General Ireland, Miscellaneous: Assorted Irish Gleanings 1700's - Islandwide, Ireland [IGP Free Irish Genealogy]
Misc:  Assorted Irish Gleanings 1700's

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Islandwide Index


File contributed by:  Mary Heaphy


(The following notes from Irish Records have been gathered 
in the course of many years research in Dublin and elsewhere 
concerning various Ulster emigrant families.)

1. Quinton Dick of Mount Prospect, Co. Londonderry. Will 
dated the 22nd Dec. 1784. "Little Boy John Dick to be 
educated by wife Mary Dick and sent abroad".

(Derry Will Book 1796-9. Folio 147.

2. Robert Jack of Glencush, Diocese of Derry, Parish of 
Ardstraw, Co. Tyrone. Will 26th March 1787. "To my three 
brothers now abroad in some of the plantations in America".

Derry Will Book 1786-1790, Folio 183 or 185.

3. William Scott of Largy. Will 4th April 1787. "To brother 
Samuel now in America"

Derry Will Book, 1786-1790. Folio 303.

4. Alexander McCausland of Sessaghbeg, Parish of Cappagh, 
Co. Tyrone. Will dated 5th Nov. 1797. "Son Andrew does not 
return from America within the space of ten years.

Derry Will Book 1796-1799. Folio 205.

5. John Ruddle of Lisnagnett, Parish of Tamlaght O’Crilly 
and County Londonderry. Will Dec. 1787. "To son Robert 
Ruddle £75 in case he returns from America within 13 years 
from the above date.

Derry Will Book 1796-1799. Folio 129.

6. Richard Watson of Glenkeen, Liberties of Londonderry, 
Will 25th Jan 1798. "Beloved sister Sarah Watson otherwise 
Hamilton, now in America. Nephew William Hamilton.

Derry Will Book 1796-1799. Folio 157.

7. Samuel Montgomery, Killey Cappel, Co. Ardmagh, (Per 
book.) Will 17th June 1742, proved 6th Dec. 1743. "To wife 
Margaret ye farm with what Phelemy Curtayne farms and Ned 
McOnathy possesses, to her and her three youngest sons, 
Hugh, William, and John Montgomery, if she marry to be 
divided to the three children. Goods and chattels in four 
skones, but as in articles with John Williams that if each 
child has £80 my daughter Rose is to have a child’s part of 
the remainder. To my son Samuel Montgomery parcel of land 
Widow Todd formerly possessed and land Hugh and Patrick 
Conlin possessed, about 60 acres. To daughter Jane lease of 
Aughneaclough and £40. To son James Montgomery, a lease of 
Cornean’s land of ye Tate. Witnesses-William Montgomery, 
John McBride, Matthew Hall.

Diocese of Armagh, filed will.

8. William Montgomery, Kila Capel, Parish, in County Armagh, 
Farmer. Will 27th March 1769. To son Joseph Montgomery, that 
part of Farme of Land in Killa Capell which I hold under 
Arthur Graham, Esq., in my actual possession, being three 
fields or parks, from the Orchard ditch round to big meadow 
ditch, meared and bounded by the Wartoh Ditch between John 
McKinley’s barn in Drumga and Alexander Hogg’s farm in 
Kilein?, 18 acres, to hold during the lives of my brother 
Joseph Montgomery of Killa Cappel aforesaid and James 
Montgomery of Ballygawley, Co. Tyrone, to have the original, 
pay the rent of £2.5.6. etc. To wife Margaret and son James, 
rest of said farm, with the orchard. To son William 
Montgomery rent of £1.2.9.. etc. Wife’s portion after her 
decease to son Robert, now in America, and his heirs, then 
to son Samuel, now in America, and his heirs. To son Joseph 
lower room of dwelling house. To wife Margaret furniture in 
the upper room and parlour. To wife and son James rest of 
home, but be divided if wife wishes to live elsewhere. To 
son John £14 if he makes no trouble at law. To wife Margaret 
£20. To son James £10. To son Samuel, now in America, £30. 
To two nieces Margaret and Jane, daughters of said John 
Montgomery, £10 each if he gives no trouble. To son Robert, 
now in America, £10. If more, equally to wife Margaret and 
sons John, William, Joseph, James, Samuel and Robert, but if 
not enough, legacies to be diminished in proportion. 
Executors: brother Joseph Montgomery of Killa Cappel and 
cousin Samuel Montgomery of Armagh. Witnesses: John Wright, 
Sarie Wilkinson, Jas. Doobin.

