Censubs: Alphabetical List of Landowners in 1870's - H-L

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Limerick Index


File contributed by: C. Hunt & M. Taylor

Owner Name                                 Owner Residence-1873-75
Hall, Ambrose			Henry-st.		Limerick
Hamilton, Rev. Hugh    		40 York-street		Dublin
Hanly, Denis 			Common			Ballingarry
Hannon, Anne 			Kilpenny Commons	Croom
Hannon, Daniel			Kilpenny Commons	Croom
Hannon, Johanna D. 		Kilpenny Commons	Croom
Hannon, John 			Kilpenny Commons	Croom
Hannon, Joseph  		Inch St. Laurence	Caherconlish
Hannon, Patrick       		Common			Ballingarry
Hanrahan, Michael 		Kilpenny Commons	Croom
Hare, Hon. Richard       	St. Michael's Lodge	Devonport, England
Harkness, William H.		Crabeg			Clarina
Harnett, Daniel			xxxx			Ballyduhig
Harnett, Daniel C.              xxxx			Clin
Harnett, Daniel W. 		Inch			Abbeyfeale
Harnett, John C.     		xxxx			Abbeyfeale
Harold, Daniel and Edward	Hartsonge-st.		Limerick
Harold, Edward 			George-street		Limerick
Harris, James             	Castlemungret		Limerick
Harte, Mrs. Anne            	xxxx			Cork
Harte, Rev. Henry N.        	xxxx			England
Hartigan, Mary			xxxx			xxxx
Hartigan, Michael		George-street		Limerick
Hartigan, Patrick 		Clorane			Croom
Hartigan, Patrick T.		Cloonagh		Rathkeale
Hartigan, Timothy         	xxxx			Skull commons
Hartnett, Timothy 		Ballyroe, East		Ballingarry
Hartopp, Edward B.		Dalby Hall, Melton	Mowbray, Leicestershire
Haverty, Martin         	Seaview-terrace		Clontarf
Hayes, James 			Tullyleake		Kilmallock
Hayes, Margaret			xxxx			Rathkeale
Hayes, Maurice     		Bosnestown		Kilfinane
Hayes, Maurice  		Tullyleake		Kilmallock
Hayes, Michae			Knockballyfookeen	Pallasgreen
Hayes, Patrick [Reps. Of]       (In Chancery)		xxxx
Hayes, Timothy 			Prospect		Oola
Healy, George 			xxxx			Ennis, co. Clare
Hedderman, John   		Common			Ballingarry
Heffernan, John C. [Reps. Of]   Trinity College		xxxx
Heffernan, Patrick		Kilpenny Commons	Croom
Heffernan, Thomas               Newtown Ho.		Mallow
Henry, Robert 			Togher, Tuam		county Galway
Herr, Thomas    		xxxx			Ballylanders
Hewson,  Rev. Frank             Dunganstown Glebe	Rathdrum, co. Dublin
Hewson, George James		Hollywood		Adare
Hewson, John B.			Castle Hewson		Askeaton
Hewson, John George           	Tullyhineu		Ballylongfoed, county Kerry
Hewson, Robert      		Enniscorish		Rathkeale
Hiffernan, Rev. T.H.       	Newport			co. Tipperary
Hodder, W.H.M.          	Hoddersfield, Carrigaline county Cork
Hogan, Anne 			Rathkeale Cottage	Rathkeale
Hogan, David			Raheen			Knocklong
Hogan, Ellen    		Ballinacurra		Limerick
Holmes, J.L. [Reps. Of]         Ballynew		Bandon
Holmes, Sarah                 	xxxx			xxxx
Homan, William  		xxxx			Limerick
Horgan, John           		Common			Ballingarry
Hough, Mary			Ballyshane		Newcastle
Hough, Patrick			Ballyshane		Newcastle
Howard, Garrett       		Cloghadoolarty		Fedamore
Howley, Major John  		Rich Hill		Lisnagry, Limerick
Hoy, William P.			xxxx			Australia
Humphreys, John  		Abbington		Murroe
Hunt, Daniel 			North Camass		Bruff
Hunt, John T.U.       		Friarstown		Grange
Hunt, Robert 			George's-st.		Limerick
Hunt, Robert M.         	Inchirourke		Askeaton
Hunt, Rochford V.		Lickadoon		Limerick
Hutchins, Samuel N. 		Fortlands		Charleville
Hutton, Rev. H. [Reps. Of] 	xxxx			xxxx
Hynes, William      		Common			Ballingarry
Ivers, Robert  			Castle Ivers 		Athlacca
Jackson, Hamilton 		xxxx			England
James, Francis L.               xxxx			England
Jeffers, Rev.  Edward        	xxxx			England
Johnson, Wm. [Reps. Of]         (In Chancery)		xxxx
Jones,  Mrs. Margaret		Military-rd.		Limerick
Joynt, William Lane      	xxxx			Raheny, co. Dublin
Judde, Major W.C.R.  		xxxx			London
Kavanagh, Bernard     		George's-st.		Limerick
Keane, D. Richard       	79 Talbot-st.		Dublin
Kearney, Ellen    		xxxx			Limerick
Kearney, James			Darranstown		Kilfinane
Kearney, Mary Anne       	Sunville		Pallasgreen
Kearney, Miss Olivia & 
    Mr. Hussey de Burgh		Sunville		Pallasgreen
