Land: In the matter of the Estate of Michael Joseph Browne, Esq (Dangan & Subdenominations) 1855
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Galway Index
Land Records
Transcribed by C. Hunt

and others - Petitioners
Situate in the
Counties of Galway and Roscommon
County of the Town of Galway
Will be Sold by Public Sale, in Lots
On Tuesday, the 4th day of December, 1855

*Reps = Representative

LOT NO. 26
Dangan & Subdenominations, Barony of Tyaquin, and County of Galway, held in Fee Farm Grant

                                                        STATUTE MEASURE
                                                          A.   R.  P.
1    DANGAN or DANGAN       PHILIP ORMSBY                292  3   11 	     Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 25th March,
     EIGHTER								                                 1853, or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
                                                                             terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
                                                                             and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

2    "  "                   MICHAEL FLEMING                7  2	  20	     Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 25th March,
                                                                             1852, or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

2a   DAMGAN or POLLADOOY    Said MICHAEL FLEMING          26  2	  10	     Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 25th March,
									     1852, or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

3    DANGAN or DANGAN	    PATRICK FLEMING               46  2    5	     Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

4    "  "                   GEORGE GILLIGAN               12  2   35         Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

4a   DANGAN or POLLADOOY    Said GEORGE GILLIGAN           8  0   15         Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 25th March,
									     1852, or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

5    DANGAN or DANGAN	    PATRICK TARPY                 10  2   13         Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

5a   "  "                   Said PATRICK TARPY             5  2   27         Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 25th March,
									     1852, or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

6    DANGAN or POLLADOOY    PATRICK HOLIAN                 9  1   25         Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

7    DANGAN or DANGAN	    LAURENCE MULLERY               3  1   20         Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 25th March,
     EIGHTER           							     1852, or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

7a   DANGAN or DANGANBEG    Said LAURENCE MULLERY          4  3   37         Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 25th March,
									     1853, or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

7b   DANGAN or DANGAN	    Said LAURENCE MULLERY          5  2    5	     Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

8    "  "                   JOHN M'DONAGH                  3  3    5         Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

9    "  "                   EDWARD FAHY, jun              11  1   10         Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 29th September,
									     1852, or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

10   DANGAN or POLLADOOY    PATRICK JOYNER Reps of	  39  3   37         Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 1st November,
     and SLIEVEGORM         THOMAS MANNION				     1853, or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

11   DANGAN or POLLADOOY    PATRICK GILLIGAN               2  1   13         Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 1st May,
									     1853, or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

11a  "  "		    Said PATRICK GILLIGAN          4  3   17         Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 25th March,
									     1853, or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

11b  "  "                   Said PATRICK GILLIGAN	  18  0   30	     Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

12   "  "                   PETER M'GANN                   2  0   20         Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

12b  "  "                   Said PETER M'GANN              2  0   30	     Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 1st November,
									     1852, or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

13  "  "                    MICHAEL CORBITT, Reps.	  11  0   21         Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 1st November,
                            of THOMAS CORBITT           		     1852, or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

14  DANGAN or POLLADOOY	    JOHN GANNON			   7  2   22	     Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

14a "  "                    Said JOHN GANNON               6  0   12         Lease, dated 2nd May, 1831, from MICHAEL JOSEPH BROWNE to JOHN GANNON,
                                                                             for the lives of JAMES FAHY, MARTIN CONNAUGHTON, and THOMAS KEARY, who
                                                                             are all still living, and for 61 years from the death of the survivor
                                                                             of them. The counterpart of this Lease is not forthcoming, but a compared
                                                                             copy will be handed to the purchaser.

