898 Thomas Palmer William GRAHAM Maggie Jane not listed Knockmanowl (Knockmanoul) Gabriel Coulter 25/2/1898 31/5/1898 Richard Jordan Richard THOMPSON Harriett not listed Tullyrain Gabriel Coulter 21/6/1896 ** 13/6/1898 Charlotte Richard CAMPBELL Ann Jane not listed Drummurry Gabriel Coulter 5/4/1898 13/6/1898 Anna Maria Richard CAMPBELL Ann Jane not listed Drummurry Gabriel Coulter 3/8/1898 4/11/1898 John Joseph James MCKENZIE Alicia not listed Killymitten (Killymittan?) Andrew McIlwaine 1/10/1898 8/11/1898 Sarah John Robert ABRAHAM Mary Jane not listed Currin Andrew McIlwaine 17/11/1898 21/12/1898 Maggie Elizabeth Robert ARMSTRONG Anne not listed Ballyreagh Andrew McIlwaine 11/1/1899 8/2/1899 Doris Margaret James STEWART Lizzie not listed Ballinamallard Andrew McIlwaine 26/3/1899 8/4/1899 Samuel James WINTERS Mary not listed Drumsluice Andrew McIlwaine 1/2/1899 27/7/1899 John Robert Edward BRIEN Sarah not listed Woodhill, Relagh Guinness, Kilskeery Andrew McIlwaine 31/8/1899 27/9/1899 Gladys Dorothea William CAMPBELL Catherine not listed Ballinamallard James Elliott 15/9/1899 31/10/1899 Mary Jane Alexander KENNEDY Elizabeth not listed Ballinamallard Andrew McIlwaine 9/12/1899 16/2/1900 Francis Joseph BALL Sarah not listed Drumcullion Andrew McIlwaine 24/6/1899 30/3/1900 James Wallis James C. IRVINE Margaret not listed Cavan Andrew McIlwaine 12/12/1899 30/3/1900 Mary Jane William Charles ELLIOTT Elizabeth not listed Currin Andrew McIlwaine 18/4/1900 24/4/1900 Florence Mary William COWAN Maggie not listed Ballinamallard Andrew McIlwaine 3/11/1899 4/5/1900 Mathew Henry Mathew DARRAGH Lizzie not listed Cavanalough Andrew McIlwaine 3/6/1900 10/7/1900 Mary Jane James ELLIOTT Saragh ** not listed Currin Andrew McIlwaine 8/7/1900 17/9/1900 Robert James William John CALDWELL Lizzie not listed Tullyrain William McVitty 20/9/1900 21/12/1900 William Thomas William MELDRUM Elizabeth not listed Cavan William McVitty 8/10/1900 21/12/1900 William Henry Thomas BEATTY Rebecca Jane not listed Currin William McVitty 19/8/1900 31/12/1900 Robert Alex. Thomas Alex WATSON Maggie Ellen not listed Knockmanowl (Knockmanoul) William McVitty 26/11/1900 4/1/1901 Margaret Anne Alexander WATSON Annie not listed Tullyclay (Tullyclea?) William McVitty 2/1/1901 14/1/1901 Mary Ellen James WINTERS Mary not listed Rosfad (Rossfad?) William McVitty 21/10/1900 19/2/1901 William John Wesley James MORRISON Eliza Jane not listed Cavanalough William McVitty 18/10/1900 11/3/1901 Martha Louisa John THOMPSON Harriett not listed Tullyrain William McVitty 9/11/1900 18/3/1901 Myrtle Audrey Frances William CAMPBELL Kathleen not listed Ballinamallard William McVitty 6/3/1901 22/4/1901 Mary Elizabeth William Thomas ABRAHAM Margaret Jane not listed Currin William McVitty 6/7/1901 15/7/1901 Alexander Alexander KENNEDY Lizzie not listed Ballinamallard William McVitty 26/1/1901 16/7/1901 Alfred Andrew James MCKENZIE Elisha not listed Killymitten (Killymittan?) William McVitty 25/5/1901 22/7/1901 Robert Irvine John POTTS Rachel not listed Farmhill???? William McVitty 18/6/1901 1/8/1901 Rebecca Jane