Fermanagh - Galloon Baptismal Register Index, 1798-1830

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Fermanagh Index


File contributed by:  David Armstrong


SURNAME        GIVEN NAME         DATE          FATHER                    MOTHER                      COMMENTS
                                  YYY MM DD
.....ON        Wm                 1800.04.00    Wm .....on                Margt .....                                                      
.....SWORTH    Margaret           1824.02.24    Wm .....sworth            Anne                                                             
.....TER       James              1803.03.28    .....ter                  Jane Bows                                                        
.....TON       Thos               1821.12.12    George .....ton                                                                            
...AIKINS      Wm                 1806.05.11    Francis Adams             Susanna  ...aikins          Illegitimate                         
ABBOTT         Francis            1813.02.26    Moses Abbott              Mary Rosborough                                                  
ABBOTT         George             1798.04.14    Francis Abbott            Polly Moffitt                                                    
ABBOTT         John               1817.11.14    Moses Abbott              Mary Rosborough                                                  
ABBOTT         Lucy               1801.10.11    Fran's Abbott             Sally Moffatt                                                    
ABBOTT         Ruth               1800.05.11    Francis Abbott            Polly Moffat                                                     
ABBOTT         Thos               1816.02.30    Moses Abbott              Margt Rosborough                                                 
ADAMS          Ann                1804.06.27    Robt Adams                Mary Ann Armstrong-Gregg                                             
ADAMS          Cath'e             1805.03.20    Robt Adams                Cath'e Scott                                                     
ADAMS          Elisa              1830.02.21    William Adams             Aimy                                                             
ADAMS          Eliza Jane         1806.07.13    Jno Adams                 Eliz'th Teaug                                                    
ADAMS          Francis            1810.03.02    Jno Adams                 Henryetta Clingan                                                
ADAMS          Francis            1826.07.24    William Adams             Haramintha                                                       
ADAMS          James              1826.10.29    William Adams             Mary                                                             
ADAMS          Jane               1804.06.27    Robt Adams                Mary Ann Armstrong-Gregg                                         
ADAMS          Jane               1805.04.06    Wm Adams                  Rose Kettle                                                      
ADAMS          Jane               1810.03.28    Robt Adams                Cath'e Scott                                                     
ADAMS          Jane               1827.11.26    William Adams             Anny                                                             
ADAMS          Lucy               1807.11.15    Francis Adams             Anne Clingan                                                     
ADAMS          Margt              1806.12.07    Francis Adams             Hen'a Clingan                                                    
ADAMS          Maria              1800.11.00    Robt Adams                Cath'e Scott                                                     
ADAMS          Marjory            1809.12.03    Frank Adams               Jane Allen                                                       
ADAMS          Mary               1800.03.06    Jas Adams                 Martha Taylor                                                    
ADAMS          Robt               1800.02.23    Wm Adams                  Rosanna Kettle                                                   
ADAMS          Sarah Anne         1809.10.29    Wm Adams                  Rose Kettle                                                      
ADAMS          Stephen Lanktree   1812.07.11    Wm Adams                  Rose Anne Kettle                                                 
ADAMS          Tirzah             1803.04.19    Wm Adams                  Rosanna Kettle                                                   
ADAMS          Wm                 1806.05.11    Francis Adams             Susanna  ...aikins          Illegitimate                         
ADAMS          Wm                 1817.05.06    Thos Adams                Jane Moffatt                                                     
ADAMS          Wm                 1818.08.00    Wm Adams                  Bell Moore                                                       
ALEXANDER      Jas                1819.08.02    Joe Alexander             Margt Thompson                                                   
ALEXANDER      Margaret           1828.11.02    Joseph Alexander          Margaret                                                         
ALEXANDER      Sarah              1822.06.02    Joseph Alexander          Margaret                                                         
ALLEN          Alexander          1824.12.24    Thomas Allen              Allicia                                                          
ALLEN          Alexander          1826.03.10    Alexander Allen           Anne                                                             
ALLEN          Alexander          1826.07.09    Andrew Allen              Alice                                                            
ALLEN          Alice              1810.08.06    Robt Allen                Jane Armstrong                                                   
ALLEN          Andrew             1824.06.04    Elliot Allen              Rabecca                                                          
ALLEN          And'w              1809.01.16    Jas Allen                 Jane Forster                Illegitimate                         
ALLEN          Andy               1819.12.29    And'w Allen               Alice Lang                                                       
ALLEN          Anne               1815.12.06    Jas Allen                 Jane Gordon                 Illegitimate                         
ALLEN          Anne               1817.07.18    Allick Allen              Kitty McGuire               Illegitimate                         
ALLEN          Anne               1819.04.01    Robt Allen                Jane Armstrong                                                   
ALLEN          Anne               1823.08.06    Wm Allen                  Anne Beatty                 Illegitimate                         
ALLEN          Anne               1829.09.19    William Allen             Susan                                                            
ALLEN          Anne               1830.01.04    John Allen                Alice                                                            
ALLEN          Bessey             1820.05.00    Elliott Allen             Beck West                                                        
ALLEN          Bessy              1819.12.24    Wm Allen                  Ann Beatty                  Illegitimate                         
ALLEN          Catherine          1828.01.23    John Allen                Eleanor                                                          
ALLEN          Eliz.              1816.07.15    Robt Allen                Bessy Hamilton                                                   
ALLEN          Eliza              1824.01.07    John Allen                Anne Connely                Illegitimate                         
ALLEN          Elliott            1799.09.27    Thos Allen                Eliz'th Armstrong                                                
ALLEN          Elliott            1815.11.04    Wm Allen                  Beck West                                                        
ALLEN          Elliott            1822.08.31    Robt Allen                Jane                                                             
ALLEN          Elliott            1828.08.24    William Allen             Florinda                                                         
ALLEN          Esther             1826.03.20    John Allen                Ellen                                                            
ALLEN          Grizy              1811.06.16    Elliott Allen             Beck West                                                        
ALLEN          Grizzy             1813.01.10    Elliott Allen             Beck West                   Twin                                 
ALLEN          Henry              1828.05.26    Robert Allen              Jane                                                             
ALLEN          Isabella           1814.04.12    Alex'r Allen              Anne Presley                                                     
ALLEN          James              1824.04.16    Alexander Allen           Anne                                                             
ALLEN          Jane               1812.01.12    G'e Allen                 Sarah Johnston                                                   
ALLEN          Jane               1822.02.02    Alexander Allen           Ann                                                              
ALLEN          Jane               1822.07.29    Elliott Allen             Rebbecca                                                         
ALLEN          Jane Anne          1811.04.06    Robt Allen                Betty Hamilton                                                   
ALLEN          Jane Anne          1828.02.10    William Allen             Anne Beatty                 Illegitimate                         
ALLEN          Jas                1809.02.10    Elliott Allen             Beck West                                                        
ALLEN          Jas                1810.03.02    A. Allen                  Mary McGuire                                                     
ALLEN          Jas                1814.03.13    Jno Allen                 Mary Jones                                                       
ALLEN          Jas                1815.04.16    George Allen              Sarah Johnston                                                   
ALLEN          Jas                1815.10.20    And'w Allen               Allice Layng                                                     
ALLEN          Jno                1814.05.28    Robt Allen                Jane Armstrong                                                   
ALLEN          Jno                1818.08.20    Elliott Allen             Beck West                                                        
ALLEN          John               1801.08.23    Jno Allen                 Mary Jones                                                       
ALLEN          John               1805.12.02    John Allen                Mary McManus                Illegitimate                         
ALLEN          John               1806.10.12    John Allen                Mary Jones                                                       
ALLEN          John               1806.12.02    Jno Allen                 Mary McManus                Illegitimate                         
ALLEN          John               1808.10.13    George Allen              Sarah Johnston                                                   
ALLEN          John               1823.04.28    Andrew Allen              Alice                                                            
ALLEN          John               1824.08.08    John Allen                Ann                                                              
ALLEN          Johnston           1819.01.12    Robt Allen                Sally Johnston                                                   
ALLEN          Margery            1809.05.21    Jno Allen                 Mary Jones                                                       
ALLEN          Margt              1808.02.01    Robt Allen                Jane Armstrong                                                   
ALLEN          Margt              1814.06.23    Robt Allen                Eliz'th Hamilton                                                 
ALLEN          Margt              1817.01.26    Wm Allen                  Anne Beatty                 Illegitimate                         
ALLEN          Mary               1826.05.29    Wm Allen                  Florinda Lang               Illegitimate                         
ALLEN          Mary Ann           1824.02.21    John Allen                Ellen                                                            
ALLEN          Mary Anne          1816.03.03    Alex'r Allen              Anne Presley                                                     
ALLEN          Mary Anne          1828.01.06    Andrew Allen              Alice                                                            
ALLEN          Mary Anne          1829.03.01    Alexander Allen           Anne                                                             
ALLEN          Robert             1821.02.25    Wm Allen                  Elizabeth                                                        
ALLEN          Robert             1825.07.13    Robbin Allen              Jane                                                             
ALLEN          Robt               1802.01.31    Thos Allen                Sarah Coulter                                                    
ALLEN          Robt               1817.06.29    And'w Allen               Alice Layng                                                      
ALLEN          Robt               1819.01.12    Robt Allen                Eliz'th Hamilton                                                 
ALLEN          Robt               1820.03.18    Alex'r Allen              Anne Preoley                                                     
ALLEN          Sarah              1810.08.09    Jno Allen                 Mary Jones                                                       
ALLEN          Sarah              1813.01.10    Elliott Allen             Beck West                   Twin                                 
ALLEN          Sarah              1829.04.26    William Allen             Anne Beatty                                                      
ALLEN          Susanna            1802.01.03    Thos Allen                Eliz'th Armstrong                                                
ALLEN          William            1821.05.17    Andrew Allen              Alice                                                            
ALLEN          William            1828.10.05    John Allen                Alice                                                            
ALLEN          Wm                 1807.01.00    Thos Allen                Mary Armstrong                                                   
ALLEN          Wm                 1826.03.12    Wm Allen                  Susan                                                            
ALLWILL        Thomas Andrew      1826.12.30    James Allwill             Sarah                                                            
ANDERSON       Florence           1822.04.18    Wm Anderson               Florence                                                         
ANDERSON       Martha             1816.10.13    Jno Anderson              Margt Maxwell                                                    
ANNE           John               1823.04.22    Archibald Anne            Anne                                                             
ANNEN          Eliz'th            1809.06.11    Jas Annen                 Nancy Forster                                                    
ANNON          Anne Jane          1823.10.12    John Annon                Jane                                                             
ANNON          Cath'e             1816.10.20    Archy Annon               Esther McKeever                                                  
ANNON          Jas                1803.08.28    Jas Annon                 Eliz'th Forster                                                  
ANNON          John               1824.06.12    John Annon                Jane                                                             
ANNON          Margt              1812.04.19    Jas Annon                 Eliz'th Forster                                                  
ANNON          Margt              1814.08.15    Archy Annon               Esther McQuade                                                   
ANNUN          James              1824.12.19    John Annun                Jane                                                             
ARGUE          Andy               1819.11.14    Robt Argue                Sisley Dean                                                      
ARGUE          Cath'e             1816.11.24    Robt Argue                Susy Dane                                                        
ARGUE          Henry              1803.10.23    Robt Argue                Susanna Do.....                                                  
ARGUE          Jane Anne          1807.05.05    Robt Argue                Susanna Dane                                                     
ARGUE          Margt              1802.02.21    Robt Argue                Susanna Dane                                                     
ARGUE          Mary               1811.08.18    Robt Argue                Susy Dane                                                        
ARGUE          Mary               1824.02.22    Robt Argue                Susan                                                            
ARMER          Jane               1829.06.30    John Armer                Jane                                                             
ARMSTONG       Jane Anne          1830.01.10    John Armstrong            Elisabeth                                                        
ARMSTONG       Mary               1824.11.28    John Armstrong            Elizabeth                                                        
ARMSTRONG      Ally               1820.04.16    Thos Armstrong            Jane Cross                                                       
ARMSTRONG      Andrew             1826.11.19    George Armstrong          Prudentia                                                        
ARMSTRONG      And'w              1812.09.01    And'w Armstrong           Mary Judge                                                       
ARMSTRONG      Anne               1810.10.14    Jno Armstrong             Eliz'th Graham                                                   
ARMSTRONG      Anne               1813.10.24    Robt Armstrong            Rose Vance                                                       
ARMSTRONG      Anne               1824.02.01    George Armstrong          Prudence                                                         
ARMSTRONG      Archy              1813.09.05    Jno Armstrong             Eliz'th Graham                                                   
ARMSTRONG      Arthur             1825.12.28    Arthur Armstrong          Isabella                                                         
ARMSTRONG      Benjamin           1826.05.28    Benjamin Armstrong        Mary                                                             
ARMSTRONG      Cath'e             1808.10.21    Jas Armstrong             Dorothea Graham                                                  
ARMSTRONG      Charles            1828.07.04    George Armstrong          Elisabeth                                                        
ARMSTRONG      Chas               1798.10.08    Chas Armstrong            Anne Scott                                                       
ARMSTRONG      Christopher        1804.10.14    Jas Armstrong             Dorothea Graham                                                  
ARMSTRONG      Christopher        1828.02.19    John Armstrong            Alice                                                            
ARMSTRONG      Christ'r           1805.08.25    Jno Armstrong             Eliz'th Graham                                                   
ARMSTRONG      Christ'r James     1819.02.08    Jno Armstrong             Eliz. Graham                                                     
ARMSTRONG      Edw'd              1814.10.30    Jno Armstrong             Anne Coulter                                                     
ARMSTRONG      Elin               1804.07.08    Robt Armstrong            Isabella                                                         
ARMSTRONG      Elisabeth          1828.02.12    Thomas Armstrong          Isabella                                                         
ARMSTRONG      Eliza              1825.12.04    John Armstrong            Mary                                                             
ARMSTRONG      Elizabeth Ann      1823.01.25    George Irvine             Margaret                                                         
ARMSTRONG      Eliz'th            1804.09.23    James Armstrong           Anne Thompson                                                    
ARMSTRONG      Eliz'th            1807.02.15    Jno Armstrong             Eliz'th Graham                                                   
ARMSTRONG      Eliz'th            1809.05.25    Jno Armstrong             Eliz'th Johnston                                                 
ARMSTRONG      Eliz'th            1818.05.03    Jno Armstrong             Anne Coulter                                                     
ARMSTRONG      Elliot             1809.07.02    Wm Armstrong              Mary Clendinnen                                                  
ARMSTRONG      Elliott            1807.11.29    Wm Armstrong              Mary Clendinnen                                                  
ARMSTRONG      Esther             1810.02.04    George Armstrong          Esther Lang                                                      
ARMSTRONG      Frances            1818.09.26    Benjamin Armstrong        Mary Do.                                                         
ARMSTRONG      Francis            1811.03.03    Wm Armstrong              Jane Williams                                                    
ARMSTRONG      Francis            1829.11.15    William Armstrong         Margaret Greenan                                                 
ARMSTRONG      Geo.               1826.01.01    John Armstrong            Alice                                                            
ARMSTRONG      George             1806.03.30    Jno Armstrong             Anne Coulter                                                     
ARMSTRONG      George             1806.05.18    George Armstrong          Elinor Leragh                                                    
ARMSTRONG      George             1809.08.25    Martin Armstrong          Alice Maxwell                                                    
ARMSTRONG      George             1815.09.16    And'w Armstrong           Mary Judge                                                       
ARMSTRONG      George             1825.12.18    John Armstrong            Judith Keenan               Illegitimate                         
ARMSTRONG      George             1829.02.22    Benjamin Armstrong        Mary                                                             
ARMSTRONG      Henry              1798.06.30    George Armstrong          Eliz'th Lanna...                                                 
ARMSTRONG      Hugh               1806.03.10    Robt Armstrong            Rose Vance                                                       
ARMSTRONG      Hugh               1811.09.29    Hugh Armstrong            Rose McLean                 Illegitimate                         
ARMSTRONG      Isabella           1807.04.12    Wm Armstrong              Bell Goulding                                                    
ARMSTRONG      James              1805.00.24    Wm Armstrong              Anne Jones                  Illegitimate                         
ARMSTRONG      James              1807.01.00    James Armstrong           Dorothy Graham                                                   
ARMSTRONG      James              1827.12.22    John Murphy               Mary Armstong               Illegitimate                         
ARMSTRONG      Jane               1800.00.00    Armstrong                 Eliz'th Graham                                                   
ARMSTRONG      Jane               1800.07.12    Robt Armstrong            Margt Blakely                                                    
ARMSTRONG      Jane               1807.09.00    Jas Armstrong             Mary Gregg                                                       
ARMSTRONG      Jane               1808.11.26    Jas Armstrong             Rose McDonnell                                                   
ARMSTRONG      Jane               1826.07.20    Robert Armstrong          Sarah                                                            
ARMSTRONG      Jane Anne          1804.06.17    Jno Armstrong             Anne Coulson                                                     
ARMSTRONG      Jane Anne          1811.02.22    Wm Armstrong              Mary Mills                                                       
ARMSTRONG      Jane Anne          1820.03.19    Jno Armstrong             Eliz'th McGahey                                                  
ARMSTRONG      Jane Anne          1827.04.08    Arthur Armstrong          Isabella                                                         
ARMSTRONG      Jas                1801.03.13    Jno Armstrong             Bell Fossett                                                     
ARMSTRONG      Jas                1809.05.25    Jas Armstrong             Mary Greg                                                        
ARMSTRONG      Jas                1816.03.03    Jno Armstrong             Eliz'th McGahey                                                  
ARMSTRONG      Jno                1802.09.19    George Armstrong          Esther Lang                                                      
ARMSTRONG      Jno                1808.11.10    Jno Armstrong             Eliz'th Graham                                                   
ARMSTRONG      Jno                1809.02.02    Wm Armstrong              Mary Mills                                                       
ARMSTRONG      Jno                1813.05.18    George Armstrong          Margt Welwood                                                    
ARMSTRONG      John               1805.05.17    Wm Armstrong              Mary Glendinnen                                                  
ARMSTRONG      John               1807.11.29    Jno Armstrong             Anne Coulter                                                     
ARMSTRONG      John               1814.08.21    Robt Armstrong            Anne McCaffery                                                   
ARMSTRONG      John               1822.07.21    Terrence McCaul           Catherine Armstrong         Illegitimate                         
ARMSTRONG      John               1827.12.12    John Armstong             Mary Patton                 Illegitimate                         
ARMSTRONG      John               1830.01.17    Thomas Armstrong          Eleanor                                                          
ARMSTRONG      Jos                1817.04.09    Jas Armstrong             Jane Trotter                                                     
ARMSTRONG      Joseph             1823.03.08    John Armstrong            Elizabeth Iham              Illegitimate                         
ARMSTRONG      Latitia            1828.03.30    John Armstrong            Elizabeth                                                        
ARMSTRONG      Letitia            1802.11.28    Wm Armstrong              Eliz'th McClean                                                  
ARMSTRONG      Margaret           1822.09.21    John Armstrong            Ann                                                              
ARMSTRONG      Margaret           1827.07.21    James Armstrong           Mary McManus                                                     
ARMSTRONG      Margt              1801.00.20    Jas Armstrong             Margt Robinson                                                   
ARMSTRONG      Margt              1806.04.20    Robt Armstrong            Margt Little                                                     
ARMSTRONG      Margt              1811.12.22    Robt Armstrong            Rose Vance                                                       
ARMSTRONG      Mary               1800.05.05    Jas Armstrong             Dolly Graham                                                     
ARMSTRONG      Mary               1808.05.08    George Armstrong          Mary Welwood                                                     
ARMSTRONG      Mary               1809.07.29    Robt Armstrong            Margt Blakely                                                    
ARMSTRONG      Mary               1818.08.30    Robt Armstrong            Anne Caffry                                                      
ARMSTRONG      Mary               1822.04.14    John Armstrong            Ann McCaffrey               Illegitimate                         
ARMSTRONG      Mary               1822.10.13    Benjamin Armstrong        Mary                                                             
ARMSTRONG      Mary Ann           1804.05.27    Jno Armstrong             Eliz'th Johnston                                                 
ARMSTRONG      Mary Anne          1806.03.23    George Armstrong          Margt Welwood                                                    
ARMSTRONG      Mary Jane          1830.02.28    William Armstong          Eliza                                                            
ARMSTRONG      Mervin             1819.01.10    Wm Armstrong              Eliz'th Forster                                                  
ARMSTRONG      Richard            1828.02.24    John Armstrong            Alice                                                            
ARMSTRONG      Robert             1822.06.15    Robbin Armstrong          Anne Ferguson               Illegitimate                         
ARMSTRONG      Robert             1827.10.13    Robert Armstrong          Anne                                                             
ARMSTRONG      Robt               1802.03.28    John Armstrong            Eliz'th Johnston                                                 
ARMSTRONG      Sally              1812.09.06    Jno Armstrong             Anne Jordan                                                      
ARMSTRONG      Sally              1812.09.06    Jno Armstrong             Mary Judge                                                       
ARMSTRONG      Sally              1817.09.21    Jno Armstrong             Anne McCaffrey              Illegitimate                         
ARMSTRONG      Sarah              1803.02.13    Jas Armstrong             Dorothea Graham                                                  
ARMSTRONG      Sarah              1803.12.17    Jno Armstrong             Margt Burley                                                     
ARMSTRONG      Sarah              1817.01.18    Jno Armstrong             Eliz'th Graham                                                   
ARMSTRONG      Simon              1829.02.08    Arthur Armstrong          Isabella                                                         
ARMSTRONG      Susana             1827.04.10    James Armstrong           Jane Jackson                Illegitimate                         
ARMSTRONG      Susana             1829.04.26    John Armstrong            Alice                                                            
ARMSTRONG      Susy               1812.06.21    Christ'r Armstrong        Sally Morrison                                                   
ARMSTRONG      Susy               1816.09.01    George Armstrong          Margt Welworth                                                   
ARMSTRONG      Thomas             1827.12.02    Thomas Armstrong          Jane Ormston                                                     
ARMSTRONG      Thos               1799.05.19    John Armstrong            Margt Wright                                                     
ARMSTRONG      Thos               1802.05.02    Jno Armstrong             Eliz'th Graham                                                   
ARMSTRONG      Thos               1810.04.08    George Armstrong          Margt Witworth                                                   
ARMSTRONG      Thos               1810.05.06    Wm Armstrong              Eliz'th McClean                                                  
ARMSTRONG      Thos               1811.12.22    David Armstrong           Cath'e Mayne                                                     
ARMSTRONG      Thos               1812.09.01    Jas Armstrong             Mary Greg                                                        
ARMSTRONG      William            1830.01.24    John Armstrong            Alice                                                            
ARMSTRONG      Wm                 1800.01.12    Wm Armstrong              Mary Glendinnan                                                  
ARMSTRONG      Wm                 1803.05.01    Robt Armstrong            Margt Blakely                                                    
ARMSTRONG      Wm                 1804.10.03    George Armstrong          Esther Lang                                                      
ARMSTRONG      Wm                 1810.03.02    Jno Armstrong             Anne McCullen                                                    
ARMSTRONG      Wm                 1812.08.02    Jno Armstrong             Eliz'th Graham                                                   
ARMSTRONG      Wm                 1816.09.29    Thos Armstrong            Eliza Bell                                                       
ARMSTRONG      Wm                 1822.11.10    John Armstrong            Elizabeth                                                        
ARMSTRONG      Wm                 1824.05.30    Benjamin Armstrong        Mary                                                             
ARMSTRONG                         1803.10.09    Jos Armstrong             Mary Gregg                                                       
ARNOLD         John               1826.07.02    John Arnold               Jane                                                             
ARNOTT         Anne               1808.06.26    James Arnott              Mary Bevin                                                       
ARNOTT         Eliz'th            1803.04.01    James Arnott              Mary Bevin                                                       
ARNOTT         Rich'd             1810.09.09    Jas Arnott                Mary Bevin                                                       
ARNOTT         Wm                 1806.03.16    James Arnott              Eliz. Forster                                                    
ARNOTT                            1800.12.09    Jas Arnott                Mary Bevin                                                       
ARTHUR         Elizabeth          1821.06.25    Thos Arthur               Jane                                                             
ARTHUR         Margt              1809.12.29    Thos Arthur               Jane Delamor                                                     
ARTHURS        Isabella Jane      1830.01.17    John Arthurs              Anna Maria                                                       
ARTHURS        Jane               1803.02.27    Thos Arthurs              Jane Delamar                                                     
ARTHURS        Joseph             1815.11.17    Thos Arthurs              Jane Delamor                                                     
ARTHURS        Mary               1807.04.05    Thos Arthurs              Jane Delamor                                                     
ARTHURS        Sarah              1805.04.20    Thos Arthurs              Jane Delamer                                                     
ARTHURS        Thos               1812.07.28    Thos Arthurs              Jane Delamor                                                     
ATCHESON       Margaret Letitia   1829.05.10    Alexander Atcheson        Mary                                                             
ATCHINSON      Theopolus          1800.06.08    Wm Atchinson              Sarah Waters                                                     
ATWELL         Ben                1819.09.19    Ben Atwell                Esther Balfour                                                   
ATWILL         Joseph             1816.11.03    Wm Atwill                 Eliz'th Acheson                                                  
AYLMER         Berresford         1825.02.25    John Aylmer               Mary                                                             
AYLMER         Elisa              1829.01.28    John Aylmer               Mary                                                             
AYLMUR         Cath'e             1817.01.17    Jno Aylmur                Margt McElgurn                                                   
BAI.....       Isabella Everina   1822.02.01    Thos Bai.....             Mary                                                             
BAILEY         Fran's Cath'e      1801.00.26                              Mrs Bailey                  Widow of Alex'r                      
BAILEY         Thomas             1823.12.24    Thomas Bailey             Mary                                                             
BAILEY         Thos               1823.12.24    Thos Bailey               Mary                        Recorded page 77 (1826)              
BATES          Thomas             1829.06.27    Thomas Bates              Margaret                                                         
BAVIS          Francis            1825.03.13    Thos Bavis                Anne                                                             
BAVIS          Thos               1824.04.19    James Bavis               Margery                                                          
BEARD          Alice              1805.05.19    Hugh beard                Darkey Wharton                                                   
BEARD          Francis            1807.04.30    Hugh Beard                Darkey Whiteman                                                  
BEARD          Hugh               1814.04.03    Hugh Beard                Darkey Whiteman                                                  
BEARD          James              1801.09.13    Wm Beard                  Hannah Moor                                                      
BEARD          Robt               1811.04.06    Wm Beard                  Hannah Moore                                                     
BEARD          Robt               1817.03.16    Hugh Beard                Darkey Whiteman                                                  
BEARD          William            1828.11.10    John Beard                Catherine                                                        
BEARD          Wm                 1823.11.05    Wm Beard                  Margaret                                                         
BEARD                             1804.06.00    Wm Beard                  Hannah Moore                                                     
BEATTY         Anne               1798.06.02    Martin Beatty             Cat...                                                           
BEATTY         Anne               1817.03.00    Thos Beatty               Christain [     ]arme                                            
BEATTY         Anne               1818.01.25    Jno Beatty                Eliza Bushel                                                     
BEATTY         Anne               1823.08.06    Wm Allen                  Anne Beatty                 Illegitimate                         
BEATTY         Archy              1812.12.08    Thos Beatty               Beck Irvin                                                       
BEATTY         Bessy              1819.12.24    Wm Allen                  Ann Beatty                  Illegitimate                         
BEATTY         Cath'e             1804.03.24    Jno Beatty                Margt Weir                                                       
BEATTY         Cath'e             1814.11.20    Jas Beatty                Francis Clarke                                                   
BEATTY         Catherine          1824.03.21    Thos Beatty               Christian                                                        
BEATTY         Christian          1826.09.24    Thomas Beatty             Christian                                                        
BEATTY         David              1819.04.11    Jas Beatty                Francis Clarke                                                   
BEATTY         Eliza Anne         1812.07.05    Robt Beatty               Jane McCartney                                                   
BEATTY         Elizabeth          1822.06.16    John Beatty               Eliza                                                            
BEATTY         Fanny              1809.10.06    Jas Beatty                Christian Clark                                                  
BEATTY         Fanny              1827.01.10    George Beatty             Frances                                                          
BEATTY         Francis            1822.12.22    Edw'd Beatty              Abigal                                                           
BEATTY         James              1799.04.11    Thos Beatty               Betty Simmons                                                    
BEATTY         James              1827.02.16    William Beatty            Margaret                                                         
BEATTY         James              1829.06.27    George Beatty             Frances                                                          
BEATTY         Jane               1809.01.16    Jno Beatty                Peggy Weir                                                       
BEATTY         Jane               1810.12.25    Robt Beatty               Jane McCartney                                                   
BEATTY         Jane               1817.04.20    Jas Beatty                Fanny Clarke                                                     
BEATTY         Jane Anne          1828.02.10    William Allen             Anne Beatty                 Illegitimate                         
BEATTY         Jas                1815.07.09    Jas Nixon                 Margt Beatty                Illegitimate                         
BEATTY         John               1807.10.10    Thos Beatty               Margt Kettle                                                     
BEATTY         John               1825.04.23    John Jones                Mary Beatty                 Illegitimate                         
BEATTY         Jonathan           1814.11.06    Thos Beatty               Christian Clarke                                                 
