Church: Baptismal & Birth Records, County Longford Ireland
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Longford Index
Longford Baptisms


B=Birth Record	C= Christeining Record	R=Roman Catholic I=Church of Ireland	Date=Mo/Day/Year

DATE                            SURNAME        CHILD                   FATHER            MAIDEN                  MOTHER            SPONSOR / INFORMANT         SPONSOR			  LOCATION                                                           SUBMITTER             TYPE
10/30/1859                      ALLEN          John                    James             MCDONNELL               Catherine         John McDonnell              Alice Gaffney		  St Mary's Church Newtownforbes                                     A. Carr               C/R
5/26/1840                       BEGG           Rose Ann                Francis           COSTELLO                Brigid            Patrick Begg                Eleanor Casey		  Lanesboro/Rathcline                                                C.R. Begg             C/R
07/12/1840                      BUCKLEY        James                   John              MULDOON                 Bridget           Bernard Buckley             Bridget Buckley		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
10/14/1840                      BURKE          Jeanne                  Francis           MCGOWAN                 Jeanne            Bridget Higgins             ?			  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
12/15/1839                      BURKE          John                    Peter             OWENS                   Mary              James Crinan or Cainen      Elizabeth Henson		  (of Curnallen) Newtownforbes                                       NAGray                C/R
12/26/1840                      BURKE          Mary                    James             KEEFFE                  Eleanor           William Kearney             Elizabeth Gannon		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
03/11/1830                      CANAVAN        John                    Peter             BEHAN                   Catherine         John Behan                  Margaret Reynolds	  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
09/07/1840                      CARR           Elizabeth               Patrick           MCGARRY                 Honora            James McConnell             Mary McCoy		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
01/15/1855                      CARROLL        Ann Kenny               John              CARTY                   Kathleen          x                           x			  St. Mary's, Legan                                                  M.A.                  x
00/00/1858                      CARROLL        Anthnious P.            Michael           KENNY                   Marcella          Thomas S. Flood             Margretta Carroll	  St. Mary's, Legan                                                  M.A.                  C/R
02/21/1858                      CARROLL        Anthony                 Michael           KENNY                   Marcella          x                           x			  St. Mary's, Legan                                                  M.A.                  x
05/16/1856                      CARROLL        John                    unclear           X                       x                 x                           x			  St. Mary's, Legan                                                  M.A.                  x
09/26/1872                      CARSON         Eliza                   Joseph            STEPHENSON              Anne              x                           x			  Longford                                                           B.J.                  C/I
10/27/1876                      CARSON         Eliza                   Joseph            WILSON                  Mary Jane         x                           x			  Drumderg, Clonbroney Parish                                        B.J.                  C/I
08/29/1799                      CARSON         George                  James             REILAND                 Elizabeth         x                           x			  Templemichael Parish                                               B.J.                  C/I
00/02/1802                      CARSON         James                   James             RAYLAND                 Elizabeth         x                           x			  Templemichael Parish                                               B.J.                  C/I
09/02/1866                      CARSON         James                   Joseph            STEPHENSON              Anne              x                           x			  Ballinalee, Clonbroney Parish                                      B.J.                  C/I
12/01/1864                      CARSON         James                   Joseph            STEPHENSON              Anne              x                           x			  Ballinalee, Clonbroney Parish                                      B.J.                  C/I
01/19/1865                      CARSON         Jane                    John              MORRISON                Jane              x                           x			  Drumlish, Killoe Parish                                            B.J.                  C/I
03/17/1806                      CARSON         John                    x                 X                       x                 x                           x			  Kilglass Parish                                                    B.J.                  C/I
08/07/1874                      CARSON         Margaret                Jospeh            WILSON                  Mary Jane         x                           x			  Balinalee, Clonbroney Parish                                       B.J.                  C/I
12/01/1864                      CARSON         John                    Jospeh            STEPHENSON              Anne              x                           x			  Balinalee, Clonbroney Parish                                       B.J.                  C/I
11/14/1841                      CARTY          Eleanor                 Patrick           HERRICK                 Alice             Michael Murphy              Alice Herrick		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
03/18/1830                      CARTY          John                    Francis           HART                    Anne              Peter Hart                  V. ? Hart		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
01/1889                         CASEY          Joseph                   x                 X                      x                 x                           x			  Ballymahon                                                         C.Hunt                B
07/04/1840                      CASEY          William                 John              BARRETT                 Eleanor           John McVeigh                Winifred Burbidge	  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
07/11/1841                      CASSERLY       Anne                    Hugo              MALLIN                  Bridget           John Mallin                 Mary Cassidy		  (of Leitrim) Newtownforbes                                         NAGray                C/R
12/29/1839                      CASSERLY       Bernard                 Patrick           HUGHES                  Eleanor           Michael Kearns              Anne Casserly		  (of Curry) Newtownforbes                                           NAGray                C/R
12/30/1829                      CASSERLY       Catherine               Thomas            KENNY                   Catherine         Patrick G.                  Margaret Casserly	  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
07/11/1841                      CLABBY         Henry                   John              MCGOLDRICK              Catherine         John Clabby                 Catherine Clabby		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
01/13/1830                      CLARKE         Bridget                 Michael           SHEERAN                 Anne              John Kearney                Eleanor Kearney		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
