John Paul II Cemetery Listowel, Pt 1, County Kerry, Ireland
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Kerry Index
Kerry Headstones
Contributed by: Larry Kehoe
Transcribed by Bernie Enright


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Photo No.0
Relig Eoin Pól ΙΙ | JOHN PAUL ΙΙ Burial Ground.

Photo No.1
In Loving Memory of | Our Mother | JOSEPHINE ALLEN | (nee
HENNESSY.)‘Killocrim, Listowel’ | 1923 – 2005 | Forever in
our thoughts | Her Husband JAMES ALLEN | 1914 – 1951 | At
rest in St. Michael’s | Cemetary, Listowel | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.2
Left hand side: | ANDREWS | IVAN ROBERT ANDREWS | Died 27th
January 1995 | His Wife ANN ANDREWS | (nee SLOAN) | Died
30th November 2013 | Rest in Peace | Right hand side: |
BOHAN | FRANK BOHAN | Late of Co. Leitrim | Died 13th
February 2003 | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.3
In Loving Memory of | A Dear Husband, Dad | And Grandad |
CHRISTY ANGLAND | 31st July 2021 aged 73 yrs | Always in
our thoughts, forever in our hearts | ANGLAND.

Photo No.4
STIVEN BALAZ | Went to Heaven | 27th Nov 2002.

Photo No.5
With Love we remember | WILLIAM (WILLIE) BAMBURY |
Ahanagran Ballylongford | Died 1st September 2001 | His
Loving Wife | SARAH BAMBURY | (nee O’DONNELL) | Died 11th
January 2015 | Aged 97 years | Rest in Peace | BAMBURY.

Photo No.6
Treasured Memories of | DANNY BARRETT | 6 Clieveragh Park |
And 33 Ballygologue Park | Listowel | Late of Kilflynn |
Died 11th May 2010 | Aged 69 years | Forever in our
thoughts | Loved and remembered always | Rest in Peace |
BARRETT | Front right-hand side: | In Loving Memory of |
MARGARET BARRETT | 6 Clieveragh Park | Listowel | Died
March 27th2023.

Photo No.7
In Loving Memory of | TOM & HANNAH | HANNAH BARRETT nee
O’CONNOR | Greenville, Listowel | 24th April 1934 – 7th
April 2020 | Aged 85 years | Her Loving Husband | THOMAS A.
BARRETT (TOM) | 17TH January 1930 – 18TH May 2020 | Aged 90
years | Rest in Peace | BARRETT.

Photo No.8
In Loving Memory of | JAMES BARRETT | Ennismore, Listowel |
Died 23rd May 1999 aged 58 yrs | His Brother CON BARRETT |
Died 18th June 2012. Aged 75 yrs | Rest in Peace | Forever
in our thoughts.

Photo No.9
In Loving Memory of | ANN MARIE BARRY (nee STACK) |
Scartlea, Listowel | Born 12/01/1945 | Died 12/11/2018 |
Resting in God’s Kingdom | Always in our thoughts | Forever
in our Hearts.

Photo No.10
In Loving Memory of | CATHERINE BARRY | (nee PELLICAN) | 2
Dirha Cottages | Listowel | Died 6th September 2008 | Rest
in Peace.

Photo No.11
We Remember with Love | DAVID M. BARRY | (DAVE) | Woodlawn,
Listowel | Born September 9th1956 | Died February 18th

Photo No.12
In Loving Memory of | DERMOT BARRY | Bunagara | Died July
9th 1997 | Rest in Peace | BARRY.

Photo No.13
In | Loving | Memory of | JASON BARRY | 83 O’Connells
Avenue | Listowel Co. Kerry | Died 3rd May 2018 | Rest in

Photo No.14
MARY BARRY | (nee O’CARROLL) | Listowel | August 26 1936 -
February 13 2004 | ‘Laugh as we aways Laughed | At the
little jokes we enjoyed together | Play, smile, think of
me, pray for me| Let my name be the household word | That
it always was.

