Colebrooke Graveyard, Aghalurcher Parish, Co. Fermanagh, N. Ireland
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Fermanagh Index
Contributed by: Dave Hall  & Bernadette McGovern
Transcribed by: Valerie Ackroyd


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Photo No.0

Photo No.1
General View

Photo No.2
ADAMS | Carrickapolin | In Loving Memory Of | JAMES | Died
27th July 1965 aged 81 years | Also his wife LENA | Died
14th September 1985 aged 88 years | Their daughter-in-law
DAPHNEY | Died 7th May 2016 aged 76 years | Their son
THOMAS | Died 28th August 2021 aged 88 years | “Safe in the
arms of Jesus” | Small memorial at bottom: ADAMS |
ELIZABETH 1843 – 1929 | JAMES 1837 – 1930

Photo No.3
ADAMS | In Loving Memory Of | MOSES ADAMS | Died 8th
October 1971. Aged 87 years. | His wife FLORENCE ANN ADAMS,
| Died 22nd December 1976. Aged 78 years. | Their daughter
NANCY ADAMS | Died 2nd March 1936. Aged 4 years 9 months. |
Their daughter-in-law HELEN ADAMS | Died 18th November 2009
aged 65 years

Photo No.4
ROBERT ADAMS | 1842-1922 | SARAH REID ADAMS | 1852 – 1936

Photo No.5
AGNEW | In Loving Memory Of | A dear husband and father |
WILLIAM LESLIE | Died 11th April 1985 | Also his wife |
MARTHA JANE | Died 21st February 1994 | And their beloved
son | CHRISTOPHER ANDREW (Christy) | Died 16th June 2022 |
Loving brother, husband, father and grandfather

Photo No.6
In | memory of | MARY ARMSTRONG | (Brookeboro) | Died 6th
April 1911 | Aged 81 years | Also her brother | JOHN
ARMSTRONG | Died 20th March 1917 | Aged 85 years

Photo No.7
ARMSTRONG | In Loving Memory Of | Our dear parents |
MATTHEW, died June 1895. | MARY SUSAN, died Jany. 1929. |
Also their son MATTHEW, died 22nd Jany. 1966. | Ever

Photo No.8
ARMSTRONG | Rathkeeland

Photo No.9
In Loving Memory of | GEORGE ARMSTRONG | Brookeborough |
Died 5th October 1916. | Also his wife | MARY ANN ARMSTRONG
| Died 20th Jany., 1938. | And their children | FREDERICK
GEORGE, | Died 18th April 1896. | GEORGINA, died 22nd March
1914 | MARY ELIZABETH, | Died 5th July 1934. | RACHEL died
15th November 1974. | BEBE died 25th November 1974.

Photo No.10
In Loving Memory | of | JANE BAMFORD | Died January 29th
1884 | Aged 40 years. | JOHN BAMFORD | Died 30th March 1911
| Aged 72 years. | Erected by her | husband JOHN BAMFORD

Photo No.11
Here under is interd the body | of | ELIZABETH BEATTY |
wife to JOHN BEATTY of | Ardmony who Departed | This life
Agust the 6th 1784 | Aged 25 years. Also the body of |
ELIZABETH BEATTY Second | wife to JOHN BEATTY of Ardmony |
who Departed this life Feb... | 1801 Aged 42 years. also
the bo... | of JOHN BEATTY | Late of Ardmoney who D... |
This life March 13th 1818 Ag.. | 67 years

Photo No.12
Sacred to the memory | of | ROBERT BEATTY | December 16th
1874| This stone is erect | ed in memory of his | Faithful
services | for upwards of | 50 years

Photo No.13
Here Lyeth the Body of | MARY BERREY who Departed | this
Life April the 26th 1784 | Aged 77 yers

Photo No.14
Aghavoory, | Who died 22nd October 1948. | And his wife
ELLIE, who died 11th January 1948. | Their son THOMAS
HENRY, | Who died 25th February 2007, aged 86 years. | And
his wife ANNIE FLORENCE, | Who died 19th October 2008, aged
88 years.

