John Paul II Cemetery Listowel, Pt 2, County Kerry, Ireland
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Kerry Index
Kerry Headstones
Contributed by: Larry Kehoe
Transcribed by Jill Wood


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Photo No.93
In Loving Memory of | BETTY FLEMING | (Nee FALEY) | Late of
Ballygologue | Died 25thmarch 2014 | Interred in New York |
Rest in Peace. | In Loving Memory of | THOMAS (TOM) FALEY |
Ballingruddery, Listowel | Died 16th October 1997 | Aged 25
years | A Loving Husband, Dad and Grandad | MORTIMER (MURT)
FALEY | Born on 21st January 1942 | Died on 30th April

Photo No.94

Photo No.95
In Memory of | A Loving Husband | and Father | JOHN
FINNEGAN | Killocrim, Listowel | And late of | The Currach
Co. Kildare | 29th Dec 1937 – 26th Oct 2020. | Rest in

Photo No.96
Cherished Memories | of | A loving Wife, Mother, |
Grandmother and Sister | EVA FINUCANE | (Nee FITZGERALD) |
Cahirdown, Listowel | and late of Drumeen | Conlara, Co.
Clare | Died 1st July 2006, aged 70 yrs | EVA’S Husband |
DONIE (SONNY) | Late of Lenamore, Ballylongford | Died 16th
November 2007, aged 73 yrs | May they rest in peace
together. | Erected by her loving Husband, DONIE | And
children FERGUS | CAROLINE [illegible]Don and Linda.

Photo No.97
6 Gurtinard | Listowel | Died 3rd Dec 2006 | Aged 93 years
| Rest in Peace. |In loving memory of MARGARET (PEG) |
FITZGERALDNee GREANEY |  6Girtinard | Listowel |Died 1st of
Nov 2007 |Age 96 years| Rest in Peace.

Photo No.98
In Memory Of | MICHAEL (MIKE) FITZGERALD | Billinrudderry,
Listowel | 14th April 1951 – 24th April 2009 | Requiescat
in Pace.

Photo No.99
With Love We Remember | A loving Wife, Mother and
Grandmother | PHILOMENA (MENA) FITZPATRICK | 55 Church
Street, Listowel | and late of Clonkeen, Killarney | Who
departed this life on July 11th 2019 | Aged 74 years | Rest
in Peace.

Photo No.100
In Loving Memory | of | JOHN (JACK) FLAHERTY | Clounmacon,
Listowel | & formerly of | Keylod, Moyvane | Born 27th June
1932 | Died 12th March 2020. | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.101
In Loving Memory of | KATHLEEN FLAHIVE | (Nee O’CONNOR ) |
71a Church St. | Died 4th Feb 2012 | Aged 86 yrs | Her
Husband | JAMES (JIM) | Died 7th Feb 2013 | Aged 93 yrs |
Rest in Peace.

Photo No.102
In | Loving | Memory of | BRID FLAVIN | Cuss Moyvane | Co
Kerry| Died 16th August 2018 | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.103
In | Loving | Memory of | MICKEY FLAVIN | Bungara, Listowel
| o. Kerry | Died July 6th, 2022 | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.104
In Loving Memory | of | MIKE FLAVIN | 20 Knockroe Drive,
Clieveragh, Listowel | Late of Kilteery, Loughill West, Co.
Limerick | 27th April 1948 – 11th October 2014 | “Jesus
said I am the way, the truth, and the life | No one comes
to the Father except through Me.” | John 14:6.

Photo No.105
In Loving Memory of | ANNIE FLYNN | (Nee HOULIHAN) |
Pilgrim Hill Kilmorna | Died 11th Oct 2006 aged 58 yrs |
Her Husband PATSY | Died 18th April 2016 | Aged 75 yrs. |
Rest in Peace.

Photo No.106
In Memory of | A loving Husband and Father | DAVID FLYNN |
Bunagara | And late of Kilmorna, Listowel | Who died on 1st
June 2008 | Aged 36 years.

