Miscallaneous - Books, Castle Island Tenants To Lord Herbert
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Kerry Index
Contributed by: Lorraine EGAN rainel2@bigpond.com

16, 1656

Book Title: Herbert Correspondence

No.241 p.141
Have taken several plough lands of his seigniory for 3
years beginning May last from RICHARD TWISS, who
derives his power from Mr Herbert, and he from Lord
Herbert's father (so expressed in their leases) Many left
former holdings and came above 3 score miles, many
having had several invitations by letters from his father,
to whom many were ancient tenants. Therefore think
they should have been encouraged to build and
improve. Assure him, had it not been of a desire to
remain tenants during their lives they would not have
removed for so short a time as 3 yrs.Have now of late
been wholly discouraged by one Mr Floyd publically
reporting that these leases by Mr Herbert or RICHARD
TWISS are of no effect, which has much hindered
building,caused great loss to the tenants and hindered
the setting of lands unset at Floyds coming. If Lord
Herbert does not speedily send them good
encouragement to proceed according to Mr Herbert's
and TWISS' conditions, most of estate will be waste as
formerly, for they can have as good land at far easier
rate - only the desire to be his tenant is his tie.Believe
that had he been here he would have afforded them
that land at easier rates, the rent will appear by the rent
roll brought by RICHARD TWISS. Could give some
relation of TWISS his SERVANT, of his care and how he
has managed Lord Herberts affairs here, but that they
will appear in another manner more proper than from
them, they having desired him to make this journey to
give Lord Herbert account of their conditions and his
own Ask him to send his agent to settle us for the
future. Daily expected Mr Thomas Herbert had they not
expected him,with full power for term of years or lives,
there had not been so many in the seignitory.

Island of Kerry 16 June.
Roger Hollis Cha.Bastable Richard Sellers Frauncis
Rossington John Fitzgerald Donogh mc Fynen Cnogbor
Dally William and Dally John Fitzgerald George Donn
Richard Tayler John Hollis Nicholas Bagtor George Hollis
Tristram Marshall Bryan Preston George Davis Richard
Trant William Collman Derby Mc Thomas.

Additional Comments:
Richard Twiss is called SERVANT in a number of letters.
Indicating he was not related to HERBERTS but an