Louth - Alphabetical List of Landowners in 1870's - D-I Only

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Louth Index


File contributed by: C. Hunt & M. Taylor


Owner Name			        Owner Residence-1873-75
Daly, Bartholemew			xxxx			Newry
Daly, Michael				Lurgankeel		Dundalk
Daniel, Wm.  [Reps. Of]			Ballymackney		Carrickmacross (Agent)
Darcy, Matthew				xxxx			Carlingford
Davies, John				xxxx			Carlingford
Devlin, John				Carrickedmond		Dundalk
Dickie, Alexander			Rochdale		Hackballscross
Dickie, Ellen				Carrickastuck		Hackballscross
Dickie, John J.				Cloonaleenaghan		Hackballscross
Dickie, Joseph				Fairhill		Dundalk
Dickie, Rev. Joseph			xxxx			Rathfriland
Dobbs, Conway E.			41 Lr. Leeson-st.	Dublin
Dogherty, John				Annagasson		Castlebellingham
Doherty, Eugene K.			Church-street		Dundalk
Donagh, Francis				Newtown House		Drogheda
Donnelly, Esther			Commons			Carlingford
Donnelly, Hugh				Commons			Carlingford
Donnelly, Patrick			xxxx			Carlingford
Donnelly, William			Commons			Carlingford
Donoughmore,  Earl of			Knocklofty		Clonmel
Dooly, Thomas  [Reps. Of]		Queen-street		Dublin
Doran, Mr. 				Harristown		Ardee
Doran, Matthew				xxxx			Carlingford
Dowd, Margaret				Shop-street		Drogheda
Dowdall, John				Lurgankeel		Dundalk
Drumm, Patrick				Lurgankeel		Dundalk
Duff, Bernard				Mullacrew		Louth
Duffy, Bridget				Townparks		Ardee
Duffy, Maria				Mullabane		Carlingford
Duffy, Philip				Commons			Carlingford
Dullaghan, James			Commons			Carlingford
Dullaghan, Owen				Commons			Carlingford
Dungan, Peter				Commons			Carlingford
Dunlop, Robert Foster			Monasterboice House	Collon
Dunsterville, Andrew Frederick		Avonmore		Carlingford
Durnin, Anne				Streamstown		Ardee

Eastwood, Mrs.C.			Castletown		Dundalk
Ekins, James				xxxx			Drogheda
Ellis, Nicholas				83 Stephen's-grn. S.	Dublin
Ellis, T. C.				xxxx			xxxx
Elmore, John				Commons			Carlingford
Eyre, Thomas J.				xxxx			London
Eyres, Joseph				Kingstown		Dublin

Fagan, Anne				Commons			Carlingford
Fagan, James				xxxx			Newry
Fagan, John				Mullacrew		Louth
Fairtlough, H. B.  [Reps. Of]		xxxx			Glanmire, co. Cork
Fairtlough, Martha			xxxx			xxxx
Fairtlough, William & *			----			----
   * Foster, Augusta  [Reps. Of]	xxxx			xxxx
Fairtlough, William  [Reps. Of]		Ballymakenny		Drogheda
Fairtlough, William Q.			Army and Navy Club	London
Farrell, James				Dales			Clogher
Farrell, Robert				xxxx			Whitestown
Faughey, Patrick			Mullacrew		Louth
Ferguson,Chaworth			xxxx			Dublin
Filgate, Charles			xxxx			Ballinasloe, Ahascragh
Filgate, Elizabeth			5 Wilton-place		Dublin
Filgate, Thomas				Lisrenny		Ardee
Filgate, T. P.				xxxx			England
Filgate, T. P. H. M.			Lowther Lodge		Balbriggan
Filgate, William De S.			Lisrienny		Ardee
Finegan, John				xxxx			Carlingford
Finnegan, Philip			Townparks		Ardee
Fitzgerald, J. T.			xxxx			Moynisk, co. Clare
Fitzgerald, Percy			37 St. George's-rd.	Pimlico, London
Fitzgerald, W. V. L. F.			xxxx			xxxx
Flanagan, Charles			Townparks		Ardee
Flanagan, Nicholas			Beltichbourne		Drogheda
Flanagan, Peter & John 			xxxx			Termonfeckin, Drogheda
Flynne, Eliza				Commons			Carlingford
Flynne, Laurence			Commons			Carlingford
Forde, Heathely				xxxx			xxxx
Fortescue, Col. J. C. W.		Stephenstown House	Dundalk
Foster, Rev. Sir Cavendish		xxxx			England
Foster, Frederick J.			Ballymascanlon		Dundalk
Foster, John				Glydecourt		Castlebellingham
Frith, Rev. Benjamin			xxxx			Enniskillen

