Cemeteries: Donaghmore Churchyard Memorials *********************************************** Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives Kilkenny Index Copyright ************************************************ File contributed by: Chris Hunt CEMETERIES: DONAGHMORE CHURCHYARD MEMORIALS [From the Rev. William Ball-Wright, M.A.] 'On a stone in the graveyard ':- HERE LIETH THE BODY OF JOSEPH BRADSHAW, LATE OF FOULKSRATH, GENTLEMAN. BORNE NEERE NORTHWICH IN CHESHIRE, DECEASED THE 23rd OF MARCH 1673. 'Foulksrath was sold by the above-named JOSEPH BRADSHAW'S son, also named JOSEPH, to EPHRAIM DAWSON, ancestor of Lord Portarlington. The old proprietors of Foulksrath, prior to the forfeitures of 1641, were members of the PURCELL family, for an article on whom see " The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries, Ireland,"p. 432 of the volume for 1885.' _____ Pray for ye soul of Mr WM. PURCELL of Ballyragget who died ye 15th June 1753 in ye 75th year of his Age. Pray for ye soul of Mrs MARGARET QUINN alias PURCELL, his sister, who died ye 24 th of March 1754 in ye 90th year of her age. Also ye Body of his son Mr TOBY PURCELL of Ballyragget who died January ye 5th 1759 aged 52 yrs . SOURCE: Journal of the Association for the Preservation of the Memorials of the Dead in Ireland. Vol vii, FHL# 1279254