Church: FERMANAGH, Marriages recorded in St. Michaels C. of I. Trory 1779 - 1846
Ireland Genealogy Project Archives
Church Records
Contributed by George Armstrong *Permission To Publish Granted By Deputy Keeper of Records, PRONI

PRONI. MIC/1/94/1

**Note DATES in Ireland use the format day-month-year.
       HINT - Use your Browsers Find option to search for a name eg. Ctl-F
       WIDE PAGE - scroll to right to see full information.
       KEY: (rec) =As Record, n/l=not listed

MARRIAGE DATE   GROOMS NAME         GROOMS              AGE   STATUS     OCCUPATION                               ABODE								GROOMS          OCC.	BRIDES          BRIDES           AGE     STATUS       OCC    ABODE                                                     BRIDES              OCC    MARRIED/               LICENCE/      WITNESSES                                      COMMMENTS-SEE
                                    SURNAME  																	FATHER			NAME		SURNAME												       FATHER			  RECORDED BY		 BANNS							      END OF PAGE
10/?/1779       Christopher         GRAHAM              n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Par of Clogher						n/l             n/l     Mary            Johnston         n/l     n/l          n/l    Gublusk                                                   n/l                 n/l    Hugh Tuthill           Licence       none listed
29/3/1779       Thomas              WILSON              n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Killidgar????							n/l             n/l     Ann             Morris           n/l     n/l          n/l    Killidgar????                                             n/l                 n/l    Hugh Tuthill           Banns         none listed
8/7/1799        John                TOOMATH             n/l   n/l        n/l                                      n/l								n/l             n/l     Angel           Hilliard         n/l     n/l          n/l    n/l                                                       n/l                 n/l    n/l                    n/l           none listed
25/12/1779      James               CROOKS              n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Rosslaigh????, Par of Inishmacsaint				n/l             n/l     Elizabeth       Gibson           n/l     n/l          n/l    Parish of Trory                                           n/l                 n/l    Hugh Tuthill           Banns         none listed
16/2/1801       George              MILLAR              n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Kesh								n/l             n/l     Jane            Bell             n/l     n/l          n/l    Drummucklan???? (Drummucklagh?)                           n/l                 n/l    Mr. Stack              n/l           none listed
13/4/1802       John                BURLIEGH            n/l   n/l        n/l                                      illegible, Par of Enniskillen					n/l             n/l     Jane            Crozier          n/l     n/l          n/l    Parish of Trory                                           n/l                 n/l    n/l                    Banns         none listed
30/11/1802      James               FAIR                n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Par of Derrivolland						n/l             n/l     Mary            Hicks            n/l     n/l          n/l    Parish of St. Michael's, Trory                            n/l                 n/l    George Harris???       Licence       none listed
22/3/1803       James               ARMSTRONG           n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Drumbulchan (Drumbulcan?), Par of Magheracross		n/l             n/l     Mary            Frazer           n/l     n/l          n/l    Ballycassidy, Parish of Trory                             n/l                 n/l    William Weir           Licence       none listed
10/5/1803       John                FRITH               n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Enniskillen							n/l             n/l     Margaret        Ball             n/l     n/l          n/l    Drumcoo, Parish of Trory                                  n/l                 n/l    Thomas Johnston        n/l           none listed
29/7/1803       John                CORRICAN            n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Monalla, Par of Derrivollan					n/l             n/l     Isabella        Hilliard         n/l     n/l          n/l    Nanagh, Parish of Trory                                   n/l                 n/l    n/l                    Licence       none listed
13/9/1803       John                SCALLAN             n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Mossfield							n/l             n/l     Judith          Magrath          n/l     n/l          n/l    Thornhill                                                 n/l                 n/l    William Weir           Banns         none listed                                    1.