03/17/1830                      CONNAUGHTAN    Patrick                 John              O'BRIEN                 Elizabeth         Patrick O'Brien             Mary Connaughtan		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
08/09/1840                      CONNOR         Susanna                 Patrick           ?                       Mary              x                           x			  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
12/13/1840                      COONEY         Margaret                Miles             FOX                     Catherine         Patrick Foy                 Elizabeth Cooney		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
07/25/1841                      COX            Mary                    John              FLAHERTY                Elizabeth         James Kenny                 Bridget Murtagh		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
06/18/1881                      CROUGHAN       Agnes Frances           Arthur James      O'BRIEN                 Catherine         Edwardus G. Allen           Cathrina Croughan	  Longford N. West                                                   N. West               B
08/18/1872                      CROUGHAN       Albertus Edwardous      Arthur James      O'BRIEN                 Catherine         Catherine Farrell           x			  Longford N. West                                                   N. West               B
10/20/1866                      CROUGHAN       Arthur James            Arthur James      O'BRIEN                 Catherine         Thomas Fox                  Margaret Farrell		  Longford N. West                                                   N. West               B
07/1/1865                       CROUGHAN       Marian Anne             Arthur James      O'BRIEN                 Catherine         Joannus McIntyre            Cealia B. Rennen		  Longford N. West                                                   N. West               B
06/3/1864                       CROUGHAN       Thomas F. Arthur        Arthur James      O'BRIEN                 Catherine         Percy Farrell               Maria Johnston		  Longford N. West                                                   N. West               B
02/18/1830                      CUNNIAN        Patrick                 Doninick          KILKENNY                Mary              Bryan Kennedy               Eleanor Kilkenny		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
04/27/1897                      CUNNINGHAM     John Joseph             John              PARTRIDGE               Catherine         William Dooley              Catherine McGynn		  Dio of Ardagh/Parish of Shrule - Ballymahon                        KCunning              C/R
08/15/1841                      DENISTON       Mary                    Hugo              IRELAND                 Mary              John Ireland                Anne Ireland		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
06/24/1841                      DEVINE         Elizabeth               Timothy           KEEFFE                  Bridget           Mary Keeffe                 x			  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
09/28/1878                      DEVINE         John                    Patrick           CASEY                   Ellen             x                           x			  Ballymahon                                                         C. Hunt               C/R
09/29/1874                      DEVINE         Margarrettam            Patritis          CASEY                   Ellenora          Thomas Vales                Margarretta Casey	  x                                                                  C. Hunt               x
09/3/1878                       DIVINE         Michael Johanes         Patrick           CASEY                   Ellen             Johane Divine               Mary Farrell		  Ballymahon                                                         C. Hunt               C/R
04/10/1830                      DONNELLY       Anne                    Patrick           ROGERS                  Catherine         Michael ?                   Bridget Rogers		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
08/08/1840                      DONNELLY       Elizabeth               Patrick           CARR                    Bridget           Thomas Rogers               Mary Hanly		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
07/12/1840                      DONNELLY       Hugh                    Patrick           ROGERS                  Catherine         John McVeigh                Mary Rogers		  (of Brisklull) Newtownforbes                                       NAGray                C/R
09/13/1840                      DOYLE          Michael                 Thomas            CONNOR                  Catherine         ?                           ?			  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
08/01/1841                      DREW           Elizabeth               John              MAGEE                   Margaret          x                           x			  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
01/04/1841                      DUFFY          Bridget                 Patrick           MCGARRY                 Bridget           Michael Duffy               Anne McGarry		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
Date                            SURNAME        Child                   Father            MAIDEN                  Mother            Sponsor / Informant         Sponsor			  Location                                                           Submitter             Type
06/27/1841                      ELLIS          John                    Henry             MCGARRY                 Bridget           Michael Prunty              Bridget McGarry		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
12/16/1840                      FALLON         James                   John              FARRELL                 Bridget           Eugene Fallon               Mary Fallon		  (of Cammagh) Newtownforbes                                         NAGray                C/R
12/13/1840                      FALLON         Mary                    Patrick           MCNAMARA                Mary              Lawrence Gara               Catherine Fallon		  (of Kilmore) Newtownforbes                                         NAGray                C/R
08/03/1840                      FARRELL        Anne                    Patrick           KING                    Eleanor           James Farrell               Anna M.			  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
07/31/1843                      FARRELL        James                   Patt              DENNIGAN                Mary              Wm. Healy                   Rose Farrell		  Killashee                                                          Jack. Farrell         C/R
04/11/1830                      FARRELL        John                    Patrick           DONLON                  Ann               Michael Donlon              Luke Mavin & Rose Bardin	  Killashee                                                          Jack. Farrell         C/R
02/21/1861                      FARRELL        John                    John              SPEARMAN                Margaret          Matthew Farrell             Elizabeth Spearman	  Killashee                                                          Jack. Farrell         C/R
11/06/1832                      FARRELL        Lawrence                Patrick           DONLON                  Ann               John Dennigan                Mary Connor		  Killashee                                                          Jack. Farrell         C/R
09/3/1878                       FARRELL        Mariam                  Tim               IRELAND                 Maria             Patrick Farrell             Anne Farrell		  x                                                                  C. Hunt               C/R
01/26/1840                      FARRELL        Mary                    Patt              DENNIGAN                Mary              Michael Farrell             Elizabeth Dennigan	  Killashee                                                          Jack. Farrell         C/R