Photo No.15
EDWARD BOYD | Tullykenneye | Who departed this life | April
11th 1894 | Aged 69 years

Photo No.16
In loving memory of | our dear father and real friend |
JOHN BOYD, | Died 13th February 1937 aged 76 years. | Your
last parting wish, we would like | to have heard, and
breathed in your ear | our last parting word. Only those
who | have lost are able to tell the pain | in the heart,
at not saying “Fairwell.” | Erected by his sons in Canada.

Photo No.17
BOYD | In Loving Memory Of | SARAH ANN | Died 8th August
1981 aged 58 years | Also her husband CHARLES JOSEPH | Died
25th December 1988 aged 75 years | The Lord is my Shepherd

Photo No.18
In Memory Of | MARY ANNE, | The beloved wife of HENRY BREEN
|Knockmcmanus (?) | Died 11th June 1913 | Aged 74 years |
Also her husband HENRY BREEN | Who died 30th May 1937 aged
80 years | Also his son WILLIAM BREEN | Who died 6th
January 1941, | Aged 23 years

Photo No.19
Sacred | to the memory of | MAXWELL BRISON | Grogey who
died the .. | August 1887 Aged 88 years

Photo No.20
BRYANS | In Loving Memory Of | ANNE | Died 21st July 1908
aged 70 years | Her husband JOHN | Died 21st June 1928 aged
85 years | Also their daughter CATHERINE | Their grandsons,
ROBERT WILSON | Died 19th July 1990 aged 68 years | His
brother JOHN BRYANS WILSON | Died 13th April 1993 aged 82

Photo No.21
Left stone:
In | Loving Memory | of | JOHN BRYSON | Lisnaskea | "Called
home" 20th Jan 1918, | Aged 63 years. | Faithful and True |
Also his youngest son | WILLIAM EDWARD, | Died 5th June
1927, | Aged 23 years | Also his wife | MARY JANE BRYSON |
Who died 18th July 1950 | Aged 82 years | Erected by
sorrowing wife and family.
Middle stone:
In | loving memory of | SARAH ANNE, | wife of | WILLIAM
BRYSON | Brookeborough | Died | 27th May 1893 | Aged 22
years | WILLIAM BRYSON | Called home | 6th August 1924 |
Also their daughter | MAY | Who died 13th | November 1927.
| WILLIAM F. BRYSON | MBE. DL. MB. | Who died 20th |
October 1982 | His wife | AILEEN MURIEL | Who died 31st
December 1990.
Right stone:
In Loving Memory | of | FRANCES BRYSON, | Altawalk, | Died
20th August 1893, | Aged 68 years. | Also of | JAMES
BRYSON, | Died 21st July 1902, | Aged 94 years. | Also
their son | JAMES BRYSON, of Clones. | Died 27th Jan. 1937,
| Aged 80 years. | Also their daughter | ANNIE BRYSON, of
Clones. | Died 28th Oct. 1937, | Aged 75 years. | Also
their grand-son | JIM BRYSON, of Clones. | Died 18th Sept.
1940. | Also EMILY, wife of | JAMES BRYSON, Clones | Died
28th April 1955. | "To be with Christ which is far better."

Photo No.22
COPELAND | Derryheeley | Brookeborough | “At Rest”

Photo No.23
WILSON | In Loving Memory Of MARGARET COULTER | Died 17th
Aug. 1948 aged 83 years | Her sister ISABELLA WILSON | Died
18th Oct. 1951 aged 68 years | Her husband JOHN ANDREW
WILSON | Died 8th Jan. 1963 aged 82 years

Photo No.24
CRAWFORD | In Loving Memory of | IRVINE CRAWFORD, | Died
10th June 1921. | Also his father ROBERT CRAWFORD | Died
3rd September 1941. | And his mother | MARY ANNE CRAWFORD |
Died 30th July 1963. | JOSEPH CRAWFORD | Died 23rd January
1988 | And his wife ISABELLA, | Died 9th November 1997. |
“At Rest”

Photo No.25
In | memory of | JAMES CRAWFORD | Who died May 18 1897 aged
80 years | Also in memory of his sister | ISABELLA | Who
died April 13 1898 aged 80 years

Photo No.26
CRAWFORD | In Loving Memory Of | MURIEL EDITH | Died 30th
March 2005 aged 65 years

Photo No.27
CRAWFORD | In Loving Memory Of | THOMAS BRIAN | Died 23rd
February 1997 aged 50 years

Photo No.28
CRAWFORD | Precious Memories Of | A dear husband | WILLIAM
JAMES | Lisolvan, Brookeborough | Called home 23rd November
1992 | Worthy of everlasting remembrance

Photo No.29
In | memory of | WILLIAM THOMAS DAVIS | Born 18th August
1878 | Entered his heavenly home, | 10th July 1899

Photo No.30
Erected | by CHRISTOPHER DELAP of | Foglish. | in memory of his
Daughter | ELIZABETH | who departed this life | November the 1st,
1830, | Aged 24 years.

