St. Mullins (CoI), Timolin, Co. Kildare, Ireland
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Kildare Index
File contributed by  Valerie Ackroyd


Photo No.0
The Church of Ireland | St. Mullins | Timolin

Photo No.1
Church view

Photo No.2
In fondest memory of | CHARLES T. CHAMBERS | Cara, Athy. |
Dearly loved | husband and father | Died 13th September 1981
|And | LAURA M. CHAMBERS | Dearly loved | wife and mother |
Died 15th May 1989. | In heavenly love abiding

Photo No.3
In Loving Memory Of | CHARLES CHAMBERS | Beloved husband of
MARY CHAMBERS | of Farm Hill, Athy | Who died 18th March
1947 | Aged 75 years | And his wife MARY | Who died 10th
March 1976 | Aged 88 years "Safe in the arms of Jesus"

Photo No.4
In | loving memory of | HILLEARY WILLIAM CHINN | Husband of
| ELIZABETH SHACKLETON | Glenmona, Moone | Only son of |
WILLIAM and ETHEL CHINN | of Carshalton, Surrey | Who died
14th February 1994 | Aged 67 years | Also his wife ELIZABETH
| Daughter of RICHARD and | EILA SHACKLETON | Who died 29
December 2000 | Aged 75 years

Photo No.5
In Loving Memory Of | THOMAS CONDELL | Belan, Moone | Died
Feb. 6. 1984, Aged 81 Yrs. | Also his wife CHARLOTTE JANE |
Died Jan. 1. 1993, Aged 83 yrs

Photo No.6
In Loving Memory | Of | TREVOR CONDELL | Belan Avenue Moone
| Who died 14th October 2010 | Aged 32 years

Photo No.7
In Loving Memory | Of | JOHN H. COYLE | Pill House, Belan,
Moone. | Died 12th June 1987 | Aged 70 years. | And his wife
| ENID LILLIAN COYLE | (Nee CONDELL) | Born 8th September
1925, | Died 14th December 2014. | "At Rest"

Photo No.8
Sacred | to the memory of | JOHN CRAMPTON | ... ... | Who
died ... ... | Aged ... years | Also ... ... | MARGARET |
Who died ... ... ... | Aged ... years ... months

Photo No.9
In loving memory of | SAMUEL DEACON | Kilkea | Who died 1st
February 1970 aged 80 years | His wife MARGETTA DEACON | Who
died 14th November 1972 aged 76 years | Their son ALBERT
DEACON | Who died 24th September 1989 aged 66 years |
Interred in England | MARIE CARROLL | Partner of son SYDNEY
DEACON | Who died 29th October 1999 aged 59 years | Thou who
changest not abide with me

Photo No.10
In Loving Memory | Of | WILLIAM JAMES FENNELL | Who departed
this life | Dec. 14th 1928 | Aged 62 years | Also his wife |
ISABEL | Who departed this life | 11th February 1946 | Aged
78 years

Photo No.11
In loving memory of | WILLIAM MOORE FENNELL | August 2nd
1941 - November 1st 2008 | Love and peace always

Photo No.12
In Loving Memory | Of | CAROL R. GLYNN | The Rath House |
Died 19th August 2000 | Aged 48 years | Rest in peace

Photo No.13
In Loving Memory Of | RONALD GLYNN | "The Rath House," Moone
| Died Nov. 26. 1978, | Aged 68 yrs | Also | VIOLET. M.
GLYNN | Died July. 22. 1989 | Aged 75 yrs. | "At rest"

Photo No.14
Here lies the body of OLIVER | GRACE who departed this life
| ... November 1800 Aged 74 | also his wife ABBY GRACE | who
departed this life the 4th July 1784 | Aged ... years

Photo No.15
In | Loving Memory Of | BERYL PEACE GRAY | Timolin. | Who
passed away 17th February 2012, | Aged 73 years. | Perfect

Photo No.16
In Loving Memory Of | DAVID GRAY | Ballytore, Athy | Died
5th December 2014

Photo No.17
In Loving Memory | Of | Our darling baby daughter | OLIVIA
JANE GRAY | Who died 5th March 2002

Photo No.18
In Memory of | REBECCA JANE GRAY | Timolin | Who died 29th
July 1968 | Also her husband | JAMES | Died 31st Oct. 1975

