Cemetery: LONGFORD -  Taghshinny Churchyard 2, Co. Longford, Ireland
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Longford Index
Contributed by Simon de Montfort



Num:    1 Source: APMDI

Here lyeth the remains of John Payne late of
cullim who lived Respected and died sincerely
August 1st 1812 Agd 68 yr  also the Remains of his
daughter Jane Jackson alis Payne depd this life
8th 1812 Agd 31 yr  to perpetuate their memory
monument was Erected by his son Alexander Payne

Num:    2 Source: APMDI/JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Crest:- A demilion rampant, holding in his paws a
Arms :- Three wreathed Moorsheads
Motto:- "Virtute et valore"

Here lyeth the Remains of Daniel Canning who
departed this life 17th Janty. 1799 aged 72 years
also his
Daughtr. Donother Canning 10th Septr. 1794 ag'd 23
& his son Duke Canning of Lisquill Augt. 1807 ag'd

Here lie the remains of
Daniel Cannin who depd
this life 17th Jan. 1799 aged 72 years.
Also his daughter Donother
Cannin who depd. 10th Sept. 1794 aged 23 yrs.
His son Duke Cannin of Lisequill died August 1807
aged 35 years
[Jimmy Lennon]

Num:    3 Source: APMDI

Crest:- A demilion rampant, holding in his paws a
Arms :- Three wreathed Moorsheads
Motto:- "Virtute et valore"

Here Lies the Body of Elizabth. Canning alias
wife To James Canning of Carn Gent. who Departed
Life the 13th day of Novembr. In ye yr. of Our
Lord 1774.
As also three of her sons viz Edward William &
Frederick who all Departed this life young  Here
also the Body of the said James Canning who
this Life the 30th Day of September 1780.

Here lyeth the body of Elizabeth
Canning (alias) Conner wife of
James Canning of Carn
Esq. (Gent) who depd this life
the 13th day of November
this year of our Lord 1774.
As also three of her sons
Edward, William and Frederick
who all departed this life young
Here lyeth the body of
the said James Canning
who depd this life 30th day of Sept. 1780
[Jimmy Lennon]

Num:    4 Source: APMDI/JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Here Lyeth the Body of John Hagarty who Departed
this Life on the 19th Day of June 1776 In the 16th
of his Age.

Here lyeth the body
of John Hagarty
who depd this life
on 19th day of June 1776
in the 16th year of his age.
Also of Robert Shaw
of Abbey Ville, Abbeyshrule
who died on the 24th day of August 1858
aged 43 years,
of his daughter Louisa Myles
who died at Sunfield April 10th 1877
[Jimmy Lennon]

Num:    5 Source: APMDI

Crest:- A lion rampant, holding in his mouth a
sinister hand
Arms :- Ermine, a millrind sable, a chief or
Motto:- "Labor omnia vincit"

Underneath this Tomb are deposited the Remains of
James Mills of Clooneen who Died in May 1784 aged
years, his Beloved wife Anne alias Hill died in
1804 aged 60 yrs. also their children Elizabeth
died in
May 1806 aged 26 years James died in April 1808
20 yrs. and John died in May 1813 aged 44 years To
all of whom this monument was founded as a Tribute
of Filial and Brotherly affection by Wm. Mills of
worthstown the only surviving son of James & Anne
A.D. 1821

Underneath this tomb are deposited
the remains of James Mills of
Clooneen who died in May 1784 aged
44 years. His beloved wife Anne (alias)
Hill died in August 1804 aged 60 years.
Also their children; Elizabeth died
in May 1806 aged 26 years, James died
in April 1808 aged 20 years and John
died in May 1813 aged 44 years
To all of whom this monument
is erected as a tribute of filial
and brotherly affection by Wm. Mills of
Edgeworthstown the only surviving son
of James and Anne A.D. 1821.
[Jimmy Lennon]

Num:    6 Source: APMDI/JIMMY LENNON (1997)

This monument was Erected in memory of Elizabeth
Shaw alias Hill who departed this Life the 6th day
April 1790 in the 42nd year of her age also her
Robert Shaw of Ardandra who departd. this Life the
day of June 1816 aged 72 years  This Tomb was
by James & William Shaw Eldest sons of the above
Robt. & Elizabeth Shaw.

This monument was erected
in memory of Elizabeth Shaw
(alias) Hill who depd this life
the 6th day of April 1790
in the 42nd year of her age
Also her husband Robert Shaw
of Ardandra who depd this life
on the 25th day of June 1816 aged 72
This tomb was erected by
James and William Shaw eldest sons
of the above Robert and Elizabeth Shaw
[Jimmy Lennon]

Num:    7 Source: APMDI/JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Sacred to the memory of GEORGINA third daughter of
ROBERT and CATHERINE BELTON died June 28th 1868
Also her sister MATILDA Died Dec, 26th 1877.
"The Lord hath given and the Lord hath taken away.
Blessed be the name of the Lord".

to the memory of Georgina
third daughter of
Robert and Catherine Belton
died 28th June 1868.
Also her sister Matilda
died Dec. 26th 1877
"The Lord hath given and the Lord hath taken away
Blessed be the name of the Lord"
[Jimmy Lennon]
Num:    8 Source: APMDI/JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Erected to the memory of A Beloved Husband affec-
tionate father and faithful friend HENRY WILLIAM
BUTLER  By his sorrowing widow as a frail memorial
an undying affection. He Died after years of
which He bore with Christian fortitude on the 22nd
1866 Aged 56 years.

Erected to the memory of
a beloved husband,
affectionate father and
faithful friend
Henry William Butler
by his sorrowing widow
a frail memorial of undying affection.
Died 22nd July 1866
aged 56 years
[Jimmy Lennon]

Num:    9 Source: APMDI/JIMMY LENNON (1997)

This monument was erected by JAMES CHRISTIE to the
memory of his beloved wife ALICE CHRISTIE Alias
HEWITT who died on the 6th July 1830 aged 45 years
Also his daughter MARY DIMONd Alias CHRISTIE died
October 1828 aged 22 years Also the body of
HALLAM his beloved daughter who departd. this life
of October 1834. Aged 26 years and also the above
JAMES CHRISTIE died the 28th of Feby. 1844 aged 68
And his son THOMAS died March 3rd 1866 Aged 45

This monument was erected by
James Christie to the memory of
his beloved wife Alice Christie
(alias) Hewitt who depd. on the 6th
July 1830 aged 45 years.
Also his daughter Mary Dunon
(alias) Christie who died 22nd Oct.
1828 aged 22 years.
Also the body of Catherine Hallam
his beloved daughter who depd
this life 20th Oct. 1834
aged 26 years and also the above
James Christie who died 28th of
Feb. 1844 aged 68 years
and his son Thomas died March the 8th 186[0/6]
aged 45 years.
[Jimmy Lennon]

Num:   10 Source: APMDI/JIMMY LENNON (1997)

To the memory of THOMAS LENNON Late of Colehill
County of Longford Esqr. A tender husband & affec-
tionate Parent A faithful Friend & honest man His
Disconsolate widow has Erectd. this monument Obeit
Xber XVI A.D. 1814 agd. 60 years.
"Tis not this stone his virtues shall Record
This but bespeaks a widows fond Regard
The last sad gift a widow can impart
And frail memorial of a Bleeding heart."
Beneath this tombstone is also intered the Body of
son LANDON LENNON who died on the 6th Day of June
A.D. 1815 Agd. 17 years.

To the memory of
Thomas Lennon of Colehill County
of Longford Esq.
A tender husband, affectionate parent,
a faithful friend and an honest man
[rest illegible]
[Jimmy Lennon]

Num:   11 Source: APMDI/JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Here lieth the body of ANNE EYRS who dept. this
life the
22d. of June 1776 agd. 63 yrs. also the Body of
EYRS who depd. this life
in the 94th yr. of his age  He was clark to this
33 yr.) An honest man is the noblest work of God.