BEATTY         Joseph             1812.10.05    Tom Beatty                Christian Clarke                                                 
BEATTY         Margaret           1821.11.11    Thos Beatty               Jane                                                             
BEATTY         Margt              1817.01.26    Wm Allen                  Anne Beatty                 Illegitimate                         
BEATTY         Mary               1815.11.29    Jas Beatty                Eliz'th Bushell                                                  
BEATTY         Nath'l             1812.11.29    Jas Beatty                Francis Clarke                                                   
BEATTY         Robt               1828.11.09    William Beatty            Margaret                                                         
BEATTY         Sarah              1806.04.26    Jno Beatty                Margt Weir                                                       
BEATTY         Sarah              1815.02.16    Thos Beatty               Beck Irvin                                                       
BEATTY         Wm                 1811.09.30    Thos Beatty               Christian Clarke                                                 
BEATTY         Wm                 1819.05.30    Thos Beatty               Jane McGloughlin                                                 
BEATTY         Wm                 1819.09.08    Thos Beatty               Christian Clarke                                                 
BEATTY         Wm                 1820.02.03    Jno Beatty                Eliza Bushell                                                    
BEATY          Anne               1820.09.17    James Beaty               Eliz.                                                            
BELL           Eliz'th            1808.05.01    Wm Bell                   Bell Armstrong                                                   
BELL           Fanny              1813.03.02    Sam'l Bell                Mary Graham                                                      
BELL           Henry              1825.12.06    Henry Bell                Alice                                                            
BELL           Jane               1800.12.14    Henry Bell                Francis Nixon                                                    
BELL           Lucy               1819.08.02    Allich Bell               Elinor Moore                                                     
BELL           Maria              1828.07.02    Samuel Bell               Elisabeth                   of Clones                            
BELL           Mary Ann           1805.09.07    Henry Bell                Francis Nixon                                                    
BELL           Samuel             1830.01.03    Henry Bell                Alice                                                            
BELL           Susan              1808.07.15    Henry Bell                Fanny Nixon                                                      
BELL           Thomas             1828.02.06    Henry Bell                Alice                                                            
BELL           Wm                 1803.11.15    Henry Bell                Francis  .....                                                   
BEST           Cath'e             1817.05.02    Henry Best                Hannah MaCool                                                    
BEVIS          James              1820.05.29    Jas Bevis                 Margt Bryans                                                     
BEWS           John               1804.11.11    Robt Bews                 Margt Little                                                     
BIDDY          Wm                 1817.03.17    Wm Jones                  Biddy McGinnis                                                   
BIGGAN         Wm                 1798.07.02    Pat'k Biggan              Susanna Bullock                                                  
BIRD           Anne               1810.05.06    Jas Bird                  Eliz'th Sherman                                                  
BIRD           Anne               1822.03.17    Wm Bird                   Margaret                                                         
BIRD           Elinor             1815.05.28    Wm Bird                   Margt Trimble                                                    
BIRD           Eliz'th            1808.07.24    Jas Bird                  Eliz'th Sherman                                                  
BIRD           Ellen              1821.09.23    James Bird                Elizabeth                                                        
BIRD           Francis            1811.01.13    Jno Bird                  Elin'r Thompson                                                  
BIRD           James              1801.01.04    Jno Bird                  Elin'r Thompson                                                  
BIRD           Jane               1802.12.19    Jas Bird                  Eliz'th Shersin                                                  
BIRD           Jane               1814.03.13    Adam Bird                 Margt Collin                                                     
BIRD           Jane               1816.07.07    Jno Bird                  Elinor Thompson                                                  
BIRD           Jane               1817.04.20    Wm Bird                   Margt Trimble                                                    
BIRD           Jas                1809.06.18    Adam Bird                 Margt Collin                                                     
BIRD           Jas                1814.04.17    Jas Bird                  Eliz'th Sherman                                                  
BIRD           Jas                1820.05.07    Wm Bird                   Margt Trimble                                                    
BIRD           Jno                1816.04.23    Adam Bird                 Margt Collin                                                     
BIRD           John               1804.06.13    Jas Bird                  Eliz'th Shersin                                                  
BIRD           John               1805.10.27    John Bird                 Eliza Thompson                                                   
BIRD           Lucy               1812.05.18    Jas Bird                  Eliz'th Sherin                                                   
BIRD           Margt              1813.08.22    Jno Bird                  Elinor Thompson                                                  
BIRD           Martha             1827.04.13    William Bird              Mary                                                             
BIRD           Mary               1806.08.31    Jas Bird                  Eliz. Shersin                                                    
BIRD           Mary               1818.08.31    Adam Bird                 Margt Collin                                                     
BIRD           Mary               1825.04.10    Thos Bird                 Margaret                                                         
BIRD           Nathaniel          1823.10.12    James Bird                Elisabeth                                                        
BIRD           Robt               1803.01.00    Jno Bird                  Elinor Thompson                                                  
BIRD           Sam'l              1819.12.19    Jno Bird                  Elinor Thompson                                                  
BIRD           Sarah              1826.08.09    John West                 Jane                                                             
BIRD           Stephen            1818.04.26    Jas Bird                  Eliz'th Sherman                                                  
BIRD           Stephen            1822.02.24    Adam Bird                 Margaret                                                         
BIRD           Susy               1816.01.29    Jas Bird                  Eliz'th Sherman                                                  
BIRD           William            1829.04.20    William Bird              Margaret                                                         
BIRD           Wm                 1808.03.23    Jno Bird                  Elinor Thompson                                                  
BIRD           Wm                 1811.11.03    Adam Bird                 Margt Collins                                                    
BIRD           Wm                 1819.12.15    James Bird                Eliz'th Sherman                                                  
BIRDS          Edw'd              1817.10.00    Wm Birds                  Mary Moore                                                       
BLAKELY        Matilda            1820.04.02    Joseph Blakely            Sarah Prat                                                       
BOES           Robt               1822.08.04    James Boes                Sarah                                                            
BOHANNAN       Robt               1815.04.23    Jno Bohannan              Eliz'th Doonan                                                   
BOHOMAN        Wm Henry           1819.07.25    Robt Bohoman              Eliz'th Copland                                                  
BOHONNAN       Jane Anne          1816.09.01    Robt Bohonnan             Eliz. Copeland                                                   
BOHONNAN       Jas                1812.05.23    Jno Bohonnan              Jane Thompson                                                    
BOHONNAN       Jas                1818.04.02    Jno Bohonnan              Eliz'th Doonan                                                   
BOHONNAN       Margt              1817.01.18    Jno Bohonnan              Eliz'th Doonan                                                   
BOWES          James              1826.03.19    Francis Bowes             Mary                                                             
BOWES          James              1827.07.28    James Bowes               Sarah                                                            
BOWS           Edw'd              1809.09.12    Jas Bows                  Sarah Forster                                                    
BOWS           Eliz'th            1809.01.16    Jas Bows                  Eliz'th Simpson                                                  
BOWS           Esther             1812.03.29    Jas Bows                  Sarah Forster                                                    
BOWS           Esther             1815.03.18    Jas Bows                  Sarah Forster                                                    
BOWS           James              1820.03.29    Jas Bows                  Sarah Forster                                                    
BOWS           Jane               1805.07.07    James Bows                Sarah Forster                                                    
BOWS           John               1810.05.17    Jas Bows                  Sarah Forster                                                    
BOYD           James              1822.08.04    James Boyd                Mary                                                             
BOYD           Wm                 1822.06.16    George Foster             Susan Boyd                  Illegitimate                         
BOYLE          Alicia             1826.03.19    James Boyle               Mary                                                             
BOYLE          And'w              1816.02.30    Pat Boyle                 Anne                                                             
BOYLE          Elisabeth          1827.01.10    John Boyle                Mary                                                             
BOYLE          Jane Anne          1819.04.09    Jno Boyle                 Mary Roper                                                       
BOYLE          John               1823.10.12    Wm Boyle                  Margt Green                                                      
BOYLE          John               1828.01.09    James Boyle               Mary                                                             
BOYLE          Mary               1816.09.01    Jas Boyle                 Mary Pinkerton                                                   
BOYLE          Mary               1819.09.19    Jas Boyle                 Mary Picmorton                                                   
BOYLE          Robert             1826.08.07    Alick Bryans              Anne Boyle                  Illegitimate                         
BOYLE          Wm                 1820.02.09    Wm Boyle                  Margt Green                                                      
BRA..K         George             1824.08.15    Robert Bra..k             Elizabeth                                                        
BRADY          Eliza              1809.10.22    Jas Brady                 Susanna Lyons                                                    
BRAG           Thos               1799.11.24    Thos Brag                 Sarah Naugher                                                    
BREADEN        Samuel             1829.08.09    Thomas Breaden            Mary                                                             
BREADEN        Thomas             1827.02.08    Samuel Breaden            Elisabeth                                                        
BREADEN        Thomas             1829.05.09    John Breaden              Mary                                                             
BREDIN         Christy            1816.11.10    Robt Bredin               Anne Hutchinson                                                  
BREDIN         James              1806.05.04    Thos Bredin               Eliz'th Armer                                                    
BREDIN         Jane               1828.12.31    Samuel Bredin             Elisabeth                                                        
BREDIN         Sam'l              1814.06.05    Thos Bredin               Eliz'th Annon                                                    
BREDIN         Thos               1810.01.23    Thos Bredin               Eliz'th Armor                                                    
BREDIN         Wm                 1812.10.08    Wm Bredin                 Anne Armstrong                                                   
BREDIN         Wm                 1813.05.15    Jas Bredin                Kitty Hamilton                                                   
BRENNAN        Eliz'th            1819.12.08    Jno Brennan               Mary Kelly                                                       
BRIANS         Edward             1822.06.14    Wm Brians                 Catherine                                                        
BRIANS         Edward             1823.05.19    Christopher Brians        Margaret                                                         
BRIANS         Edw'd              1823.11.30    Wm Brians                 Catherine                                                        
BRIANS         Eliza              1824.07.08    Alexander Brians          Mary                                                             
BRIANS         Jane               1822.10.27    James Brians              Eliza'th                                                         
BRIANS         Sarah              1822.03.10    Robt Brians               Sarah                                                            
BRIANS         Wm                 1822.06.10    Wm Brians                 Catherine                                                        
BRIDE          Anne               1811.07.00    Arthur Bride              Anne Kettle                                                      
BRIDE          Arthur             1815.11.05    Wm Bride                  Anne Kettle                                                      
BRIDE          Eliza              1810.04.23    Arthur Bride              Anne Kettle                                                      
BRIDE          Eliz'th            1809.03.12    Arthur Bride              Anne Kettle                                                      
BRIDE          Francis            1803.04.01    Arthur Bride              Anne Kettle                                                      
BRIDE          James              1805.00.00    Arthur Bride              Anne Kettle                                                      
BRIDE          Jane               1818.03.05    Arthur Bride              Anne Kettle                                                      
BRIDE          John               1801.00.00    Arthur Bride              Anne Kettle                                                      
BRIDE          Wm                 1806.10.25    Arthur Bride              Anne Kettle                                                      
BRIDGMAN       Robt Sam'l         1822.04.06    James Bridgman            Grace                                                            
BRISON         John               1809.09.07    Oliver Brison             Cath'e Keeran                                                    
BROOK          Wm                 1820.01.16    Wm Brook                  Mary Reardin                                                     
BROOKES        Jane               1828.02.18    William Brookes           Judith Fawcett                                                   
BROOKS         Mary Anne          1818.04.17    Wm Brooks                 Mary Reardon                                                     
BROWN          Alice              1825.08.28    John Brown                Prudence                                                         
BROWN          And'w              1818.11.02    Jno Brown                 Sam'l West                                                       
BROWN          Eliza              1826.07.09    Thomas Brown              Mary                                                             
BROWN          Eliza              1828.04.20    John Brown                Catherine                                                        
BROWN          Eliz'th            1816.01.08    Jno Brown                 Jane West                                                        
BROWN          Frances Eliza      1828.08.24    James Gifford Brown       Jane Brown                                                       
BROWN          George             1816.11.03    Wm Brown                  Margt Wadsworth                                                  
BROWN          James              1802.12.26    Jno Brown                 Prudence Bradford                                                
BROWN          James              1807.03.01    Luke Brown                Anne Moore                                                       
BROWN          James              1828.01.22    Thomas Brown              Mary                                                             
BROWN          Jane               1811.11.01    Jno Brown                 Prudy Bushel                                                     
BROWN          Jane               1823.08.10    Wm Brown                  Sarah                                                            
BROWN          Jas                1809.02.21    Jas Brown                 Margt Dogherty                                                   
BROWN          Jas                1809.02.24    Jno Brown                 Prudence Bushel                                                  
BROWN          Jas                1813.11.22    Jno Brown                 Jane West                                                        
BROWN          Jas                1814.10.23    Wm Brown                  Margt Wadsworth                                                  
BROWN          Jas                1820.11.12    Wm Brown                  Sarah Coulter                                                    
BROWN          John               1807.04.05    Jas Brown                 Alice Graham                                                     
BROWN          John               1826.04.30    Wm Brown                  Sarah                                                            
BROWN          Margaret           1821.07.11    Wm Brown                  Margaret                                                         
BROWN          Margt              1800.06.08    Wm Brown                  Margt Elliott                                                    
BROWN          Margt              1814.03.13    Jno Brown                 Prudy Bushell                                                    
BROWN          Mary               1819.07.03    Jas Brown                 Prudence Bradford                                                
BROWN          Mary Anne          1817.07.27    Jas Brown                 Margt Dogherty                                                   
BROWN          Prudence           1822.08.15    John Brown                Prudence                                                         
BROWN          Robt               1809.02.18    Jas Brown                 Allice Graham                                                    
BROWN          Robt               1814.10.09    Jas Brown                 Margt Dogherty                                                   
BROWN          Sally Anne         1811.02.03    Jas Brown                 Mary Birds                                                       
BROWN          Sally Anne         1819.12.24    Jas Brown                 Margt Bird                                                       
BROWN          Thos               1818.10.03    Jno Brown                 Prudy Bushell                                                    
BROWN          William            1821.09.03    John Brown                J....                                                            
BROWN          Wm                 1804.03.11    Jas McMullin              Mary Brown                  Illegitimate                         
BROWN          Wm                 1806.12.14    James Brown               Margt Dogherty                                                   
BROWN          Wm                 1816.05.05    Jno Brown                 Prudy Bushell                                                    
BROWN          Wm                 1818.10.24    Wm Brown                  Margt Wadesworth                                                 
BROWN                             1799.08.02    Brown                     Peggy Purdy                                                      
BROWN                             1800.00.00    Hugh Brown                Peggy Th...                                                      
BRUSTER        Bell               1814.10.23    Thos Bruster              Mary McGloughlin                                                 
BRUSTER        Jas                1800.04.00    Simon Bruster             Jane Craige                                                      
BRUSTER        John               1806.02.02    Simon Bruster             Jane Craig                                                       
BRUSTER        Margt              1810.04.15    Simon Bruster             Jane Craig                                                       
BRUSTER        Margt              1812.04.11    Simon Bruster             Jane Craige                                                      
BRUSTER        Simon              1814.06.19    Simon Bruster             Jane Craige                                                      
BRUSTER        Thos               1817.05.13    Thos Bruster              Mary McGloughlin                                                 
BRUSTOR        Mary               1802.05.06    Simon Brustor             Jane Craige                                                      
BRYAN          Anne               1807.07.12    Edw'd Bryan               Dorothea Thompson                                                
BRYAN          Cath'e             1804.06.10    Wm Bryan                  Elinor Kellaghan            Illegitimate                         
BRYAN          Darty              1802.03.28    Jas Bryan                 Darthy Armstrong                                                 
BRYAN          Jno                1810.12.02    James Bryan               Margt Lang                                                       
BRYANS         Alex'r             1798.03.29    Jas Bryans                Dorothy Armstrong                                                
BRYANS         Anne               1819.08.08    Jas Bryans                Betty Aikins                                                     
BRYANS         Anne               1825.04.18    Alexander Bryans          Margaret Dorrin             Illegitimate                         
BRYANS         Anne               1828.05.02    Thomas Bryans             Anne                                                             
BRYANS         Arabella           1818.04.17    Wm Bryans                 Cath'e Hicks                                                     
BRYANS         Bell               1816.10.13    Christian Bryans          Anne Forster                                                     
BRYANS         Edw'd              1819.12.22    Wm Bryans                 Elinor Gardiner                                                  
BRYANS         Elanor             1824.07.06    Wm Bryans                 Eleanor                                                          
BRYANS         Elisabeth          1827.04.06    William Bryans            Catherine                                                        
BRYANS         Elisabeth          1827.07.30    Robert Bryans             Mary                                                             
BRYANS         Elizabeth          1826.04.02    James Bryans              Margery                                                          
BRYANS         George             1826.08.10    William Bryans            Ellen Forster               Illegitimate                         
BRYANS         George             1827.08.23    Christy Bryans            Margaret                                                         
BRYANS         Hugh               1826.09.28    Robert Bryans             Elisabeth                                                        
BRYANS         Isabella           1829.02.14    Robert Bryans             Mary                                                             
BRYANS         James              1825.07.01    Wm Bryans                 Catherine                                                        
BRYANS         Jane               1816.02.02    Thos Bryans               Margt McBrun                                                     
BRYANS         Jane               1829.08.30    Edward Bryans             Anne                                                             
BRYANS         Jane Anne          1828.07.13    Mick Bryans               Mary                                                             
BRYANS         Jas                1818.09.12    Christy Bryans            Margt Renick                                                     
BRYANS         John               1827.07.02    John McBrien              Rebecca Bryans              Illegitimate                         
BRYANS         Jonathan           1830.03.07    William Bryans            Catherine                                                        
BRYANS         Joseph             1805.07.21    James Bryans              Darkey Armstrong                                                 
BRYANS         Margaret           1825.06.05    Alexander Bryans          Ann                                                              
BRYANS         Margery            1819.04.10    Robin Bryans              Rose Farrel                 Illegitimate                         
BRYANS         Margt              1805.05.12    Jas Bryans                Joanna Hamil                                                     
BRYANS         Mary Anne          1829.04.07    James Bryans              Elinor Sweeny               Illegitimate                         
BRYANS         Robert             1826.08.07    Alick Bryans              Anne Boyle                  Illegitimate                         
BRYANS         Robt               1812.01.04    Sam Bryans                Mary Elliott                                                     
BRYANS         Sarah              1826.06.20    William Bryans            Eleanor                                                          
BRYANS         Sarah              1826.12.26    James Bryans              Bessy                                                            
BRYANS         Thomas             1827.05.06    Edward Bryans             Anne                                                             
BRYANS         William            1826.06.11    Alexander Bryans          Mary                                                             
BRYANS         William            1828.08.03    James Bryans              Elisabeth                                                        
BRYANS         Wm                 1815.01.01    Jas Bryans                Jane Liddle                                                      
BRYANS         Wm                 1819.06.27    Thos Bryans               Anne Beatty                                                      
BRYENS         Mary Eleanor       1825.11.28    Thos Bryens               Anne                        Recorded page 77 (1826)              
BUCHANAN       Catherine          1827.02.25    John Buchanan             Elisabeth                                                        
BUCHANAN       Mary               1824.02.28    John Buchanan             Elizabeth                                                        
BUCHANAN       Thomas             1829.05.06    John Buchanan             Elisabeth                                                        
BUCHANNON      John               1806.05.04    Jas Buchannon             Eliz'th Arnott                                                   
BURNE          John               1807.08.18    Wm Burne                  Margt Moore                                                      
BURNS          Elinor             1815.04.02    Wm Burns                  Margt Moore                                                      
BURNS          Jane               1823.05.27    Cornelius Burns           Rosanna                                                          
BURNS          John               1826.02.04    Cornelius Burns           Rosanna                                                          
BURNS          Joseph             1828.12.10    Cornelius Burns           Rosanna                                                          
BUSHEL         Eliza              1813.06.19    Brumlin Bushel            Bell Smyth                                                       
BUSHEL         Jane               1824.07.18    James Bushel              Elinor                                                           
BUSHEL         Jas                1810.09.26    Jas Elliott               Jane Bushel                 Illegtimate                          
BUSHEL         Mary Anne          1819.09.11    Crumlin Bushel            Bell Smyth                                                       
BUSHEL         Sarah              1805.03.10    Dan'l Bushel              Eliz'th Galbraith                                                
BUSHEL         Wm                 1810.10.14    Dan Bushel                Eliz'th Graham                                                   
BUSHEL         Wm                 1811.06.26    Crumlin Bushel            Bell Smyth                                                       
BUSHELL        Bell               1815.02.25    Crumlin Bushell           Bell Smyth                                                       
BUSHELL        Dan                1808.12.04    Dan Bushell               Eliz'th Galbraith                                                
BUSHELL        Dan'l              1798.10.24    Thos Bushell              Sally Coulter                                                    
BUSHELL        Edw'd              1810.04.23    Crumlin Bushell           Isabella Smyth                                                   
BUSHELL        Henry              1823.06.21    Crumlin Bushell           Isabell                                                          
BUSHELL        Hugh               1807.03.01    Dan'l Bushell             Eliz. Galbraith                                                  
BUSHELL        Jane               1817.04.10    Crumlin Bushell           Bell Smyth                                                       
BUSHELL        John               1821.07.07    Crumlin Bushell           Isabella                                                         
BUSHELL        Margt              1813.01.10    Dan'l Bushell             Eliz'th Galbraith                                                
BUSHELL        Mary               1798.08.20    Wm Bushell                Prudy McConhill                                                  
BUSHELL        Sam'l              1815.05.07    Dan'l Bushell             Eliz'th Galbraith                                                
BUSHELL        Sarah              1805.00.00    Thos Bushell              Jane Coulter                                                     
BUSHELL        Thomas             1821.07.09    Daniel Bushell            Mary                                                             
BUSHELL        Thos               1803.09.00    Dan'l Bushell             Eliz'th Galbraith                                                
BUSHILL        Elliott            1802.08.29    Dan'l Bushill             Hanah Elliott                                                    
BUSSELL        Prudentia          1828.09.28    Thomas Bussell            Anne                                                             
BUSSELL        Sarah              1826.07.24    Crumlin Bussell           Isabella                                                         
BUSSELL        Sarah              1826.08.22    Robert Bussell            Mary                                                             
BUSSELL        William            1828.10.19    Robert Bussell            Mary                                                             
CAHDINNEN      Elinor             1802.09.26    Jas Cahdinnen             Mary Cassidy                Illegitimate                         
CALBARON       John               1824.01.21    Alexander Calbaron        Jane                                                             
CAMBELL        Jas                1820.06.04    Dan'l Cambell             Mary Graham                                                      
CAMPBELL       Thos               1822.11.07    John Campbell             Margaret                                                         
CANE           Catherine          1826.11.06    James Cane                Jane Saney                  Illegitimate                         
CAROTHERS      Elinor             1819.05.02    G'e Carothers             Jane Stewart                                                     
CASSIDY        Anne               1815.11.07    Hugh Cassidy              Mary Kerr                                                        
CASSIDY        Elinor             1802.09.26    Jas Cahdinnen             Mary Cassidy                Illegitimate                         
CASSIDY        Eliz'th            1813.05.11    Hugh Cassidy              Margt Kerr                                                       
CASSIDY        Francis            1818.12.26    Con Cassidy               Margt Irvin                                                      
CASSIDY        Francis            1822.06.02    Patrick Cassidy           Sarah                                                            
CASSIDY        James              1821.12.17    ..... Cassidy             Margaret                                                         
CASSIDY        Jane Anne          1815.09.29    Pat Cassidy               Sarah Irvin                                                      
CASSIDY        Jas                1819.10.31    Hugh Cassidy              Mary Corr                                                        
CASSIDY        Margery            1819.09.02    Pat Cassidy               Sarah Irvin                                                      
CASSIDY        Margt              1806.11.22    Hugh Cassidy              Margt Redich                                                     
CASSIDY        Mary               1824.08.15    Hugh Cassidy              Mary                                                             
CAWDEN         James              1827.06.25    John Hicks                Mary Cawden                 Illegitimate                         
CHERRY         Sarah Laughton     1821.01.14    John Cherry               Sarah                                                            
CLARK          Christopher        1823.06.22    Israel Clark              Elleanor                    Twin                                 
CLARK          John               1821.04.10    Israel Clark              Eleanor                                                          
CLARK          John               1821.08.19    John Clark                Elizabeth                                                        
CLARK          Patt               1824.08.18    Patt Clark                Mary Bra..k                                                      
CLARK          Samuel             1821.09.30    Thomas Clark              Christian                                                        
CLARK          Susanna            1823.06.22    Israel Clark              Elleanor                    Twin                                 
CLARK          Thos               1825.07.24    John Clark                Letitia                                                          
CLARKE         Anne               1813.05.02    Nath'l Clarke             Elinor Armstrong                                                 
CLARKE         Anne               1819.06.29    Jno Clarke                Eliz'th Wadeworth                                                
CLARKE         Anne               1828.11.04    Samuel Clarke             Elisa                                                            
CLARKE         Benjamin           1823.12.07    John Clarke               Eliz'th                                                          
CLARKE         Benjamin           1827.05.20    John Clarke               Elisabeth                                                        
CLARKE         David              1826.05.07    John Clarke               Elizabeth                                                        
CLARKE         Eleanor            1826.04.09    Andrew Clarke             Elisabeth                                                        
CLARKE         Elisabeth          1829.07.19    John Clarke               Elisabeth                                                        
CLARKE         Eliz'th            1812.08.30    David Clarke              Anne                                                             
CLARKE         James              1824.12.05    Robert Clarke             Anne                                                             
CLARKE         Jane               1823.02.15    Thos Clarke               Rosa                                                             
CLARKE         Jane Sarah         1821.03.04    James Clarke              Frances                                                          
CLARKE         John               1823.03.30    John Clarke               Letitia                                                          
CLARKE         John               1827.03.20    Samuel Clark              Elisabeth                                                        
CLARKE         Jonathan           1798.07.24    John Clark                Sarah Kuran                                                      
CLARKE         Mary Anne          1824.01.21    Andrew Clarke             Eliz'th                                                          
CLARKE         Robt               1815.12.03    Alex'r Clarke             Anne McGuire                                                     
CLARKE         Sarah              1814.12.18    Nath'l Clarke             Elinor Armstrong                                                 
CLARKE         Susy               1818.09.26    Jorall Clarke             Elinor Hughes                                                    
CLENDIMEN      Robert             1821.02.11    James Clendimen           Catherine                                                        
CLENDINING     James              1825.03.25    Robt Clendining           Sally                                                            
CLENDINING     Martha             1823.04.21    James Clendining          Catherine                                                        
CLENDINNEN     Elinor             1807.12.03    James Clendinnen          Cath'e Welsh                                                     
CLENDINNEN     Eliza              1816.05.23    Jas Clendinnen            Cath'e Welsh                                                     
CLENDINNEN     Mary Anne          1814.11.20    Jas Clendinnen            Cath'e Welsh                                                     
CLENDINNEN     Thos               1819.04.04    Jas Clendinnen            Kitty Walsh                                                      
CLENING        William            1823.04.22    Robbin Clening            Sally                                                            
CLINDINNEN     Elizabeth          1825.02.06    James Clindinen           Catherine                                                        
CLINGAN        Anne               1816.10.06    Bob Clingan               Anne Taylor                                                      
CLINGAN        Anne               1817.02.08    Jas Clingan               Anne Mitcheltree                                                 
CLINGAN        Darkey             1804.09.23    Fleming Clingan           Jane Clingan                                                     
CLINGAN        Dorkey             1811.12.01    Fleming Clingan           Jane Taylor                                                      
CLINGAN        Elinor             1802.12.19    Fleming Clingan           Jane Taylor                                                      
CLINGAN        Eliz'th            1809.06.17    Jas Clingan               Anne Mitcheltree                                                 
CLINGAN        Jas                1817.04.04    Fleming Clingan           Jane Taylor                                                      
CLINGAN        Jonathan           1803.02.13    Jas Clingan               Jane Reilly                                                      
CLINGAN        Margt              1809.09.07    Fleming Clingan           Jane Taylor                                                      
CLINGAN        Thos               1820.04.14    Fleming Clingan           Jane Taylor                                                      
CLINGAN        Wm                 1812.08.30    Jas Clingan               Anne Mitcheltree                                                 
CLINGAN        Wm                 1814.05.22    Fleming Clingan           Jane Tayler                                                      