Photo No.31
Top stone:
In | Loving Memory of | WILLIE | The beloved husband of
SADIE DIXON | Who died 18th September (?) 1938. | And his
wife SADIE died 10th October 1963 (?).
Flat stone:
Erected | By ROBERT DIXON of Tullyreagh | in memory of His
beloved Wife | SARAH DIXON who Departed | this Life May the
14th 1869 | Aged 70 Years. | Also the above ROBERT DIXON |
who Departed this Life May the | 28th 1874. Aged 80 Years |
Also ROBERT DIXON | Died 10th June 1881 | Aged 46 years |
And his wife ELIZABETH DIXON | Died 19th March 1917, aged
74 years. | Also ROBERT DIXON | Died 7th April 1938.

Photo No.32
This stone was erected | By JOHN DRAFFIN | In memory of his
Parents | A.D. 1829.

Photo No.33
In | Loving Memory | of | DAVID DUNN, | Killarbran, | Died
115th April 1925, (?) | Aged 80 years | RACHEL DUNN, | Who
died 30th July 1942, | Aged 90 years | Their son | CHARLES
DUNN | Who died … October 1941, | Aged … years

Photo No.34
In Loving Memory | of | JOHN ERSKINE, of Grogey, | Who died
5th February 1901, aged 71 years. | Also MARY ANNA ERSKINE,
wife of above | Who died 20th October 1915, aged 62 years.
| Also their daughter | MAY ANNA FRANCES ERSKINE, | Who
died 28th October 1918, aged 27 years. | Also their grand-
daughter, | DOREEN ADA ERSKINE, | Who died 31st August
1915, aged 9 months. | Also MINNIE ERSKINE | Wife of
CAMPBELL ERSKINE | Who died 21st Sept. 1951 aged 70 years.
| Also CAMPBELL ERSKINE | Who died 4th Jan. 1963 aged 78
years. | His son NORMAN REA ERSKINE | Who died 9th June
1994 | His wife MARGARET ANNE | (nee SMYTH, Newbliss Co
Monaghan) | Who died 11th August 2012 | Safe in the arms of

Photo No.35
Erected | by JAMES ERSKINE of | Grogey in memory of his |
daughter MARGARET who | departed this life dec. the 10th
1853. Aged 18 years. | As also of his son | ROBERT who
Departed this life | 25th (?) Jany 1860 aged 24 (?) years |
Inscribed to the memory of | above ... ... JAMES | ERSKINE
who also died | .. Decr 1862 Aged 67 yrs | Also in memory
of MARY FRANCES | ERSKINE his daughter who died 18th |
January 1880 aged 34 years | And of ANNE ERSKINE his wife
who died | 8th (?) September 1880 aged 74 years. | Also of
ROBERT G.J. ERSKINE grandson | of above ... ... JOSEPH
ERSKINE | of Sligo who died 22nd Sept. 187_? | Aged 8

Photo No.36
FAWCETT | (Glasgow) | In Loving Memory Of | SARAH JANE |
Wife of | WILLIAM HENRY | Died 17th March 1947 | Aged 70
years | At Tyrenny Brookeborough | “In Remembrance”

Photo No.37
FAWCETT | Littlemount | In Loving Memory Of | WILLIAM HENRY
| Died 11th June 1978 | At Rest

Photo No.38

Photo No.39
In Loving Memory Of | JOHN JAMES FLEMING | Annagrane
Brookeborough | Died 20th November 1943. | And ALICE his
wife died 29th June 1961.