25/10/1803      Stephen             KENNEDY             n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Par of Derrivollan						n/l             n/l     Elizabeth       Steel            n/l     n/l          n/l    Parish of Trory                                           n/l                 n/l    William Weir           Licence       none listed
9/11/1803       John                MAXWELL             n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Par of Derrivollan						n/l             n/l     Anne            Robinson         n/l     n/l          n/l    Parish of Trory                                           n/l                 n/l    William Weir           Licence       none listed
15/9/1804       Mathew              DANE                n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Par of Drumkeeran						n/l             n/l     n/l             Beatty           n/l     widow        n/l    Laragh, Parish of Trory                                   n/l                 n/l    William Weir           Licence       none listed
3/10/1804       Thomas              HILLIARD            n/l   n/l        Pvt, Soldier in 12th Regt of Dragoons    n/l								n/l             n/l     Mary            Hilliard         n/l     n/l          n/l    Nanagh, Parish of Trory                                   n/l                 n/l    William Weir           Licence       none listed
29/10/1804      George              CLARKE              n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Par of Magheracross						n/l             n/l     Mary            Maguire          n/l     n/l          n/l    Parish of Trory                                           n/l                 n/l    William Weir           Licence       none listed
4/1/1805        William             JAMESON             n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Monalla, Par of Derrivolland					n/l             n/l     Catherine       Hilliard         n/l     n/l          n/l    Nanagh, Parish of Trory                                   n/l                 n/l    William Weir           Licence       none listed
5/2/1805        Clare or Clave      HUMPHRY             n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Enniskillen, Par of Enniskillen				n/l             n/l     Margaret        Johnston         n/l     n/l          n/l    Trory, Parish of Trory                                    n/l                 n/l    William Weir           Licence       none listed
28/2/1805       John                MCDONNEL            n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Shanmullagh, Par of Trory					n/l             n/l     Elizabeth       Frazer           n/l     n/l          n/l    Shanmullagh, Parish of Trory                              n/l                 n/l    William Weir           Licence       none listed
30/3/1805       Michael             HUMPHRIES           n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Par of Derrivolland						n/l             n/l     Catherine       Armstrong        n/l     n/l          n/l    Parish of Derrivolland                                    n/l                 n/l    George Harris          Licence       none listed
16/4/1805       Robert              RUTLEDGE            n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Diocese of Raphoe						n/l             n/l     Anne            McKee or McKea   n/l     n/l          n/l    Trory, Parish of Trory                                    n/l                 n/l    William Weir           Licence       none listed
17/7/1805       Thomas              ELLIS               n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Par of Killesher						n/l             n/l     Jane            Hicks            n/l     n/l          n/l    Trory, Parish of Trory                                    n/l                 n/l    n/l                    Licence       none listed
19/8/1805       Richard             LEE                 n/l   n/l        Pvt, Soldier - 3rd Regt of Horse         n/l								n/l             n/l     Anne            Brady            n/l     n/l          n/l    Gublusk                                                   n/l                 n/l    n/l                    Banns         none listed
15/10/1805      Oliver              BEGAN               n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Nanagh							n/l             n/l     Catherine       Hurst            n/l     n/l          n/l    Corrick (Carrick?)                                        n/l                 n/l    n/l                    Banns         none listed
10/12/1805      John                FITZPATRICK         n/l   n/l        n/l                                      n/l								n/l             n/l     Jane            Marshall         n/l     n/l          n/l    n/l                                                       n/l                 n/l    n/l                    Banns         none listed
26/2/1806       Richard             GIBSON              n/l   n/l        Pvt, Soldier in 4th Regt of Foot         n/l								n/l             n/l     Elizabeth       Johnston         n/l     n/l          n/l    Gublusk, Parish of Trory                                  n/l                 n/l    n/l                    Licence       none listed
13/6/1806       William             GRIFFITHS           n/l   n/l        Sgt in the Limerick Militia              n/l								n/l             n/l     Elizabeth       Hicks            n/l     n/l          n/l    Rossahilly                                                n/l                 n/l    n/l                    Licence       none listed
31/10/1806      Guy                 HILLIARD            n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Laragh							n/l             n/l     Mary            Crozier          n/l     n/l          n/l    Laragh                                                    n/l                 n/l    n/l                    Licence       none listed
16/2/1807       James               SPRATT              n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Mullaghmeen, Par of Magheracross				n/l             n/l     Mary            Spratt           n/l     n/l          n/l    Little Paris, Parish of Trory                             n/l                 n/l    n/l                    Banns         none listed
20/4/1807       Patrick             MCDERMOT            n/l   n/l        n/l                                      n/l								n/l             n/l     Sarah           Brennan          n/l     n/l          n/l    n/l                                                       n/l                 n/l    n/l                    Licence       none listed                                    2.
27/4/1807       James               ELLIOTT             n/l   n/l        n/l                                      n/l								n/l             n/l     Margaret        Toomath          n/l     n/l          n/l    n/l                                                       n/l                 n/l    n/l                    Banns         none listed
4/12/1807       William             RUTLEDGE            n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Par of Cleenish						n/l             n/l     Jane            Crozier          n/l     n/l          n/l    Land of Trory, Parish of Trory                            n/l                 n/l    n/l                    Licence       none listed
5/3/1808        Thomas              HINSWORTH???        n/l   n/l        Lieut. City of Limerick Militia          n/l								n/l             n/l     Jane            Irvine           n/l     n/l          n/l    Rockfield, Parish of Trory                                Gerard Irvine Esq   n/l    Rev. Mr Tuthill        Licence       none listed                                    3.