05/29/1859                      FARRELL        Mary                    John              SPEARMAN                Margaret E.       James Spearman              Rose A. Bardin		  Killashee                                                          Jack Farrell          C/R
11/02/1837                      FARRELL        Matthew                 Patrick           DONLON                  Ann               Thomas Barden               Mary  Farrell		  Killashee                                                          Jack. Farrell         C/R
12/29/1840                      FARRELL        Patrick                 Patrick           DONLON                  Ann               Thomas Donlon               Bridget Bardin		  Killashee                                                          Jack. Farrell         C/R
01/22/1856                      FARRELL        Thomas                  John              SPEARMAN                Margaret E.       Daniel Bardin               B. Bardin		  Killashee                                                          Jack Farrell          C/R
04/26/1873                      FEENY          Patrick                 Michael           KIERNAN                 Anne              John Kiernan                Catherine Kiernan	  St. Mary's Church, Granard                                         W. Feeney             C/R
04/24/1873                      FEENY          Patrick                 Michael           KIERNAN                 Anne              x                           x			  Killeen Townland (Bunlahy), Granard                                W. Feeney             B
00/00/1796                      FLOOD          Brigid                  Christy           DILLON                  M.                x                           x			  Ardagh-Moydow                                                      M.A.                  x
03/03/1855                      FUREY          Tom                     Pat               CARROLL                 Mary              x                           x			  St. Mary's, Legan                                                  M.A.                  x
05/09/1882                      GEOFFROY       Elizabeth Mary          James             COX                     Elizabeth         father                      x			  Bracklon                                                           Charles G.            B
12/10/1883                      GEOFFROY       Florence Eva            James             COX                     Elizabeth         ? Hickey                    x			  Bracklon                                                           Charles G.            B
01/16/1894                      GEOFFROY       Francis Louis           George            COX                     Kate              father                      x			  Corraboola                                                         Charles G.            B
06/18/1882                      GEOFFROY       George Frederick        George            X                       Kate              x                           x			  Farragh                                                            Charles G.            C/I
03/10/1884                      GEOFFROY       James & Thomas          George            COX                     Kate              father                      x			  Farragh                                                            Charles G.            B
11/14/1880                      GEOFFROY       Jane                    George            COX                     Kate              father                      x			  Farragh                                                            Charles G.            B
10/27/1839                      GILLIGAN       Mary                    Daniel            EGAN                    Mary              Thomas Egan                 Alice Duffy		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
04/05/1857                      GORMAN         Ann Mary                James             MULLIN                  Mary              ? Connelly                  Maria ?			  Clonbroney                                                         Agnes McF             C/R
10/13/1862                      GORMAN         Bridget                 James             MULLIN                  Mary              ? Gorman                    ? N_as_			  Listrahee, Clonbroney Parish                                       Agnes McF             C/R
04/06/1830                      GORMAN         Catherine               Francis           HEFFERNAN               Bridget           Thomas Murtagh              Frances Tiernan		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
02/24/1860                      GORMAN         Thomas                  James             MULLIN                  Mary              J. Carney                   Anna Mullin		  Drumlish                                                           Agnes McF             C/R
06/26/1841                      GORMLY         Margaret                Thomas            MCHUGH                  Martha            Michael  McHugh             Bridget McHugh		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
09/28/1830                      GOVER(S)       Patrick                 George            BURNS                   Anastasia         Eugene Egan                 Ellisa Burns		  Templemichael / Ballymacormick                                     S. Gray               C/R
02/25/1816                      GOVERS         James                   John              KELLY                   Margaret          x                           x			  St. John's, Longford                                               S. Gray               C/I
06/21/1808                      GOVERS         James                   John              KELLY                   Margaret          x                           x			  St. John's, Longford                                               S. Gray               C/I
11/07/1833                      GOVERS         John                    George            BURNS                   Anastasia         John McCormick              Mary Burns		  Templemichael / Ballymacormick                                     S. Gray               C/R
12/14/1813                      GOVERS         Margaret Anne           John              KELLY                   Margaret          x                           x			  St. John's, Longford                                               S. Gray               C/I
01/17/1819                      GOVERS         Maria                   John              KELLY                   Margaret          x                           x			  St. John's, Longford                                               S. Gray               C/I
12/26/1840                      GREEN          Patrick                 Francis           MCCORMICK               Mary              x                           x			  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
08/09/1840                      GREEN          Thomas                  John              WARD                    Mary              James Christy               Margaret Magee		  (of Curry) Newtownforbes                                           NAGray                C/R
12/22/1839                      GREGG          Mary                    Martin            ROGERS                  Rose              John Russell                Anne Gormley		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
12/04/1839                      GROGHAN        Matthew                 Thomas            MAHON                   Bridget           Thomas Kieffe               Margaret Groghan		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
03/30/1830                      GUNNING        John                    Patrick           SKELLY                  Catherine         John Skelly                 Catherine Skelly		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
08/01/1841                      HART           Hugo                    Hugo              MURPHY                  Anne              John Hart                   Mary Murphy		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