Photo No.19
In Loving Memory of | ROBERT GRAY | Brookmount | Died 1st
Oct 1972. | Also his son WINSTON | Died 17th Dec 1943 aged
19 months. | Also his wife | ELIZABETH (LIL) | Died 7th Feb.
1991 | "Safe in the arms of Jesus"

Photo No.20
In loving memory | of | JOHN WILLIAM HEGARTY | Died 17th Aug
1942 aged 60 (?) yrs | Also his wife ELIZABETH | Died 9th
Aug 1960 aged 74 (?) yrs | Their son JOHN WILLIAM | Died
30th Jan. 1973 aged 53 yrs | Also their infant son FREDERICK

Photo No.21
In Loving Memory | of | CATHERINE HEGERTY | Moone | Who died
20th June 1917. | Aged 86 years | Her son ROBERT | Died 26th
Nov 1926 | His son ANTHONY JAMES | Killed in action 29th
Sept 1940. | His son HENRY GORDON | Died 3rd Oct. 1951 | And
his wife SARAH | Died 30th May 1994 | Also BILLY HEGARTY |
Died March 1950 | ROBERT's son ROBERT | Died 28th April 1992
| GORDON and SARAH's son | NOEL HEGARTY | Died 29th Sept.

Photo No.22
Erected by | HENRY HEGERTY of Pill | In loving memory of
MARY his oldest daughter | who depd. this life 6th Sept.
1878 aged 6 years | also his son HENRY who depd. this life |
6th Sept. 1878 in his 2nd year. | also his son THOMAS HENRY
who depd. this life | 6th Nov. 1891 aged 6 years. | also
JANE the beloved wife of HENRY HEGERTY | died 7th Feb 1917
aged 69 years. | the above HENRY | died 15th April 1921 aged
81 years.

Photo No.23
In Loving Memory | Of | FRANCES HENDERSON | Freepark
Ballytore | Died June 17. 1906, | Aged 32 yrs. | Also her
husband | ALEXANDER WILLIAM | Died July 30 1927 | Aged 64

Photo No.24
In Loving Memory of | HAZEL C. HENDY | Woodlawn, Timolin, |
Who died 31st July 1988, aged 45 years

Photo No.25
Erected by | JAMES HENDY | In loving memory | of his brother
HENRY HENDY | Broomfield Moone. | Who died 3rd December
1947, | Aged 72 years. | Also the above | JAMES HENDY | Who
died 5th November 1966 | Aged 86 years.

Photo No.26
In Loving Memory of | JANE HENDY | Kilcrow, Athy | Died 17th
June 1922, aged 32 years | Her husband HENRY HENDY | Died
5th June 1948, aged 75 years | Their daughter | ELLEN
ISABELLA HENDY | Died 14th Feb. 1920 aged 5 years | Their
children | JOHN and ROBERT HENDY | Who died young | Their
daughter | JANE ELIZABETH HENDY | Died 1st April 1995 aged
83 years | Her sister DORA GERTRUDE | Died 4th November 1998
aged 82 years | Safe in the arms of Jesus

Photo No.27
In Loving Memory | Of | VIOLET HENDY | ... | Who died Nov 4
1977, | Aged 55 yrs | Also her husband | ROBERT (BOB) | Who
died 24th March 1996, | Aged 83 yrs| "Thy will be done"

Photo No.28
In Loving Memory of | WILLIAM (BILLY) | HENDY | Mullaghmast
| Died Nov 17 | 1984 | Aged 75 yrs | His wife MAI | Died 19
March 2001 | Aged 91 yrs. | Their great-grandson | JOHN
GLYNN | Died 23 May 2002 | Aged 3 weeks | "Abide | with me."

Photo No.29
Erected by | WILLIAM HENDY | In loving memory of | His
mother MARGARET HENDY | Who died 19th January 1921, | Also
his father | ROBERT HENDY | Who died 9th June 1925, | Also
the above | WILLIAM HENDY | Who died 15th October 1977 |
Aged 66 years. | Late of County House | Moone. | Also his
beloved wife | MARY (MOLLY) (Nee COYLE) | Who died 18th
September 2012 | Aged 85 years.

