Censubs: Alphabetical List of Landowners in 1870's - S-Y *********************************************** Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives Limerick Index Copyright ************************************************ File contributed by: C. Hunt & M. Taylor LIMERICK COUNTY EXTRACTIONS - (1 ACRE & OVER) NAMES & ADDRESSES ONLY-S-Y Owner Name Owner Residence-1873-75 ============================================================================================================ Sadleir, James Tipperary xxxx Tipperary St. Leger, Col. John 6 Park-hill Rotherham, Yorkshire Sanders, Thomas Sanders Park Charleville Sandes, Charles xxxx Clontarf, co. Dublin Sandes, William xxxx Listowel Sandwich, Earl of xxxx Grosvenor-sq., W., London Sanky, Mrs. xxxx Dublin Scanlan, Bridget Tuoreen Croom Scanlan, Jeremiah xxxx Ballyduhig Scanlan, Lawrence xxxx Ballyduhig Scanlan, Michl. H.W. Kilbeg Ballingarry Scanlan, Michael Ballyknockane Ballingarry Scott, John F. xxxx Ballyvaighan, co. Clare Scott, Richard xxxx xxxx Scully, Edmund Ballyanin Bruff Scully, Edward Kilpenny Commons Croom Scully, Mary xxxx Newcastle, co. Limerick Scully, Patrick xxxx Rathkeale Scully, Randolph.... AND 9 Fitzgibbon-street Dublin Scully, Frances xxxx Athassel, co. Tipperary Seward, Joshua W. xxxx Rathgar, Dublin Sexton, James xxxx Tivoli, Limerick Seyers, Edward Sunville Charleville Seymour, Rev. E. W. xxxx Dublin Shannon, Pierce [Reps. Of] Mallow-st. Limerick Sheahon, John Kilpenny Commons Croom Sheehy, Edward B. xxxx Dublin Sheehy, Edward John Cherrygrove Croom Sheehy, Henry K. Cantoher Newcastle Sheehy, William John xxxx Cork Sheehy, John Shannon Grove Pallaskenry Sheehy, Myles Court Brown Askeaton Sheehy, Patrick Darranstown Kilfinane Sheehy, Robert K. xxxx Limerick Sheehy, Roger K. xxxx Limerick Shelton, Rev. Grantly Rossmore House xxxx Shelton, Lieut-Colonel J.W. xxxx Bruree Shine, Jeremiah Ballymacreese co. Limerick Shine, Roger Camas Park Cashel Sidney, H.W.M. xxxx Manchester Smith, Charles Wilmot Ballynanty Ho. Bruff Smith, Edward J. Islandmore Croom Smithwick, H. Wm. 5 Kingsland-terrace Dublin Smithwick,R. Shanbally Nenagh Smyth, Hon. C.M. xxxx Ballinatray, Youghal Society, Incorporated, for promoting English Protestant Schools in Ireland 73 Harcourt-street Dublin Society, Limerick, Agricultural xxxx xxxx Southwell, Viscount Merrion-sq. Dublin Spillane, Catherine Hartstronge-street Limerick Spillane, Patrick J. xxxx Kilpeacon, Limerick Spooner, Thomas L. White Miltown Park Shinrone Standish ,Elizabeth The Lodge Glin Staunton, M.J. Mungret Limerick Stawell, Col. Wm. St. Leger Kilbrittain Castle Bandon Staveley, James B. Croyden Park Fairview-av., Dublin Stephenson, Henry [Rep. Of] Dharr Cottage Newcastle West Stephenson, John Bandon xxxx Bandon Stephenson,Richard xxxx America Stewart, Thomas xxxx Combermere, Cork Stewart, Thomas B. Whitegate House Whitegate, Midleton Stratford ,John Winfield Addington-place Maidstone Studdert, Arthur xxxx Rathkeale Studdert, George Elm Hill Rathkeale Studdert, George Bunratty Castle co. Clare Studdert ,Joseph xxxx Roselevin, Ennis Studdert, Robert Wogan Cullane Kilkishen Sullivan, Cornelius Common Ballingarry Sullivan, Honoria Common Ballingarry Sullivan, James [Reps. Of] xxxx xxxx Sullivan, John J. Curranmore House Drumcolloher Sullivan, Patrick Common Ballingarry Sullivan, Patrick Common Ballingarry Synan, Edward J. xxxx Ashbourne, Limerick Synan, Henry F. xxxx Ashbourne, Limerick Synan, Rev. James xxxx Shanagolden Synan,John Limerick xxxx Limerick Tate ,Mrs. Newcastle West Co. xxxx Newcastle West Taylor, Catherine Holly Park Adare Taylor, Richard Woodcliffe Loughill Taylor, William Holly Park Pallaskenry Tierney, John Darranstown Kilfinane Tisdall, John Ballybree Navan Touchstone ,Marie Killeen Kilfinane Tracy, James Bohernagore Kilfinane Trench, Henry Cangort Park Roscrea Trinity College, Board of College-green Dublin Trustees of Lord Carberry Castlefreke Roscarberry Trustees of Morgan's Charities Chas. Hamilton, agent 53 Lr. Dominick-st. Tuthills (Minors) Ballytigue Bruree Tuthill, Captain & Bredin, William