COLLINS        Matilda            1819.07.15    Wm Collins                Mary McMin                                                       
CONALLY        Simon              1829.04.12    Thomas Conally            Jane                                                             
CONALLY        Terence            1829.04.03    Edward Conally            Mary Macusker               Illegitimate                         
CONLEY         Edward             1822.11.24    Edward Conley             Jane                                                             
CONLY          Margery            1811.05.05    Jno Conly                 Anne McGuire                                                     
CONNELLY       John               1827.02.16    Edward Connelly           Jane                                                             
CONNELLY       Robert             1824.08.29    Edward Connelly           Jane                                                             
CONNELY        Eliza              1824.01.07    John Allen                Anne Connely                Illegitimate                         
CONNOLLY       Susana             1826.11.03    Thomas Connolly           Jane                                                             
CONOLLY        James              1827.11.25    Thomas Conolly            Jane                                                             
CONOLLY        Margt              1813.03.14    Edw'd Conolly             Rose Murphy                                                      
CONOLLY        Susy               1816.03.03    Edw'd Conolly             Rose Murphy                                                      
COOK           Catherine          1821.06.10    James Cook                Nancy                                                            
COOK           Jane               1820.01.24    James Cook                Anne McGinn                                                      
COOK           Jas                1816.09.05    Jas Cook                  Anne Morgan                 Illegitimate                         
CORR           Mary               1806.04.13    Denis Corr                Sarah Sharry                                                     
CORRIES        Jas                1818.04.26    Jno Courtney              Mary Corries                Illegitimate                         
CORRIGAN       Mary Anne          1820.02.09    Thos Corrigan             Mary Parke                                                       
CORRY          Anne               1805.03.31    Robt Corry                Anne Clingan                                                     
CORRY          Robt               1807.12.13    Robt Corry                Anne Clingan                                                     
CORRY          Wm                 1818.02.20    Sam'l Corry               Kitty McManus               Illegitimate                         
COTTNAM                           1830.01.20                                                                                               
COULSON        Cath'e             1811.04.21    Sam'l Coulson             Margt Graham                                                     
COULSON        Cath'e Irvin       1812.01.12    Joseph Coulson            Mary Liddle                                                      
COULSON        Catherine          1825.05.15    John Coulson              Mary Anne                                                        
COULSON        Christopher        1827.06.24    John Coulson              Mary Anne                                                        
COULSON        Christ'r           1807.02.08    Christ'r Coulson          Elinor Bryans                                                    
COULSON        Christy            1807.10.01    Sam'l Coulson             Margt Graham                                                     
COULSON        Christy            1814.12.18    Nath'l Coulson            Elinor Bryans                                                    
COULSON        Corry              1823.05.18    Christopher Coulson       Ellen                                                            
COULSON        Dorothea           1804.08.00    Sam'l Coulson             Margt Graham                                                     
COULSON        Elinor             1817.07.11    Christy Coulson           Elinor Bryans                                                    
COULSON        Eliza              1805.11.02    Sam'l Coulson             Margt Graham                                                     
COULSON        Francis            1829.08.23    John Coulson              Mary                                                             
COULSON        Henry              1812.01.27    Christ Coulson            Elinor Bryans                                                    
COULSON        Jane               1802.02.28    Sam'l Coulson             Margt Graham                                                     
COULSON        Jas                1809.04.02    Christy Coulson           Elinor Bryans                                                    
COULSON        John               1803.07.03    Sam'l Coulson             Margt Graham                                                     
COULSON        Letitia            1822.11.10    John Coulson              Mary Anne                                                        
COULSON        Lydia              1828.02.27    Joseph Coulson            Mary                                                             
COULSON        Mary               1826.01.22    Christopher Coulson       Ellen                                                            
COULSON        Mary Anne          1825.09.18    Joseph Coulson            Mary                                                             
COULSON        Rebekah            1820.03.19    Chris'p. Coulson          Elinor Bryans                                                    
COULSON        Robert Mark        1816.02.18    Joseph Coulson            Mary Jane Liddle                                                 
COULTER        Anne               1803.03.03    Wm Coulter                Isabella Liddle                                                  
COULTER        Anne               1812.06.01    Bob Coulter               Margt Forster                                                    
COULTER        Anne               1824.03.12    Wm Coulter                Ann                                                              
COULTER        Catherine          1829.02.01    Robert Coulter            Phobe                                                            
COULTER        Eliza              1806.09.07    Wm Coulter                Phebe Liddle                                                     
COULTER        Elizabeth          1824.02.13    Robbin Coulter            Phebe                                                            
COULTER        Francis            1805.03.18    Robt Coulter              Mary Keating                Illegitimate                         
COULTER        Jam'e              1798.06.30    John Coulter              Jane Cr...                                                       
COULTER        Jane               1798.10.30    Jno Coulter               Jane Crawford                                                    
COULTER        Jane               1829.10.26    Samuel Coulter            Elisabeth                                                        
COULTER        Jas                1814.10.16    Robt Coulter              Margt Jordon                                                     
COULTER        Jno                1810.03.06    Robt Coulter              Margt Jordon                                                     
COULTER        Jno                1816.09.08    Wm Coulter                Anne Moore                                                       
COULTER        Margaret           1821.03.11    Wm Coulter                Anne                                                             
COULTER        Margt              1803.02.06    Thos Coulter              Jane Armstrong                                                   
COULTER        Margt              1806.09.07    Wm Coulter                Phebe Liddle                                                     
COULTER        Mary               1816.03.29    Robt Coulter              Mary Keating                                                     
COULTER        Mary               1821.11.22    Robert Coulter            Phebe                                                            
COULTER        Phebe              1804.11.11    Wm Coulter                Isabella Liddle                                                  
COULTER        Richard            1822.04.10    Wm Coulter                Mary Nelson                 Illegitimate                         
COULTER        Robt               1808.07.17    Robt Coulter              Mary Jordan                                                      
COULTER        Thomas             1827.06.04    William Coulter           Anne                                                             
COULTER        Thos               1807.01.25    Robt Coulter              Margt Gordon                                                     
COULTER        William            1826.06.15    Robt Coulter              Phebe                                                            
COULTER        Wm                 1817.06.16    Wm Coulter                Margt Jordon                                                     
COUPLIS        Margaret           1829.09.06    Hugh Couplis              Eliza                                                            
COURTNEY       Anne               1821.04.01    Henry Courtney            Jane                                                             
COURTNEY       Jas                1818.04.26    Jno Courtney              Mary Corries                Illegitimate                         
CRAULEY        Margaret           1827.09.03    John Crauley              Sarah                                                            
CRAWFORD       Andrew             1821.08.19    Andrew Crawford           Elinor                                                           
CRAWFORD       Anne               1814.03.15    Francis Crawford          Mary Smyth                                                       
CRAWFORD       Bell               1811.07.01    Francis Crawford          Mary Smyth                                                       
CRAWFORD       Elinor             1819.03.23    And'w Crawford            Jane Gillespy                                                    
CRAWFORD       Elizabeth          1825.11.19    Andrew Crawford           Ellen                                                            
CRAWFORD       Ellen              1823.08.31    Andrew Crawford           Ellen                                                            
CRAWFORD       Francis            1819.08.20    Francis Crawford          Mary Smyth                                                       
CRAWFORD       Frank              1819.02.08    Andy Crawford             Elin'r Elliott                                                   
CRAWFORD       George             1820.10.29    Andrew Crawford           Anne Gillespie                                                   
CRAWFORD       George             1828.01.13    Samuel Crawford           Sarah                                                            
CRAWFORD       Jane               1811.06.11    And'w Crawford            Elin'r Elliott                                                   
CRAWFORD       Jas                1817.01.01    Frank Crawford            Mary Smith                                                       
CRAWFORD       Jas                1817.01.17    And'w Crawford            Nelly Elliott                                                    
CRAWFORD       Jno                1814.09.04    Andy Crawford             Elinor Elliott                                                   
CRAWFORD       Mary               1812.06.28    And'w Crawford            Mary Elliott                                                     
CRAWFORD       Mary               1819.06.27    G'e Forter                Sally Crawford              Illegitimate                         
CRAWFORD       Ralph              1813.02.14    Sam'l Crawford            Anne Clingan                                                     
CRAWFORD       Wm                 1812.04.02    Wm Crawford               Margt Gardener                                                   
CROS           Jane               1800.06.30    Thos Cross                Jane Elliott                                                     
CROSIER        Frances            1826.12.08    John Crosier              Frances Catherine                                                
CROSIER        Margaret           1829.04.15    John Crosier              Frances                                                          
CROSS          Angel              1813.02.01    Sandy Cross               Fanny Nixon                                                      
CROSS          Chas               1815.04.23    Pat Cross                 Jane Elliott                                                     
CROSS          Eliza              1813.02.14    Pat Cross                 Jane Elliott                Twin                                 
CROSS          Eliza              1818.02.08    Jas Cross                 Susy McGornan                                                    
CROSS          Elizabeth Anne     1822.03.03    Simon Cross               Margaret                                                         
CROSS          Jane               1812.10.04    Jas Cross                 Susy McGornan                                                    
CROSS          John               1802.02.14    Sandy Cross               Francis Nixon                                                    
CROSS          Mary               1813.02.14    Pat Cross                 Jane Elliott                Twin                                 
CROSS          Mary Anne          1810.07.08    Pat Cross                 Jane Elliott                                                     
CROSS          Mary Anne          1810.09.16    Jas Cross                 Susy Kernan                                                      
CROSS          Robt               1816.04.07    Sandy Cross               Fanny Nixon                                                      
CROSS          Sandy              1810.07.15    Sandy Cross               Fanny Nixon                                                      
CROSS          Simon              1817.06.02    Simon Cross               Margt Clingan                                                    
CROSS          Susy               1814.09.01    Jas Cross                 Susy McKernan                                                    
CROSS          Thos               1811.09.08    Simon Cross               Margt Clingan                                                    
CROSS          William            1829.06.27    John Cross                Elisabeth                                                        
CROW           Eliza              1825.03.05    Francis Crow              Anne                                                             
CROW           Jas                1815.09.10    Nick Crow                 Polly Gould                                                      
CROW           Joseph             1809.09.21    Mich. Crow                Polly Bows                                                       
CROW           Rachel             1801.05.31    Mich'l Crow               Polly Bows                                                       
CROZIER        Catherine          1823.03.17    John Crozier              Frances                                                          
CROZIER        Edw'd              1809.06.15    Jno Crozier               Cath'e Rosborough                                                
CROZIER        Eserina            1803.02.20    John Crozier              Cath'e Rosborough                                                
CROZIER        Everina            1821.08.03    John Crozier              Frances                                                          
CROZIER        Everina Cath'e     1811.09.09    Jno Crozier               Cath'e Rosborough                                                
CROZIER        Margt              1799.01.00    Jno Crozier               Cath'e Rosborough                                                
CROZIER        Mary               1825.03.04    John Crozier              Frances                                                          
CROZIER        Mervin             1813.11.15    Jno Crozier               Cath'e Rosborough                                                
CROZIER        Rosborough         1800.08.24    Jno Crozier               Cath'e Roborough                                                 
CROZIER        Werina             1804.06.17    John Crozier              Cath'e Rosborough                                                
CROZIER        Wm                 1805.11.10    John Crozier              Cath'e Rosborough                                                
CROZIER                           1798.01.00    John Crozier              Cath'e Rosborough                                                
CUMBERLAND     Cath'e             1818.08.16    Jno Cumberland            Sarah Clingan                                                    
CUTH....       Char.....          1821.10.21    .....  Cuth.....          Jane                                                             
D.....         Elizabeth          1823.05.04    John D.....               Mary                                                             
DALEY          Wm                 1805.05.19    John Daley                Mary Robinson                                                    
DALY           Eliz'th            1803.02.20    John Daly                 Eliz'th Robinson                                                 
DALY           Eliz'th            1811.11.16    Jno Daly                  Mary Robinson                                                    
DALY           Sarah              1808.09.14    Jno Daly                  Mary Robinson                                                    
DALY                              1800.00.00    Jno Daly                  Margt Robinson                                                   
DANE           Eliz'th            1819.01.02    Christy Dane              Polly Shersin                                                    
DANE           Mary Anne          1826.08.10    John Dane                 Margaret                                                         
DANFE...       James              1821.11.12    .....  Danfe              ...lly                                                           
DARLEY         James              1803.05.01    Jno Darley                Eliz'th Duncan                                                   
DARLEY         James              1805.04.20    James McKeever            Eliz'th Darley                                                   
DARLING        Barbary            1822.06.23    Wm Darling                Mary                                                             
DARLING        Cath'e             1820.04.25    Jno Darling               Eliza Duncan                                                     
DARLING        Charlotte          1824.03.28    Wm Darling                Mary                                                             
DARLING        Eden               1816.12.14    Rich'd Darling            Sarah Jones                                                      
DARLING        Eleanor            1829.12.14    John Darling              Fanny Anne                                                       
DARLING        Elinor             1817.02.00    Wm Darling                Margt Litle                                                      
DARLING        Elin'r             1816.09.01    Jno Darling               Eliz'th Duncan                                                   
DARLING        Eliz'th            1808.04.19    Jno Darling               Eliz'th Duncan                                                   
DARLING        Ellen              1826.12.03    John Darling              Fanny                                                            
DARLING        Jane               1802.05.06    James Jones               Eliz'th Darling                                                  
DARLING        Jane               1805.00.24    Wm Darling                Jane Robinson                                                    
DARLING        Jane               1806.01.14    Jno Darling               Eliz'th Duncan                                                   
DARLING        Jane               1819.06.29    Rich'd Darling            Sally Jones                                                      
DARLING        Jas                1815.11.07    Wm Darling                Mary Little                                                      
DARLING        Jno                1810.09.30    John Darling              Bessy Duncan                                                     
DARLING        Jno                1814.08.06    Wm Darling                Mary Little                                                      
DARLING        Margret            1802.08.08    Wm Darling                May Robinson                                                     
DARLING        Mary Anne          1808.11.10    Wm Darling                Mary Robinson                                                    
DARLING        Mary Jane          1817.05.19    Wm Darling                Irwin Coulson                                                    
DARLING        Robt               1799.03.06    Wm Darling                Mary Robinson                                                    
DARLING        Robt               1813.07.18    Jno Darling               Eliz'th Duncan                                                   
DARLING        Robt Irvin         1819.01.28    Robt Darling              Irvin Coulson                                                    
DARLING        Sarah Anne         1827.06.30    Richard Darling           Sarah                                                            
DARLING        Thos               1816.02.18    Robt Darling              Anne Caffry                                                      
DARLING        Wm                 1806.05.25    Wm Darling                Jane Robinson                                                    
DAVIS          James              1829.07.18    James Davis               Margery                                                          
DAVIS          Jno                1808.02.01    Jno Davis Ennishea        Mary Keenan                                                      
DAWSON         Mary Anne          1816.12.23    Theoph's Dawson           Biddy Forster                                                    
DAWSON         Sally              1818.11.18    Theoph'e Dawson           Biddy Forster                                                    
DAWSON         Wm Francis         1820.04.30    Theoph's Dawson           Bridget Forster                                                  
DEAN           Anne               1826.03.05    Christopher Dean          Mary                                                             
DEAN           Greyzilla          1821.02.20    Christopher Dean          Mary                                                             
DEAN           John               1823.03.23    Christopher Dean          Mary                                                             
DEIGNAN        James              1824.03.22    Wm Kennedy                Sally Deignan               Illegitimate                         
DELAMAR        Joseph             1808.02.01    James Delamar             Mary Purdy                                                       
DELAMER        Francis            1804.02.04    James Delamer             Mary Purdy                                                       
DELAMOR        Hannah             1805.11.03    James Delamor             Mary Purdy                                                       
DELAMOR        James              1807.02.15    Jas Delamor               Mary Purdy                                                       
DELAMOR        Mary Anne          1819.11.13    Jas Delamor               Mary Forster                                                     
DELAMOR        Rudolphus          1799.09.13    Jas Delamor                                                                                
DICK           Sam'l              1817.04.05    Archy Dick                Jane Hanna                                                       
DICKSON        Jane               1808.04.09    Wm Dickson                Margt Winford                                                    
DICKSON        Jno                1798.00.00    Richard Dickson           Eliz'th Bird                                                     
DICKSON        William            1830.02.12    Arthur Dickson            Jane                                                             
DIVINE         Jane               1807.09.10    Jno Divine                Mary FittsPatrick                                                
DIVINE         Jas                1818.07.23    Rich'd Divine             Ally Fitzsummons                                                 
DIXON          Annie              1806.01.26    Wm Dixon                  Margt Winford                                                    
DIXON          Margt              1817.09.27    Wm Dixon                  Margt Winford                                                    
DIXON          Mary Laughton      1821.04.08    Thomas Dixon              Jane                                                             
DIXON                             1808.09.00    Wm Dixon                  Margt Winfred ...                                                
DOCHERTY       Ann                1824.11.14    Edw'd Docherty            Hanna                                                            
DOGAN          Franels            1825.12.22    John Dogan                Sarah                                                            
DOGHERTY       Eleanor            1825.12.11    John Dogherty             Anne                                                             
DOGHERTY       Gerard             1798.02.10    Wm Dogherty               Mary Martin                                                      
DOGHERTY       Jane Anne          1823.03.09    Garreth Dogherty          Anne                                                             
DOGHERTY       Mary               1800.01.19    Wm Dogherty               Mary Morton                                                      
DOHERTY        Mary               1829.10.18    Gerard Doherty            Anne                                                             
DONALDSON      Susana             1828.09.14    William Donaldson         Mary                        of Clones                            
DOOGAN         Alexander          1822.12.08    John Doogan               Sally                                                            
DOOGAN         Edw'd              1816.03.30    Jno Doogan                Sally Reilly                                                     
DOOGAN         Frances            1815.12.06    Thos Doogan               Francis Jackson                                                  
DOOGAN         Francis            1808.08.03    Jno Doogan                Sarah Bushel                                                     
DOOGAN         George             1798.03.05    John Doogan               Mary Forsyth                                                     
DOOGAN         George             1800.03.09    Jno Doogan                Anne Beatty                                                      
DOOGAN         George             1813.04.05    Jas Doogan                Sally Bushill                                                    
DOOGAN         Jno                1800.08.03    John Doogan               Margt Forsyth                                                    
DOOGAN         Jno                1811.06.26    Thos Doogan               Sarah Bushel                                                     
DOOGAN         John               1810.10.14    Robt Doogan               Elin'r Hutchinson                                                
DOOGAN         Robt               1811.08.04    Thos Doogan               Fanny Jackson                                                    
DOOGAN         Sally Anne         1819.07.24    Jno Doogan                Sarah Bushel                                                     
DOOGAN         Thos               1799.02.23    Jno Doogan                Anne Beatty                                                      
DOOGAN         Thos               1804.02.16    Jno Doogan                Margt Forsyth                                                    
DOOGAN         Thos               1809.01.31    Thos Doogan               Francis Jackson                                                  
DOONAN         Anne               1813.02.03    Thos Doonan               Elin'r Johnston                                                  
DOONAN         Elisabeth          1826.11.19    William Doonan            Mary Anne                                                        
DOONAN         Fred'k             1809.11.26    Wm Doonan                 Jane Johnston                                                    
DOONAN         James              1820.02.18    Thos Doonan               Elinor Johnston                                                  
DOONAN         Jane               1822.07.07    Thomas Doonan             Ellen                                                            
DOONAN         John               1810.10.14    Robt Doogan               Elin'r Hutchinson                                                
DOONAN         John               1826.09.03    Thomas Doonan             Eleanor                                                          
DOONAN         Margt              1813.12.14    Robt Doonan               Elizabeth Dinson                                                 
DOONAN         Mary               1810.09.09    Thos Doonan               Elinor Johnston                                                  
DOONAN         Mary               1824.05.23    Thos Doonan               Ellen                                                            
DOONAN         Mary Ann           1811.05.30    Wm Doonan                 Jane Johnston                                                    
DOONAN         Robert             1828.11.12    Thomas Doonan             Ellen                                                            
DOONAN         Thos               1809.05.14    Robt Doonan               Elin'r Richardson                                                
DOONAN         Thos               1818.01.17    Thos Doonan               Elinor Johnston                                                  
DOONOUN        Wm Storry          1800.05.11    Jno Doonoun               Jane Johnston                                                    
DORRIN         Anne               1825.04.18    Alexander Bryans          Margaret Dorrin             Illegitimate                         
DOWNEY         Andrew             1807.05.12    And'w Downey              Prudence Ormston                                                 
DOWNEY         And'w              1802.05.06    John Downey               Prudy Ormston                                                    
DOWNEY         Bell               1816.07.19    Jno Litle                 Kitty Downey                Illegitimate                         
DOWNEY         Edw'd              1812.01.19    Jno Downey                Jane Robinson                                                    
DOWNEY         George             1799.11.25    And'w Downey              Prudy Ormston                                                    
DOWNEY         George             1813.10.03    G'e Downey                Mary Gallagher                                                   
DOWNEY         Henry James        1820.02.27    Jas Downey                Sarah Henry                                                      
DOWNEY         Hugh               1808.03.23    George Downey             Mary Gallagher                                                   
DOWNEY         Hugh               1808.07.17    Jas Downey                Sally Henry                                                      
DOWNEY         James              1804.09.23    And'w Downey              Prudence Armstrong                                               
DOWNEY         Jane               1806.06.22    Jas Downey                Sarah Henry                                                      
DOWNEY         Jane               1809.11.10    George Downey             Mary Gallagher                                                   
DOWNEY         Jane               1812.09.20    And'w Downey              Prudy Ormston                                                    
DOWNEY         Jno                1811.05.05    Jas Downey                Sally Henry                                                      
DOWNEY         Jno                1818.01.16    George Downey             Mary Gallagher                                                   
DOWNEY         John               1798.03.05    John Downey               Jane Robinson                                                    
DOWNEY         John               1803.01.00    Jno Downey                Jane Robinson                                                    
DOWNEY         Margt              1805.06.30    Jno Downey                Jane Robinson                                                    
DOWNEY         Margt              1809.10.08    And'w Downey              Prudence Ormston                                                 
DOWNEY         Pat'k              1818.05.02    And'w Downey              Prudy Ormston                                                    
DOWNEY         Prudy              1808.11.26    Jno Downey                Jane Robinson                                                    
DOWNEY         Prudy              1816.01.08    And'w Downey              Prudy Ormston                                                    
DOWNEY         Sarah              1815.02.25    Jas Downey                Sarah Henry                                                      
DOWNEY         Wm                 1799.01.00    Andrew Downey             Prudence Ormston                                                 
DOWNEY         Wm                 1807.04.19    George Downey             Mary Gallagher                                                   
DOWNEY         Wm                 1813.05.09    Jas Downey                Sarah Henry                                                      
DOWNEY                            1804.06.00    Jas Downey                Sarah                                                            
DOWNY          John               1829.10.18    William Downy             Jane                                                             
DUFFEY         Susanna            1824.05.30    Francis Duffey            Ellen                                                            
DUGEN          Mary Ann           1821.03.11    John Dugen                Catherine                                                        
DUGGAN         Elinor             1805.04.15    Thos Duggan               Francis Jackson                                                  
DUGGAN         Eliz'th            1802.04.17    Thos Duggan               Francis Jackson                                                  
DUGGAN         Eliz'th            1806.11.22    Jno Duggan                Sarah Bushell                                                    
DUGGAN         Hugh               1807.03.01    Thos Duggan               Francis Jackson                                                  
DUGGAN         Jane               1804.09.23    Jas Duggan                Anne Beatty                                                      
DUGGAN         John               1814.01.29    Thos Duggan               Francis Jackson                                                  
DUGGAN         Margt              1802.04.19    Jno Duggan                Anne  .....ally                                                  
DUGGAN         Margt              1802.06.00    John Duggan               Margt Forsyth                                                    
DUNDAS         Francis William    1827.04.04    William Dundas            Anne                                                             
DUNDAS         Prudentia          1829.10.04    William Dundas            Anne                                                             
DUNDASS        John               1824.05.09    William Dundass           Anne                                                             
DURNIN         Anne               1802.11.21    And'w Irvin               Mary Durnin                 Illegitimate                         
EAGAN          Wm                 1808.06.05    Wm Eagan                  Elinor Logan                                                     
EBBIK          Francis            1823.07.20    John Ebbik                Mary                                                             
EBBIT          Jas                1811.04.28    Francis Ebbit             Jane Armstrong                                                   
EBBIT          Susy               1813.10.25    Thos Ebbit                Anne Armstrong                                                   
EBBITT         Anne               1827.03.19    John Ebbitt               Mary                                                             
EBBITT         Rebecca            1826.05.21    Joseph Ebbitt             Elizabeth                                                        
EBBITT         Sophia             1830.03.05    John Ebbitt               Mary                                                             
EBBITT         William Copeland   1828.08.10    Joseph Ebbitt             Elisabeth                                                        
EGERTON        Eliz'th            1814.01.02    Francis Egerton           Anne Doogan                                                      
EGERTON        Isabella           1828.09.05    James Egerton             Isabella                    of Clones                            
EGERTON        Jno                1810.11.26    Francis Egerton           Anne Doogan                                                      
EGERTON        John               1808.05.14    Frances Egerton           Anne Doogan                                                      
ELLIOTT        Alexander          1828.11.23    Wm Elliott                Jane                                                             
ELLIOTT        Anne               1816.01.08    George Elliott            Bessy Renich                                                     
ELLIOTT        Anne               1821.06.03    Wm Elliott                Elizabeth                                                        
ELLIOTT        Arch'd             1801.00.20    Dan'l Elliott             Sarah Kettle                                                     
ELLIOTT        Beth               1822.01.27    John Elliott              Mary                                                             
ELLIOTT        Dan'l              1804.02.05    Jas Elliott               Jane Bushill                                                     
ELLIOTT        Elinor             1814.12.18    Jas Elliott               Eliz'th Moore                                                    
ELLIOTT        Elizabeth          1825.10.02    Wm Elliott                Anne                                                             
ELLIOTT        Eliz'th            1818.12.16    Wm Elliott                Eliz'th Redich                                                   
ELLIOTT        Ellen              1820.09.10    John Elliott              Martha                                                           
ELLIOTT        Francis            1803.08.28    Wm Elliott                Elinor Buchannon                                                 
ELLIOTT        Francis            1816.06.10    Wm Elliott                Anne McCormick                                                   
ELLIOTT        Francis            1816.06.29    Wm Elliott                Anne McCormick                                                   
ELLIOTT        George             1801.06.21    Jas Elliott               Cath'e Doogan                                                    
ELLIOTT        George             1809.05.07    Tom Elliott               Bessy Redick                                                     
ELLIOTT        George             1828.07.20    John Elliott              Martha                                                           
ELLIOTT        James              1801.01.18    Jno Elliott               Eliz'th Ridich                                                   
ELLIOTT        James              1823.04.17    George Elliott            Anne                                                             
ELLIOTT        James              1829.04.12    Thomas Elliott            Elisabeth                                                        
ELLIOTT        James              1830.03.07    John Elliott              Jane                                                             
ELLIOTT        Jane               1804.02.17    Jas Elliott               Jane Doogan                                                      
ELLIOTT        Jane               1804.07.23    Jas Elliott               .....  Mc.....              Illegitimate                         
ELLIOTT        Jane               1806.07.17    Jas Elliott               Cath'e Doogan                                                    
ELLIOTT        Jane               1814.03.27    Wm Elliott                Anne McCormick                                                   
ELLIOTT        Jane               1825.04.17    John Elliott              Martha                                                           
ELLIOTT        Jas                1810.09.26    Jas Elliott               Jane Bushel                 Illegtimate                          
ELLIOTT        Jas                1814.12.04    Francis Elliott           Kitty Litle                                                      
ELLIOTT        Jno                1802.09.19    George Elliott            Eliz'th Rudick                                                   
ELLIOTT        Jno                1816.07.07    Jas elliott               Eliz'th Moore                                                    
ELLIOTT        John               1799.06.12    James Elliott             Cath'e Doogan                                                    
ELLIOTT        John               1803.12.04    Jno Elliott               Margt Bi.....                                                    
ELLIOTT        John               1810.04.08    Fra's Elliott             Mary Graham                                                      
ELLIOTT        John               1820.10.22    George Elliott            Anne Vants                                                       