Diocese of Armagh, filed will.

9. Samuel Montgomery, Armagh, Co. Armagh, Merchant. Will 8th 
Jan. 1779, proved 12th June 1779. To son, Samuel Montgomery 
farm in Kille Capell, meared by John Montgomery on one side 
and William Montgomery on the other side, the road to 
Outleek on one side and bog on other, with house, etc., to 
hold till end of lease. To daughter Mary Montgomery Killner 
Capell that John Montgomery holds, etc. To daughter Ann part 
of farm in Killa Capell meared by John Mason, William Black, 
the road etc., to end of lease. To daughter Margaret 
Montgomery, "Mossfields" etc., in Killa Capell purchased of 
Hugh Montgomery. To son Samuel Montgomery part of dwelling 
house in Market Street, Armagh, etc. To daughter Margaret 
Montgomery part of ditto and shop next to Scotch Street, 
etc. To daughters Mary and Ann houses in Barrack Street. 
Money and goods to son Samuel Montgomery and 8 daughters, 
Margaret, Mary and Ann. To daughters Mary and Ann meadow in 
Killa Capell next to John Montgomery to enable them to pay 
their rent. Executors: Son Samuel, and daughter Mary. 
Overseers: William Montgomery. Witnesses: George Cochran, 
William Cochran, William Montgomery.

Diocese of Armagh, filed will.

10. Elizabeth Montgomery: Sackville Street, City of Dublin. 
Will 13th Jan. 1769, Proved 1770. All Estate to David 
Richardson, of Drumin, Co. Tyrone, Esq., in trust for sister 
Catherine Richardson of Richmount, said Co. Tyrone, etc. To 
brother Robert Montgomery of Brandwin, large silver cup 
etc., and the part of rent of barn let to me by Rev. Thomas 
Hastings. To sister Jane Brooke, Angle Johnson, Dorothea 
Dobson, brother Jackson Wray, Sister Wray, his wife, and 
brother Gustavus Brooke, £10 each. To my sister Dorothea 
Dobson best negligee, and £250 to her children, Robert 
Dobson, Jane Dobson, and Elizabeth Dobson. To my nephew 
William Richardson, now Ensign in America, £100, and in case 
he shall not return, to David Richardson, Esq., above in 
trust for sister Catherine Richardson. To neece Rosy Grove 
£10 or clothes. Executors David Richardson and sister 
Catherine. To my two apprentices John Russell and Elizabeth 
Gray, £2.5.6., each. Witnesses:Gilbert Kelbie, James 
Huggins, Arthur Starkey.

Prerogative Court of Ireland, Will Book 74. 1770.

11. Olivia Barr, town and county of Monaghan. Will dated 
13th Oct. 1774. Proved 16th Nov. 1774. To niece Anna 
Catherine Hamilton, wife of Rev. James Hamilton, of New 
Buildings, £20. To niece Olivia Reade als Fleming, £20. To 
niece Anna Catherine Fleming, £20. To niece Margaret Dobbyn 
als Cumming, £20. To niece Olivia Kinsellagh, £8. To David 
Moore, son to Margaret Moore, £4. To sister Margaret 
Fleming, best gown. Rest of apparel  to sisters Arabella 
Cumming and Margaret Fleming. To servant Catherine Neal, 
blankets, etc.. To nephew Davis Rogers, now in America, £20. 
Robert Kelly in East Indies promised to remit me £50, and 
said £50 to Olivia Lowery als Picken. Rest of estate to said 
Anna Hamilton, Margaret Dobbyn, Olivia Lowery als Picken, 
and David Rogers. Executor:-Rev. James Hamilton of New 
Buildings near Monaghan, and Archibald Dubbin, of Monaghan, 
Innkeeper. Witness:-Mary Baxter, William Lowry, Jno 

Diocese of Clogher, filed will.