Photo No.40
In Loving Memory | of | Corpl. WM. J. FLEMING, | U.V.F. |
Died 8th June 1918 | Aged 22 years. | Also his father |
HUGH FLEMING, | Died 1st October 1936 | Aged 91 years. |
And his mother | ANNA BELFORD FLEMING | Died 9th July 1951
aged 85 yrs. | Also his brother | ANDREW HUGH FLEMING |
Died 5th March 1977 aged 84 yrs. | And MABEL FLEMING | Wife
of ANDREW HUGH | Died 25th July 1980 aged 80 yrs | GEORGE
HOWARD FLEMING | Died 13th Feb. 1987 aged 85 yrs | Thy will
be done.

Photo No.41
Sacred | to the memory of SARAH the | beloved wife of
GEORGE | FUNSTON of Brookeboro who | departed this life
decembr | the 11th 1862 Aged 41 yers. | Also the above
GEORGE | FUNSTON who died 7th June | 1880 Aged 62 years |
Also MARY ANNE FUNSTON | his wife who died 24th Augst |
1880 Aged 42 yrs.

Photo No.42
Erected by ROBERT GRAHAM | of Tattanaba (?) in memory | of
his wife RHODA GRAHAM | who departed this life | May 31st
1889. Aged 58 (?) years

Photo No.43
Erected | By ROBERT HALL of | Fivemiletown | To perpetuate
the memory | of his Mother | JEAN HALL | who departed this
life | October 10th 1800 | Aged 24 Years | Also | Of his
Brother FRAN... | [cont'd on Photo No.44]

Photo No.44
HALL, cont'd from Number 43:
February 7th 1830 | Aged 35 years | Of this humblest
sincere servant of | God it may be truly said to live | was
Christ and to die was | Gain. Phil. 1st ch 21st verse |
Many he sought to turn to Right | eousness and now his
happy spirit | shines as the stars of heaven on forever |
and ever in the Kingdom of God. | Dan. 12th ch 3rd verse

Photo No.45
In | Loving Memory | of | THOMAS HALL | of Tyrenney, | Who
died 28th January 1910, | Aged 67 years. | ROBERT G. HALL |
Died 8th June 1928 | Aged 41 years. | MARY HALL | Died 29th
March 1944 | Aged 85 years. | WILLIAM J. HALL | Died 17th
Oct. 1959 | Aged 73 years.

Photo No.46
In | Loving Memory | of | CHARLES HAMILTON | Grogey. | Died
14th June 1910, | Aged 69 years. | Also his son | HENRY
ROBERT HAMILTON | Died 12th January 1924, | Aged 48 years.
| And his wife | ELIZA JANE HAMILTON, | Who died 1st March
1934, | Aged 86 years. | And their daughter | MARY ANNE
HAMILTON, | Died 6th May 1949 aged 73 years | Also his
grandsons, | HENRY THOMAS KIDD, | Died 5th Jan. 1993 aged
52 (?) years | ANTHONY KIDD | Died 5th Feb. 1996 aged 62

Photo No.47
Underneath this stone | are deposited the remains | of | W.
W. HOEY | who departed this life the | 27th Sept 1831 |
Aged 37 (?) years | Also his Sister | JANE | who departed
this life | the 27th August 1832 | Aged 30 years | Here is
also interred the | Remains | of JOHN HOEY their brother |
who departed this life | 6th February 1833 | Aged 23 years.

Photo No.48
HOEY | In loving memory of | WILLIAM HOEY, Grogey, | Who
died 21st Aug. 1943, aged 69 years. | His son, JAMES
ROBERT, | Died 9th Feb. 1923, aged 1 month, | And his
daughter, THELMA C. MARGARET | Who died 26th Sep. 1932,
aged 2 years. | Also his wife MARGARET JANE, | Who died
10th May 1954. | Also her brother THOMAS ARMSTRONG, | Who
died 13th July 1970, aged 76 years. | “Peace, perfect

Photo No.49
Here lyeth the Body of | JOHN HOGG who Departed | this Life
Novbr ye 16 1789 | Aged 71 Years | Also lyeth the body | of