ELLIOTT        Joseph             1818.08.00    Wm Elliott                Anne McCormick                                                   
ELLIOTT        Margaret           1820.10.01    Francis Elliott           Mary Forster                                                     
ELLIOTT        Margt              1806.08.03    Wm Elliott                Anne McCormick                                                   
ELLIOTT        Margt              1816.06.29    Wm Elliott                Anne McGloughlin                                                 
ELLIOTT        Martha             1827.09.13    John Elliott              Jane                                                             
ELLIOTT        Mary               1824.06.06    Fran's Elliott            Mary                                                             
ELLIOTT        Mary Ann           1811.06.30    Wm Elliott                Anne McCormick                                                   
ELLIOTT        Mary Anne          1812.06.21    Archy Elliott             Cath'e Jackson              Illegitimate                         
ELLIOTT        Mary Anne          1828.04.27    John Elliott              Alice                                                            
ELLIOTT        Matilda            1820.12.20    John Elliott              Harriet                                                          
ELLIOTT        Michael            1826.09.17    Francis Elliott           Mary                                                             
ELLIOTT        Robert             1827.01.30    Thomas Elliott            Elisabeth                                                        
ELLIOTT        Robt               1806.11.22    George Elliott            Eliz'th Redich                                                   
ELLIOTT        Robt               1820.06.25    Jno Elliott               Mary Griffith                                                    
ELLIOTT        Sarah              1804.10.03    Wm Elliott                Anne McCormick                                                   
ELLIOTT        Simon              1798.00.00    Simon Elliott             Jane Hillock                                                     
ELLIOTT        Simon              1823.03.23    John Elliott              Jane                                                             
ELLIOTT        William            1825.07.24    John Elliott              Jane                                                             
ELLIOTT        William            1828.05.11    Francis Elliott           Mary                                                             
ELLIOTT        William            1829.02.14    Samuel Elliott            Sarah                                                            
ELLIOTT        Wm                 1799.05.01    Dan'l Elliott             Sarah Coulson                                                    
ELLIOTT        Wm                 1800.06.08    Dan'l Elliott             Sarah Clingan                                                    
ELLIOTT        Wm                 1808.10.09    Wm Elliott                Anne McCormack                                                   
ELLIOTT        Wm                 1812.01.19    G'e Elliott               Eliz'th Redich                                                   
ELLIOTT        Wm                 1813.05.05    Francis Elliott           Mary Gram                                                        
ELMOUR         Mary Anne          1821.07.25    John James                Mary                                                             
ENGLISH        John               1819.08.19    Sam'l English             Eliz'th McCardy                                                  
ENNISHEA       Jno                1808.02.01    Jno Davis Ennishea        Mary Keenan                                                      
EVANS          George             1820.04.04    Sam'l Evans               Jane Beatty                                                      
EVANS          Martin             1828.06.22    Samuel Evans              Jane                                                             
EVANS          Mary               1814.01.14    Sam'l Evans               Jane Beatty                                                      
EVANS          Matilda            1828.09.21    William Evans             Sarah                                                            
EVANS          Nathaniel          1822.04.19    Samuel Evans              Jane                                                             
EVANS          Samuel James       1826.04.23    Samuel Evans              Jane                                                             
EVANS          Sarah              1825.10.02    Wm Evans                  Sarah                                                            
EVANS          Thos               1818.01.15    Sam'l Evans               Jane Beatty                                                      
EVANS          William            1828.06.22    Samuel Evans              Jane                                                             
EVATT          Francis            1824.09.12    Joseph Evatt              Elizabeth                                                        
F.....         Mary               1803.11.27    John F.....               Mary  .....                 Illegitimate                         
FARREL         Margery            1819.04.10    Robin Bryans              Rose Farrel                 Illegitimate                         
FAUCETT        George             1807.04.12    Jno Faucett               Susanna Clingan                                                  
FAUCETT        John               1804.12.23    Jno Faucett               Susy Clingan                                                     
FAWCETT        Andrew             1830.03.07    Andrew Fawcett            Catherine                                                        
FAWCETT        Elisabeth          1827.12.06    Samuel Fawcett            Jane                                                             
FAWCETT        Elisabeth          1828.06.29    Andrew Fawcett            Catherine                                                        
FAWCETT        Francis            1822.02.03    John Fawcett              Susan                                                            
FAWCETT        George             1804.08.00    G'e Fawcett               Eliz'th Campbell                                                 
FAWCETT        John               1828.06.18    Robert Fawcett            Mary                                                             
FAWCETT        John               1828.10.26    William Fawcett           Hana                                                             
FAWCETT        John               1829.06.14    Samuel Fawcett            Jane                                                             
FAWCETT        Margaret           1822.04.26    Robt Fawcett              Mary                                                             
FAWCETT        Mary               1826.02.18    Samuel Fawcett            Jane                                                             
FAWCETT        Robert             1826.10.01    Andrew Fawcett            Catherine                                                        
FAWCETT        Robert             1826.11.03    William Fawcett           Hanna                                                            
FAWSETT        Jane               1828.08.31    William Fawsett           Ellen Magirnan              Illegtimate                          
FEE            Mary Anne          1828.09.26    James Fee                 Mary                                                             
FERGESON       Margaret           1821.07.08    Alexander Ferguson        Susan                                                            
FERGUSON       John               1804.10.14    Sandy Ferguson            Anne McGloughlin                                                 
FERGUSON       Robert             1822.06.15    Robbin Armstrong          Anne Ferguson               Illegitimate                         
FERGUSON       Wm                 1799.05.08    Sandy Ferguson            Jane Mcgloughlin                                                 
FISHER         John William       1826.07.27    John William Fisher       Alice Shannon                                                    
FITZGERALD     Anne               1829.12.27    Thos Cole FitzGerald      Jane Macaul                                                      
FITZPATRICK    Eliz'th            1804.04.15    Edw'd FitzPatrick         Margt Shersin                                                    
FITZPATRICK    Margt              1806.04.13    Edw'd FitzPatrick         Margt Shersin                                                    
FITZPATRICK    Wm                 1807.09.00    James FitzPatrick         Mary  .....                                                      
FLEMING        Anne               1829.06.28    Thomas Fleming            Margaret                                                         
FLEMING        Bell               1813.12.12    And'w Fleming             Margt Collin                                                     
FLEMING        Betsy              1820.04.30    Hugh Fleming              Anne McGuire                Illegitimate                         
FLEMING        Cath'e             1806.05.04    And'w Fleming             Mary Collin                                                      
FLEMING        Elizabeth          1825.01.23    Thomas Fleming            Mary                                                             
FLEMING        Esther             1828.03.23    John Fleming              Margaret                                                         
FLEMING        Henry              1810.02.11    Thos Fleming              Mary Courtney                                                    
FLEMING        Hugh               1824.07.31    Hugh Fleming              Ann McGuire                 Illegitimate                         
FLEMING        Isabella           1826.09.03    John Fleming              Margaret                                                         
FLEMING        Isabella           1827.11.23    Thomas Fleming            Margaret                                                         
FLEMING        Jane               1801.09.06    Hugh Fleming              Mary Courtney                                                    
FLEMING        Jane               1807.01.30    Hugh Fleming              Mary Courtney                                                    
FLEMING        Jane               1826.10.08    Hugh Fleming              Anne                                                             
FLEMING        Jas                1812.05.24    Thos Fleming              Mary Courtney                                                    
FLEMING        John               1824.02.05    Thos Fleming              Mary McCray                 Illegitimate                         
FLEMING        John               1825.05.15    Wm Fleming                Mary                                                             
FLEMING        John               1829.06.07    John Fleming              Margaret                                                         
FLEMING        Margt              1818.08.31    Thos Fleming              Mary Courtney                                                    
FLEMING        Maria              1804.05.15    And'w Fleming             Mary Collin                                                      
FLEMING        Mary               1809.01.29    And'w Fleming             Mary Collin                                                      
FLEMING        Mary               1814.09.04    Thos Fleming              Mary Courtney                                                    
FLEMING        Mary Anne          1829.01.04    James Fleming             Elisabeth                                                        
FLEMING        Thos               1817.02.08    And'w Fleming             Mary Collin                                                      
FLEMING        William            1824.05.02    John Fleming              Margaret                                                         
FLEMING        Wm                 1799.07.09    Jas Fleming               Jane Lehman                                                      
FLEMING        Wm                 1811.05.26    And'w Fleming             Mary Collin                                                      
FLEMING        Wm                 1823.03.02    Thos Fleming              Mary                                                             
FLEMMING       James              1822.05.26    Wm Flemming               Mary                                                             
FLEMMING       John               1822.02.16    Hugh Flemming             Ann                                                              
FLEMMING       Thos               1821.01.14    Thos Flemming             Mary Courtney                                                    
FORSTER        Alex'r             1816.08.04    Wm Forster                Anne Clarke                                                      
FORSTER        And'w              1809.01.16    Jas Allen                 Jane Forster                Illegitimate                         
FORSTER        And'w              1818.09.11    Jas Forster               Margt Elliott                                                    
FORSTER        Andy               1809.12.24    Arthur Forster            Ruth Reilly                                                      
FORSTER        Andy               1813.03.14    Jas Forster               Margt Elliott                                                    
FORSTER        Anne               1803.02.27    Jno Forster               Letitia Noble                                                    
FORSTER        Anne               1811.06.11    Thos Forster              Jane Bows                                                        
FORSTER        Anne               1811.07.00    Jno Forster               Cath'e Trotter                                                   
FORSTER        Anne               1814.07.03    Jno Forster               Mary Trotter                                                     
FORSTER        Anne               1826.07.23    Charles Forster           Alice                                                            
FORSTER        Arch'd             1802.06.27    Arch'd Forster            Anne Bowes                                                       
FORSTER        Cath'e             1805.07.07    Malcolm Forster           Eliz'th Arnott                                                   
FORSTER        Chas               1813.10.01    Thos Forster              Jane Bows                                                        
FORSTER        Elinor             1813.02.14    Arthur Forster            Margt Morrison                                                   
FORSTER        Eliza              1817.06.29    Malcolm Forster           Eliza Arnott                                                     
FORSTER        Eliz'th            1805.05.12    John Forster              Cath'e Trotter                                                   
FORSTER        Eliz'th            1816.03.17    Wm Forster                Sarah Beatty                                                     
FORSTER        Eliz'th            1817.09.21    Thos Forster              Jane Bones                                                       
FORSTER        George             1826.08.10    William Bryans            Ellen Forster               Illegitimate                         
FORSTER        Henry              1803.06.11    John Forster              Elinor Arnott                                                    
FORSTER        Jane               1803.02.20    Robt Forster              Anne Clingan                                                     
FORSTER        Jane               1809.02.02    Jno Forster               Cath'e Trotter              Twin                                 
FORSTER        Jane Anne          1812.02.27    Malcolm Forster           Eliza Arnott                                                     
FORSTER        Jane Anne          1813.03.28    Wm Forster                Sally Beatty                                                     
FORSTER        Jas                1809.09.07    Jas Forster               Margt Elliott                                                    
FORSTER        Jas                1815.06.25    Jno Forster               Anne Arnott                                                      
FORSTER        Jno                1817.03.22    Edw'd Forster             Margt McKeeon                                                    
FORSTER        John               1807.06.07    Thos Forster              Jane Brown                                                       
FORSTER        John               1809.02.02    Jno Forster               Cath'e Trotter              Twin                                 
FORSTER        John               1809.12.26    Jno Forster               Letty Noble                                                      
FORSTER        Margt              1803.09.18    Malcolm Forster           Eliz'th Arnott              Twin                                 
FORSTER        Margt              1809.02.02    Archy Forster             Margt Bows                                                       
FORSTER        Margt              1815.03.018   Jas Forster               Margt Elliott                                                    
FORSTER        Margt              1818.01.24    Arthur Forster            Margt Morrison                                                   
FORSTER        Mary               1805.08.09    Archer Forster            Margt Bows                                                       
FORSTER        Mary               1819.09.02    Edw'd Forster             Margt McKeever                                                   
FORSTER        Mary Ann           1813.02.14    Jas Forster               Arnott                                                           
FORSTER        Mary Anne          1804.06.03    Robt Forster              Cath'e Clingan                                                   
FORSTER        Mervin             1814.08.08    Malcolm Forster           Eliz'th Arnott                                                   
FORSTER        Robt               1807.06.06    Malcolm Forster           Eliz'th Arnott                                                   
FORSTER        Robt               1809.07.15    Thos Forster              Jane Bows                                                        
FORSTER        Robt               1817.01.05    George Forster            Sally Crawford                                                   
FORSTER        Sarah              1815.05.14    Arthur Forster            Mary Morrison                                                    
FORSTER        Sarah              1828.01.06    John Foster               Jane                                                             
FORSTER        Thos               1803.09.18    Malcolm Forster           Eliz'th Arnott              Twin                                 
FORSTER        Thos               1820.04.08    Jno Forster               Esther Armstrong                                                 
FORSTER        Wm                 1805.04.09    Thos Forster              Jane Bows                                                        
FORSTER        Wm                 1816.07.07    Jas Forster               Jane Nugent                                                      
FORSTER        Wm Najoas          1809.09.16    Malcolm Forster           Eliz'th Arnott                                                   
FORTER         Mary               1819.06.27    G'e Forter                Sally Crawford              Illegitimate                         
FOSSET         Grissey            1798.05.10    George Fosset             Rebecca Campbell                                                 
FOSSET         Jno                1800.12.07    George Fosset             Grace Campbell                                                   
FOSSET         Wm                 1801.04.05    Wm Fosset                 Anne McMahon                                                     
FOSSETT        And'w              1811.02.03    Robt Fossett              Mary Pogue                                                       
FOSSETT        Chas               1811.11.17    Jas Fossett               Mary McCleland                                                   
FOSSETT        Eliza              1814.06.15    Wm Fossett                Mary Kerin                  Illegitimate                         
FOSSETT        Grace              1806.09.07    George Fossett            Grace Campbell                                                   
FOSSETT        Grissella          1822.02.10    William Fossett           Hanna                                                            
FOSSETT        James              1810.12.08    Jno Fossett               Susanna Clingan                                                  
FOSSETT        James              1822.02.03    Andrew Fossett            Catherine                                                        
FOSSETT        Jane               1815.08.11    Robt Fossett              Jane Pogue                                                       
FOSSETT        Jane               1820.05.01    Wm Fossett                Hannah Moore                                                     
FOSSETT        Jas                1809.12.26    Robt Fossett              Mary Pogue                                                       
FOSSETT        Jas                1817.08.14    Robt Fossett              Mary Pogue                                                       
FOSSETT        Joseph             1813.03.20    Robt Fossett              Mary Pogue                                                       
FOSSETT        Margaret           1823.07.06    Wm Fossett                Hanna                                                            
FOSSETT        Mary               1810.08.18    Wm Fossett                Mary McCleland                                                   
FOSSETT        Mary               1817.10.12    Wm Fossett                Hannah Moore                                                     
FOSSETT        Mary               1825.10.09    Robt Fossett              Mary                                                             
FOSSETT        Mary Anne          1813.09.26    Jno Fossett               Susy Clingan                                                     
FOSSETT        Robert             1825.02.06    Andrew Fossett            Catherine                                                        
FOSSETT        Robt               1819.07.04    Jno Fossett               Susy Clingan                                                     
FOSSETT        Robt               1820.01.02    Robt Fossett              Mary Pogue                                                       
FOSSETT        Sarah              1824.09.12    William Fossett           Hannah                                                           
FOSSETT        Wm                 1803.07.24    John Fossett              Susanna Clingan                                                  
FOSSETT        Wm                 1807.11.08    Robt Fossett              Mary Pogue                                                       
FOSSETT        Wm                 1819.12.25    Andy Fossett              Cath'e Wiggins                                                   
FOSTER         Anne               1806.05.04    Arthur Foster             Charlotte Arnott                                                 
FOSTER         Anne               1830.01.22    James Foster              Jane                                                             
FOSTER         Anne Jane          1826.05.08    James Foster              Jane                                                             
FOSTER         Archibald          1823.11.02    James Foster              Jane                                                             
FOSTER         Arthur             1826.03.01    John Foster               Jane                                                             
FOSTER         Bessy Anne         1825.02.27    Edward Foster             Margaret                                                         
FOSTER         Catherine          1828.09.14    Edward Foster             Margaret                                                         
FOSTER         Elisabeth          1829.03.01    James Foster              Jane                                                             
FOSTER         James              1806.02.09    James Foster              Margt Elliott                                                    
FOSTER         James              1811.03.03    Arthur Foster             Margt Morrison                                                   
FOSTER         James              1828.01.28    Charles Foster            Alice                                                            
FOSTER         Jane               1828.03.23    George Foster             Amelia                                                           
FOSTER         Jas                1801.05.31    Malcolm Foster            Eliz'th Arnot                                                    
FOSTER         Jno                1801.04.05    Jno Foster                Sally Noble (Letty ?)                                            
FOSTER         John               1826.04.16    George Foster             Amelia                                                           
FOSTER         Margaret           1821.05.27    Thos Foster               Jane                                                             
FOSTER         Margaret           1823.06.28    Robt Foster               Margaret                                                         
FOSTER         Margaret           1829.08.16    William Foster            Elisabeth                                                        
FOSTER         Mary Jane          1828.04.19    Richard Foster            Anne                                                             
FOSTER         Rebecca            1805.03.18    James Foster              Jane Dudgeon                                                     
FOSTER         Thomas             1821.08.25    James Foster                                                                               
FOSTER         Wm                 1805.12.31    Jno Foster                Letitia Noble                                                    
FOSTER         Wm                 1822.06.02    Edw'd Foster              Margaret                                                         
FOSTER         Wm                 1822.06.16    George Foster             Susan Boyd                  Illegitimate                         
FRICHLETON     John               1820.05.04    Jno Frichleton            Jane Clingan                                                     
FRICKELTON     John               1825.08.07    John Frickelton           Jane                                                             
FRIE[   ]TON   Letitia            1809.07.00    Jas Frie[   ]ton          Mary                                                             
FUVAN          Jas                1801.09.27    Jas Fuvan                 Cath'e Morton               Twins                                
FUVAN          Thos               1801.09.27    Jas Fuvan                 Cath'e Morton               Twins                                
GADIN          Eliz'th            1801.06.28    Robt Gadin                Hannah Moore                                                     
GARDINER       Bell               1811.12.06    Wm Gardiner               Bell Henderson                                                   
GARDINER       Henry              1812.09.20    Jas Gardiner              Jane Bryans                                                      
GARDINER       Jane               1804.10.12    Wm Gardiner               Jane Anderson                                                    
GARDINER       Robt               1815.10.04    Wm Gardiner               Bell Henderson                                                   
GARDINER       Robt               1824.01.11    Robt Gardiner             Mary                                                             
GARDNER        Charles            1828.12.03    Edward Gardner            Anne                        Twin                                 
GARDNER        James              1828.12.03    Edward Gardner            Anne                        Twin                                 
GARDNER        Jane Anne          1827.08.16    Robert Gardner            Mary Smyth                  Illegitimate                         
GARVEY         Jas                1816.08.28    Timothy Garvey            Anne Atwill                                                      
GEHERTY        Thos               1819.06.05    Barney Geherty            Anne Ferguson                                                    
GELLES         Mary               1824.05.30    Alexander Gelles          Martha                                                           
GIBBONS        Francis            1825.04.14    George Gibbons            Mary                                                             
GILL.....      James              1821.12.15    John Gill.....                                                                             
GILLESPIE      Alex'r             1820.11.19    Alex'r Gillespie          Matilda Ranny                                                    
GILLESPY       Mary               1818.10.03    Jno Gillespy              Jane Smyth                                                       
GILLIS         Eliza              1826.10.22    John Gillis               Mary                                                             
GILLIS         Jane Anne          1820.06.25    Jno Gillis                Mary Litle                                                       
GILLIS         Mary               1829.08.09    John Gillis               Mary                                                             
GLEAN          James              1825.09.12    James Glean               Bessy                                                            
GLYNN          Jane               1821.02.03    James Glynn               Elizabeth                                                        
GOLD           Creighton          1826.05.07    Robt Gold                 Frances                                                          
GOLD           Eliza'th           1823.08.24    Micheal Gold              Ann                                                              
GOLD           Jane               1826.03.12    Micheal Gold              Anne                                                             
GOLD           Wm                 1800.02.13    Wm Gold                   Cath'e Tonis                                                     
GOOLD          Anne               1828.11.16    Thomas Goold              Anne                                                             
GOOLD          Catherine          1828.12.28    William Goold             Eleanor                                                          
GOOLD          John               1829.01.11    Robert Goold              Fanny                                                            
GOOLD          Richard            1828.06.08    Michael Goold             Anne                                                             
GOOLD          Robert             1821.06.17    Michael Goold             Anne                                                             
GOOLD          Robt               1824.05.16    Robt Goold                Frances                                                          
GORDON         Anne               1815.12.06    Jas Allen                 Jane Gordon                 Illegitimate                         
GORDON         Martin             1820.05.28    Hugh Gordon               Anne Allen                                                       
GOULD          Andrew             1822.03.24    Robt Gould                Frances                                                          
GOULD          Anne               1805.09.15    Thos Gould                Anne McQuade                                                     
GOULD          Anne               1814.01.16    Wm Gould                  Betty McClelland                                                 
GOULD          Cath'e             1814.11.00    Mich'l Gould              Anne Jones                                                       
GOULD          Eliza              1820.06.04    Mick Gould                Anne Jones                                                       
GOULD          Eliz'th            1801.05.31    Thos Gould                Ann McQuade                                                      
GOULD          Eliz'th            1804.04.22    Wm Gould                  Eliz'th McCleland                                                
GOULD          Esther             1818.04.02    Mich'l Gould              Anne Jones                                                       
GOULD          Jane               1817.03.23    Mich'l Gould              Anne Jones                                                       
GOULD          Jas                1815.05.28    Thos Gould                Jane Armstrong                                                   
GOULD          Jas                1818.03.01    Jas Gould                 Anne Jones                                                       
GOULD          Jno                1817.05.31    Wm Gould                  Eliz'th Moore                                                    
GOULD          Mary               1816.11.29    Thos Gould                Elinor Overlane                                                  
GOULD          Rich'd             1800.01.12    Thos Gould                Anne Wade                                                        
GOULD          Thos               1803.05.29    Thos Gould                Anne McQuade                                                     
GOULD          Thos               1820.06.18    Robt Gould                Francis Irvin                                                    
GOULD          Will'm             1798.01.00    Thos Gould                Anne Mc...                                                       
GOULD          Wm                 1803.02.20    Wm Gould                  Cath'e Jones                                                     
GOULD          Wm                 1813.02.14    Mich'l Gould              Anne Jones                                                       
GOULD          Wm                 1815.05.07    Wm Gould                  Eliz'th Moore                                                    
GOULD          Wm                 1818.08.30    Robt Gould                Fanny Irvin                                                      
GRAHAM         And'w              1820.01.14    Jno Graham                Jane Dogherty                                                    
GRAHAM         Anne               1804.06.00    Jas Graham                Anne Johnston                                                    
GRAHAM         Anne               1822.04.05    John Graham               Catherine                                                        
GRAHAM         Bell               1814.03.19    Jas Graham                Anne Jackson                                                     
GRAHAM         Christy            1809.09.12    Thomas Graham             Anne Moffatt                                                     
GRAHAM         Eleanor            1828.11.02    John Graham               Jane                                                             
GRAHAM         Elinor             1806.06.10    Jas Graham                Anne Jackson                                                     
GRAHAM         Elinor             1807.10.10    James Graham              Sarah Johnston                                                   
GRAHAM         Eliza              1825.07.11    Henry Graham              Ellen Graham                                                     
GRAHAM         Hugh               1801.08.16    Jno Graham                Margt Morton                                                     
GRAHAM         Hugh               1802.11.14    Jas Graham                Anne Jackson                                                     
GRAHAM         Jane               1805.11.08    Hugh Graham               Barbara Gold                                                     
GRAHAM         Jane               1818.04.05    Sam'l Graham              Bessy Lantrey                                                    
GRAHAM         Janett             1823.04.06    John Graham               Jane                                                             
GRAHAM         Jno                1815.09.16    Hugh Graham               Barbara Gould                                                    
GRAHAM         Jno                1819.03.20    Thos Graham               Anne Armstrong                                                   
GRAHAM         John               1807.11.01    Thos Graham               Anne Armstrong                                                   
GRAHAM         John               1814.09.11    Jno Graham                Margt Morton                                                     
GRAHAM         John               1817.02.02    Sam'l Graham              Eliz'th Langtrey                                                 
GRAHAM         John               1821.06.12    Christopher Graham        Anne                                                             
GRAHAM         John               1821.07.21    John Graham               Sally                                                            
GRAHAM         John               1822.11.04                                                          Foundling                            
GRAHAM         John               1825.07.12    Rich'd Graham             Margaret                                                         
GRAHAM         John               1826.02.05    John Graham               Jane                                                             
GRAHAM         Margaret           1822.04.10    John Graham               Jane                        Twins                                
GRAHAM         Margrat            1824.10.16    Christopher Graham        Ann                                                              
GRAHAM         Margt              1810.11.04    Jno Graham                Margt Morton                                                     
GRAHAM         Martha             1806.11.29    Jno Graham                Margt Morton                                                     
GRAHAM         Martha             1807.11.29    Jno Graham                Margt Morton                                                     
GRAHAM         Martha             1809.12.29    Thos Graham               Anne Armstrong                                                   
GRAHAM         Martha             1812.08.08    Hugh Graham               Barbara Gould                                                    
GRAHAM         Martin             1816.09.22    Jno Graham                Sarah Johnston                                                   
GRAHAM         Mary               1810.04.12    Jno Graham                Sally Johnston                                                   
GRAHAM         Mary               1810.05.24    Jno Graham                Barbara Johnston                                                 
GRAHAM         Mary               1812.08.02    Jno Graham                Matty Gallena                                                    
GRAHAM         Mary               1822.04.10    John Graham               Jane                        Twins                                
GRAHAM         Mary               1827.07.08    Richard Graham            Margaret                                                         
GRAHAM         Mary Ann           1809.12.29    Thos Graham               Anne Armstrong                                                   
GRAHAM         Matty              1811.10.20    Jas Graham                Anne Jackson                                                     
GRAHAM         Prudence           1804.02.17    Jno Graham                Margt Morton                                                     
GRAHAM         Rich'd             1815.09.16    Hugh Graham               Barbara Gould                                                    
GRAHAM         Robert             1823.09.14    John Graham               Sarah                                                            
GRAHAM         Sally              1809.06.25    Robt Graham               Sally McAleary                                                   
GRAHAM         Sally Anne         1828.03.02    John Graham               Sarah                                                            
GRAHAM         Sarah              1806.02.09    Thos Graham               Anne Armstrong                                                   
GRAHAM         Thos               1807.05.09    Christ'r Graham           Anne Moffatt                                                     
GRAHAM         Thos               1811.05.30    Wm Graham                 Anne Armstrong                                                   
GRAHAM         Thos               1815.08.18    Allen Graham              Jane Armstrong                                                   
GRAHAM         Wm                 1817.10.31    Jno Graham                Jane Dogherty                                                    
GRAYDEN        Anne               1803.04.24    Robt Grayden              Hannah Moore                                                     
GRAYDEN        May Anne           1823.06.07    Joseph Grayden            Anne                                                             
GRAYDON        Jane               1827.12.08    Edward Graydon            Catherine                                                        
GRAYDON        Mary Anne          1829.06.19    Edward Graydon            Catherine                                                        
GRAYDON        Sarah Jane         1829.08.03    John Martin Graydon       Sarah Graydon                                                    
GREDIN         Anne               1808.06.29    Joseph Gredin             Sarah Mayne                                                      
GREDIN         Eliz'th Letitia    1817.02.00    Wm Gredin                 Anne Curren                                                      
GREDIN         Joseph             1813.10.24    Robt Gredin               Hannah Moore                                                     
GREDIN         Wm                 1817.03.30    Robt Gredin               Hannah Moore                                                     
GREEVES        Elinor             1806.06.04    Robt Greeves              Mary Gould                                                       
GREGG          Mary               1827.03.17    Gerard Gregg              Elisabeth                   of Parish of Drum.....               
