Land: GALWAY, Encumbered Estate Property of JAMES CUFF, dec'd, and his son & heir GREGORY CUFF.
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Galway Index
Land Records
Transcribed by Joe Quinn

IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JAMES CUFF, deceased, continued in the name of GREGORY CUFF, his
eldest son
and heir at Law, OWNER;
Ex-parte, ABRAHAM MARTIN,Esq. Petitioner.

The lands of CASHELL, and its subdenominations, namely CROWHILL, CASTLEPARK, OLDCASTLE, UPPER
situate in the Barony of GALLEN and County of Mayo; See Co. Mayo Land

also of the Lands of BALLINAMANA, WEST, situate in the Barony of DUNKELLIN and County of GALWAY;
also of the Lands of ESKER, otherwise ESCAR, situate in the Barony of TYAQUIN, county GALWAY. (See
Co Galway "Land")

To be sold by Auction on Friday, the 19th Day of December, 1851.

*some verbiage and some columns edited for space.

BALLINAMANA WEST, situate in the Barony of Dunkellin, and County of GALWAY, is held in Fee, and is
of a wholesome description of land of the limestone quality, calculated for Tillage purposes, and
capable of considerable improvement by judicious outlay. The situation is very desirable, lying on
the sea coast, within nine miles of the Town of GALWAY, to which communication is had by water. The
right of cutting seaweed on the adjoining strand for manure is enjoyed by the Tenants of these lands.

Quit Rent    = £2-7s-4d
Tithe Charge = £7-19s-6d

Key: A R P = Acres, Roods, Perches. Measurement of land Key: 40 Perches = 1 Rood. 4 Roods = 1 acre.

                                             OR VALUE   MEASURE
                                             £- s- d       A-R- P     Yearly tenancy, terminable on
 1  BALLINAMANA      JAMES DEVANE            2-10- 0       3-2-33     1st November in each year.

 2      "            JOHN EGAN               6-10- 0      12-3-31         "

 3      "            WILLIAM BURKE           5- 0- 0      17-1- 2         "

 4      "            JOHN CARR               4- 0- 0       7-2-15         "

 5      "            THOMAS FLANAGAN         2- 0- 0       3-0-34         "

 6      "            JOHN FLANAGAN           3- 0- 0       4-3-12         "

 7      "            WILLIAM HAYES           2- 5- 0       3-0-16         "

 8      "            THOMAS MONAGHAN         1-10- 0       2-1-33         "

 9      "            JOHN FORDE              6- 0- 0       9-3-23         "

 10     "            WILLIAM BRENNAN         2- 0- 0       3-3- 2.5       "

 11     "            PATRICK DAVOCK          3- 0- 0       6-0-14.5       "

 12     "            MICHAEL SILK            1-17- 6       3-0-11         "

 13     "            JOHN FORDE              1-17- 6       5-0-17         "

 14     "            WILLIAM EGAN            2- 6- 0       4-0-20         "

 15     "            PATRICK FAHEY and
                       THOMAS EGAN           4-19- 5       7-3- 0         "

 16     "            PETER DEVANE            2-10- 0       7-0-28         "

 17     "            JAMES GREALLY          32- 0- 0      90-3-16         "

 18     "            THOMAS VARLEY           1-15- 0       5-2- 8         "

 19     "            JOHN GREALLY            6- 0- 0      15-1-10         "

 20     "            EDWARD STEPHENS         3- 0- 0      9-2-30          "

 21     "            PATRICK SHEEHAN         4- 0- 0      8-0- 0          "

 22     "            JOHN BANNIN             2-15- 0      3-3-16          "

 23     "            PATRICK BRADY and
                      JAMES WALSH           25- 4- 0    141-1-13          "

                     Waste holdings         ........     19-3- 8