21/4/1809       John                HILLIARD            n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Nanagh							n/l             n/l     Sidney          Divett????       n/l     n/l          n/l    Nanagh                                                    n/l                 n/l    n/l                    Licence       none listed
4/12/1809       John                ATWELL              n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Par of Enniskillen						n/l             n/l     Anne???         Fausset          n/l     n/l          n/l    Laragh, Parish of Trory                                   n/l                 n/l    n/l                    Licence       none listed
4/12/1809       John                JOHNSTON            n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Par of Derrivollan						n/l             n/l     Catherine       Beggs            n/l     n/l          n/l    Laragh, Parish of Trory                                   n/l                 n/l    n/l                    Licence       none listed
18/12/1809      Charles             CONNOR              n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Par of Devenish						n/l             n/l     Mary            Johnston         n/l     n/l          n/l    Trory, Parish of Trory                                    n/l                 n/l    n/l                    Licence       none listed
6/12/1811       Christopher         CHITTICK            n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Yellow Church, Par of Trory					n/l             n/l     Jane            Hamilton         n/l     n/l          n/l    Camcool, Parish of Trory                                  n/l                 n/l    n/l                    Licence       none listed
16/9/1812       John                JOHNSTON            n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Shanmullagh, Par of Trory					n/l             n/l     Christian       Johnston         n/l     n/l          n/l    Drumgarrow, Parish of Trory                               n/l                 n/l    n/l                    Licence       none listed
24/2/1813       Christopher         THOMPSON            n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Par of Derrivollan						n/l             n/l     Catherine       Cane or Lane     n/l     n/l          n/l    Parish of Trory                                           n/l                 n/l    n/l                    Licence       none listed
24/4/1813       John                KEYS                n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Par of Derrivolland						n/l             n/l     Elizabeth       Young            n/l     n/l          n/l    Trory, Parish of Trory                                    n/l                 n/l    n/l                    Licence       none listed
26/4/1813       William             KEYS                n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Par of Derrivolland						n/l             n/l     Elizabeth       Hamilton         n/l     n/l          n/l    Parish of Trory                                           n/l                 n/l    n/l                    Licence       none listed
21/3/1815       Andrew              CROZIER             n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Crinaghan???, Par of Trory					n/l             n/l     Catherine       Magrath          n/l     n/l          n/l    Parish of Trory                                           n/l                 n/l    n/l                    Banns         none listed                                    4.
25/9/1817       Michael Hugh        TUTHILL             n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Tubbrit (Tubbrid?), Par of Drumkeeran				n/l             n/l     Catherine       Irvine           n/l     n/l          n/l    Rockfield, Parish of Trory                                n/l                 n/l    n/l                    Licence       none listed
4/11/1817       George              KYLE???             n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Diocese of Raphoe						n/l             n/l     Mary            Irwin            n/l     n/l          n/l    Kilmacormick, Parish of Trory                             n/l                 n/l    Thomas Irwin           Licence       none listed
3/9/1819        William             MCGLAUGHLIN         n/l   n/l        Surgeon in navy                          n/l								n/l             n/l     Eleanor         Irwin            n/l     n/l          n/l    Kilmacormick                                              n/l                 n/l    Thomas Irwin           n/l           none listed
19/4/1819       Alexander           FRITH               n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Derryargen (Derryargon?), Par of Trory			n/l             n/l     Margaret        Corrin           n/l     n/l          n/l    Trory, Conrick Town????                                   n/l                 n/l    n/l                    Licence       none listed
25/1/1820       William             RAY                 n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Par of Magheracross						n/l             n/l     Elizabeth       Crooks           n/l     n/l          n/l    Parish of Magheracross                                    n/l                 n/l    n/l                    Banns         none listed
2/4/1820        Francis             JOHNSTON            n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Laragh							n/l             n/l     Anne            Campbell         n/l     n/l          n/l    Laragh                                                    n/l                 n/l    n/l                    Licence       none listed
10/4/1820       John                CAMPBELL            n/l   n/l        n/l                                      St. Michaels (as record)					n/l             n/l     Jane            McCoy            n/l     n/l          n/l    Thornhill                                                 n/l                 n/l    n/l                    Licence       none listed
19/9/1820       Alexander           JOHNSTON            n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Kilskeery							n/l             n/l     Mary Jane       Johnston         n/l     n/l          n/l    Goblusk (Gublusk?)                                        n/l                 n/l    n/l                    n/l           none listed
5/12/1821       Robert              MORTON              n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Kinally????							n/l             n/l     Elizabeth       Johnston         n/l     n/l          n/l    Goblusk (Gublusk?)                                        n/l                 n/l    n/l                    n/l           none listed
3/2/1823        John                CLEMENS             n/l   n/l        n/l                                      n/l								n/l             n/l     Elizabeth       Leonard          n/l     n/l          n/l    n/l                                                       n/l                 n/l    n/l                    Licence       none listed
21/2/1823       Corry William       BEATY               n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Magheracross							n/l             n/l     Barbara         Irwin            n/l     n/l          n/l    Magheracross                                              n/l                 n/l    n/l                    n/l           none listed
20/2/1824       John                GRAHAM              n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Magheracross							n/l             n/l     Jean            Crozier          n/l     n/l          n/l    Trory                                                     n/l                 n/l    n/l                    n/l           none listed
30/6/1824       George              SPENCE              n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Devenish							n/l             n/l     Anne            Hicks            n/l     n/l          n/l    Rossahilly                                                n/l                 n/l    n/l                    n/l           none listed
17/11/1824      Francis             BEGGS               n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Enniskillen							n/l             n/l     Elizabeth       Beaty            n/l     n/l          n/l    Lisnarik???? (Lisnarrick?)                                n/l                 n/l    n/l                    n/l           none listed