GREGG          Thos               1818.11.02    Robt Gregg                Margt Fleming                                                    
GREGSON        Robt               1812.08.30    Robt Gregson              Mary McCourt                                                     
GREYDON        Elinor             1806.03.02    Robt Greydon              Hannah Moore                                                     
GREYSTON       Robert             1821.02.11    Robert Greyston           Hanna                                                            
HAGAN          Mary Anne          1799.05.01    Jno Hagan                 Cath'e Coulson                                                   
HALL           Anne               1809.03.12    Sanders Hall              Mary Irvin                                                       
HALL           Cath'e O'Brien     1799.09.19    Alex'r L. Hall            Allice Perry                                                     
HALL           Charlotte          1809.07.00    Alex'r L. Hall            Alice Perry                                                      
HALL           Fanny              1807.02.08    Alex'r L. Hall            Alice Perry                                                      
HALL           George             1805.08.25    A.L. Hall                 Alice Perry                                                      
HALL           Joseph             1803.02.20    Alex'r L. Hall            Allice Perry                                                     
HALL                              1798.01.00    Alex'r L. Hall            Alice Perry                                                      
HAMILTON       James              1828.04.14    William Hamilton          Harriett                                                         
HAMILTON       John Coulson       1829.11.22    William Hamilton          Harriet                                                          
HAMILTON       Thos               1822.05.04    John McGuire              Margaret Hamilton           Illegitimate                         
HAMILTON       Wm                 1822.04.00    Wm Robinson               Margaret Hamilton           Illegitimate                         
HANLAN         Fanny              1828.04.13    Thomas Moore              Kitty Hanlan                Illegitimate                         
HANLAN         Jane               1826.04.29    Thos Moore                Catherine Hanlan            Illegitimate                         
HANNAH         Cath'e             1805.05.26    Wm Hannah                 Cath'e Johnston                                                  
HANNAH         Jane               1813.03.20    Wm Hannah                 Kitty Johnston                                                   
HANNAH         Mary Anne          1807.08.16    Wm Hannah                 Cath'e Johnston                                                  
HANNAH         Wm                 1811.09.08    Wm Hannah                 Cath'e Johnston                                                  
HARDING        Mary               1817.03.30    Wm Harding                Ally Bredin                                                      
HARDMAN        Betsy              1821.01.07    Samuel Hardman            Anne Trehatton                                                   
HARMON         Robt               1816.11.03    Sam'l Harmon              Mary Ladely                                                      
HARPUR         James              1828.11.02    William Harpur            Mary                                                             
HARPUR         John               1827.05.23    John Harpur               Elisabeth Warnsley          Illegitimate                         
HARRISON       Wm                 1821.06.07    Wm Harrison               Helse                                                            
HEANY          Isabella           1812.08.30    Jas Heany                 Eliz'th Smyth                                                    
HEN            Robt               1806.04.04    Elliott Hen               Cath'e West                                                      
HENDERSON      Mary               1801.03.08    Jas Henderson             Margt McAnanamy                                                  
HENDERSON      Penelope           1806.06.22    Wm Henderson              Pen'e Thompson                                                   
HENDERSON      Robt               1823.01.26    Sameul Henderson          Hannah                                                           
HENDERSON      Wm                 1803.06.17    Robt Allen                Jane Henderson                                                   
HENRY          Elinor             1814.04.11    Jas Henry                 Biddy Little                Illegitimate                         
HENRY          Eliz'th            1806.06.15    Jas Henry                 Bridget Little                                                   
HENRY          Mary               1821.01.04    Jas Henry                 Rachel Madool                                                    
HETHERINGTON   Henry Wm           1824.12.07    Henry Hetherington        Sarah Rose                  Twin                                 
HETHERINGTON   James              1824.12.07    Henry Hetherington        Sarah Rose                  Twin                                 
HEWITT         Jessup             1828.06.28    James Hewitt              Isabella Clingan                                                 
HICKES         Robt               1808.11.21    Wm Hickes                 Jane Kettle                                                      
HICKS          Anne               1806.05.25    Robt Hicks                Jane Gould                                                       
HICKS          Anne               1812.10.12    Francis Hicks             Mary FitzPatrick                                                 
HICKS          Archy              1819.03.23    Frank Hicks               May FitzPatrick                                                  
HICKS          Cath'e             1800.08.24    John Hicks                Deborah Kills                                                    
HICKS          Cath'e             1818.04.26    Wm Hicks                  Elinor Adams                                                     
HICKS          Deborah            1805.06.01    Jno Hicks                 Deborah Kells                                                    
HICKS          Edw'd              1805.05.26    Jno Hicks                 Anne Mayne                                                       
HICKS          Eliz'th            1809.06.23    Jno Hicks                 Deborah Kells                                                    
HICKS          Eliz'th            1814.03.24    Jno Hicks                 Jane Whitendale                                                  
HICKS          Eliz'th            1816.10.20    Wm Hicks                  Elinor Adams                                                     
HICKS          Francis            1813.09.13    Wm Hicks                  Jane Kettle                                                      
HICKS          Francis Johnston   1813.09.28    Jno Hicks                 Sally Carson                                                     
HICKS          James              1827.06.25    John Hicks                Mary Cawden                 Illegitimate                         
HICKS          Jane               1800.06.30    Robt Hicks                Jane Gould                                                       
HICKS          Jane               1802.11.21    Robt Hicks                Jane Gould                                                       
HICKS          Jane               1811.06.01    Wm Hicks                  Jane Kettle                                                      
HICKS          Jane               1816.06.29    Jno Hicks                 Jane Whitendale                                                  
HICKS          Jane               1823.09.15    Wm Hicks                  Eleanor                                                          
HICKS          Jane Anne          1813.11.14    Frank Hicks               Mary FitzPatrick                                                 
HICKS          Jas                1816.09.07    Jno Hicks                 Sally Garston                                                    
HICKS          Jas                1819.06.29    Jno Hicks                 Jane Whitendale                                                  
HICKS          John               1799.06.20    Wm Hicks                  Anne Moore                                                       
HICKS          John               1821.09.09    John Hicks                Janet                                                            
HICKS          John               1822.01.20    Wm Hicks                  Eleanor                                                          
HICKS          Jonathan           1826.08.30    John Hicks                Jane                                                             
HICKS          Joseph             1823.12.17    John Hicks                Jane                                                             
HICKS          Lucy               1827.05.13    Francis Hicks             Mary                                                             
HICKS          Margt              1807.08.04    Wm Hicks                  Jane Kettle                                                      
HICKS          Mary               1816.04.15    Francis Hicks             Mary FitzPatrick                                                 
HICKS          Robert             1823.08.18    Alxander Smith            Mary Hicks                  Illegitimate                         
HICKS          Robert             1829.01.01    John Hicks                Jane                                                             
HICKS          Robt               1820.04.15    Wm Hicks                  Elinor Adams                                                     
HICKS          Robt               1821.07.07    John Hicks                Sarah                                                            
HICKS          Selina             1824.06.07    Francis Hicks             Mary                                                             
HICKS          Thos               1806.11.15    James Hicks               Margt Wallace               Illegitimate                         
HICKS          Thos               1807.05.05    Jno Hicks                 Deborah Kells                                                    
HICKS          William            1827.03.02    William Hicks             Eleanor                                                          
HICKS          William            1828.05.03    William Hicks             Eleanor                                                          
HICKS          Wm                 1804.07.29    Wm Hicks                  Jane Keith                                                       
HICKS          Wm                 1811.10.27    Jno Hicks                 Jane Whitenside                                                  
HILL           Mary               1829.01.21                                                          A Foundling                          
HINDERSON      John               1819.01.10    Sam'l Hinderson           Hannah Frickleton                                                
HINKRAM        Wm                 1822.03.31    Charles Hinkram           Ellen                                                            
HINKSON        Robt               1823.03.31    Chas Hinkson              Ellen                                                            
HINKSTON       Jno                1820.06.10    Jno Hinkston              Elinor Fleming                                                   
HOGAN          John Tarleton      1798.05.10    Jno Hogan                 Cath'e Coulson                                                   
HOLDEN         Joseph             1813.01.20    Wm Holden                 Alice Bredin                                                     
HOW            Jno                1811.11.10    Jno How                   Sarah McConky                                                    
HOW            Simon              1805.10.20    Jas How                   Mary Wiggins                                                     
HOWE           Edw'd              1810.04.15    Jas Howe                  Mary Wiggins                                                     
HOWE           Eliz'th            1811.08.04    Jas Howe                  Mary Wiggins                                                     
HOWE           John               1804.03.02    Jas Howe                  Mary Wiggins                                                     
HOWE           Mary Anne          1800.05.11    Jas Howe                  Mary Clingan                of Redhills, Co. Cavan               
HUGHES         Ellen              1829.03.21    William Hughes            Jane                                                             
HUGHES         Mary Ann           1801.08.30    Wm Hughes                 Jane Kettle                                                      
HUTCHINSON     Anne               1812.04.26    Sam'l Hutchinson          Jane Johnston                                                    
HUTCHINSON     Elisabeth          1829.03.14    Robert Hutchinson         Elisabeth                                                        
HUTCHINSON     Fanny              1816.07.07    Robt Hutchinson           Biddy Liddle                Illegitimate                         
HUTCHINSON     Henry              1820.06.13    Jas Hutchinson            Nancy Kennedy                                                    
HUTCHINSON     James              1826.05.07    James Hutchinson          Anne                                                             
HUTCHINSON     Jane               1817.02.08    Robt Hutchinson           Eliz'th Lipton                                                   
HUTCHINSON     John               1817.05.19    Jas Hutchinson            Anne Kennedy                                                     
HUTCHINSON     John               1826.03.05    Foster Hutchinson         Mary                                                             
HUTCHINSON     Johnston           1819.09.19    Sam'l Hutchinson          Jane Johnston                                                    
HUTCHINSON     Mary               1810.07.20    Sam Hutchinson            Jane Johnston                                                    
HUTCHINSON     Mary               1829.10.04    James Hutchinson          Anne                                                             
HUTCHINSON     Sam'l              1815.01.22    Ned Hutchinson            Jane Johnston                                                    
HUTCHINSON     Sam'l              1819.10.04    Robt Hutchinson           Eliz'th Lipton                                                   
HUTCHINSON     Susy               1817.02.02    Sam'l Hutchinson          Jane Johnston                                                    
HUTCHINSON     Thos               1807.10.08    Sam'l Hutchinson          Mary Johnston                                                    
HUTCHINSON     Thos               1815.02.19    Jas Hutchinson            Anne Kennedy                                                     
HUTCHINSON     Thos               1821.12.10    Robert Hutchinson         Elizabeth                                                        
HUTCHINSON     William            1826.09.03    Robert Hutchinson         Elisabeth                                                        
HUTCHINSON     Wm                 1805.01.03    Sam'l Hutchinson          Jane Johnston                                                    
HUTCHISON      John               1824.04.25    Robert Hutchison          Elizabeth                                                        
HYLMER         Julia              1824.01.06    John Hylmer               Mary                                                             
IHAM           Joseph             1823.03.08    John Armstrong            Elizabeth Iham              Illegitimate                         
IR.....        Delia              1821.10.18    Francis Ir.....           Mary                                                             
IRONS          John               1824.02.08    Wm Irons                  Margaret                                                         
IRONS          Wm                 1826.02.19    Wm Irons                  Margaret                                                         
IROUN          Mary Anne          1816.10.27    Wm Iroun                  Anne McMahon                                                     
IRVIN          Anne               1802.11.21    And'w Irvin               Mary Durnin                 Illegitimate                         
IRVIN          Cath'e             1799.07.11    And'w Irvin               Fanny Robinson                                                   
IRVIN          Cath'e             1802.07.25    Jas Irwin                 Mary McGuire                                                     
IRVIN          Cath'e             1802.08.04    Thos Irvin                Cath'e Gilroy                                                    
IRVIN          Cath'e             1812.03.15    Wm Irvin                  Anne McMahon                                                     
IRVIN          Eliz'th            1810.01.02    George Irvin              Mary Thompson                                                    
IRVIN          James              1829.12.27    Samuel Irvin              Rebecca                                                          
IRVIN          Jas                1801.06.28    Jno Irvin                 Ann Thompson                                                     
IRVIN          Jas                1814.03.13    Wm Irvin                  Anne McMahon                                                     
IRVIN          Jno                1818.11.02    Wm Irwin                  Sarah Doogan                                                     
IRVIN          Martha             1804.06.00    Thos Irvin                Cath'e Gilroy                                                    
IRVIN          Mary               1798.00.00    Robt Irvin                Eliz'th Taylor                                                   
IRVIN          Mongo              1827.06.07    Gerard Irvin              Jane                                                             
IRVIN          Thos               1802.07.25    Francis Irvin             Jane Armstrong                                                   
IRVIN          Thos               1807.02.14    And'w Irvin               Francis Robinson                                                 
IRVIN          Thos               1816.02.30    Gerard Irvin              Jane Liddle                                                      
IRVIN          Wm                 1819.01.19    Gerard Irvin              Annie McMahon                                                    
IRVIN          Wm Nelson          1817.10.26    (Capt'n) Irvin            Mary Wright                                                      
IRVIN                             1800.06.00    Francis Irvin             Jane Armstrong                                                   
IRVINE         Elizabeth          1821.04.22    Gerrard Irvine            Jane                                                             
IRVINE         Frances            1821.06.03    Wm Irvine                 Sarah                                                            
IRVINE         Mary Anne          1822.08.14    Andrew Irvine             Catherine                                                        
IRVINE         Wm                 1823.11.02    Gerard Irvine             Jane                                                             
IRVINE         Wm                 1824.06.02    Chas Christopher Irvine   Sarah Lunney                Illegitimate                         
JACKSON        George             1825.01.23    Henry Jackson             Ann                                                              
JACKSON        Isabella           1827.02.04    Henry Jackson             Anne                                                             
JACKSON        Jane Anne          1829.03.22    Henry Jackson             Anne                                                             
JACKSON        John               1801.01.04    Jas Jackson               Ann McAdam                                                       
JACKSON        Mary               1809.08.10    Henry Jackson             Anne McAdam                                                      
JACKSON        Mary               1823.06.15    Henry Jackson             Anne                                                             
JACKSON        Mary Anne          1812.06.21    Archy Elliott             Cath'e Jackson              Illegitimate                         
JACKSON        Susana             1827.04.10    James Armstrong           Jane Jackson                Illegitimate                         
JACKSON        Wm                 1812.03.15    Jas Jackson               Anne McCudden                                                    
JOBB           Mary               1811.12.01    Wm Wm Jobb                Kitty Collins                                                    
JOHN           James              1828.01.28    Charles Foster            Alice                                                            
JOHNSTON       Anne               1815.03.02    Wm Johnston               Anne Nixon                                                       
JOHNSTON       Eliz'th            1814.06.12    Jno Johnston              Francis Robinson                                                 
JOHNSTON       Frances Anne       1823.05.18    John Johnston             Frances                                                          
JOHNSTON       George             1798.05.30    Thos Johnston             Frances  ...                                                     
JOHNSTON       George             1811.03.09    Wm Johnston               Anne Nixon                                                       
JOHNSTON       George             1829.11.22    James Johnston            Alice Macusker                                                   
JOHNSTON       Grace Elisabeth    1829.04.05    James Johnston            Anne                                                             
JOHNSTON       Isaiah             1817.02.00    Jno Johnston              Francis Robinson                                                 
JOHNSTON       James              1805.00.28    Jno Johnston              Mary Dogherty                                                    
JOHNSTON       Jane               1802.06.00    Wm Johnston               Allice Brown                                                     
JOHNSTON       Jane               1825.03.02    James Johnston            Anne                                                             
JOHNSTON       Jas                1818.04.03    Joseph Johnston           Elinor Brown                                                     
JOHNSTON       Jno                1820.06.08    Jno Johnston              Fanny Robinson                                                   
JOHNSTON       John               1801.09.13    Jno Johnston              Mary Dogherty                                                    
JOHNSTON       John               1812.09.01    Jno Johnston              Alice Graham                                                     
JOHNSTON       John               1815.03.02    Wm Johnston               Anne Nixon                                                       
JOHNSTON       Joseph             1804.01.04    Jas Johnston                                          Illegitimate                         
JOHNSTON       Joseph             1821.01.21    Wm Johnston               Anne                                                             
JOHNSTON       Margt              1811.04.21    Jno Johnston              Jane Ebbitt                                                      
JOHNSTON       Mary               1811.05.19    Jno Johnston              Anne Coulter                                                     
JOHNSTON       Mary               1823.09.28    Wm John John'n            Jane                                                             
JOHNSTON       Robert             1827.09.01    John Johnston             Sarah                       of Clones                            
JOHNSTON       Sarah Anne         1821.06.10    James Johnston            Elizabeth                                                        
JOHNSTON       Thos               1799.11.00    Wm Johnston               Anne Nixon                                                       
JOHNSTON       Thos               1807.02.22    Jack Johnston             Mary Dogherty                                                    
JOHNSTON       William            1821.04.08    Wm Johnston               Catherine                                                        
JOHNSTON       Wm                 1806.10.12    Wm Johnston               Anne Nixon                                                       
JONES          Abraham            1816.12.14    Jno Jones                 Eliz'th Charters                                                 
JONES          Alex'r             1800.07.06    Jno Jones                 Eliz'th Moore                                                    
JONES          Alex'r             1803.03.03    Robt Jones                Eliza Jones                                                      
JONES          Alice              1823.10.12    Robt Jones                Mary McDonell                                                    
JONES          Anne               1813.04.05    Jas Jones                 Rachel Widdis                                                    
JONES          Anne               1815.09.03    Wm Jones                  Biddy McGinnis                                                   
JONES          Anne               1817.03.08    Robt Jones                Sarah Forster                                                    
JONES          Anne               1829.06.07    William Jones             Anne                                                             
JONES          Cath'e             1817.01.18    Jno Jones                 Bessy Moore                                                      
JONES          Charlotte          1823.11.09    John Jones                Elizabeth                                                        
JONES          David              1814.04.18    Jno Jones                 Eliz'th Moore                                                    
JONES          Eleanor            1827.09.23    William Jones             Anne                                                             
JONES          Elias              1829.07.26    Robert Jones              Mary                                                             
JONES          Elinor             1805.08.25    Robt Jones                Alice Williams                                                   
JONES          Eliza              1821.05.20    John Jones                Eliza                                                            
JONES          Elizabeth          1823.03.17    John Jones                Margaret                                                         
JONES          Eliz'th            1810.05.27    Jas Jones                 Rachel Wibols                                                    
JONES          Eliz'th            1813.05.30    Wm Jones                  Bridget McGinnes                                                 
JONES          Fanny              1828.01.22    John Jones                Margaret                    of Clones                            
JONES          Geo.               1824.04.11    James Jones               Jane                                                             
JONES          Henry              1804.08.26    Joseph  .....             Eliz'th Jones               Illegitimate                         
JONES          Henry              1818.12.12    Robt Jones                Anne Letimur                                                     
JONES          Henry              1829.04.17    James Jones               Mary                                                             
JONES          Hugh               1819.10.19    Wm Jones                  Bridget McGinnis                                                 
JONES          Hugh               1828.03.09    John Jones                Jane                                                             
JONES          Humphry            1818.03.04    Jas Jones                 Mary Johnston                                                    
JONES          Humphry            1826.08.23    Alick Jones               Amelia                                                           
JONES          James              1805.00.24    Wm Armstrong              Anne Jones                  Illegitimate                         
JONES          James              1807.02.15    Wm Jones                  Bridget McGuire             Illegitimate                         
JONES          James              1807.04.05    Robt Jones                Eliz. Leech                                                      
JONES          James              1808.01.00    John Jones                Eliz'th Moore                                                    
JONES          James              1826.01.15    John Jones                Jane                                                             
JONES          James              1826.12.10    James Jones               Mary                                                             
JONES          Jane               1810.08.09    Robt Jones                Anne Gardiner                                                    
JONES          Jane               1818.01.16    Jas Jones                 Jane Armstrong                                                   
JONES          Jas                1814.11.04    Jas Jones                 Rachel Widdis                                                    
JONES          Jas                1817.04.20    Jas Jones                 Jane Gould                                                       
JONES          Jno                1816.05.29    Robt Jones                Eliz'th Gould                                                    
JONES          John               1806.05.11    Robt Jones                Eliz'th Jones                                                    
JONES          John               1814.08.28    Jas Jones                 Jane Gould                                                       
JONES          John               1824.03.21    Samuel Jones              Jane                                                             
JONES          John               1825.04.23    John Jones                Mary Beatty                 Illegitimate                         
JONES          John               1827.05.13    Alick Jones               Anne                                                             
JONES          Joseph             1800.07.06    Joseph Welsh              Eliz'th Jones               Illegitimate                         
JONES          Margt              1811.04.06    Wm Jones                  Biddy McGinnis                                                   
JONES          Margt              1814.06.15    Jas Jones                 Jane Armstrong                                                   
JONES          Margt              1820.04.01    Allich Jones              Margt Jones                                                      
JONES          Martha             1821.02.25    Robert Jones              Ann                                                              
JONES          Mary               1808.05.08    Jas Jones                 Eliz'th Charleton                                                
JONES          Mary               1828.10.05    John Jones                Mary                                                             
JONES          Mary Anne          1809.12.03    James Jones               Jane Armstrong                                                   
JONES          Mary Anne          1813.10.25    Robt Jones                Anne Williams                                                    
JONES          Mary Anne          1827.11.26    Robert Jones              Mary                                                             
JONES          Nathan             1829.07.26    Elliott Jones             Anne                                                             
JONES          Robert             1823.08.18    Alxander Smith            Mary Hicks                  Illegitimate                         
JONES          Robert             1823.09.14    John Jones                Margaret                                                         
JONES          Robt               1805.04.20    Jno Jones                 Eliz'th Moore                                                    
JONES          Robt               1807.10.13    James Jones               Sarah Darling                                                    
JONES          Robt               1809.11.19    James Jones               Jane Gould                                                       
JONES          Robt               1811.03.09    Thos Jones                Jane Grieves                                                     
JONES          Robt               1820.02.09    Humphrey Jones            Fanny Jones                                                      
JONES          Sally              1821.12.11    J..... Jones                                                                               
JONES          Sam'l              1810.02.18    Thos Jones                Jane Greeves                                                     
JONES          Thos               1808.10.20    Wm Jones                  Biddy McGinnis                                                   
JONES          Thos               1815.06.01    Alex'r Jones              Jane McClean                                                     
JONES          William            1828.05.18    Alick Jones               Amelia                                                           
JONES          Wm                 1804.08.00    Jno Jones                 Eliz'th Charters                                                 
JONES          Wm                 1806.09.07    James Jones               Jane Armstrong                                                   
JONES          Wm                 1811.11.22    James Jones               Jane Gould                                                       
JONES          Wm                 1812.08.30    Wm Jones                  Anne Murphy                 Illegitimate                         
KEARNS         John               1825.10.17    John Murray               Mary Kearns                 Illegitimate                         
KEARNS         Thomas             1828.05.09    William Kearns            Mary                                                             
KEARY          Anne               1829.10.10    Thomas Keary              Anne Johnston                                                    
KEATING        Francis            1805.03.18    Robt Coulter              Mary Keating                Illegitimate                         
KEENAN         George             1825.12.18    John Armstrong            Judith Keenan               Illegitimate                         
KEEVAR         Wm                 1808.07.24    Mich'l Keevar             Betty Darling                                                    
KELLAGHAN      Cath'e             1804.06.10    Wm Bryan                  Elinor Kellaghan            Illegitimate                         
KELLS          Anne               1815.01.01    Jno Kells                 Margt Gregg                                                      
KELLS          Jane               1825.01.23    John Kells                                                                                 
KELLS          Sarah              1828.04.13    John Kells                Mary                                                             
KELLS          William            1826.07.30    John Kells                Mary                                                             
KELLY          James              1828.04.27    James Kelly               Martha                                                           
KELLY          Jas                1813.04.04    Jervis Kelly              Martina Moore                                                    
KELLY          Jervis             1824.01.10    Jervis Kelly              Martha                                                           
KELLY          Jno                1819.06.05    Jervis Kelly              Martha Armstrong                                                 
KELLY          John               1824.01.18    Joseph Kelly              Mary                                                             
KELLY          Joseph             1827.03.07    Joseph Kelly              Mary                                                             
KELLY          Margaret           1825.12.24    Jervis Kelly              Matty                                                            
KELLY          Martha             1830.02.21    Jarvais Kelly             Martha                                                           
KELLY          Mary               1821.08.19    Jervise Kelly             Martha                                                           
KELLY          Robt               1823.11.09    John Kelly                Mary                                                             
KELLY          Sally              1818.12.23    Jno Kelly                 Mary Nixon                                                       
KENNAIRD       Francis            1821.01.06    John Kennaird             Mary Kettle                                                      
KENNEDY        James              1824.03.22    Wm Kennedy                Sally Deignan               Illegitimate                         
KER            Andrew             1828.01.26    Robert Ker                Mary                        of Clones                            
KER            Robert             1826.09.17    George Ker                Lucy Simonton               Illegitimate                         
KERAN          Jno                1810.08.18    Paddy Keran               Anne Boyle                                                       
KERAN          Pat                1817.04.25    Pat Keran                 Anne Boyle                                                       
KERIN          Eliza              1814.06.15    Wm Fossett                Mary Kerin                  Illegitimate                         
KERINS         Sally Anne         1819.01.28    Wm Kerins                 Eliz'th McCaffry                                                 
KERINS         Wm                 1820.03.05    Wm Kerins                 Eliz'th Caffry                                                   
KERR           Anne               1801.06.02    George Kerr               Fanny Coulter                                                    
KERR           Anne               1806.07.27    James Kerr                Anne McCartney                                                   
KERR           Eliz'th            1807.01.20    George Kerr               Fanny Coulter                                                    
KERR           Frances            1811.09.10    George Kerr               Fanny Coulter                                                    
KERR           Frances Anne       1822.02.19    James Kerr                Elizabeth                                                        
KERR           George             1803.02.13    George Kerr               Francis Coulter                                                  
KERR           George             1819.11.13    Jas Kerr                  Eliz'th Coulter                                                  
KERR           Jane               1817.08.14    Jas Kerr                  Eliz'th Coulter                                                  
KERR           Jno                1809.02.18    Jas Kerr                  Anne McCartney                                                   
KERR           John               1828.11.02    George Kerr               Lucy Simonton                                                    
KERR           Mary               1815.07.29    Jas Kerr                  Eliz'th Coulter                                                  
KERR           Mataniah           1816.02.30    George Kerr               Francis Coulter                                                  
KERR           Robt               1805.03.24    George Kerr               Francis Coulter                                                  
KERR           Thos               1800.03.08    George Kerr               Fanny Coulter                                                    
KERR           Thos               1809.03.05    George Kerr               Francis Coulter                                                  
KERR           Wm                 1801.06.28    Jas Kerr                  Anne McCartney                                                   
KERR           Wm                 1814.02.02    George Kerr               Fanny Coulter                                                    
KETTLE         Anne               1816.11.24    Archy Kettle              Jane Elliott                                                     
KETTLE         David              1807.10.10    Frank Kettle              Margt Maxwell                                                    
KETTLE         Elizabeth          1824.08.29    Archibald Kettle          Jane                                                             
KETTLE         Eliz'th            1812.05.03    Jas Kettle                Alice Lipton                Twin                                 
KETTLE         Ephraim            1812.02.27    Francis Kettle            Margt Maxwell                                                    
KETTLE         Frances            1829.08.17    Alick Kettle              Fanny Kettle                                                     
KETTLE         Francis            1813.10.28    Wm Kettle                 Agnus Murray                                                     
KETTLE         Isabella           1808.10.20    Archy Kettle              Jane Elliott                                                     
KETTLE         James              1812.01.27    Thos Kettle               Rose Anne Connor                                                 
KETTLE         Jane               1812.05.03    Jas Kettle                Alice Lipton                Twin                                 
KETTLE         Jane               1828.11.11    Archibald Kettle          Jane                                                             
KETTLE         Jas                1814.11.20    Archy Kettle              Jane Elliott                                                     
KETTLE         John               1805.12.08    Francis Kettle            Mary Maxwell                                                     
KETTLE         John               1812.10.12    Jas Kettle                Sally Anthony                                                    
KETTLE         Sarah              1802.11.14    Arthur Kettle             Jane Fury-Dirry                                                  
KETTLE         Susanna            1809.09.12    Thos Kettle               Rose Anne Connor                                                 
KETTLE         Thirza             1813.05.01    Francis Kettle            Bek Gardiner                                                     
KETTLE         Wm                 1809.08.04    Francis Kettle            Rebecca Gardiner                                                 
KETTLE         Wm                 1811.05.26    Archy Kettle              Jane Elliott                                                     
KIMMINS        Elisabeth          1826.10.01    Charles Kimmins           Catherine                                                        
KING           George             1799.11.10    Wm King                   Eliz'th Smyth                                                    
KING           Sally Anne         1808.06.05    Wm King                   Eliz'th Smyth                                                    
KNOX           Anne               1811.05.26    Jas Knox                  Rachel Madole                                                    
KNOX           Anne               1815.10.04    Jas Knox                  Rachel Madole                                                    
KNOX           Catherine          1823.07.06    James Knox                Rachial                                                          
KNOX           John               1808.10.13    Jas Knox                  Rachel Madob                                                     
KNOX           Margt              1818.06.19    Jas Knox                  Rachel McDade                                                    
KNOX           Rachel             1826.02.19    James Knox                Rachel                                                           
KNOX           Robt               1813.05.23    Jas Knox                  Rachel Malone                                                    
KNOX           Wm                 1807.01.18    Jas Knox                  Rachel Madole                                                    
LAING          Wm                 1817.01.05    Jno Laing                 Mary Lisco                                                       
LAMB           Alexander          1828.08.16    John Lamb                 Sarah                                                            
LANG           Adam Litle         1826.07.09    James Lang                Matilda                                                          
LANG           Alexander          1823.07.06    Wm Lang                   Sarah                                                            
LANG           Anne               1814.09.11    Jas Lang                  Matty                                                            
LANG           Armington          1808.11.26    Wm Lang                   Anne Bohannan                                                    
LANG           Beck               1814.07.26    Wm Lang                   Sarah Ross                                                       
LANG           Bessy Anne         1815.10.11    Jas Lang                  Margery Allen                                                    
LANG           Cath'e             1802.05.02    Jas Lang                  Eliz'th Nestor                                                   
LANG           Elisabeth          1827.06.23    Humphry Lang              Susanna Jane                                                     
LANG           Eliza              1807.08.23    James Lang                Eliz'th Nestor                                                   
LANG           Eliza              1826.10.22    Simon Lang                Anne                                                             
LANG           Francis            1813.07.21    Wm Lang                   Anne Bohoman                                                     
LANG           Humphry            1828.07.20    James Lang                Matilda                                                          
LANG           James              1824.02.29    James Lang                Martha                                                           
LANG           Jane Anne          1814.07.13    Jno Lang                  Mary Lisco                                                       
LANG           Jane Anne          1814.09.06    Jas Lang                  Margt Allen                                                      
LANG           Jas                1810.03.25    Robt Lang                 Bess Aylmer                                                      
LANG           John               1805.05.13    James Lang                Eliz'th Nestor                                                   
LANG           John Ayliner       1812.10.12    Robt Lang                 Bess Ayliner                                                     
LANG           Margt              1811.07.00    Wm Lang                   Anne Bohannan                                                    
LANG           Margt              1819.08.20    Robt Lang                 Eliza Gilmur                                                     
LANG           Mary               1822.01.20    James Lang                Martha                                                           
LANG           Mary               1825.06.05    John Lang                 Mary                                                             
LANG           Mary               1826.05.29    Wm Allen                  Florinda Lang               Illegitimate                         
LANG           Mary Anne          1806.10.12    Wm Lang                   Anne Bokonnan                                                    
LANG           Matilda            1829.07.19    John Lang                 Mary                                                             
LANG           Robert             1821.05.24    Robert Lang               Eliza                                                            
LANG           Robert             1829.12.27    Simon Lang                Anne                                                             
LANG           Robt               1826.06.05    Wm Lang                   Sarah Lang                                                       
LANG           Susan              1827.03.25    John Lang                 Mary                                                             
LANG           Thomas             1820.10.08    John Lang                 Mary Siscoe                                                      
LANG           Wilhelmina         1828.09.11    Humphry Lang              Susana                                                           