Photo No.15
In Loving Memory of | MARY BARRY | Tanavalla, Listowel |
Died 1st July 2015 | Her Brother TOM BARRY | Died 19th
March 2021 | Loved Forever | Baby LÚAN BARRY | Born 8th
January 2020 | ‘A Lasting imprint in our hearts’ | Rest in

Photo No.16
In Loving Memory of |A Loving Husband and Father | ROBERT
(BOB) BARRY | Clieveragh, Listowel | 25th May 1921- 20th
June 2003 | A Dear Wife and Mother| ELIZABETH (BESS) | (nee
BEASLEY) | 25 Jan 1925 – 15 July 2013 | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.17
With Love we remember | TIM BEARY | Clieveragh | Died Dec
12th 1998 aged 66 yrs | His Wife PHILOMENA | (nee ENGLISH)
| Died 23rd Oct 2004 aged 73 yrs | Forever in our thoughts.

Photo No.18
PÁDRAIG BEASLEY | 6TH January 2023 | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.19
In Loving Memory of | NORA BEHAN | (nee KISSANE) |
Lisselton Cross | Listowel | Died 6th Feb 2004 | Aged 78
yrs | Her Husband JEREMIAH | Died 18th Nov 2012 aged 87 yrs
| Rest in Peace | BEHAN.

Photo No.20
Remembrance | To remember a Wife and Mother | In Life there
will never be another | THERESA (BRIDGID) BOHAN | Tarmons
East Tarbert | Born 19th May 1934 | Laid to rest 26th Oct
2003 | Front Left: | In | Loving | Memory of | JOHN BOHAN |
Tarmons East Tarbert | Co. Kerry | Died November 20th2022 |
Rest in Peace.

Photo No.21
In | Loving Memory | Of | A Dear Husband, Father| And
Grandfather | EDWARD BRADY | Knockenagh South, Listowel |
And Late of Legwee| Co. Cavan | Born 12th Dec 1936 | Died
15th Sept 2005 | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.22
In Loving Memory of | JOHN PATRICK BRENNAN | 64 Feale Drive
Listowel. Died 29th Oct 2000 | Aged 78 yrs | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.23
In Loving Memory of | KATHLEEN BRODBIN | Villa Maria
Listowel | Died Dec 141998 | Her Husband Dr. PATRICK | Died
May 30th 1999 | Rest in Peace | BRODBIN.

Photo No.24
In Loving Memory of | DANNY BRODERICK | Gurtcreen Listowel
| Died 30th July 1999 aged 66 years | His Wife CATHERINE
(KITTY) | (nee McCARTHY) | Died 18th March 2015 aged 83
years | Rest in Peace| BRODERICK.

Photo No.25
In Loving Memory of | A Dear Wife, Mother, Grandmother &
Friend | MARGARET BRODERICK | (nee DIGGIN) | Inch East
Listowel | Formerly of Drumnacurra, Causeway | Died 3rd May
2018, aged 67 years | Rest in Peace | Gone from us but not
forgotten | Sa Bhaile anois leis na haingal | I gconaí in
ár gcuimhne is ár gcroithe | BRIDERICK.

Photo No.26
In Loving Memory of | SHEILA BRODERICK | (nee STOKES) |
Coolnaleen Listowel | Died 12th January 2003 | Garda na n-
aingeal as mo choinn | Dia romhan agus Dia liom |

Photo No.27
In Loving Memory of | A Dear Wife and Mother | TERESA
BRODERICK | (nee CARMODY) | 63 O’Connells Avenue | Listowel
| Died 2nd November 2005 | Aged 79 years | Her Husband |
EDWARD (NED) BRODERICK | Ex-Fireman | Died 5th January 2007
| Aged 83 years | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.28
In Loving Memory | Of | DENIS BROSNAN | Lacca East,
Kilmorna | 3-10-1916 – 7-11-1995 | His Brother | EDWARD
(NED) BROSNAN | Bunagarha Listowel | 23-1-1922 - 7-1-1997 |
Rest in Peace | Sé do bheatha Mhuire| BROSNAN.