Moyglare, Maynooth & Castlegarde, co. Limerick Tuthill, George Dublin xxxx Dublin Tuthill, Captain J.V. xxxx England Tuthill ,John L. xxxx Dublin Tuthill, William xxxx Moyglare Tyrell, Rev. G. E. Gurtroe Castleconyers Tyrell, Rev. Goerge W. Holycross Kilmallock Unthank, Thomas R. [Reps. Of] xxxx Rathkeale Upton, John Ballinberina Newcastle Upton ,Samuel Ballinakill Newcastle Vandeleur,Col. C. Moore Kilrush House co. Clare Vandeleur, Capt.George Ballynamona Knocklong Vandeleur,John [Reps. Of] Ballinacourty Lisnagry Vansittart, Capt. Spencer Coolbawn Castleconnell Vereker, Jane xxxx xxxx Vereker,the Hon. John P. Merrion-square Dublin Verling, Barthm. M.D. xxxx Cork Villiers, Edward C. [Reps. Of] xxxx xxxx Villiers, Mrs. xxxx xxxx Vincent,Arthur Shanagolden House Shanagolden Vincent,George Erina Castleconnell Vincent,John [Reps. Of] Millgrove House Rathangan Waggett, Thomas Upper Park Queenstown, co. Cork Walker, Ansten xxxx Rosbeg, county Kerry Walker, Francis B. xxxx County Kerry Walker, Francis S. [Reps. Of] 2 Leinster-road Rathmines, co. Dublin Walker, John Blossom Hill Rathkeale Wallace,Daniel Killeen Ballylanders Wallace,Ellen M. Killeen Ballylanders Wallace,John Killeen Ballylanders Wallace, Richard George's-st. Limerick Waller, Sir Edmund A. The Wilderness Kingston-on-Thames Waller,Rev. Thos. John Castletown Pallaskenry Walsh, Edmund Kilbreedy Kilmallock Walsh, Michael xxxx Foynes, county Limerick Walsh, Rev. Richard xxxx Ballycarney, co. Limerick Walsh, Stephen Main-st. Kilmallock Wandesforde, Henry Thomas Butler xxxx Palmertown, co. Dublin Warburton, Rev. John xxxx Kells, county Meath Warren,Rev. Mr. xxxx xxxx Warren,Robert A. xxxx xxxx Waterworks Company Office, Howley's-quay Limerick Waterworks Company,Limerick Office, Howley's-quay Limerick Watson,Henry xxxx xxxx Watson,John xxxx Limerick Watson, Lieut-Colonel (Grouped w/* following) xxxx 66th Regiment, India *Fitzgerald ,Mrs. Bessie 26 Pembroke Garden Kensington, London *Watson, Rev. Mahony Vincent Odogh Glebe Kilkenny *Watson, John Vincent 8 Up. Mountpleasant-av. Dublin *Watson Rev. Arthur V. 25 Longwood-avenue Dublin *Watson, Miss A. Trichinopoli India *Watson, Miss J. Trichinopoli India Webb, James Napier Knocktorin Knocklong Webber, Capt. Robert F. xxxx India Weldon, Rev. J.P. xxxx Glin Weldon, John H. Riversfield Kilmallock Weslyan Conference, Ireland Rev. Hugh C. Welsh, Director Rathkeale Westropp, Dawson L. Mellon Pallaskenry Westropp, Henry xxxx Locknow, Ventnor, S.W. Westropp, Rev. Mr.[Reps. Of] Green Park Bruff Westropp, Henry xxxx Ventnor, Isle of Wright Westropp. John Athyflin Patrickswell Westropp, Mary xxxx Manchester Westropp, Richard Ballysteen Askeaton Westropp, Sarah Eliza xxxx Rathkeale Westropp, Rev. Thomas Ardcanny Glebe county Limerick Whateley, John Calvington Nottingham White, Anne xxxx xxxx White, Edmund Fort Etna Patrickswell White, Helenus [Reps. Of] xxxx Limerick White, John P. Nantenan House Rathkeale White, Margaret xxxx Ballingarry White, Mary Kilmoylan Doon White, Patrick xxxx Ballingarry White, Richard xxxx Limerick White, Captain William xxxx xxxx Wilkinson ,Dr. George-street Limerick Wilkinson ,George Leitrim-place Wicklow Wilkinson, Richard and Mrs. Despard xxxx Limerick Wilkinson, Thomas W. St. Oswald's Ballingarry Williamson ,Usher xxxx Mallow Willington ,Francis xxxx xxxx Wilson ,William D. 97 George-street Limerick Windle, James F. xxxx Tarbert, co. Kerry Wise, Francis E. xxxx Cork Wise, James L. Prince of Wales-terrace Bray Wise, William xxxx Cork Wolfe, Richard Ferns Naas, co. Kildare Worthington, R.P. 5 Restrevor-terrace Rathgar, Dublin Wren, Rev. George xxxx Kilfinane Wren, William xxxx Kilfinane Yielding, Henry E. xxxx Kilkeel, co. Clare Yielding, Mary M. Glenastar Lodge xxxx Young, Anne Sibella 53 West Derby-street Liverpool Young, Francis E. 412 Scotland-road Liverpool Young, William E. 412 Scotland-road Liverpool Source: Extracted from - Return of Owners of Land In Ireland: A Summary for each Province & For All Ireland Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of the Queen [Out of Copyright]