John Robert ABRAHAM Mary Jane not listed Currin William McVitty 20/7/1901 17/9/1901 Violet Josephine Mary William COWAN Maggie not listed Ballinamallard William McVitty 10/9/1901 12/10/1901 Robert James William MCCLEAN Mary Jane not listed Near Kilskeery William McVitty 7/18/1901 10/23/1901 John Joseph Joseph BALL Sarah not listed Drumcullion William McVitty 7/24/1901 10/26/1901 Beulah Isabella George John COALTER Olivia Maud not listed Ballinamallard William McVitty 9/2/1901 27/11/1901 Samuel Wesley Christy IRVINE Margaret not listed Cavan William McVitty 10/10/1901 2/12/1901 Thomas Edward Aaron?? John IRVINE Anne Jane not listed Drumharvey William McVitty 12/9/1901 21/12/1901 John Noble William Hamilton ARMSTRONG Mary Emily not listed Sydare (Sidaire?) William McVitty 25/12/1901 30/12/1901 Joseph Alexander Robert BEATTY Mary Anne not listed Clenaghan (Cleenaghan?) William McVitty 8/11/1901 7/1/1902 Louise Edward NIXON Maggie not listed Magheracross William McVitty 4/11/1901 31/1/1902 Elizabeth Jane Mathew DARRAGH Lizzie not listed Cavanalough William McVitty 20/2/1902 4/4/1902 William James Robert ARMSTRONG Anne not listed Ballyrea (Ballyreagh?) William McVitty 1/12/1901 25/4/1902 Florence Rebecca James RAMSEY Anne Georgina not listed Drumsonnis (Drumsonnus?) William McVitty 4/4/1902 5/5/1902 George Colin George BROWN Mary A. Colvin Cleenaghan William McVitty 20/4/1902 26/5/1902 James James STEWART Lizzie not listed Ballinamallard William McVitty 18/3/1902 2/6/1902 Gertrude Margretta Andrew ELLIOTT Sarah not listed Laragh William McVitty 13/5/1902 12/6/1902 William John Robert HUNTER Mary not listed Ballyrea (Ballyreagh?) William McVitty 13/7/1902 9/10/1902 William John Thomas Alexander WATSON Maggie Ellen not listed Knockmanoul William McVitty 27/7/1902 14/10/1902 Thomas Follas William Charles ELLIOTT Eliza Jane not listed Currin William McVitty 15/9/1902 14/10/1902 Thomas Alexander Thomas BEATTY Rebecca Jane not listed Currin William McVitty 1/6/1902 3/11/1902 Alicia Anna Leah Violet James MCKENZIE Alicia not listed Killymitten (Killymittan?) William McVitty 3/10/1902 30/12/1902 Elizabeth Hilliard Robert EDWARDS Mary Elizabeth not listed Ballinamallard William McVitty 9/2/1903 21/4/1903 Rebecca Jane Alexander WATSON Annie not listed Tullyclay (Tullyclea?) William McVitty 15/11/1902 2/6/1903 Rebecca Jane William BEATTY Annie Susan Elizabeth not listed Currin William McVitty 21/7/1903 24/7/1903 Rachel John POTTS Rachel not listed Farmhill???? William McVitty 15/10/1902 25/8/1903 William John ARMSTRONG Catherine Jane not listed Sydare (Sidaire?) William McVitty 25/6/1903 3/9/1903 Anna Maria James ELLIOTT Sarah not listed Currin William McVitty 9/7/1903 3/9/1903 Catherine Maria Eveyln ** William Thomas ABRAHAM Margaret Jane not listed Currin William McVitty 10/2/1903 15/9/1903 Grace Winifred Richard CAMPBELL Anne Jane not listed Kilgartnaleague (Kilgortnaleague?) William McVitty 28/7/1903 15/9/1903 James James LITTLE Bessie not listed Monolla???? William McVitty 19/8/1903 23/10/1903 Albert Edward Eddie BRIEN Sarah not listed Woodhill William