Newspaper: Rent Roll for Co. Limerick, 24 March 1750 *********************************************** Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives Limerick Index Copyright ************************************************ File contributed by: Mary Heaphy RENT ROLL FOR THE COUNTY OF LIMERICK, 24TH MARCH 1750. To be sold the following lands in the County of Limerick. DENOMINATIONS. TENANTS NAME. ACRES. OBSERVATIONS. Castlegard. Henry BAYLEE, Esq. 189. Lease expires lady day. 1755. {Inshinsidery. Clonnee, Coolegown.} Mrs Marge CREED. 538. Expires Lady day 1756. Caherclough. Mr. Conyers DARCY. 123. Expires Lady day 1754. Bailynought. Han VEREKER, Esq. 132. 3 lives renewable during the life of the lessor Proposals in writing for all or any part of the above lands will be received any day before the 5th May 1750, by Richard or Walter Dawson, Esq., at their house in Jervis-Street, Dublin. Source The Dublin Journal, 24TH MARCH 1750