11/10/1825      William             WALSH               n/l   n/l        n/l                                      n/l								n/l             n/l     Anne            Spratt           n/l     n/l          n/l    n/l                                                       n/l                 n/l    n/l                    n/l           none listed
1/5/1826        Samuel              POTTERS             n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Laragh							n/l             n/l     Mary            Beggs            n/l     n/l          n/l    Laragh                                                    n/l                 n/l    n/l                    Licence       none listed
26/5/1826       George              BLEAKLY             n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Trory								n/l             n/l     Mary            Graham           n/l     n/l          n/l    Trory                                                     n/l                 n/l    n/l                    Licence       none listed
2/6/1826        John                SACLLON             n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Tullyavy							n/l             n/l     Anne            Hilliard         n/l     n/l          n/l    Tullyavy                                                  n/l                 n/l    n/l                    Licence       none listed
13/6/1826       James               GRAHAM              n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Trory								n/l             n/l     Mary            Graham           n/l     n/l          n/l    Trory                                                     n/l                 n/l    n/l                    Licence       none listed
22/11/1826      James               FIFE                n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Drumcullion							n/l             n/l     Margaret        Graham           n/l     n/l          n/l    Trory                                                     n/l                 n/l    n/l                    n/l           none listed
19/1/1827       Richard             GREY                n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Ohils (Oghill?)						n/l             n/l     Mary            Grey             n/l     n/l          n/l    Ohils (Oghill?)                                           n/l                 n/l    n/l                    n/l           none listed
19/11/1827      George              MCCORMICK           n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Laragh							n/l             n/l     Mary            Johnston         n/l     n/l          n/l    Laragh                                                    n/l                 n/l    n/l                    n/l           none listed
2/5/1828        Arthur              JOHNSTON            n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Culgarren (Coolgarran?)					n/l             n/l     Margaret        Irvine           n/l     n/l          n/l    Culgarren (Coolgarran?)                                   n/l                 n/l    n/l                    n/l           none listed
4/8/1828        George              THOMSON (rec)       n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Cleenish							n/l             n/l     Mary            Wilson           n/l     n/l          n/l    Maheracross (Magheracross?)                               n/l                 n/l    n/l                    n/l           none listed
15/1/1829       Robert              FIFE                n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Magheracross							n/l             n/l     Jane            McCleland        n/l     n/l          n/l    Magheracross                                              n/l                 n/l    n/l                    n/l           none listed
15/6/1829       William             BOOTH               n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Trory								n/l             n/l     Elizabeth       Edwards          n/l     n/l          n/l    Trory                                                     n/l                 n/l    n/l                    n/l           none listed
13/10/1829      Thomas              GRAHAM              n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Par of Trory							n/l             n/l     Elizabeth       Fowler           n/l     n/l          n/l    Parish of Trory                                           n/l                 n/l    n/l                    n/l           none listed
7/1/1830        Thomas              BELL                n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Yellow Church							n/l             n/l     Martha          Toomouth         n/l     n/l          n/l    Yellow Church                                             n/l                 n/l    n/l                    n/l           none listed
8/1/1830        Robert              BEATY               n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Magheracross							n/l             n/l     Mary            Bell??           n/l     n/l          n/l    Enniskillen                                               n/l                 n/l    n/l                    n/l           none listed
23/2/1830       Edward              BELL                n/l   n/l        n/l                                      St. Michael's, Trory						n/l             n/l     Letitia         Noble            n/l     n/l          n/l    St. Michael's, Trory                                      n/l                 n/l    n/l                    n/l           none listed
5/3/1830        Joseph              MULDOON             n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Ohils (Oghill?)						n/l             n/l     Margaret        Hamilton         n/l     n/l          n/l    Ohils (Oghill?)                                           n/l                 n/l    n/l                    n/l           none listed
9/6/1830        James               MCCOLLOGH           n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Devenish							n/l             n/l     Anne            Johnston         n/l     n/l          n/l    Trory                                                     n/l                 n/l    n/l                    n/l           none listed
19/2/1831       Daniel              VANCE               n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Trory								n/l             n/l     Jane            Cathcart         n/l     n/l          n/l    Devenish                                                  n/l                 n/l    n/l                    n/l           none listed
13/11/1831      William             GRAHAM              n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Dromore Par							n/l             n/l     Isobel          Irvine           n/l     n/l          n/l    n/l                                                       n/l                 n/l    n/l                    n/l           none listed
14/2/1832       James               PATTERSON           n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Magheracross							n/l             n/l     Jean            fife             n/l     n/l          n/l    Magheracross                                              n/l                 n/l    n/l                    n/l           none listed
20/11/1835      John                MITCHELL            n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Drumcullion, Par of Trory					n/l             n/l     Jane            Armstrong        n/l     n/l          n/l    Shanmullagh, Parish of Magheracross                       n/l                 n/l    James S. Irwin         Licence       John Gibson & William McDonald
14/12/1835      Thomas              HAMILTON            n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Cules, Par of Derryvoland					n/l             n/l     Catherine       Diver???         n/l     n/l          n/l    Tully, Parish of Trory                                    n/l                 n/l    Butler??? Brooke       n/l           Isaac Emerson???? & George Hamilton
17/6/1836       Andrew              EMERY               n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Paris Island, Par of Trory					n/l             n/l     Eliza           Spratt           n/l     n/l          n/l    Paris Island, Parish of Trory                             n/l                 n/l    J. Moore               Licence       William Spratt & Thomas Bell???