Photo No.107
In Loving Memory of | MATTHEW FLYNN | Ballynoneen, Asdee,
Listowel | Born 27th June 1937 | Died 10th August 2018 |
Rest in Peace.

Photo No.108
In Loving Memory of | A loving Husband, Father &
Grandfather | DAN FOLEY | Meen, Listowel | 14th Nov 1949 –
4th Sept 2011. | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.109
In Loving Memory of | MATT FOLEY | Woodford, Listowel | Co.
Kerry | Died February 8th 2023 | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.110
In | Loving Memory | of | MARY FORAN | Inch East Lisselton
| Died 18th Jan 2009 | Her Father JOHN | CoolardLisselton |
Died 12th Feb 2009 | Wife EITHNE (Nee BARRETT) | Died 6th
Feb 2019. | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.111
In Loving Memory of | CON GALVIN | Rathea, Listowel | Died
20th August 2000 | His Wife | MARY (Nee McELLISTRIM) | Died
16thmay 2017 | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.112
Treasured Memories | of | EILEEN GALVIN | (Nee BRENNAN) |
Dirha West Listowel | Born 5th August 1927 | Died 6th April
2011 | A silent thought, a quiet prayer, | for a special
person, in Gods care. | JOHN GALVIN | Died 4th July 1963 |
Rest in Peace | Always in our thoughts.

Photo No.113
In Loving Memory | of | JACK GALVIN | O’Connell’s Ave,
Listowel | Died 12th Dec 2001 aged 77 years | Also his Wife
HELEN | (Nee O’CARROLL) | Died 3rd Jan 2011 aged 75 years |
Erected by their loving family | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.114
In Loving Memory of | JOHN GALVIN | Bedford, Listowel | Dec
17th 1997 | Son NELIUS | Died 6th April 2016 | Aged 52 yrs.
| Rest in Peace.

Photo No.115
In Loving Memory of | MICHAEL J. GALVIN | 46 Ballygologue
Park | Listowel | Born 30th August 1993 | Died 25th June
2021 | Rest in Peace.

Photo No. 116
In Loving Memory of | MICHAEL GALVIN | Billerough, Listowel
| Died 25th Dec 2004 | Aged 56 yrs. | R.I.P. | Life has
changed, not ended.

Photo No.117
 14th Sept 1916 – 27th Jan 1997 | BARRY MARTIN GANNON |
 14th Feb 1952 – 2nd June 1998 | MARGARET (PEGGY) GANNON |
 14th Aug 1926 – 10th Sept 2021.

Photo No.118
In | Loving Memory | of | PADDY GAUGHAN | Listowel, London
| and late of |Tallaghan Bawn |Co. Mayo. | 30th November
1949 | - | 6th May 2017.

Photo No.119
In Loving Memory of | A dear Husband, Father and
Grandfather | EDWARD GILLESPIE | Glencolmcille, Co. Donegal
| Philadelphia | And late of Dirha East Listowel | Died 5th
Jan 2004, aged 79 yrs. | His loving Wife BETTY (Nee HORGAN)
| Died 2nd Dec 2013, aged 82 yrs. | Rest in Peace. | Those
who die in grace go no further | from us than God and God
is very near.

Photo No.120
In Loving Memory of | WILLIAM (BILL) GLEESON | Kyle,
Cappamore, Co. Limerick | & Late of Bunagarha, Listowel |
Died 25th November 2018. | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.121
In Memory of a | loving Husband & Father | PATRICK GREANEY
| Tournageehy, Listowel | Died 15th May 2004 aged 54 yrs |
In Memory of a loving Wife & Mother | BETTY (Nee O’KEEFFE)
| Died 3rd December 2012 aged 59 yrs | Rest in Peace |
Erected by his loving Wife & Family.

Photo No. 122
In Loving Memory of | SHARON GREANEY | Woodford, Listowel |
Died on 30th May 2009 | Aged 37 years | Her Sister LINDA |
Died on 14th August 2009 | Aged 28 years | Rest in Peace. |
The joy and love you gave us | will last forever.

