louth-monasterboice -- IHS | Erected A.D. 1859 | by PATRICK COONEY Nockmonth | in Memory of his Beloved | Mother MARY COONEY who | departed this life June the | 10th 1829. And of his Father | FRANCIS COONEY who died | the 5th of April 1856. Also | his Brother JOHN COONEY | who died the 15th of June 1856 | Here also lie the remains of the | above named PATRICK COONEY who | died the 26th Jany 1870 | JAMES COONEY Died July 1883 | ANNE COONEY died Jan. 1893 | JOHN COONEY died 19th June 1900 | His Wife CATHERINE Died 6 (or 8) Feb 1951 | Their Son PATRICK Died 10 March 1963 | Their Daughter CATHERINE died 16 Oct 1972 | ANNA MARIA WYNNE Died 30 Sept 1995.
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