12/8/1836       John                ARMSTRONG           n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Cornafanog???? (Cornafannoge?)				n/l             n/l     Jane            Humphrys         n/l     n/l          n/l    Rossahilly, Parish of Trory                               n/l                 n/l    Butler??? Brooke       n/l           James??? Humphry & John Lindsey
14/9/1836       Robert              SOMERVILLE          n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Mackony (Makenny?), Par of Kilskeery				n/l             n/l     Mary            Hamilton         n/l     n/l          n/l    Ohills (Oghill?),                                         n/l                 n/l    Butler??? Brooke       Licence       John Anderson & Joh Irvine
3/1/1837        James               BLACK               n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Lisbellaw, Par of Cleenish					n/l             n/l     Margaret        Irwin            n/l     n/l          n/l    Ballindullagh, Parish of Derryvoland                      n/l                 n/l    Butler??? Brooke       Licence       Alexander Irvine & Acheson Black
2/2/1837        William             BROUSTER            n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Dromore, Par of Derryvoland					n/l             n/l     Mary            Emerson???       n/l     n/l          n/l    Drumminchin (Druminshin?), Parish of Derryvoland          n/l                 n/l    Butler??? Brooke       Licence       Thomas???? Guttery???? & Isaac Emerson
6/2/1837        Arthur              BLEAKLEY            n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Drogan, Par of Derryvoland					n/l             n/l     Letitia         Bell             n/l     n/l          n/l    Tully, Parish of Trory                                    n/l                 n/l    Butler??? Brooke       Licence       Thomas Bleakley & Robert Bell
24/4/1837       Hugh                HAMILTON            n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Moyglass, Par of Devenish					n/l             n/l     Anne            Chittick         n/l     n/l          n/l    Drumgarrow, Parish of Trory                               n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       James Nelson & Thomas Campbell
4/5/1837        James               SUMMERVILLE         n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Brooker???? Par of Kilskeery					n/l             n/l     Sarah           Ingram           n/l     n/l          n/l    Aughels (Oghill?), Parish of Trory                        n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       William Ingram & John Ingrim (as record)
16/5/1837       Robert              HALL                n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Goblusk (Gublusk?), Par of Trory				n/l             n/l     Margaret        Keys             n/l     n/l          n/l    Goblusk (Gublusk?), Parish of Trory                       n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       William Johnston & Joseph Johnston
15/6/1837       James               IRWIN               n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Tully, Par of Trory						n/l             n/l     Anne            Bell             n/l     Spinster     n/l    Tully, Parish of Trory                                    n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       William Emerson??? & Robert Johnston
3/7/1837        James               ELLIOTT             n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Fearney (Ferney?), Par of Magheracross			n/l             n/l     Anne Jane       Elliott          n/l     n/l          n/l    Fearney (Ferney?), Parish of Magheracross                 n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       Joseph Buchanan & John Elliott
20/7/1837       John                INGRAM              n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Tully, Par of Trory						n/l             n/l     Catherine       Noble            n/l     n/l          n/l    Tully, Parish of Trory                                    n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       Robert Ball or Bell & William Buchanan
25/7/1837       Michael             LINDSEY             n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Irvinestown, Par of Derryvolland				n/l             n/l     Christian       Anderson         n/l     n/l          n/l    Drumminchin (Druminshin?), Parish of Derryvoland          n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       John Ginn & John Irvine
17/8/1837       Edwrad              PATTERSON           n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Carricknahorna, Kilbarron, Co. Donegal			n/l             n/l     Catherine       Blakeley (rec.)  n/l     n/l          n/l    Drumminchin (Druminshin?), Parish of Derryvoland          n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       Edward Mackey & Christopher Bleakley
23/11/1837      Robert              BELL                n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Tully, Par of Trory						n/l             n/l     Anne            Noble            n/l     n/l          n/l    Tully, Parish of Trory                                    n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       Robert Bell & John Ingram???
