Wills: Murphy, John February 10, 1831

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Kerry Index


File contributed by: Rosalind Dunning
ros.dunning@outlook.com January 21, 2018, 1:38 pm


Source: National Archives Kew England
Written: February 10, 1831
Recorded: January 21, 2018

In the Name of God Amen I The Reverend John Murphy
at Kiltallagh in the County of Kerry do write this as my
last Will and Testament being perfectly competent both
in mind and body so to do and hereby revoking and
annulling all and any Will or Wills I may have heretofore
made first it is my wish that in case my death shall occur
at or within sixty miles of home my body shall be
interred in the Grave at Kiltallagh Churchyard in which
the remains of my deceased daughter Catherine
Georgina rest otherwise that it shall be laid in the burial
ground of the parish where it my death shall take place
and in either case it is my earnest desire that my funeral
shall be plain and unattended with unnecessary expense
Next I Will and bequeath the whole and entire of
whatever property I shall die possessed both real (if such
shall devolve to me) or personal or arising from Cash in
Bank or otherwise Life Insurance Policy Tithes Tithe
composition household furniture cattle horses
provender carriages harness farming stock in short every
article of property whether annuerated or not to the
Reverend Robert Hewson and James Bland Hewson Esqr
of Kileakman Glebe and the Reverend Robert Conway
Hurley of Tralee in trust however for the following uses
and purposes viz. first the payment of my debts the
principal of which is a sum of four hundred and sixty one
pounds ten shillings and nine pence sterling due unto
Joseph Harvey of Limerick and Hastings Fitzward Murphy
Lieutenant in the Royal Engineers as Trustees to the
Marriage Settlement of my daughter Selina Frances Peet
Next I will and bequeath to my most beloved Wife
Catherine Murphy otherwise St Leger the furniture of
our bed and drawing rooms silver tea pot cream ewer
twelve forks twelve desert & twelve tea and salt spoons
all of silver plated stand complete her own horse
phaeton and harness and fifty pounds sterling in hand to
enable her to settle respectably wherever she shall think
proper to remove It is my Will that everything else of
Personalty except as above which I shall die possessed
shall be sold to the best advantage and the produce
being added to whatever ballance shall remain in the
hands of my trustees above named from the sources
above specified It is my Will and desire that the whole
amount shall be laid out in the purchase of Government
securities Debentures or other undeniable investments
which shall secure a punctual discharge of interest to be
regularly paid to the said Catherine Murphy as a
maintenance during her life and which I regret should be
so disproportionated to her merits and the tenderness
and affection which during our union of over forty years
she has uniformly exhibited towards me To my Son
Hastings Fitzward Murphy K.C. I Will and bequeath the
Government securities Debentures or other Investments
as above after the death of his beloved mother to be
disposed of as he shall think fit and if it shall please God
that the death of this matchless son and friend shall
occur during the lifetime of his excellent mother I Will
and bequeath that the interest of the said securities
debentures of investments shall from the period of his
mother's decease be due and paid to my much loved
daughter aforenamed Selina Frances Peet during her
natural life for her sole and separate use and free from
the controul of her present husband or any future
husband to whom she shall be married and after the
death of my said daughter I Will and bequeath the
aforesaid securities or investments to the chief
signatories of the Diocees (?) viz. the Lord Bishop the
Dean and Arch Deacon of Ardfert for the time being In
trust however and as a ....... For the formation and
establishment of a fund to be aided by a subscription
from the Clergy of the Diocese for the benefit of their
widows during their widowhood of a fund so applied the
advantages are incalculable and therefore most
strenuously recommend its early adoption and
encouragement This my last Will and Testament was
written at Kiltallagh on Thursday February 10 1831
Witness my Seal and Signature John Murphy (Attestation
Clause) James Giles Senior – James Giles Parish Clerk
Thornrigh It is my earnest desire nay my strict injunction
that my son in law Mr Peet shall not be allowed any
interference whatever in respect to my affairs either
during my life of after my decease J.M. 30th April 1832
Mr Peet's Tithe debt to me amounts to at least two
hundred and fifty pounds after allowance is made for
any balance due at any former time by me beside which
he received money during my absence in France which he
kept to his own use and he never gave or lent me one
shilling of the seventeen pounds a memorandum of
which he affects to have found in a pocket book as
handed to me when going to Dublin in the Summer of
the year 1821 It having pleased the Almighty Father to
inflict upon me a chastizement but too justly merited in
the death of my invaluable son at Bussaro while upon
the Uphrates Expedition on the 9th of August last I so far
alter and correct the within Will as to direct the payment
of four hundred pounds (free from legacy duty)to my
grand child Elizabeth Caroline Peet payable after the
death of her grand mother my much and most
deservedly loved Wife to whom as within specified I
leave an interest during her life in all and every property
which I shall be possessed of adding this Codicil to my last
Will and Testament on the 13th of November 1836 six
The within Document (my Will) I beg to commit to the
safe keeping of Basil Mackenzie Esqr Manager of the
Provincial Bank in Tralee to whose friendship I have
frequently been much indebted with an earnest request
that in case of my death he shall hand it in this cover
either to my most kin friend and neighbour the Reverend
Robert Heweson or his son James Bland Heweson Esquire
whom I greatly esteem and regard John Murphy Killatagh
3 November 1837
(Appearances by Reverend Robert Heweson of Killarney
in Kerry and Michael Creagh of No 3 Upper Gloucester
Street in the City of Dublin Solicitor as to plight and
condition of Will 1st and 4th May 1847)
Proved 18 May 1847, Proved at London with additions
and a Codicil 16 November 1848
PCC Prob11/2083