LANG           William            1824.05.09    Simon Lang                Anne                                                             
LANG           Wm                 1802.12.26    Wm Lang                   Anne Lang                                                        
LANG           Wm                 1811.07.00    Wm Lang                   Sarah Ross                                                       
LANG           Wm                 1814.09.06    Jas Lang                  Margt Allen                                                      
LANG           Wm                 1820.04.06    Simon Lang                Anne Lang                                                        
LANG           Wm                 1824.05.16    Robt Lang                 Eliza                                                            
LANGTRY        Eliza              1824.12.21    William Langtry           Lucy                                                             
LANKTREE       Francis            1826.12.17    William Lanktree          Lucinda                                                          
LANKTREE       Francis            1829.11.08    William Lanktree          Lucinda                                                          
LANKTREE       Jane               1828.05.18    William Lanktree          Lucinda                                                          
LAW            Jas                1810.08.09    Jas Law                   Sarah Clarke                                                     
LAYNE          Anne               1814.10.09    Robt Layne                Bess Aylmer                                                      
LAYNG          Cath'e             1815.11.01    Wm Layng                  Anne Bohannan                                                    
LAYNG          Eliza              1817.05.18    Robt Layng                Bess Aylmur                                                      
LAYNG          Jas                1819.01.24    Jno Layng                 Mary Lisco                                                       
LAYNG          Robt               1818.03.15    Simon Layng               Anne Robinson                                                    
LAYNG          Sarah Anne         1817.04.20    Wm Layng                  Sarah Ross                                                       
LAYNG          Thos               1808.08.04    Robt Layng                Bess Aylmer                                                      
LAYNG          Wm Litle           1817.11.20    Jas Layng                 Matty Layng                                                      
LEECH          Alicia             1818.08.03    (Capt'n) Leech            Alice Wigmore               Aged 1 year                          
LEECH          Robt               1818.08.03    (Capt'n) Leech            Alice Wigmore               Aged 1 month                         
LEEVIN         Jane               1807.04.05    Jas Leevin                Cath'e Morton                                                    
LEGHORN        Mary Anne          1805.06.30    Jno Leghorn               Sarah Crawford                                                   
LEIGH          James              1823.07.28    Francis Rennick           Ellen Leigh                 Illegitimate                         
LENERUM        Robt               1813.05.02    Jno Lenerum               Mary Campbell                                                    
LEYDEN         Fanny              1814.04.20    Jas Leyden                Fanny Bell                                                       
LIDDLE         Beck               1812.07.12    Wm Liddle                 Sarah Bryans                                                     
LIDDLE         David              1826.10.15    William Liddle            Elisabeth                                                        
LIDDLE         Denniah            1823.02.15    Robt Liddle               Mary                                                             
LIDDLE         Edward             1821.08.22    Noble Liddle              Jane                                                             
LIDDLE         Elinor             1813.03.14    Thos Liddle               Sally Greenleese                                                 
LIDDLE         Eliza              1819.08.22    Wm Liddle                 Bessy Noble                                                      
LIDDLE         Eliz'th            1810.02.11    Wm Liddle                 Sarah Bryans                                                     
LIDDLE         Eliz'th            1815.03.31    Thos Liddle               Sally Greenlease                                                 
LIDDLE         Fanny              1816.07.07    Robt Hutchinson           Biddy Liddle                Illegitimate                         
LIDDLE         Henrietta          1829.01.12    James Liddle              Henrietta                                                        
LIDDLE         Henry              1825.04.24    William Liddle            Eliz'th                                                          
LIDDLE         Isabella           1826.05.21    Noble Liddle              Jane                                                             
LIDDLE         James              1805.10.15    Wm Liddle                 Sarah Morgan                                                     
LIDDLE         Jane               1822.01.07    James Liddle              Margaret                                                         
LIDDLE         Jas                1819.07.25    Jas Liddle                Henrietta Clingan                                                
LIDDLE         Jno                1815.03.01    Jas Liddle                Hannah Clingan                                                   
LIDDLE         Jno                1817.08.22    Thos Liddle               Sally Greenlees             Twin                                 
LIDDLE         John               1821.01.14    Robt Liddle               Mary Johnston                                                    
LIDDLE         Joseph             1824.05.23    Noble Liddle              Jane                                                             
LIDDLE         Lydia              1826.06.12    James Liddle              Henrietta                                                        
LIDDLE         Margaret           1824.02.15    James Liddle              Martha                                                           
LIDDLE         Margery            1826.10.26    William Liddle            Sarah                                                            
LIDDLE         Margt              1809.01.29    Thos Liddle               Sarah Greenleese                                                 
LIDDLE         Margt              1816.12.10    Wm Liddle                 Sarah Bryans                                                     
LIDDLE         Margt              1818.01.24    Wm Liddle                 Margt Smyth                 Illegitimate                         
LIDDLE         Mark               1818.08.30    Robt Liddle               Mary Johnston                                                    
LIDDLE         Mary               1820.06.04    Noble Liddle              Jane Cooper                                                      
LIDDLE         Mary Anne          1807.11.11    Wm Liddle                 Sarah Bryans                                                     
LIDDLE         Mary Anne          1827.06.03    Robert Liddle             Mary                                                             
LIDDLE         Phebe              1805.04.15    Thos Liddle               Sarah Graham                                                     
LIDDLE         Phebe              1816.08.09    Robt Liddle               Mary Johnston                                                    
LIDDLE         Robt               1817.08.22    Thos Liddle               Sally Greenlees             Twin                                 
LIDDLE         Thos               1807.02.15    Thos Liddle               Mary Greenleese                                                  
LIDDLE         Thos               1817.08.10    Jas Liddle                Heany Clingan                                                    
LIDDLE         William            1828.07.13    William Liddle            Elisabeth                                                        
LIDDLE         Wm                 1813.02.14    Jas Liddle                Henrietta Clingan                                                
LIDDY          Margt              1805.08.25    Jas Liddy                 Mary Carey                                                       
LINDSAY        Mary               1818.04.05    Chas Lindsay              Matty Crawford                                                   
LIPTON         Robert             1829.01.18    James Lipton              Ellen                                                            
LITLE          And'w              1816.12.02    Jas Litle                 Mary Armstrong                                                   
LITLE          Anne               1818.05.02    Wm Litle                  Elinor Liddle                                                    
LITLE          Bell               1816.07.19    Jno Litle                 Kitty Downey                Illegitimate                         
LITLE          Elinor             1808.10.02    Jas Litle                 Margt Wiggins                                                    
LITLE          Isabella Jane      1825.02.27    Wm Litle                  Eleanor                                                          
LITLE          Jane Eliza         1816.07.21    Wm Litle                  Eliz. Walker                                                     
LITLE          Jas                1820.03.19    Jas Litle                 Mary Armstrong                                                   
LITLE          Margt              1814.09.03    Thos Litle                Kitty Bryan                                                      
LITLE          Mark               1816.02.22    Wm Litle                  Elinor Liddle                                                    
LITTLE         Anne               1803.08.07    Jas Little                Isabella Wiggins                                                 
LITTLE         Anne               1807.02.22    James Moore               Mary Little                 Illegitimate                         
LITTLE         Anne               1813.09.05    Jno Little                Anne Bowels                                                      
LITTLE         Dorothia           1812.12.02    George Little             Bessy Elliott                                                    
LITTLE         Elinor             1809.02.18    Jas Little                Peggy Wiggins                                                    
LITTLE         Elinor             1814.04.11    Jas Henry                 Biddy Little                Illegitimate                         
LITTLE         Elisabeth          1827.08.05    William Little            Eleanor                                                          
LITTLE         Eliza              1809.06.10    Thos Little               Anne Forster                                                     
LITTLE         Eliz'th            1803.03.03    Edw'd Little              Jane Forster                                                     
LITTLE         George             1799.09.03    George Little             Peggy Doogan                                                     
LITTLE         George             1800.07.13    Jno Little                Cath'e Brien                                                     
LITTLE         Henry              1820.03.10    Wm Little                 Elinor Liddle                                                    
LITTLE         Isabella           1805.08.26    James Little              Isabella Wiggins                                                 
LITTLE         Isabella           1825.07.31    Patrick Little            Margaret                                                         
LITTLE         James              1822.11.10    Wm Little                 Anne                                                             
LITTLE         Jno                1819.09.01    Jno Little                Eliz'th Little                                                   
LITTLE         John               1814.05.22    Jas Little                Mary Armstrong                                                   
LITTLE         Margt              1799.11.19    Wm Little                 Margt Allen                                                      
LITTLE         Margt              1802.11.28    Jas Little                Margt Wiggins                                                    
LITTLE         Margt              1805.08.04    Thos Little               Sarah Wallace                                                    
LITTLE         Martha             1803.03.13    Wm Little                 Margt Annan                                                      
LITTLE         Mary               1800.08.03    Thos Little               Jane Robinson                                                    
LITTLE         Mary               1822.10.13    Wm Little                 Ellen                                                            
LITTLE         Matty              1809.05.03    Tom Little                Kathy Bryan                                                      
LITTLE         Rebecca            1828.10.12    William Little            Anne                                                             
LITTLE         Thos               1807.11.01    Thos Little               Sarah Wallace                                                    
LITTLE         Thos               1807.11.08    Edw'd Little              Jane Foster                                                      
LOGAN          Elisabeth          1826.09.02    John Logan                Ann                                                              
LOGAN          Eliza              1825.09.11    James Logan               Dolly                                                            
LOGAN          George             1828.09.14    John Logan                Anne                                                             
LOGAN          James              1798.05.21    Thos Logan                Anne Per...                                                      
LOGAN          Jane               1821.07.08    James Logan               Dolly                                                            
LOGAN          John               1804.06.13    Thos Logan                Angela Perry                                                     
LOGAN          John               1829.06.07    James Logan               Dolly                                                            
LOGAN          Robt               1802.02.07    Thos Logan                Anne Perry                                                       
LOGAN          Robt               1823.06.15    James Logan               Prudence                                                         
LOGAN          Thomas             1826.12.19    James Logan               Dolly                                                            
LONY           John               1826.07.09    Robert Lony               Alicia                                                           
LUNN           Mary Anne          1824.07.11    James Lunn                Elizabeth                                                        
LUNNEY         Jas                1817.05.31    Dan'l Lunney              Margt Forster                                                    
LUNNEY         Wm                 1824.06.02    Chas Christopher Irvine   Sarah Lunney                Illegitimate                         
LYNN           Lucy Semina        1825.05.01    Wm Lynn                   Ann                                                              
LYNN           Sally Anne         1826.12.31    William Lynn              Anne                                                             
LYNN           William            1828.04.13    William Lynn              Anne                                                             
MACKEY         John               1817.02.00    Wm Mackey                 Beck Courtney                                                    
MACKEY         Wm                 1819.06.27    Wm MacKey                 Beck Courtney                                                    
MACLEAN        Elizabeth          1820.09.24    John MacLean              Jane                                                             
MACOHEY        William            1828.10.18    William Macohey           Mary                                                             
MACTOOEL       Margaret           1825.10.02    Wm MacTooel               Anne                                                             
MACUSKER       Terence            1829.04.03    Edward Conally            Mary Macusker               Illegitimate                         
MADDEN         Sarah Anne         1805.04.13    Hugh Madden               Mary Sir                                                         
MADILL         David              1829.09.06    David Madill              Mary                                                             
MADILL         Samuel             1827.01.21    David Madill              Mary                                                             
MADILL         Wm                 1824.06.06    David Madill              Mary                                                             
MADOLE         Anne               1815.06.04    Sam'l Madole              Cath'e Robinson                                                  
MADOLE         David              1823.01.26    Samuel Madole             Catherine                                                        
MADOLE         Henry              1828.02.17    Samuel Madole             Catherine                                                        
MADOLE         Robert             1827.06.17    William Madole            Anne                                                             
MADOLE         Wm                 1819.05.07    Sam'l Madole              Kitty Robinson                                                   
MADOOL         Samuel             1825.10.30    Samuel Madool             Catherine                                                        
MADOOL         Sarah              1820.12.31    Samuel Madool             Catharine Robinson                                               
MAG.....       Cath'e             1803.01.22    Robt Mag.....             Sicilia Forster             Twin                                 
MAG.....       Francis            1803.01.22    Robt Mag.....             Sicilia Forster             Twin                                 
MAGIENAN       James              1826.07.16    John Magienan             Ellen                                                            
MAGIRNAN       Jane               1828.08.31    William Fawsett           Ellen Magirnan              Illegtimate                          
MAGIRNAN       Joseph             1828.09.21    John Magirnan             Ellen                                                            
MAGUIRE        David              1823.09.10    James Maguire             Rosanna                                                          
MAGUIRE        Edward             1827.06.16    John Maguire              Jane                                                             
MAGUIRE        Eliz'th            1803.11.30    And'w Maguire             Eliz'th Bell                                                     
MAGUIRE        Hugh               1829.01.07    Robert Maguire            Alice                       Twin                                 
MAGUIRE        Hugh               1830.01.07    Robert Maguire            Alice                                                            
MAGUIRE        James              1827.07.09    James Maguire             Lucy                        Native of Ballyshannon               
MAGUIRE        Jane               1818.07.04    Jno MaGuire               Jane Stewart                                                     
MAGUIRE        Robert             1826.11.24    Robert Maguire            Alice                                                            
MAGUIRE        Sally Anne         1826.10.05    James Maxwell             Catherine Maguire           Illegitimate                         
MAGUIRE        Thomas             1829.01.07    Robert Maguire            Alice                       Twin                                 
MAHON          Margt              1818.07.05    Mahon                     Cath'e Pateson                                                   
MAKUSKER       Sally Anne         1827.12.10    William Morton            Anne MaKusker               Illegitimate                         
MALLARD        Allice             1804.07.08    Wm Mallard                Isabella Evitt                                                   
MALONE         Jane               1826.06.18    David Malone              Mary                                                             
MALONE         John               1820.09.17    David Malone              Mary                                                             
MALONE         Mary Anne          1823.04.27    David Malone              Mary                                                             
MAQUEEN        Ellen              1820.11.19    James Maqueen             Allis Vance                                                      
MARRON         Anne               1828.07.06    Francis Marron            Mary                        of Clones                            
MARRON         Sarah Anne         1828.09.15    Joseph Marron             Mary                                                             
MARTIN         George             1826.11.12    William Wade              Mary Martin                 Illegitimate                         
MAXWELL        Sally Anne         1826.10.05    James Maxwell             Catherine Maguire           Illegitimate                         
MAYNE          And'w              1807.03.08    And'w Mayne               Eliz'th Mayne                                                    
MAYNE          Bessy              1815.11.29    And'w Mayne               Anne Mayne                                                       
MAYNE          Elizabeth          1821.12.00    ..... Mayne               Alice                                                            
MAYNE          Jane               1810.06.09    And'w Mayne               Anne Wibols                                                      
MAYNE          Jas                1819.06.29    Jas Mayne                 Margt Mayne                                                      
MAYNE          Jno                1813.10.28    Jas Mayne                 Esther McDonald                                                  
MAYNE          Joseph             1814.10.10    Wm Mayne                  Anne Johnston                                                    
MAYNE          Margaret           1823.07.27    Samuel Mayne              Margaret                                                         
MAYNE          Margt              1809.06.25    Wm Mayne                  Anne Johnston                                                    
MAYNE          Mary               1805.07.11    And'w Mayne               Eliz'th Mayne                                                    
MAYNE          Mary Ann           1808.07.28    And'w Mayne               Anne Mayne                                                       
MAYNE          Rachel             1810.07.09    Jas Mayne                 Esther McDonald                                                  
MAYNE          Therza             1812.05.31    And'w Mayne               Anne                                                             
MAYNE          Wm                 1798.01.21    James Mayne               Ester McDonald                                                   
MAZE           Mary Anne          1811.08.11    Math'w Maze               Anne Reilly                                                      
MCANULTY       Hugh               1819.12.24    Jno McAnulty              Nancy Tegart                                                     
MCARTIN        Jane               1815.06.18    Jno McArtin               Mary McCleland                                                   
MCAVINOA       Margt              1800.11.00    Francis West              Margt McAvinoa              Illegitimate                         
MCAVOY                            1814.11.00    Chas McAvoy               Mary Armstrong                                                   
MCBRIEN        John               1827.07.02    John McBrien              Rebecca Bryans              Illegitimate                         
MCCAB          Mary Anne          1811.06.02    Hamilton McCab            Anne Lowry                                                       
MCCABE         Joseph             1819.08.15    Wm Wade                   Elin'r McCabe               Illegitimate                         
MCCAFFREY      Jane               1826.08.06    William McCaffrey         Judith                                                           
MCCAFFREY      Mary               1822.04.14    John Armstrong            Ann McCaffrey               Illegitimate                         
MCCAFFREY      Sally              1817.09.21    Jno Armstrong             Anne McCaffrey              Illegitimate                         
MCCAFFRY       Elinor             1820.05.28    Wm McCaffry               Judy O'Brien                Illegitimate                         
MCCARDY        Esther             1814.04.03    Whiteman McCardy                                                                           
MCCAUL         John               1822.07.21    Terrence McCaul           Catherine Armstrong         Illegitimate                         
MCCLANE        Mary               1825.04.01    John McClane              Jane                                                             
MCCLEAN        Elinor             1819.06.20    Jno McClean               Elinor Martin                                                    
MCCLEAN        John               1829.05.24    John McClean              Jane                                                             
MCCLEAN        William            1827.01.17    John McClean              Anne                                                             
MCCLELAN       Bell               1823.12.28    John McClelan             Anne                                                             
MCCLELAND      And'w              1806.08.03    Simon McCleland           Rose McGuire                                                     
MCCLELAND      Anne               1812.03.01    Jno McCleland             Anne Shaw                                                        
MCCLELAND      Cath'e             1815.03.18    Simon McCleland           Rose Summers                                                     
MCCLELAND      Eliz'th            1809.05.21    Simon McCleland           Rose Summers                                                     
MCCLELAND      Eliz'th            1814.05.28    Jas McCleland             Anne Shaw                                                        
MCCLELAND      Jane               1803.02.27    John McCleland            Anne Shar                                                        
MCCLELAND      Jane               1812.01.27    Simon McCleland           Rose Summers                                                     
MCCLELAND      Jane Anne          1825.03.20    John Wadsworth            Eliza'th                                                         
MCCLELAND      Jas                1804.01.00    .....  McCleland                                                                           
MCCLELAND      Jno                1817.08.04    Simon McCleland           Rose Summers                                                     
MCCLELAND      John               1821.06.17    John McCleland            Nancy                                                            
MCCLELAND      Kitty              1818.11.02    Jno McCleland             Anne Shaw                                                        
MCCLELAND      Sam'l              1801.00.26    Simon McCleland           Mary Summers                                                     
MCCLELAND      Sam'l              1807.04.05    Jno McCleland             Anne Shaw                                                        
MCCLELAND      Susan              1816.09.30    Jno McCleland             Anne Shaw                                                        
MCCLELLAND     Eleanor            1828.11.02    John McClelland           Elisabeth                                                        
MCCLELLAND     Eliza              1826.10.21    John McClelland           Elisabeth                                                        
MCCLELLAND     Lucinda            1829.05.10    Sam McClelland            Jane                                                             
MCCLELLAND     Mary               1827.02.16    Samuel McClelland         Jane                                                             
MCCLELLAND     Robert             1826.08.04    John McClelland           Anne                                                             
MCCLELLAND     Simon              1828.05.04    Samuel McClelland         Jane                                                             
MCCLUNE        James              1822.09.22    John McClune              Jane                                                             
MCCOWN         Mary Anne          1824.02.15    Patrick McCown            Eliza'th                                                         
MCCOY          Amelia Jane        1826.12.10    John McCoy                Maria                                                            
MCCOY          Joseph             1820.06.04    Chas McCoy                Mary Armstrong                                                   
MCCOY          Jos'h              1812.08.30    Hugh McCoy                Mary Fossett                                                     
MCCOY          Margaret           1828.06.23    John McCoy                Maria Anne                  of Clones                            
MCCOY          Margt              1807.10.10    Joseph McCoy              Eliz'th Fossett                                                  
MCCRAY         John               1824.02.05    Thos Fleming              Mary McCray                 Illegitimate                         
MCCULLOGH      Jas                1815.02.22    And'w McCullogh           Jane Wiggins                                                     
MCCULLOUGH     Robt               1814.02.13    And'w McCullough          Jane Wiggins                                                     
MCDERMOTT      Margt              1805.05.26    Robt Nixon                Anne McDermott              Illegitimate                         
MCDONALD       Edward             1828.06.06    Alick McDonald            Jane Shannon                                                     
MCDONALD       Mary Anne          1826.11.26    Samuel Sloan              Anne McDonald               Illegitimate                         
MCDONNELL      Alexander          1825.03.20    Alexander McDonnell       Jane                                                             
MCDONNELL      Elin'r             1811.02.18    Jas McDonnell             Jane Cranston                                                    
MCDONNELL      Jas                1817.09.21    Thos McDonnell            Alice Conlan                                                     
MCDOWELL       Jane Anne          1827.12.19    William McDowell          Jane                                                             
MCDOWELL       Mary Anne          1824.05.09    William McDowell          Anne                                                             
MCELGUN        Andy               1819.10.03    David McLegun             Sarah                                                            
MCELGUN        Cath'e             1805.05.26    James McElgun             Cath'e Doogan                                                    
MCELGUN        Elinor             1800.02.09    Jas McElgun               Cath'e Doogan                                                    
MCELMURRAY     Mary Anne          1827.02.01    Joseph McElmurray         Anne                                                             
MCEVOY         Noble              1829.06.07    James McEvoy              Elisabeth                                                        
MCGLOUGHLIN    Jane               1803.08.07    Chr. McGloughlin          Margt Ray                                                        
MCGLOUGHLIN    Mary               1813.07.11    Johnston McGloughlin      Bessy Graham                                                     
MCGLOUGHLIN    Mary Anne          1805.11.18    Jno McGloughlin           Mary Little                                                      
MCGLOUGHLIN    Robt               1807.09.00    Robt McGloughlin          Anne                                                             
MCGLOUGHLIN    Robt               1808.06.08    Johnson McGloughlin       Bessy Graham                                                     
MCGLOUGHLIN    Sally              1820.02.02    Johnston McGloughlin      Bessy Graham                                                     
MCGLOUGHLIN    Sarah              1817.01.19    Johnston McGloughlin      Betty Graham                                                     
MCGORIE        Wm                 1823.02.02    John McGorie              Jane                                                             
MCGORNAN       Francis            1820.06.25    Jno McGornan              Elinor Wiggins                                                   
MCGUIRE        Anne               1817.07.18    Allick Allen              Kitty McGuire               Illegitimate                         
MCGUIRE        Anne               1818.03.17    Jas McGuire               Alice Vance                                                      
MCGUIRE        Betsy              1820.04.30    Hugh Fleming              Anne McGuire                Illegitimate                         
MCGUIRE        Elinor             1806.07.27    Jas McGuire               Sarah Vance                                                      
MCGUIRE        Elinor             1812.07.05    Jno McGuire               Jane Stewart                                                     
MCGUIRE        George             1809.10.22    Jno McGuire               Jane Stewart                                                     
MCGUIRE        Hamilton           1811.04.06    Jno McGuire               Jane Stewart                                                     
MCGUIRE        Hugh               1812.01.26    Jas McGuire               Allice Vance                                                     
MCGUIRE        Hugh               1824.07.31    Hugh Fleming              Ann McGuire                 Illegitimate                         
MCGUIRE        James              1807.02.15    Wm Jones                  Bridget McGuire             Illegitimate                         
MCGUIRE        James              1824.03.02    Robbin McGuire            Alice                                                            
MCGUIRE        Jane               1807.08.02    James McGuire             Allice Vance                                                     
MCGUIRE        Jane               1815.06.04    Sam'l McGuire             Peggy Elliott                                                    
MCGUIRE        Jas                1808.04.09    Jno McGuire               Jane Stewart                                                     
MCGUIRE        Jas                1810.03.02    A. Allen                  Mary McGuire                Illegitimate                         
MCGUIRE        John               1816.02.02    Jno McGuire               Jane Stewart                                                     
MCGUIRE        Margt              1805.04.02    John McGuire              Fanny Beyley                                                     
MCGUIRE        Margt              1809.08.23    Jas McGuire               Allice Vance                                                     
MCGUIRE        Margt              1812.09.14    Frank McGuire             Eliz'th Guddin                                                   
MCGUIRE        Mary               1804.08.26    Francis McGuire           Elinor Gordon                                                    
MCGUIRE        Robt               1824.05.30    John McGuire              Jane                                                             
MCGUIRE        Sam'l              1814.08.07    Jno McGuire               Jane Stewart                                                     
MCGUIRE        Sam'l              1815.02.26    Jas McGuire               Alice Vance                                                      
MCGUIRE        Thos               1822.05.04    John McGuire              Margaret Hamilton           Illegitimate                         
MCGUIRE        Wm                 1819.11.05    Robt McGuire              Allice Brown                                                     
MCJUNE         Eleanor            1821.05.20    James McJune              Rose                                                             
MCKEAN         Rose Anne          1811.06.02    Sam'l McKean              Sarah Johnston                                                   
MCKEENAN       Thomas             1829.09.27    Thos McKeenan             Hanna Lumny                                                      
MCKEEVER       Eliz'th            1802.10.00    Jas McKeever              Eliz'th Darling                                                  
MCKELLY        Mary Anne          1823.04.06    John McKelly              Mary                                                             
MCKELVY        Jane               1825.04.04    John McKelvy              Mary                                                             
MCKEON         Jno                1818.02.08    Paddy McKeon              Peggy Johnston                                                   
MCKIEVER       Jane               1800.03.30    Mich'l McKiever           Eliz'th Darling                                                  
MCLEAN         Hugh               1811.09.29    Hugh Armstrong            Rose McLean                 Illegitimate                         
MCLOUGHLAN     Abigal             1823.02.09    John McLoughlan           Elizabeth                                                        
MCMAHON        Anna Maria         1827.05.27    Arthur McMahon            Jane Anne                                                        
MCMAHON        Betsy              1812.05.00    Jno McMahon               Jane Johnston                                                    
MCMAHON        Elisa              1828.10.23    Arthur McMahon            Jane Anne                                                        
MCMAHON        Elisabeth          1829.12.31    William Moore             Mary                                                             
MCMAHON        Eliz'th            1799.08.26    John McMahon              Jane Johnston                                                    
MCMAHON        Eliz'th            1806.05.18    Joseph McMahon            Margt Little                                                     
MCMAHON        Frederick          1828.05.11    Philip McMahon            Catharine                                                        
MCMAHON        George             1814.05.28    Phillip McMahon           Cath'e Patterson                                                 
MCMAHON        James              1804.11.25    Jno McMahon               Jane Johnston                                                    
MCMAHON        Jane               1800.12.18    Hugh McMahon              Sarah Noble                                                      
MCMAHON        Jno                1813.07.25    Wm McMahon                Margt Murphy                                                     
MCMAHON        Sally              1802.06.00    John McMahon              Jane Johnston                                                    
MCMAHON        Sarah              1825.08.15    Arthur McMahon            Jane                                                             
MCMAHON        Wm                 1803.06.11    Hugh McMahon              Sarah Noble                                                      
MCMAHON                           1798.01.00    Hugh McMahon              Sarah Noola...                                                   
MCMANUS        John               1805.12.02    John Allen                Mary McManus                Illegitimate                         
MCMANUS        John               1806.12.02    Jno Allen                 Mary McManus                Illegitimate                         
MCMANUS        Math'w             1820.05.29    John Murray               Anne McManus                Illegitimate                         
MCMANUS        Sarah              1829.06.27    John McManus              James                                                            
MCMANUS        Wm                 1818.02.20    Sam'l Corry               Kitty McManus               Illegitimate                         
MCMULLEN       Anne               1825.07.12    Edward McMullen           Mary                                                             
MCMULLIN       Wm                 1804.03.11    Jas McMullin              Mary Brown                  Illegitimate                         
MCMURRAN       Anne Jane          1828.09.12    William McMurran          Elisabeth                   Twins, of Clones                     
MCMURRAN       Ellen              1828.09.12    William McMurran          Elisabeth                   Twins, of Clones                     
MCNEAL         Johnston           1814.08.30    Chas McNeal               Anne Gould                                                       
MCQUADE        Anne               1802.12.05    Jno McQuade               Eliz'th Ridick                                                   
MCQUADE        Aug'st (sic)       1818.08.00    Thos McQuade                                                                               
MCQUADE        Eliz'th            1799.10.13    Richard McQuade           Margt Brown                                                      
MCQUADE        George             1805.07.14    Jno McQuade               Eliz'th Redich                                                   
MCQUADE        James              1798.06.10    Barney McQuade            Ja(ne) ...                                                       
MCQUADE        James              1810.03.02    Jas McQuade               Hannah Dowde                Illegtimate                          
MCQUADE        James              1822.02.23    Thos McQuade              Anne                                                             
MCQUADE        Lucas              1811.09.15    Jno McQuade               Jane Renich                                                      
MCQUADE        Mary               1810.07.06    Thos McQuade              Anne Thompson                                                    
MCQUADE        Mary               1815.06.04    Jas McQuade               Hannah Dowde                                                     
MCQUADE        Rich'd             1812.07.12    Thos McQuade              Anne Thompson                                                    
MCQUADE        Rich'd             1814.08.07    Wm McQuade                Bessy Bohonnan                                                   
MCQUADE        Thompson           1814.12.12    Francis McQuade           Anne McQuade                                                     
MCQUADE        Thos               1807.10.10    Rich'd McQuade            Margt Brown                                                      
MCQUADE        Tirzah             1803.10.23    Bern'd McQuade            Jane Mc.....                                                     
MCQUADE        Wm                 1805.07.14    Thos McQuade              Anne Thompson                                                    
MCQUADE        Wm                 1807.06.28    Jno McQuade               Eliz'th Redich                                                   
MCQUADE        Wm                 1809.02.21    Jno McQuade               Jane Redich                                                      
MCQUILLAN      Arthur             1829.02.01    George McQuillan          Anne                                                             
MCQUILLAN      Elisabeth          1826.12.17    George McQuillan          Anne                                                             
MCVITY         James              1804.09.14    Jno McVity                Anne FitzPatrick                                                 
MELON          Jane               1824.05.26    Hugh Melon                Isabella                                                         
MILLS          Charles            1829.10.25    Joseph Mills              Anne                                                             
MITCHELL       Wm                 1807.01.08    John Mitchell             Mary King                                                        
MOLONE         Anne               1828.07.27    Edward Molone             Margaret                                                         
MOOR           Margt              1802.11.21    Thos Moor                 Margt Jackson                                                    
MOOR           Thos               1802.10.26    Jno Moor                  Mary Bushill                                                     
MOOR           Wm                 1804.06.24    Allen Moor                Eliz'th Brown                                                    
MOOR           Wm                 1804.08.00    Jas Moor                  Cath'e McQuade                                                   
MOORE          Alice              1815.02.26    Wm Moore                  Jane Pogue                                                       
MOORE          Andrew             1822.12.01    George Moore              Mary                                                             
MOORE          Angelina           1821.03.16    John Moore                Alice                                                            
MOORE          Anne               1800.01.00    Jas Moore                 Eliz'th Wade                                                     
MOORE          Anne               1804.09.16    Alex'r Moore              Margt Elliott                                                    
MOORE          Anne               1807.02.22    James Moore               Mary Little                 Illegitimate                         
MOORE          Anne               1810.05.24    Ge'e Moore                Isabella Bell                                                    
MOORE          David              1799.05.19    Jas Moore                 Mary Downey                                                      
MOORE          Elijah             1805.03.18    Thos Moore                Margt Moore                                                      
MOORE          Elinor             1816.10.20    And'w Moore               Cath'e Beatty                                                    
MOORE          Elinor             1819.12.05    George Moore              Mary Johnston                                                    
MOORE          Elisabeth          1829.10.11    William Moore             Mary                                                             
MOORE          Eliza              1807.05.12    Wm Moore                  Jane Pogue                                                       
MOORE          Eliza              1825.07.24    George Moore              Mary                                                             
MOORE          Ellen              1826.07.13    William Moore             Mary                                                             
MOORE          Emilia             1817.01.17    Jno Moore                 Alice Moore                                                      
MOORE          Fanny              1812.03.29    And'w Moore               Kitty Beatty                                                     
MOORE          Fanny              1828.04.13    Thomas Moore              Kitty Hanlan                Illegitimate                         
MOORE          Francis            1804.12.23    John Moore                Mary Bushel                                                      
MOORE          George             1804.10.03    Jno Moore                 Elinor Drummond                                                  
MOORE          Henry              1810.02.18    And'w Moore               Cath'e Beatty                                                    
MOORE          Isabella           1810.05.17    Wm Moore                  Jane Pogue                                                       
MOORE          James              1805.00.00    Wm Moore                  Margt Bews                                                       
MOORE          James              1807.02.08    James Moore               Cath'e Wade                                                      
MOORE          James              1819.09.19    Wm Moore                  Mary Thompson                                                    
MOORE          Jane               1800.01.29    Jno Moore                 Mary Bushell                                                     
MOORE          Jane               1817.08.12    George Moore              Mary Johnston                                                    
MOORE          Jane               1821.04.16    Andrew Moore              Isabella                                                         
MOORE          Jane               1826.04.29    Thos Moore                Catherine Hanlan            Illegitimate                         
