Court: LONGFORD, Court of Petty Sessions, Ballymahon, Longford, 12 Aug 1870 - 30 Dec 1870
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Longford Index
Transcribed by Kathleen Snowberger

The Court of Petty Sessions was the lowest level court in Ireland.
Note: Where you see the word "Queen" the phrase used was "the Queen at the prosection of..."
Scroll page to right to see the complaint.

#   DATE            DEFENDANT                     TOWN                     COMPLAINANT                    TOWN          WITNESS											TOWN             COMPLAINT
1   Aug 12, 1870    McCormack, John               Ballymahon               Brown, James                                 Brown, James										Ballymahon       Assault on Brown by McCormack
2   Aug 12, 1870    Charlton, Thomas              Kilcurry                 Guy, Francis                   Kilcurry      Francis Guy, Robert McCormack, ? Gerraghty						Kilcurry         Willful and malicious breaking of turf
3   Aug 12, 1870    Charlton, Catherine           Kilcurry                 Guy, Francis                   Kilcurry      Francis Guy										Kilcurry         Assault on Guy
4   Aug 12, 1870    Guy, Francis                  Kilcurry                 Charlton, Thomas               Kilcurry      Thomas Charlton										Kilcurry         Guy trespassed on Charlton's cutaway bog
5   Aug 12, 1870    Guy, Francis , Mary & Anne    Kilcurry                 Charlton, Catherine            Kilcurry												Kilcurry         Assault on Catherine Charlton
6   Aug 12, 1870    Christie, Charles             Tashiny (Taghshinny)     Cooper, John                                 John Cooper										 (Taghshinny)     Assault in the execution of his duty in Edward Murray's public house
7   Aug 12, 1870    O'Hara, Owen                  Ballymahon               Smith, R. Allman                             R.A. Smith										Ballymahon       One of a disorderly mob
8   Aug 12, 1870    Egan , John                   Ballymahon               Cooper, John                                 John Cooper										Ballymahon       Egan allowed admittance and drinking at an hour prohibited by law
9   Aug 12, 1870    Fahy, John                    Ballymahon               Cooper, John                                 Frank Hatchett, Mary Shanly								Ballymahon       Fahy allowed admittance and drinking at an hour prohibited by law
10  Aug 12, 1870    Caffery, James                Ballymahon               Farrell, James                               James Farrell										Ballymahon       Drunk and disorderly in the street
11  Aug 12, 1870    Eivers, John                  Lisdissan?               Hammiton, James                              James Hammiton										Ballymahon       Drunk in the street
12  Aug 12, 1870    Callaghran, Hugh              Ballymahon               Hammiton, James                              same											Ballymahon       Allowed his pig to wander the street
13  Aug 12, 1870    McIntyre, Joseph              Ballymahon               Smith, Owen																Ballymahon       Allowed his two pigs to wander the street
14  Aug 12, 1870    Degnan, John                  Ballymahon               Connell, Thomas                Ballymahon												Ballymahon       For wages earned for roofing and painting a house
15  Aug 12, 1870    Gavin, Thomas & Honor         Ballymahon               Cowan, Mary                    Ballymahon												Ballymahon       Threats and abuse of the Gavins by Cowan
16  Aug 12, 1870    Ward, Ellen                   Ballyclamay              O'Nion, Susan                  Ballymahon												Co Westmeath     Willfully spoiled calico & trimmings, given into her care to make a dress & jacket
17  Aug 12, 1870    Dowdall, Anne                 Tennalick                Reilly, Catherine              Lennalick												Tennalick        Assault
18  Aug 12, 1870    Dowdall, Anne                 Tennalick                Reilly, Patt                   Lennalick												Tennalick        Willful and malicious destroying of furniture in Reilly's house
19  Aug 12, 1870    Reilly, Catherine             Tennalick                Dowdall, Anne                  Lennalick												Tennalick        Assault
20  Aug 12, 1870    Reilly, Catherine             Tennalick                Dowdall, Anne                  Lennalick												Tennalick        Threatened and abuse Complainant, putting her in fear of her life
21  Aug 12, 1870    Carrigan, Peter               Abbeydairig (Abbeyderg)  Kealy, James                   Doory													                 Left service without due notice
