FERMANAGH, St. Mary's Church, Ardess, Co. Fermanagh, N. Ireland
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Fermanagh Index
Contributed by: Betsy Cushman, Dianne Swanwick, Linda Foh
(19-21) & Robyn Ritchie, & Bridgid Wilson
Transcribed by C. Hunt & Valerie Ackroyd


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Photo No.0
Ardess Church

Photo No.1
St Mary's Ardess church and cemetery

Photo No.2

Photo No.3
Cemetery View

Photo No.4

Photo No.5
The Funeral Bier For Famine Victims Was Simply Two Rough Hewn Poles.
They were only used once. Then Left in a stack at this gate.

Photo No.6
Famine Grave sign

Photo No.7
Within This Famine Pit Lieth The Unknown Dead 1845-1850

Photo No.8
Famine Pit view

Photo No.9
Old Graves

Photo No.10
Old Stone

Photo No.11
Unknown stone

Photo No.12
In Loving Memory of | JANE, wife of AGUSTUS ARMSTRONG, Kesh
| Who died 21st May 1934 Aged 60 Years | AGUSTUS ARMSTRONG |
Who Died 16th March 1949 | Aged 95 Years | Their Son EDMUND
GEORGE | Who Died 3rd Aug 1984, Aged 85 Years | His Wife
ALICE MAY | Who Died 6th Jan 1985, Aged 83 Years. (Photo by
Dianne Swanwick)

Photo No.13
ARMSTRONG In Loving Memory of | Constable WILLIAM Killed On
Duty | 28th November 1940 Aged 21 Years | Also His Uncle
JOHN | Died 2nd February 1954 Aged 67 Years | And His Father
WILLIAM | Died 27th September 1964 Aged 79 Years.

Photo No.14

Photo No.15
Tomas and Elisabeth Humphrys  Here Lye The Bodyes of | TOMAS and
ELIZABETH | HUMPHRYS Decesed 8_? and _7 | Memento Mori.

Photo No.16
Here | lieth intered | JAMES JOHNSTON | ... of Banagh Esqr | ...
who died |  Ap... the 15 1757 | aged 60 years.

Photo No.17
In Loving Memory of | JOSEPH KNOX, Shanmullagh | Who
Departed This Life 15th June 1936 | And His Wife MARGARET
JANE KNOX | born 2nd May 1901, Died 1st May 1969 | Their
Son JOSEPH, Died 17th April 19__? | Their Son GEORGE
HERBERT, Died 20th February [hidden] .

Photo No.18
Who Died 10th July 1923 Aged 16 Years | And Her Mother MARY
JANE | Who Died 20th Sept 1955, Aged 80 Years | Also Her
Father JOHN | Who Died 21st Aug 1957 (?) | Aged 75 Years.

Photo No.19
BOYLE | In Loving Memory Of | William Thomas | DIED 8th July
1986 aged 88 years | also his wife Elizabeth Mary | died
17th July 1998 aged 86 years

Photo No.20
In | Loving Memory of | ALLEN BOYLE | Died 8th March 1972,
aged 39 years

Photo No.21
In | Loving Memory Of | James Irvine (Rosculban) | Died 30th
April 1974 aged 73 years

Photo No.22
AIKEN | In loving memory | of | MARGARET JANE BLACK | wife
of | JAMES AIKEN, Kesh | Who died 5th March 1914, Aged 76
years | Also of the above JAMES AIKEN | Who died 11th May
1920, aged 84 years. | "Ye shall find rest unto your souls."