MOORE          Jesson             1815.05.20    Jno Moore                 Allice Moore                                                     
MOORE          Jno                1813.09.19    Jas Moore                 Margt Sir                                                        
MOORE          Jno                1816.06.29    George Moore              Prudence Moore                                                   
MOORE          Jno                1816.10.06    Wm Moore                  Mary Thompson                                                    
MOORE          John               1808.03.15    Jno Moore                 Mary Bushel                                                      
MOORE          John               1818.10.25    George Moore              Mary Johnston                                                    
MOORE          John               1822.12.10    John Moore                Alice                                                            
MOORE          Jonathan           1824.07.11    George Moore              Mary                                                             
MOORE          Letty              1812.07.26    Wm Moore                  Jane Pogue                                                       
MOORE          Margaret           1827.07.15    George Moore              Mary                                                             
MOORE          Margt              1809.07.29    Jas Moore                 Cath'e Wade                                                      
MOORE          Margt              1818.04.19    Wm Moore                  Jane Pogue                                                       
MOORE          Margt              1819.02.21    Jno Moore                 Alice Moore                                                      
MOORE          Margt              1819.05.09    And'w Moore               Cath'e Beatty                                                    
MOORE          Mary               1804.09.16    Alex'r Moore              Margt Elliott                                                    
MOORE          Mary               1811.10.20    Jno Moore                 Ally Moore                                                       
MOORE          Mary Anne          1810.01.21    Wm Moore                  Mary Mills                                                       
MOORE          Mary Anne          1814.08.28    And'w Moore               Cath'e Beatty                                                    
MOORE          Mary Anne          1822.02.25    Wm Moore                  Mary                                                             
MOORE          Miram              1829.05.10    John Moore                Anne                                                             
MOORE          Rachel             1818.09.26    And'w Moore               Bell Walsh                                                       
MOORE          Robert             1829.02.01    George Moore              Mary                                                             
MOORE          Robt               1813.02.23    George Moore              Jane Armstrong                                                   
MOORE          Robt               1815.03.09    Wm Moore                  Mary Thompson                                                    
MOORE          Salina             1814.07.23    George Moore              Prudy Moore                                                      
MOORE          Susanna            1802.05.02    Jas Moore                 Cath'e McQuade                                                   
MOORE          Thos               1813.10.28    Jno Moore                 Alice Moore                                                      
MOORE          William            1821.07.15    George Moore              Mary                                                             
MOORE          William            1823.03.26    Andrew Moore              Isabella                                                         
MOORE          Wm                 1817.11.16    Thos Moore                Margt Moore                                                      
MORETON        Edward             1822.12.22    Edward Moreton            Anne                                                             
MORGAN         Jas                1816.09.05    Jas Cook                  Anne Morgan                 Illegitimate                         
MORRISON       Anne               1799.07.13    Jas Morrison              Ma.....                                                          
MORRISON       Anne               1826.06.18    Hamlet Morrison           Jane                                                             
MORRISON       Caleb              1812.02.23    Bob Morrison              Jane Thompson                                                    
MORRISON       Cath'e             1801.06.28    Robt Morrison             Jane West                                                        
MORRISON       Cyrus              1814.05.28    Robt Morrison             Jane Thompson                                                    
MORRISON       Elijah             1805.05.12    Robt Morrison             Eliz'th Thompson                                                 
MORRISON       Elinor             1812.04.04    .....  Morrison           Jane Gardiner                                                    
MORRISON       Elinor             1812.04.04    Jas Morrison              Jane Moore                                                       
MORRISON       Eliz'th            1806.12.08    Jas Renick                Sarah Morrison              Illegitimate                         
MORRISON       Eliz'th            1813.04.20    Wm Morrison               Prudy Thompson                                                   
MORRISON       George             1816.01.08    Jas Morrison              Jane Moore                                                       
MORRISON       Irvin              1807.04.19    Robt Morrison             Jane Thompson                                                    
MORRISON       James              1802.01.31    Jno Morrison              Anne Mague                                                       
MORRISON       James              1808.06.29    Wm Morrison               Sarah West                                                       
MORRISON       Jane               1803.04.19    Jas Morrison              Margt Ridich                                                     
MORRISON       Jane               1817.06.17    Robt Morrison             Jane Thompson                                                    
MORRISON       Jane               1827.06.21    John Morrison             Anne                        Twin                                 
MORRISON       Jemima             1803.01.22    Robt Morrison             Jane Thompson                                                    
MORRISON       Jeremiah           1800.08.24    Robt Morrison             Anne Thompson                                                    
MORRISON       Jerubaal           1809.06.11    Robt Morrison             Jane Thompson                                                    
MORRISON       John               1805.04.06    Wm Morrison               Prudence Thompson                                                
MORRISON       John               1825.01.16    John Morrison             Ann                                                              
MORRISON       John               1825.04.08    Hamlett Morrison          Jane                                                             
MORRISON       Joseph             1818.03.15    Wm Morrison               Sarah West                                                       
MORRISON       Joseph             1830.02.10    John Morrison             Anne                                                             
MORRISON       Margaret           1827.06.21    John Morrison             Anne                        Twin                                 
MORRISON       Margt              1803.05.01    Wm Morrison               Prudence Thompson                                                
MORRISON       Margt              1805.07.24    Jno Morrison              Anne Hague                                                       
MORRISON       Mary               1800.01.00    Wm Morrison               Sarah West                                                       
MORRISON       Mary               1807.06.04    Wm Morrison               Prudence Thompson                                                
MORRISON       Mary               1807.07.08    Wm Morrison               Prudy Thompson                                                   
MORRISON       Mary               1814.06.06    Jas Morrison              Jane Moore                                                       
MORRISON       Mary               1821.05.18    Robert Morrison           Jane                                                             
MORRISON       Miram              1798.06.30    Robt Morrison             Jane Th...                                                       
MORRISON       Nathaniel          1809.06.25    Wm Morrison               Prudy Thompson                                                   
MORRISON       Sam'l              1814.07.03    Wm Morrison               Sally West                                                       
MORRISON       Samuel             1823.01.25    John Morrison             Anne                                                             
MORRISON       Sarah              1827.10.30    Elijah Morrison           Jane                                                             
MORRISON       Thompson           1800.08.03    Wm Morrison               Prudence Thompson                                                
MORRISON       William Fox        1826.01.18    Elijah Morrison           Jane                                                             
MORRISON       Wm                 1805.08.21    Wm Morrison               Sarah West                                                       
MORRISON       Wm                 1805.08.26    Wm Morrison               Prudence Thompson                                                
MORRISON       Wm                 1815.02.19    Jas Morrison              Biddy McElroy                                                    
MORROW         Anne               1815.12.06    Thos Morrow               Anne Peters                                                      
MORROW         Anne               1820.03.05    Jas Morrow                Jane Dawson                                                      
MORROW         Forbis             1819.09.10    Tom Morrow                Anne Peters                                                      
MORROW         Francis            1826.08.18    Joseph Morrow             Mary                                                             
MORROW         John               1822.02.16    Thos Morrow               Ann                                                              
MORROW         Richard            1828.02.06    Thomas Morrow             Anne                                                             
MORROW         Robt               1825.12.04    Thos Morrow               Anne                                                             
MORROW         Sally              1811.06.26    Thos Morrow               Anne Peters                                                      
MORROW         Susanna            1823.06.29    Thos Morrow               Anne                                                             
MORROW         Thos               1817.12.24    Thos Morrow               Anne Peters                                                      
MORTEN         John               1822.03.03    James Morten              Jane                                                             
MORTEN         Mark               1822.02.03    Wm Morten                 Margaret                                                         
MORTIN         Wm                 1822.02.16    James Mortin              Dortha                                                           
MORTON         Alex'r             1804.04.22    Alex'r Morton             Eliz'th Nealer                                                   
MORTON         Alex'r             1808.10.13    Alex'r Morton             Eliz'th Nailor                                                   
MORTON         Anne               1819.06.20    Wm Morton                 Margt Bird                                                       
MORTON         Bessy Anne         1819.07.17    George Morton             Mary Bird                                                        
MORTON         Edw'd              1807.12.10    Jas Morton                Margt Redich                                                     
MORTON         Edw'd              1815.01.01    Thos Morton               Margt Perry                                                      
MORTON         Eliz               1816.01.03    Wm Morton                 Margt Bird                                                       
MORTON         Eliz'th            1818.12.21    Thos Morton               Margt Perry                                                      
MORTON         Francis            1828.03.23    Alick Morton              Susan                                                            
MORTON         George             1814.01.24    Jas Morton                Margt Wallace               Twin                                 
MORTON         Jane               1815.06.25    Jas Morton                Margt Wallace                                                    
MORTON         Jane               1816.12.24    Thos Morton               Margt Perry                                                      
MORTON         Jane               1817.02.08    Jas Morton                Sam'l Clingan                                                    
MORTON         Jane               1826.10.14    George Morton             Mary                                                             
MORTON         Jane Anne          1826.12.06    James Morton              Margaret                                                         
MORTON         Jno                1798.05.15    Thos Morton               Eliz'th Beatty                                                   
MORTON         Jno                1801.05.31    Robt Morton               Ann Purdy                                                        
MORTON         John               1807.11.15    Wm Morton                 Mary Bird                                                        
MORTON         Mark               1813.12.19    Alex'r Morton             Bessy Nailer                                                     
MORTON         Mark               1814.01.24    Jas Morton                Margt Wallace               Twin                                 
MORTON         Mark               1830.02.14    George Morton             Mary                                                             
MORTON         Mary               1799.05.08    Robt Morton               Jane Purdy                                                       
MORTON         Mary               1802.02.28    Thos Morton               Eliz'th Beatty                                                   
MORTON         Mary               1812.03.29    Jas Morton                Margt Wallace                                                    
MORTON         Mary Anne          1815.06.25    Jas Morton                Jane Clingan                                                     
MORTON         Sally Anne         1827.12.10    William Morton            Anne MaKusker               Illegitimate                         
MORTON         Sam'l              1816.03.29    Alex'r Morton             Anne Presley                                                     
MORTON         Sarah anne         1802.02.07    Alex'r Morton             Eliz'th Nealen                                                   
MORTON         Thos               1810.06.17    Wm Morton                 Margt Bird                                                       
MORTON         Thos               1811.09.01    Alex'r Morton             Eliz'th Nailor                                                   
MORTON         William            1828.12.12    James Morton              Margaret                                                         
MORTON         Wm                 1799.11.10    Alex'r Morton             Eliz'th Nailor                                                   
MORTON         Wm                 1813.02.28    Wm Morton                 Margt Bird                                                       
MORTON         Wm                 1813.08.01    Robt Morton               Jane Prudy                                                       
MORTON         Wm                 1815.01.01    Thos Morton               Margt Perry                                                      
MOYNE          Isabella           1804.04.29    Sam'l Moyne               Mary McKeever                                                    
MULLIGAN       Cath'e             1807.06.15    James Mulligan            Mary Welsh                                                       
MULLIGAN       Jas                1809.03.25    Jas Mulligan              Mary Welsh                                                       
MULVEY         George             1816.11.24    Jas Mulvey                Anne Sheridan                                                    
MULVEY         James              1822.10.27    James Mulvey              Anne                                                             
MURETY         Ann                1824.12.12    Robert Murety             Jane                                                             
MURPHY         Eliza              1820.02.09    Stewart Murphy            Sarah Henderson                                                  
MURPHY         Eliz'th            1799.11.24    And'w Murphy              Bridget Murphy                                                   
MURPHY         James              1827.12.22    John Murphy               Mary Armstong               Illegitimate                         
MURPHY         Margt              1814.07.31    Pat Murphy                Bell Wilson                                                      
MURPHY         Owen               1810.07.22    Pat Murphy                Bell Wilson                                                      
MURPHY         Robt               1817.01.05    Barney Murphy             Bell Mollan                                                      
MURPHY         William            1828.08.31    John Murphy               Rebecca                                                          
MURPHY         Wm                 1812.08.30    Wm Jones                  Anne Murphy                 Illegitimate                         
MURRAY         Alex'r             1800.03.23    Thos Murray               Fanny McClelan                                                   
MURRAY         Alex'r             1804.01.04    Wm Murray                 Margt  .....                                                     
MURRAY         Anne               1807.10.08    Wm Murray                 Margt Moor                                                       
MURRAY         Elizabeth          1822.02.09    Thos Murray               Sally                                                            
MURRAY         Eliz'th            1806.01.18    Wm Murray                 Margt Moore                                                      
MURRAY         female             1821.12.00    John Murray               Catherine                                                        
MURRAY         Isabella           1798.07.10    Jno Murray                Mary Kuran                                                       
MURRAY         Jane               1819.11.28    Thos Murray               Sally Myles                                                      
MURRAY         Jas                1811.08.23    Thos Murray               Beck Murphy                                                      
MURRAY         John               1802.04.09    Wm Murray                 Margt Hamilton                                                   
MURRAY         John               1820.05.01    Jno Murray                Rose Summers                Illegitimate                         
MURRAY         John               1825.10.17    John Murray               Mary Kearns                 Illegitimate                         
MURRAY         John               1829.04.26    Edward Murray             Hanna                                                            
MURRAY         Mary               1817.08.07    Jno Murray                Mary Keran                                                       
MURRAY         Mary               1822.02.02    John Murray               Catherine                                                        
MURRAY         Mathew             1822.03.24    Edw'd Murray              Hanna                                                            
MURRAY         Math'w             1820.05.29    John Murray               Anne McManus                Illegitimate                         
MURRAY         Sarah              1814.04.03    Wm Murray                 Margt Moore                                                      
MURRAY         Thomas             1826.11.27    Thomas Murray             Sarah                                                            
MURRAY         Wm                 1800.03.09    Wm Murray                 Margt Moore                                                      
MURRAY         Wm                 1816.05.05    Wm Murray                 Margt Moore                                                      
MURRAY                            1799.01.00    Murray                    Peggy Moore                                                      
MURRY          Thomas             1821.06.25    Thomas Murry              Rebecca                                                          
NAILER         Robt               1812.11.11    Wm Nailer                 Anne Dogherty                                                    
NAILOR         Jane               1810.01.19    Wm Nailor                 Anne Dogherty                                                    
NAYLER         Eliz'th            1803.05.29    Wm Nayler                 Anne Dogherty                                                    
NAYLER         James              1805.11.30    Wm Nayler                 Anne Dogherty                                                    
NAYLER         Jane               1806.10.25    Wm Nayler                 Anne Dogherty                                                    
NAYLOR         Anne               1807.12.11    Wm Naylor                 Anne Dogherty                                                    
NELSON         Richard            1822.04.10    Wm Coulter                Mary Nelson                 Illegitimate                         
NICHOL         Wm                 1814.12.16    George Nichol             Eliz'th Elliott                                                  
NISBETT        Jno Wilson         1818.02.28    Jno Nisbett               Mary Wilson                                                      
NIXON          Armour             1814.01.01    Robt Nixon                Mary Harper                                                      
NIXON          Cath'e             1816.09.03    Jas Nixon                 Jane Kettle                                                      
NIXON          Catherine          1823.08.24    James Nixon               Margaret                                                         
NIXON          Edw'd              1816.11.10    Robt Nixon                Mary Harpur                                                      
NIXON          Eleanor            1825.02.10    James Nixon               Margaret                                                         
NIXON          Eliz'th Jane       1805.10.20    Jas Nixon                 Margt Beaty                                                      
NIXON          Fanny              1815.02.22    Jas Nixon                 Jane Kettle                                                      
NIXON          George             1801.02.08    Dan'l Nixon               Ann Teaug                                                        
NIXON          Jane               1812.07.05    Jas Nixon                 Margt Beatty                                                     
NIXON          Jas                1815.07.09    Jas Nixon                 Margt Beatty                Illegitimate                         
NIXON          Jno                1816.11.03    Dan'l Nixon               Anne Teaug                                                       
NIXON          Jonathan           1817.10.01    Jas Nixon                 Margt Beatty                                                     
NIXON          Margaret           1821.03.30    James Nixon               Margaret                                                         
NIXON          Margt              1805.05.26    Robt Nixon                Anne McDermott              Illegitimate                         
NIXON          Margt              1819.05.29    Robt Nixon                Mary Harpur                                                      
NIXON          Martha             1804.07.01    Dan'l Nixon               Ann Teaug                                                        
NIXON          Mary Anne          1809.04.05    Jas Nixon                 Margt Beatty                                                     
NIXON          Robt               1807.08.16    James Nixon               Margt Beatty                                                     
NIXON          Robt               1809.05.21    Simon Nixon               Mary Harper                                                      
NIXON          Sarah              1819.12.19    Jas Nixon                 Margt Beatty                                                     
NIXON          Susy               1809.02.02    Dan Nixon                 Anne Teaug                                                       
NIXON          Wm                 1810.08.09    Robt Nixon                Mary Harper                                                      
NOBLE          Alison             1801.00.28    Arthur Noble              Eliz'th Loyd                                                     
NOBLE          James              1804.02.01    Arthur Noble              Eliz'th Loyd                                                     
NOBLE          Jane               1798.06.00    Mathew Noble              Lindy ...                                                        
NOBLE          John               1810.07.15    Jas Noble                 Anne Montgomery                                                  
NOBLE          Margaret           1823.11.30    John Noble                                  39934                                          
NOBLE          Sam'l Black        1805.11.27    Sam'l Noble               Prudence Elliott                                                 
O'BRIEN        Elinor             1820.05.28    Wm McCaffry               Judy O'Brien                Illegitimate                         
O'BRIEN        Mary               1819.12.27    Jas O'Brien               Jane McGuire                                                     
OGDEN          Sally Anne         1821.06.17    John Ogden                Rachel                                                           
O'HARA         Mary               1826.01.26    James O'Hara              Anne                                                             
ORMSTON        Elinor             1805.11.16    Thos Ormston              Jane Duggan                                                      
ORMSTON        Eliz'th            1807.11.29    Thos Ormston              Jane Doogan                                                      
ORMSTON        Fanny              1813.04.20    Thos Ormston              Elinor Duggan                                                    
ORMSTON        George             1804.03.26    Thos Ormston              Jane Doogan                                                      
ORMSTON        Jane               1828.11.16    George Ormston            Mary                                                             
ORMSTON        Mary Anne          1826.11.26    George Ormston            Mary                                                             
ORMSTON        Prudence           1799.09.22    Sam'l Ormston             Isabella Moore                                                   
ORMSTON        Thos               1825.03.06    George Ormston            Mary                                                             
ORMSTON        William            1827.08.26    Mongo Ormston             Eleanor                                                          
PAISLEY        Sam'l              1818.12.06    Jno Paisley               Jane Doonan                                                      
PALMER         Margt              1809.11.25    Jas Palmer                Mary Whiteside                                                   
PATTON         Elizabeth          1822.06.15    John Patton               Anne                                                             
PATTON         John               1827.12.12    John Armstong             Mary Patton                 Illegitimate                         
PETERS         Alex'r             1805.12.08    Rich'd Peters             Alice Murray                                                     
PETERS         Anne               1802.01.15    Rich'd Peters             Agnes Murray                                                     
PETERS         Eliz'th            1807.03.01    Forbis Peters             Sarah Nayler                                                     
PETERS         Forbis             1810.02.28    Rich'd Peters             Agnus Murray                                                     
PETERS         Jane               1811.09.15    Thos Peters               Sarah Wiggins                                                    
PETERS         Jas                1813.06.27    Forbis Peters             Sarah Nealer                                                     
PETERS         John               1816.05.19    Thos Peters               Sarah Wiggins                                                    
PETERS         Margt              1802.04.19    Forbis Peters             Sarah Nialer                                                     
PETERS         Mary Anne          1814.03.25    Thos Peters               Sarah Wiggins                                                    
PETERS         Rich'd             1807.12.14    Rich'd Peters             Agnes Murray                                                     
PETERS         Robt               1804.11.25    Forbis Peters             Sarah Nayler                                                     
PETERS         Sarah              1799.09.27    Forbis Peters             Sarah Nailor                                                     
PETERS         Thos               1810.04.15    Forbis Peters             Sarah Nailor                                                     
PETERS         Thos               1814.06.05    Rich'd Peters             Alice Murray                                                     
PIERCE         Jno                1798.09.16    Henry Pierce              Jane Doogan                                                      
PLUNKET        William            1828.09.29    Thomas Plunket            Mary                                                             
PLUNKET        Wm                 1813.04.20    Robt Plunket              Jane Adams                                                       
PLUNKETT       Robt               1810.07.15    Robt Plunkett             Jane Adams                                                       
POGUE          Margt              1820.05.05    George Pogue              Maria Armstrong                                                  
POINTS         Elinor             1815.04.01    Wm Points                 Forster                                                          
POINTS         Jno                1816.12.23    John Points               Elinor Forster                                                   
POINTS         Robt               1813.11.14    Wm Points                 Elinor Forster                                                   
POLLOCK        Robt               1823.06.01    Geo. Pollock              Maria                                                            
POYNTS         Anne               1826.08.27    John Poynts               Rachel                                                           
PRAT           Thomas             1828.03.16    William Prat              Margaret                                                         
PRAT           William            1828.03.23    Edward Prat               Abby                                                             
PRATT          Elizabeth          1825.09.11    Edw'd Pratt               Abigail                                                          
PRATT          Laurence           1798.04.01    Francis Pratt             Susanna Reilly                                                   
PRATT          Wm                 1802.09.12    Hugh Pratt                Susanna Moor                                                     
PURDY          John               1829.12.20    James Purdy               Mary                                                             
RANKIN         Jane               1824.03.21    Chas Rankin               Summer                                                           
REA            Susanna            1806.05.18    Pat Rea                   Susy Grady                                                       
REA            Thos               1816.05.12    Jas Rea                   Anne Carral                                                      
REA            Wm                 1817.01.04    Thos Rea                  Kitty Conly                                                      
REDICH         Margt              1816.03.03    Jno Redich                Susy Kettle                                                      
REDMOND        William            1827.04.17    William Redmond           Alice Shannon                                                    
REED           Wm                 1819.04.17    Jas Reed                  Nelly Noble                                                      
REID           John               1815.07.14    Henry Reid                Dorah Hamilton                                                   
REILLY         Caroline           1824.07.31    Terence Reilly            Eliz'th                     Twin                                 
REILLY         Chas               1813.09.19    Edw'd Reilly              Jane Mayne                                                       
REILLY         Edward             1827.04.30    Terence Reilly            Anne                                                             
REILLY         Jas                1817.03.00    Edw'd Reilly              Jane Meally                                                      
REILLY         Jno                1815.04.16    Edw'd Reilly              Janne Malley                                                     
REILLY         John               1830.02.14    Terence Reilly            Elisabeth                                                        
REILLY         Kitty              1814.06.23    Jas Reilly                Bessy Bell                                                       
REILLY         Susanna            1824.07.31    Terence Reilly            Eliz'th                     Twin                                 
REILLY         Wm                 1816.06.10    Jas Reilly                Bessy Bell                                                       
RENICH         Anne               1815.08.20    Jas Renich                Anne Cosgrove.                                                   
RENICH         Bell               1814.10.09    Jas Renich                Margt Clingan                                                    
RENICH         Jno                1811.02.03    Jas Renich                Anne Cosgrove                                                    
RENICH         Margt              1805.12.08    James Renich              Francis Kettle                                                   
RENICH         Margt              1810.11.11    Jas Renich                Margt Clingan                                                    
RENICH         Susy               1816.12.28    Jas Renich                Margt Clingan                                                    
RENICH         Wm                 1807.09.06    James Tenich              Fanny Kettle                                                     
RENICK         Arthur             1813.02.14    Francis Renick            Peggy McMahon                                                    
RENICK         Eliz'th            1806.12.08    Jas Renick                Sarah Morrison              Illegitimate                         
RENICK         Eliz'th            1809.08.04    Jno Renick                Fanny Kettle                                                     
RENICK         Eliz'th            1818.07.10    Jno Renick                Susanna Kettle                                                   
RENICK         Fanny              1811.03.31    Francis Renick            Peggy McMahon                                                    
RENICK         George             1812.09.14    Jas Renick                Margt Clingan                                                    
RENICK         Hugh               1801.01.18    Francis Renick            Cath'e Gilligan                                                  
RENICK         Jane               1812.01.29    Arthur Renick             Betty Biggin                                                     
RENICK         Jane               1814.02.01    Jas Renick                Fanny Kettle                                                     
RENICK         Jas                1816.04.23    Jas Renick                Fanny Kettle                                                     
RENICK         Wm                 1811.07.01    Jas Renick                Fanny Kettle                                                     
RENNICK        Francis            1826.12.24    William Rennick           Bessy                                                            
RENNICK        James              1823.07.28    Francis Rennick           Ellen Leigh                 Illegitimate                         
RENNICK        James              1828.09.21    William Rennick           Elisabeth                                                        
RENNICK        Jane               1823.08.10    John Rennick              Susan                                                            
RENNICK        John               1830.03.21    John Rennick              Susan                                                            
RENNICK        Robina             1824.11.22    Arthur Rennick            Elizabeth                                                        
RENNICK        Wm                 1826.05.07    John Rennick              Susanna                                                          
RENWICK        Anne               1822.08.25    James Renwick             Frances                                                          
REYNOLDS       James              1826.10.22    John Reyonlds             Margaret                                                         
REYNOLDS       Mary               1828.06.15    John Reynolds             Margaret                                                         
RICHEY         Eliza              1826.03.27    Robert Richey             Eliza                                                            
RIDDY          Mary Anne          1812.02.03    Thos Riddy                Molly McCaffry                                                   
RIDICH         John               1812.09.11    Jno Ridich                Sarah Lee                                                        
RIED           Alice              1815.07.23    Jas Ried                  Elinor Noble                                                     
RIELLEY        Mary Anne          1823.10.12    Robt Rielley              Eli'h Wade                                                       
ROBINSON       Alex'r             1812.09.20    Edw'd Robinson            Fanny Reed                                                       
ROBINSON       Anne               1800.03.23    Jno Robinson              Anne Ferguson                                                    
ROBINSON       Anne               1812.07.12    Wm Robinson               Belle West                                                       
ROBINSON       Anne               1814.06.12    Thos Robinson             Jane Kerr                                                        
ROBINSON       Anne               1825.07.17    Wm Robinson               Elizabeth                                                        
ROBINSON       Benjamin           1812.04.12    Jno Robinson              Eliz'th Ferguson                                                 
ROBINSON       Bessy Anne         1819.08.15    Edw'd Robinson            Fanny Reed                                                       
ROBINSON       Christ'r           1808.11.26    Wm Robinson               Jane West                                                        
ROBINSON       Edw'd              1816.11.00    Thos Robinson             Fanny Reed                                                       
ROBINSON       Elisabeth          1828.08.10    William Robinson          Elisabeth                   of Clones                            
ROBINSON       Eliza Anne         1807.12.03    Robt Robinson             Jane Symmons                                                     
ROBINSON       Eliz'th            1814.05.22    Jno Robinson              Eliz'th Ferguson                                                 
ROBINSON       Elliott            1812.11.21    Jno Robinson              Bell Jones                                                       
ROBINSON       Frances            1804.03.02    Robt Robinson             Jane West                                                        
ROBINSON       George             1811.02.03    Thos Robinson             Jane Kerr                                                        
ROBINSON       Isabella           1810.01.14    Wm Robinson               Isabella West                                                    
ROBINSON       Jane               1800.03.31    Wm Robinson               Isabella West                                                    
ROBINSON       Jane               1806.05.25    Robt Robinson             Jane West                                                        
ROBINSON       Jane               1809.06.13    Robt Robinson             Jane Simons                                                      
ROBINSON       Jane               1811.06.03    Robt Robinson             Jane Simons                                                      
ROBINSON       Jane               1819.10.14    Thos Robinson             Jane Kerr                                                        
ROBINSON       Jane               1823.03.31    Thos Robinson             Jane                                                             
ROBINSON       Jane               1827.10.14    Edward Robinson           Fanny                                                            
ROBINSON       Jas                1801.00.27    Jas Robinson              Mary Greig                                                       
ROBINSON       Jas                1811.01.13    Edw'd Robinson            Fanny Read                                                       
ROBINSON       Jas                1814.04.09    Robt Robinson             Jane Simons                                                      
ROBINSON       Jas                1815.01.30    Wm Robinson               Bessy Kettle                                                     
ROBINSON       Jno                1809.10.08    Jno Robinson              Eliz. Ferguson                                                   
ROBINSON       John               1799.07.08    Robt Robinson             Jane West                                                        
ROBINSON       John               1821.09.23    J....  Edward Robinson    Thom.....                                                        
ROBINSON       Kathy              1799.02.10    Jno Robinson              Isabella Bushill                                                 
ROBINSON       Margaret           1821.12.23    J..... Robinson           Sarah                                                            
ROBINSON       Margaret           1824.08.08    Edward Robinson           Fanny                                                            
ROBINSON       Margaret           1828.05.28    John Robinson             Margaret                                                         
ROBINSON       Margt              1804.08.00    Jno Robinson              Eliz'th Clingan                                                  
ROBINSON       Margt              1808.11.26    Thos Robinson             Jane Kerr                                                        
ROBINSON       Margt              1813.07.11    Wm Robinson               Eliz'th Kettle                                                   
ROBINSON       Mary               1819.04.19    Wm Robinson               Eliz'th Kettle                                                   
ROBINSON       Mary               1830.01.12    John Robinson             Margaret                                                         
ROBINSON       Mary Anne          1828.08.03    William Robinson          Anne                                                             
ROBINSON       Mary Laughton      1821.01.21    William Robinson          Elizabeth                                                        
ROBINSON       Nath'l             1814.03.15    Jno Robinson              Mary Jones                                                       
ROBINSON       Pat...             1820.03.05    Pat... Robinson           Cath'e Clarke                                                    
ROBINSON       Rebecca            1813.05.11    Thos Robinson             Jane Kerr                                                        
ROBINSON       Rebecca            1823.12.05    John Robinson             Esther                                                           
ROBINSON       Samuel             1823.02.23    Wm Robinson               Elizabeth                                                        
ROBINSON       Sarah              1798.05.12    Jno Robinson              Eliz'th Ferguson                                                 
ROBINSON       Thomas             1827.04.04    Thomas Robinson           Jane                                                             
ROBINSON       Thos               1802.07.25    Wm Robinson               Isabella West                                                    
ROBINSON       Wil...             1821.11.11    John Robinson             Esther                                                           
ROBINSON       Wm                 1801.01.18    Wm Robinson               Eliz'th Irvin                                                    
ROBINSON       Wm                 1814.09.20    Edw'd Robinson            Fanny Reed                                                       
ROBINSON       Wm                 1817.05.18    Thos Robinson             Jane Kerr                                                        
ROBINSON       Wm                 1822.04.00    Wm Robinson               Margaret Hamilton           Illegitimate                         
RODDEN         Darkey             1822.04.05    Wm Rodden                 Darkey                                                           
ROSBOROUGH     Rose               1809.10.31    Hugh Rosborough           Sarah Green                                                      
RUDDIN         Wm                 1820.03.07    William Ruddin            Darkey Armstrong                                                 
RUDDY          Jas                1817.09.27    Thos Ruddy                Hannah Liddle                                                    
RUSSELL        Mary               1814.04.18    Sam'l Russell             M...  Scott                                                      
RUSSELL        Sam'l              1817.05.31    Sam'l Russell             Margt Hannah                                                     
SANEY          Catherine          1826.11.06    James Cane                Jane Saney                  Illegitimate                         
SCARLET        James              1807.02.06    Wm Scarlet                Anne Armstrong                                                   
SCARLET        John               1808.01.08    David Scarlet             Anne Doonan                                                      
SCARLET        Margt              1802.09.26    George Scarlet            Margt Woods                                                      
SCARLET        Mary Anne          1811.09.06    Wm Scarlet                Jane Armstrong                                                   
SCARLET        Wm                 1817.01.26    Wm Scarlett               Jane Armstrong                                                   
SCARLETT       Elinor             1813.08.01    David Scarlett            Anne Doohan                                                      
SCARLETT       Jane               1807.08.23    George Scarlett           Margt Woods                                                      
SCARLETT       Jane               1810.03.31    Wm Scarlett               Prudy Graham                                                     
SCARLETT       Jno                1808.11.21    Wm Scarlett               Prudence Graham                                                  
SCARLETT       Margt              1809.12.29    David Scarlett            Anne Doonan                                                      