22  Aug 12, 1870    Kenny, Daniel                 Creggy ?                 Cooper, John                                 John Cooper										Ballymahon       Defs. assaulted each other in George Murray's public house
23  Aug 12, 1870    Kenny, Daniel                 Creggy ?                 Cooper, John                                 John Cooper										Ballymahon       Defs. assaulted each other in George Murray's public house
24  Aug 12, 1870    Leavy, Brian                  Creggy ?                 Cooper, John                                 John Cooper										Ballymahon       Defs. assaulted each other in George Murray's public house
25  Aug 12, 1870    Kenny, Daniel                 Creggy ?                 Leavy, Margaret                              Margaret Leavy, George Murray, James Hammiton, Thomas Wright				Ballymahon       Assault
26  Aug 26, 1870    Charlton, Thomas              Kilcurry                 Guy, Francis                   Kilcurry      Francis Guy 										Kilcurry         Willful and malicious breaking of turf
27  Aug 26, 1870    Charlton, Catherine           Kilcurry                 Guy, Francis                   Kilcurry												Kilcurry         Assault on complainant
28  Aug 26, 1870    Guy, Francis                  Kilcurry                 Charlton, Thomas               Kilcurry												Kilcurry         Guy trespassed on Charlton's cutaway bog
29  Aug 26, 1870    Guy, Robert, Mary, & Anne     Kilcurry                 Charlton, Catherine            Kilcurry												Kilcurry         Assault
30  Aug 26, 1870    Lennon, Margaret (widow)      Augharana                Fallon, Ellen (widow)          Toome													Toome            Allowed her 19 goats to trespass on potatoes and grass
31  Aug 26, 1870    Cormack, Michael              Longford                 Fegan, Patt                    Cloncullen    Patt Fegan										Cloncullen       Allowed his 17 sheep to treapass on potatoes and meadow
32  Aug 26, 1870    Garraghan, Daniel             Cloonbray (Cloonbreany)  Smith, R.A.                                  R.A. Smith, Const. Brandon								Ballymahon       Drunk and disorderly in the street
33  Aug 26, 1870    Hare, Andrew                  Ballymahon               Brandon, John                                Const. Brandon										Ballymahon       Obstructing complainant in the discharge of his duty
34  Aug 26, 1870    Ward, Ellen                   Ballyclamay              O'Nion, Susan                  Ballymore     Susan O'Nion										                 For 13/5 for print calico and trimmimgs of a dress and cash 2/8
35  Aug 26, 1870    Slator, Arthur                Claughan (Cloghan)       Blair, Andrew                                T.C. Blair, T.C.  Moran									Tennalick        Allowed his pigs to wander on the road
36  Aug 26, 1870    Wakefield, Thomas             Tashiny (Taghshinny)     Moran, Peter                                 T.C. Moran										(Taghshinny)     Allowed his pigs to wander on the road
37  Aug 26, 1870    Duffy, John                   Tashiny (Taghshinny)     Moran, Peter                                 T.C. Moran, John Duffy									(Taghshinny)     Unlicensed dog in his possession
38  Aug 26, 1870    Moran, John                   Tennalick                Moran, Peter                                 T.C. Moran, John Moran									Tennalick        Drunk and disorderly on a public road
39  Aug 26, 1870    Mahon, Archibald              Tashiny (Taghshinny)     Moran, Peter                                 T.C. Moran										(Taghshinny)     Allowed dog to wander a public road without a muzzle
40  Aug 26, 1870    Conlan, John                  Tennalick                Moran, Peter                                 T.C. Moran										Clinan           Allowed his two pigs to wander the public road
41  Aug 26, 1870    Murphy, Patrick               Kilnacaira               Moran, Peter                                 T.C. Moran										Kilnacaira       Allowed his goat to wander on the public road
42  Sep 23, 1870    Charlton, Thomas              Kilcurry                 Guy, Francis                                 Francis Guy										Kilcurry         Willful and malicious breaking of turf
43  Sep 23, 1870    Carlton, Catherine            Kilcurry                 Guy, Francis                                 Francis Guy										Kilcurry         Assault
44  Sep 23, 1870    Guy, Francis                  Kilcurry                 Charlton, Thomas															Kilcurry         Guy trespassed on Charlton's cutaway bog