Photo No.50
Sacred | .. the memory of ANNE | JOHNSTON beloved wife of |
JAMES JOHNSTON of Maguires | Bridge died 5th May 1861. Aged
65 | Also MARY ANNE daughter of | JAMES and ANNE JOHNSTON |
beloved wife of JOHN SINGLETON | DARLING Manager of the
National | Bank New Ross, died 20th March | 1867 Aged 36 |
Also JAMES JOHNSTON late of | Maguires Bridge who died in |
Athlone 2nd April 1869. Aged 7.. | Also his son JAMES who
di.. | 14th April 1843. Aged 10 | These all died in faith

Photo No.51
Here Lieth the Body of | JOHN JOHNSTON Who Departed | this
Life January the 18th (?) | 1775 Aged 74 years | Also | His
Son | MICHAEL JOHNSTON | who died February 7th 1835 | Aged
96 years

Photo No.52
JOHNSTON | Killarbran | In Loving Memory Of | MARGARET |
Died 23rd July 1997 aged 73 years | And her husband |
WILLIAM JAMES | Died 23rd November 2012 aged 95 years |
Also their daughter | CAROLINE ELIZABETH | Died 31st March
2012 aged 52 years | Worthy of everlasting remembrance

Photo No.53
In Memory of | SARAH, | Dearly beloved wife of | JOHN
JOHNSTON, | of Tullykeneye, | Who departed this life 9th
April 1905, | Aged 64 years. | Erected by her sorrowing
children. | Also her husband | JOHN JOHNSTON, | Who
departed 11th May 1910, | Aged 74 years. | Also their
daughter | CATHERINE JOHNSTON | Died 5th August 1951 aged
76 years | “Peace, perfect peace”

Photo No.54
Died 21st April 1937 aged 42 years | Also his wife JANE ANN
| Died 19th March 1947 aged 34 years | Till He come

Photo No.55
KENNY. | Left plaque: In Loving Memory Of | FRANK KENNY |
Died 31st March 1962 | Aged 58 years | A dear husband &
father. Right plaque: Memory Of | JAMES KENNY | 1909 – 1964
| Redeemed

Photo No.56
In loving memory | of | WILLIAM KIDD, Grogey | Died 28th
March 1924 aged 62 yrs. | Also his brother ANDREW | Died
25th February 1929 aged 72 yrs. | Also JOHN ABRAHAM, son of
the former | Died 24th Sept. 1935 aged 30 yrs. | Also
CHARLOTTE JANE, wife of WILLIAM, | Died 17th Feb. 1959 aged
80 yrs. | Their son HAMILTON, | Died 17th Dec. 1989 aged 71
yrs. | And their daughter MARY ELIZABETH CARROTHERS | Died
27th June 1995 aged 86 yrs. | “Peace, perfect peace.”

Photo No.57
This stone is erected to the | memory of | ANNE JANE LITTLE
| Of Foglish, she entered into her heavenly | home on 15th
February 1893, | Aged 40 years. | “With Christ which is far
better.” | Oh call it not death. It is life begun, | For
the waters are passed, | The home is won. | The ransomed
spirit hath reached the | shore, Where they weep and suffer
and | sin no more. | She is safe in her father’s house
above | In the place prepared by her Saviour’s | love. | To
depart from a world of sin and strife | And to be with
Jesus, yes this is life. | THOMAS McKNIGHT, died 23rd June
1929. | MARGARET McKNIGHT, died 18th July 1940. | Also
their son | THOMAS McKNIGHT, died 13th July 1948 | “Thy
will be done”

Photo No.58
LITTLE | Tullyreagh | In Loving Memory Of | JOHN THOMAS |
Died 12th August 1996 aged 93 years | His wife EMILY | Died
29th August 1993 aged 86 years

Photo No.59
LITTLE | In Loving Memory Of | THOMAS died 28th March 1941
aged 79 years | His wife MARGARET MATILDA | Died 9th May
1965 aged 98 years | Their son ROBERT JOSEPH DUNLOP | Died
27th August 1983 aged 89 years | Their daughters | MARGARET
DOROTHY | Died 31st May 1979 aged 83 years | MATILDA JANE
died 5th June 2004 aged 105 years | “At Rest” | Tullyreagh

Photo No.60
In loving memory of | THOMAS LITTLE | Who departed this
life | December 26th 1844 aged 65 years | Also of WILLIAM
his son who died | April 18th 1864 aged 44 years | Also of
MARY ANN daughter of | GEORGE and MARY LITTLE | of
Manchester | Who departed this life Octr. 15th | 1869 (?)
aged 15 years and 10 months | For me to live is Christ and
to | die is gain | Also | MARY ANN wife of the above |
THOMAS LITTLE who died | September 18th 1886 in her | One
hundred and first year.

