Fermanagh - Allen Family

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Fermanagh Index


File contributed by: Bridgid Wilson 
lokoff.wilson@sympatico.ca July 8, 2015, 9:11 pm


Cemetery: Tubrid Cemetery

Erected by
William and Phoebe Allen
In Loving Memory of their son
who died 10th June 1900 aged 18 years
their son Samuel died 11th Jan 1916
aged 18 years 
and his mother Ellen 
died 9 Jan 1900 
aged 98 years
also their son William 
killed in France for King and Country
ept 8th 1916 aged 29? years
also in memory of the above
William Allen
who died March 12th 1920
aged 70 years
his wife Phoebe died 12th June 1947
aged 92
Daughter in law Emily
died 15th Dec 1970 aged 75/6? years
also their son Christopher 
died 1st Dec 1989 aged 82 years

Additional Comments:
sorry for the quality on this..I hope the dates and numbers 
are transcribed correcty