45  Sep 23, 1870    Guy, Robert, Mary, & Anne     Kilcurry                 Carlton, Catherine             Kilcurry												Kilcurry         Assault
46  Sep 23, 1870    McNamara, Mary                Rathmore                 Cunningham, Patt               Rathmore												Rathmore         Assault
47  Sep 23, 1870    Patt Cunningham               Rathmore                 McNamara, Mary                 Rathmore												Rathmore         Assault
48  Sep 23, 1870    Moran, Michael                Clonard (Cloonard)       Eivers, John      Pallacemore  (Pallas More)												Pallacemore      Allowed his horse to trepass on pastureland
49  Sep 23, 1870    Wade, Thomas                  Ballymahon               Ballymahon Poor Law Guardians													Ballymahon       Allowed his horse to trepass on pastureland
50  Sep 23, 1870    Donnelly, Thomas              Ballymahon               Foley/Fahy, Daniel                           Daniel Foley/Fahy									Ballymahon       Allowed his cart to be used on a public street without his name & residence on the side
51  Sep 23, 1870    Egan, Thomas                  Ballymahon               Cooper, John																Ballymahon       Threw stones and obstructed complainant in the discharge of his duty
52  Sep 23, 1870    Fox, John                     Turlickan                Rorke, Hugh                    Turleckan     Hugh Rorke										Munnaford?       Allowed horses & bullocks to trespass on pastureland
53  Sep 23, 1870    McCormack, Thomas             Kilkenny, Co Westmeath   McKeon, James                                James McKeon										Ballymahon       Allowed his cart to be used on a public street without his name & residence on the side
54  Sep 23, 1870    Coates ?, James               Abbeyshrule              Smith, R Allman                              R. Allman Smith										Ballymahon       Made use of scandalous & abusive language toward complainant in the public street
55  Sep 23, 1870    McGarrell, John               Keel                     Cooper, John                                 John Cooper										Ballymahon       Drunk in the street
56  Sep 23, 1870    Divine (Devine), Patt         Ballymahon               Cooper, John                                 John Cooper										Ballymahon       Drunk in the street
57  Sep 23, 1870    Kenny, Patt                   Ballymahon               Brandon, John                                John Brandon										Ballymahon       Drunk in the street
58  Sep 23, 1870    Kelly, James                  Ballymahon               Hammitton, James                             James Hammitton										Ballymahon       Drunk and disorderly on the street
59  Sep 23, 1870    Simons, Nicholas              Rathmore                 Hammitton, James                             James Hammitton										Ballymahon       Allowed his cart to be used on a public street without his name & residence on the side
60  Sep 23, 1870    Ward, Thomas                  Stagne Westmeath         McKeon, James                                James McKeon										Ballymahon       Drunk in the street
61  Sep 23, 1870    Mallon, Thomas                Drumminy (Drumnee)       Smith, Owen                                  Owen Smith										Ballymahon       Allowed his cart to be used on a public street without his name & residence on the side
62  Sep 23, 1870    Malone, Michael               Cartronboy               O'Donnell, Martin                            Martin O'Donnell									Ballymahon       Allowed his cart to be used on a public street without his name & residence on the side
63  Sep 23, 1870    Farrell, Richard              Barry                    Droogan, Bartholomew                         Bartholmew Droogan									Ballymahon       Allowed his cart to be used on a public street without his name & residence on the side
64  Sep 23, 1870    Lennon, Margaret (widow)      Augherana ?              Fallon, Ellen (widow)          Loome         Ellen Fallon										Toome            Allowed her goats to trespass on oats and potatoes
65  Sep 23, 1870    O'Neill, John                 Cartronboy               Gerraghty, John                Cartronboy    John Gerraghty, Eliza Preston								Cartronboy       Willful and malicious destruction of coat
66  Sep 23, 1870    O'Lanagan, John F             Ballymahon               Kelly, Michael                 Ballymahon												Ballymahon       For wages earned, but not paid
67  Sep 23, 1870    Farrell, Christopher          Ballymahon               Ganby, Robert                  Cloonkeen												Ballymahon       Overholding possession of complainant's house, after being served to quit