SCARLETT       Martha             1824.03.02    Wm Scarlett               Prudence                                                         
SCARLETT       Mary               1804.02.17    Jno Scarlett              Anne Creighton                                                   
SCARLETT       Mary               1812.11.16    Wm Scarlett               Prudence Graham                                                  
SCARLETT       Mary               1822.02.05    John Scarlett             Jane                                                             
SCARLETT       Mary Anne          1823.04.05    David Scarlett            Anne                                                             
SCARLETT       Ralph              1829.12.08    David Scarlett            Anne                                                             
SCARLETT       Ruth               1815.02.06    G'e Scarlett              Mary Camp                                                        
SCARLETT       Sally              1812.04.02    George Scarlett           Mary Camp                                                        
SCARLETT       Sam'l              1817.08.13    David Scarlett            Anne Doonan                                                      
SCARLETT       Samuel             1822.04.21    Geo. Scarlett             Mary                                                             
SCARLETT       Susy               1815.07.02    David Scarlett            Anne Doonan                                                      
SCARLETT       Wm                 1804.11.25    George Scarlett           Margt Woods                                                      
SCOTT          Edward Dudley      1823.12.29    William Scott             Letitia                                                          
SCOTT          Elisabeth          1827.02.16    George Scott              Jane                                                             
SCOTT          Eliza Anne         1825.04.28    Andrew Scott              Mary                                                             
SCOTT          George Armstrong   1825.08.28    George Scott              Jane                                                             
SCOTT          Henry              1828.03.16    Henry Scott               Elisabeth                                                        
SCOTT          James Joseph       1827.12.23    Andrew Scott              Mary                                                             
SCOTT          Jane Anne          1826.01.29    James Scott               Eliz'th                                                          
SCOTT          Mary               1830.02.07    Andrew Scott              Mary                                                             
SHAERY         George             1821.02.16    William Shaery            Jane                                                             
SHALES         Mary               1819.07.28    Thompson Shales           Nelly Hutchinson                                                 
SHANNAN        Sydney             1799.06.14    Robt Shannan              Polly Teaug                                                      
SHANNON        Anne               1805.04.16    Pat Shannon               Alice Beard                                                      
SHANNON        Jas                1813.07.04    Paddy Shannon             Alice Beard                                                      
SHANNON        Robert             1829.02.12    John Shannon              Mary                                                             
SHANNON        Sam'l              1816.05.19    Robt Shannon              Mary Lersden                                                     
SHANNON        Wm                 1802.12.19    Pat Shannon               Eliz'th Beard                                                    
SHANNON        Wm                 1820.02.18    Robt Shannon              Mary Lurgan                                                      
SHARP          James              1828.05.30    Thomas Sharp              Margaret                                                         
SHARREY        John               1822.08.18    Micheal Sharrey           Jane                                                             
SHARRY         Alexander          1823.11.13    Wm Sharry                 Jane                                                             
SHARRY         Anne               1818.12.23    Wm Sharry                 Jane Widdis                                                      
SHARRY         Anne               1826.03.05    John Sharry               Rebecca                                                          
SHARRY         Elizabeth          1823.12.26    John Sharry               Sarah                                                            
SHARRY         George             1803.10.09    James Sharry              Mary Bell                                                        
SHARRY         James              1807.06.16    Edw'd Sharry              Anne Nayler                                                      
SHARRY         Jas                1818.12.06    George Sharry             Susy Peters                                                      
SHARRY         Margaret           1824.07.24    John Sharry               Rebecca                                                          
SHARRY         Mary               1811.12.07    Wm Sharry                 Jane Widdes                                                      
SHARRY         Mary Anne          1819.02.21    Jno Sharry                Sally Smyth                                                      
SHARRY         Rosanna            1826.05.14    Wm Sharry                 Jane                                                             
SHARRY         Sarah              1816.08.10    G'e Sharry                Susy Peters                                                      
SHARRY         Wm                 1802.02.28    James Sharry              Mary Rall                                                        
SHARRY         Wm                 1817.01.05    Wm Sharry                 Jane Widdis                                                      
SHAW           Elin'r             1804.11.04    Robt Shaw                 Mary Crozier                                                     
SHAW           Eliza Anne         1820.12.24    William Shaw              Jane Murphy                                                      
SHAW           Esther             1819.06.12    Robt Shaw                 Jane Armstrong                                                   
SHAW           Isabella           1823.02.23    Wm Shaw                   Jane                                                             
SHAW           Jane               1825.12.06    William Shaw              Jane                                                             
SHAW           Jas                1817.09.07    Wm Shaw                   Jane Murphy                                                      
SHAW           John               1828.05.11    William Shaw              Jane                                                             
SHERRY         Anne               1829.04.17    James Sherry              Ann McLoughlin                                                   
SHERRY         Elisabeth          1829.03.08    George Sherry             Sarah Anne                                                       
SHERRY         James              1826.12.10    George Sherry             Sally Anne                                                       
SHERRY         James              1828.11.16    William Sherry            Mary                                                             
SHERRY         Jane               1826.08.02    John Sherry               Sarah                                                            
SHERRY         John               1829.02.22    John Sherry               Sarah                                                            
SHERRY         William            1829.01.25    William Sherry            Jane                                                             
SHERSIN        Anne               1809.03.17    Jno Shersin               Jane Darling                                                     
SHERSIN        Anne               1815.02.21    Jas Shersin               Jane Darling                                                     
SHERSIN        Eliza              1805.12.12    John Shersin              Jane Darling                                                     
SHERSIN        Francis            1803.02.20    Jno Shersin               Jane Darling                                                     
SHERSIN        Jane               1811.08.16    Jno Shersin               Jane Darling                                                     
SHERSIN        Jas                1803.03.13    James Shersin             Elinor Brady                                                     
SHERSIN        Mary               1817.04.10    Jno Shersin               Jane Darling                                                     
SHERSIN        Rich'd             1807.05.13    James Shersin             Elinor Brady                                                     
SHERSIN        Wm                 1805.05.19    John Shersin              Elinor Murphy                                                    
SHIELDS        Archibald          1822.04.23    Thompson Shields          Ellen                                                            
SHIELDS        James              1824.06.10    Thompson Shields          Hellen                                                           
SHIELDS        James              1826.03.28    Thompson Shields          Ellen                                                            
SHIELDS                           1803.10.09    Jas Shields               Mary Thompson                                                    
SHIELS         Robert             1828.05.09    Robert Shiels             Mary                                                             
SIMONS         Hannah             1806.11.22    Dan'l Simons              Cath'e Downey                                                    
SIMONTON       Margt              1819.08.08    Thos Simonton             Peggy Shaw                                                       
SIMONTON       Robert             1826.09.17    George Ker                Lucy Simonton               Illegitimate                         
SLOAN          Mary Anne          1826.11.26    Samuel Sloan              Anne McDonald               Illegitimate                         
SMITH          Abraham            1821.07.29    Moses Smith               Jane                                                             
SMITH          Geo.               1823.08.15    Moses Smith               Jane                                                             
SMYTH          Anne               1815.02.21    Moses Smyth               Jane Thompson                                                    
SMYTH          Elinor             1805.12.15    Robt Smyth                Elinor Smyth                                                     
SMYTH          Jane               1817.04.07    Moses Smyth               Jane Thompson                                                    
SMYTH          Jane Anne          1827.08.16    Robert Gardner            Mary Smyth                  Illegitimate                         
SMYTH          Margt              1802.09.19    Wm Smyth                  Anne Sullaghan                                                   
SMYTH          Margt              1818.01.24    Wm Liddle                 Margt Smyth                 Illegitimate                         
SMYTH          Margt              1818.04.08    Moses Smyth               Jane Thompson                                                    
SMYTH          Mary               1810.11.19    Wm Smyth                  Eliz'th Lamb                                                     
SMYTH          Robt               1805.11.21    Jas Smyth                 Cath'e Keran                                                     
SMYTH          Wm                 1819.12.14    Arthur Smyth              Mattly Kettle                                                    
SMYTH                             1813.07.00    Moses Smyth               Jane Thompson                                                    
SPENCE         And'w              1811.09.29    And'w Spence              Kitty Donnely                                                    
ST LUMMER      Sarah              1821.01.06    Chas St Lummer                                                                             
STAFFORD       Mary               1813.05.11    Jas Stafford              Eliz'th Galooley                                                 
STAIRE         George             1818.10.25    Jno Staire                Susy Reilly                                                      
STANSON        Abraham            1799.08.14    Sam'l Stanson             Elin'r McKievar                                                  
STEWARD        John               1828.01.21    Alexander Steward         Mary                                                             
STEWART        Bell               1805.06.13    Math'w Stewart            Mary FitzPatrick                                                 
STEWART        Eliza              1805.06.13    Math'w Stewart            Mary FitzPatrick                                                 
STEWART        John               1803.07.24    Math'w Stewart            Mary FitzPatrick                                                 
STRANG         Mary               1798.10.11    James Strang              Sisley McGuire                                                   
STRONG         Eliza              1813.10.25    Robt Strong               Francis Lochart                                                  
SUMMERS        John               1820.05.01    Jno Murray                Rose Summers                Illegitimate                         
SWAN           Mary               1827.07.29    John Swan                 Sarah                                                            
SWEENY         Mary Anne          1829.04.07    James Bryans              Elinor Sweeny               Illegitimate                         
SWINDAL        Mary Anne          1828.09.28    Charles Swindal           Mary Anne                                                        
SWINDLE        Antony             1826.03.19    Charles Swindle           Mary                                                             
TARLETON       Isaac              1811.09.15    Wm Tarleton               Mary Dogherty                                                    
TARLETON       Wm                 1800.01.26    Wm Tarleton               Margt Dogherty                                                   
TARLTON        John               1807.10.25    Wm Tarlton                Ann Dogherty                                                     
TAVAN          Mary               1799.04.04    Jas Tavan                 Cath'e Morton                                                    
TAYLER         Mary Anne          1814.09.06    Jno Tayler                Mary Clingan                                                     
TAYLOR         Charlotte          1811.11.17    Jno Taylor                Mary Clingan                                                     
TEACY          Elizabeth          1821.06.15    John Teacy                Mary                                                             
TEASG          James              1810.08.18    Wm Teasg                  Mary Carter                                                      
TEASG          Jane               1805.03.11    Henry Teasg               Eliz'th Tayler                                                   
TEAUG          Elinor             1803.05.29    Jno Teaug                 Margt Carter                                                     
TEAUG          George             1800.03.30    Henry Teaug                                                                                
TEAUG          Margt              1807.09.04    Jno Teaug                 Mary Carter                                                      
TEAUG          Maria Louisa       1817.06.22    Jno Teaug                 Mary Carter                                                      
TEAUG          Robt               1814.04.24    Jno Teaug                 Mary Carters                                                     
TEAUG          Rose Anne          1812.07.12    Jno Teaug                 Mary Carters                                                     
THEDFORD       Eleanor            1829.11.15    Nicholas Thedford         Elisabeth                                                        
THEDFORD       Mary               1828.05.11    Nicholas Thedford         Elisabeth                                                        
THETFORD       Anne               1821.07.30    Nicholas Thetford         Elizabeth                                                        
THETFORD       Eliza              1825.10.06    Nicholas Thetford         Elizabeth                                                        
THOMPSON       Alexander          1823.11.16    John Thompson             Mary                                                             
THOMPSON       Allice             1810.06.24    Robt Thompson             Anne Hamilton                                                    
THOMPSON       Ally               1798.09.16    Robt Thompson             Anne Hamilton                                                    
THOMPSON       And'w              1812.05.17    Bob Thompson              Anne Hamilton                                                    
THOMPSON       Ann                1822.12.01    Robt Thompson             Martha                                                           
THOMPSON       David              1812.06.28    Edw'd Thompson            Hanna Liddle                                                     
THOMPSON       Elinor             1815.08.18    Allen Thompson            Jane Vance                                                       
THOMPSON       Elinor             1816.07.29    Jno Thompson              Polly Robinson                                                   
THOMPSON       James              1805.05.12    Edw'd Thompson            Hanna Liddle                                                     
THOMPSON       Jane               1821.03.13    Robert Thompson           Martha                                                           
THOMPSON       Jane Anne          1825.06.05    Wm Thompson               Miram                                                            
THOMPSON       Jas                1799.10.05    Wm Thompson               Susanna Coulson                                                  
THOMPSON       Jas                1813.10.21    Allen Thompson            Jane Vance                                                       
THOMPSON       Jas                1817.01.19    Robt Thompson             Anne Hamilton                                                    
THOMPSON       Jno                1819.12.10    Jno Thompson              Nancy Waters                                                     
THOMPSON       John               1802.04.09    Robt Thompson             Anna Hamilton                                                    
THOMPSON       John               1828.11.05    Robert Thompson           Martha                                                           
THOMPSON       Kitty              1815.01.15    Ned Thompson              Hannah Liddle                                                    
THOMPSON       Mary Anne          1829.02.08    James Thompson            Bessy                                                            
THOMPSON       Robt               1804.03.25    Robt Thompson             Anne Hamilton                                                    
THOMPSON       Robt               1825.08.07    Allen Thompson            Jane                                                             
THOMPSON       Rose Anne          1819.09.12    Robt Thompson             Martha Holmes                                                    
THOMPSON       Sarah              1807.11.22    Robt Thompson             Anne Hamilton                                                    
THOMPSON       Sarah              1829.06.28    William Thompson          Miriam                                                           
THOMPSON       Susanna            1824.05.23    Robt Thompson             Martha                                                           
THOMPSON       Susanna            1829.12.10    Robert Thompson           Martha                                                           
THOMPSON       Thos               1809.02.02    Ned Thompson              Hannah Little                                                    
THOMPSON       Tirza              1803.02.06    Wm Thompson               Eliz'th Armstrong                                                
THOMPSON       William            1823.07.20    Allen Thompson            Jane                                                             
THOMPSON       William            1826.06.18    Robert Thompson           Martha                                                           
THOMPSON       William            1826.10.29    William Thompson          Miram                                                            
THOMPSON       Wm                 1805.12.15    Robt Thompson             Anne Irvin                                                       
THORSIN        Anne               1802.03.28    John Thorsin              Margt Maris                                                      
THORSIN        Thos               1802.03.28    John Thorsin              Margt Maris                                                      
TRICKLETON     Susanna            1807.06.21    Jno Trickleton            Mary Nayler                                                      
TRIMBLE        Cath'e             1820.02.29    Andy Trimble              Ally Bird                                                        
TROTTER        Alex'r             1812.02.03    Alex'r Trotter            Eliz'th Trotter                                                  
TROTTER        Carlile            1818.01.04    Alex'r Trotter            Eliz'th Trotter                                                  
TROTTER        Harvey             1809.12.25    Sandy Trotter             Eliz'th Reilly                                                   
TROTTER        Jane               1807.04.00    James Trotter             Margt .....                                                      
TROTTER        Lucy               1810.01.19    Thos Trotter              Rebecca Bell                                                     
TROTTER        Rebecca            1805.08.21    Thos Trotter              Rebecca Bell                                                     
TROTTER        Rebecca            1805.08.26    Thos Trotter              Rebecca Bell                                                     
TROTTER        Sarah              1803.04.19    Thos Trotter              Rebecca Bell                                                     
TROTTER        Thos               1807.07.08    Thos Trotter              Rebecca Bell                                                     
TROTTER        Wm                 1807.01.08    Sandy Trotter             Eliz'th Wilson                                                   
VANCE          Mary               1813.11.21    Jno Vance                 Sally McCormick                                                  
WADE           Alice              1825.07.10    Alexander Wade            Susanna                                                          
WADE           Anne               1799.09.22    Thos Wade                 Anne Thompson                                                    
WADE           Anne               1799.11.03    Thos Wade                 Anne Thompson                                                    
WADE           Anne               1802.08.15    Jas Wade                  Hanah Dowd                                                       
WADE           Anne               1802.11.07    Wm Wade                   Eliz'th Buchanan                                                 
WADE           Anne               1829.05.17    Thomas Wade               Mary Anne                                                        
WADE           Cath'e             1801.02.15    Bern'd Wade               Jane McEntire                                                    
WADE           Cath'e             1817.04.20    James Wade                Hannah Dowde                                                     
WADE           Eliza              1825.01.30    Thos Wade                 Mary Anne                                                        
WADE           Eliz'th            1810.08.18    Wm Wade                   Eliz'th Bohonnan                                                 
WADE           Fanny              1827.10.28    Thomas Wade               Mary Anne                                                        
WADE           George             1826.11.12    William Wade              Mary Martin                 Illegitimate                         
WADE           James              1805.05.26                                                                                               
WADE           John               1803.07.10    Thos Wade                 Anne Thompson                                                    
WADE           Johnston           1798.02.10    John Wade                 Jane Rudich                                                      
WADE           Johnston           1820.05.14    Thos Wade                 Mary Anne Crawford                                               
WADE           Joseph             1819.08.15    Wm Wade                   Elin'r McCabe               Illegitimate                         
WADE           Margt              1818.10.18    Rich'd Wade               Allice Muncrief                                                  
WADE           Mary               1825.11.27    Rich'd Wade               Alice                                                            
WADE           Math'w             1798.01.26    Thos Wade                 Anne Thompson                                                    
WADE           Patt               1807.04.26    James Wade                Hannah Dowd                                                      
WADE           Robt               1805.08.04    Wm Wade                   Eliz'th Bokonnan                                                 
WADE           Thos               1807.11.22    Thos Wade                 Anne Thompson                                                    
WADE           Wm                 1812.09.27    Wm Wade                   Hannah Dowde                                                     
WADE           Wm                 1822.11.10    Thos Wade                 Mary Anne                                                        
WADSWORTH      Alexander          1821.05.25    Wm Wadsworth              Anne                                                             
WADSWORTH      Elisabeth          1830.02.14    Thomas Wadsworth          Fanny                                                            
WADSWORTH      Elizabeth          1825.03.15    Wm Wadsworth              Ann                                                              
WADSWORTH      Mary Anne          1828.03.30    Thomas Wadsworth          Fanny                                                            
WADSWORTH      William            1827.05.13    William Wadsworth         Anne                                                             
WALBROOK       James              1808.09.19    Peter Walbrook            Mary Armstrong                                                   
WALKER         Henry              1815.02.20    And'w Walker              Abby Bell                                                        
WALLACE        Alex'r             1811.01.27    Wm Wallace                Sarah Best                                                       
WALLACE        Eliza              1806.02.23    George Wallace            Anne Delamor                                                     
WALLACE        James              1828.11.09    William Wallace           Margaret                                                         
WALLACE        Jno                1816.07.01    George Wallace            Anne Delamor                                                     
WALLACE        Mary               1817.08.22    Robt Wallace              Kitty Duffy                                                      
WALLACE        Robt               1802.11.21    Jas Wallace               Sarah West                                                       
WALLACE        Thos               1806.11.15    James Hicks               Margt Wallace               Illegitimate                         
WALLACE        William            1830.01.31    William Wallace           Margaret                                                         
WALLACE        Wm                 1801.01.18    Jas Wallace               Mary Jones                                                       
WALSH          Francis            1827.03.16    James Walsh               Anne                                                             
WARD           Jane               1820.12.10    William Ward              Sarah Nichol                                                     
WARD           Richard            1808.10.13    Stephen Ward              Jane Kills                                                       
WARD           Richard            1828.06.08    William Ward              Sarah                                                            
WARD           Sarah              1823.06.08    Wm Ward                   Sarah                                                            
WARD           Wm                 1826.01.29    Wm Ward                   Sally                                                            
WARNOCK        Mary               1827.10.28    Thomas Warnock            Elisabeth                                                        
WARNSLEY       John               1827.05.23    John Harpur               Elisabeth Warnsley          Illegitimate                         
WATSON         Mary               1801.02.15    David Watson              Eliz'th South                                                    
WATT           Margaret           1828.07.27    John Watt                 Mary                                                             
WATT           Wm Armstrong       1825.08.07    John Watt                 Mary Watt                                                        
WEIR           Phebe              1816.06.04    Jno Weir                  Molly Murphy                                                     
WEIR           Wm                 1823.01.26    John Weir                 Mary                                                             
WELSH          Anne               1829.01.11    James Welsh               Anne                                                             
WELSH          Edw'd              1807.02.22    Joseph Welsh              Rebecca Fossett                                                  
WELSH          Joseph             1800.07.06    Joseph Welsh              Eliz'th Jones               Illegitimate                         
WELSH          Joseph             1808.10.21    Joseph Welsh              Beck Fossett                                                     
WELSH          Rich'd             1814.05.09    Joseph Welsh              Beck Fossett                                                     
WELSH          Robt               1810.07.29    Joseph Welsh              Rebecca Fossett                                                  
WEST           Allice             1801.06.07    And'w West                Mary Kells                                                       
WEST           Andrew             1819.07.04    Jas West                  Ann Scarlet                                                      
WEST           Anne               1803.01.22    Jno West                  Anne Johnston                                                    
WEST           Cath'e             1802.11.14    Jno West                  Jane Clendinnen                                                  
WEST           Dorothea           1828.11.06    Francis West              Sarah                                                            
WEST           Edward             1825.07.31    James West                Jane                                                             
WEST           Elijah             1805.07.21    Jas West                  Mary Elliott                                                     
WEST           Elizabeth          1824.03.23    Francis West              Sarah                                                            
WEST           Eliz'th            1799.09.27    John West                 Agnes Johnston                                                   
WEST           Eliz'th            1816.03.11    Wm West                   Mary Armstrong                                                   
WEST           Elliott            1803.09.25    Jas West                  Sarah Elliott                                                    
WEST           James              1806.02.23                              Ann                                                              
WEST           James              1822.04.05    Francis West              Anne                                                             
WEST           James              1830.03.14    James West                Anne                                                             
WEST           Jeremiah           1809.01.22    Jas West                  Sarah Elliott                                                    
WEST           Jno                1799.09.13    Jno West                  Sarah Elliott                                                    
WEST           Jno                1811.09.29    Jno West                  Anne Johnston                                                    
WEST           John               1828.01.28    James West                Anne                                                             
WEST           John               1829.04.05    William West              Mary                                                             
WEST           Letitia            1802.01.03    Jas West                  Sarah Elliott                                                    
WEST           Letitia            1826.05.28    Frances West              Sarah                                                            
WEST           Margaret           1827.04.15    James West                Jane                                                             
WEST           Margt              1800.11.00    Francis West              Margt McAvinoa              Illegitimate                         
WEST           Mary Ann           1822.03.15    James West                Anne                                                             
WEST           Mary Anne          1806.11.22    Wm West                   Mary Armstrong                                                   
WEST           Mary Anne          1808.03.16    Jno West                  Anne Johnston                                                    
WEST           Mary Anne          1813.01.20    Wm West                   Mary Armstrong                                                   
WEST           Purdy              1825.04.10    James West                Anne                                                             
WEST           Sarah              1804.08.11    Frances West              Cath'e Murphy                                                    
WEST           Sarah              1818.10.08    Frank West                Sarah Gregg                                                      
WEST           Sarah              1818.11.15    Jno West                  Anne Johnston                                                    
WEST           Thomas             1827.01.14    Thomas West               Elisabeth                                                        
WEST           Uriah              1805.11.24    James West                Sarah Elliott                                                    
WEST           William            1825.09.04    Thos West                 Elizabeth                                                        
WEST           Wm                 1801.03.16    Wm West                   Mary Armstrong                                                   
WEST           Wm                 1805.01.03    John West                 Anne Johnston                                                    
WEST           Wm                 1814.08.07    Jno West                  Anne Johnston                                                    
WHITE          Anne               1826.04.13    William White             Jane                                                             
WHITE          Edward             1828.08.24    Edward White              Jane                                                             
WHITE          John               1799.05.29    Hugh White                Margt Allen                                                      
WHITTLE        Wm                 1810.09.22    Jas Whittle               Eliz'th Graham                                                   
WHYTE          Allick             1819.05.01    Wm Whyte                  Jane Reynolds                                                    
WIER           Ally               1818.06.07    Jno Weir                  Mary Murphy                                                      
WIER           Mary Anne          1814.06.05    Jno Wier                  Mary Murphy                                                      
WIER           Sam'l              1812.05.24    Jno Wier                  Mary Murphy                                                      
WIGGINS        Anne               1808.10.21    Jas Wiggins               Anne McQuade                                                     
WIGGINS        Anne               1814.02.13    Jack Wiggins              Peggy Elliott                                                    
WIGGINS        Anne               1829.09.11    Robert Wiggins            Fanny                                                            
WIGGINS        Edw'd              1811.03.31    Wm Wiggins                Anne Forster                                                     
WIGGINS        Edw'd              1814.11.20    Wm Wiggins                Anne Forster                                                     
WIGGINS        Eliza              1803.09.02    Sam'l Wiggins             Susanna Morton                                                   
WIGGINS        Eliza              1812.10.04    Jno Wiggins               Margt Elliott                                                    
WIGGINS        Eliz'th            1804.09.02    Sam'l Wiggins             Susy Martin                                                      
WIGGINS        Eliz'th            1818.02.08    Jas Wiggins               Margt Wade                                                       
WIGGINS        George             1813.04.16    Jas Wiggins               Margt Wade                                                       
WIGGINS        Jane               1804.06.29    Robt Wiggins              Mary Morrison                                                    
WIGGINS        Jane               1807.12.16    Wm Wiggins                Anne Foster                                                      
WIGGINS        Jane               1811.05.26    James Wiggins             Margt Wade                                                       
WIGGINS        Jane               1813.03.28    Gerard Wiggins            Eliz. Wade                                                       
WIGGINS        Jane               1820.10.15    James Wiggins             Margt Wade                                                       
WIGGINS        Jas                1800.03.30    Jno Wiggins               Margt Elliott                                                    
WIGGINS        Jas                1818.09.12    Thos Wiggins              Billy Liddle                                                     
WIGGINS        Jno                1811.01.13    Jno Wiggins               Peggy Elliott                                                    
WIGGINS        John               1827.05.19    Samuel Wiggins            Mary                                                             
WIGGINS        Margt              1815.03.18    Jno Wiggins               Margt Elliott                                                    
WIGGINS        Margt              1815.11.19    Jas Wiggins               Margt Wade                                                       
WIGGINS        Margt              1816.01.03    Thos Wiggins              Eliz'th Little                                                   
WIGGINS        Mary               1801.02.15    Jno Wiggins               Margt Elliott                                                    
WIGGINS        Mary               1806.12.15    Sam'l Wiggins             Wliz'th Wilson              Illegitimate                         
WIGGINS        Mary               1807.02.15    Thos Wiggins              Mary Nicholson                                                   
WIGGINS        Rebecca            1805.07.28    Jno Wiggins               Margt Elliott                                                    
WIGGINS        Robt               1813.09.16    Thos Wiggins              Bessy Little                                                     
WIGGINS        Sarah              1802.12.12    Jno Wiggins               Margt Elliott                                                    
WIGGINS        Sarah              1812.03.15    Jas Wiggins               Jane West                                                        
WIGGINS        Simon              1828.04.28    Thomas Wiggins            Elisabeth                                                        
WIGGINS        Thomas             1828.10.12    Gerard Wiggins            Elisabeth                   of Clones                            
WIGGINS        Thos               1825.06.26    Thos Wiggins              Bessy                                                            
WIGGINS        Wm                 1802.04.19    Jno Wiggins               Anne Foster                                                      
WIGGINS        Wm                 1804.08.17    John Wiggins              Margt                                                            
WIGGINS        Wm                 1804.09.16    William Wiggins           Anne Forster                                                     
WIGGINS        Wm                 1807.01.14    Wm Wiggins                Margt Wade                                                       
WIGGINS        Wm                 1809.08.18    Jno Wiggins               Margt Elliott                                                    
WILKIN         Eliz'th            1820.01.02    Jas Wilkin                Jane Kettle                                                      
WILKINS        Bell               1816.02.11    Jas Wilkins               Jane Kettle                                                      
WILKINS        Francis            1818.01.25    Jas Wilkins               Jane Kettle                                                      
WILKINS        James              1822.03.29    James Wilkins             Jane                                                             
WILLSON        James              1798.08.07    Robt Willson              Rose Beatty                                                      
WILSON         David              1830.03.14    James Wilson              Teresa                                                           
WILSON         Edw'd              1813.10.24    Robt Wilson               Bessy Redich                Twin                                 
WILSON         Eliz'th            1814.06.14    Jas Wilson                Eliz'th Maxwell                                                  
WILSON         Jane               1802.05.03    Edw'd Wilson              Susanna O'Dell                                                   
WILSON         Jane               1804.02.03    Sam'l Wilson              Isabella Moore                                                   
WILSON         Jane               1823.02.28    John Wilson               Margaret                                                         
WILSON         John               1808.09.10    Wm Wilson                 Anne Johnston                                                    
WILSON         John               1828.10.01    John Wilson               Margaret                                                         
WILSON         Margt              1813.10.24    Robt Wilson               Bessy Redich                Twin                                 
WILSON         Margt              1818.10.08    Wm Wilson                 Jane Hew                                                         
WILSON         Mary               1806.12.15    Sam'l Wiggins             Wliz'th Wilson              Illegitimate                         
WILSON         Mary               1826.12.17    Charles Wilson            Jane                                                             
WILSON         Mary Anne          1816.02.18    Wm Wilson                 Mary Johnston                                                    
WILSON         Sam'l              1806.08.17    Sam'l Wilson              Isabella Moore                                                   
WILSON         Wm                 1826.03.04    John Wilson               Margaret                                                         
WINFORD        Thompson           1826.07.02                                                          Foundling                            
WOODS          Henry              1805.12.18    Alex'r Woods              Mary FitzPatrick                                                 
WOODS          Maria              1800.11.30    Henry Woods               Mary Frumleton                                                   
WRIGHT         John               1829.01.19    Thomas Wright             Bridget                                                          
WRIGHT         Thomas             1826.10.12    Thomas Wright             Bridget                                                          
YOUNG          William            1821.03.16    John Young                Ann                                                              
               ...am...           1811.07.00    Wm  .....                 Prudy Thompson                                                   
               Alexander          1821.12.24                              Catherine                                                        
               Charles            1809.07.00                                                                                               
               Elisa              1802.00.00                              Mary                                                             
               Eliz'th            1804.01.01                                                                                               
               John               1821.12.30    Thos .....                Elizabeth                                                        
               Jonathon           1803.12.23    Wm  .....                 Mary Armstrong                                                   
               Jos.               1801.00.19                                                                                               
               Margt              1802.06.00                              ...ah Little                                                     
               Mary               1803.11.27    John F.....               Mary  .....                 Illegitimate                         
               Mary               1807.04.00    Wm .....                  Isabella West                                                    
               Mary               1809.11.00                                                                                               
               Mary               1810.08.00                                                                                               
               Sam'l              1803.11.27    Edw'd                     Susanna Bell                                                     
               Thompson           1826.07.02                                                          Foundling                            
               Thos               1821.12.11    James .....                                                                                
               Wm                 1799.07.26    David  .....              Margaret Purdy                                                   
               Wm Henry           1821.12.26    John .....                Elizabeth                                                        
                                  1801.00.00    Wm .....                  Prudy Thompson                                                   
                                  1801.00.00                              .... Nixon                                                       
                                  1802.10.00                              Cath'e Fro.....                                                  
                                  1803.09.00    Richard                   Agnus                                                            
                                  1805.00.00                              Mary  .....                                                      
                                  1806.07.01                              Eliz'th H.....                                                   
                                  1808.01.00                              Eliz'th  .....                                                   
                                  1813.07.00    Archer .....