Keating, Denis 			Kilcoleman West		Rathkeale
Keating, Denis C.            	Kilcoleman		Rathkeale
Keating, Denis, junior		Kilcoleman 		Rathkeale
Keating, Ellen             	Ardnanean		Rathkeale
Keating, John 			Common			Ballingarry
Keating, John     		xxxx			Ballyroe, East
Keating, Michael     		Kilcoleman		Rathkeale
Keating, Michael 		Amiganbeg		Rathkeale
Keating, Michael James		Butter Exchange		Cork
Keating, Patrick 		Ballyvinterourke	Rathkeale
Keating, William		Kilcoleman		Rathkeale
Kelly, James  [Reps. Of]	Castle Bagot, Rathcoole	co. Dublin
Kelly, Rev. John C.C.     	xxxx			Shanagolda
Kelly, John          		Cloghadoolarty		Fedamore
Kelly, John           		Common			Ballingarry
Kenmare, Earl of                Kenmare Castle		Killarney
Keough, John     		Kilpenny Commons	Croom
Kieran, Eugene        		Shannon View		Limerick
Kilbride, Daniel                Toomaline		Doon
Kilbride, John          	Toomaline		Doon
King, Christopher       	66 Phibsborough-road	Dublin
King, William R.     		Bracknell		Berks
Kingston, Countess of		xxxx			Mitchelstown Castle
Kirby, James 			Common			Ballingarry
Kirby, James 			Moanoor			Oola
Laffan, Richard  		Cloverfield		Ballybrood
Lane, James              	xxxx			Cork
Langford, Lord          	Summerville House	co. Meath
Lansdowne, Marquess of          xxxx			Derreen, co. Kerry
Latchford, Mary 		xxxx			Rathkeale
Leahy, John          		Blossom Hill		Rathkeale
Leary, Timothy      		Ballyanin		Bruff
Leconfield, Lord               	xxxx			Petworth, Sussex
Ledger, Mrs.       		xxxx			Kanturk
Ledger, Zacharia 		Kilbreedy		Bruree
Lee, John W.             	North Strand		Limerick
Lee. William Norris      	xxxx			England
Leeche, George William		xxxx			Melbourne
Lehan, Patrick         		Island Dromagh		co. Limerick
Leslie, Charles         	36 Bride-street		Dublin
Leyne, Mrs.  Margaret [& **'d]	Clarinda Park		Kingstown
  ** Gun, Wilson		Rattoo			O'Dorney
  ** Evans, Thos. D'Arcy	Knockaderry		co. Limerick
  ** Evans, Mrs.		Knockaderry		co. Limerck
  ** Evans, Charles		Henry-street		Limerick
  ** Evans, Mrs. 		Henry-street		Limerick
Limerick, The Earl of 		Dromore Castle		Pallaskenry
Lisle, Lord          		xxxx			Kanturk
Lismore, Viscount 		Shanbally Castle	Clogheen
Liston, Bridget   		Lower Grange		Newcastle
Little, Philip F.   		Monkstown		co. Dublin
Lloyd, Arthur			Beechmount		Rathkeale
Llyod, Captain     		35th Regiment		xxxx
Llyod, Eyre 			Prospect		Castleconnell
Lloyd, George W.       		Strancally Castle	co. Waterford
Lloyd, J.R.       		Up. Mount-st.		Dublin
Lloyd, Mrs.  Louisa        	Towerhill		Pallasgreen
Lloyd, Mary                	Harwood-sq.		London
Lloyd, Michl.  Marshall         Ballyvoneen		Pallasgreen
Lloyd, Richard E.		Elbana Hall		Irvinestown
Lloyd, Col. Thomas F.         	Beechmount		Rathkeale
Lloyd, Thomas			xxxx			Pallasbeg, co. Limerick
Lloyd, Thomas E.              	xxxx			Heathfield
Local Government Board 		Custom House		Dublin
Lock, John William T.		xxxx			Shrewsbury, England
Locke, Mary          		xxxx			Dublin
Locke, Thomas Dublin            xxxx			Dublin
Long, Nicholas    		Killrathren		Shanagolden
Longfield, Richard 		Longueville		co. Cork
Longfield, William       	xxxx			Cork
Longford, Richard 		Kilcosgrave		Shanagolden
Lowe, John                 	Sunville		Kilfinane
Lucas, Benjamin     		xxxx			Maddyboy
Lutman, Major       		Bansha Castle		Bansha
Lynch, David 			Dromoher		Pallaskenry
Lynch, John     		Quarry Hill		Kilmallock
Lynch, Michael 			Martinstown		Kilmallock
Lyons, Edward         		Cahervalley		Roxborough
Lyons, Henry E. 		Croom House		Croom
Lyons, John E. 			xxxx			Croom
Lyons, Michael     		xxxx			athkeale
Lyons, Philips             	xxxx			Limerick
Lyons, Thomas           	John-st.		Kilmallock
Lyons, W.H.                   	xxxx			Cork
Lysaght, Charles            	Annagurra		Ballylanders

Source:  Extracted from - Return of Owners of Land In Ireland: A Summary for each Province & For All Ireland
	 Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of the Queen [Out of Copyright]