Here lieth the body of ANN EYRS Who depd this Life
22d of June 1776 aged 63 yrs also the Body of
Who depd this life in the 94th yr of his age He
Clerk to this Church 33 yrs An honest man the
work of God

(Note: Evidently in memory of the Eyrs mentioned
in Dean Lyster's note as the man who chiselled off
the letters from the old Pettit stone in nave of

Here lyeth the body of
Anne Eyrs
who depd this life 22nd
of June 1776 aged 63 years.
Also the body of Henry Eyrs
who depd this life in the 94th year of his age.
He was Clerk to this Church for 33 years
an honest man
[rest underground]
[Jimmy Lennon]

Num:   12 Source: APMDI/JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Crest:- A thistle with a bee alighting thereon
Arms :- Azure, a buckle or, between three boars
heads erased
Motto:- "Dulcius ex Asperis"


This monument was erected by MR. WILLm. FERGUSON
Rathaspicke through a sense of filial duty and
respect to
commemorate the Remains of his Father Wm. FERGUSON
who depd. this life Septr. 6th 1797 aged 74 years
And his
Mother ANN FERGn. alias Belton who died Jun 22d
aged 68 yrs
When living they were fair Examples of Virtue and
conjugal affection and they died in the Lord in
tion of a Glorious Resurrection.
Also are entombed the remains of their son EDWd
depd. Jun 6th 1812 aged 56 yrs. and their Daughter
MARGERY who died May 2d 1814 aged 45 yrs  JOHN son
the Erector died Febry. 14th 1825 aged 19 yrs  And
above popular Esteemed and Respected Mr. Wm.
died August 27th 1840 Aged 82 years.


This monument was erected by Mr. William
Ferguson of Rathaspicke through a sense
of filial duty and respect to commemorate
the remains of his father William
Ferguson who depd this life Sept. 6th
1797 aged 74 years and his mother
Anne Ferguson (alias) Belton who died June
22nd 1799 aged 68 years.
When living they were fair example
of virtue and conjugal affection and
they died in the Lord in expectation
of a glorious resurrection.
Also here are entombed the remains
of their son Edward who depd this life June 6th
1812 aged 56 years and their daughter
Margery who died May 2nd 1814 aged 45 years.
John son to the erector died Feb.
14th 1825 aged 19 years. And the above
popular and esteemed and respected
Mr. William Ferguson died August 27th
1840 aged 82 years.

[Jimmy Lennon]

Num:   13 Source: APMDI/JIMMY LENNON (1997)

To the memory of JEMA the beloved wife of JOHN
Esqr. M.D. of Richmount and Daughter of the Revd.
ROB MOFFETT of Park Place in this County died on
8th of March 1847 in the 65 year of her age also
of the
above Named JOHN HUGGINS Esqr M.D. who died on
15th Oct. 1877  And also To the memory of ANNE
of ARTHUR RICHARDSON ESQr. of Richfort died 15th
March 1848 aged 82 years having survived her
30 yrs.
"O death where is thy sting
O grave where is thy victory."


To the memory of Jemma
the beloved wife of John Huggins Esq.
M.D. of Richmount and
daughter of the Rev. Rob. Moffett
of Park Place in this County
of Longford died on the 8th of March 1847
in the 65th year of her age.
Also the above named John
Huggins M.D. Esq. who died 15th of Oct.
1877 and also the memory of Anne relict
of Arthur Richardson Esq. of
Richfort died 15th of March 1848
aged 88 years
having survived her husband 30 years

[Jimmy Lennon]

Num:   14 Source: APMDI/JIMMY LENNON (1997)

This stone was erected by his Affectionate wife to
memory of EDWARD HOOP MACQUILLEN who departed
this life July 31st 1833 Aged 35 years also their
Daughter SARAH PEM MACQUILLEN who departed this
life February 6th 1831 Aged nine months.


This stone was erected by his
affectionate wife to the memory
of Edward Hood MacCouillen
who depd this life [broken] July 1833 aged 33
Also Sarahipem MacCouillen
who depd. Feb. 6th 1831
aged 9 months

[Jimmy Lennon]

Num:   15 Source: APMDI/JIMMY LENNON (1997)

This memorial of his daughter JANE who died the
Octbr. 1777 & of ALICE who died the 20th April
1783 &
also of his beloved child MARY MOFFETT who died
the 10th 1805. is erected by the Revd. ROBERT
"Sorrow not for them that sleep in the Lord. For
rest from their labours."


memorial of his daughters
Jane who died 12th Oct.
1777, of Alice who died
20th April 1783 and also of his
beloved child Mary Moffett
who died Nov. 10th 1803
is erected by Rev. Robert

[Jimmy Lennon]
Num:   16 Source: APMDI/JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Sacred to the memory of the Revd. ROBERT MOFFETT
For thirty years curate of Tashinny and twenty
the Rector  During that time faithfully making
the Gospel of Christ as the only way of salvation
was a tender and affectionate husband and one of
best of fathers  He was a kind & affectionate
Pastor and
a sincere friend  Also to the memory of his
wife JEMMA MOFFETT  This trifling mark of duty and
affection is left by their affectionate daughter


to the memory of
Rev. Robert Moffett
for 30 years Curate of Tashinny
and 20 years the Rector
during that time faithfully making known
the Gospel as the only way of salvation.
He was a tender and affectionate husband
and one of the best fathers,
he was a kind and affectionate Pastor
and sincere friend.
to the memory of his beloved wife
Jemma Moffett.
This trifling mark of
duty and affection
is left by their affectionate daughter
Jane Richardson.

[Jimmy Lennon]

Num:   17 Source: APMDI/JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Crest:- A cockatrice
Arms :- Ermine, two bars gules
Motto:- "Decrevi"

This Monument
Was Erected
By Mr John Nugent of Killcury
To the Memory
His Beloved Brother
Thomas Nugent
Who Died the 17th of July 1764
Aged 27 years
And also for a
Sepulchral Memorial
The Family
[Built into the outside wall of the Church]


This monument
was erected
by Mr John Nugent of Kilcury
to the memory
his brother
Thomas Nugent
who died 4th of April 1761
aged 32 years
and likewise his sister
Judith Nugent
who died
17th of July 1764
aged 27 years
and also for a sepulchral memorial
of the family.

[Jimmy Lennon]

Num:   18 Source: APMDI/JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Crest:- A cockatrice
Arms :- Ermine, two bars gules
Motto:- "Decrevi"

This Monument Was Ertd.
To the memory of John Nugent
Of the City of Dublin Esqr.
Who Depd. this life on the 23d
Day of Febr. 1778. In the 45th
Year of his age, & to the
Memory of his Father Francis
Nugent of Colehill Esqr. &
His mother Sarah Nugent
Alias Hall, & for a Sepulchral
Monument of that Family.


This monument was erected
to the memory of John Nugent
of the City of Dublin Esq.
Who depd. this life on the 23rd
of Feb. 1778 in the [] year of his age.
Also in memory of his brother Luther Francis
Nugent of Colehill Esq.
His mother Sarah Nugent (alias) Hall
[rest illegible]

[Jimmy Lennon]

Num:   19 Source: APMDI/JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Underneath Lie the Remains of Mrs ELEANOR ROBERTS
Who departed this life on the 27th day of February
aged 45 years  She was greatly beloved and
in all the relations of life and died sincerely
This stone has been erected since his death at the
direction and request of her dear son JOHN whose
love and tenderness towards his beloved Parent
living desired even after death to shew itself in
small tribute of his undying affection for her  He
followed her to the grave on 12th day of November
Aged 23 years.
"Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord."


Underneath lie the remains of
Mrs. Eleanor Roberts
who depd this life on the 27th day of
Feb. 1849 aged 45 years.
She was greatly beloved and esteemed in all the
relations of life and died sincerely regretted.
This stone has been erected since her death
at the direction and request of her dear son
John who's loyal love and tenderness
towards his beloved parent whilst living,
desired even after death to show itself in this
small tribute of undying affection for her.
He followed her to the grave on the 12th day
of Nov. 1857 aged 23 years
"Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord"

[Jimmy Lennon]

Num:   20 Source: APMDI/JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Here lye the Body of Mr THOs ROBERTs late of
rule in the County of Longford who departd this
Janry 2nd 1814 Agd 74 years also ELIZABETH his
who departed this life July 11th 1820 Aged 82
"He that believeth in me though he were dead yet
he live."