Photo No.30
Erected by | WILLIAM HENDY of Broomfield | In memory of his
dearly beloved wife | MARY HENDY | Who fell asleep in Jesus
| Dec. 1st 1891, aged 51 years. | Also the above WILLIAM
HENDY | died 16th April 1905, aged 70 years. | Their son
FREDERICK HENDY | Who died 21st July 1921, aged 49 years.

Photo No.31
In Loving Memory | Of | CARRIE HOLMES | Moone | Who died 5th
May 2011 | Aged 86 years

Photo No.32
Sacred | To | The memory of | THOMAS HYLAND Esq. | of
Ballitore House | formerly of the Royal Navy | Also for many
years | Post Master General at | Hong Kong | Died 4th Nov.
1870 | Aged 60 years

Photo No.33
This Stone Erected | by PATRICK KEATING | Here Lies the Body
of | JEFFERY KEATING who | Departed this life | February 6th
1720 | Aged 26 Years may | the Lord Have | Mercy on ...

Photo No.34
To the memory of | WILLIAM LEONARD | ... Moone | Who died
30th March 1916, | Aged 67 years | Also ELLEN his wife | Who
died 20th March 1935 | Aged 82 years | And their daughter |
KATHLEEN ELIZABETH | Died 17th May 1953 | Aged 65 years |
And their son WILLIAM | Died 20th April 1963 | Aged 80 years
| Also HARRIET MARIA | Died ... February 1973

Photo No.35
... ... | Erected by WILLIAM McNALLY | in memory of his
dearly beloved | wife ANN McNALLY who depd. this | life ...
... ... aged 42

Photo No.36
HERBERT ROSLER | 1.6.1908 - 2.11.1982 | GEDRA ROSLER |
12.8.1912 - 29.6.1994.

Photo No.37
In Loving Memory | Of | ELIZABETH (ANN) RYALL | Old Glebe
House | Who died June 23. 1978. | Daughter of | Rev. Dr.
C.R. RYALL | Who died March 1. 1969. | Interred in

Photo No.38
SAMUEL ROBERT SCOTT | Born | 24th June 1825 | Died | 13th
June 1874. |

Photo No.39
In loving memory | of | EBENEZER | Twin son of | RICHARD
Moone | Died 23rd February 1942 | In his 76th year | And of
his wife | MARY ELLEN | Daughter of | JOHN GAILEY Esq. J.P.
| and ELIZABETH GAILEY | of Griffinstown House Grangecon |
Died 12th May 1957 | In her 83rd year

Photo No.40
... ... | Also of | ELIZABETH ANNE SHACKLETON | wife of the
above | RICHARD EBENEZER SHACKLETON | and daughter of |
Major HENRY COLSTON HOLLAND | who departed this life on |
10th December 1913, | in her 84th year

Photo No.41
Beneath lie the mortal remains | of | ELLEN ISABEL
SHACKLETON | the beloved daughter | of | EBENEZER and
ELEANOR SHACKLETON | who departed this life on | 21st June
1862 | in her 28th year.

Photo No.42
[see No. 41 for top lines] Also of RICHARD EBENEZER their
Eldest son | who departed this life on 22nd of February 1900
| in his 64th year. | Also of | ELIZABETH ANNE SHACKLETON |
wife of the above | RICHARD EBENEZER SHACKLETON [see No.40
for rest]

Photo No.43
Mona, Moone | Died June 7th 1958 aged 59 years | Also of his
2nd son | Lieut. WILLIAM R. SHACKLETON | Royal Navy | Killed
flying Oct. 20th 1958 aged 29 years | Interred at
Farnborough, Hampshire | And of his eldest son | Lieut. Col.
RICHARD J. SHACKLETON | M.B.E. R.T.R. | Died Jan. 11th 1977
aged 50 years | Buried Winterbourne Zelston, Dorset | Also
Daughter of Archdeacon RIDGEWAY | of Carlow | Died July 8th
1983 aged 78 years

Photo No.44
In | memory of | RICHARD | the dearly loved twin son of |
RICH. E. & ELIZABETH A. SHACKLETON | Who departed this life
| the 16th Jany 1870 | In his 4th year

