laois-st-johns-killenard -- Erected by THOMAS TYNAN of James | town In memory of his beloved father | WILLIAM TYNAN departed this | life December the 17th 1854? | aged 76 years | Also his wife BRIDGET TYNAN who | departed this life May 12 1857 | Aged 66 years | Also the above THOMAS TYNAN who died | 20th March 1885 aged 55 years | Also his sister KATE TYNAN who died 28 | February 1886 aged 56 years | MARY TYNAN died 28th July 1925 aged 85 years | KATHLEEN TYNAN | Died 13th June 1939 aged 43 years | THOMAS TYNAN Kilbraken | Died 1st October 1992, aged 69 years | Requiescat in pace Amen.
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