News: Assorted Newspaper, Marriages & Deaths 22 May 1773 *********************************************** Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives Islandwide Index Copyright ************************************************ File contributed by: Mary Heaphy ASSORTED NEWSPAPER, MARRIAGES & DEATHS 22 MAY 1773 *Use Ctrl-F to find a name using your browser. MARRIED. At Bolton-Hill, Counsellor Bermingham, to Ann, eldest daughter of Nicholas Fitzgerald, esq. At Cork, Mr. William Bass, to Miss Ann Stephens. Mr. John Reid, of Bolton Street, to Miss Elizabeth Ward, daughter of Ralph Ward, Esq., of Cumberland Street. Mr Maurice Clarke, of Bailieborow, Co. Cavan, to Miss Cochran, of the Castle of Muff, in said County. Mr. Thomas Hatt, to Miss Mary Carley, both of Summerhill, in the County of Meath. DIED. A few days ago, in Phrapper-Lane, Mrs Elinor Rorke. At Waterford, Mr. Stephen Wright, whip-maker. At Corke, Cliff Tottenham, esq. At Corke, the wife of Mr. O'Leary, Publican. On Aston-Quay, Mrs Isabella Robinson, wife of Mr. John Robinson, Merchant. Mrs Anne Noble, wife to Adam Noble, esq., of Longfield, Co. Monaghan. In Boot Lane, Mr. Richard Delahunt, Publican. In Newry, Mr. William Thompson, of Morne. At Clonmell, John Ryan, master of the Little Globe Inn. (probably from the Leinster Journal)