Photo No.23
EDWARD EYRE ATTHILL | Born 1819 Died 1893 | Son of the Rev.
WM. ATTHILL M.A. Rector | of this parish for 30 years | And
JANE, his wife | Born 1822, Died 1903. | Daughter of LOWTHER
BRIEN | of Ardvarney | Also their daughter | MATILDA JANE
ATTHILL | Born Feb 3rd 1853 | Died October 15 1931 |
Faithful unto death | "I am the Resurrection and the life |
He that believes on me, though he were | dead yet shall he

Photo No.24

Photo No.25
In memory of | WILLIAM GIBSON | Died 3rd April 1911 | And
CATHERINE his wife | Died 24th January 1918. | And of their

Photo No.26
To the memory of | WILLIAM JOHN GIBSON | Died 22nd September
1933 | At rest | Erected by ... children

Photo No.27
Erected | by | WILLIAM HUNTER | in memory of his wife | ANNE
HUNTER | Who died December 8th 1890 | Aged 74 years | The
above | WILLIAM HUNTER | Died 13 October 1916 (?) | Aged 93

Photo No.28
In loving memory | of | ANDREW KNOX | Mullinroddy | Who died
27th Jan. 1885, aged 72 years | And of his wife | ELIZABETH
JANE | Who died 17th Dec. 1896, aged 74 years | His sons |
DAVID KNOX | Died August 18th 1910 aged 60 years | Revd
ANDREW KNOX, | Died Dec. 19th 1920 aged 78 years | His
daughter | MARY JANE KNOX | Died March 6th 1921 aged 74

Photo No.29
To the memory of | MATILDA JANE KNOX | of Ardvarney | Who
died 18th April .... | Aged 15 years | And her brother |
MATTHEW KNOX | Who died 15th April 1894 | Aged 38 years |
Also their father | JAMES, | Died 31st March 1905 aged 82 |
Also his wife | MARGARET, | Who died 3rd April 1906 aged 80
years | Also their son | JAMES, | Who died 18th February
1928 aged 60 yrs | And his wife | ANNABELLA | Died 4th Nov.
1941. | At rest

Photo No.30
LAW | In | Loving Memory of | JAMES LAW, Drumduff Ederney|
Died 2nd Nov 1955 aged 71 years | Also his wife MARY | Died
19th Oct 1964, aged 70 years | And their son ROBERT | Died
in infancy 29th May 1936. | Son JOSEPH JAMES | Died 8th
November 1987 aged 66 years | "Safe in the arms of Jesus."

Photo No.31
In Memoriam | JOHN LAW | Cloy | Died 13th May 1858, Aged 32

Photo No.32
Erected by IRVINE LAW | In loving remembrance of | MARGARET
LAW | Born | 12th May 1874, Died 20th March 1901. | IRVINE
NOBLE | Born 19th March 1888 | Died 9th October 1971 |
MARGARET ELIZABETH NOBLE | Born 11th March 1907 | Died 16th
November 2002

Photo No.33
LAW | In loving memory of | ROBERT LAW, died 8th June 1936 |
His daughter GEORGINA, died 7th Nov. 1939 | And his son
JAMES, died 8th Dec 1947. | Also his wife ELIZABETH, died
20th Feb 1950 | His son RICHARD ANDREW, died 19th Jan 1958 |
His son THOMAS JOHN, died 28th March 1974 | His son MERVYN,
died 26th April 1974

Photo No.34
Here lies ye body of | COHONAUGHT MAGUIRE | who died July ye
| 13th 1777 aged 77 years | also ye body of JOHN | MAGUIRE
who died April | ye 5th 1778 aged 10 yrs.

Photo No.35
This stone was ere | cted by PHILIP MAGUIRE for CATHE MAG |
UIRE his wife who | died April 4 1800 | aged 69 yrs | and
his posterity

Photo No.36
Erected | by | ANNA MAY | In loving memory of her husband |
ROBERT MAY | who departed this life | 24th Jany 1891. Aged
75 years

Photo No.37
In Loving Memory | of | WILLIAM McCLINTOCK | Died 6th May
1915 | Aged 77 years. | Also his son | ROBERT J. McCLINTOCK
| Killed in action 1st July 1916 | Aged 32 years. | Also his
wife | ANNIE McCLINTOCK | Died 9th May 1932 aged 72 years. |
Also GEORGE ALEXANDER. | Died 20th March 1944 aged 54 yrs.