12. Archibald Shaw, now of the City of Philadelphia, late of 
the Kingdom of Ireland, son of Thomas Shaw, Parish of 
Ballinhoy, County Antrim, Ireland. Will dated 7th May 1785. 
Proved 1787.

Executors:-Smith Ramage, Esq., of Dublin and kinsman Alex 
Kenney, late of Ireland but at present of Philadelphia. To 
cousins Neil, John, Mary and Samuel Kenny, children of Denis 
and Catherine Kenney, £100. To cousin Molly McLean and her 
daughter Katherine McLean, £25. To cousin Nancy McLean, maid 
servant to my mother, £25. Goods to my parents Thomas and 
Isabella Shaw, for their lives, then to sister McPhall and 
her husband Archibald McPhall, to their children, etc.

Witnesses-Alex Kenney, Thomas Bayly, Jno Shaw.

Prerogative Court of Ireland, Will Book 108.

13. Edward Geoghegan, late of the Kingdom of Ireland, but 
now of the city of Philadelphia, Merchant. Will 15th Sept. 
1741, proved 28th Jan. 1741/1742. To my wife Katherine two 
fifths of all worldly estate. To my father Andrew, and my 
brother Andrew Jnr, and my sister Mary Gill, the remainder. 
To Father Graydon, our Parish Priest, £30 to be disposed of 
as I directed said gentleman, £10 being for holy uses, so he 
is to have Mr. Farrell’s note for that amount. To Mr. 
Langley and wife £16 for mourning.

Executors in Philadelphia:-Robert Wakely, Merchant, and 
Francis Carrick, my apprentice, in case he dies, as he is 
sick, I appoint in his room Mr. Andrew Farrell. Executors in 
Dublin:-Mr. John Langley and brother Andrew Geoghegan. 
Witnesses:-George Claypoole, John Tyrrell.

14. Montgomery V. Rookes.

I William Montgomery, City of Dublin, Merchant, affirms that 
George Rookes of Dublin, Merchant, deceased Intestate, was 
at his decease indebted to him the said William Montgomery, 
£110, he was acquainted with said George Rookes, and 
believes he died a widower, leaving 5 children, viz., 
George, Amos, Thomas, Abel and Joanna, spinster, said Joanna 
lives in Dublin. Abel in Limerick, Thomas in Philadelphia. 
Their uncle is Mr. John Barkley, of Dublin, Merchant, who 
said that George and Amos left this kingdom several years 
ago for America. Sworn 20th November 1750. Citation of said 
children to appear by George, Archbishop of Armagh. 
Alexander Mucklebay, Literate, making oath that he served 
Joanna with Citation.

Prerogative Court of Ireland, Cause Papers, 1750.

15. William Bredin of Creagh, Parish of Anghavea, County 
Fermanagh. Will proved 30th July 1768. To my sons William 
and Richard, one half of my farm. To my son Christopher, one 
fourth of my land, and three parks next John Veitch, and 
Thomas Galbraith lands. To son George, one fourth of land in 
possession of James Gorell. If my son James it is now 
seposed to be in America ever lives to come home, if he 
please to live here, I allow him to give my son George £20 
for his fourth. To John Bredin £6. To daughter Margaret £5. 
To wife Esbel Bredin 2s.8d. yearly. To daughter Jean alias 
Lindsay a half guinea.

Executors:-William and Richard Bredin. Guardians over them: 
Edward Cook of Criefhil and Thomas Galbraith of Dethenry and 
Christopher Bredin of Culbuck.

Witnesses:-James Veitch, William Veitch, and John Veitch.

Clogher Will Book, 1754-1785.