04/17/1864                      HART           Patt                    James             MCGOEY                  Catherine         James Hart                  x			  Newtown Bond, Balinalee                                            T. McGoey             C/R
10/27/1839                      HIGGINS        Anne                    John              FARRELL                 Anne              William Higgins             Elizabeth Reynolds	  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
03/19/1830                      HINDS          Patrick                 Nicholas          MULHEARN                Elizabeth         Patrick Hinds               Catherine Farrell	  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
08/01/1841                      HOY            Catherine               Michael           MAGUIRE                 Jean              Michael Campbell            Mary Nicolls		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
07/18/1875                      KELLY          Ann Marie               Michael           MANNING                 Elizabeth         John Burns                  Sarah White		  Newtownforbes                                                      M.E.                  C/R
06/24/1877                      KELLY          Elizabeth               Michael           MANNING                 Elizabeth         John Glancy                 Mary Derwin		  Newtownforbes                                                      M.E.                  C/R
09/11/1881                      KELLY          Francis                 Michael           MANNING                 Elizabeth         Bart Mahon                  Mary Dowd		  Newtownforbes                                                      M.C.                  C/R
12/15/1839                      KELLY          Margaret                Patrick           X                       Jeanne            John Farrell                Mary Farrell		  (of Knockmartin) Newtownforbes                                     NAGray                C/R
10/2/1873                       KELLY          Mary                    Michael           MANNING                 Elizabeth         Patrick Christy             Mary Duggan		  Newtownforbes                                                      M.E.                  C/R
08/13/1855                      KENNY          Bridget                 John              X                       Ann               x                           x			  St. Mary's, Legan                                                  M.A.                  x
10/13/1839                      KENNY          Charles                 Patrick           MCCORMICK               Margaret          Louis Beirne                Cecilia Kenny		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
10/06/1841                      KENNY          Eleanor                 Stephen           DONNELLY                Eleanor           Patrick Kenny               Bridget R. ?		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
08/03/1840                      KING           Thomas                  John              SHANLY                  Anne              Thomas Shanley              Bridget Reynolds		  (of Knockmartin) Newtownforbes                                     NAGray                C/R
11/06/1839                      LAMB           William                 Lawrence          NARY                    Eleanor           James Nary                  Anne Carroll		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
12/29/1839                      LEAVY          Bernard                 Bernard           CORCORAN                Anne              Charles McGevy              Eleanor Cuddy		  (of Ballingh) Newtownforbes                                        NAGray                C/R
09/01/1840                      LEE            Thomas                  Joseph            MCDONNELL               Bridget           Francis Hanley              Mary Higgins		  (of Kilmore) Newtownforbes                                         NAGray                C/R
11 Nov 1836                     LEIGHTON       Ann                     Joseph Alexander  JENKINS                 Mary              x                           x			  Clonbroney Parish, Ballinsacraw                                    W.L.                  C/I
04/12/1845                      LEIGHTON       Ellen                   Joseph Alexander  JENKINS                 Mary              x                           x			  Clonbroney Parish, Ballinsacraw                                    W.L.                  C/I
4 Aug 1834                      LEIGHTON       James                   Joseph Alexander  JENKINS                 Mary              x                           x			  Clonbroney Parish, Ballinascraw                                    W.L.                  C/I
20 Jan 1852                     LEIGHTON       Jane Ann                Joseph Alexander  JENKINS                 Mary              x                           x			  Clonbroney Parish, Ballinascraw                                    W.L.                  C/I
09/24/1843                      LEIGHTON       John Simpson            Joseph Alexander  JENKINS                 Mary              x                           x			  Clonbroney Parish, Ballinascraw                                    W.L.                  C/I
Jun 16, 1841 bap 6 Aug 1841     LEIGHTON       Joseph                  Joseph Alexander  JENKINS                 Mary              x                           x			  St. John's  Ballinalee, Clonbroney Par., Ballinascraw Townland,    W.L                   C/I
1838                            LEIGHTON       Mary Louise             Joseph Alexander  JENKINS                 Mary              x                           x			  Clonbroney Parish, Ballinascraw                                    W.L.                  C/I
08/23/1840                      LYNCH          James                   Hugh              MALLOW                  Anne              James Murphy                Anne McWeeny		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
04/13/1830                      LYNCH          Patrick                 William           MCDERMOTT               Elizabeth         Christopher McDermott       Catherine McDermott	  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
DATE                            SURNAME        CHILD                   FATHER            MAIDEN                  MOTHER            SPONSOR / INFORMANT         SPONSOR			  LOCATION                                                           SUBMITTER             TYPE
08/31/1824                      MACKEN         Ann                     Michael           CLYNE                   Mary              Thos. Monaghan              Ann Gorman		  Castlenugent, Granard                                              Pat Wood              C/R
12/06/1822                      MACKEN         Denis                   Michael           REILLY                  Ann               James Ronan                 Margaret Synot		  Castlenugent, Granard                                              Pat Wood              C/R
07/13/1824                      MACKEN         James                   Michael           REILLY                  Ann               Andrew O'Hara               Ann Macken		  Castlenugent, Granard                                              Pat Wood              C/R
08/25/1838                      MACKEN         James                   Michael           CLYNE                   Mary              Patrick Farrell             Rose Flood		  Edgeworthstown                                                     Pat Wood              C/R
06/07/1830                      MACKEN         Mary                    Michael           CLYNE                   Mary              Margaret Macken					  Castlenugent, Granard                                              Pat Wood              C/R
03/18/1834                      MACKEN         Mary                    Michael           CLYNE                   Mary              twin of Patrick					  Castlenugent, Granard                                              Pat Wood              C/R
03/18/1834                      MACKEN         Patrick                 Michael           CLYNE                   Mary              Major Brady                 Mary Donohue		  Castlenugent, Granard                                              Pat Wood              C/R