Photo No.29
In Loving Memory of | FRANCIS BROSNAN | Lacca East,
Kilmorna | Died 16th May 2017 | Aged 85 years | His Wife
NANCY | (nee McAULIFFE) | Died 25th Dec 2019 | Aged 91
years | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.30
In Loving Memory of | GERARD BROUDER | 8, Lissarda Listowel
| Died 11th Oct 2002 | Aged 33 yrs | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.31
In Loving Memory of | DAN BROWNE | Ballygologue Park,
Listowel | Died 31st October 2015 | Aged 69 years | BRIDGET
BROWNE | (nee DEVANE) | Loving Wife, Mother and Grandmother
| Died 29th March 2020 | Aged 82 years | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.32
In Loving Memory of | MAURA BROWNE | Ballyhorgan Lixnaw |
1976-2002 | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.33
In Loving Memory of | MOSS BROWNE | Ballyhennessy Lixnaw |
Died 20th Jan 1998 aged 55 yrs | Rest in Peace | Jesus
Mercy Mary Help | BROWNE.

Photo No.34
Treasured Memories of | PATSY (PADDLES) BROWNE |
Ballygologue Park | Died 10thOctober 2020 | Aged 76 years |
Rest in Peace.

Photo No.35
In Loving Memory of | SHEILA (CISS) BROWNE (nee KEANE) |
William Street, Listowel | Died May 8th 1998 aged 83 yrs |
Her Husband | MICHAEL G. (BERKIE) BROWNE | Died April 26th
1959 aged 49 yrs | Rest in Peace | Life is changed not

Photo No.36
In | Loving Memory | Of | WILLIAM BROWNE | Ballyduhig
Listowel | Died 5th November 2002 | His Sister ELLIE | Died
10th January 2003 | His Brother | GERALD (JETTY) | Died
23rd November 2005 | Rest in Peace | BROWNE.

Photo No.37
In Loving Memory of | DERMOT BUCKLEY | Bridge Road,
Listowel | Died 29th October 2011 | Aged 79 years | His
Loving Wife | NOREEN (BUN) BUCKLEY | (nee NAGLE) | Died 9th
November 2021 | Aged 72 years | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.38
Cherished Memories of | A Loving Husband, Father and Son |
David Finbarr Bunyan | 25 Woodview, Killimer | Kilrush, Co.
Clare | (Late of 15 Convent St., Listowel) | Died 4th
December 2003 | Aged 43 years | Rest in Peace | The Lord is
my Shepherd | BUNYAN.

Photo No.39
In | Loving Memory | Of | BILL CAHILL | Greenville Listowel
| Died 30th August 2002 | Aged 80 years | Rest in Peace |

Photo No.40
In | Loving | Memory of | NORA CANTY | (nee RYAN) | The
Shebeen Bar Listowel | Died April 4th 2022 | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.41
With Love | We Remember | A Dear Wife and Mother | MARY
CAREY (nee LYNCH) | Behins, Listowel | died Feb. 1 1997
aged 83 yrs | Her Husband. THOMAS (TOM) | Died Oct. 29 2002
aged 88 yrs | Rest in Peace | May the Lord Have Mercy | On
Their Gentle Souls.

Photo No.42
In Memory of | A Loving Husband and Father | RICHARD CAREY
| Ballygologue Road, Listowel | Who Died on 23rd April 2011
| Aged 72 years | Your Life Was Love and Labour | Your Love
For Your Family True | You Did Your Best For All Of Us | We
Will Always Remember You | Rest in Peace | CAREY.

Photo No.43
In | Loving Memory |Of | TOM CAREY | 60 Ballygologue Park |
Listowel | Died 16th July 2016 | Aged 69 years | Rest in
Peace | CAREY.