Photo No.61
... of | WM. LITTLE of Breakley | Died 11th February 1848
(?) aged 85 years | Also CATHERINE FORSYTHE of | Breakley
died in December 188.. | Aged .. years

Photo No.62
Sacred | to the memory of | MARY MAGUIRE | Born 1806 Died
1889 | For over 40 years Infant School | teacher at
Colebrooke. The valued | friend of | The Colebrooke and
Ashbrooke | families. | St. John XIV.2.

Photo No.63
Sacred | to the memory of | WM. STEPHEN McGHEE | Who
departed this life | April 16th 1871 | aged 2 years

Photo No.64
Erected | by | JAMES MURPHY of | ... in memory of | his
beloved daughter | REBECCA MURPHY | who died on the of
| February 1836 (?) Aged 17 years | Also | The above JAMES
MURPHY | Who departed this Life on the 17th | February 1866
Aged 50 (?) yrs | Also [cont'd on Photo No. 65]

Photo No.65
[cont'd from Photo No.64]
Also | The above JAMES MURPHY | Who departed this Life the
17th | February 1866. Aged 50 (?) yrs | Also | His Son
HENRY MURPHY | Who Departed this Life August | The 28th
1868 Aged 26 (?) yrs | Also ANNE MURPHY Wife to | the above
JAMES MURPHY who | departed this Life October 16th | 1871.
Aged 50 (?) years

Photo No.66
This stone was | Erected | by RICHARD NEVIN | of Rafinton.
| In memory of his Parents | His wife daughter and | Also
his Son THOMAS | who departed this life | Sept., 16th 1838
| Aged 28 years | Also | RICHARD NEVIN who | departed this
life on 14th November 1862 Aged 84 years | Also | ISABELLA
NEVIN Daughter of | the above RICHARD NEVIN of | Rafinton
departed this life | July 11th 1872 Aged 58 years

Photo No.67
NOBLE | In Loving Memory Of | ROBERT GEORGE | Died 17th
February 1968 | Also his wife | MARGARET JANE | Died 6th
October 2001

Photo No.68
In memory | of | HENRY ORR | of Ervey who died 5th | Novr.
1887 aged 79 years | Also of | ELIZA ORR | His wife | Who
died Dec 10th 1903. | Aged 90 years | Also | MARGARET JANE
ORR | Daughter of the above who | died on the 21st
September | 1926 aged 89 (?) years

Photo No.69
ORR | In Loving Memory Of | MARTHA | Who died 29th
September 1990 | Aged 79 years. | Also her husband HARRY |
Who died 23rd November 2003 | Aged 94 years. | “Peace
perfect peace”

Photo No.70
ORR | In Loving Memory Of | THOMAS JOSEPH ORR | Died 10th
August 1962 aged 90 years | Also of his wife ELIZABETH |
Died 5th January 1964 aged 81 years | And their son JAMES
ROBERT | Died 18th May 1997 aged 76 years | Also his wife
MARGARET | Died 12th April 2010 aged 76 years | Rest In

Photo No.71
ORR | In Loving Memory Of | THOMAS | Died 18th February
1974 aged 74 years | His wife ELIZABETH | Died 25th May
1974 aged 74 years | Their son THOMAS JOSEPH | Died 17th
October 2012 aged 81 years

Photo No.72
PALMER [stone broken and illegible]

Photo No.73
SWINDLE | Precious Memories Of | A loving wife, mother and
grandmother | ANNA THERESA (Tessie) | Tattinafree
Brookeborough | Born 22nd July 1945. Died 30th April 2000.
| Also her husband | WILLIAM EDWARD ALEXANDER | (Willie) |
A loving father, grandfather | and great-grandfather | Born
10th June 1947 – Died 1st August 2019

Photo No.74
Erected | By | HENRY BREEN Knockmcmanus | In memory of |
WILLIAM SWINDLE | Died June 15th 1908 | Aged 24 years.