McVitty 28/12/1903 28/1/1904 Mary Emily Mathew DARRAGH Lizzie not listed Cavanalough William McVitty 28/12/1903 28/1/1904 Margaret Jane Mathew DARRAGH Lizzie not listed Cavanalough William McVitty 21/11/1903 16/2/1904 Irwin John ABRAHAM Mary Jane not listed Currin William McVitty 4/1/1904 16/2/1904 Jane Olive Henry LITTLE Mary Jane not listed Derryraghan William McVitty 13/1/1904 25/3/1904 Maggie Jane William James PHAIR Anne Jane not listed Currin William McVitty 27/1/1904 5/4/1904 Abaveary???? Elizabeth Thomas WATSON Maggie Ellen not listed Drumconnis William McVitty 5/11/1903 10/6/1904 Forbes Victor James C. IRVINE Margaret not listed Cavan William McVitty 19/4/1904 11/6/1904 John Robert Thomas WALKER Jennie not listed Makeny (Makenny?) William McVitty 27/2/1904 12/6/1904 Sarah Anne Robert POLLOCK Lizzie not listed Knockmanowl (Knockmanoul) William McVitty 20/9/1902 ** 26/7/1904 Robert Wesley William A. COWAN Maggie Jane not listed Ballinamallard William McVitty 20/6/1904 27/8/1904 Alfred John James STEWART Lizzie not listed Ballinamallard William McVitty 28/3/1904 28/8/1904 Olive Maud Alexander ELLIOTT Sarah not listed Troary (Trory?) William McVitty 7/7/1904 22/9/1904 Eliza Mary James MCKENZIE Alicia not listed Killymitten (Killymittan?) William McVitty 13/3/1904 6/11/1904 Cyril Maurice Bertie CROZIER Maggie not listed Ballinamallard William McVitty 31/7/1903 ** 2/1/1905 Olivia Maud George John COALTER Olivia Maud not listed Ballinamallard William McVitty 18/11/1904 2/1/1905 Beryl Louisa Elizabeth George John COALTER Olivia Maud not listed Ballinamallard William McVitty 26/5/1905 13/6/1905 Thomas??? Henry Henry LITTLE Mary Jane not listed Ballydoolagh William McVitty 22/12/1904 16/6/1905 Letitia Maggie William BEATTY Annie not listed Currin William McVitty 10/4/1905 13/7/1905 Florence James LITTLE Bessy not listed Monolla???? William McVitty 12/7/1905 27/7/1905 Thomas Wesley W. Thomas ABRAHAM Margaret Jane not listed Currin William McVitty 22/7/1905 27/7/1905 Anna Maria William Ed. THOMPSON Mina not listed Magheracross William McVitty 7/7/1905 28/7/1905 Robert William ELLIOTT Lizzie not listed Currin William McVitty 2/6/1905 12/9/1905 William Robert Robert EDWARDS Mary Eliz. not listed Ballinamallard William McVitty 13/9/1905 20/9/1905 William Henry Henry RANKIN Maggie E. not listed Currin William McVitty 29/7/1905 22/11/1905 John Alexander William A. ARMSTRONG Frances Anne not listed Cornerstone?? , Ballinamallard William McVitty 25/7/1905 31/12/1905 Thomas Henly Thomas James CROZIER Moyra Elizabeth not listed Ballinamallard James Ritchie 13/10/1905 3/1/1906 Mag. Jane James MCKENZIE Alicia not listed Killymitten (Killymittan?) William McVitty 27/2/1906 3/3/1906 Maggie Ellen Thomas WATSON Maggie Ellen not listed Drumconnis William McVitty 14/11/1905 6/3/1906 Emily Rebecca William PHAIR Anne Jane not listed Currin William McVitty 7/10/1905 15/3/1906 Elsie Isobel Eddie BRIEN Sarah not listed Woodhill William McVitty 19/6/1905 9/5/1906 Eva Jane Joseph BALL Sarah not listed Drumcullion William McVitty 29/3/1906 30/5/1906 Margaret Elizabeth