Photo No.44
In Loving Memory of | MAURICE (MOSSIE) CARMODY | Skehenerin
Listowel | Died 22nd Jan 1997 | His Loving Wife | ANGELA
CARMODY | (nee KELLY) | Died 3rd Dec 2020 | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.45
In | Loving Memory of |PATRICK (PADDY) | CARMODY | St.
Brendan’s Tce. | Listowel | Died 1st June 1997 | His Loving
Wife MARGARET | (nee HORGAN) | Knockroe Drive Listowel |
Died 18th Dec 2012 | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.46
With Love We Remember | Our Dear Son | KEVIN CASEY |
Woodford Listowel | Died 12thDec 1998 | Aged 20 years | His
Dear Father BRENDAN CASEY | Late of Limerick City | And
Woodford/The Meadows, Listowel | Died 25thNovember 2024
aged 71 years | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.47
In Loving Memory of | CHARLIE CHUTE | 12 Ashfield,
Greenville | Listowel. | Died on 25thDecember 2002 | Aged
27 years | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.48
In Loving Memory of | JOSEPH (JOE JOE) CHUTE | 81,
Ballygologue Park | Listowel | Died 2nd Feb 2002 | Aged 20
yrs | His Brother TREVOR (TOPPER) | Died 22nd April 2006 |
Aged 23 yrs | Rest in Peace | CHUTE | Front: | TONY BRENNAN
| Listowel and Monagae N.C.W. | Died 27thNov 2012 | Aged 44
yrs | (Interred in Monagae Cemetary).

Photo No.49
In Loving Memory of | MAURICE (MOSS) CHUTE | 8 Cherrytree
Drive | (Formerly Charles St) | Died 18th Sept 2008 | Aged
55 yrs | His Brother | FREDDY CHUTE | Died 24th April 2019
| Rest in Peace.

Photo No.50
In Loving Memory of | MICHAEL (MICK) CLIFFORD | Woodford
Listowel | And Croydon Surrey, U.K. | Died 11th April 2022
Aged 73 yrs | Rest in Peace | CLIFFORD.

Photo No.51
In Loving Memory | of | JIM COGAN | 3 Cherrytree Drive |
Listowel | Died June 23rd 2013 | Aged 65 years.
Photo No.52
In Loving Memory of | MARY (MIRSE) COLEMAN DOYLE |
Ballygrennan, Listowel | And Late of Foxford, Co. Mayo |
Died 31stJanuary 2012 | Rest in Peace | COLEMAN-DOYLE.

Photo No.53
In Loving Memory of | ENA COLLINS | 8 Church St. Listowel |
Died 6th May 2001 | Rest in Peace | Erected by The O’MAHONY
Family | COLLINS.

Photo No.54
Cherished Memories |Of  a Loving | Husband and Father | TOM
CONNOLLY | Fionnuig | Born 22-05-1950 | Died 09-10-2005 |
Rest in Peace.

Photo No.55
In Loving Memory of | MARGARET MARY CONWAY | Woodford,
Listowel | Died 4thDecember 2019 | Aged 91 years | MICHAEL
THOMAS CONWAY | Died 8th November 2020 | Aged 92 years.

Photo No.56
Cherished | Memories | Of | A Loving | Husband and Father |
KIERAN CORRIDAN | Bunagarha Listowel | Died 26th June 1998
| Rest in Peace.

Photo No.57
Cherished Memories Of | BRĺD COSTELLO | Aras Mhuire,
Ballybunion Rd., Listowel | Died 30th January 2000 | Aged
21 yrs | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.58
With Love we Remember | A Devoted Wife and Mother | CLAUDIA
COSTELLO | (nee SHINE) | Late of Coolaclarig, Listowel |
And 2 Ballygologue Park | Died 7th December 2013 | Aged 43

Photo No.59
In Loving Memory of | JOHN (JACK) COSTELLO | 52 Feale Drive
And | (8 Dirha Cottages) | 10-5-1959 – 21-12-2009 | R.I.P.

