Cemeteries: Black Friars ABBEY

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Kilkenny Index


File contributed by: C.Hunt and M. Taylor

   [from Lord Walter FitzGerald

collected by him in the year 1571 andrepublished in
Dublin, 1809 of which latter vide page 246 for what is
given below:-

"In the yeare 1233 and the month of April, in a battell
nigh Kildare. upon thegreat Heath called Curragh,
fighting against the OCONORS, Richard MARSHALL,
Princeof Leinster, took his death's wounds, whereof
shortly he dyed.

Hee lieth buried by his brother William in the blacke
Fryers at Kilkennye, which was the foundation of
William, Earle MARSHALL, his Father.

Henry the Third lamented his death and protested
that he lost then the worthiest captaine of his time.

His tombe (with the tombe of eighteen knights that
came over at the Conquest, and resting in that
abbey), at the suppression of the monasteries, was
defaced and the inhabitants there turned them to
their private uses; and some they made
swine-troughs, so as there remaineth no Monument
in the said abbey, save one stone, whereon the
picture of a knight is portraied, bearing a shield about
his neck, wherein the CANTWELS sremes are
insculped; and yet the people there call it
"Ryddir-in-Curgy', that is the Knight slaine at the

'John CLYN, guardian of the Fryer's there, in his
'Annuals of Ireland' writteth thus:-
"Post incarnatum lapsis do virgine natum
Annis millenis tribus triginta ducentis*
In prisno mensis Aprilis. Kildariensis
Pugna die Sabbati fuit, in tristitia fati
Acciderant stall pugnae Counti MARISCALLO"

'And upon his Tombe' :-
"Hic Comes est positus, Richardus vulnere fossus
Cujus sub fossa Kilkennia cintinet ossa"

* This line in CLYN'S "Annuals", is :-"Annis nongentis
tribus triginta trecentis."

Journal of the Association for the Preservation of the
Memorials of the Dead in Ireland, 1894. FHL# 1279252