Photo No.123
With Love We Remember | DENNIS LYN GREEN | Clieveragh,
Listowel | Late of Cholsey Berkshire | and Hayes Middx |
Died 29th Jan 1999 | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.124
Treasured Memories of | MARY JOSEPHINE GRIFFIN | (Nee
DOYLE) | “Siveen” Ballygologue Road | Listowel | Died 10th
June 1998 | Aged 59 years | Her loving Husband | DONAL
MICHAEL (DONIE) | Died 11th July 2013 | Aged 73 years |
Rest in Peace. | Your life was love and labour | your love
for your family true | you did your best for all of us | we
will always remember you.

Photo No.125
RIP | PATRICIA GRIFFIN | 15 O Connells Ave. | Died 18 4 |

Photo No.126
In Fond Remembrance of | JOSEPH (JOE ) GRIMES | Cleveragh |
Died Oct 17 1995 | His Wife MARIE | (Nee STACK) | Died
April 3rd 2010.

Photo No.127
In |Loving| Memory of | JOHN GROARKE | Burntwood House
Bedford | Listowel | Died 6th October 2018 | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.128
In Loving Memory of | A devoted Wife and Mother | DEBORAH
(DEB) GUINEY | (Nee TARRANT) | Gurtcreen Listowel | Born
6th January 1928 | Died 27th November 2007 | A loving
Husband and Father | DANIEL (DAN) GUINEY | Born 4th March
1927 | Died 19th March 2013 | Rest in Peace. | O’Holy Cross
under thy shadow I will rest.

Photo No.129
Loving Memories of | CHARLES GULLIN | Leitrim West |
Moyvane | & formerly of | Guyana | 15th Dec 1933 – 3rd Sept
2015. | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.130
Cherished Memories of | our dear Mother | BRIDIE HALPIN
(Nee DAUGHTON) | Gurtcreen Listowel | Died 11th May 2006 |
aged 86 years | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.131
In Loving Memory|  of| KATHLEEN HALPIN | (Nee HANNON) |
Greenville, Listowel | Born 17th March 1930 | Died 14th
June 2011 | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.132
Cherished Memories | of | PAT HALPIN | 36 Ballygologue
Park, Listowel | passed away 23rd August 2015 | Aged 66
years | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.133
EILEEN HALPIN | 6th December 2022 | Rest in Peace. | In
Memory of | A loving Husband & Father | PATRICK (SONNY)
HALPIN | Clounmacon, Listowel | 19 Dec 1928 – 15 Aug 2006.
| Rest in Peace.

Photo No.134
In Loving Memory of | DENNIS JOSEPH HANNON | (DIN JOE ) |
Clieveragh Listowel | Late of Bromadra, Lyreacrompane | and
London | 28 Jan 1937 – 4 March 2017 | Rest in Peace. |
Quietly remembered everyday.

Photo No.135
In Loving Memory of | JOE HANNON | 65 Charles Street,
Listowel | Died 23rd March 2009 | Aged 59 years | His
Mother In Law | MARGARET STACK | Died 16th November 2012 |
Aged 93 years.

Photo No.136
In Loving Memory of  | KATHLEEN HANNON (Nee MURPHY) | 41
CoisBaile, Listowel | Died 15th Feb 2021 | Aged 79 years |
Her loving Husband | BATT HANNON | Died 24th July 2022 |
Aged 78 years | Baby CATRIONA HANNON died 23rd March 1977 |
(Interred in Tullylease). | Come and rest in the arms of

Photo No.137
In Loving Memory of | TOM HANNON | 9 Willow Brook |
Clieveragh, Listowel | Died 25th February 2018 | Aged 84
yrs | Rest in Peace. | Gone but not forgotten | We are
apart your spirit lives within me | Earth as one gentle
soul less | Heaven has one special angel more.

Photo No.138
In Loving Memory of | BETTY HARMAN | (Nee LITTLE) |
Bolton’s Cross | Listowel | Died 18th Dec 1996 | [Irish

Photo No.139
Cherished Memories of | BRENDAN HARNETT | The Railway
House, Killocrim | Died 20th October 2014 | My Dad’s unique
and none can rival him | just by passing he has stolen away
our hearts | forever remembered by | Philomena, Christine,
Brendon and Paul.