25/11/1837      William             HALLICK             n/l   n/l        Pvt in 96th Regt of Foot                 Enniskillen, Par of Enniskillen				n/l             n/l     Mary            Graham           n/l     Spinster     n/l    Enniskillen, Parish of Enniskillen                        n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       Francis??? Graham??? & Joseph Buchanan
8/12/1837       Christopher         HETHERINGTON        n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Cantitrindle (Cantytrindle?), Par of Dryyyvollen		n/l             n/l     Eliza           Ramsay           n/l     n/l          n/l    Cantytrindle (Cantytrindle?), Parish of Derryvollen       n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       Patt??? Johnston & Joseph Buchanan
14/12/1837      William             CAMPBELL            n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Camcool, Par of Trory						n/l             n/l     Jane            McCoy            n/l     n/l          n/l    Irvinestown, Parish of Derryvolan                         n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       Henry McCoy & Francis?? McMulkin
1/1/1838        Edward              MARKS               n/l   n/l        96th Regt                                Par of Enniskillen						n/l             n/l     Anne            Dolan            n/l     n/l          n/l    Enniskillen, Parish of Enniskillen                        n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       Joseph Buchanan (only 1)
8/1/1838        Edward              DAVIS???            n/l   n/l        96th Regt of Foot                        Par of Enniskillen						n/l             n/l     Anne            Stewart          n/l     n/l          n/l    Florence Court, Parish of Clanawley                       n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       Joseph Buchanan (only 1)
22/2/1838       John                BURNS               n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Levaghy, Par of Derryvollen					n/l             n/l     Margaret        Noble            n/l     n/l          n/l    Levaghy, Parish of Derryvollen                            n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       John Graham & James Earls
29/4/1838       Thomas              STORY               n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Rossory							n/l             n/l     Elizabeth       Graham           n/l     n/l          n/l    Trory                                                     n/l                 n/l    Charles??? Miller      Licence       Christopher Graham &N John Moore
4/7/1838        John                BEASLY              n/l   n/l        Pvt, 96th Regt                           Enniskillen, Par of Enniskillen				n/l             n/l     Margaret        Edwards          n/l     n/l          n/l    Enniskillen, Parish of Enniskillen                        n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       Joseph Buchanan & John (illegible)
14/7/1838       Joseph              WHITE               n/l   n/l        Pvt, 96th Regt                           Enniskillen, Par of Enniskillen				n/l             n/l     Jane            McSorley         n/l     n/l          n/l    Trory, Parish of Trory                                    n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       Joseph Buchanan & William Graham
9/8/1838        James               SPRATT              n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Little Paris Island, Par of Trory				n/l             n/l     Frances         see comments     n/l     n/l          n/l    Boe (Boa?) Island, Parish of Templecarne (Templecarn?)    n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       John Spratt & Joseph Buchanan
14/8/1838       Charles             MOFFATT             n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Drumsara, Par of Derryvollen					n/l             n/l     Anne            Elliott          n/l     n/l          n/l    Drumduff, Parish of Derryvollen                           n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       Joseph Buchanan & John Summerville
15/8/1838       William             PALMER              n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Cassidy, Par of Derryvollen					n/l             n/l     Margaret        Allen            n/l     n/l          n/l    Moneykee, Parish of Derryvollen                           n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       Patt. Keenan???? & Samuel Moon or Moore
3/9/1838        Guy                 BLEAKLEY            n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Cabragh, Par of Kilskeery					n/l             n/l     Anne            Maxwell          n/l     n/l          n/l    Glassmullagh (Glasmullagh?), Parish of Kilskeery          n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       Christopher  -eaper???? & Joseph Buchanan
11/9/1838       William             HENDERSON           n/l   n/l        n/l                                      illegible, Par of Trory					n/l             n/l     Jane            Crozier          n/l     n/l          n/l    Trory, Parish of Trory                                    n/l                 n/l    illegible              Licence       John Little & John Crozier
27/10/1838      James               BRADEN              n/l   n/l        Pvt, 38th Regt of Foot                   Enniskillen, Par of Enniskillen				n/l             n/l     Jane            Little           n/l     n/l          n/l    Enniskillen, Parish of Enniskillen                        n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       Ben???? Moore & Joseph Buchanan
10/11/1838      Andrew              ARMSTRONG           n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Goblusk (Gublusk?), Par of Trory				n/l             n/l     Mary Anne       Armstrong        n/l     n/l          n/l    Goblusk (Gublusk?), Parish of Trory                       n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       George Armstrong & William Armstrong
12/11/1838      James               STEWART             n/l   n/l        38th Regt                                Enniskillen, Par of Enniskillen				n/l             n/l     Eliza           Mathews          n/l     n/l          n/l    Enniskillen, Parish of Enniskillen                        n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       Joseph Buchanan & Catherine Maguire
26/12/1838      Robert              LITTLE              n/l   n/l        38th Regt of Foot                        Enniskillen, Par of Enniskillen				n/l             n/l     Matilda         Bell             n/l     Spinster     n/l    Enniskillen, Parish of Enniskillen                        n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       (illegible) Robinson & Joseph Buchanan
9/1/1839        John                LAURENCE            n/l   n/l        38th Regt of Foot                        Par of Enniskillen						n/l             n/l     Sarah Anne      Goodwin          n/l     Spinster     n/l    Enniskillen, Parish of Enniskillen                        n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       William Rutters & Joseph Buchanan
13/1/1839       Edward              NICKOLDSON (rec)    n/l   n/l        38th Regt of Foot                        Enniskillen							n/l             n/l     Jane            Walpole          n/l     n/l          n/l    Enniskillen, Parish of Enniskillen                        n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       (illegible) & Joseph Buchanan
12/2/1839       William             ARMSTRONG           n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Shanmullagh, Par of Trory					n/l             n/l     Jane            Blakeley (rec.)  n/l     n/l          n/l    Irvinestown, Parish of Derryvolland                       n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       Mary???? Bleakly & John (illegible)
12/4/1839       William             SPRATT              n/l   n/l        n/l                                      St. Angelo, Par of Trory					n/l             n/l     Lucy            Ingram           n/l     n/l          n/l    Druminchin (Druminshin?), Parish of Derryvollen           n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       John???? Ingram & James Spratt
19/4/1839       William             CORRIGAN            n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Drumcullion, Par of Magheracross				n/l             n/l     Elizabeth       Moore            n/l     n/l          n/l    Trory, Parish of Trory                                    n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       John Little & George Hilliard???