01/13/1830                      MAGEE          Elizabeth               James             DOORIS                  Catherine         John Magee                  Catherine Magee		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
12/24/1839                      MAGUIRE        Patrick                 Francis           CONNOR                  Anne              Constantine Maguire         Margaret Shanly		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
01/11/1841                      MCAULEY        Mary                    John              SKELLY                  Anne              James Skelly                Catherine Kernan		  (of Glebe) Newtownforbes                                           NAGray                C/R
12/26/1840                      MCCANN         Mary                    John              CONNOR                  Mary              Michael McCann              Bridget Heeren		  (of Leitrim) Newtownforbes                                         NAGray                C/R
03/27/1873                      MCDERMOTT      John                    Charles           PATRIDGE                Mary              Mary Patridge               x			  Lislea                                                             Florence G.           B
01/01/1860                      MCDERMOTT      Patrick                 Thomas            GANLY                   Bridget           Thomas McDermott            Mary Dennigan		  Killashee                                                          Mary Murray           C/R
08/02/1841                      MCGLINN        John                    John              WALSH                   Anne              John O'Neill                Rose McNamee		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
02/02/1830                      MCGLINN        Margaret                James             PRUNTY                  Judith            Patrick Prunty              Elizabeth McCormick	  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
01/31/1841                      MCGLINN        Michael                 Patrick           DUNLEAVY                Catherine         Charles ?                   Catherine McGlinn	  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
02/03/1841                      MCGOLDRICK     Andrew                  Andrew            MAHON                   Anne              Fergal McGoldrick           Anne Mahon		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
12/15/1839                      MCGOLDRICK     Elizabeth               Mathew            COSGROVE                Mary              James Sheeran               Bridget Sheeran		  (of Leitrim) Newtownforbes                                         NAGray                C/R
02/03/1841                      MCGOLDRICK     Fergal                  Andrew            MAHON                   Anne              Fergal McGoldrick           Anne Mahon		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
02/11/1841                      MCGOLDRICK     Mary                    Andrew            MCCORMICK               Bridget           James McGlinn               Anne Stanly		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
09/22/1840                      MCHUGH         Anne                    Michael           GILL                    Bridget           James Casey                 Margaret McHugh		  (of Ballagh) Newtownforbes                                         NAGray                C/R
06/27/1841                      MCHUGH         Michael                 Michael           O'HARA                  Alice             John McHugh                 Mary O'Hara		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
12/22/1839                      MCKEON         John                    James             MCCOY                   Elizabeth         x                           x			  (of Curry) Newtownforbes                                           NAGray                C/R
12/20/1840                      MCLOPHLIN*     Bernard                 Michael           MAHON                   Catherine         Thomas Right                Rose Mahon		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R	 *(McLaughlin?)
02/06/1871                      MCMURRAY       William                 Robert            GORDON                  Anne               x                          x			  Killashee                                                          C. Simpson            B
09/29/1841                      MCNAMARA       Elizabeth               Daniel            QUINN                   Anne              Michael Quinn               Bridget Quinn		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
04/09/1830                      MCNAMARA       Patrick                 Patrick           GARVY                   Anne              Michael Garvy               Anne Garvy		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
09/30/1839                      MCNAMARA       Bernard                 Bernard           DUIGNAN                 Elizabeth         James Thomas                Margaret McVeigh		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
01/08/1841                      MCVEIGH        Elizabeth               John              FARRELL                 Catherine         William ?                   Elizabeth McCormick	  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
10/13/1839                      MCVEIGH        Michael                 James             LAMB                    Alice             x                           x			  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
07/11/1841                      MEALY          Mary                    John              NARY                    Catherine         Thomas Nary                 Sarah Nary		  (of Lismore) Newtownforbes                                         NAGray                C/R
08/01/1841                      MONAGHAN       Mary                    John              MCNAMEE                 Mary              James Monaghan              Catherine Heeren		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
04/24/1834                      MONEY          Amelia                  Money             FRYER                   Elizabeth         x                           x			  Longford                                                           CJobson               B
10/11/1839                      MORAN          Daniel                  Patrick           HART                    Anne              Thomas Moran                Mary Moran		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
01/10/1830                      MORAN          Edward                  Patrick           CASSERLY                Catherine         Peter Moran                 Mary Ward		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
01/09/1844                      MORAN          Mary                    Michael           CONNELLY                Catherine         Matthew Kenny               Margaret Keegan		  Parish Forgney                                                     KathleenP             C/R
12/04/1839                      MULDOON        Winifred                Edward            KENNEDY                 Bridget           Patrick Muldoon             Catherine Muldoon	  (of Linnoy) Newtownforbes                                          NAGray                C/R
10/21/1840                      MULLEN         Margaret                John              MCDONALD                Bridget           James Ward                  Mary Sharman (or Sherman)  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
03/22/1847                      MULLIGAN       Catherine               Thomas            FLAHERTY                Judith            Hugh Kane                   Catherine Mulligan	  Church of St. Columcille                                           DCain                 C/R
07/03/1840                      MURPHY         James                   Patrick           DOORIS                  Bridget           John Dooris                 Margaret Dooris		  (of Briskhull) Newtownforbes                                       NAGray                C/R
01/25/1841                      MURPHY         John                    Thomas            CASHEN                  Anne              Thomas Prunty               Rose Devine		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