15  "  "                    PATRICK GANNON                10  3	   0 	     Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 29th September,
									     1852, or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

16  DANGAN or POLLADOOY     WILLIAM FAHY                   6  0   10         Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 25th March,
									     1853 or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

17  DANGAN or DANGAN	    PATRICK O'BRIEN               16  0   10         Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 25th March,
    OUGHTER             						     1852, or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

18  DANGAN or DANGAN	    PATRICK FAHY (EDWARD)          5  3    5	     Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

19  DANGAN or DANGAN        JAMES FAHY, sen.               1  1   16	     Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

19a "  "                    Said JAMES FAHY, sen.         10  2    4         Lease, dated 2nd May, 1833, from MICHAEL JOSEPH BROWNE to JAMES FAHY,
									     for the lives of THOMAS KEARY, MARTIN CONNAUGHTON, and said JAMES FAHY,
									     who are all still living. Covenant by lessee not to have more than five
                                                                             acres in tillage any one year, under a penalty of �0�51 for every acre tilled
                                                                             over that quantity. Covenant against alienation, on breach of which lease
									     to be void. The counterpart of this lease is not forthcoming, but a compared
									     copy will be handed to the purchaser.

19b "  "                    Said JAMES FAHY sen.           8  1   30	     Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 1st November,
									     1852, or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

20  "  "                    JAMES FAHY, jun.               6  1   30	     Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 25th March,
									     1852 or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

21  "  "                    THOMAS DONNELLAN              17  1   30	     Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 29th September,
									     1853, or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

22  "  "                    EDWARD FAHY, sen               7  1   17         Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

23  "  "                    JOHN GIBBONS                   7  1   17         Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 1st May,
									     1853, or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

24  "  "		    BERNARD BROWN                  9  1   20         Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 1st May,
									     1853, or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

24a "  "                    Said BERNARD BROWN             9  3   25         Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 1st November,
									     1853, or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

25  "  "                    THOMAS KEAN                    3  0    0	     Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 25th March,
									     1852 or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

26  DANGAN or DANGAN        WILLIAM GLYNN                  2  3   30	     Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

27  "  "                    JOHN HOLLIAN, rep. of JOHN     7  1   10         Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 25th March,
                            MOGHAN					     1852 or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

28  "  "                    THOMAS MORGAN                 13  3	  16	     Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

29  "  "                    LAURENCE DONNELLY, sen, rep.  11  0   20   	     Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 1st November,
                            of THOMAS COAN                 		     1852, or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

30  "  "                    PATRICK KIRWAN                17  2   35         Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

31  DANGAN or SLIEVEGORM    JOHN DONNELLY, jun            10  2   35 	     Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 29th September,
    and DANGAN OUGHTER    						     1853, or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

31a DANGAN or DANGANBEG     Said JOHN DONNELLY, jun.      14  1    0         Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

32  DANGAN or SLIEVEGORM    JOHN DONNELLY, sen.            8  2   20	     Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

32a "  "                    Said JOHN DONNELLY, sen        0  2   30         Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 1st November,
									     1853, or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

33  "  "                    MICHAEL KEANE                  6  2    0	     Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 1st November,
									     1852, or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

34  "  "                    MARTIN NICOLE                  1  0    10	     Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

35  DANGAN or SLIEVEGORM    MICHAEL CONNAUGHTON            6  2    39        Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 1st November,
									     1853, or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

35a DANGAN or DANGAN        Said MICHAEL CONNAUGHTON       6  2   21	     Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

36  DANGAN or SLIEVEGORM,   PATRICK KELLY                  3  2   37	     Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

37  DANGAN or SLIEVEGORM    JAMES KIRWAN, sen.            16  0    0         Lease, dated 2nd May, 1831, fro MICHAEL JOSEPH BROWNE to JAMES KIRWAN,
									     for the life of ELEANOR WADE, who is living. Rent abated by Master of
                                                                             Chancery to �0�54 16s. yearly, pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE,
                                                                             but this abatement will not be binding on the purchaser. The counterpart
                                                                             of this lease is not forthcoming, but a compared copy will be handed to
                                                                             the purchaser.

