Obituary: O'Brien, John February 7, 1851 *********************************************** Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives Limerick Index Copyright ************************************************ File contributed by: Kathy Rhodes March 1, 2012, 7:01 am O'BRIEN, JOHN FEBRUARY 7, 1851 Irish American Weekly; 07 Mar 1851 DIED. February 7, at Newtown House, county Limerick, aged 94 years, John O'Brien, Esq. Additional Comments: Obit was also published in the Limerick Chronicle on 05 Feb 1851 (ref: as follows: "Yesterday, at Newtown, in this County, aged 90 years, Mr. John O'Brien, a respectable farmer." This would mean the actual date of death was 04 Feb 1851 and that John O'Brien was born about 1761.