14/5/1839       George              NEELY               n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Killireagh (Killyreagh?), Par of Derrybrusk			n/l             n/l     Eleanor         Buchanan         n/l     n/l          n/l    Trory, Parish of Trory                                    n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       James McFarland & John Clegg
23/1/1840       Henry               MOFFITT             n/l   Bachelor   n/l                                      Drumbulkin (Drumbulcan?), Par of Magheracross			n/l             n/l     Catherine       Johnston         n/l     widow        n/l    Drummacklelowney (Drummackilowney?), Parish of Trory      n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       Robert Johnston & Joseph Buchanan
31/1/1840       James               HURST               n/l   Widower    n/l                                      Saloon, Par of Magheracross					n/l             n/l     Margaret        Irwin            n/l     widow        n/l    Drumminchin (Druminshin?), Parish of Derryvolland         n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       Isaac Emerson & James Bleakley
18/2/1840       Thomas              NOWLAN              n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Ballycassidy, Par of Trory					n/l             n/l     Mary Jane       Gardner          n/l     n/l          n/l    St. Michael's, Parish of Trory                            n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       Joseph Buchanan & James Fraser
23/6/1840       John Nethervill     BLAKE OR BLAKELY    n/l   n/l        n/l                                      illegible							n/l             n/l     Anne            Nixon            n/l     Spinster     n/l    Enniskillen                                               n/l                 n/l    Thomas I. Ovenden      Licence       Charles??? Ovenden??? & John???? Richardson
7/7/1840        William             ROBINSON            n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Trory, Par of Trory						n/l             n/l     Margaret        Arthurs          n/l     n/l          n/l    Trory, Parish of Trory                                    n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       Robert?? Hicks & Margaret?? McMulkin???
6/8/1840        Robert              POTTERS             n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Drumbulkin (Drumbulcan?), Par of Derryvollen			n/l             n/l     Elizabeth       Nelson           n/l     n/l          n/l    Rockfield, Parish of Trory                                n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       Joseph Buchanan (only 1)
8/9/1840        William Fitzgerald  FRAZER              n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Drum--------????, Co Leitrim, Diocese of Kilmore		n/l             n/l     Margaret        Graham           n/l     Spinster     n/l    Knockmanoul, Parish of Magheracross                       n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       William Graham & Archibald Frazer
14/12/1840      Jason???            INGRAM              n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Whitehill, Par of Innnismacsaint (Inishmacsaint?)		n/l             n/l     Margaret        McBride          n/l     n/l          n/l    Creenaghan, Parish of Trory                               n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       James McBride & Joseph Buchanan
10/4/1841       Christopher         PAYNE               n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Altevira (Altavra?) Par of Killargy (Killarga?), Co. Leitrim	n/l             n/l     Jane            Ingram           n/l     n/l          n/l    Oughills (Oghill?), Parish of Trory                       n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       none listed
6/5/1841        Charles             JOHNSTON            n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Drumchrin (Drumcrin?), Par of Derryvullen			n/l             n/l     Catherine       Graham           n/l     n/l          n/l    Trory, Parish of Trory                                    n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       Lancelott?? Johnston??? & George Graham
13/5/1841       Edward              ELLIOTT             n/l   Bachelor   n/l                                      Derryholough (Derryhowlaght?), Par of Cleenish		n/l             n/l     Catherine       Elliott          n/l     n/l          n/l    Ferney, Parish of Magheracross                            n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       William Elliott & Joseph Buchanan
31/8/1841       Thomas              ARMSTRONG           n/l   n/l        Mason                                    Shanmullagh, Par of Trory					n/l             n/l     Jane            Johnston         n/l     Spinster     n/l    St. Angelo, Parish of Trory                               n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       Joseph Buchanan (only 1)
10/11/1841      Thomas              WALMSLEY            n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Drummackalowney (Drummackilowney?), Par of Trory		n/l             n/l     Margaret        Lyons            n/l     n/l          n/l    Drummacklalowney (Drummackilowney?), Parish of Trory      n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       James Mackie & Joseph Buchanan
11/2/1842       Robert              PAYNE               n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Altavra?? Par of Killargy (Killarga?), Co. Leitrim		n/l             n/l     Letitia         Johnston         n/l     n/l          n/l    Goblusk (Gublusk?), Parish of Trory                       n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       Robert Johnston & William??? Payne
15/4/1842       William             MORRISON            n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Enniskillen, Par of Enniskillen				n/l             n/l     Susanna         Watkins          n/l     n/l          n/l    Conrick, Parish of Trory                                  n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       William??? Robinson & Charles??? (illegible)
28/6/1842       James               MCCREA              n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Derryinch, Par of Trory					n/l             n/l     Margaret        Robinson         n/l     n/l          n/l    Drumclay??? Parish of Enniskillen                         n/l                 n/l    John Taylor            Licence       John Ball or Bale & William Ball or Bale
3/2/1843        William             FITZPATRICK         n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Knockmanoul, Par of Magheracross				n/l             n/l     Jane            Robinson         n/l     n/l          n/l    Drumcullion, Parish of Magheracross                       n/l                 n/l    Henry A. Burke         Licence       John Ball , Henry Ball & Robert Moore???
