Land: In the Matter of the Estate of WILLIAM VESEY FITZGERALD HICKMAN, Esq - Lot 2 Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives Galway Index Land Records Copyright Transcribed by C. Hunt ________________________________________________________________________ Extract: IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM VESEY FITZGERALD HICKMAN, Esq Owner and Petitioner. RENTAL of The Fee Simple Lands of Bullane, including Lands of Knockanecarragh, otherwise Killomoran County Galway SOLD BY AUCTION ON THURSDAY, THE 10TH DAY OF MARCH 1853 *some verbiage and some columns edited for space. Key: A R P = Acres, Roods, Perches. Measurement of land Key: 40 Perches = 1 Rood. 4 Roods = 1 acre. LOT 5 ================================================================================================ NO. DENOMINATION TENANTS NAMES A R P TENANTS TENURE ================================================================================================ 1 Knockanecarragh, John CARR 14 3 5 Tenant from Yr. to yr. otherwise Killomoran 2 " Patrick DOOLEY 29 2 8 Tenant from Yr. to yr. 3 " Michael CARROLL 29 2 8 Tenant from Yr. to yr. 4 " Michael RUSSELL 14 3 5 Tenant from Yr. to yr. Lot II. - The Lands of KNOCKANECARRAGH otherwise KILLOMORAN are held in fee; subject to yearly Quit rent of 7s 8d, and are situate within six miles of the town of Gort. _______________________________