10/06/1839                      MURPHY         Mary                    Thomas            KING                    Mary              x                           x			  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
12/12/1839                      MURPHY         Mary                    John              MCKENNA                 Anne              James Casserly              Mary McKenna		  (of Brisklull) Newtownforbes                                       NAGray                C/R
10/13/1840                      MURPHY         Peter                   James             MALLIN                  Mary              Andrew McBride              Mary Lennon		  (of Ballagh) Newtownforbes                                         NAGray                C/R
07/12/1840                      MURPHY         William                 James             HART                    Mary              Hugo Hart                   Mary McQuirk		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
12/26/1840                      MURRAY         Anne                    Dionysius         FRALEY                  Anne              John Cosgrove               Bridget Lennon		  (of Leitrim) Newtownforbes                                         NAGray                C/R
07/04/1841                      MURRAY         Catherine               James             DENIGAN                 Margaret          John Nary                   Margaret Denigan		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
1/08/1830                       MURTA          Bridget                 Bryan             GALLAGHER               Margaret          James Hard (Hart?)          Anne Killian		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
02/20/1830                      MURTA          Margaret                Dionysius         KENNY                   Mary              Thomas Wright               Margaret Kenny		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
08/23/1840                      MURTAGH        Mary                    William           LEE                     Anne              Patrick Heaney              Anne Lee			  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
10/24/1840                      NEWMAN         Francis                 Patrick           BRADY                   Jeanne            Thomas Rogers               Elizabeth Brady		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
Date                            NAME           Child                   Father            MAIDEN                  Mother            Sponsor                     Sponsor			  Place                                                              Submitter             Type
10/24/1840                      NEWMAN         Francis                 Patrick           BRADY                   Jeanne            Thomas Rogers               Elizabeth Brady		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
07/25/1841                      O'HARA         John                    John              REILLY                  Rose              James O'Hara                Rose Murphy		  (of Lismore) Newtownforbes                                         NAGray                C/R
07/04/1841                      O'NEILL        Eleanor                 Bernard           MAGEE                   Bridget           John O'Neill                Rose McNamee		  (of Lismore) Newtownforbes                                         NAGray                C/R
03/07/1841                      PRESTON        Eliza                   Richard           X                       Margaret          x                           x			  Kengah - Church of St. George                                      C. Green              C/I
06/03/1843                      PRESTON        James                   Richard           X                       Margaret          x                           x			  Kengah - Church of St. George                                      C. Green              C/I
06/12/1845                      PRESTON        Richard                 Richard           X                       Margaret          x                           x			  Kengah - Church of St. George                                      C. Green              C/I
01/08/1826                      PRESTON        Thomas                  William           X                       Sarah             x                           x			  Tashinny                                                           C. Green              C/I
08/08/1839                      PRESTON        Thomas                  Richard           X                       Margaret          x                           x			  Kengah - Church of St. George                                      C. Green              C/I
2/28/1877                       PRUNTY         Ann                     John              CAMPBELL                Catherine         x                           x			  Cornedden                                                          Jay Edwards           B
10/11/1840                      PRUNTY         James                   Thomas            CARROLL                 Mary              Michael Prunty              Margaret Dowd		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
04/11/1830                      PRUNTY         Michael                 Arthur            FALLON                  Mary              Michael Donahoe             Catherine Fallon		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
09/26/1840                      PRUNTY         William                 Patrick           NOLAN                   Bridget           William Nolan               Bridget Nolan		  (of Ballagh)Newtownforbes                                          NAGray                C/R
00/00/1927                      REILLY         Ann                     Patrick           X                       Mary              x                           x			  Longford                                                           K. Hayes              C/R
07/11/1841                      REILLY         Elizabeth               Patrick           STARK ?                 Susanna           Patrick Leonard             Catherine Mahon		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
10/131840                       REILLY         John                    Patrick           MCCANN                  Catherine         Patrick Cashen              Anne Quinn		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
08/15/1841                      REILLY         Mary                    Philip            WHITE                   Eleanor           Thomas Reilly               Catherine Reilly		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
04/03/1830                      REILLY         Patrick                 Patrick           MCCANN                  Catherine         Richard Reilly              Mary McCann		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
08/03/1840                      REYNOLDS       Bridget                 Peter             ROONEY                  Mary              Thomas Buckley              Mary Reynolds		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
12/05/1829                      REYNOLDS       Joseph                  Gregory           BROWN                   Sara              Thomas O'Fallon             Anne Bonny (?)		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
12/04/1839                      RIGHT          Thomas                  Thomas            MCLOPHLIN (MCLAUGHLIN)  Catherine         James McLophlin             Mary Doyle		  (of Crenagh) Newtownforbes                                         NAGray                C/R
09/06/1840                      ROGERS         John                    Michael           DENIGAN                 Catherine         John Rogers                 Mary Lennon		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
12/27/1840                      ROGERS         Michael                 Michael           O'NEILL                 Margaret          James Rogers                Margaret ?		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