Here lie the remains of Mr. Thomas Roberts,
late of Abbeyshrule in the County
of Longford who depd this life
Jan. 2nd 1811 aged 74 years.
Also Elizabeth his wife who depd this life July
1820 aged 82 years

[Jimmy Lennon]

Num:   21 Source: APMDI/JIMMY LENNON (1997)

RICHARDSON Richfort Died 16th April 1855 Aged 24
years and AHMUTY JAMES RICHARDSON her husband the
last and beloved child of JAMES RICHARDSON and
his wife who was removed From his sorrowing
Febry 6th 1862. Aged 37 years.
Job 1. 21.


Elizabeth Uliana Richardson
the beloved wife of
A.J. Richardson
of Richfort
died 16th April 1855
aged 24 years
Ahmuty James Richardson
her husband
the last and beloved
child of James Richardson and
his wife was removed from
his sorrowing parents
Feb. 6th 1862 aged 37 years.

[Jimmy Lennon]

Num:   22 Source: APMDI

Died May 20th 1864. SARAH RICHARDSON wife of J.A.
RICHARDSON ESQ Born April 6th 1805. Died November
14th 1872.
John 14 19.

Num:   23 Source: APMDI/JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Here Lieth the Body of JAMs RICHARDSON of Richmt
the County of Longford Esgr who Departd this life
14th of Octr 1785 Aged 31 years  Also 4 of his
Also his son AHMUTY RICHARDSON who departed this
the 2nd day of May 1814 aged 33 years.


Here lyeth the body of James
Richardson of Richmnt. in the County
of Longford who depd. this life
14th of Oct. 1793 aged 31 years.
Also 4 of his children
Also his son Ahmuty Richardson
who depd. this life 2nd
day of May 1814 aged 33 years.
James Ahmuty Richardson Esq.
born Oct. 10th 1802
died May 20th 1864.
Sarah Richardson
wife of James Richardson Esq.
born April 6th 1805 died Nov. 1872

[Jimmy Lennon]

Num:   24 Source: APMDI/JIMMY LENNON (1997)

JOHN LENNON SMYTH Esqr Died 27th March 1829 Aged
33 years Erected by his loving wife.


John Lennon Smyth
died 27th March 1829
aged 33 years
Erected by his loving wife

[Jimmy Lennon]

Num:   25 Source: APMDI

This monumt was erected by Mrs. MARY TRESHAM to ye
memry of her Beloved Husbd CASPER TRESHAM who depd
this life ye 25th of April 1775 agd 64 yrs & also
to the
memry of her Belovd sister ELIONER LANGFORD who
this life ye 16th of Novbr 1784 Agd 88 yrs & to ye
memry of
FRANCES TRESHAM who Died ye 20 Jany 1788 agd 3 yrs
And for sepulchral memorial of her Family.

Num:   26 Source: APMDI/JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Arms :- Pettit Arms

Here Lyeth The Body of PIERCE PETTIT who was ....
red By ... obert ... ye 1th of August 1684
and likewise ye body of JANE PETTIT daughter to
the sd
PIERCE who was Married to ye Revt ALEX. KNOX and
died ye 17th of Dedr 1703 : Likewise of BARBARA
Daughter to the sd JANE & Allso ye body of JOHN
who was married ... MARGt daughter to the said
PIERCE PETTIT : and Dyed ye 23th of August An:
1707 : and Allso Two sons of ye sd JOHNS.
(Death's head and crossed bones)

Another entry:

............ (no more)

This stone, in the nave of the church, covers the
opening into a vault under the chancel of the
church in which the old sexton remembers having
seen about 5 or 6 lead coffins, and over this
vault in front of the very east window stood the
large Annally monument until removed by the Rev.
R. St. George to its present position (Dean Lyster
- 1848)
Here Lieth the Body of
Pierce Pettit who was
Murdered by Robert [ ] Ye 1st
1684 and like-
wise ye body of
Jane Pettit daughter to the Sd.
Pierce, who was married to
Ye Robert Alex Knox
and died Ye 7th of December 1705
Likewise of
Barbara Knox daughter to the Sd.
Jane and
[continues under carpet]

[Jimmy Lennon]

Num:   27 Source: APMDI/JIMMY LENNON (1997)

To the memory of
late Rector and vicar of the united parishes of
and Abbeyshrule, who died at Tashinny Glebe, the
of July 1848. This tablet is erected, as a
testimony to
his worth, by his widow, HELEN GOSSELIN, in the
Church where for thirteen years he preached the
with earnest and affectionate zeal : that blessed
which by his life, and conversation, he proved his
firm trust and confidence in to the end.
"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from
forth; yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest
their labours; and their works do follow them"
[Tablet in the Church]


Sacred to the memory of
The Revd. Nicholas Gosselin
Late Rector and Vicar of the unified Parishes of
Tashinny and
Abbeyshrule, who died at Tashinny Glebe 30th July
This tablet is erected as a testimony to his worth
by his widow
Helen Gosselin in the Church where for 13 years
He preached the Gospel with earnest and
affectionate zeal
That Blessed Gospel which by his life and
conversation he
proved his own firm trust and confidence in to the
"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord"
"From henceforth, Yea; saith the Spirit that they
may rest from their labours and their works do
follow them"

[Jimmy Lennon]
Num:   28 Source: APMDI/JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Arms :-
Motto:- "Pax et Amor"

Sacred to the Memory of
who died at Doory Hall on the 1st of August, 1825,
Aged forty-five years.
This tablet is not intended to recount the many
of this truly amiable man, as husband father
and friend as well as the protector of the
oppressed and
distressed, nor to record that widely extended
kindness and charity which so eminently
every action of his benevolent and unostentatious
They indeed want no monument to perpetuate them.
The remembrance of them will live long and deeply
the grateful hearts of his afflicted family and
to whom his loss is almost irreparable. But it is
here as a simple and humble testimony of tender
and gratitude by his sorrowing widow who is left
deplore the loss of the most indulgent and
of husbands.
[Tablet in the Church]


Sacred to the memory of
Who died at Doory Hall on the 1st. of August 1825,
aged forty five years
This tablet is not intended to recount the many
of this truly amiable man, as husband father
and friend as well as protector of the oppressed
distressed, nor to record that widely extended
kindness and charity which so eminently
every action of his benevolent and unostentatious
They indeed want no monument to perpetuate them
The remembrance of them will live long and deeply
the grateful hearts of his afflicted family and
to whom his loss is almost irreparable
But it is placed here as a simple and humble
of tender love and gratitude
by his sorrowing widow who is left to deplore the
of the most indulgent and affectionate of

[Jimmy Lennon]

Num:   29 Source: APMDI/JIMMY LENNON (1997)

[Large stained-glass chancel window erected in
east end of church, in memory of the late Rev.
WILLIAM NOBLE, who died in January 1890]


God is Love
I am the Resurrection and the life
To the glory of God and in affectionate memory of
the Revd. Noble
Rector of the Parish of Tashinny from February
1868 'till his death in
January 1890