37a DANGAN or SLIEVEGORM,   JAMES KIRWAN, sen.            10  0    0         Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

38  DANGAN or SLIEVEGORM    ELEANOR WADE                   7  1   30	     Lease, dated 15th September, 1801, from JOHN BROWNE to NICHOLAS, NELLY,
                                                                             and MARTIN WADE, of 19 acres and 2 roods, late Irish plantation measure
                                                                             (of which the land held by this tenant is a part), for the lives of
                                                                             ELEANOR WADE, who is living, and said JOHN BROWN, who is dead. Reservation
									     to Lessor, his heirs, &c., of all royalties and timber, with liberty to
									     smelt coal, and work the same on the premises, and also liberty of hunting,
									     hawking, fishing, and fowling. Covenant by Lessees, that they, their heirs, &c
                                                                             and their undertenants and servants should grind their corn and mill their cloth
                                                                             in the next convenient mill of the Lessor, his heirs, &c. Clause against
									     alienation, on breach of which lease to be void. The rent reserved is �0�526,
									     but the lease contains a proviso, that if the Lessees should perform the
                                                                             covenants, the rent should be reduced to �0�513. All the land since surrendered,
                                                                             except 7 acres, 1 rood, and 30 perches, statute measure, for which the tenant
									     formerly paid the yearly rent of �0�53, which has been abated by Master of Chancery
                                                                             to �0�52 8s. yearly, pending the cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE, but this
                                                                             abatement will not be binding on the purchaser. The counterpart of this lease
                                                                             is not forthcoming, but a compared copy will be handed to the purchaser.

39  DANGAN or DANGAN   	    ANDREW TARPEY, rep. of         7  0    0	     Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 1st November,
    EIGHTER		    MARTIN JOYCE				     1852, or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

40  DANGAN or DANGANBEG	    MICHAEL NICOLE		   9  2   38         Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

40a DANGAN or DANGANBEG     Said MICHAEL NICOLE, rep.     17  2   15	     Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 1st November,
			    of THOMAS DOLLY				     1852, or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

41  DANGAN, or DANGAN-	    PATRICK BURKE                  8  0    0	     Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.
    BEG continued

42  "  "                    PATRICK HIGGINS                2  1   20	     Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

42a "  "                    Said PATRICK HIGGINS           4  0   30  	     Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 1st November,
									     1852, or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

43  "  "                    PATRICK MULLERY                9  1   10	     Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

43a "  "                    Said PATRICK MULLERY          24   3  32 	     Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 29th September,
									     1852, or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

44  "  "                    THOMAS BRENNAN                 7  3   30	     Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

45  "  "                    MATTHEW CURLEY                 9  2   30         Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 25th March,
									     1852 or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

45a "  "                    Said MATTHEW CURLEY            9  0    0	     Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 1st November,
									     1852, or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

46  "  "                    PATRICK CONNOLLY              12  3   35         Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

47  DANGAN or SLIEVEGORM    PATRICK KEARY, rep. of	  16  3   30         Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 1st May,
			    THOMAS NOHILLY              		     1854, or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

48  DANGAN or DANGANBEG     BERNARD KELLY                 13  2    0	     Tenant under the Court of Chancery for seven years, from 1st May,
									     1854, or pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE. This tenancy will
									     terminate on the sale, subject to the tenant's emblements, if any,
									     and such right of entry as is incident thereto.

This Lot is held under a Fee-farm Grant, dated 15th December, 1854, made between EDWARD KING TENISON, Esq., of the first part, ALGERNON GREVILLE, Esq.,
and others, second part, MICHAEL JOSEPH BROWNE, Esq., third part, and GEORGE WILLIAM BOLTON, Esq. (Receiver in the cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE),
4th part, at the yearly rent of �0�5350 15s. 4d., payable half-yearly, on 1st May and 1st November, over and above all taxes, charges, assessments, and
impositions, and all quit rent, crown rent, and composition rent, all which are to be borne by said MICHAEL JOSEPH BROWNE, his heirs, and assigns.
By this deed all mines, minerals, and royalties are reserved to said EDWARD KING TENISON, his heirs and assigns, with liberty to him and them to enter,
search for dig, and carry away same, making reasonable amends for the damage of spoil to be done thereby; and also liberty of hunting, hawking fishing,
and fowling. This grant was executed in liew of a lease, for lives renewable for ever, of the Lot, dated 6th March, 1790, made by LETTICE WALCOTT,
widow, to DENIS BOWES DALY, Esq.

*Encumbered Estates vol 20 part 2