Land: In the matter of the Estate of Michael Joseph Browne, Esq (Attiregan) 1855
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Galway Index
Land Records
Transcribed by C. Hunt

and others - Petitioners
Situate in the
Counties of Galway and Roscommon
County of the Town of Galway
Will be Sold by Public Sale, in Lots
On Tuesday, the 4th day of December, 1855


Attiregan, situate in the Barony of Kilconnell, and County of Galway,
held in Fee-Simple

                               	               	       STATUTE MEASURE
                               	               	       A.  R.  P.
1    ATTIREGAN       PATRICK RAFERY                     5  0   0        Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

1a   "  "            Said PATRICK RAFERY       	        3  1   0       	Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 1st May, 1852,
                                               	                       	or pending the cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will terminate
                                               	                       	on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any, and the right of
                                               	                       	entry incident thereto.

2    "  "            STEPHEN LYONS             	       11  3  20       	Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

3    "  "            JAMES RAFTERY             	       17  1   0       	Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

4    "  "            THOMAS RAFTERY            	       27  3   0	Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

4a   "  "            Said THOMAS RAFTERY, Rep-	       17  0  10        Accepted proposal from ROGER RAFTERY to MICHAEL JOSEPH BROWNE, dated 3rd
                     representative of ROGER RAFTERY,			January, 1846, for Mill holding, stated to contain about 10 acres late
                                                                        Irish measure, and part of the Mountain farm, stated to contain about 7
                                                                        acres l	rood, like measure, for the lives of JOHN RAFTERY, brother, and
                                                                        JOHN RAFTERY and PAT RAFTERY, sons of the said ROGER RAFTERY, who are all
                                                                        living, or for 31 years from 1st May, 1846, at the yearly rent of �0�522 14s.
                                                                        4d. Said part of the Mountain Farm was afterwards surrendered and the yearly
                                                                        rent of the Mill holding fixed at �0�512 15s., which has been abated by Master
                                                                        of Chancery, to �0�59 11s. 3d. yearly, pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE,
                                                                        but this abatement will not be binding on the Purchaser. The counterpart of this
                                                                        agreement is not forthcoming, but a compared copy will be handed to the Purchaser.

5    "  "            PETER BURNS                       26  2  15        Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

5a   "  "            Said PETER BURNS                  23  3  20        Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 25th March, 1852 or
                                                                        pending the cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will terminate on the sale,
                                                                        subject to the tenant's emblements, if any, and the right of entry incident thereto.

6    "  "            BRIDGET MITCHEL                    6  2  20        Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

6a   "  "	     Said BRIDGET MITCHEL               7  3   0        Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 1st May, 1851 or pending
                                      	                     		the cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will terminate on the sale,
    								        subject to the tenant's emblements, if any, and the right of entry incident thereto.

7    "  "            MICHAEL RAFTERY                    6  2  15        Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

7a  ATTIREGAN, Cont. Said MICHAEL RAFTERY              15  2   0	Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 1st May, 1851 or pending
									the cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will terminate on the sale,
									subject to the tenant's emblements, if any, and the right of entry incident thereto.

8    "  "            WILLIAM DOLAN                      1  3  25        Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

9    "  "            HUGH BLEAHEEN		       72  3  30        Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 1st May, 1852 or pending
									the cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will terminate on the sale,
									subject to the tenant's emblements, if any, and the right of entry incident thereto.

10   "  "            JOHN DOGHERTY                      2  3   0        Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 25th March, 1852 or pending
									the cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will terminate on the sale,
									subject to the tenant's emblements, if any, and the right of entry incident thereto.

11   "  "            MALACHY GATELY                     0  3  35        Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 1st May, 1851 or pending
									the cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will terminate on the sale,
									subject to the tenant's emblements, if any, and the right of entry incident thereto.

12   "  "            JOHN CONNOLLY                    117  2  14        Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 1st May, 1852 or pending
									the cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will terminate on the sale,
									subject to the tenant's emblements, if any, and the right of entry incident thereto.

13   "  "            HENRY CAMPBELL, Esq.              36  0  35        Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 25th March, 1853 or pending
									the cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will terminate on the sale,
									subject to the tenant's emblements, if any, and the right of entry incident thereto.

	             Deep Bog and Waste                67  2  10

*Encumbered Estates vol 20 part 2