[Jimmy Lennon]
Num:   30 Source: APMDI

Haec HENRICI SANKEY de Tenelick Arm.
Qui, ˆ partibus Regijs,
Dum Bellum Civile flagrasset,
re fortiter gestÆ’
Agros quos vides hic circum jacentes
Virtutis militaris stipendia
Nec in minori apud populum quam principem gratiÆ’
Hujusce Comitatus suffragijs
In militum, ut vocant, numerum cooptatus est,
In Comitjs
Quae primis edixit Carolus II.
Octo quum peperisset liberos, Brigetta
Triste fui desiderium reliquit
Septris 13ø 1727, annos nata 39.
Ille, ARTHURI GORE de Newtown-Gore Baronetti
Filius natu minimus,
A Georgio regnum feliciter auspicante, ob merita
in patriam nuper
Attornatus Generalis constitutis fuit:
Valetudine ad id muneris exequendum jam parum
Ad Bancum Communem evectus,
Judicis Prudentissimi Integerrimi, per annos 25
Partes egit;
Emeritus tandem A.D. MDCCXLV,
Praedijs hisce Dotalibus,
Semper delicijs suis,
Colendis, exornandis
Senex totus vacavit.
Gravit annis
E vitÆ’ decessit
A.D. 1753; Aetatis suae 79no.
Prope jacet ARTHURUS,
Patri GEORGIO brevi superstes,
Qui, anhelatione ferˆ perpetuƒ laborans,
A.D. 1758 occidit,
Cuinam non flebilis.
luxta etiam jacet, jacet heu! ijsdem GEORGIO et
Filia superstes unica,
Eccl. Cath. Waterfordiensis Decani, nullis non
artibus melioribus.
exculti Conjux,
Quae suis carissima quam meritissimo Carissima,
Festina, non praematura,
morte erepta,
Novembr. 22ø 1762.
Vix annos nata 39
Nunquam satis deflenda,

"Peaceful Sleep out the Sabbath of the Tomb,
And Rise to Raptures in a Life to Come"

Translation of Inscription (Revised by J.R. Garstin)

Sacred to the memory of GEORGE GORE and BRIDGET
his wife, co-Heiress of
HENRY SANKEY of Tenelick, Esq., who, having acted
with energy on the side of the King when civil war
had raged, obtained the lands which you see lying
around as the reward of his military valour. Being
in no less favour with the people than with the
prince, by the suffrages of this county, was
elected one of the Knights [of the shire = M.P.],
as they call them, in the first election which
Charles II appointed.
After Bridget had given birth to eight children
she died much regretted
Sep. 13th, 1727, aged 39 years.
This George, the youngest son of Arthur Gore of
Newtown-Gore, Baronet,
was, on account of his services to his country,
lately in peril, appointed Attorney-General by
George, then happily entering upon his reign; his
health being now unequal to the discharge of this
office he was advanced to the Court of Common
Pleas, and for twenty-five years performed the
part of a most prudent and incorrupt judge; at
last being retired, A.D. 1745, his entire old age
was spent in cultivating and adorning these lands
which he obtained as a dowry, always his delight.
Borne down by years, he departed this life, A.D.
1753, in the 79th year of his age.
Near lies Arthur, having survived his father a
short time only, who,
suffering from almost continual asthma, died A.D.
1758, universally lamented. Also near lies, alas
lies! the only surviving child of these same
George and Bridget, BRIDGET HARMAN, wife of the
Dean of the Cathedral Church of Waterford: a
Husband adorned with superior accomplishments.
During her life, most dear and deservedly most
dear to her friends, she was early, tho' not
unprepared, removed by death - Nov. 22 1762.
Scarcely 39 years of age she departed never
sufficiently to be lamented.

GEO. GORE, Atty Genl., Decr. 3d 1714 [; Justice
C.P. 1720; His son.]
JOHN GORE, after Lord Annaly, C. Just. Kb; from
1764 to 1784, also buried in Vault.
Examined & Compared, 1848, James Lyster

[The ANNALY monument is very large, reaching from
the floor almost to the roof of the church. It is
executed in white and grey marble, and bears the
name of "I. VAN NOST Fect" as sculptor, and was
brought here from Italy. It represents a white
figure rising from the tomb, whilst above are
three white angels with golden (wood) trumpets and
one holding the medallion of the predeceased wife,
on which is written "BRIDGITTAE GORE"]
[Changed by the Rev. R. St. George to its present
position in the church]

Num:   31 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

To the glory of God
and in loving memory of
my parents
Charles and Kate Cody
[Brass wall plaque over pulpit]

Num:   32 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

To the glory of God
and in loving memory of
Edward Mills
1895 - 1969
Bertie and Edrie
[Baptismal font]

Num:   33 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

In loving memory of Eliza Stoney who departed this
18th of Feb 1917
Erected by her Husband Revd. F.S. Stoney
[Base of Baptismal Font]

Num:   34 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

In loving memory of
Canon Franc Sadlier Stoney M.A.
4th son of Sadlier Stoney
Ballycapple Co. Tipperary
Ordained 1889
one year Curate and fifty years Rector of this
Worked up to the day of his rest 29th of Feb. 1940
"They who toil and labour run not the race in
[Wall plaque]

Num:   35 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

to the memory
William Samuel Irwin,
Physician and Surgeon
Who died June 24th 1907
"Blessed are the pure in heart
For they shall see God"

Num:   36 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

In loving memory of
William Hassalls Yates
(Major in Bombay Staff Corps)
Born July 14th 1840 - Died April 5th 1912

In ever loving memory
of my mother
Eliza Yates
who died 15th January 1935 aged 89

Num:   37 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

affectionate rememberance
of James Preston
of Tashinny who died 2nd Jan. 1917
aged 74 years
Also his wife Margaret Preston
who died 4th March 1933
aged 83 years

Num:   38 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

O Lord have mercy on the soul of
James Curry who depd this life May 23rd 1827
aged 28 years
Erected by his loving wife
Eliza Currey [sic]

Num:   39 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

to the memory of
Hester Mills who depd this life 22nd
of Oct. 1886 aged
43 years
Erected by her sorrowing husband James Mills
of Clonbrin
[Verse illegible]
James Mills died 16th May 1914 aged 76 years

Num:   40 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

In memory of
Frances Elizabeth Stoney
who died 14th June 1944.
Also her brother
Ralph Stoney M.D.
Killed by an Elephant whilst hunting in East
1st. Oct. 1905

Num:   41 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

loving memory
the Rev. Canon Franc Sadlier Stoney
Rector of Tashinny and Shrule
Died 29th Feb. 1940

Num:   42 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

In loving memory of
William Noble Clk. B.A.
Rector of Tashinny
who died at Tashinny Rectory
on Sunday Jan. 26th 1890
in the 78th year of his age
and the 53rd of his Ministry.
He was buried here
where also rests the remains
of his beloved wife Emily Frances (nee) Wilde
and his sisters Mary Ann and Prudie Noble
"Till the day break and the shadows flee away"

Num:   43 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

In loving memory of
Eliza Stoney
who depd this life
18th Feb. 1917,
daughter of the late Revd.
Wm. Noble late Rector of Tashinny Parish
and wife of Revd. F.S. Stoney
Rector of Tashinny Parish
"blessed are the pure in heart
For they shall see God"
Erected by her sorrowing husband
and her sister
Margaret Hardy

Num:   44 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

to the memory of
S. Zobel (late Capt in the 66th Regt)
he died at the Rectory House
looking to a crucified Saviour
July 1st. 1850 aged 68 years
This stone was erected to his memory
by his affectionate wife Emily Lyster (alias)

Num:   45 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

loving memory
Elizabeth Kealey
who died June 4th 1891
aged 95 years
Also her children
Ellen Hunter
who died 25th of July 1916
aged 96 years
William Hunter
died 17th of Sept. 1917
aged 84 years
and Patrick Hunter who died 24th Nov. 1921 aged 84
"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord"

Num:   46 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

In memory of Margaret
beloved wife of James Shaw
of Legan Lodge Co. Longford
who depd this life the 25th of January 1851 aged
[58] years
James Shaw Esq. of Legan Lodge
who died May 23rd 1855 aged 76 years.

