News: Assorted Births, Marriages & Deaths 5 May 1877 *********************************************** Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives Islandwide Index Copyright ************************************************ File contributed by: Mary Heaphy ASSORTED BIRTHS, MARRIAGES & DEATHS 5 MAY 1877 *Use Ctrl-F to find a name using your browser. BIRTHS. May 1st at Tullamore, the wife of the Rev. Wm. J. WALLACE, Methodist Minister, of a son. May 2nd at Waterford, the wife of the Rev. Charles FAUSSET, of a daughter. MARRIAGES. April 30th, at Finglas, Alexander, younger son of the late Alexander COLLES, Esq. J.P., Millmount, Co. Kilkenny, to Agnes Esther, youngest daughter of the late Mr. L.V. MULLALY, Esq., of Harriston and Santry Lodge, Co. Dublin. May 2nd Joseph MOLE, Ballagh, Queen's County, to Eveline, oldest daughter of Henry G. Perry, Rathdowney. April 24th Mr. James ROBERSTON, second son of Mr. Patrick ROBERSTON, of Kilkee, to Marion, second daughter of Mr. John McLOUGHLIN, Cloughjordan. DEATHS. On the 2nd isn't, at his Chambers, 6 Staple Inn, London, John James O'CALLAGHAN, B.L., second son of Eugene O'CALLAGHAN, J.P. Lota, Limerick. At his residence, Newtown Ellard, near Tipperary, Phillip Oliver ELLARD, Esq. J.P., aged 34 years. At Shanagolden, Co. Limerick, the Rev. James SYNAN, P.P. aged 70 years. Yesterday at Pallaskenry, Co. Limerick, Dr. WHITE, Dispensary Medical Officer. (Spelling as per paper). (from newspaper unnamed)