Esther Robert POLLOCK Lizzie not listed Knockmanowl (Knockmanoul) William McVitty 13/7/1901 ** 6/6/1906 Mathew Arthur WOODS Fanny not listed Ferney William McVitty 19/4/1903 ** 6/6/1906 George Arthur WOODS Fanny not listed Ferney William McVitty 19/10/1904 6/6/1906 Walter Arthur WOODS Fanny not listed Ferney William McVitty 30/6/1905 7/6/1906 John Hamilton John Noble ARMSTRONG Kath Jane not listed Whitehill William McVitty 3/1/1906 2/7/1906 Thomas James Nelson Cecil Thomas WALKER Jinnie?? not listed Makeny (Makenny?) William McVitty 9/4/1906 10/8/1906 William Andrew Mathew DARRAGH Lizzie not listed Cavanalough William Moore 7/3/1906 17/8/1906 Mary Eliza James Christopher IRVINE Margaret not listed Cavan William Moore 7/7/1906 5/9/1906 Winifred Mina William A. JOHNSTON Ann Eliza not listed Ballyreagh, Tempo William Moore 24/9/1906 13/11/1906 James John John Robert ABRAHAM Mary Jane not listed Currin William Moore 20/10/1906 17/12/1906 Margaret Elsie Thomas BRIEN Maria Ellen not listed Drumsloe William Moore 10/2/1907 14/4/1907 Eveleen Mary William George DINNEN Lizzie not listed Cavanalough William Moore 12/5/1907 6/6/1907 Sarah Jane Thomas Edward FOLLIS Sarah not listed Drumcullion William Moore 24/2/1906 ** 7/7/1907 Sarah Dorothea Gwendoline Robert Alexander CROZIER Margaret Elizabeth not listed Ballinamallard James Ritchie 10/5/1907 13/8/1907 Irvine Campbell William Edward THOMPSON Wilhelmina not listed Magheracross William Moore 10/6/1907 24/8/1907 Letitia Jane William MCLEAN Eliza Jane not listed Tullyraine (Tullyrain?) William Moore 9/8/1907 6/9/1907 John Robert Henry LITTLE Mary Jane not listed Ballydoolagh William Moore 27/1/1907 19/9/1907 William Crawford Thomas WALKER Jeannie not listed Makeny (Makenny?) William Moore 15/9/1907 19/12/1907 Alfred Wesley Thomas BEATTIE Rebecca Jane not listed Currin William Moore 9/9/1907 11/1/1908 John James John LITTLE Mary not listed Thornhill William Moore 5/2/1908 7/4/1908 Eliza Georgina Joseph B. BALL Sarah not listed Drumcullion William Moore 18/4/1907 16/4/1908 Richard Woods John MORRISON Fanny not listed Baragh William Moore 21/2/1908 7/6/1908 Mary Jane Robert EMERSON Rebecca not listed Coa William Moore 2/9/1907 3/7/1908 William James William A. ARMSTRONG Frances Anne not listed Ballinamallard William Moore 10/6/1908 28/8/1908 Christianna Maude Mathew DARRAGH Lizzie not listed Cavanalough William Moore 9/8/1908 5/10/1908 William James Thomas BRIEN Maria Ellen not listed Drumslow (Drumsloe?) William Moore 12/9/1908 16/10/1908 Edward Foster Edward FOLLIS Sarah not listed Drumcullion William Moore 29/6/1908 23/10/1908 Annabella William C. ELLIOTT Eliza Jane not listed Currin William Moore 20/9/1908 23/10/1908 Florence Mildred James C. IRVINE Margaret not listed Cavan William Moore 20/3/1908 27/11/1908 James Douglas Smyth Thomas James CROZIER Myra E. not listed Ballinamallard William Moore 15/5/1908 1/1/1909 William James William James PHAIR Anne Jane not listed Currin William Moore 30/10/1908 3/2/1909 Richard John William Edward THOMPSON Wilhelmina not listed Magheracross William Moore 17/3/1908 ** 29/4/1909 Norman Andrew Thomas WALKER Jeannie not listed Makeny (Makenny?) William Moore 26/4/1909 20/5/1909 Robert Francis John Robert ABRAHAM Mary Jane not listed Currin William Moore 26/3/1909 26/5/1909 Angeline William WATSON Maggie not listed Ballyreagh, Tempo William Moore 15/2/1909 2/6/1909 William Robert Robert POLLOCK Lizzie not listed Knockmanowl (Knockmanoul) William Moore 23/2/1909 11/6/1909 Wesley Thomas Ernest George John COALTER Olivia Maud not listed Ballinamallard William Moore ?/6/1896 ** 29/6/1909 Alice John MOORE Margaret Jane not listed Mullaghmeen William Moore 24/12/1897 ** 29/6/1909 James Noble John MOORE Margaret Jane not listed Mullaghmeen William Moore 21/6/1908 ** 2/7/1909 John William John MORRISON Fanny not listed Barah (Baragh?) William Moore 1/5/1909 5/7/1909 Frederick George James STEWART Lizzie not listed Ballinamallard William Moore 17/8/1906 ** 5/7/1909 Ethel Arthur WOODS Fanny not listed Ballinamallard William Moore 2/7/1908 5/7/1909 Victor Arthur WOODS Fanny not listed Ballinamallard William Moore 14/10/1909 16/12/1909 Margaret Catherine Thomas Edward FOLLIS Sarah not listed Drumcullion William B. Merrick 10/10/1909 20/12/1909 Thomas John William DALY Rebecca not listed Drumsonnis (Drumsonnus?) William B. Merrick 10/10/1909 20/12/1909 Rebecca Jane William DALY Rebecca not listed Drumsonnis (Drumsonnus?) William B. Merrick 1909 26/1/1910 Violet Robert EMERSON Rebecca not listed Coa William B. Merrick 24/11/1909 23/2/1910 Walter Ernest Robinson John ROBINSON Emily Ellen Watson see comments William B. Merrick 4. 22/12/1909 1/3/1910 Robert Joseph Joseph COALTER Maggie not listed Drumcullion William B. Merrick 30/1/1910 23/4/1910 James Alexander Crawford James ROBINSON Sarah not listed Ballinamallard William B. Merrick 20/2/1910 26/4/1910 William William CRANE Jane not listed Roscor William B. Merrick 23/12/1909 16/5/1910 Gordon Noel William Hamilton ARMSTRONG Mary Emily not listed Ballinamallard William B. Merrick 12/7/1910 24/8/1910 John Henry Grey Thomas BRIEN Martha Ellen not listed Drumsloe William B. Merrick 14/9/1910 13/10/1910 Wesley Samuel James STEWART Lizzie not listed Ballinamallard William B. Merrick 27/10/1910 12/12/1910 Cecil Wilfred Thomas Edward GALLAGHER Florence Isabel not listed Ballinamallard William B. Merrick 7/10/1910 15/12/1910 Ethel May William NEELY Mary Jane not listed Currin William B. Merrick 5. 3/11/1910 24/12/1910 William Edward William Edward THOMPSON Mina?? not listed Magheracross William B. Merrick 9/12/1910 18/2/1911 William James Thomas MASTERSON Sarah not listed St. Angelo, Ballycassidy William B. Merrick 30/12/1910 10/3/1911 Miriam Georgina George J. COALTER Olive not listed Ballinamallard William B. Merrick 13/1/1911 19/4/1911 Margaret Eleanor John ROBINSON Emily Ellen not listed Ballyreagh William B. Merrick 27/11/1910 12/5/1911 Alicia Edith Mathew DARRAGH Lizzie not listed Cavanalough William B. Merrick 2/4/1911 17/5/1911 Margaret Jane William WATSON Margaret not listed Ballyreagh William B. Merrick 12/2/1911 4/7/1911 Thomas James Lincoln William James COALTER