Photo No.75
Erected | JAMES THOMPSON | of Cavanaleck in | memory of his
respected | father JAMES THOMPSON | Who departed this life
| November 1 1868 aged 74 years | Also | His affectionate
Mother | MARGARET THOMPSON who | departed this life July
5th | 1871. Aged 76 years | And | His beloved wife ISABELLA
THOMPSON | who departed this life the 11th July 1873 | Aged
27 years

Photo No.76
THOMAS THOMPSON | of Cornakessa | Died 11th August 1891 |
Aged 93 years | Also | His beloved wife | JANE THOMPSON |
Died 13th March 1872 | Aged 81 years | Also | Their son |
RICHARD | Died April 6th 1902 | Aged 78 years | And his
grandson | HARRY L. THOMPSON | Died Nov-24 1901 | Aged 11

Photo No. 77
THOMPSON | In loving memory of | THOMAS THOMPSON | Died
12th November 1945 aged 85 years | Also his wife ANNIE
THOMPSON | Died … 1947 aged 84 years

Photo No. 78
In loving memory | of | WILLIAM THOMPSON | of Tattyreagh |
Died 5th Dec. 1909, aged 82 years. | Also his wife ANNE, |
Died 31st Jan. 1904, aged 70 years | And their daughter-in-
law | ELIZA THOMPSON | Died 21st Sept. 1901, aged 29 years.
Stone in front: Erected | by JAMES THOMPSON | of
Cavanalleck in | memory of his respected | father JAMES
THOMPSON | who departed this life | November 1 1868 aged 74
years | Also | His affectionate Mother | MARGARET THOMPSON
who | departed this life July 5th | 1871 Aged 76 years |
And | His beloved wife ISABELLA THOMPSON | who departed
this life 14th July | 1873 Aged 28 years.

Photo No.79
TRIMBLE | Erected by CHRISTOPHER TRIMBLE | In Memory of his
wife | ELIZABETH TRIMBLE, | Died 4th Feb 1913. | Also his
wife FRANCES C. TRIMBLE Nee CLARKE | Died 16th Aug 1930. |
CHRISTOPHER TRIMBLE | Died 2nd June 1934 aged 86 | Peace
perfect peace.

Photo No.80
WEST | In loving memory of our dear mother | ANNE J. WEST |
Tattykeeran, Died 21st Nov 1921 aged 62 | Her husband
WILLIAM, | Died 23rd August 1923 aged 80. | Their daughter
LOUISA CAROLINE, | 21st Nov 1889 aged 7 years. | ANNA E.
WEST, | Died 2nd November 1946.

Photo No.81
In Loving Memory | of | our dear father and mother |
CROZIER and GRACE WILSON. | October 1911.

Photo No.82
The burial place of | CYRUS WILSON | Father of | THOMAS
died 3rd June 1853 (?) | JAMES died 17th February 1865. |
KATE on 3rd March 1886. | CYRUS died 3rd December 1887. |
Mother died 16th June 1900. | Father died 4th of March 1913
| JOHN M. WILSON died 27th March 1910 | Interred at
Cappagh, Omagh

Photo No.83
In loving memory of | FRANCES WILSON | Dear and valued
friend | in the family of | Mrs. HENRY BROOKE | For 16
years | Died at Ashbrooke | August 20, 1888 | Aged 63 yrs

Photo No.84
Erected | by | FRANCIS WILSON | of Lisboy in | memory of
his uncle | FRANCIS WILSON | Who departed this life |
January 24th 1879 | Aged 79 years

Photo No.85
Sacred to the Memory of | HANNAH, | Beloved wife of CROZIER
WILSON, Tatnaheglish, | Who died on 12th February 1933. |
Also the above CROZIER WILSON | Who died 3rd May 1952. |
Their daughter ELEANOR MARY | Who died 7th March 1970. |
Their son ARTHUR IVOR | Who died 4th June 1987. And their
daughter VICTORIA MAY MILLS | Died 30th December 1987.

Photo No.86
In | Loving Memory | of | JOHN WILSON, | of Cavanagarvan, |
Who departed this life May 1895, | Aged 75 years. | Also
his wife ELIZABETH, | Who died March 1907, | Aged 77 years.

Photo No.87

All images Copyright by Photographer