Photo No.60
With Love We Remember | Our Dear Parents | JOE (BREEN)
COSTELLO | 8 Dirha Cottages Listowel | 18th May 1930 – 29th
Nov 1997 | Aged 67 years | His Wife JULIA (SHEILA) | (nee
MURPHY) | 10th May 1926 –24th Jan 2008 | Aged 81 years |
Their Daughter | FRANCES | 12TH Jan 1972 –18th Feb 2022 |
Aged 50 years | Until we meet again | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.61
In | Loving | Memory of | MICHAEL COSTELLO | 7 Court House
Lawn | Listowel Co. Kerry | Died July 9th 2022 | Rest in

Photo No.62
In Loving Memory of | A Dear Wife, Mother and Grandmother |
JULIA (PATSY) CRONIN | (nee MURPHY) | 17 Bridge Road,
Listowel | Late of Kiskeam & San Francisco | Died 11th
November 2017, aged 75 years | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.63
In | Loving Memory | Of | PETER CRONIN | Irrabeg, Lixnaw |
Died 1st April 2019 | His Wife JOSEPHINE | (nee LYONS) |
Died 6th April 2021 | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.64
In Loving Memory of | CATHERINE MARY CROWLEY | (nee
BOLSTER) | Born Feb. 1929 - Died June 2007 | And Her Loving
Husband | EDWARD CLEMENT CROWLEY | Born June 1924 – Died
Oct. 2016 | Sadly Missed | CROWLEY.

Photo No.65
In Loving Memory of | ANTHONY CURTIN | Died 3rd April 2013
| Aged 77 years | Dromin Listowel.
Photo No.66
In Loving Memory of | KITTY CURTIN | Dromin, Listowel | Co.
Kerry | Died December 24th 2022 | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.67
Baby RÓISĺN CURTIN | 22-6-2017.

Photo No.68
Jesus called | On a Little Angel | SHAYNE DALY LYNCH 02—07—

Photo No.69
In Loving Memory of | SEÁN DALY | Gurtcreen Listowel | Died
27th June 2003 | Aged 67 years | Rest in Peace | DALY.

Photo No.70
In Loving Memory | Of |An Adored Husband and Father | SEAN
(JOHN) DALY | Melbourne, Australia | And Late of Dublin |
Passed away 24th June 2014 | Aged 64 years | Once in a
Lifetime | R.I.P. | DALY.

Photo No.71
In Loving Memory of | TIMMY DALY | Courthouse Lawn | And
Late of | Mountcoal, Listowel | Died 13th February 2021 |
Aged 79 years.

Photo No.72
Resting Here | DANNY DEMUTANT | Late of | O’Connell’s Ave.
Listowel | And Manchester | 18th Feb. 1958 – 11th Feb.

Photo No.73
In Loving Memory of | MICHAEL DEVEREAUX | 6 Convent St.
Listowel | Died 11th Feb 2002 | Aged 76 years | His Wife
MAUREEN | (nee O’SHEA) | Died 20th Jan 2007 | Aged 76 years
| Rest in Peace | DEVEREAUX.

Photo No.74
In Loving Memory of |A Beloved Wife and Mother | BIBI
DILLON | Leitrim East, Moyvane | Died 25th May 2020 | Aged
33 years | Forever with the angels | Always in our Hearts |

Photo No.75
In Loving Memory of | HENRIETTA DILLON (nee HILLIARD) |
Behins Listowel | Died Easter Sunday 31st March 2002 | Her
Loving Husband | DAVID DILLON | Died Saturday 15thJuly 2017
| Together again | Rest in Peace | Forever in our thoughts.

Photo No.76
In Loving Memory of |A Dear Wife, Mother | Grandmother and
Great Grandmother | PATRICIA DILLON | (nee WALSH) | 18
Ballygologue Park | Listowel | Died 25th Jan 2017 | Aged 63
years | Rest in Peace | We shall meet again in a brighter
land | Where farewell is never spoken | We shall clasp each
other hand in hand | And the clasp shall not be broken |

Photo No.77
In Loving Memory of | DENIS DONOVAN (Retired Garda) | 20
Clieveragh Park, Listowel | And Late of Clonakilty, Co.
Cork | Who Died on 19th September 2011 | Aged 77 years |
Rest in Peace o gentle soul | Until that day | When Love
will call us home | DONOVAN.