12/25/1829                      ROGERS         Patrick                 Maurice           GREEN                   Catherine         Francis Reilly              Bridget Rogers		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
04/04/1830                      ROONEY         Elizabeth               Miles             MCKENNA                 Mary              William Kenny               Bridget A.?		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
DATE                            SURNAME        CHILD                   FATHER            MAIDEN                  MOTHER            SPONSOR / INFORMANT         SPONSOR			  LOCATION                                                           SUBMITTER             TYPE
11/25/1839                      SHANLY         Mary                    Patrick           FLYNN                   Eleanor           Edward Flynn                Catherine Murray		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
10/16/1849                      SHEERAN        Bridget                 Eugene            HART                    Margaret          Catherine Hart              ?			  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
11/18/1839                      SHEERAN        Eleanor                 Michael           NOLAN                   Eleanor           John Cox                    Mary Sheeran		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
12/26/1840                      SKELLY         Patrick                 Michael           MCDERMOTT               Mary              Michael McCormick           Anne Skelly		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
12/26/1841                      SPARMAN        Bridget                 Miche             FARRELL                 Magt              Joe Sparman                 Mary Sparman		  St. Patrick's, Killashee                                           Jack Farrell          C/R
12/26/1842                      SPAREMAN       Thomas                  Mich              FARRELL                 Maria             James Spareman              Rose Farrell		  Longford                                                           Jack Farrell          C/R
12/26/1843                      SPARMAN        Bridget                 Miche             FARRELL                 Magt              Joe Sparman                 Mary Sparman		  St. Patrick's, Killashee                                           Jack Farrell          C/R
12/26/1844                      SPARMAN        Cath                    Miche             FARRELL                 Margt             John Sparman                Rose Farrell		  St. Patricks, Killashee                                            Jack Farrell          C/R
12/26/1845                      SPEARMAN       Bridget                 Thomas            COX                     Mary              Matthew Malone              Cath M Gary		  Longford                                                           Jack Farrell          C/R
12/26/1846                      SPEARMAN       James                   Thom              COX                     Mary              Mich. Spearman              Mary Bergan		  Longford                                                           Jack Farrell          C/R
12/26/1847                      SPEARMAN       Margaret                Thomas            COX                     Mary              Thomas Cox                  Ann O'Brien		  Killashee                                                          Jack. Farrell         C/R
12/26/1848                      SPEARMAN       Mary                    Thom.             COX                     Mary              Jame? McCormack             Mary McCormack		  Longford                                                           Jack Farrell          C/R
12/26/1849                      SPEARMAN       MaryAnn                 Michael           FARRELL                 Mary / Margt      Mich. Farrell               Bridgit Spearman		  Killashee                                                          Jack Farrell          C/R
12/26/1850                      SPEARMAN       Michael                 Thomas            COX                     Mary              Michael Spearman            Mary Murtagh		  Killashee                                                          Jack. Farrell         C/R
12/26/1851                      STEAN          Roderick                John              CORCORAN                Bridget           Mary Monahan                x			  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
12/26/1852                      WALSH          Anne                    John              CORIGAN                 Sara              Rose McNamee                x			  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
12/26/1853                      WHITE          Edward                  Thomas            GALLAGHER               Margaret          Rose McNamee                x			  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
12/26/1854                      WHITE          Sara                    Patrick           FARRELL                 Susanna           Richard Hughes              Alice Gahan		  Newtownforbes                                                      NAGray                C/R
12/26/1855                      WILSON         Andrew                  Andrew            MOFFATT                 Catherine         x                           x			  St. Paul's, Killashee                                              L. Miller             C/I
12/26/1856                      WILSON         Anne                    Andrew            MOFFATT                 Catherine         x                           x			  St. Paul's, Killashee                                              L. Miller             C/I
12/26/1857                      WILSON         Arthur                  Andrew            MOFFATT                 Catherine         x                           x			  St. Paul's, Killashee                                              L. Miller             C/I
12/26/1858                      WILSON         David                   Andrew            MOFFATT                 Catherine         x                           x			  St. Paul's, Killashee                                              L. Miller             C/I
12/26/1859                      WILSON         Isabella                Andrew            MOFFATT                 Catherine         x                           x			  St. Paul's, Killashee                                              L. Miller             C/I
12/26/1860                      WILSON         James                   Andrew            MOFFATT                 Catherine         x                           x			  St. Paul's, Killashee                                              L. Miller             C/I
12/26/1861                      WILSON         John & Catherine        Andrew            MOFFATT                 Catherine         x                           x			  St. Paul's, Killashee                                              L. Miller             C/I
12/26/1862                      WILSON         Robert                  Andrew            MOFFATT                 Catherine         x                           x			  St. Paul's, Killashee                                              L. Miller             C/I
12/26/1863                      WILSON         Ruth                    Andrew            MOFFATT                 Catherine         x                           x			  St. Paul's, Killashee                                              L. Miller             C/I
12/26/1864                      WILSON         Samuel                  Andrew            MOFFATT                 Catherine         x                           x			  St. Paul's, Killashee                                              L. Miller             C/I
12/26/1865                      WILSON         Thomas                  Andrew            MOFFATT                 Catherine         x                           x			  St. Paul's, Killashee                                              L. Miller             C/I
12/26/1866                      WILSON         William                 Andrew            MOFFATT                 Catherine         x                           x			  St. Paul's, Killashee                                              L. Miller             C/I