Mary Elizabeth not listed Ballinamallard William B. Merrick 1/4/1911 19/10/1911 Thomas Edward William James PHAIR Annie Jane not listed Currin William R. Martin 12/11/1911 13/12/1911 Thomas James Thomas Edward FOLLIS Sarah not listed Drumcullion William R. Martin 12/8/1910 19/12/1911 James Watson John MORRISON Fannie not listed Bara (Baragh?) William R. Martin 26/11/1911 4/3/1912 Charles Wesley John Robert ABRAHAM Mary Jane not listed Currin William R. Martin 12/12/1909 ** 7/3/1912 Mary Elizabeth Thomas WALKER Jane not listed Makeny (Makenny?) William R. Martin 17/8/1911 8/3/1912 Violet Irene John Robert HENSTON Margaret Jane not listed Glenfarne, Co. Leitrim William R. Martin 1/9/1911 10/3/1912 John Ernest Wesley Robert EMERSON Rebecca not listed Coa William R. Martin 9/12/1911 11/4/1912 William George Edward BRIEN Sarah not listed Woodhill William R. Martin 23/11/1911 28/7/1912 John Thomas William Ervine EMERSON Mary Anne not listed Coa William Brownlee 16/6/1912 11/10/1912 Florence Maria Thomas BRIEN Maria Ellen not listed Drumsloe William Brownlee 5/11/1912 29/11/1912 Thomas John Kirk Henry ROBINSON Maggie not listed Currin William Brownlee 12/11/1912 29/11/1912 Lucinda Thomas BEATTIE Rebecca Jane not listed Currin William Brownlee 12/9/1912 6/1/1913 Margaret Alice William CRANE Jane not listed Roscor William T. Brownlee 7/7/1912 13/1/1913 Joseph Andrew William Andrew ARMSTRONG Annie Susan Elizabeth not listed Ballinamallard William T. Brownlee 8/7/1911 ** 14/1/1913 Vera Lydia James Hamilton COALTER Elizabeth Isabella not listed Derryraghan , Coa William T. Brownlee 14/7/1912 10/2/1913 Mary Elizabeth William Edward THOMPSON Wilhelmina not listed Magheracross William T. Brownlee 4/10/1912 11/2/1913 Charles George Thomas GILMORE Susan Emily not listed Drumkeen William T. Brownlee 19/11/1912 13/2/1913 William Herbert Thomas Edward FOLLIS Sarah not listed Drumcullion William T. Brownlee 16/1/1913 12/4/1913 Mary Caroline Elizabeth John ROBINSON Emily Ellen not listed Carn, Tempo William T. Brownlee 2/6/1913 10/7/1913 Elsie May John Robert ABRAHAM Mary Jane not listed Currin William T. Brownlee 9/1/1913 15/8/1913 William Robert William Irvine EMERSON Mary Anne not listed Fairfield House, Coa William T. Brownlee 4/5/1913 9/9/1913 George John MORRISON Fanny not listed Bara (Baragh?) William T. Brownlee 30/10/1913 28/11/1913 Emma Joyce Mathew DARRAGH Lizzie not listed Cavanalough William T. Brownlee 13/5/1913 8/2/1914 Zella ** Gertrude Robert EMERSON Rebekah not listed Coa William T. Brownlee 7/1/1914 25/3/1914 Henry Alexander Alexander ARMSTRONG Susan not listed Ballinamallard William T. Brownlee 27/1/1908 ** 7/6/1914 Violet Olivia Robert Alexander CROZIER Margaret Elizabeth not listed The Hotel, Ballinamallard William T. Brownlee 22/10/1910 ** 7/6/1914 Margaret Alexandra Myrtle Robert Alexander CROZIER Margaret Elizabeth not listed The Hotel, Ballinamallard William T. Brownlee 15/11/1913 7/6/1914 Phylls ** Adelaide Mary Robert Alexander CROZIER Margaret Elizabeth not listed The Hotel, Ballinamallard William T. Brownlee 23/4/1914 22/6/1914 Thomas