Num:   47 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Erected by his affectionate wife
Caroline Shaw as a token of respect to
a beloved husband

Num:   48 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

This monument was erected
to the memory of James Shaw of
Carrigeen who depd this life
20th day of March 1806
in the 73rd year of his age.
Also his wife Elizabeth Shaw
(alias) Butler who depd
the 18th day of January 1819
in the 73rd year of her age.
Also of Harriette widow of William Shaw
of Shawbrook died 22nd of January

Num:   49 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

In affectionate remembrance
of William Shaw of Shawbrook
Co. Longford
who depd this life on the
28th of Oct. 1857 aged [ ]
This tombstone was erected by his widow
[Verse illegible]

Num:   50 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Here lye the remains of
[Abbeny] Stanley Esq. of New[port/park] Gent. M.D.
Who depd this life May 14th 1773 aged [ ]
Erected by his beloved widow Jane [ ]

Num:   51 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

To the beloved memory of
Robert Myles, Medical Student
Born April 16th 1877 died August 8th 1897.
Erected by his aunt Maria Shaw
"Remember now thy Creator in the day of thy youth
Blessed are the pure in heart"

Num:   52 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

John Delahunt died Jan. 1780
[badly eroded]

Num:   53 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Here lyeth ye body of
Robert Miller who depd August ye 12th 1784
aged 26 years
Erected by his father
[rest buried]

Num:   54 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

In remembrance of
Robert Miller who died Sept. 1880 aged 60 years.
Also his daughter Margaret Miller
who died June 1879 aged 6 years
and his son Isaac Miller
who died Decm. 1910 aged 34 years

Num:   55 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Here lies the body of John Miller who depd. this
life March ye 1st 1790 aged 41 years.

Num:   56 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

loving memory of
Alice Cody of
Killenbore who died 19th of April 1927
aged 64 years
and of her husband
Robert Cody
who died 10th of April 1941 aged 89 years.
Their daughter
Anna died 19th of August 1975
aged 83 years.
Robert Cody died Jan. 1892
aged 75 years
and his wife
Anne died Feb. 1911
aged 80 years
"Till He come"
John Cody
died 13th of Nov. 1978 aged 75 years.

Num:   57 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

memory of
William Cody of Colehill
who depd this life 23rd of May 1888
aged 68 years.
Also his wife
Sarah Isabella Cody
who died 31st of Oct. 1898
and their son William Rowan Cody
who died 8th of Dec. 1916

Num:   58 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

memory of
Dr. William Zachary Myles,
Resident Medical Superintendent
at Kilkenny District Asylum
died 13th of December 1896
aged 45 years.
His two children also buried here
Erected by his widow

Num:   59 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

In loving memory
Margaret Myles
who died 17th of May 1939
aged 94 years.
Also Alice Elizabeth M. Myles
who died 28th of Feb 1944
aged 70 years

Num:   60 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

"God is Love"
William Moxham,
Ratharney who died Feb. 28th [18-5] aged 85 yrs.
Also his wife Anne
10th of June 1896 aged 90 yrs.
Benjamin Moxham
who died 22nd of December
1901 aged 7 years
also Thomas Samuel
1st. of January 1902 aged 2 years

Num:   61 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Isaiah Moxham
1850 - 1933
Adelaide his wife
1857 - 1942
William Moxham
1885 - 1958
Ada his daughter
1934 - 1936
Walter Green
1880 - 1945

Num:   62 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

In loving memory
William Guy
who died 4th of Nov. 1884
aged 36 years.
Also his wife
died 21st of Feb. 1906
aged 59 years
and their two sons
William and Charles John
who died in America.

Num:   63 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

In loving memory
of Robert McCormack
died April 11th 1933
aged 52 years.
John McCormack
died 21st of Feb. 1951
aged 71 years.
Ambrose McCormack
died 28th of Dec. 1964.
Ambrose McCormack
died 27th of Dec. 1973
aged 55 years.
James McCormack
died 3rd of Nov. 1977
aged 63 years.
Elizabeth McCormack
wife of Robert
25th of Oct. 1969
aged 86 years.
William Richard
died 12th of Feb. 1985
"Thy will be done"

Num:   64 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

loving memory
John Moxham
15th Feb. 1843 - 19th Jan. 1922
and Kathleen his daughter
10th March 1886 - 13th Oct. 1906.
Marianne Moxham
his wife died in the U.S.A. 1952.
Their son
John Henry Moxham
30th June 1895 - 25th March 1968,
Olivia Galbraith Moxham
wife of John Henry
22nd June 1906 - 21st April 1993.
His father John Moxham
30th May 1902 aged 83
and his mother Maria
May 1875 aged 64
and their son James
Oct. 1873 aged 25
also their daughter Emily
Oct. 1874 aged 28
"Looking unto Jesus"

Num:   65 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

In memory of
Charles Cody
of Driminure, Abbeyshrule
died 9th of Oct. 1990 aged 61 years
"At rest"
Erected by his many friends

Num:   66 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

remembrance of
Matthew McCormack
of Ferafad who depd. this life
22nd of Dec. 1896 aged 83
Also his wife Eliza
who depd. this life
14th of Feb. 1898 aged 66
and their son William who depd. this life
28th of Nov. 1872 aged 16 years
Erected by their son Matthew McCormack
"Them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring
with him"

Num:   67 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

In loving memory of
James McCormick
Tashinny P.O.
who depd. this life
5th of May 1901 aged 72 yrs.
"To be with Christ which is far better"
Also his dear wife Phoebe
who fell asleep the 28th of Nov.
1904 aged 83 years.
"Not dead but sleepeth. Gone but not forgotten"
Margaret McCormick
died 3rd of May 1912.
This stone was erected by
their sorrowing son John McCormick
who died 6th of March 1933

Num:   68 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

In remembrance of
Richard McCormack
of Tashinny
who depd. this life
June 7th 1962 aged 77
years and his wife Frances
who depd. this life
April the 11th 1969 aged 81 years.
Their sons Richard
who died March the 8th 1987
and William who died Sept 16th 1987.
"In my Fathers house are many mansions"
Num:   69 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

In loving memory of
Rebecca Johnston
of Ballymena
who died 17th of Nov. 1974
aged 56 years
"Abide with me"

Num:   70 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

In loving memory of
Phoebe McCormack
who died Nov. 17th 1981
aged 61 years
"The Lord is my Shepherd"

Num:   71 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

loving memory of Susan Flower
who died 7th of Sept. 1869 aged 70 years
and Susan Preston
27th of June 1896 aged 64 years.
Also Maria Percival
11th of Sept. 1911 aged 49 years.

Num:   72 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

In loving memory of
Robert Preston
of Killashee
died 23rd of June 1946

Num:   73 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Underneath this tomb lyeth the
remains of Isaac Laurence
of Abbeydariagh who died on the
5th of August in the year
1858 aged 72 years.
Erected by his wife Susan Laurence

Num:   74 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Erected by
William Corry
of Ballybeg
to the memory of his father George Corry
who died Feb. 1911
aged 78 years and his mother
Margaret Corry
who died Feb. 1904
aged 58 years
and of his brothers;
John who died March 17th 1898
aged 30 years
and Joseph Alexander
who depd. 13th of Feb. 1900
aged 22 years.
And in memory of William Henry Corry J.P.
who died June 30th 1984
aged 49 years and his wife
Annie Maria Corry
who died May 18th 1960 aged 86 years
"Forever with the Lord"

Num:   75 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Have mercy O Lord on the
soul of Michael O'Keeffe
who depd. this life June
13th 1818 aged 69 years. Also his wife
Anne O'Keeffe (alias)
Ferguson who depd. this life
Oct. 15th 1832 aged 69
"Requiescant in Pace Amen"
This stone was erected
by their affectionate
Daughter Mary in
memory of them

Num:   76 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

O Lord have mercy
on the soul of Margaret
Feeney (alias) Roarke
who depd. this life Dec. 7th 1806
aged 58 yrs. Also her husband
Charles Feeney who depd. this life
3rd Jan. 1808 aged 68 yrs.
Erected by their son
Charles Feeney

Num:   77 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

O Lord have mercy on the
soul of Mathias McCormick
who depd. this life July 29
1843 aged 80 years
Also his wife Catherine
McCormick (alias) Murphy
depd. July 23rd 1842 agd. []8
Also their daughter
Catherine McCormick depd. Sept.
2nd 1841 aged 35 years. Also
their daughter Elizabeth
McCormick depd. Jan. 8
1833 aged 39 yrs.
Erected by their Sons: John, Christopher, Mathias,
Patrick McCormick in memory of them

Num:   78 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

God be merciful to ye
soul of Michael McCormick
who depd. ys. life Sept.
the 10th 1805 aged 80
Also his wife Elizabeth
McCormick (alias) Mullen
depd. May 1804 agd. 70
Erected in memory of the best
of Parents by
their son Mathias McCormick