Photo No.45
In loving memory of | HARRIETT MARY SHERLOCK | Dearly
beloved wife of | EDWARD SHERLOCK | Who died ... November
... | Aged 73 years | Also | EDWARD SHERLOCK | Who died 15th
Dec 1929 | Aged 87 years

Photo No.46
In | loving memory of | JESSIE HARKNESS SHERLOCK | Dearly
beloved wife of | DAVID L. SHERLOCK | Commonstown House
Moone | Who died 3rd March 1946 | Aged 73 years | Also |
DAVID L. SHERLOCK | Who died 2nd Feb. 1961 | Aged 84 years |
Also her sister | ROBERTA J.M. KENNEDY | Who died 4th Feb.
1965 | Aged 80 years

Photo No.47
In | loving memory of | SYLVIA MYRTLE SHERLOCK | Dearly
beloved wife of | WILLIAM E. SHERLOCK | Commonstown House,
Moone | Who died 1st Oct. 1984. | Also WILLIAM E. SHERLOCK |
Who died 12th May 1993 | Aged 80 years.

Photo No.48
In loving memory | of | MARGARET STANLEY | Died March 14th
1965 | Aged 50 years. | Devoted wife and mother | Who put
God first | Others second | And self last. | Also her
husband | WALLACE JAMES | Died June 13th 1986 | Aged 77
years. | Devoted and dearly loved | husband and father.

Photo No.49
In fond remembrance | of | REGINALD STANLEY | Moone | Died
10th May 1982 aged 69 yrs.

Photo No.50
Erected | To the memory of | FRANCIS STRAHAN | Died 14 Oct
1924 | Aged 74 years | Also his wife DEBORAH | Died 30th Jan
1919 | Aged 66 years | Their children MARY | Died 30th April
1906 | Aged 12 years | And JAMES | Died 30th April 1893 |
Aged 2 months | Also ANTHONY | Died 5th June 1964 | Aged 83

Photo No.51
... ... | Here also lies the remains of | JOHN (?) TATE
Esqr. | who died ... Aug. 1863 | Aged 55 years | Also | of
his sister ELIZABETH TATE | Died 4th March 1886 | aged 93.

Photo No.52
Sacred | ... memory of FANEE TATE | fifth Daughter | the
late JAMES TATE | of Belan who departed | this life the 19th
Sept. | 18.. aged ... Years

Photo No.53
In | loving memory | of | WILLIAM TAYLOR | Who died 17th
March 1932 | Aged 47 years | Also his son | HENRY CECIL |
Died 4th July 1946 | Aged 25 years | Also | EDITH ALISON
TAYLOR | Widow of the above | WILLIAM TAYLOR | Died 19th
April 1972 | Aged 76 years

Photo No.54
To the memory of | MATTHEW DILLON THOMAS | of Moone Co.
Kildare, Esq. | Died November 24th 1865 | Aged 69 years |
Also to the memory of | MARY THOMAS | His beloved wife | Who
departed this life | April 12th 1867 aged 55 (?) years

Photo No.55
In Loving Memory | of | HANNAH TWAMLEY | The Beloved Wife of
| The Revd JOHN TWAMLEY M.A. | Rector of this Parish | Who
Died | April 9th 1893 | Aged 73 Years | Also | The Revd JOHN
TWAMLEY M.A. | Who Died March 14th 1899 | Aged 77 Years |
Also Their Eldest Son WILLIAM H. TWAMLEY  Rathtoole | ...
Rest 15th June 1928 Aged 71 Years |	...
(Per Maria died in Dublin. Her brother
Richard Maunsell signed the death cert.)

Photo No.56
In | Loving Memory | of | JOHN JOSEPH TWAMLEY | Who Fell
Asleep in .. Us (?) | February .. 1890 | at Boakefield |
Aged 31 Years | Als To The Memory of His Wife | MARIA
TWAMLEY | Who Dept This Life April 14 1927 | Aged 71 Years |
... | Also ... Daughter | JEANETTE HOPE GOODBODY | .. 18th
Jun 19__?

Photo No.57
In Loving Memory of | JOHN MAINWARING WALSH | Lt. Col. R.A.
M.C. M.A. | 20th October 1916 | 31st August 2007

All images Copyright by Photographer