16. James McClure of Tassagh, Parish of Derrynoose, Co. 
Armagh. Will October 1776, proved 2nd Sept. 1777. My farm in 
Knockravan, Co. Armagh, to Sanders Linsey and Alexander 
Walker, in trust for my executors and my wife Alice McClure, 
to pay my sons, William and Alexander £1.10s each yearly, 
and to permit my sons John, Robert, and Hugh, and daughter 
Elizabeth to receive the remainder. To my son James who went 
to America 5/.

Executors:-John Girvin and son William.

Witnesses:-Jon Morson, Meradith McCain, James Low.

Armagh Will Book.

17. Samuel McClure of the City of Londonderry, Innkeeper, 
Will 20th Jan. 1785. No probate. To my son Francis, now in 
America, and my sons Samuel, Andrew, Richard and my daughter 
£5 each. To my wife Sarah all of my property which I hold 
under the Irish Society of London, that she may sell it and 
divide it among my children.

Executors:-Wife Sarah and son Samuel.

Witnesses:-Charles McClure, Ferguson Moore, James McGlassen.

Derry Will Book. 1786-1790.

18. William Marshall of Crevey, Co. Londonderry. Will 11th 
Oct. 1786, no probate. To my wife Margery, £10. To my 
daughter Patience McIlheney, 1/. To my second daughter 
Margaret Brown, 1/. To third daughter Margery, 1/. To my son 
Alenander the part of my farm in my own possession. To son 
James, now in America, the part of my farm in possession of 
John Steel.

Executors:- Moses Scott, George Marshall, both of 
Londonderry, Merchants, and my son Alexander.

Witness:-John Dougall, Rogert Daugheen, and John Davitt.

Derry Will Book 1786-1790.

19. John Rudle of Lisnagnett (Lisnagrott), Parish of 
Tamlaght a Crilly, (Tahlaghtocrilly), Co. Londonderry. Will 
16th Dec. 1787; proved, no date given. My land to be sold. 
To my wife Martha £25. To my daughter Nancy £20. To my son 
James the acquital of the money he borrowed from me. To my 
son Thomas £25. To my son Jackson, £25. To my son Robert, 
£75, in case he returns from America in the space of 
thirteen years after the present date. To son Andrew £75. To 
daughter Martha £75. To my brother Thomas one guinea.

Witness:-Samuel Mitchell, John Willson, Pat Brodley.

Derry Will Book, 1786-1790.

20. Samuel Abbott of the city of Philadelphia, Merchant. 
Will dated 27th Jan. 1785. Proved 22nd May 1789. To my son 
William, my freehold and personal estate for ever. To my 
daughter Mary £1000 Irish sterling, when 21 or married. To 
my natural son William Tyrer £50 when 21. To my servant 
Andrew Eagan £70 Irish sterling to be paid him in America. 
If my son William die before 21 without issue, his part to 
go to my daughter Mary, and her £1000 to be paid to my 
brothers John, William and James, my sister Mary Hayes, wife 
of William Hayes, Merchant, Dublin, and my half sister Sarah 

Executors:-Brother William Abbott and Mr. Thomas Smith, of 
Birr, Merchant.

Witness:-Thomas Banks, William Talbot and Thomas Talbot.

Prerogative Court Ireland. Register 1789.

21. William Nelson of Ballymoney. Will 24th Sept. 1796, 
proved 22nd Oct. 1796. To my wife Jane £70. To my son John 
£50 to keep him at school and part to keep him at a Trade, 
or fit him out to America. To my daughter Nancy, £40. To 
daughter Mary £60 and half a dozen tea spoons marked M.N. To 
son Abram £70. My watch to John Henry of Dundoans.

Executors:-Mr. Robt. Gamble of Ballymoney, Merchant. Mr. 
Joseph Reynolds of Dunnaferry, and Mr. Jno. Henry of 
Dundoan, Farmers.

Witness-Neal Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Robd. Dougherty.

Connor Will Book, 1796.

(All spelling as per book)

The Pennsylvania Magazine Of History And Biography. 
Pennsylvania Gleanings In Ireland By Lothrop Withington.