Norman William Thomas BROWNLEE Evelyn Margretta not listed The Manse, Ballinamallard W.H. Massey 25/5/1914 18/8/1914 Edward Carson William DALY Rebecca not listed Drumsonnis (Drumsonnus?) William T. Brownlee 24/7/1913 ** 20/8/1914 Victor George Thomas WALKER Jeannie not listed Makeny (Makenny?) William T. Brownlee 26/4/1914 9/9/1914 Annie Mabel John ROBINSON Emily not listed Carn, Ballyreagh William T. Brownlee 19/8/1914 22/9/1914 Myra Noreen Thomas James CROZIER Myra Elizabeth not listed Riverside House, Ballinamallard William T. Brownlee 27/2/1914 23/9/1914 Sophia Jane Thomas BRIEN Maria Ellen not listed Drumsloe William T. Brownlee 31/3/1912 ** 9/11/1914 William Victor Drennan William James COALTER Mary Elizabeth not listed Ballinamallard William T. Brownlee 14/4/1914 9/11/1914 Florence Isabel William James COALTER Mary Elizabeth not listed Ballinamallard William T. Brownlee 29/8/1914 10/1/1915 William James Thomas Hugh GILMORE Emily Susan not listed Drumkeen William T. Brownlee 2/1/1914 19/2/1915 Isabella Olive Catherine James Hamilton COALTER Elizabeth Isabella not listed Derryraghan William T. Brownlee 17/7/1914 19/2/1915 Mary Elizabeth William Irvine EMERSON Mary Anne not listed Fairfield House, Coa William T. Brownlee 17/2/1915 1/3/1915 Charles Edward William BLEAKLEY Mary Rebecca not listed Makeny (Makenny?) William T. Brownlee 27/5/1914 12/3/1915 Ernest Falls Thomas BEATTIE Rebecca not listed Currin William T. Brownlee 15/12/1904 ** 25/3/1915 Jeannie Caroline John Gerrard SOMERVILLE Margaret Anne not listed Tullyrain William T. Brownlee 13/7/1914 25/3/1915 Dorothy Matilda John Gerrard SOMERVILLE Margaret Anne not listed Tullyrain William T. Brownlee 24/4/1915 27/4/1915 James not listed NOT LISTED Maggie Anne Cadden Drumsonnis (Drumsonnus?) William T. Brownlee 6. 27/9/1913 3/6/1915 Annie Elizabeth William Andrew ARMSTRONG Annie Susan Elizabeth not listed Ballinamallard William T. Brownlee 3/2/1915 3/6/1915 Mary Lucinda William Andrew ARMSTRONG Annie Susan Elizabeth not listed Ballinamallard William T. Brownlee 14/5/1915 4/6/1915 Kathleen Elizabeth William NEELY Mary Jane not listed Currin William T. Brownlee 22/1/1915 30/6/1915 Dorothy Elizabeth Robert NIXON Elizabeth Jane not listed Carne (Carn?) Ballyreagh William T. Brownlee 16/1/1915 2/7/1915 Robert Christopher Thomas Edward FOLLIS Sarah not listed Drumcullion John McCaffrey 12/5/1913 ** 4/7/1915 Andrew Edward William MANLEY Sarah not listed Tullyavon???? (as listed) William T. Brownlee 23/3/1915 14/7/1915 Ellen Susan Elizabeth Henry ROBINSON Margaret Letitia not listed Currin William T. Brownlee 25/9/1915 29/10/1915 William James Henry LYTTLE Mary Jane not listed Ballydoolagh William Moore 10/4/1915 3/1/1916 Florence Elizabeth Alexander ARMSTRONG Susan not listed Ballinamallard William Moore 3/1/1916 14/4/1916 Ruth Maude Robinson James Hamilton COALTER Elizabeth Isabella not listed Derryraghan William Moore 1/10/1913 ** 13/7/1916 Andrew John MORRISON Fanny not listed Bara (Baragh?) William Moore 6/3/1915 13/7/1916 Rebecca John MORRISON Fanny not listed Bara (Baragh?) William