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*These are old emails and may no longer work.

C. Green = jdgreen at

CJobson = dextroversum at

CR Begg = misterclancy at

C. Simpson= c.a.simpson at

Charles G. = CGeoff8520 at

DCain = djcain at

E. Joy = at

Florence G. = FGilma6828 at

Jack Farrell = Killashee at

KCunning =  cionaod at

K. Hayes  = kesaanderson at

Karen Riley Humphreys =  karenhumphreys at

KathleenP = kryanp at

L. Miller = Lmiller at

Lois G.= gunning at

M.A. = MRCACG at

M.E.= eldersm at

M. McCormack = m14 at

Mary G. = Mluag at

Mary Murray=davidmurray22 at

MikeS=summerer at

N.West = degager at

P. Coogan = jcoogan at

Pat Wood = celtictwigs at

R Moody = lmoody1 at

Rachel Smith = rsmith at

S. Gray = openc2 at

Sally Schweitzer=swalliee at

Sue Chandler= suechandler at

W. Feeney = wfeeney at

W.L. = wlimebeer at

B.J. = jardibah at

Agnes McF = agneis at

NAGray = N A Gray (see also: Newtownforbes Baptisms)

E. Macklin = emacklin at

T. McGoey = tpmcgoey at

A. Carr = nancyallen_carr at

whittinger = whittinger at