Obituary: Moore, Mathew March 1, 1901

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Limerick Index


File contributed by: Michael Moore 
January 25, 2009, 2:55 pm

Davenport Democrat and Leader, Davenport, IA, March 1, 1901
Matthew Moore, a resident of this city for over 40 years, 
died last night at his residence, 952 Judson street.  He was 
born in County Limerick, Ireland, n. 1834, came to America 
in 1851, and made his home in Providence, R. I., for seven 
years, being married there in 1852.  He came to Davenport in 
1858 and had been an employe at the Rock Island Arsenal for 
the past 32 years.  His wife, Mary, and seven children 
survive him.  The latter are Michael and John Moore, Mrs. P. 
T. Gainey, Mrs. Joseph Cawley, Mrs. Joseph Ames of Rock 
Island, Mrs. M. W. Martin, and Maggie More.

The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with 
services at the Sacred Heart cathedral and interment in St. 
Marguerite's cemetery.