Moore 26/2/1916 9/8/1916 Margaret Emily Florence Robert NIXON Elizabeth Jane not listed Carn, Tempo William Moore 19/6/1916 9/8/1916 John Wesley Joseph WATSON Margery Ann not listed Ballyreagh, Tempo William Moore 20/8/1916 29/12/1916 William Edward Edward MCDONAGH Annie not listed Tullyrain William Moore 23/10/1916 6/1/1917 Sarah Elizabeth James William RAMSEY Madge not listed Drumcunnis (Drumconnis?) William Moore 21/9/1916 31/1/1917 Dorothy Alice William JOHNSTON Ann Eliza not listed Ballyreagh, Tempo William Moore 10/7/1916 13/2/1917 Margaret William Irvine EMERSON Mary Anne not listed Fairfield House, Coa William Moore 8/9/1916 3/4/1917 Alexander Hamilton William James PHAIR Anne Jane not listed Drumkeen William Moore 3/11/1916 3/4/1917 Wesley Henry ROBINSON Margaret not listed Currin William Moore 19/6/1916 23/4/1917 Robert Pierce Robert EMERSON Rebecca not listed Coa William Moore 18/1/1917 23/5/1917 Ethel Joseph WHITSITT Christina not listed Ballyreagh, Tempo William Moore 23/2/1917 23/5/1917 Thomas Iver Hurst John ROBINSON Emily not listed Carn, Tempo William Moore 8/2/1917 5/6/1917 Gabriel John Edward FOLLIS Sarah not listed Drumcullion William Moore 14/4/1917 13/6/1917 Thomas James John James MAYERS Margery Maude not listed Ballydoolagh William Moore 3/9/1917 25/10/1917 Sarah Ann William NEELY Mary Jane not listed Currin William Moore 2/11/1916 1/12/1917 Annie Jane William MOFFITT Annie not listed Saloon (Salloon) William Moore 24/11/1917 12/12/1917 Mary Anne James William RAMSEY Madge not listed Drumcunnis (Drumconnis?) William Moore 14/11/1917 3/1/1918 William Alexander Henry HETHERINGTON Elizabeth Jane not listed Makeny (Makenny?) William Moore 3/1/1918 23/1/1918 Richard Thomas James EDWARDS Elizabeth not listed Ballyreagh, Tempo William Moore 15/8/1917 29/3/1918 Thomas Alexander Merit???? James H. COALTER Elizabeth Isabella not listed Derryraghan William Moore 6/2/1918 17/4/1918 Mary Elizabeth Thomas GILMORE Emily not listed Drumkeen William Moore 10/1/1918 22/5/1918 William Joseph Robert NIXON Elizabeth Jane not listed Carn, Tempo William Moore ?/4/1916 ** 12/9/1918 Sarah Maude William A. ARMSTRONG Annie S. E. not listed Ballinamallard William Moore 13/8/1918 18/9/1918 William Thomas Joseph WATSON Margery Ann not listed Ballyreagh, Tempo William Moore 1/7/1918 17/10/1918 Catherine Maude John Robert ABRAHAM Mary Jane not listed Currin William Moore 14/1/1918 28/10/1918 Charlotte Nattilie Alexander ARMSTRONG Susan not listed Ballinamallard William Moore 10/11/1918 21/2/1919 Alicia Mary John James MAYERS Margery Maude not listed Ballydoolagh William Moore 1/2/1918 1/3/1919 Robert Henry Henry ROBINSON Margaret not listed Currin William Moore 1/7/1918 12/3/1919 Maggie Jane Andrew MORRISON Jane not listed Cavanalough William Moore Comments: 1.Child not listed as illegitimate 2.Child not listed as illegitimate 3.Child not listed as illegitimate 4.Child listed as illegetimate. Father listed as from Pubble & mother from Ballyreagh. Father & Mother married in December 1909 5.Child listed as born in America 6.Child listed as illegitimate.