68  Sep 23, 1870    Hopkins, John                 Drumnee                  Smith, Owen																Ballymahon       Allowed his cart to be used on a public street without his name & residence on the side
69  Sep 23, 1870    McDonnell, Patt               Glassen, Co Westmeath    Cooper, John																Ballymahon       Drunk
70  Oct 7, 1870     Charlton, Catherine           Kilcurry                 Guy, Francis                   Kilcurry      Capt. Plunkett, R.E. Fox, E.R. King Harman (names scratched through)			Kilcurry         Assault
71  Oct 7, 1870     Guy, Francis                  Kilcurry                 Charlton, Thomas               Kilcurry												Kilcurry         Willful trespass on the complainant's cutaway bog, and cutting turf
72  Oct 7, 1870     Guy, Robert, Mary & Anne      Kilcurry                 Charlton, Catherine            Kilcurry												Kilcurry         Assault
73  Oct 7, 1870     Egan, Thomas                  Ballymahon               Cooper, John                                 Constable Cooper, Constable McKeon							Ballymahon       Obstructing complainant in the discharge of his duty
74  Oct 7, 1870     Coates, James                 Abbeyshrule              Smith, R. Allman															Ballymahon       Used scanalous and abusive language in the public street
75  Oct 7, 1870     O'Lanagan, John F.            Ballymahon               Kelly, Michael                 Ballymahon    Michael Kelly, John Lanagan								Ballymahon       For wages earned, not paid
76  Oct 7, 1870     McCormack, Mary               Ballymahon               Gavin, Thomas                  Ballymahon    Thomas Gavin, Rose Farrell								Ballymahon       Willlful trespass on complainant's garden
77  Oct 7, 1870     Murray, Edward                Tashiny (Taghshinny)     McDermott, John                Tashiny       John McDermott										Tashiny          Assault on a public road
78  Oct 7, 1870     Kimmons, John                 Ballymahon               Igo, Bernard                   Ballymahon    Bernard Igo										Ballymahon       Assault
79  Oct 7, 1870     Farrell, Christopher          Ballymahon               Ganly, Robert                  Cloonkean     Robert Ganly										Ballymahon       Overholding possession of complainant's house, after served to quit
80  Oct 7, 1870     Kelly, Francis                Ballymahon               Hammitton, James                             Martin O'Donnell									Ballymahon       Drunk and disorderly in the street
81  Oct 7, 1870     Sutton, Robert                Ballymahon               O'Donnell, Martin                            Martin O'Donnell									Ballymahon       Commtted a breach of the peace
82  Oct 7, 1870     Hewett, John                  Ballymahon               O'Donnell, Martin                            Martin O'Donnell									Ballymahon       Commtted a breach of the peace
83  Oct 7, 1870     Sutton, Robert                Ballymahon               Cooper, John                                 John Cooper, Christopher Doughall, Patrick Corrigan, Thomas Donnelly, Patrick Keating	Ballymahon       Drunk and disorderly in the street
84  Oct 7, 1870     Feeny, James                  Keel                     Cooper, John                                 John Cooper										Ballymahon       Possession of an unlicensed gun
85  Oct 21, 1870    Seals, William                Ballymahon               Cooper, John																Drynan           Possession of 8 rabbits, without a license to kill or deal same
86  Oct 21, 1870    Gannon, Bernard               Ballymahon               Cooper, John																Drynan           Possession of 8 rabbits, without a license to kill or deal same
87  Oct 21, 1870    Colohan, Joseph               Ballymahon               Cooper, John                                 James Hamilton										Ballymahon       Drunk and disorderly
88  Oct 21, 1870    Egan, Michael                 Ballymahon               Hammilton                                    James Hamilton										Ballymahon       Turned his horse loose on the street to the danger of the public
89  Oct 21, 1870    McLoughlan, James             Rathmore                 Cooper, James                                Owen Smith, Edward Purcell								Ballymahon       Drunk in the street
90  Oct 21, 1870    Kelly, Catherine              Longford                 Brown, James                                 James Brown, Owen Smith									Ballymahon       Drunk in the street