Photo No.140
With love we remember | A dear Husband and Father | ROBERT
HARRINGTON | 15 Feale Drive, Listowel | and late of
Ballinorig, Causeway | Died August 24th 1996 | Aged 44
years. | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.141
In Loving Memory of | TIMOTHY HARTNETT | 5 Lartigue Village
| Clieveragh Listowel | Died 8th Nov 2007 | Aged 64 yrs |
Erected by his loving Wife | MARGARET. | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.142
WILLIAM (BILL) HARNETT | 82 Church St. Listowel | 19th May
1929 – 14th Feb 2013 | [Irish language].

Photo No.143
In Loving Memory of | SR. EDITH HASSETT | Listowel | &
Sisters of Mercy | Dublin | Died 28th September 2012 | Rest
in Peace.

Photo No.144
In Loving Memory of | BRIDIE HASSETT | Bridge Rd. |
Listowel | Died 7th Sept 2003 | Rest in Peace. | In Loving
Memory of | BERNIE HEMPENSTALL | (Nee HASSETT) | Luton
England | Died 28th Oct 2012 | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.145
In | Loving Memory of | A loving Husband, Father, |
Grandfather & Great Grandfather | TOMMY HASSETT | 27 Bridge
Rd. Listowel  | Died 15th Oct 2015 | Aged 79 yrs. | Rest in
Peace. | Gone Fishing | somewhere over the rainbow.

Photo No.146
In Loving Memory of | DANIEL HAYES | Bridge Road | Listowel
| Born 6th July 1917 | Died 21st May 2005 | His Wife JOAN |
(Nee O’BRIEN) | Born 27th Feb 1920 |Died 23rd Nov 2020 |
Aged 100 yrs. | Rest in Peace | Erected by his loving Wife
and Family.

Photo No.147
In Loving Memory of | A loving Husband, Father &
Grandfather | MICHAEL (MIKE) HEALY | Convent St. and
Ballygologue | Listowel | 5th Dec 1948 – 23rd Jan 2017.|
Rest in Peace.

Photo No.148
In Loving Memory | of | PATRICK (PADDY) HEALY | Retired
Garda | Convent Cross Listowel | Died 7th Oct 1996 | Aged
74 years | His loving Wife TERESA | (Nee McDONAGH) | of
Clifden Co Galway | Died 26th June 2014 | Aged 87 years |
Rest in Peace.

Photo No.149
In Loving Memory of | Our dear Son | NATHAN HEAPHY BARRY |
Listowel | Born 14th Aug 2004 | Died 22nd Aug 2004 | Sadly
missed by his loving Mam, Dad and Family | Rest in Peace |
Little Angel.

Photo No.150
In | Loving | Memory of | SHARON HEAPHY-LANTOLF | Dirha
East Listowel & Chicago | Died 18th May 2019 | Rest in

Photo No.151
Treasured Memories of | A beloved Mother and Grandmother |
KATHLEEN HEFFERNAN | (Nee BROWNE) | Late of | Ballygologue
Park, Listowel | Died on the 2nd of May 2019 | Aged 63

Photo No.152
In Loving Memory of | GERALDINE HEGARTY | (Nee KENNELLY) |
Lisselton | Died 29th Aug 2013 | Aged 53 years | Rest in

Photo No.153
In Loving Memory of | CHRISTOPHER HENNESSY | Bedford,
Listowel | Died 17th January 2015 | Aged 40 years | Forever
in our hearts | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.154
In Loving Memory | of | JOSEPHINE HENRY | (Nee SCULLY) |
William Street, Listowel | Died 14th March 2019 |
Requiescat in Pace.