27/2/1843       William             BOTHWELL            n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Enniskillen, Par of Rossory					n/l             n/l     Jane            Gibson           n/l     n/l          n/l    Tullyavey (Tullyavy?), Parish of Trory                    n/l                 n/l    Henry A. Burke         Licence       Johnston Graham & Joseph Buchanan
see comments    Thomas              CAFFRY              n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Cleenamullagh (Clonamullog?), Par of Rossory			n/l             n/l     Elizabeth       Morrison         n/l     n/l          n/l    Curran (Currin?), Parish of Magheracross                  n/l                 n/l    Henry A. Burke         Licence       William Morrison & Alexander??? Veitch         5.
31/3/1843       William             CRAWFORD            n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Termonaghan (Tirmonen?), Par of Kinnawley (Kinawley?)		n/l             n/l     Susanna         Byers            n/l     n/l          n/l    Lettermony (Lettermoney?), Parish of Magheracross         n/l                 n/l    George W. Walsh        Licence       William Crawford & Isabella Henderson
20/6/1843       Christopher         BLEAKLY             n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Druminchin (Druminshin?), Par of Derryvullen			n/l             n/l     Mary Jane       Johnston         n/l     n/l          n/l    Aughills (Oghill?), Parish of Trory                       n/l                 n/l    Henry A. Burke         Licence       James Nixon & James Maguire
29/9/1843       Thomas              CLARKE              n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Tedd, Par of Derryvullen					n/l             n/l     Mary            McQuade          n/l     n/l          n/l    Drumgarrow, Parish of Trory                               n/l                 n/l    Henry A. Burke         Licence       Baptist Johnston & James Thompson
7/11/1843       Henry               STEEL               n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Enniskillen, Par of Enniskillen				n/l             n/l     Margaret        Graham           n/l     n/l          n/l    Goblusk (Gublusk?), Parish of Trory                       n/l                 n/l    Henry A. Burke         Licence       Camy??? Hurst & Edward Simpson
20/2/1844       James               MCBRIDE             n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Trory, Par of Trory						n/l             n/l     Mary Anne       Kelly            n/l     n/l          n/l    Drumcurrin???? (Drumcurren?), Parish of Magheracross      n/l                 n/l    Thomas I. Ovenden      Licence       James Chittick???? & (illegible)
8/11/1844       Charles             HUMPHRYS            n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Rossahilly, Par of Trory					n/l             n/l     Mary            Betty            n/l     n/l          n/l    Trory, Parish of Trory                                    n/l                 n/l    Henry A. Burke         Licence       James Betty & Simon Armstrong
13/1/1845       Andrew              BUCHANAN            n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Enniskillen, Par of Enniskillen				n/l             n/l     Mary Jane       Rice or Price    n/l     n/l          n/l    Derryargan, Parish of Trory                               n/l                 n/l    Henry A. Burke         Licence       George Cranston & John Williams??
1/7/1845        Ralph               STONE               n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Enniskillen, Par of Enniskillen				n/l             n/l     Catherine       Irwin            n/l     n/l          n/l    Derrygore, Parish of Trory                                n/l                 n/l    George Stone           Licence       Edward Irwin & John Stone (Clerk)
25/8/1845       Joseph              BENISON             n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Ballyshannon???, Par of Inishmacsaint				n/l             n/l     Anne            Rogers           n/l     n/l          n/l    Riversdale, Parish of Trory                               n/l                 n/l    Henry A. Burke         Licence       William Graham & Robert Frith
12/9/1845       Hugh                O'DONNELL           n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Dromore, Par of Magheraculmoney				n/l             n/l     Deborah         Irwin            n/l     n/l          n/l    Shanmullagh, Parish of Trory                              n/l                 n/l    Henry A. Burke         Licence       Thomas Steel???? & William Irvine
5/12/1845       John                INGRAM              n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Rockfield, Par of Trory					n/l             n/l     Anne            Irvine           n/l     n/l          n/l    Tully, Parish of Trory                                    n/l                 n/l    Henry A. Burke         Licence       William Irvine & James McBride???
2/1/1846        William             HETHERINGTON        n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Knocacullion (Knockacullion?), Co. Leitrim			n/l             n/l     Anne            Johnston         n/l     n/l          n/l    Goblusk (Gublusk?), Parish of Trory                       n/l                 n/l    Henry A. Burke         Licence       Thomas (illegible) & Robert Johnston
20/2/1846       Andrew              FIFE                n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Makeny (Makenny?), Par of Kilskeery				n/l             n/l     Mary Anne       Nelson           n/l     n/l          n/l    Drumgarrow, Parish of Trory                               n/l                 n/l    Henry A. Burke         Licence       Edward Fife & James Nixon
21/5/1867 (rec) Francis             KIRKPATRICK         n/l   n/l        n/l                                      Clabby							n/l             n/l     Anne            Beatty           n/l     n/l          n/l    Trory                                                     n/l                 n/l    Albert James           Licence       Armstrong Crozier & John Beatty

1.  Record lists "John Sacllan , protestant & Judith Magrath Popish Persuasion"
2.  Record lists "Both of The Popish Persuasion"
3.  Jane Irvine listed as the eldest daughter of Gerard Irvine Esq.
4.  Andrew Crozier listed as "of the Protestant persuasion & Catherine Magrath of the popish Persuasion"
5.  This marriage record dated 24/2/1842 even though it was listed amongst marriage records for 1843