91  Oct 21, 1870    Gannon, Bernard               Ballymahon               Brown, James                                 James Brown										Ballymahon       Drunk in the street
92  Oct 21, 1870    Christie, Mary Jane           Tashiny (Taghshinny)     Reilly, John                                 John Reilly, John Fox, James Christie							Kilnacarra       Allowed her horn cattle to trespass
93  Oct 21, 1870    Kimmons, John                 Ballymahon               Igo, Bernard                   Ballymahon												Ballymahon       Called the complainant a purjured informer, and threatened him
94  Oct 21, 1870    Lennon, Amelia                Forgney                  Lazenby, Mathew                              Mathew Lazenby										Forgney          Allowed his two cows to wander the road
95  Oct 21, 1870    Kane, Michael                 Clooneen                 Lazenby, Mathew                              Mathew Lazenby, Patrick Mealia								Clooneen         Allowed his two asses to wander the road
96  Nov 4, 1870     Seals, William                Ballymahon               Cooper, John																Drynan           Possession of 8 rabbits, without a license to kill or deal same
97  Nov 4, 1870     Gannon, Bernard               Ballymahon               Cooper, John																Drynan           Possession of 8 rabbits, without a license to kill or deal same
98  Nov 4, 1870     Fitzmorris, John              Ballymahon               Brandon, John                                John Brandon										Ballymahon       Drove his ass and cart on the public footpath, contrary to law
99  Nov 4, 1870     Callaran, Patt                Ballymahon               Brandon, John                                John Brandon										Ballymahon       Drove his ass and cart on the public footpath, contrary to law
100 Nov 4, 1870     Mulvihill, Francis            Ballymahon               Brandon, John                                John Brandon, James Brown								Ballymahon       Drove his horse and cart on the public footpath, contrary to law
101 Nov 4, 1870     Branon, James                 Darrogue                 Smith, Owen                                  Owen Smith										Ballymahon       Drove his horse and cart on the public footpath, contrary to law
102 Nov 4, 1870     Rooney, Patt                  Foygh                    Smith, Owen                                  Owen Smith										Ballymahon       Drove his horse and cart on the public footpath, contrary to law
103 Nov 4, 1870     Bowen, William                Ballymahon               Smith, Owen                                  Owen Smith, James Brown									Ballymahon       Drunk in the street
104 Nov 4, 1870     Foley, Hugh                   Longford                 O'Donnell, Martin                            Martin O'Donnell									Ballymahon       Drunk and disorderly in the street
105 Nov 4, 1870     Cox, Michael                  Ballymahon               Caffery, James                 Ballymahon    James Caffery										Ballymahon       Assault
106 Nov 4, 1870     Cox, Michael                  Ballymahon               Caffery, Mary                  Ballymahon    James Caffery										Ballymahon       Assault
107 Nov 4, 1870     Cox, Edward Sr                Ballymahon               Caffery, James & Mary          Ballymahon    James Caffery										Ballymahon       Attacked complainant's house with stones, and put compts' in fear of their lives
108 Nov 4, 1870     Cox, Edward Jr                Ballymahon               Caffery, James & Mary          Ballymahon    James Caffery										Ballymahon       Attacked complainant's house with stones, and put compts' in fear of their lives
109 Nov 4, 1870     Cox, Michael                  Ballymahon               Caffery, James & Mary          Ballymahon    James Caffery										Ballymahon       Attacked complainant's house with stones, and put compts' in fear of their lives
110 Nov 4, 1870     Cox, Julia                    Ballymahon               Caffery, James & Mary          Ballymahon    James Caffery										Ballymahon       Attacked complainant's house with stones, and put compts' in fear of their lives
111 Nov 4, 1870     Sammon, Daniel                Rinogh/Kenogh ?          Brown, James                                 James Brown, John Fan?									Ballymahon       Drunk
112 Nov 18, 1870    Seals, William                Ballymahon               Cooper, John                                 Sub Constable James ?									Drynan           Possession of 8 rabbits, without a license to kill or deal same