Photo No.155
In | Loving Memory of | A dear Husband and Father | JAMES
(JIMMY) HICKEY | Born 9-5-1935 | Died 9-7-2009 | His Wife |
NORA MARY (Nee COPPINGER) | Born 18-5-1933 | Died 28-8-2014
| Son | COLIN HICKEY | Born 5-2-1966 | Died 6-7-2006 | Rest
in Peace. | In Loving Memory of | JAMES COPPINGER | and
ELIZABETH COPPINGER | late of | O’Connells Ave. | R.I.P. |
and their children | KITTY, MOLLY, DOC, | SEAMUS, PATRICA,

Photo No.156
In Loving Memory of | A dear Wife, Mother and Grandmother |
EILISH HILLIARD | (Nee MULVIHILL) | Ashfield, Listowel |
&Formerly of Dromolought, Lisselton | Died 8th January 2022
| Rest in Peace | [Irish language].

Photo No.157
In Loving Memory of | Our Cherished Son | DANNY HILLIARD |
Born 30th Aug 1960 | Died 7th Oct 2007 | Aged 47 years |
Never will we forget | JOAN HILLIARD | (Nee HUNT) | Born
14th May 1932 | Died 20th March 2015 | Aged 82 years |
HARRY HILLIARD | Born 5th December 1931 | Died 27th July
2018 | Aged 86 years | A brilliant man and | Dearly missed.
| Rest in Peace.

Photo No.158
HILLIARD | In Memory of | A loving Husband and Father | JOE
HILLIARD | Cahirdown, Listowel | Who died 16th March 2005 |
A loving Wife and Mother | JOAN HILLIARD | (Nee WALSH ) |
Who died 15th Oct 2016 | The day thou gavest Lord is ended.

Photo No.159
Fondest Memories of | A loving Wife and Mother | KATHLEEN
HILLIARD | (Nee CORRIDAN) | DromoloughtLisselton | Born
25th Sept 1916 | Died 2nd Dec 1995 | Her Husband SAMUEL
(SAM) | Born 8th May 1912 | Died 2nd Aug 2004 | We will
always remember you | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.160
Treasured | Memories of | BRIAN HOLLAND | The Writings |
Listowel | Died on the | 24th March 2014 | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.161
Treasured Memories | of | Our beloved Son and Brother |
PADRAIG (PAUDIE) HORAN | Cherrytree Drive, Listowel | Born
13th January 1992 | Died 6th January 2014. | R.I.P. |
[Irish language].

Photo No.162
In Loving Memory of | MARY (MOLLIE) HORGAN | 72 Feale Drive
| Listowel | Died 8th March 2015 | May she rest in peace.

Photo No.163
In Loving Memory of | NELL HORGAN | (Nee SPILLANE) |
Lisselton | Died 8th June 2002 | Her Husband ANDY | Died
3rd November 2011 | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.164
In Loving Memory of | THOMAS HOWARD | Gortnaminch |
Listowel | Died 8th January 1995 | Aged 76 years | His Wife
MARY | (Nee JOY) | Died 20th October 2007 | Aged 82 years.
| Rest in Peace.

Photo No.165
In Fond Remembrance of | JERRY HURLEY | Beford, Listowel |
Died 23rd January 2016 | Much Loved | Requiescat in Pace.

Photo No.166
In Loving Memory of | PETER HUSSEY | Clieveragh Listowel |
Born 10th June 1937 | Died 27th January 2005 | His Loving
Wife | KATHLEEN (Nee LYONS) | Born 20th July 1942 | Died
15th May 2017 | Rest in Peace. | Always remembered by your
loving Wife | KATHLEEN and Family.

Photo No.167
In Loving Memory of | A dear Father | MARTIN HYNES | Native
of Renvyle, Co. Galway | Died 19th Aug 2001 aged 59 years |
Also his loving Son | who died tragically in England | 25th
May 1982 aged 9 yrs.

Photo No.168
In Loving Memory of | a loving Husband, Father and
1939 – 23rd Feb 2016 | Rest in Peace. | Keep smiling
through, just like you always do | I know we’ll meet again

Photo No.169
In Loving Memory of | ELLEN JOY | 94 O’Connells Ave |
Listowel | Ded 21 Sept. 1999 | Her Son JIMMY | Died 8th
Sept. 2016 | Aged 55 yrs. | Forever in our prayers.

All images Copyright by Photographer