Photo No.38
IHS | CON McGARGIL died | Mar 8th 1796. Aged | 47 yrs his
dr. MA | RGT. Jany 5th 1800 | Agd 21 Also his | Son JOS
Feby. 4th | 1806 Aged 26

Photo No.39
Here lyeth ___ ___?? | ARCHDALE ___? | life Oct ___  1797 ?|
Also  ___ | ___ 1807 aged 47 years

Photo No.40
In memory of Irvine | Armstrong of Lack | who departed this
life | January _ th 1883 | aged 82 years

Photo No.41
In Memory fo MAR (?) |GRET ARMSTRONG who | departed this
life | December __ 1780 aged 96 | years

Photo No.42
In loving Memory of | GEORGE BUCHANAN | who died 22nd April
191? |aged 74 years | also his wife | JANE, |who died 1st
April 1913 aged 68 years | Thy Will Be Done | Erected by
their son WILLIAM

Photo No.43
ALEXR COULTER Junr |Died April 26th 1859 | Aged 26 years.

Photo No.44
Here lyeth the bodies of | THOMAS AND ELIZABETH | HUMPHRYS
deceased 88 and 77

Photo No.45
In memory of JOHN IRVINE | late of Dreenin who departed |
this life Dec  11th 1807 aged 95

Photo No.46
Here | Lieth intered | JAMES JOHNSTON | late of Barnagh,
Esq, | who died | October 25th 1757 | aged 65 Years.

Photo No.47
Same as Photo No.46

Photo No.48
This stone erected | by JOHN KOEN in me | memory of his
Fath.r JOHN | KOEN who departed |this life Feb.y 15th 1819
aged | 78  Years also his wife | SOPHIA KOEN alias  |Ch ___?
Who depart | ed this life Feb.ry 15th 1807 | aged 73? Years

Photo No.49
Same as Photo No.48

Photo No.50
In memory of JOHN?? | KOAN WHO depat.. | this life Oct.r 21
178_? |aged 55 Years erected  | by his son JOHN

Photo No.51
Erected | by many friends | in affectionate remembrance of |
Rev.d DAVID LEARY D.D. | Canon of Clogher | Rector f this
Parish for 20 years | who died 26th February 1908 | aged 78
years | also his beloved wife | ELEANOR MARIA | who died
16th June 1898 | aged 67 years "Be thou faithful until death
| and I will give thee a crown of life"

Photo No.52
In Loving Memory | of  | MARY | beloved wife of | WILLIAM J.
MCGREGOR | Manoo | who died 31st January 1918 | aged 70
years | and her beloved husband  | WILLIAM J. MCGREGOR  |
who died 3rd March 1921 | aged 65 years | also their sons |
THOMAS N. MCGREGOR  | Died 25th Feb, 1957 |aged 70 years . |
WILLIAM JOHN | died 21st Dec, 1962  | aged 81 years . "peace
perfect peace with | Loved ones far away, |in Jesus keeping,
we are safe ||and they. Also his wife MARY MARGARET, | died
3rd Oct , 1962 aged 68 years. |and their son THOMAS RONALD
GEORGE , |died 25th Oct. 1980, aged 52 years.

Photo No.53
This stone was erected | by FRANCIS McGUIRE in |memory of
his wife | SUSANNA GILLE (?) who  |departed this life |March
18th 1825 aged | -?8 years

Photo No.54
Erected | by WILLIAM PHILLIPS | of Drummackelara in Memory |
of His parents WILLIAM And | ISABELLA PHILLIPS Of That place
| The Former Of Whom Died | Novb The 6th 1800 Aged 56 The
Lauer March The 4th 1819 And of | his 3 children viz mary
who died | March 1810, Thomas January 1827, And his Beloved
Son WILLIAM | Who at the age of 19 Departed | This life
January The 12th 1829

All images Copyright by Photographer