113 Nov 18, 1870    Gannon, Bernard               Ballymahon               Cooper, John                                 Sub Constable James ?									Drynan           Possession of 8 rabbits, without a license to kill or deal same
114 Nov 18, 1870    O'Hara, Daniel                Ballymahon               Carr, John                                   John Wright, Edward Reilly, Sub Cnst James ?, Michael ?, Anne ?, James McDougell,	Ballymahon       O'Hara assaulted McDoughell in the public street
115 Nov 18, 1870    O'Hara, Daniel                Ballymahon               McDoughell, James              Newcastle     John Wright, Edward Reilly, Sub Cnst James ?, Michael ?, Anne ?, James McDougell,	Ballymahon       O'Hara assaulted McDoughell in the public street
116 Nov 18, 1870    Lowery, Michael               Turlickan                Brandon, John                                John Brandon										Ballymahon       Drunk in the street
117 Nov 18, 1870    Fegan, James                  Abbeyshrule              Brandon, John                                Conts. Brandon											Ballymahon       Drunk and disorderly in the street
118 Nov 18, 1870    Perry, James                  Ballymahon               Brandon, John C.R.I.C.                       Const. Brandon											Drynan           Allowed his cow to wander the public road
119 Nov 18, 1870    Guy, William                  Ratharney                O'Donnell, Martin                            Sub Constable O'Donnell									Ballymahon       Left his horse and cart in the public road, without anyone in charge
120 Nov 18, 1870    Caffery, James                Ballymahon               Smith, Owen S.C.R.I.C.                       Sub Const Smith											Ballymahon       Disorderly and used language calculated to lead to a breach of the peace
121 Nov 18, 1870    Kennedy, William              Ballymahon               Caffery, James                 Ballymahon												Ballymahon       Kennedy followed Caffery and challenged him to a fight, putting fear of his life in him
122 Nov 18, 1870    Owens, Martin                 Ballymahon               Egan, Peter                    Ballymahon												Ballymahon       Allowed his gennet to trespass
123 Nov 18, 1870    Moxham, William               Ratharny                 Cunningham, Michael                          Sub Constable Cunningham								Forgney          Used his cart without having his name and residence painted on it
124 Nov 18, 1870    Magiff, John                  Cloonbrin                Cunningham, Michael                          Sub Constable Cunningham								Forgney          Used his cart without having his name and residence painted on it
125 Nov 18, 1870    Ward, Owen                    Forgney                  Cunningham, Michael                          Sub Constable Cunningham								Forgney          Allowed his ass to wander the public road
126 Dec 2, 1870     Seals, William                Ballymahon               Cooper, John																Drynan           Possession of 8 rabbits, without a license to kill or deal same
127 Dec 2, 1870     Gannon, Bernard               Ballymahon               Cooper, John																Drynan           Possession of 8 rabbits, without a license to kill or deal same
128 Dec 2, 1870     Flanagan, Joseph              Ballymahon               Maxwell, Thomas                Ballymahon    Thos Maxwell,John Cunninham,Patrick McLoughlin,Michael & Thos Flanagan,James McGrath	Drynan           Allowed his goats to trespass on aftergrass
129 Dec 2, 1870     Donnanny, George              Cloncullen               Cooper, John                                 John Cooper, Head Constable										Ballymahon       Drunk in the public street
130 Dec 2, 1870     Reilly, Michael               Cloncullen               Cooper, John                                 Sub Const. Owen Smith   								Ballymahon       Drunk in the public street
131 Dec 2, 1870     Larkin, James                 Cloncullen               Cooper, John                                 Constable Cooper									Ballymahon       Drunk in the public street
132 Dec 2, 1870     O'Brine, Patt                 Rinogh/Kenogh ?          Carr, John                                   Constable John Carr									Ballymahon       Drunk in the public street
133 Dec 2, 1870     Higgins, Hugh                 Cloonbray                O'Donnell, Martin                            Martin O'Donnell, Sub Constable								Ballymahon       Drunk and disorderly in the public street