Gardiner, William C.			Richview		Monkstown, Dublin
Garland, Patrick 			Lurgankeel		Dundalk
Garland, Patrick (John)			Lurgankeel		Dundalk
Garner, William H.			xxxx			Clonmel, co. Tipperary
Garstin, Edw. A.  [Reps. Of]		xxxx			Bragganstown
Gartlan, James				31 Mountjoy-square	Dublin
Garvey, Rose				Baltray			Drogheda
Gernon, H. C.				Athcarne		Drogheda
Gernon, James  [Reps. Of]		Athcarne		Drogheda
Getty, Anna				xxxx			Waterloo, Liverpool
Glenny, Robert				xxxx			Newry
Godley, Archibald			xxxx			Killegar, co. Leitrim
Goodricke, Lady				xxxx			England
Governors of Armagh Observatory		xxxx			Armagh
Grant, Bryan				Dungooly		Dundalk
Grant, Felix				Balriggan		Dundalk
Grant, Patrick				Lurgankeel		Dundalk
Gray, James				Hoathstown		Ardee
Gray, Sophia				xxxx			Dublin

Hacket, Rev. Cuth. T.			xxxx			Enniskillen
Hale, Nathaniel				xxxx			Ardee
Hall, Robt.  [Reps. Of]			xxxx			Dublin
Hall, Samuel M.				Narrow-water Castle	Warrenpoint
Halfpenny, James			xxxx			Ardee
Halfpenny, Patrick			xxxx			Ardee
Halpin, Rev. Thos.B.			Williamsfort		Franksfort, King's County
Hamill, Arthur				56 Eccles-st.		Dublin
Handfield, Lydia			Seatown-pl.		Dundalk
Hanlon, Thomas				Lurgankeel		Dundalk
Hardman, Patk.  [Reps. Of]		xxxx			Tougher, co. Louth
Hardman, Robert				xxxx			Longford
Hardman, Townley Wm.			Bachelor's-walk		xxxx
Harold, Hugh				xxxx			Carlingford
Harold, Owen				Grange Irish		Carlingford
Harper, Rev. Singleton C.		Cambridge House		Sandycove
Harpur, George				Killineer		Drogheda
Hatch, Dr.John  [Reps. Of]		Ardee Castle		xxxx
Hawkins, Elizabeth A. T.		xxxx			Whitshed
Henry, (a minor)			Richardstown Castle	Dunleer
Henry, Alex.  [Reps. Of]		xxxx			Rathesker, co. Louth
Henry, John				Richardstown Castle	Dunleer
Henry, Richard				Rathneston		Louth
Henzell, Sophia C.			4 Gipsey Hill Villa	Upper Norwood, England
Hickey, Peter				xxxx			Ardee
Hill, Anne				xxxx			England
Hoey, Eliza				Clanbrassell-street	Dundalk
Hoey, James, junior			Priorstate		Louth
Holt, Zellah				xxxx			London
Hudson,[Reps. Of] 			----			----
(Michl. Fenton, Agent)			Balenlac, Donards	Balltinglass
Hudson, William				Ballincla, Donards	co. Wicklow
Hudson, W. B. 				Painestown		Dunleer
Hughes, Patrick				xxxx			Carlingford
Hughes, Patrick				Castlering		Knockbridge
Humphries, Captain Benjamin G.		Cavancor		Strabane
Hutton, Robert				xxxx			Dublin

Irwin, J. G.				xxxx			Sandymount, Dublin
Irwine, Sarah J.			xxxx			Plantation, co. Meath

Extracted from - Return of Owners of Land In Ireland: A Summary for each Province
& For All Ireland. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of
the Queen [Out of Copyright]