Cemetery: Hollymount Churchyard *********************************************** Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives Mayo Index Copyright ************************************************ File contributed by: C. Hunt HOLLYMOUNT CHURCHYARD, PARISH OF KILCOMMON. [Kindly sent in by Miss P. Knox.] 'An eighteenth-century cross-head was dug up some years ago in making a grave in this churchyard, and has been put up among the Lindsay graves. It bears the VESEY coat-of-arms, and part of the motto, " sub hoc signo vinces." It is broken off just below the "sub hoc." Part of the left arm and left side of the top are damaged. The date, 1706, may denote date of building this church in Archbishop Vesey's time, and have been a slab in wall of the old church which was repaired in 1816. Archbishop VESEY died in 1716.' _____ In Hollymount Churchyard, a large high tomb over a vault':- Sacred to the memory of | ELIZABETH | Wife of ROBERT RUTTLEDGE of | Bloomfield Esqre and | Daughter of FRANCIS KNOX of | Rappa Castle Esqre | Who died on the 2nd December 1824 and | Whose Remains are underneath deposited | Her engaging mildness unceasing human- | ity and warm affection endeared her to all her | acquain- tance and her uniform and unobtru- | sive piety together with the unremitting firm- | ness with which she performed all her duties | during a life of 56 years afforded them the con- | soling and confident hope that her soul fled to | that place where the spirits of the just are | made perfect. | 'A very large high tomb over a vault ':- Beneath | Are mingled in their kindred dust with those of her beloved parent | The Right Honorable JOHN LORD BARON CLANMORRIS | The Ashes of | The Honorable CAROLINE AGLIONBY BINGHAM | A Young Lady | whose exalted purity of mind, personal charms | and vigorous and Cultivated understanding | rendered her at once a Delight and Ornament to her Family. | On the 20th day of April 1821 she was called to | a better world | At the early age of 15 years | there to receive the reward due to | Innocence and Virtue. _____ Table-tomb ':- Beneath this stone Rest The Mortal Remains of the Late FRANCIS BOWEN of Hollymount Who departed this life on the 5 day of December 1802 aged 44 years Also the remains of JANE BOWEN his wife who died Jany 20th 1853 aged 94 years. _____ Table-tomb':- Here lieth the body of | OLIVER BOWEN | who died on the | 17th day of September 1831 | aged 44 years | also that of | HANNAH BOWEN | his wife who died June 1875 | aged 74 years. _____ Flat stone':- Here lies the Body of | JANE FAIR of Fortville | who departed this life | on the 4th day of January | 1830 in the 68th year | of her age. | _____ On a table-slab ':- Sacred to the memory of | ROBERT FAIR of Bushfield Esqr | who departed this life | on the 26th day of September 1856 | in the 65 th year of his age | This monument | is erected to his memory | by his dearly beloved child | as a token of her | sincere affection for him, | and deep sorrow for his loss. A large high tomb over a vault ':- Sacred to the memory of The Right Honorable JOHN CHARLES SMITH DE BURGH BINGHAM | Lord Baron Clan- morris of Newbrook in the County of Mayo | A Noble- man distinguished for the possession of those many eminent virtues which adorn life | whether we consider him in the Character of | a husband, father, Landlord or friend. | The language of panegyric is too often unworthily displayed in the unornamental inscription | But the sincere and universal regret which still accom- panies the recollection | of this estimable nobleman | sufficiently testifies how fully he discharged his duties both to God and man. His Lordship died on the 10th May 1821 in the 56th year of his age | and this monu- ment is erected by his affectionate and sorrowful Widow ANNA BARONESS CLANMORRIS | as a memorial of conjugal affection. _____ 'On the east wall of north transept -- coat-of-arms above, slab with the Good Samaritan in relief. Under it ':- " GO, AND DO THOU LIKEWISE." Sacred to the Memory of | THOMAS RUTTLEDGE of Bloomfield Esqr | Who died A.D. 1805 in the 90 th year of his age | he was a dutiful son, an affectionate Husband | A sincere Friend, and the best of Fathers, | and a Man | like the Good Samaritan | of | universal Benevolence | Humani nihil a se alienum | Putavit. | _____ A mural tablet in Hollymount Church ':- Sacred to the Memory of CHRISTOPHER BOWEN of Hollymount Esqr. who departed this Life in the year 1812 aged 95 years And to ANNE BOWEN otherwise ALLEN his Wife who died in the year 1762 Aged 32 years. This small tribute is dedicated to their memory by their affectionate daughter SARAH BOWEN _____ On east wall of south transept ':- This small tribute is dedicated to the memory of | ARTHUR KNOX Esqr. of Bushfield in this county | By his affectionate wife and daughter | He departed this life on the 18th December 1830 | in the 45 year of his age | with an humble confidence | in the merits of his Saviour | His remains and those of his Infant Son | are deposited in Mr RUTTLEDGE of Bloomfields Vault | in this Church yard | ___________ SOURCE: Journal of the Association for the Preservation of the Memorials of the Dead in Ireland. Vol vii, FHL# 1279254