Num:   79 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Have mercy O Lord
on the soul of Michael O'Ferrall who
depd. this life 3rd July
1813 aged 68 years. Also his beloved
wife Catherine O'Ferrall (alias)
O'Donnell depd. 24th
August 1817. Also his brothers
William and Edward O'Ferrall. This
stone was erected in memory of
them by the dutiful children
of the said Michael and Catherine

Num:   80 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Lord have mercy on the soul of
Matthew Farrell late of Lisaquill who
depd. 25 July 1860 aged 62 yrs
Also his loving wife Mary Farrell
(alias) Molphy depd. 5th Jan. 1861
aged 56 yrs.
Fondly loved and bitterly mourned
This tomb was erected by their loving
children; Michael, Matthew and James Farrell

Num:   81 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

O Lord have mercy on the soul of
John Lennon late of Curracreehan
who depd. this life Feb. 2nd 1843
aged 85 years. and also his wife
Catherine (alias) Farrell who
depd. Sept. 11th 1832 aged 60 yrs.
and also their daughter Anne Lennon
depd. August 8th 1839 aged 30 years
Erected by their affectionate Son
The Rev. John Lennon

Num:   82 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

O May the Celestial and
Perpetual light forever
shine upon the soul of
Thomas Lennon late of
Koracreeghan who depd.
this life March 4th
1826. He was taken in
his youth at the age of
30 yrs. and deeply
regretted by his friends
and acquaintances
This monument was erected
by his inconsolable
Parents Edward and Mary

Num:   83 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

O Lord have mercy on the soul of
James Lennon late of Curracreehan
who depd. this life July 10th 1849
aged 87 years
"Requiescant in Pace Amen"
Erected by his Son Patrick Lennon
now of America

Num:   84 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

God be merciful to
the soul of Thos. Lennon
who died ye 1783 aged
50. Also his wife Mary
Lennon (alias) Newman
depd. 1786 aged 30
Erected by their Son
James Lennon and his
wife Catherine Lennon
(alias) Brett

Num:   85 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Lord have mercy on the soul
of Mary Bannon (alias) Skelly
who depd. 3rd
May 1874 aged 58 years
Also her daughter
Catherine Bannon who died
4th Nov. 1874 aged 14 yrs.
Erected by her husband
Rodger Bannon of Ballintubber

Num:   86 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

O Lord have mercy on the soul of James Mc
Cormick who depd this life March 20th 1839 aged 70
Also his wife Mary McCormick died
March 5th 1849
aged 75 yrs.
Erected by his affectionate
wife and son Thomas McCormick

Num:   87 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Here lyeth the body of
Elinor Kenny who
depd. this life
April ye 14th 1746 aged
21 years
 [rest buried]

Num:   88 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

In loving memory of Elizabeth Nolan
died April 8th 1943
aged 78 years
Lord have mercy on her soul

Num:   89 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

In loving memory
Christine Ganly
Clonfide died 26th Dec. 1948
aged 28 years
Also her husband
Joseph Ganly
died 11th April 1975
aged 71 years
Num:   90 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Have mercy O Lord on the
soul of Laurence Cline late
of Listubet who depd this
life Dec. 12th 1849 aged 50
years. Also his wife Julia depd.
May 4th 1847 aged 60 years
Also their son William depd.
November 1st 1853 aged 40 years
Also Mary Kenny died 25th Feb.
1925 aged 68 years
Erected by their daughter Catherine Cline

Num:   91 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

May Celestial light Perpetually
shine on the soul of Michael
Dillon who depd. this life
Oct. 10th 1836 aged 70
yrs. Also his wife Mary
who depd. this life 2nd
Oct. 1858 aged 95 yrs.
Erected by his Son
Patt Dillon

Num:   92 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

O Lord have mercy on the soul
of George Dignan who depd.
this life 28th Jan. 1831
aged 76 yrs. Also his wife
Brigid Dignan (alias) Dougherty
who depd. April 1835 aged 74 yrs.

Num:   93 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Here lieth the body of
Samuel Ray who depd this life 23rd
Nov. 1787 agd 39 yrs.
(rest buried)

Num:   94 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Lord have mercy on the soul
of Laurence Dinnen who
Depd. this life 9th July
1818 aged 36 years. Also his Son
Owen Dinnen depd. 1st. of
April 1820 aged 22 yrs
Erected by his Son
John Dinnen

Num:   95 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

O Lord have mercy on
the soul of Brigid Shanly
(alias) Farrell who depd this life
9th March 1793 aged 45 yrs.
Also her children Brigid
and Danniel Shanly who
died young

Num:   96 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

In loving memory of my wife
Kate Dennen, Ballymaclavey
died 9th April 1941 aged 74 yrs.
my father James Dennen, Glanmore
died 7th May 1919 aged 94 years
my mother Ann, interred in Abbeyderg
died 8th of January 1884 aged 60 yrs.
my sister Mary Beatty, Glanmore
died 13th June 1939 aged
74 yeras. Her husband George
died 23rd of June 1942 aged 68 yrs
their daughter Kathleen
died 10th November 1930 aged 28 yrs.
their son George
died 24th Oct. 1987
Erected by Michael Dennen

Num:   97 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

God be merciful to
the soul of Catherine Dinneney (alias) Bard
who depd ye life ye
23rd Feb. 1801
aged 43 years. Erected
by Husband and Son
Patrick and William

Num:   98 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

O Lord have mercy on the
Soul of William Welsh
who depd. this life May
1813 aged 32 years. Also
(rest buried)

Num:   99 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Heart of Jesus
have mercy on the souls
of Margaret Murphy
who died 26th May 1918
aged 80 yrs.
And her husband Thomas Murphy
who died 20th Oct. 1881
aged 67 yrs.
who was interred in Abbeyshrule
Erected by J. Murphy

Num:  100 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Pray for the soul
of Bryan Shanly
who depd. this life
Feb. 2nd 1758 aged 50
for his wife Judith
Egan and his Children
who caused this monument
(rest buried)

Num:  101 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

God be merciful
to ye soul of
Thomas McGee
who depd.
ys. life
June ye 17th 1770 aged 21
Erected by Cormick
his father

Num:  102 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Pray for Rose Ke-
-ney (alias) Murtaugh
Ano. 1741 agd. 50
Also Brigid Thompson
agd 72 yrs.
Erected by Brigid
Thompson (alias)

Num:  103 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

This stone was ere-
-cted by Hugh
Thompson in mem-
-ory of his father
John Thompson who
died in the
yr. 1753
aged 62 yrs.
and his son John
who died Oct.
1761 aged 7 yrs.

Num:  104 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

to the memory of
William Murtagh, Kilcurry
who died 14th August 1909. Also
his parents John Murtagh
died 14th November 1910
and his wife
Ellen Murtagh
(nee Hogan) who died
Novembr. 6th 1892 aged 62 yrs.
and their daughter
Anne Murtagh who died
Novembr. 9th 1902 aged 43 yrs.
Requiescant in Pace

Pray for the soul
of Anne Murtagh
(nee Mulvihill)
2nd April 1946
and her son
John died
Oct. 1971
her daughter
Anne Topham
11th July 1991

Num:  105 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Have mercy O Lord on the
soul of Thomas Murtaugh
who depd. this life November the
22nd A.D. 1836 aged 37 yrs.

Num:  106 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Erected by his loving wife
Margaret McGarry

Num:  107 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

O Lord have mercy on the
soul of James Murtaugh who depd.
this life Sept. [ ] 1820
aged 70 years
Also his Son Patrick Murtaugh who
depd this life January 1st. 1818 aged 16 yrs.
Also his daughter Mary
Murtaugh who depd this life
March 16th 1840 aged
62 yrs.

