News: Freemans Journal 23-Nov-1882 Evicted Tenants Fund *********************************************** Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives Islandwide Index Copyright ************************************************ File contributed by: Mary Heaphy FREEMANS JOURNAL 23-NOV-1882 EVICTED TENANTS FUND [Use Ctrl-F to find in page) A meeting of the above committee was held yesterday in the Mansion House, the Lord Mayor in the chair. The following grants were made:- Martin Farrell, Bushfield, Borris-in-Ossory, 3 in family, evicted Sept. 1882. John Farrell, sub tenant of Martin Farrell. David Walsh, Charleville, 8 in family, evicted Nov. 1879. John Kavanagh and William Harrigan, Clondarrig, Maryborough, were granted £2.18.0., for law costs. They were served with an ejectment by Christopher Meredith, a farmer. Peter Cooney, Gowel, Kilclare, Co. Leitrim, evicted March 1882, Grant £3. John Leahy, Coolahangane, Ennis, 7 in family evicted 28th March 1882. *Owen Sweeny, 4 in family, James Price, 5 in family, P. Sweeny, 4 in family, J. Hannon, 5 in family. Ml. Hannon, 7 in family, W. McDonough, 4 in family. Mrs Ward. Ml. Sweeny, 4 in family, evicted 30th June 1881.Tenants of Mrs Suffield, Dublin; George Robinson, Roundstone, Co. Galway.* *P. Mullins, evicted 29th March 1882, P. Mulloy, 10 in family. P. Conroy, 7 in family. M. Dundas. J. Cahill, 8 in family. T. M'Donagh, 6 in family. T. Nee, 8 in family. J. Cong, 6 in family. Landlord M. Lynch, of Clifden. To the foregoing tenants evicted at Clifden, a grant of £20.* P. Fitzpatrick, Ballycloven, Callan, 9 in family, evicted 24th July, 1879. Grant £4. Mr. Joseph Kelly, Thomas Street, for materials, etc, for wooden houses supplied by the Ladies Land League to evicted tenants, £570. Mr. John Duggan, Beggarsbush, similar account, £130. The consideration of other grants was deferred, and the committee adjourned to Saturday next, the 5th inst, at four O'Clock.