134 Dec 2, 1870     Coghlan, William              Cloonbray                O'Donnell, Martin                            Martin O'Donnell, Sub Constable								Ballymahon       Drunk in the public street
135 Dec 2, 1870     Rock, Charles                 Darrogue                 Holmes, Richard                              Richard Holmes, Constable								Ballymahon       Willfully obstructed justice on a public thoroughfare, refusing to move his horse & cart
136 Dec 2, 1870     McGarry, Patt                 Colehill                 Cooper, John                                 Henry Reilly, Sub Constable								Ballymahon       Drunk in the public street
137 Dec 2, 1870     Caffery, James                Ballymahon               Brandon, John                                John Brandon, Constable									Ballymahon       Drunk in the public street
138 Dec 2, 1870     Cormack, Patt                 Keel                     Brandon, John                                John Brandon, Constable									Ballymahon       Drunk in the public street
139 Dec 2, 1870     Feeny, James                  Keel                     Brandon, John                                John Brandon, Constable									Ballymahon       Disorderly in the street
140 Dec 2, 1870     Kearney, Bridget              Cloncullen               Neill, James                                 James Neill, James Flanagan								Cloncullen       Owing for turf
141 Dec 2, 1870     Owens, Martin                 Ballymahon               McCann, Henry & Garden, Francis              Sub Constables Garden & O'Donnell, James O'Brien					Ballymahon       Possession of oats, stolen from a store
142 Dec 2, 1870     Owens, Martin                 Ballymahon               Droogan, Bartholomew                         Bartholomew Droogan									Ballymahon       Drunk in the public street
143 Dec 2, 1870     Crevy, Thomas                 Mullingar                Droogan, Bartholomew															Ballymahon       Drunk in the public street
144 Dec 2, 1870     Gannon, Christopher           Ballymahon               Droogan, Bartholomew															Ballymahon       Drunk in the public street
145 Dec 16, 1870    Seals, William                Ballymahon               Cooper, John																Drynan           Possession of 8 rabbits, without a license to kill or deal same
146 Dec 16, 1870    Gannon, Bernard               Ballymahon               Cooper, John																Drynan           Possession of 8 rabbits, without a license to kill or deal same
147 Dec 16, 1870    Owens, Martin                 Ballymahon               The Queen																Ballymahon       Stole 3 stone of oats from W. Henry McCann's store
148 Dec 16, 1870    Owens, Michael                Ballymahon               The Queen																Ballymahon       Stole 3 stone of oats from W. Henry McCann's store
149 Dec 16, 1870    Egan, Michael                 Clonard                  Brandon, John                                Constable Brandon									Ballymahon       Used his horse & cart n the public pathway, causing an obstruction
150 Dec 16, 1870    Fitzgerald, William           Ballymahon               O'Donnell, Martin                            Martin O'Donnell									Ballymahon       Drunk and disorderly in the public street
151 Dec 16, 1870    Fitzgerald, William           Ballymahon               O'Donnell, Martin															Ballymahon       Assaultted the complainant in the due execution of his duty, as peace officer
152 Dec 16, 1870    Fitzgerald, Catherine         Ballymahon               O'Donnell, Martin															Ballymahon       Obstructed the complainant in the due execution of his duty, as peace officer
153 Dec 16, 1870    Kelso, George                 Ballymahon               Smith, Owen                                  Owen Smith										Ballymahon       Allowed his horse to wander the public street
154 Dec 16, 1870    Farrell, Francis              Cloher                   Kelly, Henry                                 Henry Kelly										Tenalick         Allowed three head of cattle to wander the public road
155 Dec 16, 1870    Coloof?, Edward               Clooncullen              Droogan, Bartholomew                         Constable Droogan									Clooncullen      Possession of a dog, without a license
156 Dec 16, 1870    Fegan, Mathew                 Shrule                   Droogan, Bartholomew                         Constable Droogan									Ballymahon       Allowed his cart to be used without his name and residence painted on it