Num:  108 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Erected by
Denis Mullen of Corrabawn

Num:  109 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

O Lord have mercy on the soul
of Patrick Curry who departed
ye life March ye 17th 1788 aged 60
Also his wife Mary Curry (alias)
Dillon who depd. November 1801
aged 54. Also their son Jams.
who departed
August 1st 1802 aged 32 yrs.
Erected by their son Patt Curry

Num:  110 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Sacred to the memory of
Patrick Keegan
who died 7th March 1879
aged 70 yrs.
Also his wife
Catherine Keegan
who died 4th June 1889
Erected by their affectionate Son
Cornelius Keegan

Num:  111 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Pray for ye soul of Daniel Keasy who
depd. ye life 1747 agd. 50
Also Margaret Keasy
his daughter who depd 1766 agd. 26 yrs.
Erected by Martin his Son
and Brigid Cormick his wife

Num:  112 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

God be merciful to the
soul of Laurence Maguire
who died 5th Sept. 1786
aged 56 yrs. Also his wife
Brigid Maguire (alias) [H/F]araghty
died March 7th 1784
aged 42 yrs.

Num:  113 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

O Lord have mercy on the
soul of Francis Jordan
Kilcurry who depd. this
life 21st April 1811 aged 51 yrs.
(rest buried)

Num:  114 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

O Lord have mercy on the
soul of Thomas Jordan
who depd this life 3rd March
1835 aged 65 years
also his wife Dora Jordan
(alias) Ennis who died 24th May
1811 aged 40 yrs.
Erected by their loving son
Richard Jordan

Num:  115 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Here lyeth ye
body of Rose Mc-
-Caffry (alias) Ferral
who depd this
life Feb. ye 3rd 1744
agd. 33 years
Erected by Bryan McCaffry

Num:  116 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

In memory of
Patrick Carney
who died 31st July 1946
aged 68 yrs. His father Bernard
died April 1914 aged 67 years
his mother Anne (nee McCormick)
died Oct. 1889 aged 53 years.
His son Michael died Feb. 1905 aged 6 days
Replacing a slab
erected by Bernard and Susan
(nee Farrell)
to the memory of their son Patrick Kearney
who died 14th March 1850 aged 49 years.
This stone was erected in 1947
by his son Patrick Carney
Brooklyn, New York

Num:  117 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Here Lyeth the body
of Charles Ferrall
who depd
this life ye 5th day of
November 1741
aged 50 years. Like-
-wise his wife Mary
Farrell (alias) Reily who
depd. this life ye
28th day of May
1740 aged 46 yrs.

Num:  118 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

O Lord have mercy on the
soul of Richard McCormick
of Ballymahon who depd. this
life June 1870 aged 36 yrs.
Also his mother Margaret Mc-
Cormick. She depd 15th Jan. 1829
aged 60 yrs.

Num:  119 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

loving memory
of Patrick Burke of
Toome died May 1955
aged 74 yrs.
Also Laurence Burke
died November 28th 1914 and
Catherine Burke
mother died Dec.
2nd 1916. On who's souls
Sweet Jesus have

Num:  120 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

God be merciful to ye soul of
James Morress
who depd April ye 20th 1786
aged 27 yrs. Erected
by his parents William Morress
and Brigid Morress
(rest buried)

Num:  121 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

God be merciful to ye
soul of Bryan Cahill
who depd ye life June
ye 27th 1767 aged 72. Also
Mary his daughter
depd. ye life July ye 21st 1764
aged 56
Erected by Lau. and
Jas. Cahill for their

Num:  122 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Pray for the soul of
Brigid Carragy who
depd this life
7th July 1747
aged 13 yrs. Erected by
her dear father
William Carragy
Num:  123 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Sacred to the memory of
Robert Belton who depd.
this life 1st of March 1810 aged
70 years
Also his grandson William
Belton died 11th of [ ] 1826
aged 16 years
Erected by Richard Belton
Son to the former, Father to the

Num:  124 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

In loving memory of
Richard Belton
who died 18th April 1913
aged 68 years
And his wife Mary (nee Rhatigan)
who died 25th May 1930 aged 86 years
Also their Son Richard
who died 3rd March 1929 aged 51 years
Also their daughter Elizabeth
who died 10th Nov. 1890 aged 16 years
Also their Son William
who died 23rd Feb. 1887 aged 6 years

Erected by Patrick Belton T.D.
(Deputy of Dail Eireann)
Chairman of Co. Dublin County Council
Member of Dublin Corporation
Member of Dublin Port and Dock Board and
Member of Governing Body of National University
Belfield Park, Drumcondra, Co. Dublin

Patrick Belton
died 30th Jan. 1945
aged 60 years
and is interred in

Num:  125 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

God be merciful
to ye soul of
Cormick Gannon
who depd May 1750
aged 60 and
his wife Rose Mc
Dermott depd. 1765
aged 70
Judith Gannon (alias) Correy
depd. Decr. 1779
(rest buried)

Num:  126 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Pray for the souls
John Doherty
who died Dec. 13th 1909
Also Mary Doherty
who died July 15th 1911
and Rose Nally
who died April 7th 1912
Erected by her loving daughter
Mary Ann Doherty
died 15th Sept. 1945
died Oct. 24th 1952
his wife Margaret Ann
died Feb. 12th 1917

Num:  127 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

In loving memory of
Jane Maguire (nee Clancy)
Lisnacreeva, Colehill
died January 12th 1952
her husband Patrick
died November 11th 1959
Their sons James
died January 27th 1979
Bernard died May 18th 1990
Rest in Peace

Num:  128 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

O Lord have mercy on the soul of
Bernard Maguire of Lisnacreeve
who depd this life 8th May 1871
aged 60 years
Also his son Patrick who died
15th July 1861 aged 8 years
Bernard Maguire died
16th August 1949
Erected by his wife
Margaret Maguire
in memory of her affectionate husband

Num:  129 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Have mercy O Lord on the
soul of Christopher Hope
who depd. this life November
1st. 1818 aged 62 years. also
his wife Anne Hope (alias)
Molony who depd September
6th 1819 agd. 66 yrs.
his brother John Hope depd.
in April 1812 aged 70 years
Erected by their son John
Hope 1836

Num:  130 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

O Lord have mercy on the soul of
Patrick Coner who depd. this life
June 15th 1858 agd. 86 years
Also his grandson John Philips
depd. 13th Nov. 1858 aged 18 years
Erected by his affectionate
daughter Elanor Coner and
his loving wife Betty Coner

Num:  131 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

"In Hoc Signo Vinces"
Erected by
Mary Carra[g]y
niece of
Patrick Donnelly
who died in 1846
Also his brother John
who died 25th March 1875
May they rest in Peace

Num:  132 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

God be merciful to ye
soul of Patrick Ferrall
who depd. Febry. ye 15th
1796 aged [ ] yrs. Also
his son Christopher
Ferrall depd. Novbr. ye
10th 1796 agd. 23 yrs.
Erected by his brother
Christopher Ferrall

Num:  133 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Lord have mercy
on the soul of
Bridget Draper (alias) Moran
who died July 11th 1890
aged 93
Erected by her Son
Michael Draper
Perth Amboy N.J.

