Miscellaneous: Kerry - Letters RE: RICHARD TWISS - 1682 Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives Kerry Index Miscellaneous Copyright Contributed by: Lorraine EGAN rainel2@bigpond.com ____________________ HISTORY: KERRY - LETTERS RE: RICHARD TWISS - 1682 Edward Kenney to Robert Griffith at Mrs Hodges London Letter 461. Received his Lordship's answer to part of his letter; desires answer about Ballym(ac)Adam. Also has SULLIVAN's saucy letter to his Lordship. a copy of GRIFFITHs to Mr.FITZHERBERT, and one sent to MR WILSON. all enclosed in one from MR HARRIS from Dublin.Never met such a heap of villainy and falsehood except the bill in Chancery. Will go to Corke on Friday to return money, but fears exchange will be ten percent. OLD RICHARD TWISS is dead, thereby escaping severe chiding his Lordship ordered him to give him. Additional Comments: Proof of death of Richard Twiss and also reinforces that there is no familial connection to Herberts.