Photo No.78
In Loving Memory of | PATRICK DOWLING | Woodford, Listowel
| And East Dulwich, London | Died 17th September 2020 |
Rest in Peace | DOWLING.

Photo No.79
In Loving Memory of | PETER DOWLING | Woodford, Listowel |
Born 22-08-1914 | Died 13-05-2007 | MARY DOWLING | Born
02-10-1916 | Died 27-03-2012 | Their Son JEREMIAH | Born
09-08-1945 | Died 02-06-2021. R.I.P. | Erected by his
loving | Wife and Family | DOWLING.

Photo No.80
Fondest Memories of | KEVIN ‘RONNIE’ DOWNEY | Late of
Ashgrove and | O’Connell’s Avenue | Passed away 4th July
2015 | Aged 57 years,

Photo No.81
In Loving Memory of | MARIE DOWNEY | (nee CULHANE) |
Knockalougha, Duagh | And Late of Dirha, Listowel | Died
9th January 2020 | Aged 75 years | Rest in Peace | Deep in
our hearts you will always stay | Loved and remembered
every day | DOWNEY.

Photo No.82
In Loving Memory of |SARAH (SALLY) DOWNEY | 43 O’Connell’s
Ave | Died 1st July 2005 | Aged 72 yrs | Her Husband |
MICHAEL | Died 5th July 2011 | Aged 71 yrs | Their Son DEAN
(DINO) | Died 30th April 2016 | Aged 46 yrs | Rest in Peace

Photo No.83
In Loving Memory | Of | BRIDGET DOYLE | Coolnaleen |
Listowel | Born 5th Dec 1918 | Died 16th July 2012 | AIDAN
MICHĒAL SHINE | Born with wings | 3rd August 2019 | Rest in

Photo No.84
In Loving Memory of | A wonderful Husband and Father |
JAMES (JIM) DOYLE | Meenleitrim, Knocknagoshel | Born 7th
June 1926 | Died 2nd June 2003 | R.I.P. | My heart is with
you | Always remembered by | His Loving wife KATHLEEN and
Family | DOYLE.

Photo No.85
In Loving Memory of | My Dear Brother | Rev. Fr. ROGER
DUGGAN M.S.C. Sacred Heart Mission Cork | Late of Australia
and Birmingham U.K. | Born 25th October 1941 | Died 14th
May 2018 | Requiescat in pace | DUGGAN~ HAYES.

Photo No.86
In Loving Memory of | SEÁN DUNNE | Kenny Heights | Listowel
| Died 18th June 2011 | Aged 6 years | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.87
In Loving Memory of | TONY DUNNE | Ballygologue Park |
Listowel | Died December 13th 2022 | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.88
In Loving Memory of |ANTHONY (TONY) ENRIGHT | Billerough
Listowel | Died 8th July 2007 | Aged 71 yrs | His Loving
Wife HELEN | (nee RELIHAN) | Late of | Castletownroche, Co.
Cork | Died 22nd November 2016 | Aged 76 ys | Rest in

Photo No.89
In Loving Memory of | JOHN ENRIGHT | Killocrim | Died on
April 9th 2012. His Wife | GWENDOLENE CYNTHIA ENRIGHT |
Died 29th March 2001 | Aged 63 years | Buried Jersey CI.

Photo No.90
In Loving Memory of |MARY ENRIGHT | (nee BRODERICK) | 16
Ballygologue Park | Died 6th May 2021, aged 71 years | Rest
in Peace.

Photo No.91
In Loving Memory of | THOMAS ENRIGHT | Dirha East | Died
May 8 1997 aged 70 yrs | His Loving Wife MARGAET (MAUD) |
(nee BRENNAN) | Died Jan 26 2019 aged 94 yrs.

Photo No.92
In Loving Memory of | MARY EVANS | (nee WALSH) | Died 12th
June 199. Aged 40 years | EDWARD WALSH | 13 May 2019 | Rest
in Peace
In Loving | Memory of | MARGARET WALSH | 3 O’Connell’s Ave |
Died 4th March 2005 | Aged 67 yrs | Rest in Peace.

All images Copyright by Photographer