157 Dec 30, 1870    Seals, William                Ballymahon               Cooper, John                                 John Cooper, Andrew Mulvihill								Drynan           Possession of 8 rabbits, without a license to kill or deal same
158 Dec 30, 1870    Gannon, Bernard               Ballymahon               Cooper, John                                 John Cooper, Andrew Mulvihill								Drynan           Possession of 8 rabbits, without a license to kill or deal same
159 Dec 30, 1870    Owens, Martin                 Ballymahon               The Queen                                    Sub Constables Gordan & O'Donnell, James O'Brien					Ballymahon       Stole 3 stone of oats from W. Henry McCann's store
160 Dec 30, 1870    Owens, Michael                Ballymahon               The Queen                                    Sub Constables Gordan & O'Donnell, James O'Brien					Ballymahon       Stole 3 stone of oats from W. Henry McCann's store
161 Dec 30, 1870    Fitzgerald, William           Ballymahon               O'Donnell, Martin                            Sub Cnstbls James Farrell, O'Donnell, James Brown, R.A. Smith, Christopher Farrell	Ballymahon       Assaultted the complainant in the due execution of his duty, as peace officer
162 Dec 30, 1870    Fitzgerald, Catherine         Ballymahon               O'Donnell, Martin															Ballymahon       Obstructed the complainant in the due execution of his duty, as peace officer
163 Dec 30, 1870    Brannon, John                                          Farrell, Patrick & The Queen                 Ptrk Farrell, Thos Connington, Capt LLB Fox, Bridget Stafford, Michael Clyne,           Maigh            Assault
                                                                                                                        John Skelly, B?. J Fitzgerald
164 Dec 30, 1870    Fallon, George                                         Farrell, Patrick & The Queen                 Ptrk Farrell, Thos Connington, Capt LLB Fox, Bridget Stafford, Michael Clyne,           Maigh            Assault
                    " "                                                                                                 John Skelly, B?. J Fitzgerald
165 Dec 30, 1870    Tiernan, James                                         Farrell, Patrick & The Queen                 Ptrk Farrell, Thos Connington, Capt LLB Fox, Bridget Stafford, Michael Clyne,           Maigh            Assault
                    " "                                                                                                 John Skelly, B?. J Fitzgerald
166 Dec 30, 1870    Scally, Thomas                                         Farrell, Patrick & The Queen                 Ptrk Farrell, Thos Connington, Capt LLB Fox, Bridget Stafford, Michael Clyne,           Maigh            Assault
                    " "                                                                                                 John Skelly, B?. J Fitzgerald
167 Dec 30, 1870    Carney, John                  Ledwithstown             Carney, Patrick & The Queen                  Patrick Kearney										Foygh            Assault
168 Dec 30, 1870    Murtagh, Andrew               Ledwithstown             Carney, Patrick & The Queen                  Patrick Kearney										Foygh            Assault
169 Dec 30, 1870    Farrell, Edward               Cloncullen               Cooper, John                                 John Cooper										Ballymahon       Drunk in the street
170 Dec 30, 1870    Caffery, John                 Ballymahon               Cooper, John                                 John Cooper, James Browne, Thomas Atkinson, Laurence Burke, Thomas Donnelly		Ballymahon       Disorderly and feigned himself drunk in the public street
171 Dec 30, 1870    Caffery, James                Ballymahon               Cooper, John																Ballymahon       Drunk and disorderly in the public street
172 Dec 30, 1870    Caffery, James                Ballymahon               Brown, James																Ballymahon       Assaultted the complainant in the execution of his duty as a peace officer
173 Dec 30, 1870    Rocks, Terrence               Ballymahon               McKeane, James															Ballymahon       Drunk in the street
174 Dec 30, 1870    Guy, Robert                   Kilcurry                 O'Reilly, Joseph P.															Listobit         Trespassed on a bog without permission, in search of game, with 2 greyhounds, where they killed a hare
175 Dec 30, 1870    Dunican, Michael              Glanmare                 Hammitton, James															Ballymahon       Drunk and disorderly in the public street

Source: Ballymahon Order Books FHL #2419628