Num:  134 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Lord have mercy on the soul
of John Sheridan who depd
this life 13th April 1858 aged 82
Also his daughter Mary Cox
(alias) Sheridan depd. 1st Nov. 1859
aged 63 years
Requiescant in Pace

Num:  135 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Have mercy O Lord on the soul
of Thomas Farrell of Ballintubber
died Jan. 1881 aged 88 years
Also his wife Mary Farrell
(alias) Kenny who died
Oct. 1878 aged 74
Also their daughter Mary
died May 1876
Also their daughter Catherine
died in America
Erected by their Sons Patrick
Edward and Michael Farrell

Num:  136 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

This monument was
erected by Laughn.
Gillroy for his father
Bryan Gillroy who
died Feb. ye 10th 1724
aged 63 years
Pray for the soul
of Loughlin Gillroy
who died in April
1748 aged 57

Num:  137 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Have mercy on the soul
of Bridget Kearney (alias)
Farrell who died 12th Feb. 1884
aged 37 years
Erected by her loving
husband James Farrell

Num:  138 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

O Lord have mercy
on the soul of Bridget Fuery
who depd. this life May
16th 1843 aged 23 years
Erected by her affection-
-ate father John Fuery of
Num:  139 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

O Lord have mercy on
the soul of Roger Mitchl.
who depd this life 25th
August 1812 aged 27 like-
-wise John Ganly 7th
Decr. 1815 aged 87 yrs. His
wife Mary Ganly (alias)
Porter 10th Decr. 1815 aged
83 yrs whose rems. are
both here interred

Num:  140 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

O Lord
have mercy on the soul of
Michael Coffy who depd this
life Jan. 12th 1817 aged 60
Also his wife
Catherine Coffy (alias)
Mulledy who depd this life
July 15th agd. 45 yrs.
Erected by their son Michael Coffy

Num:  141 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

This Mont. was erect.
by Patrick Keenan
in memory of his wife
and parents

Num:  142 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Lord have mercy on the soul
of James Keenan who depd this
life 21st Sept. 1856 aged 52 years
Also his wife Bridget Keenan
(alias) Murray depd 2nd July 1869
aged 60 years. Also their son
Michael depd. 21st Nov. 1858
aged 23 years
Erected by their affectionate
son John Keenan of Mornin

Num:  143 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Lord have mercy on the soul
of Mary Keenan who depd.
this life March 13th 1843
aged 8 years. Also the soul of
Catherine Keenan who depd.
this life February 5th 1846
aged 17 years
Erected by their affectionate
father William Keenan of Mornin

Num:  144 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

May Celestial light
Perpetually shine unto
the soul of Bryan Keenan who depd.
this life May 20th
1800 aged 58 years
by his wife Catherine Keenan
(alias) Beglen

Num:  145 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Erected by
John Farrell of Carrickedmond
to the memory of his mother
Anne Farrell (alias) Keenan who died
the 6th of July 1852 aged 63 years
And her son Patrick Farrell who died
the 2nd of June 1850 aged 31 years
Also her daughter Anne Farrell who died
the 5th of June 1851 aged 26 years
Also her son Michael Farrell
who died on the 6th of Nov. 1865 aged 35 yrs
Requiescant in Pace

Num:  146 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

In loving memory of
Francis Farrell
died 11th August 1976
aged 76

Num:  147 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

O Lord have mercy
on the soul of
John McDonagh who
died 9th August 1884
aged 86 years
Also his loving wife
Anne McDonagh
(alias) Anne Cox
who died on the 10th
August 1865 aged 84 years
And also all of those
interred here
This memorial is
erected as a small
tribute of affection
by their loving son
Peter McDonagh

Num:  148 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

In loving memory of
John Duffy of Tashinny
who died 4th April 1887
aged 69 years
and his dear wife
Rose Duffy (alias) Skelly
who died 4th March 1889
aged 72 years
also their daughter
Mary Dolan (alias) Duffy
who died 15th June 1887
aged 39 years
His son John Duffy
died 14th Feb. 1993 aged 85 yrs.
Erected by their loving children
John and Margaret Duffy A.D. 1902

His grandson
John Egan
died 14th June 1956
aged 70 yrs
his wife Margaret
nee Cox
died 14th Oct. 1934
aged 38 yrs.
Num:  149 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

God be merciful to the
soul of Patrick Scally
who depd. this life
22nd July 1801 aged 38
years. Erected by his
wife Catherine Scally
(alias) McCormick

Num:  150 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

In loving memory of
John Jordan
Lislum, Ballymahon
died 28th April 1976
his wife Elizabeth
died 20th April 1943

Num:  151 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

In the pious confidence of eternal
bliss here sleeps the remains of
Anne Shaw widow of the late
Robert Shaw Esqr. of Ardandra
Castle the careful tender mother
of many children, one of the
surviving of whom erected this
tomb to her memory as a small
tribute of filial affection. She died
August 1st 1817 aged 59 years

Num:  152 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

God be merciful
to the soul of Elanor
Murtaugh (alias) Skelly who
depd this February
17th 1836 agd. 61 years
Erected by her husband
Christopher Murtaugh

Num:  153 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Deo Gratis
Pray for the soul of the Revd. Skelly
who departed this life the 15th of January
1843 aged 61 years
During the 22 years he laboured on the
Mission of Ardagh his untiring zeal
his unaffected piety and humility and his
amiable disposition endeared him to his
clerical superiors and brethren as well
as to all who had the happiness of
knowing him. In death as during life his
disinterestedness and charity were seen
as he left all he possessed for charitable
May he rest in peace

Num:  154 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

God be merciful to
the soul of Dennis Skelly
who departed this life February
8th 1802 aged 64 years. Also
his wife Catherine Skelly
(alias) Keenan who depd this
life Sept. 20th 1791 agd.
44 years
Erected by the Revd. Dennis F. Skelly

Num:  155 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Edward McGee
Ballymahon 1933
Anne McGee 1925
Margaret McGee 1933
Patrick McGee 1941
Matthew McGee 1951

Num:  156 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

God be merciful to the soul
of Patt McGee
who departed
this life May 18th 1839 agd.
58 years. Also Rose McGee
who departed this life April
16th 1831 agd. 15 years
Erected by the Widow McGee
Num:  157 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

O Lord have mercy on the
soul of Michael Farrell who
depd. this life June 1819 agd.
84 years. Also his son who
depd. this life June 1833
agd. 75 years
This stone was erected by the
said Anthony Farrell

Num:  158 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

O Lord have mercy on the
soul of Mary Farrell (alias)
Flinn who departed this life 20th
April 1834 aged 46 years
Their daughter Ann depd
28th October 1823
aged 15 yrs.
Erected by her husband
Thomas Farrell and
Michael ...
(rest buried)

Num:  159 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

God be merciful
to ye soul of Juth
Ferrall who died
June ye 4th 1763
Ann Ferrall his wife

Num:  160 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

God be merciful
to ye soul of
Laurence O'Ferrall
who departed Novbr.
1775 aged 46 yrs.
Erected by his son
Thomas O'Ferrall
and brothr. Anthony

Num:  161 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

God be merciful
to ye soul of Thady
Keenan who died
ye year 1762 agd.
60. Erected by his son
Owen Keenan

Num:  162 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

God be merciful
to ye soul of Catherine
Gill who died
May 1765 agd.
21 Yrs. old
(rest buried)

Num:  163 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

O Lord have mercy on the
soul of Daniel Gill who
depd this life 20th
May 1834 aged 76 years
Erected by his sons Thomas
and James Gill

Num:  164 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

O Lord
have mercy on the soul of
James Gill who depd this
life February 12th 1877
aged 60 yrs. Also
his wife Mary Gill (alias)
Farrell who depd. this life
August 5th 1876 aged 67 yrs
Also their daughter
Catherine Gill who depd. this
life April 19th 1875 aged 27 yrs.
Erected by Daniel and
Thomas Gill, Lislum

Num:  165 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Sacred heart of Jesus
have mercy on the soul
Daniel Gill, Ballymahon
who died 2nd Sept. 1912
aged 76 years
Also his brothers
Patrick and Thomas Gill
and sister Catherine Gill
Requiescant in Pace
Erected by his wife
Marie Ann Gill

Num:  166 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

O Lord have mercy
on the soul of
James Gill who
departed January 1805
Erected by his brother
Daniel Gill

Num:  167 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

loving memory of
Richard Yorke
and his wife Ellen
nee Doherty

Num:  168 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

Of your charity
pray for the soul of
John Mullen
who died 20th February 1846
aged 56 years
Also his wife Mary
who died 21st Nov. 1865
aged 70 years
Also their daughter Mary
who died 27th Jan. 1890
aged 66 yrs.
their grandson Dennis Mullen
died 15th April 1880
aged 23 yrs.
Num:  169 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

May the Lord
have mercy
on the soul of
James McGarry
who died 1st April 1885
aged 60 yrs.

Num:  170 Source: JIMMY LENNON (1997)

In loving memory of
Patrick Nolan
died Jan. 30th 1944
aged 73 yrs.

*APMDI = Association for the Preservation of the Memorials of
the Dead in Ireland